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BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

17 Apr 12 - 10:13 PM (#3339813)
Subject: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: michaelr

"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him," the has-been rock star said. Story here.

Any comments from our gun-totin' friends?

17 Apr 12 - 10:15 PM (#3339815)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Rapparee

No. He's free to express his own opinion just as I can express mine or you yours. If he threatens the President, regardless of who that is, the law can handle it.

17 Apr 12 - 10:40 PM (#3339817)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,999

michaelr: I do not know who you mean by "our gun-totin' friends." If it's me, I toted a gun once and was willing to die for you although I didn't know you or that I was willing to do so at the time. It just would have happened.

I no longer have rifles, but I have access to some. What I am not is afraid of rifles or people who carry them, unless they are my enemy.

The gun-totin' people I know tote them, they use them for the procurement of food and don't and likely wouldn't know how to shoot a person. The thought is always how to save the most meat, and shot meat tastes like shit.

For some reason this NRA crap raises its head now and then and folks go all nutso. Look, you likely have a hammer. You use it to drive nails. When you decide to use it to drive your neighbour it becomes a weapon. Until then, it's just a hammer.

17 Apr 12 - 11:45 PM (#3339833)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

Yup. Folks go all nutso. Describes Nugent perfectly.
I do hope the law handles it.
I have built houses with a hammer.
Never built one with a gun.

18 Apr 12 - 12:05 AM (#3339844)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Dumb Teenager

In order to appreciate the total absurdity of this situation, you must remember that Ted Nugent was a guest star on The Simpson's Season 23 Episode 10 this past January. He ran for President.

In other words-the featured speaker at the NRA's national convention in this Presidential election year was not a man who was actually running for President, it was a man who ran for President on a cartoon show.

18 Apr 12 - 12:10 AM (#3339845)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

You can use a hand gun or an assault rifle for two things. Shooting people. Practicing to shoot people.

18 Apr 12 - 12:41 AM (#3339850)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: michaelr

Correct, Jack. That's why I don't think the NRA's agenda is about hunting.

But it does appear that they presume to speak for all gun owners. I know there are gun owners and pro-gun folks on this forum, -- whom I affectionately referred to as "our gun-totin' friends" -- and I wonder how they feel about that.

999, I am not talking about war-time, combat situations. I'm concerned about what happens when that hammer acquires a lobby powerful enough to force legislation that enables it to nail anybody, anywhere.

18 Apr 12 - 01:00 AM (#3339851)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Ebbie

To me, there is a fine line between free speech and incitement to violence. When a person talks about the "vile, evil, America-hating administration", calls Ms Pelosi "subhuman",and says he "will be either in jail or dead" if Obama wins re-election, it comes awfully close to screaming FIRE!in a theatre.

18 Apr 12 - 01:07 AM (#3339853)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Rapparee

Ever hear of a nail gun?

I guess I fit as a "gun-totin' friend" even though I almost always have no more than a 1-inch pocket knife blade on me. But it's on a Swiss Army thing and I could trim your mustache or something with the scissors.

Yes, I enjoy shooting targets. For a period in my life those targets were people, but I haven't even shot at anyone in, oh, just years and years and years. Even out here in the Wild West there ain't no more than six or eight shoot-outs per day and never has been more'n that.

The question is simple: Why would I need to carry a firearm if another weapon (a nicely sharpened pencil, for instance) would do, not make a lot of noise, and be much more inconspicuous?

Ted Nugent has his opinions and I have mine. If he's obsessed with the Old West he knows little about it, which is the case with most folks, there are books available which will enlighten him.

Hollywood and the media have given cowboys and other settlers a very bad name.

18 Apr 12 - 01:21 AM (#3339858)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yeah, I tote guns, and I got a comment.

I wanna thank Ted Nugent. Why? Well, fer this reason: He makes every APP candidate and campaign worker look like a friggin' genius in comparison! Even the gorillas, includin' the really violent ones that eat their beer cans for entertainment after drinkin' the beer. I am sooooo glad he is with the Republicans, and not with us, cos it makes us look sooooo good! Ook! Ook! Yessir, this Ted Nugent character may just be the longlost missin' link. Not the one that connects human beings upward to apes and monkeys. No, not that one. The one that connects human beings downwards to garden slugs. LOL! I LOVE it that this whackjob is workin' for one of the 2 big parties! Go get 'em, Ted. Say some more really dumb things. Don't hold back, okay?

