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Johnny Silvo - illness (Nov 2011)

15 Nov 11 - 05:14 AM (#3257294)
Subject: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,Germoegirl

Sad news received from Johnny Silvo's agent, Jackie Grinnell, received this morning:

"I felt I had to contact you to give you the bad news about Johnny. Some of you will already know that he has recently been diagnosed with cancer of a kidney and a lung. Unfortunately it now transpires that the condition is far worse than was thought. He has been given just a few months to live. The information is on the Perrotts Folly website and it will be updated whenever there is any further news. I was speaking to him today on the phone and he sounded just like the old Johnny that everyone knows and loves. He seems to have accepted the inevitable and is determined to enjoy whatever time is left by remembering all the good times and the friends he has made. I'm sorry to be the bearer of such sad tidings. Please feel free to tell others. Johnny wants people to know about this. I'm trying to get the news to all his many friends by one means or another, but there will most likely be some who get overlooked."

15 Nov 11 - 06:01 AM (#3257312)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,John James

Oh dear..such terrible news, about Johnny. In 1968 when John Martyn got me into the Sandy Glennon Agency, to replace his good self..I did a lot of Johnny S's jobs that he couldn't make it to..he had too many bookings..too popular !! One of the most dynamic acts ever to play in a British Folk Club. From the opening bars of Haul'em Joe..he was awa y.
Take care now John. As your old mate Diz would say..Reservoir !

15 Nov 11 - 06:40 AM (#3257319)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Dave Hanson

Sad news indeed, beautiful man, wonderful entertainer.

Dave H

15 Nov 11 - 06:58 AM (#3257327)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Bonzo3legs

Poor Johnny, I saw him only this weekend introducing a festival TV broadcast from 1983 in which the DM line up of the Albion Band played Rose & the Rock.

Very sad.

15 Nov 11 - 07:06 AM (#3257330)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: billybob

I too received the email this morning.
I am so very sad to read this, Johnny has been a good friend for forty years,one of the best entertainers we have seen and as the years went on his voice was stronger and more powerful.

We will follow his example and remember all the good times and all the happiness and laughter he has given us!

Do you remeber John when you played Headcorn Folk Club in the 70's and , as usual, stayed with Derek and I, In the morning you were woken by our three year old daughter sitting on your shoulders trying to prise your eyes open and demanding " how did you get out of our television?" We used to watch you on Play School and I always wondered if you would slip into the wrong version of the Nursary rhymes but you always kept those for the folk clubs!

Happy Days xxxxx
Wendy and Bill

15 Nov 11 - 08:19 AM (#3257373)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,Roger Knowles

Dreadfully sorry to hear this. I did some work with him in Gander, Newfoundland and Belize back in '78.
Best wishes, Johnny, my very best wishes in this awful time.

15 Nov 11 - 08:38 AM (#3257385)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Richard Bridge


15 Nov 11 - 08:57 AM (#3257390)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,I Don't Know

Sorry to hear yet another case of bad news may he not suffer to much.

15 Nov 11 - 09:47 AM (#3257422)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: The Doctor

Johhny was one of my first introductions to folk music, when he did gigs, with Dave Moses, at college. He was also the inspiration for my getting back into it seven years ago, after a break of about thirty years. I've seen him numerous times since, but now it seems there's going to be an enormous hole in the folk scene. I know all good things come to an end, but at the moment this seems unimaginable.

15 Nov 11 - 10:15 AM (#3257450)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: John MacKenzie

Somebody really needs to find a way to make sure Davey Johnson knows about the siruation.
He too is an old friend of Johnny's. He used to have a room in Johnny's flat when we all lived in Montague Road in Richmond (Surrey)
In fact Dave married his first wife Diane when he was there.
Many happy memories, Courvoisier fuelled Monopoly games among other things.
I've known John since he walked into The Hole in the Wall in Richmond, with Dave Moses, and they came and chatted to me, I was playing autoharp in a corner, and singing.
That was over 40 years ago, and I've loved the man and his music ever since.
I'm pulling for you John!

15 Nov 11 - 10:48 AM (#3257479)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Pete Jennings

The day just got darker.

15 Nov 11 - 11:26 AM (#3257502)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,David 'Brillo' Etheridge

Just heard the news via an e-mail from John James. How sad; it seems that the 'greats' are all being called to the great folk club in the sky: Diz, Fred Wedlock, and now Johnny.
Lots of memories, from seeing him at Hitchin Folk Club for the first time around 1970, Cambridge Folk Festivals in the mid 70s, and working with him in Folk clubs again in 1983-6 or thereabouts.
What a lovely guy -we will not see his like again.

