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BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines

24 Sep 99 - 02:23 PM (#117366)
Subject: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: folk1234

Just curious. What are our Mudcat habits and daily, weekly, monthly, or even hourly routines. As for mine: When I'm in my office I usually check my email first thing in the AM, then check Mudcat. This usually is a quick scan to see what I may want to go back to later. Sometimes I delve into interesting sounding threads and every so often, I respond. Later in the day, if I'm still in (or if I've come back to my office (much of my work is done away from my office)), I may go back into Mudcat for a more detailed stay. On 2 or 3 evenings a week I will go into the 'cat from home at a much more leisurely pace to both read and respond. What about youse guys and gals?

24 Sep 99 - 02:27 PM (#117370)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: folk1234

I might add, that when I'm away from the 'cat, I miss it, and when I'm back at a computer I go back and pick up all that I've missed.

24 Sep 99 - 02:31 PM (#117371)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Jon Freeman

Currently getting up about midday, periodically checking email, Mudcat and newsgroups until what ever time I feel tired, sometimes 6 or 7 am.

I think I've got a lift to a session tonight so that will keep me occupied for the next few hours.


24 Sep 99 - 02:56 PM (#117380)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: KathWestra

I'm a fairly new 'Catter who's already a candidate for the 12-step programs alluded to by lamarca (she's a 12-step participant and Mudcat recidivist). I check the 'Cat several times during the workday when I check my e-mail. Usually I intend only to check out what folks are talking about so I can go back from my home computer, but.....(sigh) being a rather undisciplined sort, I can't stop at one little sip, so it becomes a swallow, and then a gulp, and then....gasp.... I usually end up responding to one thing or another from the office. Don't tell my boss. Or if you do, tell her I'm honing my internet search skills. Kath

24 Sep 99 - 04:01 PM (#117407)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Cap't Bob

Of course, knowing my schedule will definitely help explain my erratic postings to the forum i.e., etc.

MONDAY: clean bathroom 9-12; basic correspondence 1-5; clean bathroom 7-12.

TUESDAY: clean bathroom 9-12; load car for Detroit 1-5; clean bathroom 7-12.

WEDNESDAY: Leave for Detroit 6:30; stop at Bay City at the Bay View Hotel and clean bathrooms (2nd floor) 9:00-3; Continue to Detroit via gravel roads 4-12.

THURSDAY: meet Mick and Spaw for breakfast at Ma Bagel's 9-10; exchange tools, curtains, and smaller cabinets.

FRIDAY: Return home and drain oil from car engine. Smear oil around bathroom 2-6.

SAT. and SUN.: OFF


Cap't Bob

24 Sep 99 - 04:07 PM (#117409)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Bert

I guess this is as good a thread as any to ask the question. How many of you use MUDCAT as a password?

24 Sep 99 - 04:18 PM (#117413)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Allan C.

Priceless, Bob!

24 Sep 99 - 04:25 PM (#117416)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Jon Freeman

Not me, Just trying to think of some things I have been in various places. Its funny, when I worked as systems co-ordinator for a manufacturing company, our password system was old fashioned and I had access to everybody elses passwords to enable me to control access rights, I can think of loads of them but I can not remember what my own was when I finished. The only one of mine I can remember was cyllell and I bet I've spelt that wrong. Llanfair might correct me - what's knife yn cymraeg?


24 Sep 99 - 04:28 PM (#117418)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: MMario

I am forced by my occupation to keep a web browser up and active, so I probably check the mudcat 100-150 times an hour. I don't always READ threads when I check in, but do like to see what activity is happening. This is of course during work. 3 or four times a week I will check in from home in the evening. Rarely have time to check in on the weekends...

24 Sep 99 - 07:01 PM (#117473)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Llanfair

Dunno, Jon, I'll look it up in the dictionary and get back to you. Bron.

25 Sep 99 - 12:03 AM (#117533)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Art Thieme

O.K. I admit it. I used to sneak into convents and put on habits all the time. Then I'd run out, under cover of night, and skulk around town. Once I stayed up all night long and it dawned on me that this wasn't in my best interest. I gave up those bad habits when I became a behavioral psychologist specializing in the instincts of rodents.(I moonlighted as a magician.) Yes, I was always pulling habits out of rats.


25 Sep 99 - 12:47 AM (#117549)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I won't bory you with details of my usual routines--instead, I'll just say that when I logged on today, I broke one of my most entrenched habits: the first two threads I read and posted to were music threads, and my postings weren't creepy. Could --seed have had a DNA transplant? --seed

25 Sep 99 - 01:19 AM (#117559)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: catspaw49

So which one of those is the entrenched habit? Not reading music threads, not posting to music threads, or making generally creepy posts?

Personally I'll go for the last one, although I'm glad to see you're already back in the habit.


25 Sep 99 - 03:20 AM (#117568)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: wildlone

03:30 wake up,coffee,dress,04:15 ride to work,04:35 clock on,coffee,05:00 set machines up for work,06:00 rest of shift come in,14:00 go home,eat sleep. rep above.
Hey its a weekend,sun is shining,mudcat waiting.Iusualy check out MC 12 times during the day at weekends.

25 Sep 99 - 11:07 AM (#117610)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Roger in Baltimore

Oooh, this should be fun. I'm up about 5:00 AM. By about 6:00 AM I am in front of the computer so I can put on my shoes (which is where I have usually left them). No use sitting here and not checking Mudcat (before my e-mail). Just a quick browse of thread subjects, but if something looks really interesting I'll dive in and if I feel there is something important for me to say I may post (been late once or twice to work in the last year because of this).

When I get to work at 7:30 AM I may browse through again as I get my computer up to speed. No postings then, just browsing subject titles. I may check the 'Cat two or three times during work if I'm not too busy and may read a thread or two or post if its something quick.

Every day (read "every day", no exceptions for hurricanes, midnight arrivals, or family crises) that I come home I check the 'Cat. Usually I read whatever interests me in the slightest. I seldom read every thread, although a year ago I found that fairly easy to do (how many more posts per day this year, Max?).

On weekends or holidays, I check the 'Cat first thing in the AM (well, after getting down stairs, so I do do some other things first). Good thing I don't like coffee or I might have a conflict of addictions at this time of day. I might drop by the computer two or three times and certainly I usually drop by the Forum before I go to bed.

I need only to look at my cluttered house and realize I used to spend some of this time doing housekeeping. But jeez, this is more fun than housekeeping.

Roger in Baltimore

25 Sep 99 - 11:29 AM (#117612)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Habits and Routines
From: Alice

Wake up and turn on the computer, make coffee while it is starting and modem is connecting. Read email and check Mudcat, get my son going on his schoolwork, start working on shirt design in Photoshop, check email and Mudcat throughout the day whenever I need a break from drawing, at some point, take a shower and practice singing (simultaneously), get the mail, go to the bank if there are any checks, water the plants, feed the dog, check my son's schoolwork, UPS any designs that are finished, check Mudcat and email..... it all flows together rather seamlessly.