Now if only Obama would say a few things as dumb or even dumber as what Ted Nugent is sayin'. If only. That would guarantee an APP victory in November. Maybe a clean sweep. Obama has just gotta lose his mind between now and then for us to clinch the win.

I am prayin' for it. To Kong, of course. I got my fingers crossed. Maybe if Obama was to listen to a whole lot of old heavy metal music, that would do it. That stuff kills brain cells. I'm gonna send him some as a campaign contribution. I'm gonna send him the greatest hits of Ozzie Osbourne, Poison, Megadeath, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, and finally the piece de resistance: Ted Nugent. I hope this plan works real good by November.

- Chongo

p.s. The NRA imagines that their agenda is basically about the constitutional right of self-defence and the right to bear arms, as it was originally written in the Constitution. And they are dead serious about that. As for huntin', that would be a way secondary issue in their minds, so of course it's not primarily about huntin'. And, yeah, they DO think they speak for ALL gun owners, and obviously they don't....just like Obama and Romney think they speak for ALL Americans...and obviously, they don't. It is the conceit of all kinds of people in politics to think they speak for all kinds of people they don't speak for. For instance, I useta think I spoke for all Italian barbers! I was naive. There are Italian barbers out there who wouldn't vote fer me if I slipped them $1000 bucks on the sly and promised to move the Leanin' Tower of Pisa to Washington Square and make lasagna the national dish of America. Some of them hate me, in fact! This has taught me humility. I now know that I DON'T speak for all Italian barbers, and probably not even for all Polish grocers or Greek restaurant owners or Irish pimps. And I can take it, cos I don't need their damn votes to win if they don't like me! I'm gonna do it without 'em!

This is somethin' most other candidates don't have the guts to say. They try to suck up to everyone and pretend they speak for all kinds of people who in truth most likely can't stand 'em. Not this ape. NO sir. I know who my enemies are, and I ain't scared of 'em, and I ain't gonna pretend like I'm their good buddy just to scrounge up a vote or two. If I can't win by puttin' ALL my cards on the table, and makin' my real intentions plain, then I don't want the friggin' job!

18 Apr 12 - 02:13 AM (#3339867)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!
Well put! well as 999's

Regards to the Chimp-ess,


18 Apr 12 - 06:38 AM (#3339914)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I remember when Ted Nugent was a bowhunting purist who thought people who hunted with guns were pussies.

18 Apr 12 - 07:36 AM (#3339928)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: EBarnacle

Ho hum, just another has been trying to make waves and get publicity for himself. Maybe he wants to be the Palin on the Republican ticket this year.

18 Apr 12 - 08:04 AM (#3339944)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: artbrooks

My first reaction was "who?". Now that I know, I'm more inclined to go with "who cares". Let law enforcement deal with it - but I expect he doesn't get invited to perform at the White House anytime soon.

18 Apr 12 - 01:40 PM (#3339974)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

"dead or in jail"... yeah, sounds like inciting violence. Also sounds like Ted is going a little squirrely.

18 Apr 12 - 02:03 PM (#3339986)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

dead or in jail

Tough choice.

18 Apr 12 - 02:34 PM (#3340011)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

I would jail. I got a lotta experiense with bein' there and it is way better than bein' dead. True, it is not the greatest...but it is better than bein' dead. And ya get 3 meals a day, no charge. Where else can ya get a deal like that? I ask you.

And they will take anyone, even a total idiot. They ain't predjudissed when it comes to that, eh?

I hope Ted Nugent knows this.

- Shane

18 Apr 12 - 03:07 PM (#3340038)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Ebbie

"I now know that I DON'T speak for all Italian barbers, and probably not even for all Polish grocers or Greek restaurant owners or Irish pimps." Little Hawk

"Irish PIMPS"? Since when is 'pimp' analogous to grocers, restaurant owners and barbers?

