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BS: US troops to Uganda

14 Oct 11 - 10:10 PM (#3239175)
Subject: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: MarkS

According to an announcement today, President Obama has authorized the dispatch of 100 US troops to Uganda, to aid in the fight against something called "The Lord's Resistance Army."
With our international membership, perhaps somebody can shed some light on just what or who this "army" really is.
And lets also hope this is not the start of yet another military adventure.

14 Oct 11 - 10:24 PM (#3239183)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

A scout party? Recon? Perhaps they wanna be on the top of the ball? See if there is anything to help with... mitigate... prevent... gain?

14 Oct 11 - 10:34 PM (#3239191)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Rapparee

According to the Associated Press, this is a military assistance (i.e., training and advisory) group which will not engage in military operations except to defend themselves.

There's a current Wikipedia article here.

14 Oct 11 - 10:34 PM (#3239192)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: meself

A nightmarish, horror-movie-ish outfit that has been terrorizing Uganda for a decade or two, specializing in kidnapping children and turning them into ruthless murderers. Or so I've been led to believe.

14 Oct 11 - 10:36 PM (#3239193)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: meself

Okay, which "army" are you asking about?

15 Oct 11 - 01:21 AM (#3239226)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: GUEST,mg

I think they would be fighting the people who have ruined the lives of so many..where children have to walk miles at night to a shelter while their parents stay up defending their farms. It is a gruesome situation and I personally would go and shoot every thug there. But of course we know the pattern..first advisers and then troops and then emeshment for a long time. But that is how the world is grinding toward being better..where girls don't get their arms chopped off going to fetch water..not sure if that is where it happens but I can guarantee horrific things happen there. mg

15 Oct 11 - 01:23 AM (#3239228)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: GUEST,mg

Yes..I think they would like to prevent children getting butchered. Some people have a high tolerance for things like that happening. I personally don't.   mg

15 Oct 11 - 06:16 AM (#3239289)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Richard Bridge

Some details for those who cannot or will not google's_Resistance_Army

15 Oct 11 - 12:23 PM (#3239418)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Charmion

This must be one of the operations they had in mind when AFRICOM was set up. It's coming only 10 years late -- but who's counting?

The LRA are a blight. If the U.S really must go around the world using armed forces to "make a difference in people's lives", then the lands scoured by the Lord's Resistance Army are the right places to do it.

15 Oct 11 - 12:27 PM (#3239421)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: kendall

Isn't this how we got into Viet Nam?

15 Oct 11 - 01:09 PM (#3239444)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: artbrooks

Exactly. The Vietnam War began with a small group of advisors/trainers (800-900) during the Eisenhower administration.

15 Oct 11 - 01:23 PM (#3239448)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

But, is this about/for the mining companies? the arms companies? or is it really about helping people?

15 Oct 11 - 02:08 PM (#3239463)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Greg F.

this is a military assistance (i.e., training and advisory) group which will not engage in military operations except to defend themselves.

Hmmmm....boy, where have I heard that before??? regarding someplace in Southeast Asia was it?

15 Oct 11 - 03:36 PM (#3239510)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Charmion

It looks like how you lot got into Viet Nam, but with a very important difference. Then, it was to fight Communism. This time , the enemy is -- well, you have to do some reading about the LRA to get the full flavour.

United Nations and African Union efforts to stabilize Congo, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and even South Sudan are futile unless a grip can be got on the LRA.

15 Oct 11 - 03:57 PM (#3239523)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Too bad that they cannot also help to advise on elimination of the Ugandan witch doctors and their cult who are sacrificing young boys as part of their rituals. (Try and see the BBC programs on this horror.

Comparison with Vietnam is nonsense, although I agree that that fiasco which cost so many lives was misguided intervention. In that case, a colonial war started by the French was turned into a war against Communists. The Vietnamese embraced any group that would help them to get self- determination, and the Commies supported by China seemed the only hope. After all the deaths and land destruction, Vietnam is slowly becoming a self-governed nation that is gradually incorporating some democratic principles.
If Vietnam had been left alone, the same goals would have been reached sooner, as Chinese 'communism' has turned into state-guided capitalism.

15 Oct 11 - 04:24 PM (#3239540)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: GUEST,kendall

And where did we get the right to invade another country and war with their government?

