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BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?

16 Jul 11 - 03:12 PM (#3188899)
Subject: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

I have a pea soup with ham boiling on the stove. The aroma in the house is tantalizing. Sooo, what's your fav? turkey? beef? coffee? bacon?.... ?

Bobert... weed don't count eh?

16 Jul 11 - 03:50 PM (#3188935)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Maryrrf

Frying onions!

16 Jul 11 - 03:52 PM (#3188936)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: fat B****rd

Strong coffee, baking fact anything I'm going to eat or drink.

16 Jul 11 - 03:53 PM (#3188938)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: bobad

Sauteeing anchovies, garlic and chili peppers on the way to becoming a puttanesca sauce.

16 Jul 11 - 04:10 PM (#3188949)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: GUEST,Eliza

I made a cake last Thursday for the Women's Institute stall. It contained fruit, ground almonds and rather a generous dollop of rum. While it was cooking, it did smell nice!

16 Jul 11 - 04:21 PM (#3188956)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

Spuds! On of my favs too. And, I can smell that cake! Mmmmmmmm! I'd be getting hungry if I hadn't inhaled a bowl and a half of my pea soup.

16 Jul 11 - 04:27 PM (#3188963)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Ebbie

Strong, fresh coffee.

When I was pregnant, my husband and I walked into a kitchen where shrimp were boiling. I didn't stop- went straight on to the bathroom where I vomited. :)

16 Jul 11 - 04:48 PM (#3188975)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Maryrrf

Yes yes yes to coffee, especially on a cold morning. Cinnamon is great too, as in the coffee is brewing and cinnamon toast - liberally sprinkled with cinnamon, sugar and butter, is in the oven.

16 Jul 11 - 05:32 PM (#3189006)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Janie

the smell of any good food roasting in the oven.

16 Jul 11 - 05:34 PM (#3189009)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Charmion

Win: Bread in the oven

Place: Bacon frying, with freshly ground coffee behind it

Show: A garlicky roast or stew

Honourable mention: Boiling strawberry jam -- actually one of the world's most ambrosial scents, but for some reason, it doesn't hang in the air. If it were more persistent, it would be the hands-down winner.

16 Jul 11 - 05:51 PM (#3189020)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: pdq

Pizza, freshly delivered.

16 Jul 11 - 06:02 PM (#3189024)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Frying onions and/or garlic.

They have the added advantage creating a sumptuous aroma in a very short time so it smells like you've been busting your hump cooking for hours when, in actuality, you didn't even get started until you heard the SO's car pull into the driveway.

16 Jul 11 - 07:18 PM (#3189063)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

Charmion... "Win: Bread in the oven"

Yeah, that's a win. But it's closely contended by all of the others.

Gramps' beans with molasses every Saturday night. Although, oddly enough, his bread sucked because he didn't put any salt or sugar in it and he used a flour that was course. Then again, it went well with the beans poured on top of it. Maybe he DID know what he was doing?

16 Jul 11 - 07:18 PM (#3189064)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Leadfingers

Fresh Coffee does it for me !

With Bacon a close second

16 Jul 11 - 07:32 PM (#3189073)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Ebbie

Severe right turn here: Speaking of aromas, the only store I know of that smells just like it did when I was a kid is a drug store/pharmacy. The blend of candle, candy, boxes, whatever, is just the same and easily identifiable.

16 Jul 11 - 07:47 PM (#3189081)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

definitely one more vote for Bacon..

and.. roasting any meat with onions and garlic..

plus.. simmering mulled cider !!!

16 Jul 11 - 07:52 PM (#3189084)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: frogprince

Someone beat me to baking bread. Coffee is right up there for me, too.

16 Jul 11 - 08:03 PM (#3189091)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: ranger1

Charmion beat me to it, bread first, then bacon. Oh, and my gramma's home-made gingersnaps.

16 Jul 11 - 08:17 PM (#3189097)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

Oh dear me.... gingersnaps! And peanut butter cookies!

And Jonnycake (cornbread) in the oven and sausages frying after a day of ice fishing laying with our backs on the hall floor and our feet on the radiator trying to warm up.

16 Jul 11 - 10:31 PM (#3189157)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: olddude

Pie, any Pie at all

16 Jul 11 - 10:56 PM (#3189169)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

Except Key Lime... wtf is that anyway? I have never even tasted it. Is it actually a pie?... or something the grocery stores made up?

16 Jul 11 - 11:02 PM (#3189175)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?

Apples and cinnamon. Sometimes I boil a cut Mac with cinnamon on the stove just to warm up the house.

17 Jul 11 - 08:15 AM (#3189359)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Charmion said it all for me. But I'd add any cookies at all! When I was a child, my mother always baked cookies on the first day of school, timed so that they'd be just out of the oven as I walked in the door, the smell lingering in the air. I was so sorry not to be able to do that more than a few times for my own kids- except for once or twice, I was always at work on their first days of school!

