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'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14 Nov 2011

08 Nov 11 - 04:55 AM (#3252662)
Subject: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

Not that you're likely to have missed the event being mentioned in other threads, but just for good order and to make sure the logistics are all in one place:

The UK launch of the 5-CD "This Is Us" set (plus the seasonal album "Until The Dark Time Ends"), commemorating 15 years of Mudcatting, is taking place at Herga Folk Club this Monday.

Venue:    Pinner Green Social Club (Function Hall), Rickmansworth Road, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 3TJ.
Date/Time: Monday 14th November, 8:00pm start (finish by 10:30pm)

Entrance fee will be as for a normal club open evening, i.e. £2.50p (£2 for club members). The proceeds (after paying £20 for the hall hire) will be split 50/50 between the club and Mudcat.

There is some onsite parking (about 12 cars), and plenty more parking available on the street (note - if you park on the street make sure that you don't "ride" the pavement, as the local jobsworths don't like that).

In order to plan the evening a little and to be in a position to warn the bar regarding numbers, I would be grateful if people intending to come could let me know by responding to this thread, or by PM.

Also, as I am landed with the job of MC-ing the evening and to minimise the need to test my Greek planning abilities, I would be grateful if you could let me know (also by responding to this thread or PM) if you are planning to sing on the night, so that I can include you in the setlists.

The rough timetable should be

8:00 - 8:15 club performer floorspots
8:15 - 9:10 "This Is Us" songs - first set
9:10 - 9:20 break
9:20 - 9:35 club performer floorspots
9:35 - 10:30 "This Is US" songs - second set

or something vaguely similar to the above. Or not, depending on availability of people and if I had a good day at work....

See you there?

08 Nov 11 - 05:15 AM (#3252668)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Crane Driver

Yes, we're planning to be there, and would like the chance to sing. See you all there.

Andrew & Carole

08 Nov 11 - 05:25 AM (#3252675)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: MGM·Lion

Have PM'd also, but to confirm, Emma & I will be there; perhaps one song could be accommodated..


08 Nov 11 - 05:36 AM (#3252683)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

Well, on a first come first served basis, clearly you're in anyway! Looking forward to it.

08 Nov 11 - 07:51 AM (#3252730)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Richard and I will be coming along, with Barrie and hopefully the lovely Noreen & Stewart also.

08 Nov 11 - 08:07 AM (#3252741)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Waddon Pete

Hello George,

I shall be there too!

Best wishes,


08 Nov 11 - 08:11 AM (#3252743)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: GUEST,Noreen at work

Yes, Stewart and I will be there, with Hils and Richard.

I'm happy to sing if there's space.

Looking forward to seeing you all :)

08 Nov 11 - 08:55 AM (#3252769)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Micca

George, It is in my intention to be there (barring the unforseen), I will not be singing.

08 Nov 11 - 09:20 AM (#3252785)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

Ok, the two sheep are otherwise busy but Jo and I will be there stopping off on the way after visiting daughters in Surrey and Sussex.

08 Nov 11 - 09:22 AM (#3252788)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

Oh in the abscence of the little flockers need a hearty chorus for "On Ratcliffe Highway" Homework Barrie - learn it!

08 Nov 11 - 10:48 AM (#3252837)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Mysha


Well, I was told this summer I was going to sing Cataluna Spirit at Herga, so I guess I'm there as well.

1 Should there be room in the schedule for something more official? Like presenting a couple of CDs?

2 How many of us? Are we going to get to sing more than just our own song? As I mentioned in a different conversation: The Dutch Top 2000 has this format where the artists play their own song, and one other song from the list. Would be nice, but does require a bit of MC-ing in advance to not all have us prepare the same song.

3 My bus is scheduled to arrive in London in the morning. Are there people in the area early, if only to have someone to talk to over diner some place?


08 Nov 11 - 10:57 AM (#3252844)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

From the UK side, All the available CD sets have now been allocated.


08 Nov 11 - 11:37 AM (#3252873)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Singing Referee

Christine and I will be there, but I guess you realized that!

