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2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?

29 Jan 12 - 09:17 AM (#3298414)
Subject: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,John Scovill

Tia Blake recorded a lovely album "Folk Songs and Ballads" in 1971.All of the tracks of the album are available on YouTube and Spotify. Whatever became of this promising artist?

29 Jan 12 - 09:27 AM (#3298419)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Have you seen that her album is being released on cd by Water Music on 28 February 2012? "First time available on CD with Tia Blake's own recollections. 11 tracks...)

Here is her version of "Polly Vaughn" on YouTube

29 Jan 12 - 12:16 PM (#3298501)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,John Scovill

Thanks, Maeve. There are a few different sources for her music but seemingly, no details on her career.

29 Jan 12 - 12:22 PM (#3298502)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

I wondered if you might contact "Water Music" to request information, John? I looked about for a while, but haven't found contact information for them. The notes for her cd did specify "on CD with Tia Blake's own recollections", so it seems likely it is a release with her cooperation.

29 Jan 12 - 12:26 PM (#3298505)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Here's a starting point, John:

29 Jan 12 - 06:00 PM (#3298683)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,John

Naeve, I'll give it a go. John

29 Jan 12 - 06:09 PM (#3298687)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Let us know what you find, John. And if you were to join Mudcat (free) I could send you a private message (PM) when/if I get an answer from the email I have also sent.

30 Jan 12 - 01:37 PM (#3299178)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

That last link is a red herring (Water Music Records is not the same as Water Music, who is releasing the cd.) I've written to CD Universe instead.

30 Jan 12 - 02:29 PM (#3299207)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

Maeve, I'm on Facebook, so we can start a private correspondence there. You can here all of the recordings on Tia's vinyl album on YouTube or Spotify. She has a lovely voice and the accompanying musicians (all French, it appears) do quite a creditable job. Will become a Mudcat member soon. John

30 Jan 12 - 02:57 PM (#3299223)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Thanks, John. No Facebook for me.

I've listened to several of Tia's YouTube recordings and enjoyed them. I'm mostly interesting in helping you find out the answer to your initial question. In the meantime, no telling who will wander across your thread here and perhaps fill in the blanks.

01 Feb 12 - 09:15 AM (#3300246)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,David

There are liner notes on the back of the old LP sleeve, images of which are on Google (very small). The back cover, I think, mentions Columbus (Georgia) and "Paris chez Benito"...but I don't speak French.

Anyway, she's a great find. Would love to know more.


01 Feb 12 - 11:12 AM (#3300300)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

CD Universe is distributing the old album/new cd release, but have no information as to her whereabouts. The contacts persons at both CD Universe and at Water Music Records (the aforementioned red herring) were quite friendly and willing to help had they been able.

Perhaps a search of the copyright information might lead to a clue. I still haven't found the contact information for the Water Music company that is supposedly the label company for the cd, nor have I found current information for either of the establishments named in the cd notes:
"Ossian Studio in Paris in 1971 and released that same year by the tiny French label SFP (Societe Francaise de Productions Phonographiques)"

Good suggestions, guest David/DK. Thanks for aiding in John's search.

01 Feb 12 - 11:22 AM (#3300305)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: MartinRyan

Interesting singer, alright. She has a nice version of "The Rising of the Moon", also.

Click here


01 Feb 12 - 12:12 PM (#3300345)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

The back cover starts something like this very rough translation (apologies to those who speak French!):

"...If one day you met Tia--at Benito's Paris house, from a street in Columbus, Georgia,of all places, where she was born in 1952 -- if you are at all normal you have fallen in love at first sight..."

It's hard to read the image I found, even after manipulation with Picasa software. However, lower down on the cover, the following people are listed:

Artistic Direction- Benito Marline
Sound Engineer-- Daniel Valiancian (?)
Cover(?) photo-- Gigi Carlassare
??-- Jean-Paul Smots (?)

01 Feb 12 - 12:25 PM (#3300360)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Contact information for the (apparently defunct?) SFP:

Société Française de Production (SFP)

Contact information

2 avenue de l'Europe
94366 Bry-sur-Marne

Website :

Jean-Pierre Barry
Chief Executive Officer
Found here:

That website lists the following:
Euro Media France, Headquarters

2 avenue de l'Europe
94 360 Bry-sur-Marne

E-mail: contact (at) euromedia-france (dot) com (Altered to avoid giving them sp*m headaches) There are telephone numbers listed at the same link.

