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Obit: Our old dog Seamus

26 Jul 11 - 08:06 PM (#3196205)
Subject: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

The old boy has reached the end of his road. Unable to walk more than a few feet before resting, constant heavy panting and very weak legs. He is almost 13 and it's time to free him.
My grandson came today and dug the grave, and the Vet will be here tomorrow to put him to sleep.
So long old pal, you have been the best. :-(

26 Jul 11 - 08:16 PM (#3196210)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: saulgoldie

So sorry to hear it, Kendall. Thoughts and prayers.


26 Jul 11 - 08:20 PM (#3196211)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

Heartbroken is hardly sufficient.

26 Jul 11 - 08:24 PM (#3196213)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: bobad

My heart aches for you, it is something I have had to do more than once, it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.

26 Jul 11 - 08:37 PM (#3196215)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ranger1

Oh, Kendall! Jason's outside crying now for the good old boy, and I'm bawling while I type this. Give Mr. Moose a big hug from us and tell him to find our Clancy when he gets to where ever it is that good dogs go when they leave us.

26 Jul 11 - 08:42 PM (#3196217)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: catspaw49

Sorry Kendall.....and not much I can say.........***sigh***.........We put our last Weim down about a year back now and I will never "get past" that one. Sissy was 14 and a half, quite old for a Weim, and was Daddy's girl from Day One. We still had a lab mix, Soskey, still young, and we figured he would be around for many years to come. Karen rescued him from the middle of a busy highway four years ago and he's been a fine fellow and a sweet guy to have around.

Friday, one of the boys left the front door ajar and he wandered out. WE spent the evening looking hard for him but Karen found him on her way home Saturday morning. He'd been hit by a car several blocks away on Route 664. We are now mourning another good friend gone from our lives and much too soon.

That's the problem with dogs in general........No matter what, they don't live long enough. You have all my best for you and Jacqui.....and Sins too..................


26 Jul 11 - 08:45 PM (#3196219)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: frogprince

Just meeting him for that little bit, we could see he would be a good companion. I had to dig a grave for a four-footed friend just once, long years ago, for a shaggy old buddy named Boots. The only thing bad about a good dog, the rule is that you have to see him go.

26 Jul 11 - 08:54 PM (#3196222)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Awwwwwwwwww shit! I hope he gets a good feed of steak and lobster before... awww shit... I am crying.

26 Jul 11 - 09:03 PM (#3196226)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Awww Captain, I am so so sorry to hear this ... you love that dog ..
awww shit ... I am sorry Kendall

in my thoughts and prayers

26 Jul 11 - 09:05 PM (#3196229)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Amergin

This is the part I hate about having pets...when they are no longer there to be your physical companion, your friend...but only pale reflections in your memory. My heart goes out to you, Jacqui and Sinsull...

I lost my basset a few months ago, from stomach cancer, and have been dogless since. It is hard, and lonely, but I'm just not ready to go through all that again.

26 Jul 11 - 09:05 PM (#3196230)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Jeri

I will miss him SO much. I know Seamus has a load of friends. It's hard to imagine visiting South Portland and not seeing Seamus. Hugs all around-- to you and Seamus's other family members, and especially to that big, goofy, sweet old guy.

26 Jul 11 - 10:09 PM (#3196247)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Maryrrf

My heart sank when I saw the title of this thread. I met Seamus in May, and although he was not in good shape, he was still a noble fellow and a wonderful companion. It won't be easy for you guys, and there isn't much that can be said - it breaks your heart. Know that many of us have been through this and we understand how much it hurts. I know I'm hoping that when I cross the bridge, I'll hear a "woof" and my Missie will come bounding up to meet me....

26 Jul 11 - 10:10 PM (#3196249)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

I almost didn't open this thread because I knew what the news would be. I still bleed when I think of the last dog I lost - more than a year ago now; I too thought of not getting a dog again because I knew up front of the inevitable pain and grief that comes with the package.

And then I thought: No new dog can take the place of the dog you love but it CAN fill the space and then the new dog makes its own place. There is limitless room for all these places.

Kendall, Sins, Jacqui, everybody: I can't tell you how much I and others feel for you. Just know that we grieve with you.

26 Jul 11 - 10:14 PM (#3196252)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ChanteyLass

I am so sorry. I've owned dogs and cats and once cared for my cousin's pony because I had a barn and she didn't. Letting an animal go is so hard. I'm sure you have good memories and photos, but you know life without your old friend won't be the same.

26 Jul 11 - 10:18 PM (#3196254)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: maeve

I'll miss him. You have all given him such a happy life!


26 Jul 11 - 10:20 PM (#3196256)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: LilyFestre

Rest Easy Seamus.

I'm so sorry Kendall.

((((((Hugs for you and Jacqui))))))


26 Jul 11 - 10:26 PM (#3196260)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Bobert

I hate this part of pet ownership... I really do...

Been there, Kendall...

Just know that you have been the very best friend that Seamus has ever known and that, no matter, can never be changed... That is forever...

God speed, Seamus... God speed...


26 Jul 11 - 10:38 PM (#3196267)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: KT

Tears drippin' down onto my keyboard, here. I'm so, so sorry, Kendall and Jacqui. And Auntie Sins, and all of you who have been the beneficiaries of the love of this great canine friend. KT

26 Jul 11 - 10:42 PM (#3196272)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Crowhugger

My heart goes out to you Kendall and to Jacqui, great big condolences on a difficult good-bye. Yes God Speed, Seamus. Safe home!

Maybe when he gets where he's going, Seamus'll have grand old butt-sniff and romp with some of ours who've been and gone over the years: Rudy, Sheba, Miso, Scruffy, Tammy and Ginny.

26 Jul 11 - 10:45 PM (#3196275)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: maeve

Mary is part of Seamus' family, too. "She Who Feeds Me Warmed Food"

Hugs to Kendall, Jacqui, Mary...and others who have enjoyed knowing Seamus or some other special pets.

26 Jul 11 - 11:03 PM (#3196287)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Dan Schatz

Oh Kendall and Jacqui, I'm so sorry. What was that line of Steve Sellors's song? "Dogs are here to teach us that life is short and life is sweet...."