08 Nov 11 - 11:44 AM (#3252877)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: MGM·Lion

I do not propose to sing one my 'own' songs ~ i.e. either of the ones on the CDs, which everyone can hear on there; or even any of those on my Youtube channel, which ditto: but something else ~ I do know a few more songs, you know. I trust this will be acceptable.


08 Nov 11 - 11:45 AM (#3252878)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

to answer your questions:

1. What do you mean by "presenting a couple of CDs" - do you mean from the Mudcat set? Or other, personal ones? If you meant "Mudcat", then presenting a full CD would take about 75 to 90 minutes, so realistically - no chance. But I am still confused about wanting something "formal" - can you explain?

2. How many - good question! I don't know, which is why I asked that question at the start of the thread. Hopefully the responses here will give me a reasonable idea by the end of the week, and then I can plan something for the sets. It would be nice, for example to group the performances by CD. As for asking people to sing other songs than their own (in the CDs context), that is fraught with risk - which version? is the original performer happy to be substituted, who can tell me who is prepared to sing which song in advance etc etc.

3. London is big. You'll have a better chance of meeting up with Londoner Mudcatters (there are several) if you can give an indication of where you will be based.


08 Nov 11 - 12:18 PM (#3252904)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: henryclem

Hi George

I'll be there and would like to sing one of my (mercifully short)
songs. Be good to meet up with some old Mudcat acquaintances and get to know some new ones.

See you next week!

08 Nov 11 - 12:19 PM (#3252905)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

People should feel free to sing what they like. However, this being billed as a "launch of the CD set", punters coming for it may well have the reasonable expectation that they will hear at least some of the songs presented. That is the point of a launch after all - we cannot say to the audience "buy the CDs then you'll know", or "watch YouTube to find out". Still, if anyone would rather sing other songs than those that they sing on the CDs, nobody will make a fuss about it, I am sure.

08 Nov 11 - 12:23 PM (#3252907)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

Henry, I would not give you any hassle or needle you to sing a particular song, though if you follow my thread you'll know what I mean. But you can always say "I'm all right, Jack..." :-)

08 Nov 11 - 12:58 PM (#3252927)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Mysha


[presenting a couple of CDs]
I see the verb used here is "Launch" instead: If this is the East of the Ocean launch of This is Us, shouldn't there be a point where they are actually launched? That is after all what the event is about. People come to see and hear the CDs. "Hearing the CDs" is why we sing songs from the CDs, ""Seeing them", well: The MC stands in front of the audience, and starts telling "Long ago the people of Mudcat created the Blue Plate Specials ..."; or: At the start/end of the performance, the artists show the CDs and tell the audience "This is us"; or "Can I take a minunte of your time? We at Mudcat take a lot of Max's time, and we wanted to do something in return ..."; or ... .
In whatever format, actually formally launch the CDs.

[Singing other people's songs]
Indeed, a matter of some preparation, which is why I asked beforehand. Following the format of the Top 2000, which I like, the other performance is the interpretation of the artist performing it live. Eg. I'm adding The Minstrel to my repertoire, but if I were to sing it, it would be slightly different from Tam's version. If she's there, it'll be her singing it, of course, not me.

[Where in London]
Oh, I have all day, so I can meet up wherever there are more Mudcatters present in London. But my hotel is somewhere near Paddington. Anyone know a place to meet a few Mudcatters, and find some simple food, around there?


08 Nov 11 - 01:30 PM (#3252938)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: treewind

We are intending to perform as many or few of the tracks we contributed to the CD as we are asked to do.

It never occurred to us that we should do anything else.

Anahata (and Mary)

08 Nov 11 - 02:19 PM (#3252964)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

I can see your point now, Mysha. To be honest, I have been to several album launches, and held 6 of them myself, without a formal "launch moment", other than at the interval, when the MC says "now you can go at last to the CD table and buy the CD for yourselves" - but that has been always in cases where the CDs were not avaibale prior to the "launch". This is not the case here, indeed I understand from Dick's statement in another thread that all UK CD sets have now been allocated. Some will be picking them up on the night, but others have them already. And (if I understand right) nobody will be able to buy a set on the night, who has not ordered one before. So thet meaning of the "launch" would be lost. But that is no reason not to do something to mark the occasion. I am open to ideas and will have a head-scratch myself.

