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Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012

25 Jan 12 - 09:14 PM (#3296349)
Subject: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

Hello, it's time again to chronicle our chronically conditions factually as well as set up our own hospital with its ongoing chronicle of our friends and foes on the staff. Nurse Ratched, Ex-Ray Ted, Bed Pan Dora, Intervenus Di Milo and the rest are probably still knocking around, as well as a few new faces (They're running a half-off noses sale over in plastic surgery). So let's see what's happening. I'll probably be in here somewhere forever.

25 Jan 12 - 09:41 PM (#3296360)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

We seem to have a blithering guest all the way from Babylon. The orderlies are coming down the corridor with the strait jacket 'causes this one ain't got no visitor's pass and must have escaped from somewhere. Watch out for that Bed Pan Dora! She used to be into boxing,and she's pretty tough. I don't recognize the other guy.

26 Jan 12 - 02:51 AM (#3296431)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: freda underhill

Hi, how are things in here today? I hope they're looking after you Sev. Watch out for octopusses and mad nurses, I look forward to the rumpus once the usual guests roll in!


26 Jan 12 - 10:40 AM (#3296622)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

Well,to start off with, I'll give a reality check while you still cash them. Since the small cell cancer made its reappearence in and around the area of the heart, they are letting me come in for in-patient chemo performed at bedside. I have had some severe chest pains but nothing serious have come of them, scary as they feel, and in three weeks I will come back for more scans so that they can make further decisions on me going back to out-patient visits.

I am feeling quite fine presently and am looking forward to returning home early Friday morning.

Thanks to the staff for their removal of a rude and unwelcome guest a ways upthread

I can go back to my usual bed in the burn unit now after my visits ti cardiac, cancer, and oncology U of MD hospital in Baltimore has treated me quite well.

26 Jan 12 - 03:53 PM (#3296815)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

Hang tough, bud. You are needed around here in more ways than one.

26 Jan 12 - 05:57 PM (#3296873)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: catspaw49

I keep reading your progress with rapt anticipation. Awhile back I unwrapped it and it scared the hell out of me so here we are all bound up again......well I'm not but if you are don't say a word or there will be a hose up your rump..........

Okay.....So Monday I go in to have my batteries replaced and my leads possibly replaced or repositioned. This is a minor surgery but I personally hoping for b minor...............   Gotta' spend the night though since they are doing the lead thing. I'll follow them anywhere as long as I go home Tuesday......................

Keep up the good work and anything else you want up........


26 Jan 12 - 06:24 PM (#3296881)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

Yo Spaw. Keep the opening in the gown to the rear eh. Don't wanna frighten any young lasses or sheep. Ya big

26 Jan 12 - 10:18 PM (#3296960)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

Wishing health to everyone checking in here.

26 Jan 12 - 10:41 PM (#3296964)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

One good thing about U of Maryland hospital is that they don't seem to believe in serving green Jello. They also will give you an actual apple with your diabetic meal,which they seem to have a better grasp of the concept of than the other hospitals I've been in, but,of course, none of them are perfect.

Which brings me back to being reinstated in the burn ward in the recovery ward, where I do constant verbal battle with the "pleasingly obese" (Mama told me not to say 'fat) nutritionist, Nonnetta Bull, who insists that the green Jell-o is the healthiest kind, which is why they seem to rely on it almost exclusively. Fresh fruit seems out of the question. I get visitors to bring some in.

HurtyGertie has the rehab room at the moment, soI'm being stretched to the max by the lady who seems to love torque even more thanTorquemada did.

26 Jan 12 - 11:12 PM (#3296977)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

Fruit is good with a balanced meal. It required. Jell-O-No does not have much fibre. Jell-O-No don't float the boat. And the boat should float.

Nonnetta Bull sounds hard to swallow. Good luck.

27 Jan 12 - 05:37 AM (#3297087)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

apples are great! how can something like jell-o (sugar & processed fruit) be part of a healthy diabetic diet?

What is the Nutritional Value of JELL-O?

What exactly is Jell-O made from?

I'll re-write that second sentence - how can something like jell-o (sugar & water & gelatin & flavors & dyes) be part of a healthy diabetic diet?

sandra who always carries an apple!

27 Jan 12 - 08:26 AM (#3297140)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

Sugar-free Jello, of course. Like love itself, a many Splenda-ed thing. I fondly remember listening to tapes of the old Jack Benny radio shows that Jell-o sponsored. And listening to announcer Don Wilson read Hello recited,often sent in by the listening audience. Some of them would make you shudder, kind of like slightly shaken gellatin itself

27 Jan 12 - 09:28 AM (#3297177)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

I meant to re-write (sugar or sweetener & water & gelatin & flavors & dyes) - surely a piece of fruit is more nutritious than that mixture.

But I suppose dessert is comforting to folks on restricted diets.

27 Jan 12 - 09:46 AM (#3297191)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Severn

That should ha read "Jell-O recipies" to make real sense. This Kindle Fire gadget makes unwanted word corrections after the fact.

27 Jan 12 - 03:13 PM (#3297409)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: VirginiaTam

Runs down centre of the ward, backless gown flying, thick socked feet sliding to halt at the medicine cabinet... Weeeeeeeee want some more Lyrica. WooHooT!

27 Jan 12 - 04:05 PM (#3297437)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Linda Kelly

Severn, Do you have one of those loyalty cards like you get in Starbucks and they stamp it for every ward you go in. When your card is full you get a choice of free oxygen or an enema!