26 Jul 11 - 11:20 PM (#3196296)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Stilly River Sage

Kendall, Sins, Jacqui, everybody: I can't tell you how much I and others feel for you. Just know that we grieve with you.

What Ebbie said. He sounds like he was a great dog, but like the woman at the Humane Society told me when I had to put my old and ill cats to sleep, sometimes the kindest thing you can do for them is to not let them suffer. It's good the vet will come to you.

Take care, all.


26 Jul 11 - 11:37 PM (#3196305)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Celtaddict

I am so sorry. Hugs to Kendall, Jacqui, Sins, and Seamus. Slan abhaile, and give a wag to Zellie when you meet her.

26 Jul 11 - 11:52 PM (#3196309)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,DonMeixner

We had a dog named Schooner. All the kids grew up with him. The boys fed him pickles and let him sit on the couch. He and my Dad were best friends. And he died the same month and year as my Dad on Becca's 16th birthday. I haven't had the heart to get another. But every time I see a Golden Retriever I see a bit of Schooner in them

I hope you remember him well Kendall.


26 Jul 11 - 11:59 PM (#3196314)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

Just today, out of the blue, Morgan - the Grandson, asked me how to go to the "spirit world." He wanted to visit our old dog, Merlee, who had to go last September. We lit some candles and incense, and I guided him through a bit of visualisation and we said some special words of love to Merlee, wherever he is. Then we sat very still and quiet, each of us thinking about that "good dog, you." After a couple of minutes, Morgan was so excited to tell me that he had *seen* Merlee, petted and played with him, and, he wasn't deaf any more. (He'd lost his hearing in the last year.) Who's to say whether he really did or not, but I believe we can. After we were all done, I brought him out to the computer and read The Rainbow Bridge to him.

Kendall, I remember when you first told me about Seamus, a l-o-n-g time ago when he was all you had for daily company. Over the years, many of us have followed the Life of Seamus as he gained a "mommy" and an "auntie" as well as many friends. You, Jacqui, and Marigold have my deepest sympathy. May you find strength flowing to you from all of us, esp. tomorrow, and may you always have blessed memories of such a wonderful being as your Seamus.

Spawdarlin'...I am shocked to hear of Soskey and so sad that Karen had to find him that way. The only consolation, imo, from experience, is that you know what happened to him and could bring him home. Hugs all round to you all.

You, too, Amergin. We've been dogless since last Sept. I have just begun contacting a few folks about another McNab, but we are in no hurry. I think Morgan will be a major reason for us to get another, though.


27 Jul 11 - 12:23 AM (#3196321)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ClaireBear

Ah Seamus, my friend, I'll miss you so much. Jacqui, Kendall, Sins, Becca and all the others for whom Seamus's tale wagged, you have my sympathies...Seamus, over whom I pole-vaulted many a time when I had to get to the loo in the middle of the night, has my heart. Farewell, ole buddy. Skritch, skritch.


27 Jul 11 - 12:55 AM (#3196327)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Rapparee

A good friend here had to do the same last Thursday to his friend Susie. It never, ever, gets easier. Think, though, of Seamus romping in surf and turf as he did when in his prime...because he will be.

27 Jul 11 - 04:38 AM (#3196374)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: John MacKenzie

I have a few friends in the area of Portland Maine, and Seamus is one of them.
It's tough, but necessary, and it's easier on Seamus than it is in us.
Big hugs to you all, yes even you Cap'n!

27 Jul 11 - 04:40 AM (#3196375)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: bfdk

Oh man, Kendall, I'm really sorry to hear this, you must be devastated. I remember Seamus in his prime, I can't really understand that this was all of 5 years ago.. Give the old boy a hug from me!

I dread the day when I shall have to walk the same road with my old buddy, he'll be 16 in September and has had certain health problems lately, too. It's so hard to say goodbye, isn't it?

Big hugs from this side of the pond for you all.


27 Jul 11 - 05:14 AM (#3196393)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Naemanson

I'm so sorry to hear about this Kendall. He was a good dog and had a good life. I remember him from our party at Mary's house. Hard times.

27 Jul 11 - 05:19 AM (#3196394)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Leadfingers

Good Call Kendall ! But one of the hardest to make . Its not easy weighing up a dog (Or ANY pet)'s quality of life and deciding that its reached the final stage .
When I met Seamus , he was still very active , but that was a while back . ALL Sympathy mate to all of you in Portland .

27 Jul 11 - 05:30 AM (#3196398)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Micca

Kemdall and Jacqui and Mary, I am so sorry at this news, it is ,indeed, the hard part of pet companionship, this Last Gift that you have to give. I have known Seamus for about 6+ years and found him a good companion and friend, we have spent many quiet contemplative mornings at Auntie Marys over a cup of tea. I will surely miss him.
Yours in sorrow

27 Jul 11 - 05:39 AM (#3196403)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ragdall

Kendall and family, I'm so sorry that you have to bid your faithful buddy farewell. In making this decision you're showing him the same loving, care that you've given him over the years.

Hugs to all of you.


27 Jul 11 - 05:48 AM (#3196409)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Janie


27 Jul 11 - 05:52 AM (#3196413)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: freda underhill

Very sorry to hear this sad news, Kendall and Jacqui.

best wishes


27 Jul 11 - 05:59 AM (#3196414)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Stu

Sorry to hear about Seamus Kendall. We lost our dog Lily eighteen months ago and I have to say, it's been tough. We need to get out into the world (back to the US -woo-hoo!) and then we get more dogs. Two this time.

I believe all animals are spiritual, but canids of every type are humankind's soulmates, from the mighty persecuted and hunted wolf, that pursued, hounded and trapped elemental spirit of the land the fox, our own domestic dogs in their glorious diversity. As a species we've grown up together with them, evolved with them and they are a part of our societies, our fellow travellers through time and space during our precarious existence on our wonderful blue marble . . .

Whereas us humans are prone to our many failings, our myopic worldviews, intolerances and prejudices of all manner, our dogs see past this capricious, transient veneer and into our true selves. They recognise us a spiritual beings and the best of recognise them as the same. Dogs truly do understand. Better than any other living creature on the planet, dogs understand us.

27 Jul 11 - 07:00 AM (#3196454)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I'm very surprised at the number of responses. Thank you all do much.
I've had to witness the passing of many pets in my life, but Seamus got to me like no other ever did. It feels like my heart is being ripped out.
Oh well, Jacqui just bought 6 boxes of tissues.