Regarding singing other people's songs - I am easy on that, as I said. I think it is a bit late in the day to make it a formal "sing one of yours and then one of someone else's" rule, even if everyone agreed to do it. I certainly would not impose such a rule on anyone without their agreement. But happy if some want to do this. In the end I suspect we will be limited by the number of participants. I expect some 16+ singers already, and no doubt more will become apparent before the night. That means 16 x 5 = 80 minutes straightaway (5 minutes per song is pretty much the minimum with a bit of patter and people coming on and off, in fact for my sets I allocate 6 minutes to be safe, and I am rarely out by much in my estimate - OK, you could argue that I talk a lot!). So I'll wait to see how many we actually have there on the night, and we'll take it from there, with a little bit of schedule-setting in advance (some people requested that they come on early etc etc).

Regarding London contacts: You can PM Micca, Moses, LTS (Liz the Squeak) and Leadfingers for a start...

08 Nov 11 - 02:21 PM (#3252965)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

"avaibale"? can someone please translate me to myself?!!

08 Nov 11 - 02:48 PM (#3252984)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

As I see it the ones of ours that made it were the ones that wouldn't have any copywrite issues and not neccessarily what I consider our best tracks. Having said that i am quite happy with the selection and as a cd launch songs from the CD ought to be offered even if one doesn't feel they are your best. If invited to sing I will sing "On Ratcliffe Highway" even though I am shorn of two voices. The chorus is easy enough no excuses!

08 Nov 11 - 02:50 PM (#3252985)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: The Sandman

I am sorry I cannot be there, hope it goes well.

08 Nov 11 - 03:18 PM (#3253001)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

We can be sheepish, Stallion - I'll practice the chorus of RH!

08 Nov 11 - 03:18 PM (#3253002)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

Thanks Dick - we'll miss you

08 Nov 11 - 05:20 PM (#3253086)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

I will be trundling up from darkest Hayes - Looks like I will have an empty car as it clashes with the Maidenhead Tunes evening !

08 Nov 11 - 07:37 PM (#3253184)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

oops George, it might not be the one you are expecting search for it here!

09 Nov 11 - 02:14 AM (#3253279)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

You,re right, it wasn't. Send the words and I'll busk it!

09 Nov 11 - 01:17 PM (#3253701)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Better'n than, pop the words here & we'll ALL busk it....

09 Nov 11 - 07:20 PM (#3253950)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

Come all you jolly sailors
and listen unto me
Avast a while , I'll make you smile
and tell you of a spree
There's many a craft in Wapping
In flying colours gay
Pirate ships, and fireships,
Along Ratcliff highway

So its mind them fine flash frigates
In their flying colours gay
Or soon they'll clear your lockers out
Along Ratcliff Highway

To the old Three Crowns I first put in
A frigate took me in tow
I was tempest toss'd, me cargo lost
I made full sail to go
Then I cruised the Mahogany bar
And so by the next day
I lay so high and – oh so dry
Along Ratcliff Highway


In the Old Rose and Britannia
Such frigates there at hand
There's crooked Loo and squinty Sue
And bandy Mary Anne
There's skinny Sal the china gal
And flash maria neat
There's bouncing Nell and brazen Belle
Who's bin through 'arf the fleet

And in the famed King Billy
Down on new gravel lane
There's Jenny Jones, all skin and bones
And ugly Molly Payne
There's lusty Bet as black as Jet
With a bustle such a size
And sniffing Annie with her wet – nose
And Sukey gravy eyes


In the parlour of the Barley Mow
I hailed a frigate tight
Towed her away without delay
And boarded her that night
She took me watch me money too
Me clothes to my dismay
Two bullies stout they turned me out
Upon Ratcliff highway


So all you Jolly sailors
I'd have you bear in mind
There's pirate sort in every port
And Fireships you'll find
But if your going on the spree
When you're out on the loose
Get moored all right, so snug and tight
In the Port of Paddy's goose

10 Nov 11 - 03:32 AM (#3254102)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Thanks for that Peter, found it & listened, looking forward to hearing you on Monday!

11 Nov 11 - 02:29 AM (#3254776)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Noreen

Refresh :)

12 Nov 11 - 03:07 AM (#3255395)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Noreen

Anyone else coming?

