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BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??

05 Feb 12 - 12:31 PM (#3302557)
Subject: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Bonzo3legs

This appears to be a very strange fashion accessory indeed!!

05 Feb 12 - 12:42 PM (#3302562)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: frogprince

Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??

Because the store was all out of red suspenders. :)

(That's American suspenders, which go over the shoulders and hold pants up) :)

05 Feb 12 - 12:46 PM (#3302563)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Ed T

From a fear of brush fires?

Just wondering it that may be it?

05 Feb 12 - 12:52 PM (#3302565)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: JohnInKansas

Because they think people will assume that they know a fireman with a big hose?

(I'm guessing that's what firemen are known for.)


05 Feb 12 - 12:53 PM (#3302567)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: maeve

Perhaps they are firefighters?

05 Feb 12 - 12:54 PM (#3302569)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

Firemen's boots? Yes please! We've got tons of snow here. I walked to church in some rather flimsy boots, snow in my socks. Brr!

05 Feb 12 - 01:07 PM (#3302582)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Ed T

""From a fear of brush fires?""

(I think I got away with that one - that was a close shave)

05 Feb 12 - 01:11 PM (#3302586)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,olddude

they are flirting with Bruce

05 Feb 12 - 01:12 PM (#3302588)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: maeve

Of course I don't really know what the OP refers to by the term, "firemans' boots"; might not be what the rest of us are picturing.

05 Feb 12 - 01:19 PM (#3302592)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Bill D kick people who make fun of their nightgowns?

05 Feb 12 - 01:26 PM (#3302599)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

Hahaha Bill!
(I'd love to see our Vicar's face if I rolled up for Evensong in a pair of those boots!!)

05 Feb 12 - 01:27 PM (#3302600)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

Puss in boots???

05 Feb 12 - 01:34 PM (#3302603)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,oldddude

Looking for long hoses ?

off to the cellar for a bit

05 Feb 12 - 02:06 PM (#3302628)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Ed T

If the ladies were coming outa the fire station early in the morning I'd suspect they were there for a ride (in the fire truck).

05 Feb 12 - 03:32 PM (#3302674)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Bonzo3legs

These are boots which come up to halfway between the knees and the crutch!

05 Feb 12 - 03:49 PM (#3302687)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Rapparee

Hell, you can buy them too.

05 Feb 12 - 03:57 PM (#3302689)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: frogprince

" halfway between the knees and the crutch! "

That might be an interesting mental picture, if I was sure how the picture fitted together. : )
(okay, so I know what you meant to type)

"If the ladies were coming outa the fire station early in the morning I'd suspect they were there for a ride (in the fire truck)."
Save a truck, Ride a fireman...(With no apology to the so-called country combo Big and Rich)

05 Feb 12 - 06:03 PM (#3302757)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: mg

Because we are slaves to fashion and Clinton Kelly and Stacey ?? have not told us not to yet. mg

05 Feb 12 - 09:25 PM (#3302825)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Gurney

Because parachutist's boots have gone out of fashion.

Hard-hat diver's boots next, shouldn't wonder.

05 Feb 12 - 09:33 PM (#3302831)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Rapparee

This sort is always popular out here.

05 Feb 12 - 10:20 PM (#3302849)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: ChanteyLass

By firemans' boots, do you mean these? If so, I wasn't aware ladies were wearing them unless of course they are firefighters. However, I understand this style is popular with college women.

05 Feb 12 - 10:25 PM (#3302853)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: ChanteyLass

Uh, oh, I think the first link was too long to work. Maybe this will.

06 Feb 12 - 03:35 AM (#3302918)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Geoff the Duck

JiK - The question over here used to be :-
"Why do firemen have bigger balls than policemen?"
And the answer was:-
"Because they sell more tickets".


06 Feb 12 - 09:52 AM (#3303056)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Rapparee

Folks in this part of the world really like women in boots who whip...never mind.

06 Feb 12 - 10:15 AM (#3303071)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Nigel Parsons

Women in Boots

06 Feb 12 - 10:25 AM (#3303074)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Dave Swan

Because their mothers wore army boots.

06 Feb 12 - 12:48 PM (#3303142)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,999

People wear these things because they didn't get the brains god gave to a turnip

I never did weigh the boots, but I'd take a stab that they're 7 1/2 lbs each. Added up, firefighters' protective gear with SCBA is anywhere from 55 to 70 lbs. Some lucky sods I know were on a department that was blessed with carbon fiber tanks. The older SCBA outfits weighed in near 30 lbs. The newer ones come in near 10 lbs. You think 20 lbs doesn't make a difference think again. Handle a fire for five or six hours, and I never did meet a firefighter who couldn't wait to get out of his/her gear. IT'S HEAVY.

