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What is a hummer?

26 Sep 99 - 06:22 PM (#117910)
Subject: What is a hummer?
From: Zorro

Someone asked me today (like I should know) about hummers. Supposedly it has something to do with funeral? music, maybe New Orleans music? Chanting? I said, "Hey I don't know, but if no one at mudcat has heard of it, it does not exist!" Can anyone help?

26 Sep 99 - 06:54 PM (#117914)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Joe Offer

This could be an interesting word association test.
Well, Zorro, the first thing that comes to mind for me is those obnoxiously huge and expensive military/recreational vehicles that, in my opinion, should be banned from the highways. (Click for more information)
Click here for price - OW!!!
-Joe Offer-

26 Sep 99 - 07:17 PM (#117922)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: katlaughing

I think what your questioner might have meant is mummers. In New Orleans, during Mardi Gras, and in other cities, most notably Philadelphia, there are huge masks and elaborate costumes paraded once per year, along with music, etc.

I did not find a direct reference to "mummers" in New Orleans, but did find many for places elsewhere, from Oregon, to the UK. For some vivid photos of the costuems and historical info from Mardi Gras in New Orleans, click here.

I did not find a specific "mummers" reference to the famous jazz processional bands of New Orleans which traditionally play for funerals, but that is what came to mind right away when I read your question.

Hope this helps.


26 Sep 99 - 07:42 PM (#117931)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: sophocleese

Whew kat. I was thinking it might have been 'bummers' and they were just asking about sad songs....grin.

26 Sep 99 - 08:09 PM (#117935)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Zorro

My Apologies.. It is MUMMER and not hummer. Katlaughing was correct. They are clubs that originated in 17th. century Europe; once a year they put on elaborate costumes and visit one another's homes, etc. They are very active in Philadelphia and other cities. I live in Houston, and in near by Galveston, Texas, there is a Mummers club and they come out for the Madi Gras parade there. Thanks to all. Z....

26 Sep 99 - 08:15 PM (#117936)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Dave Swan

Sorry 'spaw, all that material wasted. E.S.

26 Sep 99 - 08:33 PM (#117940)
Subject: RE: What is a MUMMER?
From: Joe Offer

Ohhhhh.....Mummers. Them we got - click here and here and, of course, here for a little bit of Mummer stuff that's been here before, and there is one song (click) in the database that mentions mummers. I'd say the Philadelphia Mummers are the best known. They're at, dontchaknow.
But if it's an $80,000 car that's two lanes wide, we don't have any.
And we don't want any.
Bummer, huh?
-Joe Offer-

26 Sep 99 - 09:11 PM (#117950)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Big Mick



26 Sep 99 - 10:15 PM (#117960)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: paddymac

Mick & 'spaw - my momma would roll over in her grave and slap me for sure if she knew I knew what a "hummer" was. Have a hunch yours' might also. Every once in a while, given the proper associative stimulus, I seem to slip out of polite society and revert, at least in my mind, to my mis-spent youth 'neath the globe and anchor.

26 Sep 99 - 10:58 PM (#117973)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Roger in Baltimore

Yeah, I knew that. Seems I am saying this a lot lately. I knew about those guys in the fancy dancy outfits in Philadelphia's New Years Day parade. And usually lots of banjo's (tenor type). I knew they were something close to hummer. But all I could think of was HumVees (those vehicles Joe hates) and oral sex (which no one wants to talk about). There, it's said. All those adolescent minds can now go to sleep.

Big RiB

26 Sep 99 - 11:29 PM (#117980)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: cara

Ummm, this is very bad. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a thread titled "What is a hummer?" I thought some poor misguided soul was tryig to get into the Mudcat chat room and ended up in one of the sex chats accidentally...(didn't that happen to someone? alison maybe?) I can't wai to see where this ends up.

26 Sep 99 - 11:47 PM (#117984)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: unclenort

hey, what's wrong with an adolescent mind?

27 Sep 99 - 12:03 AM (#117987)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: BK

Hey, come on, dirty minds.. there are other meanings; my favorite clean meaning - about which I can comfortably (usually animatedly) talk to me Mum, is... you guessed it - or would've if you'd not have yer minds in the gutter(s), 'Spaw, etc.. - is HUMMINGBIRD!