13 Nov 11 - 12:35 PM (#3256249)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: MGM·Lion

refresh - just to have directions readily accessible!

13 Nov 11 - 01:26 PM (#3256284)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Waddon Pete

Not long now!

13 Nov 11 - 01:57 PM (#3256302)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

At the latest count we will have a minimum of 17 Blue Plate "acts" on the night, with 32 songs in the CDs between them. No chance of doing them all, then (we have two 50-minute sets, roughly). I will exercise my prerogative as Master of Catastrophies therefore, and ask some to do 1 song and some to do 2. But looking at the list, it will certainly be a cracking evening, looking forward to it!

And remember, we start at 8 o' clock sharp. I'll be there at least an hour before, accepting bribes and illicit favours. Licit ones as well, if there are any.

13 Nov 11 - 04:01 PM (#3256381)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

All is well, Bradfordian has landed at Old Keepers safely. It's all points north tomorrow, we will attempt to get to Herga in good time tomorrow!

14 Nov 11 - 04:09 AM (#3256614)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: GUEST,bradfordian at Old Keepers

It's looking good at Oldkeepers, bacon baps coming up in a couple of minutes.
All ready for tonight. I will do some video recording AND do the USTREAM thing too ( ---- Mudcat Cafe Folk and Blues channel from 20:00 GMT)

bradfordian at Old Keepers

14 Nov 11 - 04:20 AM (#3256621)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: SussexCarole

We're staying in Sussex so not too far to travel today. See you all there later.

14 Nov 11 - 05:03 AM (#3256637)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

Bacon baps! Beats a banana and an apple at 6:30...

14 Nov 11 - 05:15 AM (#3256640)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

Just finished a nice bowl of muesli - I'll be there betime , traffic permitting

14 Nov 11 - 05:24 AM (#3256648)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Will Fly

Well,I have to be in Charlwood in Surrey this evening to do something similar to the event at Herga - launching and selling a DVD for a local village show which I filmed and put together - so I have, very reluctantly, to miss tonight's event in Pinner.

I hope you all have a great evening - break legs individually and collectively (!) and have a wonderful time.

Bradfordian - money for my set will be on its way to you tomorrow.

14 Nov 11 - 06:34 AM (#3256677)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Waddon Pete

I think I might be there horribly early! (To beat the traffic). Is there anywhere near by to have a cuppa?

Best wishes,


14 Nov 11 - 06:56 AM (#3256684)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: George Papavgeris

How early Pete? I think the club opens at 6pm and I plan to be there 6:30 or so. About 500-600 yds either side of the club on the main road there are F&S takeaways, Greasy Spoons etc.

14 Nov 11 - 07:25 AM (#3256697)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Waddon Pete

Thanks George,

Sounds just the thing!

I've PM-ed you.

Best wishes,


14 Nov 11 - 07:38 AM (#3256705)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

This is going to be good

14 Nov 11 - 08:34 AM (#3256741)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

We aim to be there as early as possible, bearing in mind we hope to be be leaving Southwark before 6:30, and searching for parking when we get there.
Pavane & Mrs Pavane

14 Nov 11 - 12:02 PM (#3256845)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: John MacKenzie

Hope all goes well tonight. I wish I could join y'all.

14 Nov 11 - 02:24 PM (#3256947)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: The Sandman

leadfingers eating muesli, better sing down wind, hope it goes well ,would like to be there.

14 Nov 11 - 02:59 PM (#3256960)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

USTREAM now on.

let me know if you are receiving the broadcast please



14 Nov 11 - 03:02 PM (#3256961)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

Hope everyone has a great time at the launch. Which should be starting now (it's 8pm GMT).
None of us from Rattlebag could make it but we are with you in spirit!

14 Nov 11 - 03:21 PM (#3256977)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: severed-head

Receiving broadcast loud & clear.

14 Nov 11 - 04:15 PM (#3257014)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: severed-head

First half very enjoyable. Video quality excellent, sound generally okay but sometimes a bit broken.
Just have to mention Moses and The Ref - WOW!

