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BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?

01 Jan 12 - 09:32 PM (#3283176)
Subject: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

This has been a slow, relaxed day, time for a lot of ruminating...

The dog I have had for the last year or so is a now-four-year-old Chinese Crested Hairless. He is a rescued dog- no way would I bring a hairless dog to the north but someone did, and since he is here I find that I enjoy him a lot.

No one will ever call Ellery pretty but people often call him handsome, probably because of his jaunty stride and stance. His head and tail are white-haired but his body is the color - and texture- of an uncooked link sausage.

There are a number of differences in this breed as compared with other breeds. For instance, they have no molars- all their teeth are pointed. And instead of dissipating sweat from the tongue they have sweat glands. No doubt there are other differences.

One difference that I've been enjoying is his habit of watching TV, especially when there are animals on. He watches horses, cats, rabbits- but he gets intimately involved when there are dogs.

A dog or puppy needn't make a sound but when the camera picks them up, Ellery takes note. If they speak or whine or even pant he growls or barks back.

I should probably get him a dog video to watch when I am gone- the only flaw he has is severe separation anxiety. He has to be taken to a sitter or he loses all sense; he doesn't bark or howl- he screeches.

Anyone else have an unusual dog? Or a dog with unusual habits?

01 Jan 12 - 09:53 PM (#3283184)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Bobert

One of our cats watches TV, Eb... He's a lot like yer Ellery... He likes animal shows and will watch them intently... Hates news and talk shows... Get up and walks out... But he likes most commercials??? Go figure???


01 Jan 12 - 10:00 PM (#3283187)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: GUEST,Wesley S

My dogs a cat. But I've never seen her watch TV. Se does like to howl in the middle of the day. I'm sure the neighbors wonder what's going on over here.

01 Jan 12 - 10:11 PM (#3283189)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Neil D

Our Jsck-Shiht, Arlo, crawls up in my lap to be held like a baby when he is ready to go to sleep. He is too cute :)


01 Jan 12 - 10:14 PM (#3283191)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Crowhugger

One of our dogs watches TV for very short periods, like max 2 or 3 minutes, and only if there are animals on screen, preferably with sound. He definitely sees the pictures and follows the action. Knowing his personality I figure he doesn't care about them once he sees their pattern of behaviour doesn't bring them into the house or yard. Also he sniffs the air but can't pick up a scent of course; that seems to be the final bit of interest before he goes back to whatever he was doing--sleeping or wrestling or playing Ginger-ball or whatever. He was more reactive to that stuff when he was a puppy and young adult dog.

The other two dogs, ages 6 and 7 yrs, don't seem to see the picture at all and never did. On rare occasions their attention is attracted by animal sounds on TV they figure out pretty quickly it's not connected with any living thing in the house, yard or anywhere else they go, and they immediately (a couple of seconds tops) return to whatever they were doing.

01 Jan 12 - 10:24 PM (#3283193)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Ellery (for Ellery Queen- because he notices everything) also entertains himself in other ways.

The other day we were passing a corner Christmas scene that a local non-profit puts on. It involves several tiers of a landscape complete with two trains, a town and tunnels.

Out of curiosity I pushed the button and Ellery stood up against the glass on his hind feet watching the trains chug their ways past.

As I said, he is fun.

01 Jan 12 - 10:29 PM (#3283195)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Crowhugger

Great name, would suit our tv-watcher (named Mulligan) for sure.

02 Jan 12 - 01:58 AM (#3283235)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: JohnInKansas

Although he's gone now for some time, our mini poodle completely ignored the TV except when any baboons came on. He wasn't a bit imressed with gorillas or chimps, or much of anything else, but a nature show with baboons drove him berserkers.

Never figured out why, but we guessed they might resemble someone at the puppy mill he came from.