On occasion we'd let non-fire personnel get into bunker gear and get 'em fixed up with tanks and a few tools just for the helluvit. It was fun for about three minutes. Can't blame 'em for feeling that way.

Surely people aren't foolish enough to actually wear fire boots for the fun of it? Stupid is as stupid does.

06 Feb 12 - 01:47 PM (#3303173)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Ed T

The way that women's boots are moving upwards on their legs makes me wonder where it is all leading to - I am not really sure, but I would like to be there whereever it goes and when it happens.

06 Feb 12 - 01:52 PM (#3303178)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Rapparee

Now you know, Ed.

06 Feb 12 - 03:25 PM (#3303234)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Charmion

Hoo-wee. And to think they used to call Navy-issue winter underwear "passion killers" ...

06 Feb 12 - 04:07 PM (#3303253)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: open mike

those are structure fire boots...for use in interior attack or haz mat incidents or vehicle fire or traffic accident --to be worn with bunker gear or turn outs...

these are the type of boots used for wildland firefighting...
(no steel toes!) wildland boots

we firefighters have (at least) 2 sets of Personal Protective Gear for structure and wildland use. (also haz mat, water rescue and other specialty incidents require other clothing and gear...)

06 Feb 12 - 04:09 PM (#3303254)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: open mike

they would look great with

06 Feb 12 - 07:03 PM (#3303348)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Rapparee

Smoke jumping in kilts?

My wife's cousin Bernie retired from the smoke jumpers -- he said that after jumping on 200+ fires and only God knew how many ground fires he was getting tired of it. Now he does things like hunt Alaskan Brown Bear with a bow (and a guy with a .375 standing behind him). (Naturally they die of one arrow, leaving scratches on the toes of his boots, while he stands ready to finish them off with only his Swiss Army Knife. Ask any outdoorsy type person.)

07 Feb 12 - 07:23 AM (#3303602)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

I blame getting dressed on dark mornings.

07 Feb 12 - 11:38 PM (#3304131)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Neil D

Because they're hot.

08 Feb 12 - 01:29 AM (#3304156)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: mg

Here is what puzzles me to no end. Why, when it is a warm day, do women wrap these hideous lengths of rags around their necks these days? I can see if it is cold outside, but even then the volume they use to wrap is way more than seems necessary even for Siberia or Minnesota...they wear them with summer dresses..huge bulky goiter looking creations...on the Bachelor one lady wore this monster neck wrap in Panama...well, maybe it was really mosquito netting and she thought she might need it later on.

Another question..seems to be men more than can be 80 degrees out, they are in a t shirt and they wear a wool hat...maybe if you just had a health condition..but why otherwise? And why does anyone past the age of 2 or unless the weather really demands it wear those caps with the strings that hang

08 Feb 12 - 04:05 AM (#3304188)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: MGM·Lion

I remember a similar fashion in the mid-1960s for knee-high boots for women. My somewhat staid father used to complain about "respectable women going about dressed up as whipping whores" ~~ such a fashion having previously, in the popular mind, been confined to ladies providing such services.


08 Feb 12 - 05:48 AM (#3304225)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

MtheGM, I had a pair of those, they were called 'wet boots' or 'kinky boots'. My (then) boyfriend liked them very much.

08 Feb 12 - 06:35 AM (#3304241)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: theleveller

What I can't understand is why men still wear ties. What a stupid idea - a bit of rag round your neck under your shirt collar. It looks especially silly in summer when it's loosened with the top shirt button opened.

And pyjamas - what's the point of pyjamas?

08 Feb 12 - 06:44 AM (#3304244)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish

I hope he didn't wear them too often, Eliza...... ;0)

My friend, Kimmy, used to love dressing as a Cavalier, in our Sealed Knot days. She had black suede half-way-up-the-thigh length boots, which were worn with her very lacey white shirt, suede waistcoat, complete with sash and gorgeous hat, with assorted feathers dangling..

Men would literally fall over sideways in ecstasy when she walked past, with big goofy grins on their faces..It was so funny, and sweet to watch. She was very beautiful too, as she still is, as is her 20 year old daughter nowadays....