18 Apr 12 - 03:26 PM (#3340045)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

A bucka a buck, Ebbie   : )

18 Apr 12 - 03:26 PM (#3340048)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Who said it was analogous? I'm just sayin' that not all of 'em would vote fer me, that's all, even if they was Irish pimps. And I said it, not Little Hawk! Little Hawk ain't runnin' fer office, okay? I am. I was makin' a point that a candidate should not just assume that EVERYONE in a certain identifiable minority or constituency (like Italian barbers or Irish pimps or one-eyed brain surgeons) is automatically on his side...coz they ain't. Trust me on this. There is always someone who don't meet the common standard of behavior. For instance, most gunsmiths and gun shop owners in the greater Dallas area favor my candidacy, coz it would increase their business if I get elected. But there is at least one who don't. I know this coz he's been sendin' me death threats in the mail and email. His name is Logan P. Whistledog, and he hates me on account of I knocked out his front teeth one time in a bar fight after he called me a "damn monkey". He says he wouldn't vote fer me now if I made everyone in America buy 10 of his guns a year. He is gonna vote fer Romney instead, even though Romney probably won't increase his gun sales in any significant fashion.

You follow my reasonin' here? You gotta learn some humility to avoid makin' these grandiose assumptions of entitlement like you get from people like Ted Nugent, Mitt Romney, and Barack Obama, to mention a few...soundin' off like they are speakin' for everyone in the USA! They ain't. They should own up to that.

- Chongo

18 Apr 12 - 03:39 PM (#3340053)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: frogprince

Ribbit; 3:26 was me.

18 Apr 12 - 04:46 PM (#3340072)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Amos

Does anyone have any idea what in particular he is ranting about when he asserts that a set of US Supreme Court Justices claim that citizens have no right to self defense? It sounds like the babbling of an incensed lunatic. Is there any factual referent behind it? And who are those semi-hypnotic macho characters nodding in acquiescent affirmation at everything he says?


18 Apr 12 - 05:00 PM (#3340077)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Nothing new here... Ted Nugent has been a right wing loud-mouth going back decades...

The only reason I'm not burning my Amboy Duke's LPs is that because Nugent is such an dumb-ass that he may very well go postal one day and then the LPs will be worth a small fortune...

BTW, Ted Nugent was an obnoxious, egotistical band leader back in the 60s... I met him in Detroit and was not impressed...


18 Apr 12 - 05:11 PM (#3340080)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Greg F.

Nugent was, is now, and ever shall be a colossal asshole. Hope he lives up to his promise to be dead or in jail - either would do just fine by me.

18 Apr 12 - 05:32 PM (#3340090)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: bobad

A PICTURE is worth a thousand words.

18 Apr 12 - 05:35 PM (#3340093)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

When he is playing them, the black ones are more likely to be in tune.

18 Apr 12 - 05:42 PM (#3340097)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Greg F.

If anyone needed proof that the current NRA (I, like olddude was a member back in the day & quit in disgust many years ago) is an organization of the assholes, by the assholes and for the assholes its their letting lunatic jackasses like Nugent, Limbaugh et. al. speak for them. The old NRA never would have allowed it.

18 Apr 12 - 05:47 PM (#3340103)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

The one that hand a non-lunatic jackass spokesman with age related dementia?

18 Apr 12 - 05:50 PM (#3340104)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bill D

He is one of a whole host of idiots who are 'almost' making threats and saying inflammatory crap to incite those who might actually try some fool stunt. I hope the Secret Service makes him think twice...........

18 Apr 12 - 05:51 PM (#3340105)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Speaking about Nugent, You ever notice that those who squawk loudest about The Constitution seem to care the least about the parts that give rights to others?

I figure that narrow mindedness it is a byproduct of constantly trying to read dead peoples' minds.

18 Apr 12 - 06:04 PM (#3340107)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

If Thomas Jefferson himself called Nugent on the time phone and said, "You got it all wrong" Nugent would tell Jefferson to "fuck off" and slam the phone down...

These people couldn't care less about the Constitution... Heck, other than the 2nd half of the 2nd amendment they are clueless as to what the rest of it says...


18 Apr 12 - 07:50 PM (#3340153)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

Long ago Nugent related a story to an interviewer for a magazine whose name I can't remember, about what he did to get a 4F rating so he wouldn't get inducted into the Army and possibly go to Vietnam. Since then I've looked for the article but have been unable to find it. Perhaps it was Rolling Stone.