14 Nov 11 - 05:28 PM (#3257051)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: ClaireBear

Hello all! I have been watching too from far-off California -- but unfortunately had to go to lunch in the middle so missed everything between Leadfingers and MGAS. Will the broadcast be available afterwards?


14 Nov 11 - 06:43 PM (#3257106)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Herga Kitty

It was great to put some more faces to Mudcat names - thanks again to everyone who contributed to this very special evening, and especially to the Catters who travelled so far to be there!


14 Nov 11 - 07:22 PM (#3257120)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

Meanwhile, back at Old Keepers;
Well Done and thank you everybody, all the performers, our hosts Herga Folk Club and M.C George Papavgeris. Fantastic night. Brilliant to meet a few more Mudcatters, if only briefly, especially those who travelled a fair distance to be there on Monday evening.

The project has been 51 weeks in the making. And may I say it has been a joy. Nothing much in the way of agro really.

Just to say that until I get some more CDs made, you would need to order them from Dick Greenhaus, who has just a few left for those of you thinking about Christmas stocking fillers!!!!!

I hope the USTREAM broadcast went OK, and I got some video footage so I would like to look at putting the clips on youtube, so look out for PMs for me to verify folks are OK to go ahead with that.


14 Nov 11 - 07:37 PM (#3257125)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

Cracking evening - Good mix of styles and songs !

14 Nov 11 - 09:37 PM (#3257163)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: stallion

home at last! Great night thanks to all

15 Nov 11 - 03:52 AM (#3257267)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

Glad we could get there and meet old and new friends. And not one song that we had heard before - this must be a record. We are looking forward to viewing the recorded highlights, and thanks to all those who put so much effort into the CD and the evening.

15 Nov 11 - 04:09 AM (#3257270)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

Forgot I was at work - last posting was Pavane & Mrs Pavane

15 Nov 11 - 04:22 AM (#3257272)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: henryclem

Glad I took today off work !   The adrenaline boost of such an exciting, diverse, packed evening of music and companionship sustained me for the long drive home, then zzz ...

Thanks especially to Barrie, and to George for hosting the evening so splendidly.

Here's to the next time !


15 Nov 11 - 04:38 AM (#3257279)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Singing Referee

Great to meet and hear catters familiar and new to me last night.

Listening to the CDs now. Mightily impressed!

Well done Barrie and team!!

15 Nov 11 - 07:39 AM (#3257345)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

Great evening, great atmosphere, great efforts all round, congrats to all the hard workers esp barrie and George Papavgeris.

Great to be part of such a warm loving musical community.

buy the cds as a show of support for this valuable facility, or feel bad.

15 Nov 11 - 12:55 PM (#3257575)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

I said some thank yous up above, but just to add my gratitude for their generous hospitality and wonderful company over the weekend to My guru always said and her other half.

Breezy, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you, but I was kinda very busy, no chance to hang around afterwards!


15 Nov 11 - 02:25 PM (#3257605)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Micca

There are Some pix Here
my apologies if I didnt get your name or have mislabelled you, if there is No name it means I do not have your mudcat name, so PM me with the number of the pic and I will correct it if you do not want your photo included also let me know and it will be deleted,

15 Nov 11 - 02:27 PM (#3257606)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: dick greenhaus

I can ship sets of six sans jewel cases to the UK for a total of $65 (US), or 41 GBPounds. Shipping jewel cases costs considerably more than buying them.

16 Nov 11 - 08:07 AM (#3258026)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

Thanks micca

16 Nov 11 - 08:12 AM (#3258027)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: pavane

Just a note: Cheapest jewel cases (standard size) I have found were in Tesco

16 Nov 11 - 09:16 AM (#3258049)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Mysha


I'm also home now. (Well, at work, actually.) I'm a bit tired, but I had a good time. I met some nice people, if briefly. Some people have offered to help visit a British folk event again in the future, without breaking the bank, so maybe I'll see you again. BTW, what is the word for a debit card when you no longer have any debit on it? "Destit card"?