Best wishes to all,

Dave (Brillo)

15 Nov 11 - 12:59 PM (#3257577)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Dave the Gnome

I heard last night but the reality has only just struck :-(

Lets hope that his remaining time is as peaceful and easy as possible. Hopefuly anyone who was touched by his genius and warmth will help him and his family through this darkest of times.


15 Nov 11 - 02:01 PM (#3257594)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Hawker

Such a shame! May the time he has left be happy, filled with friends and as pain free as possible. I count myself as priveleged to have been lucky enough to work with him.
Cheers, Lucy

15 Nov 11 - 02:11 PM (#3257598)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Chucklefoot

Johnny,I've seen you countless times over the years,mostly back in the'60's and early '70's,at various folk clubs,also at Cambridge Folk Festival.You could always be relied on to give a powerful,warm performance,with a good bit of humour thrown in.
I remember the first time I heard your incredible strong voice belting out "Midnight Special",and "Corn bread,Peas,and Black Molasses",I think it was on an L.P.called "Alex Campell and Friends" Sandy Denny was on it too,Alex and Sandy are both long gone of course,and now we hear this sad news about yourself.

Thanks Johnny,for your inspiration,and lots of great memories,you'll be greatly missed by a generation(or two!)of people.
I don't know what else to say.........except THANKS.

15 Nov 11 - 02:45 PM (#3257620)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: MikeL2


sad news. John was a great man and an even greater entertainer.

My best wishes to you John.



15 Nov 11 - 05:03 PM (#3257690)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Leadfingers

SO many fond memories of Johnny !!

15 Nov 11 - 06:05 PM (#3257727)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,Guest TF

I've contacted Davey(Shaggis) with the news.
Jeez Mr Silvo and I have had some great times together.
Keep smiling John. Tich.

15 Nov 11 - 06:17 PM (#3257738)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Bernard

It would be good to organise a tribute concert for him before he goes, rather than after... although he may not have the strength to attend, someone could record a video that he could watch...

15 Nov 11 - 09:11 PM (#3257828)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,Chris Newman

I haven't seen Johnny for maybe 25 years, but I well remember the gigs & sessions with him and Diz at Cambridge festival.. He was always a seriously class act, and a great singer.A wonderful man! All the best, Johnny

16 Nov 11 - 12:58 AM (#3257879)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Bugsy

Very sad news indeed.

Bernard, If you're going to arrange a trubute concert, make sure you get "Uncle Del" Brimstone involved. They've been mates since the ark closed.



16 Nov 11 - 08:13 AM (#3258028)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: Bernard

If a tribute concert (or maybe a few around the country ?), is to be arranged, maybe we could get people to post their availability here, and suggestions for venues and so on.

Volunteers to organise things would be useful - I'm the organiser of Lymm Folk Club in Cheshire (UK), and could arrange an evening, perhaps at weekend, but I'm conscious of the fact our venues don't have enough capacity, so maybe someone else has a better offer?

16 Nov 11 - 09:09 AM (#3258044)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: John MacKenzie

I'd be happy to contribute in any way. remember I'm waaaay up north though.

16 Nov 11 - 03:11 PM (#3258310)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,Clive Pownceby

A lovely man and one of the first people I saw in a London Folk Club - 1966, Nags Head Battersea. Last saw him and intro'd him at Maghull Folk Day a year or three back. Always smiling, always gentlemanly, always entertaining. I'm saddened. Bless you mate.

16 Nov 11 - 03:28 PM (#3258321)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,roj

What's going on? First Diz and Bert Jansch. Now Johnny's ill. Lovely man, great entertainer. I met him only 5 times since 1968, the last occasion being 2010 at Deal Folk Club. Each time he greeted me like an old friend and we chatted about how things have changed and moved on over the years, and how it's still fun to play and sing.

I wish him peace and comfort. He'll be sadly missed come the day.

16 Nov 11 - 03:43 PM (#3258335)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo
From: GUEST,John & Sue Reedman - Chesterfield Folk Club

A favourite at Chesterfield Folk Club and it's forerunner 'The Attic'.

A real gentleman and a great performer whose voice got better with age.

It's good to know that he is taking it on the chin and remembering good times and good friends - but it's no less sad for the rest of us.