02 Jan 12 - 05:04 AM (#3283286)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Arthur_itus

We dpnt know yet Ebbie, as our puppy who is now almost 8 weeks old, is still with the breeder. We are due to get her in the next couple of weeks.
Guess what, she is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff, which is the hairy version of what you have. Oned thing you didn't mention is that they are Hypo Allegenic and therefore are better suited to people who have Asthma.
Also the teeth are different in a Powder Puff.
What I find amazing is that from one litter, you can get a Hairless and Hairy mix of puppies.
Here are some pictures of her

Happy New Year
Les Worrall

02 Jan 12 - 07:33 AM (#3283333)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Big Al Whittle

Our cat used to like cartoons - I think it was the jerky pictures attracted her.

02 Jan 12 - 08:29 AM (#3283352)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: ranger1

Current dog Bandit doesn't seem to notice the TV at all, except when he hears a dog bark, and then when he doesn't smell anything he loses interest. One of our terrier mixes, Donald, used to love to watch animal documentaries, especially the ones with big cats. There was one instance when a lioness with a cub in her mouth walked across the screen and then dropped the cub. Donald shot off the couch and began loudly snuffling in the part of the entertainment center where the cub would have fallen if it had actually been in the room and not on TV. Donald was pretty disappointed when he came up empty.

02 Jan 12 - 08:37 AM (#3283358)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: GUEST,leeneia

We used to have a dog who ignored the TV. Then one day she watched it, and to our consternation, she went into a trance. We took her away, petted her and talked to her until she came back to us. It took a few minutes.

02 Jan 12 - 08:42 AM (#3283362)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: kendall

Years ago I had a Lab, black & Tan mix that liked to watch TV. His favorite shows were Restless Gun and Tales of Wells Fargo.

02 Jan 12 - 11:57 AM (#3283454)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Jack the Sailor

I love living in the Southern US. But I have had to give up on my desire to own a Newfoundland dog. Of course, in southern Alaska, such a dog, with a waterproof heavy winter coat, would thrive. But I moved here to get away from the snow of Canada. So I remain Newfoundland dog less.

02 Jan 12 - 12:06 PM (#3283464)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: jeffp

Our dog barks whenever there's an animal on the tv.

One of my cats had to have a leg amputated several years ago. While she was recovering, she had to be confined to a 2x4 cage. We would leave the tv on to amuse her when we went out. I came back one time and went to pet her to give her some company and she totally ignored me. I saw her head moving back and forth and saw she was totally engrossed in a NASCAR race. Next thing you know, she'll be drinking beer and voting Republican.

02 Jan 12 - 12:06 PM (#3283465)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Little Hawk

Most of our dogs didn't watch the TV, but we had one toy poodle that did...providing there were animals or animal-like cartoon characters on the screen. She paid no attention to human beings on television. And she also seemed to be fixated on buses whenever they appeared on TV (or in real life)! I have no explanation for that.

02 Jan 12 - 01:20 PM (#3283517)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

This thread is fun to read! Pets are such a vital part of our lives for those of us who have or have had them that they are endlessly fascinating. The inescapable and sad fact is that we never get over missing them.

Les in Worrell, those are great photos of Emmi. There is one Puff here in town that I know of; they are much prettier than the Hairless (Sorry, Ellery).

02 Jan 12 - 02:23 PM (#3283565)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: gnu

jeffp... hahahahaaa!

Ebbie... yes, it is fun innit?

02 Jan 12 - 02:28 PM (#3283568)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Arthur_itus

Yes they are Ebbie :-)

02 Jan 12 - 03:02 PM (#3283596)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Big Al Whittle

The chimps at Twycross Zoo used to have the telly on quite a lot.

02 Jan 12 - 03:03 PM (#3283598)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

During the last Getaway, I got to be present via Skype a couple of times.

At a certain point, a certain big Irishman said, apropos of nothing, Ebbie, you know I love you- but you have a rat in your lap.


02 Jan 12 - 03:06 PM (#3283601)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: ranger1

Yeah, I have a feeling I know the identity of that certain big Irishman...