03 Feb 12 - 03:27 PM (#3301628)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Thanks Maeve, Martin, and David for your contributions. I find Tia Blake to be very interesting not only because she has a lovely voice and sings two of my favorite songs ever, but she was born in Georgia, as I was. So her you have a women recording a record with her own band in Paris at the age of 19, and after this, nothing. I suppose that artists leave music all the time to become private people, but still I wonder if she is still performing.

Who knows, she may read this and say, I'm a veterinarian in Augusta.

Thanks and regards,


03 Feb 12 - 04:00 PM (#3301652)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Welcome, John. Let's keep this thread refreshed from time to time...perhaps Tia herself will find us.

03 Feb 12 - 04:04 PM (#3301654)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

I hit Return too soon...I also wondered what Mudcatters might be equipped and willing to search for:

*clues to the people mentioned in the album notes, or
*the owner(s) of the rights to Tia's album?

03 Feb 12 - 06:03 PM (#3301722)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

I have been Googling the musicians who participated in Tia's album. I had a few hits, but it doesn't look like they have been very active, just a few albums not so long after "Folksongs and Ballads". Maybe they had day jobs?

03 Feb 12 - 07:50 PM (#3301780)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

These are the credits from Tia's album, Folksongs and BallaThere are a lot of guitarists her. So did they just do this album and never have a history of live performances?

Eric Kristy, Guitar
Gilbert Caranhac, Dobro guitar
Francios Brigot, guitar
Bernard Vandame, guitar
Tia Blake, guitar and vocals
Michael Sada, guitar
Sydney Aufrere, flute

Benito Merlino, artistic director

SFP = Société Française De Productions Phonographiques

03 Feb 12 - 08:41 PM (#3301795)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

It's entirely possible the "band" was put together for the one recording session.

Did you notice that some copies of the album say, Tis Blake and Her Folk Group", while others say, "Tia Blake and His Folk Group"?

03 Feb 12 - 11:05 PM (#3301841)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Hi Maeve,
I saw that some of the web entries say "his group". Can't say whether the images of the album on the web aren't copies of the original. I take it that the "his group" is a mistake. I was thinking that the musicians credited on the album know each other but aren't really a a musical group. I think that Eric Kristy, a guitarist on the album, is a movie producer and also continues to play with country or cajun bands, there's an interview and a 28 minute performance on YouTube. He's the same guy as a link to a 70s album, his picture is on the cover.

Visited as they had her music and do similarity searches like Pandora. One of my obscure interests is Folkal Point, which they selected as a stylistic match. Eerie, I'm thinking.



05 Feb 12 - 07:50 AM (#3302442)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

Perhaps Benito might know more?

I'm guessing that the myspace profile name is also his email address. Anyone here speak Italian?


05 Feb 12 - 03:35 PM (#3302679)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,JohnSc

Nice catch, DK! I am thinking that since he lived in Paris and was the artistic director and had the chez Benito, that he probably he also speaks French.

Thanks again,


09 Feb 12 - 07:56 AM (#3304819)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

I wrote to Benito using the MySpace URL as an email address. I assume that the message went through as it hasn't been bounced back. No response yet.

Thanks again for the bright idea.


10 Feb 12 - 10:27 AM (#3305373)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,JohnSc

Maeve and Dave,
Yesterday I got a kind response from Benito.   He says that unfortunately he lost contact with Tia many years ago. She returned to the States, Nord Caroline as he charmingly puts iit, where she was writing short novels.

Thanks again for your interest and assitance.


10 Feb 12 - 11:08 AM (#3305386)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Interesting! Where do you plan to look next?

10 Feb 12 - 12:19 PM (#3305431)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

Let me first confess, that like a lot of former soldiers, I have not been overly fond of France. However, Benito's generous response makes me question my stereotypes. Feel a bit sheepish. Library is a place to start. See if the county or the state have any books by her. I think I'll go by Barnes and Noble and have them search "Books in Print" and other literary data bases to see if she has ever published any books. But since she doesn't appear in this context in Google, maybe she hasn't been published.

10 Feb 12 - 12:42 PM (#3305448)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

You'll want to log in again via the drop-down menu, John. Otherwise your cookieless condition with no name in the Guest slot could result in the post being removed.