15 Oct 11 - 05:37 PM (#3239576)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

Kendall... From the mining companies and drug companies. Phosphorus... diamonds... titanium... oil... heroin... cruise missiles are $400 to $800k each but big business sees it as a deal.

15 Oct 11 - 06:06 PM (#3239593)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Charmion

From the Afrcan Union, the United Nations and from the besieged governments of the countries where the LRA roams. Wait for the UNSC Resolution ...

15 Oct 11 - 06:53 PM (#3239617)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: CET

This is not an invasion. The Ugandan government has been begging for help for years.

15 Oct 11 - 06:55 PM (#3239619)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

Charmion... we can only hope it is indeed about the people. The injustices are staggering... sickening.

15 Oct 11 - 06:59 PM (#3239623)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Richard Bridge

CET - you are of course right. And thereby hangs a major difference from Libya.

15 Oct 11 - 07:01 PM (#3239627)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

This is not an invasion. this is not an invasion, this is not an invasion..... repeat the lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

15 Oct 11 - 08:03 PM (#3239638)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

This is an invasion (3x)... "repeat the lie often enough and it becomes the *truth."
Substitute 'accepted' by those who read only the bottom-feeding tabloids which subsist on professional sports and titillating bits of fake news and a lot of nudging (sexy centerfold).

Henry Okello Oryem, Ugandan acting foreign minister said:
"We welcome this gesture- it has been well overdue.... For 20 years the government of Uganda has been pleading with our American and European friends to help in the LRA problem, because hese are international terrorists. We wanted our friends to help in providing technical support- such as intelligence- because they have the best."
The object is to find Joseph Kony and his officers.

16 Oct 11 - 11:11 AM (#3239855)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Bonzo3legs

Africa has been a total disaster ever since the British Empire fell apart. It needs western militerism to bring it back on it's feet.

16 Oct 11 - 11:29 AM (#3239858)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: bobad

The usual naysayers with their usual whines. What you are saying basically, is that it`s only Africans killing other Africans so who gives a fuck.

16 Oct 11 - 11:50 AM (#3239864)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: GUEST,999

"It needs western militerism to bring it back on it's feet."

I seldom publicly point out people's misspellings, and I seldom correct people's diction, grammar or punctuation, but in this case I will.

Western requires a capital, the word is 'militarism' and "it's" should be its. Your English is terrible but your attitude, sir, is offensive.

16 Oct 11 - 12:06 PM (#3239866)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Bonzo3legs

Western requires a capital, the word is 'militarism' and "it's" should be its. Your English is terrible but your attitude, sir, is offensive.

Bad light stopped spelling!

As to being "offensive" - good.

16 Oct 11 - 12:08 PM (#3239869)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

That's it Q keep repeating till you...oh wait you already do!!

"What you are saying basically, is that it`s only Africans killing other Africans so who gives a fuck."

No bobad it's what you are saying, and that makes you, truly offensive.

16 Oct 11 - 12:48 PM (#3239883)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Bonzo3legs

Western requires a capital, the word is 'militarism' and "it's" should be its. Your English is terrible but your attitude, sir, is offensive.

Wait a minute - western does NOT require an upper case w, and it's being possessive DOES require an apostrophe. My English is excellent thankyou very much.

16 Oct 11 - 02:40 PM (#3239891)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Greg F.

He ain't called Bonzo - or is that Bozo?- fer nuthin', Bruce.

Perhaps its past 'Bedtime'.

16 Oct 11 - 02:48 PM (#3239895)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Richard Bridge

Bozo - back to school. "It's" is an elision of "it is". "Its" is an anomalous possessive that does not take an apostrophe.

16 Oct 11 - 05:00 PM (#3239939)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Charmion

Getting back to our real issue -- Thanks for the reference quote, Q.

16 Oct 11 - 07:40 PM (#3239950)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

Indeed Charmion. I still ask, "Is it about the people or an incursion recon?"

16 Oct 11 - 07:56 PM (#3239960)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

I rather like incursion recon, it's closer to the truth....

16 Oct 11 - 08:03 PM (#3239966)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Oh, sure, Uganda would be a plum in the U.S. pudding. Tuvalu next.

16 Oct 11 - 08:12 PM (#3239968)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Songwronger

oil discovered Uganda

That's Obama's casus belli. Uganda was working with Libya to develop its newfound oil reserves, but then Obama cruise missiled Libya. To the victor go the spoils.