Suffice it to say it was disgusting the lengths he went to, to stay out of the Army. This from a guy who now supposedly is so 'patriotic.' His recent comments, like a lot of stunts today (e.g., Limbaugh's 'slut' comment) are just a ploy for (media) attention.

18 Apr 12 - 08:03 PM (#3340157)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Nugent is a punk!!!


18 Apr 12 - 08:06 PM (#3340158)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Don McBride

Look, I'll tell ya exactly what Ted Nugent is. He is what my little brother Shane would be if he had the flippin' talent and whatever the flip else it takes to get tagether a career in rock music. I'm not sayin' Ted Nugent has a huge amount of talent, eh? But he must have some talent! My little brother has none. Abso-flippin'-lutely NO talent at all. He cannot even play good air guitar, eh? So that is the main flippin' difference between him and Ted Nugent. They are both idiots, but one can play the guitar and lead a band, eh? If my little brother Shane had some musical talent, like Nugent does, then he would be a rock star by now and he would be sayin' even dumber things against Obama...and you'd be readin' about it!

So be glad things ain't worse than they already are, people. Be very glad.

- Don

18 Apr 12 - 08:09 PM (#3340159)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,999

Guest, I don't think that's the article you mention, but it does address some issues to which you speak.

18 Apr 12 - 08:13 PM (#3340161)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Ted the war hero

18 Apr 12 - 08:18 PM (#3340163)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: frogprince

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year,"

I don't see that as stating an opinion by definition. Bill characterized it as an "almost threat". I suppose Nugent could turn around and say, "I meant that I would either kill myself in disgust, or get arrested for screwing a goat in front of the White House in protest". But he knows full well that that isn't what he was feeding his audience.
I think I've mentioned a personal situation from years ago here before. I had just moved to a new apartment in Chicago. A mental case on the same floor would come out in the hallway at all hours of the night and shout total nonsense. Then one night the rant was, "I'm going to kill someone, and they won't be able to do anything about it, because I have the power of God in me, and you can't mess with God." I never knew for a fact what the guy was actually capable of, but I went to the police. (As things turned out, relatives of the man came to visit by chance and they got him committed).

Nugent Probably doesn't have the guts to do anything but spew crap. But with a guy crazy enough to make that speech, who wants to take bets?

18 Apr 12 - 08:34 PM (#3340173)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

Ted Nugent demonstrates why LSD and rednecks is always a bad combination.

18 Apr 12 - 08:47 PM (#3340182)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: michaelr

Good grief, has he admitted to taking LSD?

18 Apr 12 - 08:56 PM (#3340187)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

I wouldn't be so worried about what Ted Nugent himself might do...but more about the fact that he is pretty clearly inciting other people to commit acts of violence and insurrection (in this case toward the Obama administration).

The USA is more and more taking on the character of a society that is drifting toward (a second) civil war. People like Ted Nugent remind me quite a bit of people like John Brown back in the early 1860s. They anticipate an armed conflict, and they seem eager for one. They are fueled, like John Brown, by a messianic sense of their own moral righteousness and the supposed absolute evil of those they oppose politically. This is, to some extent, true on both sides of the American political divide, but its more wacky ranters are generally found on the Right (if they are White)...although there also are a few Black people on the Left who appear to fit the equation. In either case, they are implying the use of armed violence as a solution.

In either case, they are absolutely certain that they are fighting against forces of absolute evil, and that the time will come for violent acts of patriotic "self-defence" against those forces. This is equally delusional thinking, regardless of which camp it's coming from, the Left or the Right.

That doesn't mean it can't happen, though. If it does begin to happen, the USA government will undoubtedly declare martial law, deploy troops and other security forces across the nation, and arrest a whole lot of people. And after that? Hard to say just how far it might go...

Ted Nugent is one of the people who are trying hard to open Pandora's box. Let's hope they don't succeed.

Remember: To those people, Barack Obama is the moral and political equivalent of Adolf Hitler or Satan. They really believe that about Obama. They hate him at least as much as most "liberals" here hate George Bush or Rush Limbaugh. They think he's the enemy of all that is American. Because they think that way, it would be a patriotic action in their eyes to engage in some violent acts against Obama or his administration. And they are serious about it.

