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BS: Okay, you can have the last word.

14 Oct 11 - 01:53 PM (#3238967)
Subject: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Little Hawk

I know you want it. I know you won't stop posting until you get it, and then you'll feel you have won and I (or somebody else) has lost. This will make your day.

Fine. I'm a generous person. You can have it.

Go right ahead. Post. Do it now.


14 Oct 11 - 02:05 PM (#3238971)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: John MacKenzie


14 Oct 11 - 02:06 PM (#3238972)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: pdq


14 Oct 11 - 02:24 PM (#3238989)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Wesley S


14 Oct 11 - 03:13 PM (#3239018)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,999


14 Oct 11 - 03:16 PM (#3239021)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: fat B****rd

Amen                (sorry)

14 Oct 11 - 03:20 PM (#3239023)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: John MacKenzie

Plagiarism !

14 Oct 11 - 03:26 PM (#3239025)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: frogprince

Last word, my ass; you think I want the last word before I have a chance to bicker and bitch and moan and pontificate for at least a couple of hundred posts?

14 Oct 11 - 03:37 PM (#3239029)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: fat B****rd

Plagiarism, Sir! A revelation to moi!

14 Oct 11 - 03:51 PM (#3239032)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

The last word could easily, and rightly, be a recent one, made by an unnamed mudcatter (unnamed by me, 'cause, you know who you are:).

It is


14 Oct 11 - 03:51 PM (#3239033)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: MGM·Lion


14 Oct 11 - 03:58 PM (#3239039)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: John MacKenzie

"What the fuck was tha...................."

Mayor of Hiroshima.

14 Oct 11 - 04:00 PM (#3239041)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: McGrath of Harlow

Once more...
14 Oct 11 - 04:58 PM (#3239063)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Amos

You only wrote that because you thought it was the Real Last Word, Hawkster.

14 Oct 11 - 05:14 PM (#3239066)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: artbrooks

According to my dictionary: zymosan.

14 Oct 11 - 05:48 PM (#3239075)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

botulism = sausage = weiners = weiner dogs

14 Oct 11 - 05:52 PM (#3239077)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Little Robyn


14 Oct 11 - 06:31 PM (#3239097)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

What's yer point LH?


14 Oct 11 - 06:41 PM (#3239107)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Little Hawk

Don't tempt me, gnu! Remember, I'm trying to be generous and selfless here and give YOU people the last word. That means you must disregard this post of mine in the context of this thread. It doesn't count. It is definitely NOT the last word here and should not be taken as such. ;-D Someone else is going to get the joy of having the last word here. Certainly not mois. Perish the thought.

14 Oct 11 - 06:51 PM (#3239114)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: olddude


14 Oct 11 - 06:56 PM (#3239115)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Fossil

No, thanks!

14 Oct 11 - 07:20 PM (#3239121)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: olddude

When it doubt, throw it out ...
an apple a day ... is better than a coyote in the hen house

Four score and seven years ago .. you would still be younger than kendall

A penny for your thoughts ... two bucks for a cup of coffee at the airport

14 Oct 11 - 07:51 PM (#3239137)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Amos

Mois? You consider yourself a MONTH? Arrogance, sirrah. You are a nanosecond!!


14 Oct 11 - 08:04 PM (#3239144)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Bobert

Hey, this is the Mudpit, LH... There is no such thing as the last word unless you D.I.E.... The your last post will have been your last word but...

...the way this works is that if ya' can't get the last word on one thread you just crank up another one... Guess that means that the last word ain't really the last word with the D.I.E. exception...

If ya wanta get to Heaven
Ya' gotta D.I.E.
Gotta put on your coat
And D.I.E

Want to get the rabbit
out the L.O.G.
Gotta make a commotion
like a D.O.G.


14 Oct 11 - 08:07 PM (#3239145)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Geez, whatta buncha useless flipheads and boltholes have flippin' gathred HERE! Flip me! Waht a flippin' trajic waste of space youse people all are. The LAST WORD is MINE, ya hear? MINE! No word of a flippin' lie. You can take that to the bank, eh?

And the last word is......................


- Shane

14 Oct 11 - 08:13 PM (#3239147)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: olddude

Loser loser, got took from my hoosier .. that shaw got crowned now he going down, just another loser like me ... da da da da ... van ronk

14 Oct 11 - 09:06 PM (#3239162)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

LH... doesn't count?! How so?

14 Oct 11 - 10:08 PM (#3239174)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I have it on good authority that the last word will be "rutabaga".

If that's true, it means I won't be the one having the last word, since I refuse to even utter the word "rutabaga".

14 Oct 11 - 10:37 PM (#3239194)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Janie

14 Oct 11 - 10:39 PM (#3239196)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Janie

Oops. I'll try that again.

So far, I am in the lead

14 Oct 11 - 10:45 PM (#3239198)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Janie

Here's a deep question raised by bwl's post. In this post-modern age, is typing a word equivalent to "uttering?"

14 Oct 11 - 11:17 PM (#3239206)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

Janie... No. Definitely not. Anyone who uses the word "rutabaga" is a scum sucking dirtbag. It's "turnip". It is only barely acceptable in quotation marks. Even then, it makes me cringe when The Real Atlantic Stupid Store advertises turnips under the very name that I loathe. They are TURNIPS!

Imagine such a crime... "I didn't fall off the rutabaga truck yesterday."

I rest my veggies.