16 Oct 11 - 08:52 PM (#3239977)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

There you have it Q oil....and you were saying what about Uganda not being a plum...for whom...?

16 Oct 11 - 09:51 PM (#3239995)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Still no plum. The Italian oil giant INI has the inside track on the oil, which is waxy, needs a heated pipeline, and thus very expensive to produce. This is one for the EU, not the U.S. majors.
The Rift Valley prospects are more in the Congo sphere although Uganda has some possibilities in the region.
Now if the U.S. had sent in the Marines and blockaded Italy, I might be willing to think about it.

17 Oct 11 - 12:31 AM (#3240036)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: GUEST,999

"For 20 years the government of Uganda has been pleading with our American and European friends to help in the LRA problem"

And for 20 years we as Uganda's friends we have successfully ignored your pleas. BUT, since we don't want you to be over-whelmed by the burden of excessive fossil fuels, we will be right there. Johnny-on-the-spot, that's US.

17 Oct 11 - 05:51 AM (#3240121)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Arnie

As Uganda is a Commonwealth member, I wonder whatever happened to Commonwealth troops when Uganda were asking for help? We could surely get together enough CW members to do the intel and advising bit that the US is now planning to provide. So much for being a member of the Commonwealth eh? Still, I suppose there's the occasional junket for the top few - attended of course by Her Majesty and Phil - to make up for the inactivity on the ground.

17 Oct 11 - 09:17 AM (#3240179)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Bonzo3legs

Bozo - back to school. "It's" is an elision of "it is". "Its" is an anomalous possessive that does not take an apostrophe.

You may well be right, but I have to take my wife to have cataract surgery this afternoon at our local BMI Healthcare Hospital so your pedantics fall by the wayside.

17 Oct 11 - 10:18 AM (#3240221)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

The answer is "will not Google" because they've already made up their minds and don't want to be confused by facts and arguements ...and why no Commonwealth troops? Well the aforementioned troops have no experience in looking stupid in front of the rest of the world, where as the U.S.....

17 Oct 11 - 02:40 PM (#3240362)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

The Commonwealth has slowly been losing effect and cohesion. A meeting is planned to discuss commonalities, with UK and India possibly the organizers.
Canada has more in common with its fellow NATO members, and Australia and New Zealand (and Pakistan) are more involved in SEATO. South Africa re-entered the commonwealth in the 1990s, more in relation to sport than economic or aid issues. In other words, these members with strong economies tend to offer only token or verbal support to Commonwealth problems.

As noted above, Ugandan oil is more the province of major oil companies of Italy and other EU countries.

17 Oct 11 - 03:42 PM (#3240397)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

Hang on... the Pope, 2IC only to Her Majesty, has the inside track on the oil in Uganda? Hmmmm... what a minor problem it seems. I mean, if yer gonna hire a gunslinger, ya gotta go with the big gun, no? Don't forget, BP is trying to keep as low a profile as they can after all this mayhem in Libya and elsewhere. They are "cruisin silent"... a bit.

17 Oct 11 - 05:34 PM (#3240458)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

You joke, the pope of course has nothing to do with ENI, the Italian Oil giant, big in the Horn of Africa. Berlusconi (sp?) and his cronies will get the gravy, not the Pope.
ENI, as I noted elsewhere, is the biggie in Libya, along with Total (French).
BP was effectively kicked out of Russia and the deal handed to ExxonMobil, but if they don't agree to a voiceless position, they may get the boot from the Russian 'mafia' as well.

BP is pushing in the Arctic offshore, their next big play. Don't forget, that Gulf blowout was from a tremendous reserve, and they will continue to develop it, hopefully with more care.

17 Oct 11 - 05:53 PM (#3240468)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

me thinks Q takes things waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too seriously...and thinks he's right all the time LOL

17 Oct 11 - 08:20 PM (#3240535)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Thinks he's right? You underestimate me.

17 Oct 11 - 08:41 PM (#3240542)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

I don't think so, I've watched you with your dog and pony show...ohhh and the smoke and mirrors...there's nothing there once the air is cleared and the crowds have gone home

18 Oct 11 - 04:20 PM (#3240945)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

BTNG... dog and pony show? Q knows as much as the rest of us put together and then some.

18 Oct 11 - 05:31 PM (#3240971)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I have a dog and I could borrow a pony from my daughter. Then I could go to the Uganda Dancers Ball.

