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Thanks Kat laughing

26 Sep 99 - 10:30 PM (#117965)
Subject: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Lilly

I probably am using the wrong method for thanking you . But I still want to say it! What a wealth of material! Thanks for steering me in the right direction. Lilly

26 Sep 99 - 10:40 PM (#117967)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Dave Swan


This is by no means the wrong method for saying thanks to Katlaughing. Many of us owe her our thanks for many things. Please allow me to add my voice.


26 Sep 99 - 10:45 PM (#117969)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: katlaughing

Hey! El Swanno, you KNOW better! I turn red really easily, you guys!**BG**

Lilly, you are most welcome. Usually, one of us would post our thanks, either to the thread where someone helps us, or we'd send a personal message to them, via our Personal Page.

I noticed your thread right away, because I had been interested in the same song and meant to post some of the other lyrics which were in the thread I started, but I haven't done that, yet. So.....when I saw yours which said Add Lyr/Chord, I though soemone had beaten me to it.

Anyhow, thanks. Now....don't any of the rest of you follow the ole Pied Piper of Swans!


26 Sep 99 - 10:53 PM (#117972)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: _gargoyle

THANX laughcat

"Look out kid.....its something you did....
Don't when........but you'll do it again.

27 Sep 99 - 12:21 AM (#117991)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: bbelle

gargoyle ... go back to your hole. Go straight to hell and stay there. I'm sick of you and your postings and I'm tired of mincing words.

27 Sep 99 - 12:40 AM (#117997)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: WyoWoman

Whoa, Moonchild. You must have read something into that post that I didn't see.

Anyway, thanks for being such a bright spirit, Kat. You're a little woo-woo, but that word shares at least a couple of letters with wonderful, and you are most cerainly that, too. Thanks for contributing unstintingly to this community.


27 Sep 99 - 01:09 AM (#118010)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Rick Fielding

Holy Cow, I don't even know what you're being thanked for, but I'll second it, just on general principles.

27 Sep 99 - 07:29 AM (#118037)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Neil Lowe

...and I too would like to echo all the wonderful sentiments expressed ...Your posts consistently exude an ebullience that never fails to uplift my spirit and bring a smile to my face. You are an invaluable and influential presence on the Mudcat.


27 Sep 99 - 08:15 AM (#118041)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: katlaughing

Thanks Neil, Rick and WW ( a little woo-woo????!!):-) Just so'se ya know, Rick, I simply pointed Ms. Lilly in the right direction when she was lookng for info on Cotton-eyed Joe.

MC: you must've been reading my mind. Thank you. The only reason I didn't say it first is the malice seemed to be less in this posting than in the others.

Let's let this one die out now, phoaks, please.


27 Sep 99 - 10:42 AM (#118074)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Art Thieme

And I'm here to say that the jewelry (necklaces) that KatL makes are simply beautiful. If you bid on it, you will not be sorry. Carol and I will personally attest to that fact.


27 Sep 99 - 12:52 PM (#118126)
Subject: RE: Thanks Kat laughing
From: Sandy Paton

Caroline and I can certainly echo the enthusiasm Art and Carol have expressed for Kat's necklaces! Caroline has one now that she wears to every one of our gigs. Beautiful!