Ted Nugent obviously thinks that way, and so do a lot of the guys in the crowd who are nodding their heads grimly as they listen to him. It isn't just a question of keeping an eye on Ted Nugent, but on anyone who might be willing and ready to follow the suggestions he is very clearly handing out to them. He isn't just talking about voting for Romney. He is implying an armed insurrection if Romney doesn't win.

It doesn't take much to start a war. One little spark can start it, just like a fire. But it's very difficult to stop a war once it is underway.

18 Apr 12 - 09:00 PM (#3340188)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Ted Nugent would have been one of the first brown-shirt volunteers...


18 Apr 12 - 09:10 PM (#3340192)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

Yessir. He sure would have.

18 Apr 12 - 09:11 PM (#3340193)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Yet he was a brown stained pants draft dodger.

18 Apr 12 - 09:57 PM (#3340203)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

Good grief, has he admitted to taking LSD?

Well, he was pretty proud of taking that journey to the center of his mind, but maybe that was just an analogy. Maybe he meant a trip to the archery department at Montgomery Wards.

18 Apr 12 - 10:14 PM (#3340206)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Well, EJ, having tripped out with a few folks in the 60s and early 70s the trip didn't do squat for lotta 'um... You can take the redneck outta Redneck Nation but ya' can't take Redneck Nation outta the redneck... Ain't enough drugs...


18 Apr 12 - 10:23 PM (#3340207)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

Bob, to anybody that would wear shitty drawers for three days to avoid the draft, LSD would be barely a ripple on the surface.

18 Apr 12 - 10:31 PM (#3340209)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,josepp

Nugent would have stood to the side and cheered the brownshirts on but wouldn't have had the guts to join them. Don't give him more credit than he deserves.

Funny, I'm not anywhere near as patriotic as Nugey and I don't own a gun but I did 6 years in the military (including a stint in the Persian Gulf) and nobody drafted me. If I can do it, why can't he?

The idea of a numbnut like him condemning me for criticizing America when he never had the cajones to serve his country is amusing. I earned my right to say whatever the fuck I want. If he doesn't like it, he's free to leave the country that I, but not he, served.

Thank god, he's out of the Detriot area and hopefully will never pollute this region again with his presence. As Bobert said, the guy has been a colossal asswipe since his Amboy Duke days. And he has not grown old gracefully. Russ Gibb, one of the true heroes of the Detroit music scene, totally hates him for attacking the Grande Ballroom as a den for drug addicts. He's such a pussy, Patti Smith kicked his ass live on the radio once. He was being interviewed when Smith showed up. Nugent said, "We knew you were coming, Patti, we could smell you all the way down Eight Mile." Smith yelled, "Fuck you, Nugent!" and you hear the sounds of an ass-kicking going on. The DJ (whom I think was Jerry Lubin) cuts to some commercials. When they came back on the air, Lubin said, "Boy, she was sure mad, wasn't she?" To which Nugent replied in a strangely subdued and quiet voice, "It's a good thing she's a chick or I would have thrown her through the plate glass door." Grrrrrr! IOW she kicked his ass.

Lastly, we need not peruse his songs for evidence of his womanizing, chauvinistic character--just look at his life. He has cheated on every woman he ever got involved with. His own daughter hates him. Remember that hot Hawaiian girl he shacked up with? She was underage, so Nugey officially adopted her so he could fuck her underage brains out without going to prison (where he'd instantly be made someone's bitch). Then, tiring of her, he cheated on her openly causing her to leave him and his daughter to turn against him.

You can tell that even the Romney people are embarrassed to have this dickhead on their side--but he's their's.

19 Apr 12 - 12:20 AM (#3340238)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say

I knew him years ago because we occasionally played the same venues as the Amboy Dukes. I can tell you a couple things--

You probably know this, but the "Motor City Madman" routine is a comedy act--based on pro wrestlers like "Classy Fred Blassie" and "Randy "Macho Man" Savage. He knows what people expect from him and he always puts on a good show, whether it's for the NRA, or on The Simpsons, or at Cobo Arena.   Also true, MCM is kind of a caricature of himself.