02 Jan 12 - 03:09 PM (#3283603)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Bert

...but he gets intimately involved when there are dogs...

We don't wish to know that Ebbie!

02 Jan 12 - 03:24 PM (#3283611)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Bert, I knew that was a bad word in that connection. (Oh dear. No pun intended.) I really meant something along the lines of 'totally'.

Ellery is neutered. He evinces no interest of that kind.


02 Jan 12 - 04:04 PM (#3283634)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: kendall

In my youth I had a few naked dogs on my lap, but none of them were that ugly!

02 Jan 12 - 06:42 PM (#3283708)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: wysiwyg

Ours listens, for hockey goals.


02 Jan 12 - 09:24 PM (#3283792)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: gnu

But, does your dog bite?

02 Jan 12 - 11:45 PM (#3283840)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

au contraire: Not So Ugly

This is not my dog - Ellery has paler skin - but he looks very much like this.

02 Jan 12 - 11:49 PM (#3283842)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Darn. It didn't come through. I forgot that I've tried before.

03 Jan 12 - 12:11 AM (#3283850)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: GUEST,999

I've seen screaming-ugly creatures in this world--wild turkeys come to mind--but none to match some found in the human race.

03 Jan 12 - 12:20 AM (#3283855)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

I agree with you, Bruce- I am of the mind that there is nothing better than the human being. And nothing worse.

03 Jan 12 - 12:20 PM (#3284133)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Becca72

I often find my 14-year-old cat looking at himself in the mirror. When my neice moved in a few weeks ago she brought a full length mirror with her and Madmardigan is often found sitting in front of it either looking at himself (he is very handsome) or watching the room behind him. "They" say it's a sign of intelligence in animals to be able to recognize their own reflection. I always knew he was brilliant.

Also, a couple of weeks back my neice and I were sitting in the livingroom chatting. The TV was on some show that she was watching when I got home; not my usual choice at that hour. My cat, Sheldon, was sitting on the couch next to her. All of a sudden I realized the television had changed channels to the show I usually watch...I asked Meghan if she'd changed it and she said no. We looked down, and Sheldon was sitting on the remote - the funny part is that the show he changed it to was Big Bang Theory; one of the lead characters is called Sheldon. Still trying to figure out how he got it from channel 160 to channel 7... :-)

03 Jan 12 - 12:29 PM (#3284140)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Living with your housemates must be a challenge, Becca! I have never had a cat or dog that gazed at itself in the mirror, although there was one dog that watched me in the mirror when I was out of her line of sight.

03 Jan 12 - 12:48 PM (#3284149)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Becca72

I'm just glad I now have a witness to all this madness...

03 Jan 12 - 01:26 PM (#3284183)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Arthur_itus

An update Ebbie

Les Worrall

03 Jan 12 - 02:25 PM (#3284231)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: katlaughing

Here's our LUNA the day after New Year's Eve.(It was a rough night; found out she does not like the big booms of fireworks. But, she lounges all of the time.:-) She loves to watch the world go by out the window with her head propped on the arm of the sofa which has become her seven foot bed with a foot or so for the cats and none for us!**bg** Our tv is never on any more so I don't know if she likes it or not.

03 Jan 12 - 02:33 PM (#3284238)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Les, I see that Emmi has the distinctive wedge-shaped head- I sometimes think of Ellery as an ostrich. :)

I'm curious, though, about one of the hairless pups in the photos- it appears to have a ruff rather than a crest, kind of like half Puff and half Hairless. ?

Luna looks relieved that she finally got to stretch out, kat. Real cute.

Ellery, contrary to almost every dog I have had, does not seem to mind fireworks and attendant noise. Guess it is not in his heritage.