I believe that all living things have a spirit, a soul if you will, and his energy will return to the universe. Right now, I have to believe that.The sight of that hole in the flower bed is more than I can bear.

27 Jul 11 - 07:38 AM (#3196474)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: maeve

Kendall- Let me know if you'd like to plant something special to honor Seamus' time with you. If I can help I will.


27 Jul 11 - 08:37 AM (#3196495)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Sandra in Sydney

hugs to you all

27 Jul 11 - 08:48 AM (#3196503)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Love to you and Jacqui- echoing others, you are indeed giving your good friend the last, best gift. And since you and he have shared so much love over the years, I offer you what I often tell friends who are suffering the loss of two-legged loved ones: love never dies.

27 Jul 11 - 09:04 AM (#3196511)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

It really feels like I'm losing my brother. It's definitely time but MAN does this SUCK.

27 Jul 11 - 09:09 AM (#3196513)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: jacqui.c

Thanks to you all it helps to know you are out there.

The vet is coming tomorrow at noon - that means that Kendall's grandson can be here to bury the boy - not something that Kendall feels he wants to do.

Mary will be here to say goodbye to the best dog ever.

I'm really not a dog person but this crazy mutt just took my heart. Right now, listening to his stressed breathing at night and seeing how he is generally just makes me want to take away all the pain. Yesterday he didn't even want to go get the mail, which is something that usually has him leaping out the door, as he knows that a treat will follow.

gnu - he's being fed good stuff. Tonight he'll have a can of Dinty Moore stew - Mary tells me he loves that when he stays with her and I'm sure I'll find a few more treats for him.

Spaw - so sorry to hear about your puppy. They are so vulnerable in so many ways.

This is a photo taken by Kendall earlier this year.

27 Jul 11 - 09:15 AM (#3196517)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus

I guess I have to be the one to remind you all that this is Seamus - the horrible beast who used to snag the scrunchie out of my hair when I was driving, who stole wallets, TV remotes and and socks, who nearly drowned Jacqui when he tried to steal a sailboat, who humped his way up Willard Beach and couldn't get rid of his hard on (Vet Tech: He has hurt his leg. SINS: That is not his leg), who insisted on treating dead shellfish as a sushi bar and then would cough up the poisonous remains where ever he chose, who took up the whole couch because he could, who farted on queue, who would only eat his kibble at my house with warm chicken broth,who still checks to see if the side fence is down so he can wander off and scare the crap out of us, who drooled all over Brian because it annoyed Brian,who challenged Ed the Cat and lost,who got skunked, cleaned and skunked again within two hours, who dragged averyone down the street except Edmund (still see him proudly striding military fashion at Edmund's side) big beautiful silly friend.
I am celebrating his life with a few tears but glad to have shared him him.

27 Jul 11 - 09:52 AM (#3196544)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

Those are all the reasons why we love him so!

27 Jul 11 - 10:07 AM (#3196551)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Stilly River Sage

I think we're all transferring this to our own beloved pooches as well, hoping this day doesn't come too soon for our goofier and loving household members. Pass the tissues, Jacqui!


27 Jul 11 - 10:16 AM (#3196559)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,Eliza

Deepest sympathy kendall, have grieved many times over much-loved pets, they were each part of the family. Hold on to the treasured memories and the love and happiness you gave your dog. I buried Sam (cat) last year, and I thought I'd never stop crying. But now, I smile when I think of him, he was a real star, and his funny little ways give me joy as dear memories. I hope it will be the same for you. I sincerely believe we shall see our loved companions again one day.

27 Jul 11 - 10:46 AM (#3196579)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Fred McCormick

I've had four dogs before I got my present one, a retired racing greyhound called Taffy, and I've had to have two of them put down. Of the other two, one died of old age and the other chewed a piece of carpet and choked on it. She died on the vet's operating table.

Every time one of them departed, I felt as though a part of my being was wrenched from me. In truth it had been because there is no other companion on earth like a dog. They are loyal, trusting, caring, undemanding and always there. All they ask in return is to be loved and looked after properly.

So I've always reasoned that, if you didn't feel as though the world was about to collapse, when you took that final drive, then there just wouldn't be any point in having a dog.

My deepest condolences. And Taffy sends his as well.

27 Jul 11 - 11:50 AM (#3196607)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

"If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." (Harry Truman)
That applies everywhere.

27 Jul 11 - 12:22 PM (#3196625)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Megan L

You are in my thoughts

27 Jul 11 - 12:50 PM (#3196639)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: DebC

We send our love.


27 Jul 11 - 04:42 PM (#3196809)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures. Lord we bring you our grief in the loss of Seamus and ask for courage to bear it. We bring you our thanks for Seamus who lived among us and gave us freely of his love. We commit our friend and companion into your loving hands. Give us the eyes to see how your love embraces all creatures and how every living thing speaks to us of your love - forever. Amen.

27 Jul 11 - 05:35 PM (#3196845)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,livelylass


Here's to Seamus the Dog:

27 Jul 11 - 05:39 PM (#3196848)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

That was lovely, lively. Thanks.

27 Jul 11 - 05:56 PM (#3196857)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Morticia

Oh no........poor you, poor Mary.I loved that idiot dog although I can't help but remember the farting. (((Hugs)))

27 Jul 11 - 06:05 PM (#3196862)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus

And then there was the time I walked into the kitchen to find Alice pulling dog treats out of a box while Freddie pinged them off the table into Seamus' waiting jaws. Never figured out how he pulled that one off.
Beautiful old smelly dog.
Still see him in his lavender daisy headband all covered in glitter celebrating Easter. LOL Kendall was pissed/ I was turning his dog into a poof.
And the time we were attacked by a boa constrictor on the bicycle path in SoPo. Seamus got between me and the snake and jumped ten feet in the air, spun around and ran.4" garter snake.
We do enjoy our adventures together. Beautiful old smelly dog.

27 Jul 11 - 06:17 PM (#3196870)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,Eliza

olddude, what a beautiful prayer you posted. I've copied it into my notebook, as it's something I'd like to keep. Thank you.