It's a curious idea for me, though, that by just joining-in with a project I've now somehow become a recorded artist. In fact, Catalunya Spirit has even been sung by someone else. All completely new. (-:

Now, how do we get the largest amount of profit for the good cause? Are there ways to sell sets, or separate CDs, to unsuspecting outsiders? Can we arrange for Mudcat CDs at folk festivals, or anything like that? Come to think of it, what would the rate in Euros be, sans cases. The rates I get from converting from dollar and pound aren't nearly the same, and but that might be a handy piece of information, together with the URL, should I happen to encounter someone with an interest in the CDs.


16 Nov 11 - 11:55 AM (#3258155)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Waddon Pete

Yes....a wonderful evening meeting friends old and new, hearing a tremendous variety of songs and then rolling home on almost empty roads playing the CDs on the car stereo!


Mysha, I agree. It is a pity there are no easily found links to buy the CDs. If you try and search Camsco's Catalogue you get the sorry message and the "Buy Mudcat CDs" box that is sometimes on the home page just leads to the first set.

Best wishes,


16 Nov 11 - 03:36 PM (#3258327)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

What a wonderful evening, it was lovely to meet so many Catters that had come from far and wide!

Huge thanks to George and all the Herga Folk Club for hosting it and also to Barrie and all his Lovely Elves for the hard work they put in to create this fantastic set of CD's. It was an honour to be involved and I'm enjoying listening to them!

16 Nov 11 - 06:02 PM (#3258438)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

"Mysha, I agree. It is a pity there are no easily found links to buy the CDs"

But there is a link right at the top of the page!!!!!

Whooops.......out of date!!!!!!

How can we get THAT link updated??????

If Mudcat wants to make the most from the current series.....

Is anyone else interested in promoting these CDs?

I'm open to offers!


16 Nov 11 - 06:32 PM (#3258460)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

Re Camsco - Dick runs it as a business , but does the Mudcat Stuff for free , so there is a problem with getting Cat Stuff on his web page ! See his post on the other thread .

16 Nov 11 - 06:46 PM (#3258469)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

My point is that the advert for the Mudcat CDs is a page on TWEED'S website, and it only refers to the old series (still available tho!)
I reckon Tweed is out of the picture these days.
Might there be a need to have THAT advert replaced/updated with info about the current series? I would not be too unhappy to have my contact details on there, but I am in the UK!(ie additional costs for shipping to USA)

16 Nov 11 - 06:51 PM (#3258470)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: michaelr

It would be in Max's interest to put the THIS IS US series into the rotation of the ads on the forum home page. But he is a busy man. Perhaps a little nudge would be in order?

16 Nov 11 - 07:08 PM (#3258475)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

In my NOT very humble opinion , BOTH sets of MudCat CDs are worth having !

19 Nov 11 - 06:59 PM (#3260215)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Leadfingers

There is a link in the Stallion thread to the Herga Launch on line

20 Nov 11 - 05:25 AM (#3260316)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Here's the link to the Ustream broadcast

20 Nov 11 - 12:19 PM (#3260442)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

And for those who were requesting videos of the UK Launch party, I did video the party and am now in the process of obtaining all the performers permissions to release them on youtube.

So if you were singing at Herga FC on Monday night (14/11/11) please check your emails, I've had some positive responses back already, so when I get a few more I will post the links to them.


20 Nov 11 - 12:55 PM (#3260457)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Lonesome EJ

Very much looking forward to the video!

20 Nov 11 - 12:58 PM (#3260461)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: GUEST,999

Any chance the video will be edited to clear some dead air space?

20 Nov 11 - 05:41 PM (#3260587)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian

They will be individual videos of each song, so there will be around 20 videos and I have edited out the intros but kept the outros (the applause, well, a bit of it!)

The quality will be somewhat better than the Ustream but still at the lowest youtube resolution, so if any of the performers of the songs would like a copy of the original video (320fps cos I didn't know how much memory it was going to eat up)) please PM me



21 Nov 11 - 04:33 AM (#3260756)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

I certainly enjoyed the evening and to begin with I would very much like to hear Noreen sing again.

Her song worked for me , along with the audience 's contribution because at Herga Folk Club - every Monday night, at Pinner Green Social club, = we relish with enthusiasm the opportunity to augment performances by being supportive on choruses.

Didnt go much on the ref and Moses ;)

21 Nov 11 - 08:18 AM (#3260811)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Ee Breezy, you're a right stirrer!! You're right about Noreen though, lovely voice!