03 Jan 12 - 04:44 PM (#3284316)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Jim Dixon

When I was a college student I lived with several other guys and a kitten. One day someone had the idea to try to trick the kitten with a mirror. He took a full-length mirror that normally hung on the wall, turned it sideways, and placed it across a doorway. Several of us witnessed the cat's reaction when he saw his reflection for the first time (I presume). He hissed. His back arched. The hair on his back stood up. His tail bristled out like a bottle brush. He turned his body sideways to the mirror to create the largest possible profile. He did a sideways dancing hop toward the mirror. As soon as he got close enough, he lashed out with his paw to slash at the intruder.

As soon as his paw touched the mirror, he seemed to realize he'd been tricked. His hair and posture quickly returned to normal. You might imagine he was trying to act nonchalant—"I knew it all the time"—but I don't want to be that anthropomorphic.

Everyone who saw this thought it was hilarious and we desperately wanted a repeat performance, so we tried various ways of tricking him again, both that day and long afterward, but nothing ever worked. From that day forward he never showed the slightest interest in his own reflection in a mirror. I think I once saw him look past his own image at something he saw in the background, but even that didn't last long.

So I disagree that looking at a reflection in a mirror is necessarily an indicator of intelligence. Obviously this cat had the ability to see himself; he just didn't care anymore, once he realized it wasn't another cat.

03 Jan 12 - 05:25 PM (#3284340)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Bill D

There is a classic video of a cat laying on top of a TV, watching a car race on a track, and reaching to swat at where they looked like they were going to emerge. (I assume one could find it on YouTube)

Animals DO respond to movements...some more than others. (ever watch a dog chasing a laser pointer? I did on New Years eve. The dog neve gave up)

03 Jan 12 - 05:34 PM (#3284348)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Arthur_itus

Ebbie, that is a hairy hairless.

03 Jan 12 - 08:24 PM (#3284419)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: YorkshireYankee

Hi Ebbie,

I've heard of a technique for dealing with separation anxiety that involves leaving for short (as in 5-10 seconds) periods of time to begin with, then gradually increasing it -- so that your dog will learn to automatically associate your departure with your return.

Apologies if you've already tried it, but here's a link, in case you're interested:

Good luck!

03 Jan 12 - 10:25 PM (#3284462)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Crowhugger

Les and kat, your dogs are absolutely beautiful! Too bad I don't have a public spot to post pictures of our little pack, but I did find excellent likenesses of 2 of them:

At this web page, scroll to the 4th photo down to see Brinnie, who looks nearly identical to Mulligan, our TV-watcher. Mullsy's snout has no white on it, it's fully brindle. Mulligan is from the last litter by Chief and Cocoa at this breeder.

The second picture down on this web page shows EXACTLY what our "middle child" looks like, altough she is a goldendoodle not a labradoodle.

I couldn't find an online pic that looks like our oldest. She is a fairly scruffy looking female Labrad-oodle. Imagine a white Irish wolfhound, but only half the length, half the height, half the weight typical of the breed, and with somewhat longer ears. That's exactly what our Labrad-oodle looks like: think teacup Irish wolfhound.

I too love hearing people talk about their dogs. Thanks for starting this thread, Ebbie!

03 Jan 12 - 11:12 PM (#3284471)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

"When I was a college student I lived with several other guys and a kitten" Jim Dixon

Great opening line!

"(T)hat is a hairy hairless." Arthur_itis

Or a hairless Puff?

Yorkshire Yankee, that's an interesting read but I do/did most of those procedures. He is better in some ways and in some situations than he was. For instance, I take him to the office with me and when I have to leave for five or ten minutes I leave the door ajar. He is usually at the door waiting when I get back but he no longer freaks out. Same thing in my apartment.

The crate is a problem. There are times I have no choice but to crate him but his experience with crates at his first home probably dictates that he won't get much better about it- according to her own admission his owner frequently (as much as once a week) left him in the crate for 12 (TWELVE!) hours at a time. He has little reason to think of a crate as a refuge.

Our best development has been the cultivation of a friend/co-tenant with two small dogs; she takes care of Ellery when I have to be gone for a few hours. The dogs have become fond of each other and Ellery loves Jeanette too.