27 Jul 11 - 07:16 PM (#3196904)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

For some reason Bill Staines keeps running through my head Captain
to make you feel better my dear friend

A Place in the Choir

27 Jul 11 - 07:29 PM (#3196913)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Bobert

Seamus, ol Seamus...

I lift my glass to you...

You were the best of dogs...

God Speed and see you on the other side... BTW, I heard that there's no snow in Heaven so doing yer business in the winter won't be such a challenge...

We'll keep the Capt'n busy until he gets up with you with a box of Milk Bones... Until then, say "Hey" to my old white German Sheppard, Coe, and my sheltie, Pound Hound, will ya'...


27 Jul 11 - 07:36 PM (#3196917)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

The Scotch wasn't doing much good today, but then two of my daughters, Deb and Becca72 came by and that helped tremendously.

27 Jul 11 - 07:52 PM (#3196924)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Janie

Kendall, Jacqui and Mary, have been thinking of you and that wonderful Seamus all day. There really are no words, so I simply offer another


Love and comfort to all of you at this time of loss.

27 Jul 11 - 08:21 PM (#3196935)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Nancy King

So very sorry to hear this news. Really sad. Of course, Any of us who have ever lost a pet have experienced this, and it doesn't get easier. The house will feel really empty for a while. But Seamus has certainly earned his rest.

Much love,

27 Jul 11 - 10:22 PM (#3197005)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,Tinker

Ahhhh .... perhaps there's a special corner where all the amazing pets of Mudcatters romp and share stories of all the things they've shared with us....

Just been through this with Bubba they'll romp and roar together with Clancy to greet them.

27 Jul 11 - 10:28 PM (#3197008)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

Oh, Tink! Bubba is gone??! What a year this has been for Mudcatters' furpersons. My condolences to you and yours.

Becka, also to you and your sister. I can well imagine he must've been like a brother. I had a friend who was raised with a parrot, Josephine, known as Jo-Jo. She was 58 when she died; he was about ten years younger. She had always been his "sister."

27 Jul 11 - 10:51 PM (#3197019)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: open mike

(((Kendall, Jacqui, Sins))) hugs to you..
the dog that went with lewis and clark
was also a Seamus...a noble fellow, as
was yours. treasure your memories.

28 Jul 11 - 12:11 AM (#3197052)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,jennifer woods knitpick

Can't say more than, been there, andsend love and hugs to youboth.

28 Jul 11 - 02:33 AM (#3197080)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Manitas_at_home

Really LTS,

Thinking of you all, never can a woofer been more loved and admired across the world.



28 Jul 11 - 03:27 AM (#3197090)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: SussexCarole

Such sad news - our thoughts are with you all

Carole & Andrew xxxx

28 Jul 11 - 03:49 AM (#3197095)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Kendall-

If it's his time, may Seamus go "where the good doggies go." I've been through this three times in the last few years, and it's tough. You have all my sympathy.


28 Jul 11 - 07:02 AM (#3197172)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

At least the sun is shining. I was dreading that the day be raining and wet.

For those of you who may not have already seen it:

            YELLOW DOG

You keep your lofty abstract god
Me, I choose a child of Pan
An ordinary yellow dog
Who does for love what mortals can
Who stretches out her mortal frame
Determined, although she's lame
For one more walk beside her man.

Whose ashes grace the forest way
We roamed together yesterday
And, to the wilder god I pray:
Give her soul some woods to run,
A stick to fetch, a patch of sun.
And near her, Pan, preserve a place
For me, come from a lesser race.

My friend, Bill Levenworth 1994

28 Jul 11 - 09:59 AM (#3197267)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Neighmond

Poor old dog! I wish you the best!

My poor old coonhound went along on 9th of February, and it still seems all wrong here; a good dog does that.

Here's to the rootin'est, tootin'est, sniffy snootin'est of us all!

28 Jul 11 - 01:43 PM (#3197380)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

He's gone. Declared dead at 12:50. I'm, inconsolable.

28 Jul 11 - 01:55 PM (#3197388)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Donuel

I played the Pink Floyd blues song 'Seamus' in remeberence of Seamus today. It is last on the Meddle album.

I too will rue the day when Gromet has to go. She has a facial sign language with an ability to answer my verbal questions well beyond the big three. Food, Out, Thirsty.

28 Jul 11 - 02:23 PM (#3197411)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu



28 Jul 11 - 02:47 PM (#3197432)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie


28 Jul 11 - 03:28 PM (#3197456)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus

Seamus went quickly and easily. Sliiped off to sleep and presumably happy dreams. He had his family around him and even the vet was teary. Seamus went with a tummy full of Dinty Moore Stew, Doggie Ice Cream and crab salad.
Rest in peace, my friend.
Auntie Mary

28 Jul 11 - 03:30 PM (#3197458)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

Just when I level off I torture myself with this thread or just start thinking about him and the waterworks begin anew.

RIP, Seamus. You're a GOOD DOG!
Love, your sister

28 Jul 11 - 03:54 PM (#3197470)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ranger1

Farewell silly goofball of a dog. When you get to doggie heaven, say hello to my Clancy Dog for me.

28 Jul 11 - 04:12 PM (#3197479)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Big Mick

I love dogs with all my heart but this is the reason I don't have one now. They are such wonderful friends, and love you without condition. They leave us too soon.

I am sorry for your loss, my friends, and I have such admiration for your bravery in knowing that it is time. Seamus knows too. That is the only consolation I have ever been able to draw from having to make this decision. They show us how to leave.

Love to both of you,


28 Jul 11 - 04:24 PM (#3197483)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Captain go out and get a puppy ... I know you can't think of that right now but believe me in all the times that I had to do that, this last time when I adopted my little dog when bringing food to the pound, it put me back on course. The heartache from my old lab was still there, but having one that needed me, it helped me so much. You need to have a dog around the house .. no dog will replace Seamus, but all dogs love

28 Jul 11 - 04:55 PM (#3197494)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Midchuck

Captain go out and get a puppy ... You need to have a dog around the house .. no dog will replace Seamus, but all dogs love

I agree, except for "puppy." There comes a time in life when, if you get a puppy, he might outlive you. And that would be harder on him than outliving him would be on you. Get an adult shelter dog. Very carefully. Puppies have a lot better chance of finding a good home than adult dogs who've been abandoned, or had to be given up for some reason.