Seriously, "hummer" is also an old slang term for these "jewels of the air," & my 74 yr old Mom has just discovered birding (NOT brit slang... guess there's no way out!).

Cheers, BK

27 Sep 99 - 12:54 AM (#118002)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: WyoWoman

I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question. I will not respond in a naughty way to this question.

THHHWWWWHTHTHTTH... my head just exploded from the pressure of all that trying to be good ...

BTW -- Do the Mummers parade in New Orleans, or is that actually more a Philly thaing?

WW, who tries to keep her mind on higher things, but sometimes is simply base. HEY, I had a husband who was an Airborne Ranger -- I learned a LOT of rude s**t from him and his buds.

27 Sep 99 - 12:54 AM (#118003)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Barbara

Isn't it also slang for a really fast pitch, and a great big honking loogie?
Just wondering
And those of you who don't live with hummingbirds, do you know they're called that because they actually make a sort of buzzing zzzzzzzzzzip as they divebomb you (and every other time)? The noisiest ones around here are the Rufous Hummingbirds, and they go zzzzzzzzzzzzziiiinnnnng! (like they had bells on). Amazing birds. Large moths are bigger. Ours all packed off for warmer climes about three weeks ago.

27 Sep 99 - 01:04 AM (#118007)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: WyoWoman

We have the Rufous hummngbirds here. They're truly wonderful. My cat actually caught one once, but I rescued it. It was fine, and flew away after catching its breath for a minute. But I can't describe the feeling of blessedness, holding a hummingbird in my hand. It left a couple of tiny little feathers in my hand, which I wrapped up in a tissue and have held onto for the ten years or so that have passed since then. (This story would have had a much different feel to it if the darned cat had killed the bird. This is why I don't have bird feeders at my house. The cat thinks they're a sushi bar...)


27 Sep 99 - 02:06 AM (#118015)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: catspaw49

Nice story WW...............

I've read threads since 9 PM and from the third one on, decided on the 12 step. I will stick up this one and then go back...a bit of recidivism.

BK- "Gutter" or "dirty" or "filthy" or otherwise/whatever, I could care less. I've often said I don't care what anybody thinks, I'm only offended by how we treat each other. But I'm also chiefly concerned about what I think of ME. And right now, I ain't too choked up about myself. When I allow my own simpleass opinions to somehow bear more weight than respaect for friendship, I'm truly fucked up then.......and I see that I am now. Had I just skipped that third thread, this one would have been a catspaw delight........maybe some other time.


27 Sep 99 - 01:04 PM (#118132)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

When I saw this thread I thought we were going to be complaining about people who hummed while others performed. I see I was wrong on two accounts. I don't know too much about the first account. I've heard of Mummers and I've seen them on TV and in books, but thats about it.

The second account, I have only one did something that gives us one of life's greatest pleasures (I'm referring to sex) get such a bad rap?? I'm an older woman and I've spent my whole life wondering about that. Well, not my whole life, just whenever someone refers to sex as something other than wonderful. I don't know. Seems awful silly to me.

Love, annap (who thinks "the gutter" must be a great place to hang out)

27 Sep 99 - 01:25 PM (#118140)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: katlaughing

Annap, it's because, in the patriarchal world of old, and even of today in some places, enjoying sex was against the control of the church. It meant women, might choose to be free, instead of subservient wombs.

In all cases, the church wanted to have complete control of its "sheep", esp. the women. By making sex, for anything other than procreation, supposedly dirty, evil, and abhorrent, people lived in fear and under the thumb of their priest or church elders. Some still do.

Some are so rigidly into the only for procreation bit that they actually never experience the pleasure of it; they approach it as a necessary duty; then, if they are brave hypocrits, they fly in the face of their convictions and go have sex with a "filthy whore" without ever admitting any pleasure. All the while, their women at home remain "pure" in the eyes of them and their "lord".

The Puritans were great at such self-denial; effectively cutting themselves off from any physical pleasures. I believe our country still suffers from such a legacy.