Best wishes from us both.

16 Nov 11 - 06:22 PM (#3258455)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: Leadfingers

I would be only too pleased to help out with a tribute concert too !

17 Nov 11 - 07:55 AM (#3258670)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: muppett

Like his brother Silvest, Johnny's 'The Best'

17 Nov 11 - 05:53 PM (#3258964)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: tritoneman

I'm so sad to hear about Johnny. A great singer and a great bloke. I haven't seen him since the early 1980's when he stayed with us in Exeter. A wonderful evening of drink, laughter and music! I first saw him at Farnborough Folk Club in about 1967. An inspiration!

Graham Butterfield

18 Nov 11 - 05:22 AM (#3259185)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Very sad. I first saw Johnny at the now long-forgotten 'Feast of Folk' festival in Syon Park in Brentford. What a wonderful weekend that was. Steeleye Span, Ralph McTell, Robin and Barry Dransfield, Mr Fox, Nic Jones, Julie Felix, The McCalmans Johnny with Dave Moses. I think Diz may have played as well but this is 40 years ago now.

Saw him several times after that. Such a great entertainer. Big, powerful voice but such a lovely, gentlemanly manner about him.

I suppose these things are inevitable nowadays but it's still a terrible loss.

If there's any consolation it's that people like Johnny did so much to create and maintain a community that supported and nurtured so many performers like Johnny as well as those of us that came along later, if only as punters. Such a huge part of so many lives. My deepest condolences to his many friends and family.

18 Nov 11 - 05:35 AM (#3259190)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: Essex Girl

Sad news, I knew he ws not well but did not know how serious this was.I have seen him many times over the past 20 years, another great performer we will not hear any more.

19 Nov 11 - 07:25 AM (#3259869)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Dave Burland

Very saddened to hear this news, played on the same bill many times 60's and 70's, but saw him only last year at Saltburn Festival, so lovely to see him again after all that time. A gent !!

19 Nov 11 - 05:53 PM (#3260189)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: Brian May

Bless him, he's not gone yet!!

Johnny, I wish you the best possible in the time you have - preferably without pain. We're all going, we just don't know when.

If there's any justice in this world, you'll get payback for all the joy you've given so many of us - including this callow youth in the Bali Hai near Bognor Regis in about 1969.

Bless you and thanks for making my world a better place.

20 Nov 11 - 03:45 PM (#3260542)
Subject: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: Fidjit

Known for some time that Johny Silvo is very poorly wth cancer. Own page on fb.


20 Nov 11 - 04:01 PM (#3260549)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: John MacKenzie

There is an ongoing thread about this Chas

20 Nov 11 - 04:07 PM (#3260553)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: Dave the Gnome


Maybe an elf can combine the threads?


21 Nov 11 - 02:17 AM (#3260731)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: Fidjit

Thought there might be John, but couldn't find anything.


21 Nov 11 - 04:23 AM (#3260751)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: The Doctor

It's listed as Johnny Silvo - illness.

21 Nov 11 - 01:17 PM (#3260995)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo poorly
From: GUEST,Dom

Check out the Facebook group page set up for messages.

23 Nov 11 - 11:40 AM (#3262105)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Irvine Folk Club/Marymass Folk Festival

We're all thinking of you and remembering happy times over forty years.
Love Joyce, Anne and all at the Club.

24 Nov 11 - 04:18 AM (#3262533)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Jenny Terry

A real shock to hear the news about Johnny. He stayed with us in August 2009 when performing at Saltburn Folk Festival. What a tremendous voice and great entertainer. We really enjoyed having him to stay, he was so easy to have around and made himself at home. Gave Chris some helpful hints on guitar playing, insisted on doing some washing up, and stayed an extra night before going up to he Marymass Festival in Scotland. We were so looking forward to seeing him ext August. We and our friends are thinking of you Johnny. Love to you and your family. Jenny and Chris Terry

25 Nov 11 - 09:53 AM (#3263268)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,PeterH

So sad!
On 27th Feb. 1967, Johnny opened our Poplar Tech. students folk club ("The Kerouac" at the Green Man, Blackheath) together with The Chapter Three. I just recently found the advertising poster.
What a great night, with a great folksinger!