28 Jul 11 - 05:17 PM (#3197508)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Midchuck, I agree. Thank you

28 Jul 11 - 07:30 PM (#3197564)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I can't even consider that just now.
Can't believe what a wreck I am.

28 Jul 11 - 07:38 PM (#3197575)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Stilly River Sage

I agree with Dan. You're not replacing Seamus, no dog can do that. But you're giving another dog a chance at a good life with you and you're helping yourself even if you don't realize it.


28 Jul 11 - 07:40 PM (#3197577)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Kendall. Seamus was a lucky dog.

28 Jul 11 - 07:40 PM (#3197578)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

email me captain if you need to talk, I will give you my number. I know exactly how that feels. Most of us here do. My old wiener dog is going downhill also ... I will be joining you pretty soon I think. I can't even bear that thought

Love you

28 Jul 11 - 07:47 PM (#3197582)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Amergin

I know how you feel, Captain, have said goodbye to several special dogs over the years, and the years spent reading about the adventures of Seamus, made me feel like I knew him....keeping you all in my thoughts.

28 Jul 11 - 11:02 PM (#3197656)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

No wonder you feel so wrecked, Kendall. You've just lost a beloved family member. No small loss that,'s okay to use all six boxes of tissues. I'm sure there's more where they came from. For me, it would be a little too soon to even think about another, but now it's been just shy of year since our Merlee left, I think I am ready for another. No rush, though.


28 Jul 11 - 11:28 PM (#3197666)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Joe Offer

I think this reminds us all of the dogs we've lost. Our old Labrador, Star, left us about five years ago. He had congestive heart failure, and he was suffering a lot. He was my wife Christina's best friend and hiking companion. Christina dug Star's grave, and called our wonderful veterinarian, Rena. They took Star out to the grave and laid him on the ground next to it. Rena gave him an injection, and Christina and Rena sang to him as he died. Now Rena has left us, too - Christina and a number of other women sang her home.


29 Jul 11 - 12:19 AM (#3197678)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: catspaw49

I am assuming Joe that Rena..................forget it.........


29 Jul 11 - 01:05 AM (#3197691)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: ragdall

For all who love Seamus and to all whom Seamus loved.

29 Jul 11 - 01:12 AM (#3197693)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

May tomorrow be just a little easier, Kendall, Jacqui, Sinsull, Becca72... I know that when it comes to this kind of thing, time has little meaning but it does pass and in its passing it can smudge the rawness of the pain.

Joe, I love your wife.

29 Jul 11 - 05:28 AM (#3197776)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,Patsy

It is so sad because they are family with a special place in your heart.   The pain will get less as you realise it is better for them not to suffer but it is still a hard thing to do.

29 Jul 11 - 07:23 AM (#3197817)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: My guru always said

Been away and returned to find your sad news, so very sorry to hear this. Never had the pleasure of meeting Seamus but know how much he was loved by you all.

Yes, you gave him a good life, and a dignifed and loving passing too. So many happy memories to keep!

Maeve, good idea, a tree or shrub over his grave would be good if there is space.

29 Jul 11 - 07:38 AM (#3197826)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: jacqui.c

We gave the boy a good send off.

He had sirloin tips for his breakfast and crabmeat salad for lunch. Kendall's grandson brought him a doggie ice cream - peanut butter flavour. He had a number of his favourite people there when he died, including our wonderful vet, who not only sent him off so gently but also helped Thomas lay him in his grave.

I made up a card with some pictures of Seamus and just a few words to say who he was and what he meant to us. That was laminated and buried with him. If it survives and that area is dug up at sometime, people will know more than that there are just the remains of a dog there.

29 Jul 11 - 08:32 AM (#3197852)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I was doing much better today until I opened this thread.

29 Jul 11 - 10:10 AM (#3197896)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: GUEST,999

Just saw this thread. Sure am sorry Kendall, Jacqui, SINS and Bekka.

29 Jul 11 - 11:56 AM (#3197947)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

Kendall, there is something to be said for the flushing effect of tears.

29 Jul 11 - 12:06 PM (#3197956)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

After saying goodbye to Seamus Wednesday night, I went back to my sister's house and her dog Owen (the Wonder Pug) did everything but stand on his head to be entertaining. He was a riot and had us laughing. My family has certainly been blessed with some amazing pets over the years.

29 Jul 11 - 12:11 PM (#3197959)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

My vet always gives me a paw print in plaster after each one of these situations. I have three of them on my shelf. I still can't look at them without my eyes tearing up ... I told my family when my old wiener dog passes, I want his ashes mixed with mine when I go. I really don't mind having that old dog on my lap for all of eternity.

29 Jul 11 - 12:41 PM (#3197975)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: jacqui.c

Just one thing. On Wednesday I made lasagne for supper and put down in front of Seamus, who was laying down on his belly, the bowl that had contained the meat mix and, to the side, the pan in which the cheese sauce had been made.

He did a sterling job of licking clean the bowl, picked it up with his teeth and put it further away from him and then picked up the pan with his teeth and plonked it down in front of him to make it easier to get every last scrap of the sauce. All without moving his body an inch.

I'm gonna miss my old pre-wash.

29 Jul 11 - 01:24 PM (#3197998)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

Or the time at the Seamus Kennedy house concert @ Sinsull's when Seamus (the dog) gently took the bottle of water out of my hands, laid down and proceeded to remove the cap and tip the bottle over his paws so it trickled out, and had a drink.

29 Jul 11 - 01:29 PM (#3198001)
Subject: RE: BS: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Becca! Now, that was cool. I guess Kendall had to keep the liquor cabinet locked up!

jac... "I'm gonna miss my old pre-wash."

Ya konw, that's a cool name fer a dog.

29 Jul 11 - 01:42 PM (#3198008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

My friend had an old dog named Bob Barker
I miss old Bob. He would come over and lay on your foot and go to sleep while you were standing there.

29 Jul 11 - 02:00 PM (#3198013)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

I had one named Dog. People would ask, "Doug?" and I would say, "No. It's a dog."

29 Jul 11 - 06:57 PM (#3198191)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

Great stories and what a wonderful comfort for Seamus to have all of his favourite meals plus family to be there with him.