27 Sep 99 - 02:06 PM (#118156)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Lonesome EJ

Catspaw... I am really pissed now. I meant to make a quick check of the Mudcat, then I read your above msg indicating that you are disgruntled for some cryptic reason. Now I'm reading every thread trying to figure out why... You, my friend, are a constant cource of wonder to me. YES I mean that in a good way. LEJ

27 Sep 99 - 02:07 PM (#118157)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

Thanks Kat, but I think I asked the wrong question. I mean, I know why it is the way it is. I just don't understand why it STILL is the way it is. This, incidentally, is one of the many reasons I'm not a very religous person. At least formally religous.

Our greatest insult to each other is to tell someone you're gonna have sex with them ;-)

F**K YOU????

Why, thank you. How nice of you to offer. Maybe another time.

Love, annap

27 Sep 99 - 02:27 PM (#118160)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Lonesome EJ

Like Mr Bruce said, we've got that "f*ck you" stuff all backwards. Being one of nature's most pleasant experiences, Lenny said we could do no better than wish each other a very pleasant "F*ck You!"

And so annap, Catspaw, Katlaf... a most delightful f*ck you to y'all, and may the rest of your day be bathed in the afterglow! :>}LEJ

27 Sep 99 - 02:42 PM (#118163)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Jack (Who is called Jack)


I agree with your comments, but don't underestimate the issue of inheritance as a driving force too. "Who inherits titles and property' has always been a part of this issue." The whole rancid idea of 'legitimate' vs. 'illegitimate' children is associated with this.

27 Sep 99 - 03:07 PM (#118168)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

Why, thank you LEJ.

Kat, I hope I didn't sound unappreciative of your input. It was well appreciated. Thank you. I've never been big on self-denial myself. Life's just too short, which becomes more and more apparent as I get older. ;-)

Love, annap

27 Sep 99 - 04:14 PM (#118194)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: katlaughing

annap, not at all! Actually, I kinda wondered about YOU asking such, as it didn't mesh with what I've gathered you are like from your postings and reports of those wild and outrageously loud parties you have in those, must be, two-seater kayaks!**BG** I thought you probably already knew all of that, but, you know me, when someone asks and I have a strong opinion (when don't I?), I just have to answer! I echo your sentiments, WHY is it still that way???

Jack, very good point.

LeeJ: LMAO, and a fine FOCK you, too!*BG*

Poor Zorro, I wonder if he ever imagined his thread would come to this? Ah, the wonder of thread creep.

Commercial break: Does your site suffer from Thread Creep? Do you have Creep Around the Collar? Now you don't have to suffer from this unsightly menace, again! Just send $99.95 to the address listed on your screen and you will receive, not one, but TWO bottles of CREEP ERASE*, that's TWO bottles of CREEP ERASE, for the price of one!

*Creep Erase makes no claims as to its efficacy. There have been no tests, as of yet, which prove it to erase anything. We repeat that old adage, "If ya don't like what yer reading, get out & go to another thread!".


27 Sep 99 - 08:03 PM (#118252)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Banjer

A HUMMER is someone who forgot the words......and Big RiB says oral sex is something no one wants to talk about; I was always told one shouldn't talk with their mouth full anyway......

27 Sep 99 - 08:12 PM (#118259)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Roger in Baltimore

Ah, woe is me.

I guess it is now time for one of those oft repeated Mudcat Mea Culpa thread creeps. Being a typical guilt-ridden WASP, I am willing to take responsibility for Catspaw's upset. It was I who referred to adolescent minds. 'Twas all in good humor (I sign all my humor Big RiB), but perhaps 'twas seen as insulting. NOI, NOI, NOI. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Roger in Baltimore

27 Sep 99 - 09:04 PM (#118280)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: catspaw49

Oh for gawdsake...Take your sorries and put 'em where the sun don't shine.........My "upset" had nothing to do with your post at all RiB......Geezus, it just had to do with me and fockin' over brother Rick...I was mad at me!!! Poor BK kinda' got in my line of vision. Sorry BK............There are a few things in this life that I find beyond contempt. One is sacrificing a friend for selfish reasons. I just had to drawback a bit and accept that I was out of line in my own mind. Now as far as oral sex and a gutter mind go, well........I've heard it suggested that the ideal woman would have knee pads nad a flat head (so you have a place to put your drink).