As for finding books by Tia, remember she may well have a different last name, or may be using a pen name.

10 Feb 12 - 06:44 PM (#3305677)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Maybe she has a book out? You never can tell. People who live in NC, maybe they write about NC. We vacation in the outer banks and there is a writter who sets mysteries there. So here's a UNC url to fiction set in NC. I've only started thinking about this. Maybe a literature prof knows her work?

10 Feb 12 - 07:05 PM (#3305681)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Has anyone read any books by Tia Blake?

10 Feb 12 - 07:37 PM (#3305691)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Not I. Talk to a capable librarian who is good at using library and publishing databases.

You got your cookie back- good!

10 Feb 12 - 11:04 PM (#3305759)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

The university library is down the hall. They look like they know their business.

11 Feb 12 - 11:01 AM (#3305990)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Maeve,You were right about the album jacket. Evidently they printed and sold some reading "Tia Blake and His Folk Group". Hazards of publishing a bilingual product I suppose. Find a native to edit your copy for you.


12 Feb 12 - 07:10 PM (#3307175)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Any bright ideas on where to look next would be greatly apreciated

13 Feb 12 - 06:15 PM (#3307994)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Just searching for a connection between Tia and writing... found

It may be a red herring, but is interesting.

13 Feb 12 - 09:09 PM (#3308076)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

I can't believe it; lookee here:
Heeeeeere's Tia!

13 Feb 12 - 09:19 PM (#3308079)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

And here:

"It's hard to believe that Tia Wallman is a first-time author, so assured is her writing. In 'We Went to Saigon', she recalls the bizarre trip that she and her sister took to join their father at the height of the Vietnam War. Wallman had heard nothing from her father for years, when out of the blue she received two round-the-world tickets and a letter saying he'd meet them in Hong Kong and to "please dress like young ladies. No mini skirts! And don't say 'groovy'!""

14 Feb 12 - 06:34 AM (#3308218)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: JohnSc

Very nice, Maeve. Time has been kind to Tia.

Ft. Benning is right next to Columbus, GA. So it's likely that her dad was in the Army.

Thanks so much!

14 Feb 12 - 06:51 AM (#3308231)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

You provided the missing link, John; her current last name! Yes, she looks happy, I am glad to see. Thank you for starting this search for a talented musician and, we now know, writer.


14 Feb 12 - 07:07 AM (#3308244)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: MartinRyan

Good work!


25 May 12 - 02:56 PM (#3355609)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

Here can you hear short extracts from the bonus new rediscovered tracks (6 rehearsal and unreleased tracks).

26 Jul 12 - 09:40 PM (#3382033)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

The story about the rediscovery and photographs from the seventies...

here :

Look for post from June 22, 2012 by Aaron :

Tia Blake Record Release Party

27 Jul 12 - 04:06 PM (#3382378)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

post from June 22, 2012 by Aaron : Tia Blake Record Release Party

Thanks, Guest. I'm glad Tia Blake's music is appreciated to that extent. By my reckoning she's a very interesting person.

29 Jul 12 - 12:27 PM (#3383219)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

When i first heard her music and saw that she had seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth, I conceived of all kinds of imaginative scenarios to explain what had become of her. Reality is perhaps as astonishing as the ima

18 Jan 13 - 11:58 AM (#3468111)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,bruno

Allmusic has some information about Tia, and especially her album:

"Folksongs & Ballads is the only document of Tia Blake's short-lived stint as a folk performer. In 1970, Blake was an American teenager living in Paris who stumbled into a recording contract that resulted in a single LP of 11 public domain folk compositions. There was only one live performance in Paris to promote the album's release, and the next summer Blake left France, never to return and never to record or perform publicly again. California reissue label Water extends the original album with some rehearsal tapes, as well as three songs from 1976 recorded by the Canadian Broadcasting Company but never used, representing just about every song the artist ever put to tape in her time. With minimal orchestration of two guitars, Blake's darkly powerful voice, and the occasional flute or dobro flourish, these traditional songs are rendered either gorgeously wistful -- as on the breezy "Wish I Was a Single Girl Again" or the trucker's anthem "Plastic Jesus" -- or crushingly sad. Swinging between these extremes, the album finds a quiet gracefulness that bests some of the most successful folk albums of its time. As Blake winds her smoky voice around delicate standards, one is reminded of folkstress Karen Dalton's second album In My Own Time and its dour take on familiar popular tunes, or even ESP artist Patty Waters' fractured lens on folk dirges. The album exists in the same insular headspace as Dylan's earliest albums, and while far less extroverted and rambling than those albums (or any of the big-name folk artists that would define the genre in popular memory) Blake cultivates a world of fragile intricacy that is by turns weighty and carefree. This collection definitely falls into the "lost classic" category, predicting the less freaky side of freak folk songwriters like Josephine Foster, MV & EE, or Devendra Banhart decades in advance, while existing in a lush stillness all its own."