I know I said I thought it was a little too earlier to think of another, but I hope you won't mind my posting the following. I found it on the website for our local humane society:

My Own Forever Home

I waited very patiently;
the days they came and went.
Today's the day, I always thought,
my family will be sent.
Then just when I began to think
it wasn't meant to be,
there were people standing there,
just gazing down at me.
I knew them in a heartbeat;
I could tell they felt it too.
They said, "We have been waiting
for a special dog like you."
Now every night, I say a prayer
to all the gods that be,
"Thank you for the shelter that
was there to rescue me"
They gave me food and cared for me,
when I was all alone.
But best of all they helped me find
my own " forever home".
-author unknown

29 Jul 11 - 07:51 PM (#3198224)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I'm glad God saw death and gave Death a job of taking care of all those who are tired of living.
When all the wheels in a clock are worn and slow and the connections are loose
And the clock goes on ticking and telling the wrong time from hour to hour,
And people around the clock joke about what a bum clock it is,
How glad the clock is when the big junk man drives his wagon up to the house, and put his arm around the clock and says:
"You don't belong here, you gotta come along with me."

How glad the clock is then when it feels the arms of the junk man close around it and carries it away.

Carl Sandburg

I must avoid this thread for a while, it's too painful.

29 Jul 11 - 10:34 PM (#3198277)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Understood, Kendall. Me too and my pets are longgggg gone.

30 Jul 11 - 11:01 AM (#3198487)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I have this crazy desire to dig him up and hug him. And, the phrase "Failure to protect" keeps rattling around in my brain.

30 Jul 11 - 11:06 AM (#3198490)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: John MacKenzie

Don'r think he'd like his rest being disturbed just now Cap'n.
You know what they say about sleeping dogs

30 Jul 11 - 11:07 AM (#3198491)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Captain he had the greatest of families and best life .. you did good, you did very good with him and he knows it. He will be there waiting for you ... don't you dare say failure to protect ... you did really good. And look at all the people who also loved him ...

he had the best life, because of you .. because of Jacqui and all the others who watched him. It was time ...

They break you heart they do, but I would not give up a moment with any one of them that I lost. They gave me so much .. Now I gotta face the fact that my old weiner dog who sleeps with me, works with me, goes to the store with me, is always with me ... well he is failing and it won't be long ... That thought I can't bear with all that has happened to me this year but, I know I have to face it when the time comes soon

30 Jul 11 - 11:26 AM (#3198499)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: frogprince

So far as "failure to protect": what Dan said. Heavy grief can send anyone's thoughts off in directions like inappropriate self blame. It's plain to everyone that no one could have done a bit better than all of you there did.

30 Jul 11 - 12:21 PM (#3198524)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

You did protect him, Kendall. For a dog of his size, Seamus lived to a ripe old age. You made it possible for him to reach the end of a good life; the kind of life he had is what you get when you are lucky.

30 Jul 11 - 01:48 PM (#3198572)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I just had a talk with my ex wife who is a therapist, and she told me pretty much the same thing.
Failure to protect is a phrase I knew she would understand, and she all but gave me hell for thinking it.
She also told me to not fight the grief, to let it wash over me. Man, it's doing that alright; it's like a Tsunami full of rocks, broken glass and pieces of 2 by 4s beating me up real good.
At least I am finding that my heart is not all scar tissue after all.

30 Jul 11 - 02:18 PM (#3198588)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

After one particular pet passed in my arms at the vet's I sat in my truck, rolled the windows up and ROARED while tears streamed for nearly five minutes. Then, I cleaned myself up and drove home and looked at every pic of that pet I ever took. I still get tears when reading a thread like this, but they are mixed and, well, you know, time is the only healer. That and Alzheimer's... I think.

30 Jul 11 - 03:38 PM (#3198626)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: KT

Ouch, gnu. You've got me raining tears again. Remembering a similar experience with my ol' pal. Can't even see the keyboard, dang it!

30 Jul 11 - 04:29 PM (#3198640)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: catspaw49

Failure to protect.......yeah, I know all about that. I, in essence, killed Soskey last week. He was a lovable big goof and not the brightest hound I ever had but he was a love and a lover. Karen was completely nuts for him and he for her. But I should have checked that front door latch especially now with the boys and their friends going in and out so much. I should have fixed the door so it always shut solidly on its own.

But I didn't and he went out for a little look around, just something to do, and got himself lost..............if I had done even one of three or four things he'd be alive. Seamus like Sissy got old and died. We could do no more for them than provide that final service which we owed them. Soskey, I could have protected.................

Ironically, Karen had found him almost 4 years ago running up and down the middle of a busy highway. She sat with him til he calmed a bit and I went up and got him. If there is a doggie heaven, Sissy has undoubtedly found him and reamed him a new ass......"I always knew you were a dumbass but this takes the cake! You had a lot more good years left in our home and you go out and get yourself hit.........Just follow me around so no one sends you off from here........friggin' idiot......"


30 Jul 11 - 06:15 PM (#3198735)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: ranger1

Kendall, that silly yellow goofball was protected and loved his whole life. Seamus had the best of families, we all loved him, and we all grieve for you, Jacqui, Mary and Becca. Jason and I thank you for entrusting him to our care from time to time, especially during that month between Clancy's passing and Bandit's arrival. Letting us take care of Seamus helped heal the hurt of losing Clancy. Seamus was a special dog, but then again, would any dog belonging to Kendall Morse be anything but special? You did good by him, especially at the end.

My vet told me when we took Clancy in that part of the contract we make with our pets is ensuring quality of life. Sometimes that includes making the decision to let them go when that quality of life is no longer there. It's not easy, but we do what we must for those in our care.

30 Jul 11 - 06:21 PM (#3198738)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Spaw? Spaw... I am sorry to hear about Soskey. RIP.

30 Jul 11 - 07:17 PM (#3198767)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

Seamus died in my arms. I held his tired old head while the anesthesia took his life. I wept like a child and told him what a great dog he was and how much we loved him.I hope he heard and understood.

30 Jul 11 - 08:31 PM (#3198808)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

Would someone convince me that he did?

30 Jul 11 - 08:37 PM (#3198812)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Jeri

Kendall, YOU needed to say the words, but I think he knew how much he was loved every minute of his life. No dog is that comfortable with people and that happy unless he's completely confident that he belongs. It wasn't just at the end, it was always.