Next, he wasn't an acid head, ever. "Journey to the Center of the Mind" was a concept that came from the record company, he didn't want to do that kind of music.

He's a republican because he's a businessman. He doesn't really like politicians, and he doesn't think much of anyone who takes what he says seriously.

19 Apr 12 - 12:20 AM (#3340239)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

GUEST,999 thanks for the link. It must've been the 1977 High Times interview I read that your link refers to.

19 Apr 12 - 12:33 AM (#3340240)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

Got no argument with the showmanship. Probably have seen him at least three times when I lived in Kentucky, and once in a big show at McNichols Arena. His outlandishness made for great entertainment. And makes for crummy politics. He's a mouthpiece for all the wrong people.
Having said that, he doesn't represent the Republican Party, and Romney need not publicly denounce him. Need not, but should.

19 Apr 12 - 01:05 AM (#3340248)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

He's a Republican because he is a businessman?????

Plenty of business men are not Republican.

But no. He is not a business man. He is a clown with a business.

19 Apr 12 - 01:39 AM (#3340252)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say

Doesn't matter what anyone else is, or isn't. Ted has always been a Republican for economic reasons. He may be wrong about it, but that's why he is what he is. Anyway, Jack, aren't there are an awful lot of clowns with businesses?

19 Apr 12 - 01:46 AM (#3340253)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

His economic views aren't readily apparent when he's talking about attacking the President. Maybe he should go on Meet the Press, or compose an article for the Atlantic, so that we all see how well rounded he really is. He really needs to forget the whole political thing and start a band up with Bocephus.

19 Apr 12 - 02:09 AM (#3340256)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Rapparee

I understand that the Secret Service, at least the agents who are left, will have a little talk with him about president-threatening.

19 Apr 12 - 07:44 AM (#3340331)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

He needs to have my Cousin Buddy (Bear Swamp Recovery) give him that "little talk"...


19 Apr 12 - 08:33 AM (#3340359)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

Is this the same Ted Nugent who used brag about his draft dodging days? He wasn't eager to carry a gun then.

19 Apr 12 - 08:40 AM (#3340362)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Same creep, Sins...

19 Apr 12 - 09:56 AM (#3340381)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Becca72

Nugent has been a squirrly asshole for decades - this shouldn't surprise anyone.

Also - he's going on tour this summer...running your mouth off is a good way to get back in the public eye and sell some tickets.

19 Apr 12 - 11:32 AM (#3340417)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Are you saying that HE says he is a Republican because he is a business man? If so, that is just one more stupid thing from his mouth.

19 Apr 12 - 07:33 PM (#3340626)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant

Now the story is, "Ted Nugent is a performer... It's like wrestling"???

Same bullshit they used to try to defend Rush Limbaugh...

I hope Nugent continues his rants on behalf of Romney...


19 Apr 12 - 07:47 PM (#3340630)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

Bobert... "I hope Nugent continues his rants on behalf of Romney..."

I doubt that will happen. I am sure Ted had been muzzled post haste. Idiot that he has made himself known as.

19 Apr 12 - 11:06 PM (#3340676)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say

I'm not defending Ted. I am just telling you what he's about. Becca72 has it exactly right--this is all great publicity for his tour. He's always known exactly how people are going to react to what he does and says, and he takes full advantage of it.

Don't kid yourselves, he made out like a bandit here-album sales are climbing, he's got a big tour planned, and there will be a lot more personal appearances. And I am sure he wants you keep this thread running as long as possible.

19 Apr 12 - 11:13 PM (#3340679)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

That sounds quite plausible. In his line of work, what could be better than controversial publicity?

20 Apr 12 - 12:06 PM (#3340892)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: frogprince

But, saying that his actual intention was nothing more than getting publicity: out of any substantial number of people who would actually react favorably to this level of poisonous rant, I really think there would be at least someone vulnerable to one more nudge toward
violent action.

20 Apr 12 - 12:36 PM (#3340906)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

No excuse for it, fp, I agree.

20 Apr 12 - 12:42 PM (#3340909)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

I hope the meeting with the Secret Service goes as follows.

"So Mr. Nugent, you are claiming that you threatened the Presidents life only to garner publicity for your tour?


"We have booked you a stop in Guantanamo. Pack for an indefinite stay."