Annap---If you haven't read it, go find a copy of the late Allen Sherman's book, "The Rape of the A. P. E." Completely hilarious, but one specifically memorable chapter,"Short Chapter, Long Footnote." The chapter is one word long---FUCK. The next 15 or 20 pages are the footnote.

Leej, RiB, BK----Sorry if I sounded angered -- I was, but only at myself.


27 Sep 99 - 09:13 PM (#118283)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

To me you didn't sound angered. Just very sad and we don't like to hear you sad. Whatever it was you did, just don't do it again and move on. We love you.

Love, annap

27 Sep 99 - 09:41 PM (#118289)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Big Mick

Geez........I don't know what to say except......................


Now sit down, shut up, and buy me a feckin' Guinness...........there's a good lad..........we all fock up once in a while.......barkeep, set one back for me on my cute little buddy in the hair shirt and ashes for me..........Now, where is Father Joebro when you need him...........HEY, ANY TAKERS AMONG THE WOMEN FOR A MUD WRASSLIN' MATCH??? Oh be still my quivering heart and other body parts.....I t'ink I see THE FAIR ONE coming across the floor......Yeah, I love ya, 'Spaw, but get lost...................

27 Sep 99 - 09:52 PM (#118293)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Lonesome EJ

Hell, Mick, ya mean we're serving beer in this thread too?! Hot Damn! Oh, and watch out for the little Irish girl- she's little, but she packs a whale of a punch in her right arm. Comes from years of bodhran-beating.

27 Sep 99 - 09:54 PM (#118295)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: slightly more serious answer


I don't know the connection, but in NEwport Rhode Island one of the oldest neighborhoods is called "the Point' and people from that neighborhood have been called "hummers" for at least 100 - 150 years, as in "He's a real, old point hummer!" meaning, an old timer, a native...

John "fud" Benson, a nationally known artist, and incidentally a fine folk musician, lived on the shore there for many years and had a lobsterman's skiff named "Point Hummer" That neighborhood was settled around 1650 and has a lot of historical assocaitions dating back to when they hung 17 pirates in a row on the beach by the end of what is now Washington you can make any folk association you want with the sea or old-timers

Matt McConeghy

27 Sep 99 - 11:20 PM (#118315)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: baltimore eddie in old T.O.

If I had a hummer, I'd humm 'er in the mornin' I'd humm 'er in the evenin', all over this land I'd humm 'er outdoors...and I'd humm 'er in Warsaw... I'd hum about ... love between ... my brothers and sisters ( is this Arkansas ? ) All over this lannnnd.

Now Trini Lopez...HE could humm

28 Sep 99 - 12:31 AM (#118328)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: WyoWoman

Let's all go to the Tavern and walk in, arm in arm -- or whatever, singing that song together. And AnnaP, because you are such a righteous dude, you lead the way.

(You know what I could never, ever fathom? The guys who work so hard to get you into the sack and then when you finally just let go and DO IT, giving you and the he in quesiton great pleasure, they despise you for having given yourself to them. What the hell is that all about? I mean, what kind of self-image could someone have if he disrespects you for giving something beautiful and sharing yourself with him? I don't get it. Never have. Never will.)

(Wow! This is the most dramatic thread creep I've EVER participated in...)


28 Sep 99 - 01:41 AM (#118346)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: catspaw49

Kinda' amazin' ain't it WW??? Maybe its the thrill of the chase, the hunter instinct, or the rampant insanity of the male animal. But remember, most males will fuck mud, dogs, sheep, blow up dolls, a "Vibrasonic Pocket Pussy".......hellfire, I walked in on a guy in college screwing the bejesus out of his pillow. I guess he was trying to make his mattress jealous or something......... I cannot explain my own gender and therefore its hopeless to try to understand the other (yours).

But listen, if you want to get into the disrespect thing, we could meet in, say, Omaha........You pick up Kat and Leej, I'll grab Mick and annap.......We'll get one room, you all bring some Wesson and we'll pick up a rubber sheet........and we can all disrespect the livin' shit out of each other for a day or two.........