18 Oct 11 - 10:59 PM (#3241074)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

not much of a sense of humour (that's humor to our American friends) either....

18 Oct 11 - 11:02 PM (#3241075)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

"this is a military assistance (i.e., training and advisory) group which will not engage in military operations except to defend themselves.

Hmmmm....boy, where have I heard that before??? regarding someplace in Southeast Asia was it?"

exactly....some people weren't paying attention in history class, still the USA will always have it's pet poodles, yapping along at its heels...comes with the territory

19 Oct 11 - 02:48 PM (#3241455)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I think Bing has popped his cherries.

19 Oct 11 - 02:53 PM (#3241458)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

name calling, the last refuge of those without an arguement, or the playground, whichever comes first

19 Oct 11 - 03:10 PM (#3241465)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

First of all, I was referring to Q's knowledge of the mining industry and as it relate to the stock market, which is unparalleled here at Mudcat. Secondly, to call his assessments and posts a dog and pony show is not only "name calling", in a way, it is a personal attack unless the name caller can back it up. So, BTNG... since "you started it", put your money where your mouth is eh.

Having said that, I agree with BTNG on some points, if only as conjecture. In that vein, allow me another conspuracy theory. Clinton has just announced the offer of an aid package to Libya. US assistence will have to be monitored with regard to delivery, distribution and implementation. A number of US personnel will have to be on the ground to do so. Some will be legit but I expect some... here's the CT part... will be CIA and some of the money will go to intel covert ops. (I picture Prince Charles as Yoda, with the ears and all, teaching young Barrack Skywalker the ways of the true force... "Cruise missles you must send first.")

Fantasy? Perhaps... but it's good for a laugh... or a cry. Take yer pick.

19 Oct 11 - 04:00 PM (#3241491)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

The U.S.A quite simply can't mind it's own business....

19 Oct 11 - 04:30 PM (#3241516)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

I think the US is doing just that... and the business it is paid to mind... that of England, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany...

19 Oct 11 - 04:38 PM (#3241521)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

if you say so

19 Oct 11 - 04:43 PM (#3241524)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: bobad

"The U.S.A quite simply can't mind it's own business.... "

And sometimes that's a good thing else you might be speaking German today.

19 Oct 11 - 04:45 PM (#3241528)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

I speak German any way, so what's your point?

19 Oct 11 - 04:54 PM (#3241531)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

"if you say so"

Now, THERE is the true bullshit comeback. No substance AT ALL. Not even an apology.

As far as not speaking German... I think bobad's point is, "Yer welcome ya ungrateful..." but I could be wrong.

My point is, in what's going on now, yer welcome fer what the Yanks are doing on behalf of YOUR oil companies.

Anyway, if this is gonna be a pissing match with childish accusations rather than a serious discussion of conspiracy theories I may not be back. >;-)

19 Oct 11 - 04:59 PM (#3241535)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

I feel no gratitude to the USA, I don't feel obligated to them in anyway way and I leave conspiracy theories to those who need them

19 Oct 11 - 05:17 PM (#3241546)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Libya another can of worms, the EU having contributed more than 154 million Euros in aid so far. The UK, French and Italian airforce bombings have prepared the ground for ? The French have spent about 499 million Euros so far in air actions.

I see Prince Harry as the reincarnated Yoda rather than Prince Willie, although Willie is going as bald as Yoda was before he died in 4ABY, according to Wookieepedia. Where is MI5 in all this? Leaving all the work to the CIA?

20 Oct 11 - 04:54 PM (#3242109)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: gnu

I suspect MI5 is directing the CIA.

BTNG... no gratitude to the USA... Canada? Australia? India... ??? Better read some history... or learn to speak Chinese.

20 Oct 11 - 06:07 PM (#3242143)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

I know my history, laddie....Chinese? is that Mandarin, Wu, Cantonese, or Min? and I still feel no gratitude to the United Snakes of America, I've never seen the fascination with that nation, unlike many British. so get over it.

20 Oct 11 - 06:10 PM (#3242144)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

Oh, and thoroughly dislike Tories as well, but that's another thread isn't it...LOL

20 Oct 11 - 06:34 PM (#3242160)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Oh, that quaint little island. Immigrants thankfully have improved the level of cooking.

20 Oct 11 - 06:41 PM (#3242163)
Subject: RE: BS: US troops to Uganda
From: BTNG

Oh doubtlessly they have.