30 Jul 11 - 08:46 PM (#3198815)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

"I wept like a child and told him what a great dog he was and how much we loved him.I hope he heard and understood."

He heard and understood that all his life. Ya did good... all his life. Cry yer heart out. Go ahead, cry yer heart out. Seamus will still be there, in yer heart.

30 Jul 11 - 09:41 PM (#3198842)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Amergin

Over the years, my family has loved and lost many great four legged friends, however,it was only three years ago when I was forced to make the final decision for the first time. I remember that horrible day greatly, sitting in the vet's office telling him everything that was wrong with her. It felt like I was trying to persuade him it was time, it felt like I was betrayed her trust, as the needle went in, and she fell into her last slumber, in my arms, with me weeping over her. It took four days to where I could somewhat function again, the sadness, the sleeplessness, the wondering if I truly did right by her.

As time went on I began to realise, I did the right thing. Yes, people told me I did good, but there is a difference between being told and knowing. Anyway, I came to realise how miserable she must have been, yes, she knew she could count on me, and my love, just like I could with her, but she was blind, deaf, and suffering from dementia. Those last few months must have been filled with fear....and the needle gave Daphne the release, the rest she needed.

When I lost my basset, it was heartbreaking, but I knew I did the right thing. Phoebe had been sick 9 months before, with a parasite, that made her stop eating so much, and gave her horrendous smelling diarrhea. Then, it had been once we figured it out. Unfortunately, five months or so later, she started puking. Not all the time, not every day, but more often than usual. So I took her back to the vet, and we tried this and that, more worm medicine, thyroid, and she'd stop puking for a week or two, or maybe three, and then do it again. The vomit always smelled the same. Then, her last day, she didn't eat, and for her not to eat, well this is a dog that would eat a whole bag of dog food at one go, if allowed to. I took her to the vet, and just in the off chance it was her last day, bought her a cheeseburger. She did eat that. It turned out she had stomach cancer. So I bade her goodbye, as the needle kissed her...and then went home and got seriously drunk. I did feel easier knowing I did right, though I did have nightmares thinking that maybe the mass he felt in her stomach was the cheeseburger, but that was only eaten a few minutes it didn't have time to get there.

I'm just saying, Captain, that I know your pain, and I know how you are feeling at this time. I've been there, as have we all. It does get easier, though nothing and no one, can fill that hole they leave behind. The hole does get smaller though, and you can reflect on them and the happiness they brought you, without welling up with the tears.

Take it easy, mate.

30 Jul 11 - 10:10 PM (#3198864)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

As you know, Kendall, they say the last thing to go is the hearing. I have no doubt at all that Seamus heard every word you said, and reveled in it.

31 Jul 11 - 01:18 AM (#3198912)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

Remember, Kendall, animals use all of their senses; we could, too, but we've lost track of them, sometimes. I am sure he heard you, not only, verbally, but more importantly in his heart. He felt your touch, your love, your sorrow. He knew he'd done a good job of loving you and that you were and did reciprocate. Also, remember, to an animal there is no concept of time. They live much more in the now than most of us. For them, any good moment is enough and then they are on to the next minute of Now. He's there, always, in your heart, and, if you grieve a lot, he may even make a *visit* to console and/or cajole you.

I had an old Siamese female, Sasheen, who came to visit me after she'd passed, I was so distraught. I couldn't see her, but I felt her jump up on the bed and settle on my pillow just like always and I felt her as I stroked her and sobbed my "thanks" for that last visit.

As Amergin said, take it easy, esp. on yourself. Seamus had an excellent life and passing. Would we could all be allowed to go in such a loving, kind, and peaceful way.


31 Jul 11 - 03:38 AM (#3198938)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

He ate he drank and never made a mess in the house, but he slept all the time. In time he was unable to get up the three steps to come in and at the end he stumbled going down the steps.
His breathing was labored and he appeared to be losing muscle mass in his hind legs.
Logic tells me we did the right thing, but something keeps asking me if he was really dead when they buried him.

It's 3 am, I can't sleep.

31 Jul 11 - 04:49 AM (#3198952)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: My guru always said


31 Jul 11 - 04:53 AM (#3198956)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: John MacKenzie

Kendall, if I ever get to the same state of health as Seamus, I hope some kind person does the same for me.

31 Jul 11 - 06:03 AM (#3198981)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Allan C.

Spaw said it best: "No matter what, they don't live long enough." I hate that our pets don't leave this world when we do. Being left behind by such a spirited dog hardly seems fair. To my way of thinking there are few bonds stronger than those between dogs and those who are entrusted with their friendship. That just makes such a time as this all the harder to take.

Best thoughts to Kendall, Jacqui, and Mary.

31 Jul 11 - 08:14 AM (#3199026)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Maryrrf

Having had to do the same thing, I know what you and Jacqui (and Mary, of course, who was his Aunt)are feeling. Even though you know it was the right thing - it just hurts, and there's no taking it away. Acceptance comes, but there's always an empty spot in your heart. I do believe, as a matter of fact, I'm sure of it - that Seamus felt the love that surrounded him as he peacefully passed on. You eased him through his transition - I think we'd all hope for the same, when our time comes.

31 Jul 11 - 12:27 PM (#3199148)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

30 years ago I had to put my Beagle down. I took him to the vet and when we entered the office that dog, for the first time, stood on his hind legs and put his front paws on my leg. Looked up at me, and I swear he knew what was going to happen. I've never gotten over that, and now this.

31 Jul 11 - 12:43 PM (#3199155)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: John MacKenzie

You never do forget things like that, it's just that living with the memories gets easier over time.
None of us want to be forgotten do we?

31 Jul 11 - 12:57 PM (#3199161)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: bobad

One day your thoughts will wander back to the silly antics and good times you had with Seamus, you will remember and smile at the memory.

31 Jul 11 - 01:30 PM (#3199182)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

If we meet on the other side of the veil, I hope he doesn't bite me.