01 Dec 11 - 04:55 AM (#3266549)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,David Jordan ,friends and family.

We have seen Johnny many times over the last 10 years. He has never ceased to entertain and charm us. It is with greet sadness to hear of his current situation.We last saw him at Dartford 2010.He finished his set with Teach your Children , Which was my request.We will remember these shows and give thanks for the occasions when we were able to talk with Johnny .Fairwell to a good friend .David & fanily

01 Dec 11 - 06:31 AM (#3266588)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: John MacKenzie

Not time to say farewell yet my friend. John is still with us, and while there's lifre there's hope you know.
Think of you most days John, and send you strength.

01 Dec 11 - 05:25 PM (#3266970)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness

Well said John M.............healing thoughts still winging their way to you Johnny (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

Clare xxx

02 Dec 11 - 07:42 AM (#3267219)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Stan (Just a punter)

First saw Johnny at the Manchester Sports Guild (MSG)in the 60s and at several locations since the last time in Swinton on his annual visit. Deeply saddened to read the news but wish you all the best and I hope buy you a large scotch next time I see you.

02 Dec 11 - 08:21 AM (#3267237)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: Peter K (Fionn)

So in one thread we have John James, Chris Newman, Roger Knowles... the list goes on.... A tribute to Silvo in itself.

02 Dec 11 - 11:17 AM (#3267315)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,addison

and it's his birthday today (2 Dec) - 75 according to the Facebook page.

03 Dec 11 - 04:15 AM (#3267707)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness

You know, I've missed a lot of things, sort of through the fog and mist of ignorance, I spent an evening with Stan Hugill when I was twenty and thought nothing of it, similiarly spent some time listening to someone, I can't even remember where, somewhere in London, a long time ago, on the way home the person I was with was illuminated, no, glowing, and said "what a treat, it is ages since I last saw Johnny Silvo". I should have paid more attention! Imagining you well again.

09 Dec 11 - 10:37 AM (#3271024)
Subject: RE: Jonny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Friends from St Thomas' Church Letchworth GC

Jonny, We first met when Maureen and Keran booked you for an evening when we were raising funds for our community hall, and although it was held in a local drafty barn with the first frost of the year we had a very successful evening. This was the start of a number of visits over the years the last one being last year in the new hall to a full house. Yours friends here at St Thomas' thank you very sincerely for all you have done for us.
We hold you and your family in our prayers.

10 Dec 11 - 07:45 AM (#3271441)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: billybob

A special "group" page has been set up on facebook and John's son is reading all the massages to Johnny , who is back in the hospital.Just ask to join the group and someone will invite you on.There are hundreds of messages and great photos too. There is a link on Perrotts Follys webpage.

10 Dec 11 - 03:50 PM (#3271686)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness

Sad news. Just remember all the good times you've given us over the years!!

10 Dec 11 - 04:22 PM (#3271703)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: John MacKenzie

Johnny had a difficult start in life. He was a Barnardo's boy, and by dint of hard work and pure talent, he has made himself a much loved, and very talented performer.
I have seen him in many guises over the years, including his stint on TV as a presenter on Play School (Which window are we looking through today Johnny?) To a much loved regular headliner, at Skagen Festival in Denmark.
John you're a star, and a much loved and long standing friend.

13 Dec 11 - 04:18 AM (#3272977)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Tony Cormack

I first met Johnny some 50+ years ago when he entertained the diners (and we drinkers)at the Belfry, Sutton Coldfield, now famous for its golf. Many happy memories of that time and seeing him at various sessions in the years since. A wonderful man, a great entertainer - such sad news.

16 Dec 11 - 06:12 AM (#3274682)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: billybob

Berit, John's wife has said on facebook that Johnny is very weak and is going into their local hospice . You can read her post and leave messages for her, Johnny and Patrick on the Face book group set up for him.Sometines FB can be a pain but at times like this can bring a great deal of comfort.
Holding you in our hearts John xxxxx Wendy

19 Dec 11 - 07:43 AM (#3276466)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,David 'Brillo' Etheridge

Hi folks,
just received word from John James this morning that Silvo has departed for the great folk club in the sky, and even as you read this is probably having a right old rave up with Diz and the rest of the gang.
Safe journey Johnny, and thanks for everything.

Best wishes to all,
Dave (Brillo)

19 Dec 11 - 01:47 PM (#3276643)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: GUEST,Kirsten & Drew

So sorry to hear this sad news. love to Berit and all the family. We will miss your smiling face pal RIP

19 Dec 11 - 02:03 PM (#3276652)
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo - illness
From: Peter K (Fionn)

HERE's the obit thread.