30 Jan 13 - 04:55 PM (#3473628)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?

Thanks, Bruno.

27 Jan 14 - 03:22 PM (#3595937)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,jondoe

Ah, I love a good mystery!

29 Apr 14 - 02:51 AM (#3622857)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,From Guest BettyJ

Thanks you! Her voice is haunting. I had to know more about her. Btw, what is mudcat?

29 Apr 14 - 08:54 AM (#3622898)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Welcome, Guest BettyJ.

Mudcat Cafe is the Folk and Blues (and various other topics) online community of music lovers. Mudcat is also the revered home for the Digital Tradition- a wonder repository of Blues and Folk and other song lyrics, mp3 files, and scholarly as well as enthusiastically amateur research into song and folklore.Members and guests live across the globe, and our opinions and preferences are as wide-ranging. Max is the wonderful founder and there are various people who are moderators.

To get a feeling for who and what we are, you'll need to wander around reading posts for the last many years. There are links to Mudcat FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) [click on this link] in the upper right of the home page, and to the DTradition on the upper left. The Filter (under the fiddling blue catfish logo) is adjustable as to topic and span of time to be searched. The upper threads (discussions) follow music , folklore, and technical issues, while the BS threads are in the lower part of the home page. Patience and good manners are very helpful when posting questions and information.

Enjoy your sojourn here. As long as you remember there is an amazing array of opinions, experiences, and manners here you'll likely find as much treasure here as I have.


29 Apr 14 - 05:50 PM (#3622964)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Bettyj

Thank you Maeve! I just stumbled over this site. What great luck. I'm just begining to attend bluegrass jams and open mikes and am hungry for material. I will explore.

12 Jun 14 - 12:54 PM (#3632525)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Darlene

When I asked about the other band member from her group . Her name came up, lo and behold her only album was reproduced in 2012. She now resides in North Carolina and she was present at the opening reception of the CD release., sadly she did not perform that night

09 May 15 - 02:55 AM (#3707705)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,scottmontreal

She lived a few decades in Montreal, ran with her mother, the Double Hook Bookstore (now gone), and moved back to the U.S.. Wrote a very strong article for Granta "We Went to Saigon". Unfortunately, this was the only album I am aware she recorded, which is too bad because she has a unique and special singing talent.

25 Jul 15 - 02:28 PM (#3726083)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,David

Some sad news to report here, I'm afraid.


Dead link. See post from April 16, 2018 for archival source.

25 Jul 15 - 06:20 PM (#3726127)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

That is sad indeed. I am grateful she made the one album, had a real life for herself, and appears to have had a good time along the way.

04 Aug 15 - 02:06 PM (#3728179)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,David

I'm in complete agreement Maeve. Couple things:

1. A great hour-long interview with Tia on an episode of KZSU's Street Hassle, hosted by Josh Rosenthal of Tomkins Square Records.

2. A retrospective of Tia (by me) over at Aquarium Drunkard.

Best wishes, DK

20 Dec 15 - 01:27 PM (#3759916)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Rossey

Just to update some of the information here. Tia Blake became Tia Wallman, did some writing of articles and a book. Sadly she passed away in June 2015. Google for more info.

20 Dec 15 - 01:43 PM (#3759918)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: maeve

Thank you, Guest Rossey. We did find all of that information and have discussed it- still I appreciate your taking time to post. Have you heard her reissued cd and can you tell us what you thought of it?

30 Mar 16 - 03:10 PM (#3782315)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,John Scovill

Sorry to read of her passing. But I am heartened by the efforts that everyone above has made on behalf of her legacy.