Right now Jeanette is on a five-week vacation and I'm taking care of all three dogs. It works out fine.

My best

04 Jan 12 - 02:59 AM (#3284506)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Gurney

We have had two cats that watched TV, both were siamese. The moggies never gave a flicker. They weren't watching movement, they peered out from behind a chair when wolves or bears were on, although the animals looked tiny on screen, but then tried to catch a mouse, although it appeared bigger than they were.
They were only interested in nature programmes, and then only until they worked out that it wasn't 'real.'
One of them could even see flat, two-dimensional pictures, because he reacted to a life-size photo of his predecessor.
All our cats have learned fast if they think they've done something stupid. Absolutely no sense of humour.

04 Jan 12 - 03:27 AM (#3284511)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: MGM·Lion

Our 'tuxedo' {b&w DSH} cat Cleo sits on a stool slightly to one side in front of the tv while we are watching, but rarely turns her eyes towards the set; except, oddly, we both think we have noticed, when a black & white strip soccer team comes on ~~ Spurs last night, Newcastle a few days ago.

But maybe we are just imagining it...


04 Jan 12 - 04:03 AM (#3284516)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Joe Offer

My two Shih-Tzu dogs seem to ignore the television, but we have a black-and-white cat named Van Gogh who pays attention to what's going on the screen. Sometimes, he swats the screen with his paw if he doesn't like what he sees.


04 Jan 12 - 04:39 AM (#3284523)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Arthur_itus

Crowhugger. Those are very nice dogs.

Ebbie yes :-). Although I think the official is Hairy Hairless.

04 Jan 12 - 12:53 PM (#3284781)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: ranger1

Ebbie, we have a similar agreement with our neighbor regarding dog-sitting. As a matter of fact, I should probably go get the old fella now. It will make Bandit happy to have his "big brother" come over. And if we're showing off pictures, here are my boys. Bandit is on the right and Joey is on the left.

04 Jan 12 - 01:24 PM (#3284807)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Since this thread started I have observed Ellery paying attention to a lot more than just animals on television.

Last night he was on my lap while I was watching a nature program showing people walking around lawns and groves of trees.

I couldn't see Ellery's eyes, because he was facing away from me, but from his body tension he was obviously involved. And then when a collie showed up onscreen Ellery didn't move or make a sound but his ears flicked.

Another program showed lions, both at rest and walking. Ellery bolted upright, watching intently.

I've gotta get that dog some videos.

04 Jan 12 - 02:25 PM (#3284856)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Joe Offer

Well, if ranger1 can show off dogs, I'm gonna show off mine - (click).

The tricolor dog, Harry, is quite animated. I can picture mopping the floor with my dog, Ralph. You can barely tell which end of Ralph, is which. I named him after Ralph Cramden of The Honeymooners. How sweet it is!


04 Jan 12 - 02:51 PM (#3284872)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: ranger1

Cute pooches, Joe.

04 Jan 12 - 04:00 PM (#3284906)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Chip2447

I've got an Elvis. He is supposed to be English setter/Walker foxhound. When he was a puppy I would leave the television tuned to Animal Planet for him. It seemed to keep him company. Yes, I know, the tv is not supposed to be a baby sitter. Now, three years later he still watches. He has two spots in the house where he likes to lay, the television is in line of sight from both. When the tv is not on and he is nearby he has figured out that if he looks at me, then to the TV and then back to me I will usually turn it on for him. He still seems to enjoy "Animal Shows". I think he dreams about being a cop, I've busted him several times, staring intently at any Police program when the officers employ K-9's.

06 Jan 12 - 02:31 PM (#3286080)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ebbie

Chip, you make a good case for using television for educating dogs.

06 Jan 12 - 04:57 PM (#3286180)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: gnu


06 Jan 12 - 05:55 PM (#3286208)
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
From: Ed T

""Does Your Dog Watch Television?""

Maybe? I don't know what he does when I am at work and late at night, when I sleep?