31 Jul 11 - 01:39 PM (#3199188)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

He won't bite you. Might give you a licking though

31 Jul 11 - 01:40 PM (#3199191)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: John MacKenzie

Hmm, I think you and he may be going in different directions Cap'n

31 Jul 11 - 02:52 PM (#3199240)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

The Hell you say! :-)

31 Jul 11 - 02:57 PM (#3199244)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: I don't know

Sorry to hear, had to have both mine put down (10 years apart)never easy but remember the fun you had.

04 Aug 11 - 01:34 PM (#3201741)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

It's ironic that the bill for his ticket home just arrived exactly on the minute that he was declared dead one week ago today.

04 Aug 11 - 01:36 PM (#3201742)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Becca72

That dog always did have great timing...

04 Aug 11 - 01:47 PM (#3201751)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Well Captain when I did the near death thing and when into the tunnel
I saw my favorite relatives there and talked to them, I also saw every dog and cat I ever owned there also. I remember asking where is my Irish Setter and My dead aunt said, "your uncle Dan has him out hunting right now, he will be back soon but you won't be cause it is not your time"

cool huh

04 Aug 11 - 01:56 PM (#3201758)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

And you really can't ask, just questions in your head that get answered. You don't speak you just think .. anyway that is what happened to me along with several other things that were pretty remarkable. I bet we all have to buy a shit load of dog food everyday when we get there. I owned a lot of dogs and cats that I loved

04 Aug 11 - 02:52 PM (#3201793)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

Bless you, Dan. I'd love to see a thread on the subject.

04 Aug 11 - 02:54 PM (#3201796)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

Dan, I would love to talk to you about your experience. I hope it's not just a dream or imagination.
I had an out of body experience years ago through meditation, and I was floating in outer space. Suddenly I thought, "WTF this is impossible", and I was immediately yanked back into my body.

04 Aug 11 - 03:18 PM (#3201818)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Strange stuff that. Ya know that there "life passes before your eyes" if tou have an instant where you expect to die? I have had some of those. The first one was when I was a teenager and it was in close call in a car. I saw my whole life pass before my eyes in a flash.

If it happened again now it would take less than a flash as my memory is failing.

04 Aug 11 - 03:26 PM (#3201820)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

Gary, thanks for the laugh. :)

04 Aug 11 - 03:29 PM (#3201823)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Ebbie

I wanted to add that they say the secret to a happy old age is a bad memory.

Kendall, last night I met an acquaintance who had to put her dog down after there was no hope he would recover from the antifreeze he had got into. We stood together on the sidewalk and cried.

04 Aug 11 - 03:42 PM (#3201834)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: gnu

Yer welcome ahhh Ebbie. Yeah, Ebbie.

04 Aug 11 - 04:42 PM (#3201884)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: katlaughing

First time I knew I'd left my body was when I was birthing my last child, my second daughter, Morgan's mom. She came faster than expected, in the labour room and I was haemorrhaging and the docs couldn't get an iv started. They finally called to the ER for a nurse who was really good at it. Anyway, the whole time I was floating just above my body. I could see it, plus everyone working frantically on me and the baby, and my mom, who'd had five kids, but never seen one born. There she was watching the birth, the baby, and her youngest going through exactly what had happened to her when she had me. I remember asking my doc if I was going to die and he told me, emphatically, "NO!" He'd been my doc since I was 8 and I believed him. To this day, I am sure that is one major reason I slipped back into my body.

When my mom was passing, very quickly, I went into my sanctum, lit the candles and incense, and *talked* to her, telling her it was okay to go, her children would be okay. I SAW her in the hospital bed AND all of her deceased family there with her, welcoming her. This was not my imagination; it was not expected, it just happened and it was beautiful and peace-filled.


04 Aug 11 - 07:43 PM (#3202050)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: ranger1

It wouldn't surprise if Seamus stops in from time to time to check on you, Kendall. My old terrier's ghost used to sleep on my feet whenever I went back to my grandparents' house and slept in my old room. He doesn't do it now that Bandit has taken that spot, though.

04 Aug 11 - 07:54 PM (#3202056)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: kendall

I hope he does and that he forgives me for putting him down.

04 Aug 11 - 08:14 PM (#3202065)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

Putting a dog down is an act of love Kendall, when you love them so you don't want them to suffer. I made the mistake of holding on to my old lab to long. I wanted one more month .. he collapse and started howling in pain. I had the vet on the phone and he died in my arms. I can't forgive myself for being so selfish .. trust me my dear friend. you did the right thing. Right now your old dog is completely happy and living with one of your trusted friends or family. Maybe Utah is running him. I died technically from the PE ... I saw some remarkable things and when I returned to my body the docs were blown away as I described everything they did to me .. including the broken wing nut on the very top of the traction frame that I could never have seen. But I saw it when I floated out of my body and entered the tunnel. I was not particularly religious before that, I sure was afterwords because I saw heard and felt the love of God, saw the angles, saw the other side and my beloved pets ..

04 Aug 11 - 08:15 PM (#3202066)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: Maryrrf

Kendall, when you put Seamus down, you liberated him in the gentlest, most loving way from a body that was broken down and no longer working. I haven't had a near death experience, but I've read about them, and almost invariably those who went through it report a feeling of peace and, if there was pain, blessed relief. Seamus wasn't going to get better - the end would have come soon whatever the case but it might have dragged out excruciatingly and caused him suffering and confusion. How wonderful to pass over to the other side surrounded by people who love you and are sending you off with a prayer and a blessing. You did a good thing for Seamus. I believe that animals can sense this. He still loves you - be sure of it.

04 Aug 11 - 08:40 PM (#3202076)
Subject: RE: Obit: Our old dog Seamus
From: olddude

I don't do preaching but do you want to know the secret of life. This is what I took away from my experience. WE ASK TO BE BORN, we ask to leave a place of total love and peace to come to the world filled with trials and tribulations .. why the heck would we do that. We do that because we want to please God, we ask to do that to show that we understood everything he taught us about love, compassion, about helping each other, about taking care of his other creatures like Seamus. We ask to be born to please God. We make an agreement with him. Every pet that ever loved you is there with a beloved family member or friend waiting for you to come. I didn't want to leave not at all, I was booted back because it wasn't my time, but I came back with a lot of understanding I think. My take , my experience. Other doubt and that is ok .. this is my path. Your old dog is completely happy with you and all that you did for him. Putting him down you set aside your own desire and love for him to spare him suffering .. you did good.