30 Mar 16 - 07:39 PM (#3782344)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Lin

I would like to get the one CD of Tia Blake's? Where can I send for it? Cost, etc?

Did Tia have any other releases besides the one CD, maybe singing with another artist on their album or any "live" coffeehouse performances on tape?

30 Mar 16 - 07:52 PM (#3782346)
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: Thomas Stern

At Amazon, CD is 12.99 US dollars, 5.49 for mp3 download.
Are you US based ??

31 Mar 16 - 02:36 AM (#3782379)
Subject: Tracks: Folksongs & Ballads (Tia Blake)
From: Joe Offer

Some of the tracks are available on Spotify, and the original album is available for MP3 download from the usual sources. The CD has many more tracks, so I decided to get it. Here's the track listing:

Folksongs & Ballads
(Tia Blake)

 1. Betty & Dupree
 2. Black Is The Color
 3. Wish I Was A Single Girl Again
 4. I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
 5. Jane, Jane
 6. Lost Jimmi Whalen
 7. The Rising Of The Moon
 8. Hangman
 9. Turtle Dove
10. Plastic Jesus
11. Polly Vaughn
12. My Father Is A Lonely Man
13. Yellow Hair
14. Country Boy
15. Betty & Dupree (rehearsal)
16. Hangman (rehearsal)
17. White Bird (rehearsal)
18. Wish I Was A Single Girl Again (take 1)
19. Wish I Was A Single Girl Again (take 2)

Amazon notes: The only album by Tia Blake was recorded at the Ossian Studio in Paris in 1971 and released that same year by the tiny French label SFP (Societe Francaise de Productions Phonographiques). Great psych folk with guitars, dobro, flute and fantastic fragile female vocals. First time available on CD, and including within the booklet Tia Blake's own recollections of the original sessions.

31 Mar 16 - 09:32 PM (#3782534)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Lin

To Thomas Stern:

Yes, USA based. Is there anywhere else besides Amazon where I can send for it in USA? Amazon only takes credit cards (not checks) or money orders, so I am looking for hopefully another source where I can send a personal check or a money order or cashier's check to buy it (not Paypal either)

Thank you,

31 Mar 16 - 09:57 PM (#3782536)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: Thomas Stern

Assign a Checking Account as a Payment Option

If you don't have a credit card, don't worry, lets customers pay for products on with an ACH-enabled U.S. checking account.

To use your checking account as a payment option, do the following: 1. Click Add a checking account at the Shipping & Payment stage of the checkout process.   
2. Enter the bank routing number (also known as the ABA code).   
3. Enter the Account number (the account must be an ACH-enabled checking account at a bank branch located in the U.S. If you're unsure whether your account is ACH-enabled, please contact your bank).   
4. Enter the name and the address of the principal account holder.   
5. Enter the principal account holder's valid U.S. driver's license number (or state-issued ID number) and the issuing state.   

• You can use any checking account provided your account is a personal account located at a branch in the U.S. We don't accept savings, corporate, or business bank accounts.
• Routing numbers are always 9 digits long. Account numbers may be up to 17 digits long. Some banks list the routing number first on the check, while other banks list the account number first.

31 Mar 16 - 10:03 PM (#3782537)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: Thomas Stern

also note CAMSCO MUSIC probably takes checks, but they were
phasing out their CD business, so may not be able to
supply the Tia Blake CD.
There are other vendors such as CDUniverse, Collectors Choice Music,
offerings on eBay, CDandLP, etc.
from what I see, the price is considerably higher, plus shipping, and I do not know if they take checks. Most eBay sellers use PayPal, though some used to take checks or postal money orders.

good luck, Thomas.

10 Apr 16 - 02:47 PM (#3784621)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,John Scovill

Benito Merlino just published a novel this last January called "Iles Vagantes". There is a chapter in this book dedicated to Tia Blake. Perhaps it recounts her days in Paris?