21 Nov 11 - 05:51 PM (#3261156)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Noreen

Since it's been mentioned, here is Until the Dark Time Ends which Barrie has put up on YouTube with wonderful audience participation - you all picked it up so beautifully!

It seemed a very suitable song to sing on that evening, even though I didn't sing it on the CD, with its refrain ...gather round, circle of friends...

Thank you, breezy- pleased to meet you- and so many others! :)

21 Nov 11 - 06:22 PM (#3261177)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: bradfordian


Just spent 1 hour setting up the links to the vids on youtube and when I submitted, where the hell it Go???? It must be somewhere! but it ain't here. Doh.

Well, if anyone else has the patience (I've just run out of it)to list them, they are on my youtube channel (bradfordian1946). There's about 20 of 'em all from the Herga THIS IS US UK Launch party.

bradfordian (feeling deflated)

The performers & songs:-

Mary Humphreys & Anahata: Valiant & Allexander

Mary Humphreys & Anahata: Pan O'wn y Gwanwyn

My guru always said: O no my love, not I

Stallion: Ratcliff Highway

Stallion: Harem Scarem *

Noreen: The comfort of singing voices

Henry Clements: Needle and Thread

Henry Clements: Lost Railways *

Les Sullivan: Sullivan's Farewell *

Leadfingers: When father was pantomime dame

Leadfingers: Water and Beer

Peter Twitchett (Waddon Pete): Chickens in the garden

MtheGM: The Skillet Pot *

MtheGM: The Friar *

Mysha: Catalunya Spirit

Pavane: Roxburgh Castle

Mrs Pavane: Ar Lan y Mor

My guru always said & George Papavgeris: The Rain Is Falling

George Papavgeris: Circles in the air

21 Nov 11 - 06:42 PM (#3261193)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Fidjit

Hello all.

Due to my being occupied with my move from Sweden to England I seem to have missed an important event.

Now I need to get hold of the Christmas CD that I happen to be on.

Where can I get that ? Without ordering via USA please.


22 Nov 11 - 01:56 AM (#3261313)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Fret not, Barrie Lad, they're all there, safe & sound!

Bradfordian's YouTube Channel

22 Nov 11 - 08:58 AM (#3261447)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Mysha

This Is Us, Mudcat 2011 CD-s, UK launch: performers and their songs on Youtube

22 Nov 11 - 01:09 PM (#3261585)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: Singing Referee

Breezy, good job I didn't see your comment before I offered you a lift to Herga last night!!!!

We've given our permission, so the Moses and the Ref videos should be public soon. Shame I'm not singing, but I'm quite pleased with them all the same. Well done Barrie.

22 Nov 11 - 05:28 PM (#3261740)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

The last 3 videos from the "THIS IS US" UK launch party

Moses and The Ref: The Coffee Song
Moses and The Ref: Hard Times
Crane Driver & Sussex Carole: Let Me Breathe

23 Nov 11 - 12:22 PM (#3262129)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: katlaughing

Have just watched and listened to all of the videos you put up, Barrie. You are a TREAT! Above and beyond in doing that extra work. Thanks so much. It is just WONDERFUL to finally see a lot of you folks whom I've been hearing about for so long!!


23 Nov 11 - 12:55 PM (#3262147)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

That ref ought to get his hair cut ! it must get tangled up in his glasses when running about on a footie pitch, on a breezy day. <;o)=

23 Nov 11 - 01:34 PM (#3262184)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: breezy

Good YT of Moses and the ref on the coffee song, good sound balance, well played Stevie boy.

23 Nov 11 - 07:02 PM (#3262371)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: gnu

Great stuff! Thanks.

06 Dec 11 - 06:03 PM (#3269493)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

And I finally had my wish granted for a 'final' verse to 'When Fishes Fly / Oh no my love not I'. Mysha has written one, see this thread!

07 Dec 11 - 11:48 AM (#3269871)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

Pardon me if I am mistaken but the post above suggests "Mudcat" itself is now being hit with "SPAM"!

07 Dec 11 - 03:38 PM (#3270001)
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11
From: My guru always said

Alas that's true John, but our MudElves generally sweep them away, so we just ignore them!