20 Apr 12 - 02:11 PM (#3340944)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say

Don't bet on it, Jack. Read this and weep-Ted Nugent had "Solid" meeting with Secret Service

This quote says it all:

"Good, solid, professional meeting concluding that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. The meeting could not have gone better," the 63-year-old singer and guitarist said. He was due to perform a concert in Ardmore, Oklahoma on Thursday.

20 Apr 12 - 02:46 PM (#3340967)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

Bet it'll be a gold day in hell before he runs his mouth like that again, too.

20 Apr 12 - 03:03 PM (#3340974)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

"cold" day, that is

20 Apr 12 - 03:19 PM (#3340980)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Becca72

I wouldn't bet on it, EJ...
That's what Ted does.

20 Apr 12 - 03:33 PM (#3340985)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

It seems to be his habitual way of life to run off at the mouth like that, LEJ. He also seems to think that the Secret Service are lovely people, and are his natural allies in the fight against whatever he imagines he's fighting against. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. After all, he does think he's among "the good guys", right? And that he's defending American values. Find me an American who doesn't think that he is among "the good guys who are defending American values", and I'll find you a 3-legged chicken and a nice set of hen's teeth. ;-)

20 Apr 12 - 04:31 PM (#3341009)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Lonesome EJ

You can keep the teeth, but I'll take the three-legged chicken. I loves me some drumsticks.

20 Apr 12 - 05:17 PM (#3341020)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,999

LH and LEJ: regarding three-legged chickens. A buddy of mine raised them near Leduc, Alberta. When I asked why, he said because his wife, son and he all liked legs. I then asked what they tasted like. He said he didn't know because they'd been unable to catch one.

20 Apr 12 - 05:23 PM (#3341025)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T


Don T.

20 Apr 12 - 06:56 PM (#3341050)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Bad news fir ya'll on the 3 legged chicken... Don't eat the middle one... It's the chicken's pecker...


20 Apr 12 - 07:25 PM (#3341059)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: frogprince

Bad new for you, Bobert; what ever that was you ate, it wasn't a chicken!

20 Apr 12 - 07:41 PM (#3341066)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

The females have one pecker...

20 Apr 12 - 07:48 PM (#3341071)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Yikes, f-prince!!! LOL...

Sheet fire... I've eaten so-called chicken wings at Wild Bill's juke joint that come out so big that it takes two people to haul on out to yer table... That chicken??? Heck no... That ain't chicken... That ain't even buzzard... That mystery wing...


20 Apr 12 - 08:06 PM (#3341075)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

It might be a Roc?

20 Apr 12 - 08:25 PM (#3341082)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

FLIP Ted Nugent! The flippin' moron is a total flippin' bolthole! Why is HE famous and I am NOT? It ain't right. If he can get famous just for shootin' his big mouth off about Obama, then I am gonna go him one better, eh? I am gonna shoot MY big mouth off about Stephen Flippin' Harper and say even WORSE stuff than what Nugent said about Obama!!! I will say things about Harper that are so flippin' bad that it will curl yer flippin' hair, eh? I will not hold back! I eckspect a flippin' visit afterwards from the press and the RCM-flippin'-P and Seesiss and maybe even the army, eh? I eckspect to flippin' genderate total flippin' astonishment and nashional OUTRAGE over what I will say about Steven Flippin' Harper!!!

Watch for it in yer news, eh? I am plannin' this for the weekend. Probally on Sunday. While the Bible thumpers are at church, eh?

Get ready! Ted Nugent will just be a fast fadin' mamarry after THIS. I will rule the flippin' airwaves. And then I will go on toor all over adn get rich.

- Shane

20 Apr 12 - 09:03 PM (#3341092)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

Shane... you ain't gettin nowhere with trash talkin about Stevie 1 on accounta most Canucks would just as soon he got the tarot death card... fucker raises the old age pension age by 2 years and tells us he is gonna spend millions in SA for market developement to encourage SA $ to come here and tells us immigration laws are gonna be eased to allow... oh, fuck me... did ya know we import temporary Romainian workers here in NB to work at a candy factory? Figure that shit out. Who's Swiss bank account is gettin lined on THAT deal?

I'd like to hire Ted to go Nugent on Harper's ass.