07 Aug 16 - 03:03 PM (#3804045)
Subject: What Became of Tia Blake?

UN BEL CAPITOLO 'D'ILES VAGANTES'RACCONTA L'incontro a Parigi di Tia Blake e di Benito Merlino,la loro storia d'amore,la preparazione del Disco di Tia nella Boutique di Benito Rue Linne' nel quartiere Latino.Benito ha scelto tutte le canzoni e le ballate cantate da Tia. E che poi sono state registrate nello Studio des Abbesses con dei musicisti francesi.E stata una bella avventura,una bella realizzazione,una bella riuscita che gli Americani hanno scoperto anni e anni dopo. Il disco di Tia Blake e di Benito Merlino che ne fece anche la produzione rimane un esempio straordinario di una Riuscita Totale.La registrazione 'e stata fatta con pochissimi mezzi finanziari e i musicisti Amici non sono stati neanche pagati. La bella fotografia del disco e' stata realizzata da un amico Gigi Carlassare che vive in Italia. Voila donc l'istoire de ce beau disque que vous pouvez retrouver dans le livre"Iles Vagante'' de Benito Merlino 'a l'Harmattan.Ily a pas mal d'avventure,dans ce livre,ainsi que de MISTERY.Ciao,Bay Bay...

23 Jan 17 - 02:44 PM (#3834340)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?

The two songs My Father is a Lonely Man she wrote, music and words, sang ans played the instrument for both - My country Boy is the other song.

On March GRANTA is putting on line her story, Forbidden Games.

I have many of her writings that I am trying to go through to have published.

When her story, We Went to Saigon, camout a movie company wanted to film it. She did not want that. Well, she was a dear, kind, loving person and animal were her greatest joy in life. If you want me to send you her latest CD, I shall. Do give me your address and I shall send it to you.

Much affection,
Joan Blake, P.O. Box 5. Pinehurst, NC 28370 - or email it to me.

20 Feb 17 - 09:26 AM (#3840146)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Folked69

Hello Joan,

This is a very obscure website. I have visited here before to read about Tia and was very happy to see that you had posted a response.

I have JUST THIS MINUTE WRITTEN DOWN THE LYRICS to My Father Is a Lonely Man. Her entire album is one of the treasures of my collection. This song in particular though seems to tug at my heart. Absolutely beautiful. I intend to post a cover version on Youtube - I have already posted a cover of Hangman which was inspired by her version.

When you say "her latest CD", do you mean that there is more material than just the Folksongs and Ballads album?? If so I and many others would love to hear it. If you have a spare copy of the Folksongs and Ballads album I would simply love to own a copy which had come from her mother.

My email address is

I am an ardent collector of 60s/70s-era British/American folk music. Tia's album rates amongst my most valued discoveries. I cannot speak highly enough of it. I would love to know more about her life, read her book about Saigon and understand how on earth this album came to be recorded. Can you tell me which form Forbidden Games will take - is it a book? A documentary?

Best wishes from Australia

20 Feb 17 - 09:28 AM (#3840148)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Folked69

Hello Joan,

I forgot to ask you, what is your email address??

Thanks again

13 Jun 17 - 03:39 PM (#3860692)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,mikey

the easy way to find her obit

20 Nov 17 - 08:02 AM (#3889431)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Paul Whitehead, England

Thanks everyone! Much appreciated. I came across Tia's album by accident today on youtube. Then looked her up and found this website. She and Bridget St John have a similar "sound" to their voices/their music. Same era, too.

16 Apr 18 - 01:28 PM (#3917679)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Worldcapers

I have just found by chance this wonderful recording of Tia Blake 'Folksongs and Ballads' on YouTube and like so many immediately went on a search to find out more about this wonderful refreshing singer wondering why I had not heard of her before. Her singing is so pure and fresh that I thought it must be a contemporary recording of one of the new wave folk singers. I was so surprised to find it was a 1971 recording made in Paris. So I've spent the afternoon searching for more information and am so glad to have found this thread with her mother's lovely words. May she rest in peace and her legacy live on. I sincerely hope her mother's wish to publish her writings in full is successful. From what I have read and heard Tia was an extraordinarily gifted person with a beautiful voice and the gift of storytelling. Thank you to all those who contributed information. I for one think her own story would make a wonderful film accompanied by her own music. A fitting memorial!

16 Apr 18 - 03:32 PM (#3917701)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: Vashta Nerada

The link to her obituary (posted here on July 25, 2015) is no longer live at the newspaper online site, but it is preserved in the Internet Archive at The same announcement ran about six times, 4 times months apart in 2015 and twice, a month apart, in late 2016.