28 Sep 99 - 02:26 AM (#118357)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: paddymac

Gee, WyoW, where do you go fishing for guys? No doubt there are lots of guys who fit the picture you drew, but certainly not all. And, with a good teacher, those attidues do evolve beyond mere rutting to a glorious sharing. Seems like the more mature I get (Phew! Started to say older) the more gals I encounter who are also interested in a joyous mutuality. I suspect the real problem is that our two halves have different and differing objectives during the peak breeding years, and then differentially grow into the beauty of sharing. Here's a pint to the joy of continuing to evolve!

28 Sep 99 - 05:11 AM (#118376)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: alison

Hey Spaw....

If I can't be there... can I at least see the photos? or can we hold it a bit closer to Oz?.....



28 Sep 99 - 09:26 AM (#118402)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Allan C.

WW, it all comes down to give and take. Some people really get into the giving; some to the taking. What some people never seem to understand is that when both participants are giving, the taking transforms into receiving.

28 Sep 99 - 10:28 AM (#118416)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: catspaw49

and for a finale, Allen pulls a rabbit out of his hat..............

Sorry Allen, couldn't resist...but you are right of course....But I loved the way you phrased it.


28 Sep 99 - 10:58 AM (#118427)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: WyoWoman

Once again my dogs think I'm completely crazy, laughing hysterically as I sit in front of this funny computer thing.

Yes, I know there are people of both descriptions who go for the glorious mutuality -- and I've certainly had my share of that -- but I'm also amazed, even now that I'm "mature" that there are still men who are playing this idiot game. Or, even more disheartening, the ones who seem to like you really well, things go along nicely and then, all of a sudden they get all squirrely because ... I don't know, best I can tell they think you want to marry them and bear the fruit of their loins. Which, when you're "mature" is particularly dumb, since my children are of fruit-of-loin-bearing age now.

I always wonder, when you've done all that withholding of yourself, what you end up actually holding...

Don't mind me. I'm just mulling.

But, 'Spaw, could we use a nice scented body oil instead of all that Wesson? And the rubber sheets are out. Time enough for those when we all finally check into the Neil Young Xtreme ward...


28 Sep 99 - 10:59 AM (#118428)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: WyoWoman

And you know, considering where this thread has gone and where it started, I bet poor Zorro thinks he has wandered into a nest of utter lunatics.

Perceptive man, that Zorro...

28 Sep 99 - 11:23 AM (#118445)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Peter T.

I'm from Canada. You can't have oral sex in Canada because your tongue gets frozen to the railing. This is why we all act so politely.
yours, Peter T.

28 Sep 99 - 11:36 AM (#118447)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

Peter, you guys in Canada have been putting your tongues in the wrong place! Sorry.

Love, thisisawonderousthreadcreep, annap

28 Sep 99 - 12:22 PM (#118477)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Allan C.

WW and all, there is, IMHO, no finer oil than Weleda's Arnicated Oil. It smell's great, feels wonderful, and has (I strongly believe,) miraculous healing qualities for sore muscles. A fine, fine massage oil. But some people need to keep it away from mucosal areas - so I have been told - never seen it to be a problem for anyone I have known.

Allan C. doinghisparttoperpetuatethecreep

28 Sep 99 - 12:56 PM (#118494)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: sophocleese

But, Allan, will it keep your tongue from freezing to the railing?

sophocleese whoislookingaheadtowinter

28 Sep 99 - 01:03 PM (#118499)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: katlaughing

Naw, in Canada, the only thing that'll work, and you'll have to see DougR for this, is good ole' WD40!**BG**

28 Sep 99 - 01:21 PM (#118507)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Helge

In Norwegian ,hummer= lobster


28 Sep 99 - 01:35 PM (#118515)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: lamarca

"But what about crunchy peanut butter?", she asked plaintively...

Do you suppose we could request that a cabin at the Getaway be lined with satin-covered airmattresses and stocked with a case of good booze and a couple gallons of Extra-virgin olive oil? (not that I think there are any extra virgins in this crowd...)

28 Sep 99 - 02:02 PM (#118531)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: sophocleese

WD40? Yuck!!! I'll go for mayonaisse, I use extra virgin oil when I make mine.

20 Aug 01 - 02:44 AM (#531614)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: katlaughing

refresh...what an old classic of bs! **BG**

20 Aug 01 - 03:07 AM (#531620)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

If I had a hummer,...I'd hummer in the morning!