20 Apr 12 - 09:57 PM (#3341110)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,999

. . . with a petunia where the thermometer used to be. There may be little class left in Ottawa, but this is Canada, and there will for fuck's sake be decorum.

20 Apr 12 - 10:31 PM (#3341130)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

I'd like to decorem. Right up the ass. Waging war half way round the world illegally and and signing away seniors into poverty that have been paying taxes and paying into Canada Pension all their lives to pay that little prick's big salary and huge pension after SIX years of service. They vote themselves a pension raise and seniors get fucked? Seniors' kids and grankids can't get a job because cheap TEMPORARY labour can be brought in from Romainia?

Ted, buddy. Come on up here... bring yer gun.

21 Apr 12 - 09:27 AM (#3341258)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,999

Prick-face Cheney didn't come to Canada--he cancelled a visit. Said Canada is too dangerous. For him it would be.

21 Apr 12 - 02:18 PM (#3341374)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Only 1 more day till I am soooo flippin' famous that all youse will hate me!

- Shane

21 Apr 12 - 03:59 PM (#3341413)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

Can't say I am fond of your vague and unitelligible posts at the moment.

21 Apr 12 - 09:40 PM (#3341486)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: catspaw49

Does anyone else wonder where all those Republicans are who were so incensed over the Dixie Chicks? ..............Yeah........I know. Once again it is not about President Obama but about "that nigger in the White House."

I fear for his life. Nugent is a candy-ass bully who rolled over for the Secret Service but he and others keep inciting the nuts with guns out there........................


21 Apr 12 - 09:52 PM (#3341488)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Candy-ass ain't what the pre-induction draft folks called it... The guy shit his pants and walked around 4 days continuing to shit his pants...

No candy in his pants... Just poo... Four days of poo...

A real hero??? Right???


21 Apr 12 - 09:55 PM (#3341492)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Nugent and his kind are a danger. But freedom of speech is an overarching value in this country. I hope that if Obama is re-elected it is with a better VP than Biden. Personally I think that Biden and Hillary Clinton should swap jobs.

21 Apr 12 - 10:16 PM (#3341501)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

That may not happen, because Chongo is presently negotiating with Hillary to become his vice presidential candidate. That's Chongo for you...he knows quality when he sees it. I asked him about Biden. He said, "Don't make me laugh. That guy don't even know what end of the banana to start peelin' from. I hope Obama keeps him right where he is."

21 Apr 12 - 11:45 PM (#3341520)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Ebbie

sheesh In serious discussions it would be nice if Chongo's creator kept him home.

21 Apr 12 - 11:54 PM (#3341523)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Some people need three or more personalities to evenly spread their BS.

22 Apr 12 - 12:05 AM (#3341529)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: catspaw49

Others are one too many...............


22 Apr 12 - 01:07 AM (#3341534)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say

Saw that the thread was still open, but I see that this has moved from talking about Ted Nugent to talking like Ted Nugent. That may be an improvement.

22 Apr 12 - 01:43 AM (#3341537)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Whhhhaaaaannnngoooo zeee tannngggooooo!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 12 - 02:26 AM (#3341543)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Ebbie

"...talking like Ted Nugent"? Not even close.

22 Apr 12 - 02:59 AM (#3341547)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

Well, if we were to talk like Nugent about Romney...

If Romney is elected President we on this thread, like Nugent, are either going to be dead, in jail, or whatever chickensh*t Nugent told the Secret Service.

22 Apr 12 - 10:03 AM (#3341647)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

The Secret Service is afraid of Ted Nugent... If they come down on him it means the NRA will come down on them and no one wants the NRA vampin' on 'um...


22 Apr 12 - 12:28 PM (#3341721)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Little Hawk

And if Ted Nugent gets elected president, I will be even more scared of what the USA might do next than I am now!

So, let's hope it never happens.

22 Apr 12 - 01:13 PM (#3341744)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Jack the Sailor

The would never elect a draft dodger president. Unless he is a Bush!


22 Apr 12 - 01:26 PM (#3341751)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: Bobert

Ted Nugent is already president of the American Hypocrites Society...


22 Apr 12 - 01:30 PM (#3341754)
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
From: gnu

JtS... hahahahaaa!