Dan's been in the cellar for a very long time. I think someone should check that he's OK..

08 Feb 12 - 06:46 AM (#3304246)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish

Well, pyjames stop the dog getting a fright in the night...and of course, like nighties, they can be slowly removed...

Hopefully, NOT by the dog though...

SO with you on ties!

In fact, men's clothes need a complete change of direction..Let's get back to BIG White Shirts and Boots...and trousers, I hasten to add.....

08 Feb 12 - 07:14 AM (#3304254)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: theleveller

It's not the dog that's the problem - she doesn't bat an eyelid - but now that my son's girlfriend often stays over when he's home and my daughter has friends for sleepovers, I may just have to curb my aversion to pyjamas and buy some for the first time since I was 16. I just can't afford the scandal any more.

As for boots - I love boots (for both men and women). I hardly ever wear anything else these days ( know what I mean).

08 Feb 12 - 07:25 AM (#3304257)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

LOL Lizzie!!

08 Feb 12 - 07:51 AM (#3304267)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: MGM·Lion

Eliza ~ Indeed: I forgot to mention that they were called 'kinky boots', for the very reason I mentioned above.


08 Feb 12 - 07:58 AM (#3304272)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Patsy

Well I used to wear my dad's steel capped boots, but I was only four.

08 Feb 12 - 08:15 AM (#3304285)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Little Hawk

We need a companion thread to this:

"Why are firemen wearing fishnet hose and garters?"

08 Feb 12 - 09:18 AM (#3304312)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: beardedbruce

Ties serve a useful purpose.

Management wears ties in order to reduce the blood circulation to the brain, just ensuring that managers make stupid decisions. NO member of the Executive or Legislative branch would be seen without one.


According to Monty Python, those are lumberjacks.

08 Feb 12 - 10:50 AM (#3304358)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Little Hawk

Yes, that's right! But I fear it may be affecting firemen now as well. You'd never guess what they have on under their uniforms...

08 Feb 12 - 11:04 AM (#3304367)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,999

Hose would be frowned upon because it hasn't got the ability to absorb sweat the way cotton does. Under the gear firefighters wear socks pants to prevent steam burns which are caused when the sweat boils thus cooking the skin. Because arms have been weathered more during the course of one's life, usually t-shirts are acceptable for the upper body. However, on days off I ain't suggesting that hose is out of the question . . . .

08 Feb 12 - 11:25 AM (#3304375)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Little Hawk

It's when they are off-duty that you have to really keep a close eye on them. DON'T enter an elevator alone with an off-duty fireman! ;-D

08 Feb 12 - 11:39 AM (#3304379)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: frogprince

L.H., are you speaking from a bad personal experience?/

08 Feb 12 - 11:40 AM (#3304380)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,999

What's under the bunker (turnout) gear.

(That's one of the light air tanks. O, I wish . . .)

08 Feb 12 - 11:55 AM (#3304387)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

I meant to write 'wet-look' boots, not 'wet boots'. (Incontinence?)

08 Feb 12 - 02:05 PM (#3304445)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Ebbie

I think a perfect match would be ladies in thigh-high boots waddling down the street alongside young dandies with their pants belted below the butt.

08 Feb 12 - 02:16 PM (#3304449)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: Little Hawk

Being "cool" is a fulltime job for a lot of people, Ebbie. ;-)

frogprince - Oh, no...but I have a personal friend who's a career fireman, a really fine musician, and he helped produce my CD. I can't reveal everything...but he has told me stories that would curl your hair! (the hair on your head, I mean) That song "Light My Fire" was no accident, you know...

08 Feb 12 - 02:22 PM (#3304456)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Manuel

Hope, Eliza, that your (now)boyfriend similarly goes wild over anything you put your feet into today.

08 Feb 12 - 05:13 PM (#3304540)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Eliza

Manuel, LOL!! Luckily, we're both too old for kinky boots. I wear nice comfy slippers and he wears his African mules-with-pointy-toes!

09 Feb 12 - 07:32 AM (#3304808)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Patsy

"Why are firemen wearing fishnet hose and garters?">

LH, because they are claiming that they are either going to or coming back from a fancy dress party, all innocent really. I do know a story about that.

09 Feb 12 - 08:38 AM (#3304837)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
From: GUEST,Manuel

Thanks for that good one, Eliza dear. Should I attempt poetry again anytime soon, I will, I hope, remember that "pointy-toes" goes rather well with pantyhose!