A little bird that hangs motionless in the spring air

One who sings without opening ones mouth

A piece of wax found just to the left of the A-string on a fretless banjo behind the nut, but just barely.

20 Aug 01 - 03:08 AM (#531621)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: The Shambles

In the years between this thread and now, I am glad to say that I now can share the wonderful experience of having a wild Rufous Hummingbird buzz around my head.

I still don't understood much of the other rubbish on this one though. (Smiles)

20 Aug 01 - 03:16 AM (#531622)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Clinton Hammond

PeterT is WRONG about Canada...

Ya wanna know what a hummer is?

Rent any movie with Linda Lovelace...


20 Aug 01 - 10:15 AM (#531737)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: paddymac

Hey, Kat - thanks for refreshing this one. I've enjoyed the chuckles all over again. We surely do get goofy on occasion.

20 Aug 01 - 11:10 AM (#531781)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Charley Noble

Well, that was a pleasant hour!;-)

20 Aug 01 - 01:06 PM (#531870)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

LOL,you guys are crazy!

20 Aug 01 - 01:08 PM (#531872)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

Ahhh.. "back in the goodledays" (hartford)!

Love, Annap

21 Aug 01 - 12:00 AM (#532204)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: GUEST,leeneia

The first time I saw a HumVee, I thought it looked like someone had tried to make a more-aerodynamic garbage truck.

By the way, where do those people get the money for that kind of stuff?

21 Aug 01 - 06:42 PM (#532808)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Lee Shore

Well now I'm confused. Here in Hawaii, oral sex involves yelling "Eh, fock you!" at each other until somebody gets punched in the mouth. You're saying it's something else back in America?

21 Aug 01 - 06:58 PM (#532826)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: catspaw49

Yeah Lee Shore.....Back here in the place I grew up it was different, a little more refined althoug it began the same:

Fock you!
Fock me? Hey, Fock YOU!!
I will as soon as I finish with your Mother.
Hey, don't be sayin' shit about my mother!
Okay, I focked your sister too but she wasn't as good.
You fockin' Scumbag!
Scumbag? Yeah Pissant, I focked your Scumbag Old Man too.
Fock off you queerass fockhead.
Yeah, no problem....And your Ol Man was better than your sister OR your mother!
.....and on and on and on...............


21 Aug 01 - 08:45 PM (#532887)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Snuffy

I only know "hummer" as the German word for Lobster, never knew it was also yankee for Blowjob

22 Aug 01 - 07:03 AM (#533111)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Does that mean kazoo players are also good at the "American Clarinet"....?
RtS (now wash your mouth out,Roger and go stand in the corner)

22 Aug 01 - 07:04 AM (#533113)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Mark Cohen

Lee Shore, wheah you stay? I thought I was the only Mudcatter in the islands. Glad to know I'm not alone!

Mark, in Hilo (who used to go to the Mummer's Parade on Broad Street -- see beginning of thread -- every New Year's Day, back when it was on Broad Street)

22 Aug 01 - 01:43 PM (#533341)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: annamill

Roger? American Clarinet?? You mean we only do this here?? Naaaa... can't be! Gee, maybe we "yanks", and they don't call us "Yanks" fo nothin', should write a book on humming. Yanking too!

Annamill (who should also go wash out her mouth with soap)

04 Sep 01 - 07:53 AM (#541419)
Subject: Linda Allen

I am trying to find out where I can purchase a Linda Allen CD with the track October Roses on it. Also L Tanner and Sue Edmonds CD with The IPD track on it. Can anyone help?

04 Sep 01 - 09:05 AM (#541462)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Skipjack K8

Just to stop this outrageous thread creep, to get back on track, a hummer is one of two types of female orgasm, the other being a bang. Mrs Skipjack told me that 18 years ago, having read it somewhere, Cosmopolitan, no doubt, and this has been my first chance to pass that little nugget on.


04 Sep 01 - 06:58 PM (#541952)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: Gloredhel

A kid could get quite an education here at Mudcat.

04 Sep 01 - 07:50 PM (#541986)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: GUEST,Cretinous Yahoo

What is a hummer? Hell, I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot tongue.

06 Sep 01 - 12:20 AM (#543125)
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
From: GUEST,Genie

Isn't a "hummer" a kazoo or someone who plays one?