16 Apr 18 - 06:58 PM (#3917734)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

A quick update of the thread's discography:

Tia Blake - Paris and Montreal Demos, 1973-1976 (RSD Edition*,) Yep Roc Records, LP-10”, 21 April 2018

Side A - Montreal 1976, CBC Studio A:
My Father is a Lonely Man (2:24)
Yellow Hair (2:53)
Country Boy (3:20)

Side B - Paris 1973:
Betty and Dupree (2:56)
Hangman (2:59
White Bird (2:14)
Wish I was a Single Girl Again (2:53)
Wish I was a Single Girl Again (Rehearsal) (1:12)

“These demo recordings are an invaluable addition to the unique catalog of material written and recorded by early 1970’s folk singer Tia Blake, best known for her lost classic album Folksongs and Ballads, released on the small French SFP label in 1971. Born Christiana Elizabeth Wallman April 13, 1952 in Columbus, Georgia, Tia moved to Paris when she was 18 years old, where she learned how to play acoustic guitar and was introduced to Michel Bachelet and Jean-Paul Smets, the owner and A&R manager of SFP, who asked her to record her first album. Recorded in Montreal and Paris, this 10" EP features demos of traditional ballads and original songs by Blake and has been remastered from original tapes. First time on vinyl.”

*Record Store Day (RSD) is the third Saturday in April. The 21st this year. Online sales usually begin the following Saturday.

No catalog# or pricing just yet but I'd expect an RSD release to be somewhere north of U$50.

16 Apr 18 - 06:59 PM (#3917735)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Tia Blake And Her Folk-Group, Folksongs & Ballads, Water, CD, water241, 2011


1 Betty And Dupree 3:24
2 Black Is The Color 2:23
3 Wish I Was A Single Girl Again 2:29
4 Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow 2:45
5 Jane, Jane 3:32
6 Lost Jimmi Whalen 2:14
7 The Rising Of The Moon 3:51
8 Hangman 3:17
9 Turtle Dove 2:52
10 Plastic Jesus 2:28
11 Polly Vaughn 4:21

Previously Unreleased CBC Recordings
12 My Father Is A Lonely Man 2:19
13 Yellow Hair 2:53
14 Country Boy 3:20

Previously Unreleased Demos/Rehearsals
15 Betty & Dupree (Rehearsal) 2:54
16 Hangman (Rehearsal) 2:57
17 White Bird (Rehearsal) 2:13
18 Wish I Was A Single Girl Again (Rehearsal Take 1) 1:13
19 Wish I Was A Single Girl Again (Rehearsal Take 2)

As low as U$9 when it can be found. Best deal of the lot.

16 Apr 18 - 07:02 PM (#3917736)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Tia Blake and her Folk-Group, Folksongs and Ballads, Beyond The Moon Records, CD, BTM 02, 2010, Korean limited ed. Mini LP-CD.


1 Betty and Dupree
2 Black is the Color
3 Single Girl
4 I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow
5 Jane, Jane
6 Jimmy Whalen
7 Rising of the Moon
8 Hangman
9 Turtle Dove
10 Jesus
11 Polly Vaughn

Don't know the story behind this one. Easier to find hen's teeth, nevermind the price.

Old Vinyl: There were at least five LP pressings with, as noted, one misprinted title: “...and His Folk-Group. Typically found in the U$140-300 range.

PS: Betty & Dupree also appears on a compilation LP of Cajun music. I have it somewhere around here.

30 Jan 23 - 12:13 AM (#4163921)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GUEST,Pat Easterling

A short obituary note and lots of tributes.

Gad, Spotify is playing folk music and I twice questioned the smart speaker and twice it said, “Tia Blake.” So now I listen to her on Spotify, and I subscribed to Granta to read what she wrote (I lived in Saigon when my father was Navy Chief in the early sixties, til he got cashiered for telling the Joint Chiefs that we were losing the war).

It’s hard to believe that her music career was so short! Such a great artist, such appeal, my relationship with her reminds me of ships crossing in the dark…. I live in Hilo, Hawaii now and get to see all sorts of artists, from great local ones like Hapa and Jake Shimabukuro to Judy Collins and Hot Tuna, playing the local small theaters, but I will never see Tia, and that’s a damn shame.

Thank you for leaving such a beautiful legacy.

30 Jan 23 - 04:21 AM (#4163929)
Subject: RE: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
From: GeoffLawes

Folksongs & Ballads Tia Blake - Full Album on YouTube