BTW... I let them sit in the fridge until they turn a bit spongey on the skin... some shockin good taste in a fry up. Fer a stew, best to have them not spongey and set the stew over night. That's me eh?

15 Oct 11 - 12:20 AM (#3239218)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: olddude

do u mix it with jell-o gnu?

15 Oct 11 - 06:12 AM (#3239286)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Bee-dubya-ell typing a word equivalent to "uttering?"

Most decidedly. In legal parlance, forging a check is called "uttering a false instrument". The legal definition of "utter" is sufficiently broad to cover any form of communication, oral, written, electronic, or even ones which may not yet have been invented.

So, when I typed "rutabaga" and sent it electronically to Mudcat's server I did, in fact, utter the word, which is something I absolutely refuse to do.

If that makes sense to you, I have this Möbius strip that needs to be turned inside out. Wanna lend a hand?

15 Oct 11 - 10:15 AM (#3239371)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T


15 Oct 11 - 11:51 AM (#3239403)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Bill D

Nine Billion Names of God

(It's a short read)

15 Oct 11 - 12:47 PM (#3239432)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,leeneia

Little Hawk, you have raised an interesting question. What is the last word in my unabridged dictionary?

The last word is 'Zyzzogeton,' a genus of South American leafhoppers.

Naturally I thought some entomologist had named this genus for his Transylvanian thesis advisor, Prof. Zyzzog. But no, they think it came from the Spanish word for zigzag, which is 'ziszas.'

So now I have learned something new. Thanks.

15 Oct 11 - 01:19 PM (#3239447)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

ED!!! Wash yer mouth out with soap!

15 Oct 11 - 02:42 PM (#3239474)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: pdq

If you do a Google images search there are some pictures of Zyzzogeton quadrimaculata.

15 Oct 11 - 03:38 PM (#3239511)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,leeneia

thanks for the tip, pdq

15 Oct 11 - 03:45 PM (#3239516)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: BTNG

"Duirt me leat go raibh me breoite" (see I told you I was ill)

thanks to that late mad genius, Spike Milligan

15 Oct 11 - 04:12 PM (#3239532)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

""ED!!! Wash yer mouth out with soap!""

I did, and that's what came out, with a lot of white foamy stuff. I am as surprised as you, gnu.

Must be some type of poltergeist thing? Hope it passes, or was a one shot deal.

15 Oct 11 - 04:50 PM (#3239554)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,999

"If that makes sense to you, I have this Möbius strip that needs to be turned inside out. Wanna lend a hand?"

15 Oct 11 - 05:17 PM (#3239568)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

That don't make no sense.

Ahhhh... I understand.

I think.

15 Oct 11 - 06:21 PM (#3239604)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,999

I was gonna offer this one.

15 Oct 11 - 09:29 PM (#3239671)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: ranger1

What if I don't want it? The last word, that is.

15 Oct 11 - 09:29 PM (#3239672)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

Question-How many fingers do I have up?


Question- Does it hurt?

15 Oct 11 - 09:33 PM (#3239676)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

I cut you like the sucka you is!

15 Oct 11 - 09:48 PM (#3239680)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

Do you really think you should wear leggings under your kilt, Scoty?

16 Oct 11 - 12:42 PM (#3239881)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Kree-Gah!!! (always a good last word)

- Chongo

16 Oct 11 - 11:35 PM (#3240026)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Janie


17 Oct 11 - 12:24 AM (#3240034)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Janie, I am not sure what you meant to suggest by that last post, but I have no objection to meetin' women who are over 40.

- Chongo

17 Oct 11 - 11:08 AM (#3240247)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: VirginiaTam

Omega. Well that is technically a letter. But it is really a word that signifies the letter. Shit... I was going to be all economical and just post one word and I ruined it by explaining the bleedin obvious.


17 Oct 11 - 02:41 PM (#3240364)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Eliza

Apparently, we'll all be uttering our last words on October 21st. It's the End of the World (again) and we'll all be raptured. (again)

17 Oct 11 - 03:46 PM (#3240400)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

It'll be all rapt up?

18 Oct 11 - 06:52 AM (#3240675)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Eliza

LOL gnu! As long as we're not going to be ruptured!

18 Oct 11 - 07:59 PM (#3241020)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

From what I've seen, the last word is usually somethin' like....






(that last one when fallin' offa high places or gettin' cut in two by a table saw, etc...)

- Chongo

18 Oct 11 - 08:35 PM (#3241035)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Ed T

Some times the last word is "help"

At other times it is as Sylvester the cat once said in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, ""Mother""

19 Oct 11 - 04:14 PM (#3241504)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: gnu

Looney Tunes were a great source of entertainment for those of all ages. Now that they are PC they mostly suck.

Grab a fencepost, hold it tight...

19 Oct 11 - 04:20 PM (#3241510)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Little Hawk

The same thing has happened to the daily comics in the newspaper. They've gone PC too, and they mostly suck. It's a climate of controlled fear...that's what I call it. Orwell foresaw this kind of thing, but he didn't realize exactly what form it would take. He thought it would resemble Stalinism. It doesn't. It comes in a much shinier and better camouflaged marketing wrapper than was the case with Stalinism. It's far more sophisticated.

19 Oct 11 - 09:44 PM (#3241661)
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, you can have the last word.
From: Janie

"Okay, you can have the last word."

How about I just graciously say "Thanks!" and the rest of you bugger off?