27 Jan 12 - 04:15 PM (#3297444)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

What does Emma look like?

28 Jan 12 - 07:19 AM (#3297751)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: freda underhill

that's the spirit Virginia! and i'm scooting along on a skateboard, whizzing round the corners and whipping through the wards until whoops- right across the room that Sev's in, whooshing along the floor, up the wall and out the window - aaaaaaggghh...

how many floors up are you Sev?


25 Feb 12 - 09:23 AM (#3313194)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: maeve

Hellooooo in there....

25 Feb 12 - 01:44 PM (#3313302)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

I'm well and continue to hope for wellness for those who are not, along with hoping for continued wellness for those who are! I had a breast biopsy a few months ago but it was a fibroid tumor and no treatment was needed. If the diagnosis had been bad, I would have been checking in here frequently!

26 Feb 12 - 01:47 AM (#3313496)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

wonderful news, but you can still check in to see how the residents are getting along


26 Feb 12 - 12:04 PM (#3313646)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

Of course! I know a few people have their own threads, which may be why there have been so few posts here, but I hope it's because most of us are doing well, too!

26 Feb 12 - 05:38 PM (#3313787)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

apart from the usual sore bits (arms & legs, but not back!) I'm ok

26 Feb 12 - 07:34 PM (#3313821)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass


26 Feb 12 - 08:05 PM (#3313839)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: maeve


27 Feb 12 - 02:08 AM (#3313915)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

Laryngitis has struck me down this weekend. Never mind the gargles and drugs. Arrrghhhhhh. Croak!!!

27 Feb 12 - 06:37 AM (#3313954)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

carry a notebook with a thick marker pen - local singer used an ordinary pen & found out the folks (ageing folkies) couldn't read his messages!

get well soon


28 Feb 12 - 12:26 AM (#3314357)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

I go for days not using the talking part of my phone, I usually text a lot of people, but now that I have nary a voice, I must make a few calls. It was excruciating. Maybe the bartender in the tavern will send over a scotch on the rocks - perhaps what the vocal cords need is a bit of an alcohol singe?


28 Feb 12 - 02:57 AM (#3314382)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Sandra in Sydney

your drink, madam

28 Feb 12 - 08:29 PM (#3314862)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

That's lovely, thank you!

I need to have the head of my bed cranked way up. Like if I were sleeping in the recliner. So I can breathe and stop coughing all night. And maybe the Scotch will help me stay asleep . . .

28 Feb 12 - 08:52 PM (#3314871)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

SRS, it sounds like more than laryngitis. Bronchitis? Pneumonia? What's going on? Whatever it is, I hope you feel better sooner.

28 Feb 12 - 10:41 PM (#3314897)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

I think it is a plain old fashioned head cold. I had to be at work today and there were four or five of us with similar symptoms. We stood at the edge of the reception, avoiding spreading our germs, commiserating over our bad luck. But others have had it and I guess it's our turn.

I'm using a neti pot and keeping the gargle with warm water handy. Mucinex to clobber the congestion and cough (but only barely the cough).

I'll sleep on the recliner tonight - and the big question is - which dog will get to sleep nearby, and will she try to crawl up onto my lap when I'm not looking?


29 Feb 12 - 07:36 AM (#3315015)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: freda underhill

A gargle with water diluted with tea tree oil will kill all bugs - but don't swallow it!

Hope you're feeling better soon Maggie!

29 Feb 12 - 06:31 PM (#3315301)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

Sounds like good advice.

While I'm stopping in here, I saw my general practitioner earlier this week and complained that my sinuses were clogging up overnight and waking me up. I asked if seasonal allergies were starting earlier than usual because of the mild winter here. She said yes, looked up my nose, and said that was my problem.

29 Feb 12 - 06:35 PM (#3315303)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

Salt water gargle and nasal flush followed by a pinch of ground ginger in honey allowed to melt in yer mouth and swallowed slooooowly. Good enough for Gramma, good enough for you. It works for me. I hope it works for you.

29 Feb 12 - 10:55 PM (#3315380)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

Gnu, that sounds like my Ricola cough drops - herbal combinations the feel pretty good.

ChanteyLass, as long as it's people looking up your nose, and not you looking up your nose at people, you're set! (Think a minute, how that must work - "looking up your nose at people" - head tipped way back?)

Got my cough syrup today. I hope to sleep more soundly tonight. I'll still sleep in the chair, I think that's a given at this point of the cold, but I will at least sleep.


29 Feb 12 - 11:02 PM (#3315385)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: gnu

Sleep in the chair? Nay, nay, nay. That is bad for you. Bad for the back. Bad for the, ahhh, errr, well, pooper. Get the salt water into your nose and throat. Get that ginger on those vocal cords. And, do NOT sleep in a chair... trust me... don't.

01 Mar 12 - 12:30 AM (#3315406)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: Stilly River Sage

This is a large comfy leather recliner. Not bad for the back for an occasional afternoon nap, and not bad if it is the only way to breathe and not cough all night. It can stretch out almost flat, but I keep it a bit levered up.


01 Mar 12 - 10:32 PM (#3315921)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2012
From: ChanteyLass

SRS, "Think a minute, how that must work - "looking up your nose at people" - head tipped way back?" Naw. I would Just lie down on the floor on my back! Tell us tomorrow about your night's sleep. I hope it is good and that you can soon return to your bed.