So we'd all bake cookies in the afternoon!

17 Jul 11 - 08:23 AM (#3189364)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Jack the Sailor

Turkey with savory dressing mingled with cabbage, carrots, turnip and potato boiling on the stove on a chilly fall "Thanksgiving" day.

17 Jul 11 - 08:40 AM (#3189369)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: maeve

Key Lime Pie for gnu.

17 Jul 11 - 08:59 AM (#3189385)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: MGM·Lion

Emma just perfectly roasted a pork joint for our lunch; I was sitting upstairs in the study, which has a sort of balcony arrangement over the kitchen and dining-room: the smell that wafted up was transcendental. So ~~ bacon is good; so is a fresh egg frying in hot unsalted butter over a slow heat; and percolating coffee ~~

but I think the roasting joint has the edge for me.

Still, it's one of those "ask again next week and you'll probably get a different answer"

[like, maybe, toasting cheese on the welsh rabbit, esp when you've added some mustard powder & a dash of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce]

thingies, eh?



17 Jul 11 - 09:43 AM (#3189411)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Maryrrf

Gnu the recipe Maeve linked to looks easy and delicious - if you haven't ever eaten Key Lime pie you should try making this. Key Lime pie is sooooo good - one of my favorites along with pumpkin, cherry, sweet potato, blackberry, apple, chocolate silk, pecan....the only kind of pie I'm not too fond of is lemon meringue.

Now there's a a great aroma - any kind of fruit pie or cobbler baking in the oven on a chilly day.

17 Jul 11 - 09:46 AM (#3189413)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: GUEST,999


17 Jul 11 - 12:09 PM (#3189474)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Musket

Pulling the roasting tin of red hot goose fat out of the aga in order to put the parboiled spuds in.

The Illi beans tin as I pull the lid to fill the coffee machine.

The onions and garlic frying down whilst I decide what to cook with it.

In fact many cooking smells, although the dog's bean bag and therefore dog (a greyhound so doesn't move far) is next to the aga and the smells emanating from that particular corner of the kitchen can be described as memorable alright, but not quite what we are discussing here..

17 Jul 11 - 12:15 PM (#3189479)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: gnu

"aga"... whassat?

17 Jul 11 - 12:28 PM (#3189488)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Musket

Long enough oven to fit a gnu in, if you whack its arse with the supplied aga paddle.

17 Jul 11 - 12:31 PM (#3189490)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: MGM·Lion

It's a sort of patent fuel-burning kitchenrange·ovencooker/cum·waterheater&housewarmer; will also type your correspondence and program your computer if you talk to it nicely. BabySit your children & play for countrydancing...


17 Jul 11 - 12:36 PM (#3189491)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: richd

Bread baking.
Lamb roasting with garlic and rosemary.
Really freh peas when you pop them.
Basil from the garden when you crush it- almost a 'cats pee' smell.

17 Jul 11 - 12:42 PM (#3189495)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: MGM·Lion

Which reminds me ~~ MINT: esp while a-chopping for sauce on the chopping-board...

& parsley sage rosemary & thyme ...


17 Jul 11 - 01:25 PM (#3189515)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Max Johnson

As we speak I'm roasting a shoulder of free-range pork. It's been in the oven for 5 hours (at 160 deg) and I've just put it back after putting it on top of a pile of veg, garlic and bay leaves to roast for another hour. I'll use the veg for gravy.

It smells wonderful.

Otherwise bacon and coffee.

Also, call me a jessie, but I like to keep Sweet Pea flowers around during the summer.

17 Jul 11 - 09:23 PM (#3189759)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?

The aromas of pickle making, especially chou chou and Mustard pickles.

18 Jul 11 - 01:15 AM (#3189814)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: GUEST,999

"Also, call me a jessie, but . . .".

I've never heard that term before. What does it mean, Max?

18 Jul 11 - 01:19 AM (#3189815)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: mrdux

garlic sauteing in a pan of butter and olive oil.

and another vote for bacon.

18 Jul 11 - 02:53 AM (#3189834)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Gurney

Guest 999, a jessie is a big girl's blouse.

OK then, a man who's a little bit effeminate. Or giving that impression.

To quote 'Auf Wiedersehen, Pet' "There's nothing get a man out of bed quicker than a\the smell of hot lard. That's bacon frying.

18 Jul 11 - 03:05 AM (#3189841)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Sandra in Sydney

another vote for garlic - 2 memories from decades back:

- sitting in a Chinese restaurant in the perfect spot so every time the kitchen door opened, GARLIC!!!!!!!!

- coming home one night & walking upstairs accompanied by the smell of roasting GARLIC!

18 Jul 11 - 08:45 AM (#3189978)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite kitchen aromas?
From: Ed T

Pickles cooking and the "pickling spices".