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BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

09 May 12 - 10:06 PM (#3348951)
Subject: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,jacqui.c

It's May 10 in the UK now so I can put this thread up.

Many happy returns to my husband who, whilst he may be grower older, still refuses to grow old.

Kendall, may I have the pleasure of your company for many more years yet.

Live long, die happy.

09 May 12 - 10:08 PM (#3348952)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: gnu

Sniff... and happies at ya lad!

09 May 12 - 10:16 PM (#3348957)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Beer

May we all tune in next year as well. Wow! does time fly by. Many many more Kendall.

09 May 12 - 10:34 PM (#3348963)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Bobert


Same as my son's...

Need to call him tomorrow...

Happy B-Day, Capt'n and Ben Grady...


09 May 12 - 11:14 PM (#3348975)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Rapparee

So, if he refuses to grow older does he also refuse to grow wiser? Either way or both is just fine -- a man needs to do some things that are unwise every now and then. Life would be boring otherwise.

Kendall, may your life never be boring.

09 May 12 - 11:27 PM (#3348976)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,999

I'll agree with all the fore noted.

Hey fellow, you sent me some wonderful music. Thank you, and happy birthday to ya.

10 May 12 - 12:00 AM (#3348986)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Janie

If I can just piddle around here not saying much but burning up time for 4 minutes, or somethin', or dose off for now 3 minutes only to wake up at the magic time, or tell you about my partially newly painted kitchen cabinets, or wonder out loud about if it's going to rain anymore tonight or for 2 minutes longer continue to take up space and ramble about nothing in particular and wonder what tomorrow is going to bring at work for 1 more minute, at least according to the clock on my computer and be greatful there is not a cock crowing at midnight then I can be the very first person to wish kendal

Happy Birthday!!!

10 May 12 - 12:01 AM (#3348987)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Janie the stroke of midnight.

10 May 12 - 12:50 AM (#3349001)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: ClaireBear

Still a bit early here on the western ocean, but I'll say it anyway: happy birthday, Cap'n, and may the coming year bring joy and fulfillment.

Lorenzo the bobblehead sends his affectionate regards, and so do I.


10 May 12 - 03:45 AM (#3349018)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

well, Thursday 10th is winding down here - dusk has fallen, curtains are drawn - but I've still time to wish the wonderful Capt'n Kendall a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY & lots of happy celebrations & lots more happy birthdays


10 May 12 - 03:57 AM (#3349020)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: fat B****rd

Best wishes from Dunfermline, Kendall.

10 May 12 - 04:01 AM (#3349023)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: My guru always said

Many Happies kendallDear, for today, tomorrow, the day after, and ALL your days!

10 May 12 - 04:04 AM (#3349024)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Will Fly

A good excuse (as if I needed one) to pour a large single malt this evening and raise the glass to your Happy Birthday! Cheers!

10 May 12 - 04:41 AM (#3349029)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

A whole year since we sang on HMS Victory - I can't believe it! Hope you have another great birthday!


10 May 12 - 04:42 AM (#3349030)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Micca

Happy Birthday, Kendall, I've got the Diet Pepsi and the whisky!!

10 May 12 - 05:47 AM (#3349045)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: maeve

I hope you have a wicked good day, Kendall.


10 May 12 - 06:21 AM (#3349055)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Leadfingers

Happies mate - I'll buy you a beer next week !

10 May 12 - 06:24 AM (#3349056)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy B.D., Kendall! ♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Don't forget to celebrate for at least a month!

Linn (and Tom, too -- he's still having problems seeing the computer)

10 May 12 - 06:50 AM (#3349064)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: ranger1

Happy birthday, Kendall. I tried to think of something clever, but I have to finish getting ready for work and I haven't had coffee yet. I'll save it for the card.

10 May 12 - 07:31 AM (#3349075)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Little Robyn

Happy birthday from NZ.

10 May 12 - 08:23 AM (#3349086)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

Happy birthday, Captain.
SINS, head groupie.

10 May 12 - 08:27 AM (#3349089)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: John MacKenzie

Aye, keep growing older my friend, but whatever else you do, don't grow up.
Grown ups are boring!


10 May 12 - 08:58 AM (#3349100)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Severn

Happy birthday, Kendall, sent from my Kindle.
Hoping a friend will have health that won't dwindle
And that while I'm sitting enjoying each tale you
Have a good year. May your muse never fail you!

(Now you know why they suspended my poetic liscence for too many meter violations.)

10 May 12 - 09:10 AM (#3349106)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Rapparee

Kendall, braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! Vos natas est: carpe narem, sed non urinat in ventum.

10 May 12 - 09:24 AM (#3349114)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Becca72

Happy Birthday, Dad. I love you!

10 May 12 - 11:38 AM (#3349168)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: katlaughing

Happy Natal Day, Kendall! Hope you have had a wonderful day and the year will bring you all that you need and desire. Thanks for being here!

much love,


10 May 12 - 12:36 PM (#3349188)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

Don't piss in the wind???? What are you going on about, Rap?
Enjoy your lunch, Kendall. On the water in the rain. And listen to Rap. Definitely not from the deck into the wind.

10 May 12 - 12:44 PM (#3349191)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Megan L

happy birthday lad

Awra best

10 May 12 - 01:31 PM (#3349208)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: frogprince

Didja take a lovely British "bird" out for a ride in your "motorcar"?

However you choose to celebrate, hope you're having a real good one.

                   Dean (and Judy).

10 May 12 - 01:40 PM (#3349209)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

So far it's been a very good day. Lots of cards from loved ones and a fine lunch at one of Portland's best restaurants.

I don't know what I did to earn all you fine folks as friends but I'd like to bottle it and give it to republicans.

10 May 12 - 01:43 PM (#3349210)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

What did you do? It's not about what you do, my friend, it's about who you are. So enjoy the rest of your day!


10 May 12 - 02:04 PM (#3349215)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Morticia

happy birthday, Cap'n xx

10 May 12 - 02:06 PM (#3349217)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: skarpi

happy birthday Kendall , enjoy the days ...

10 May 12 - 02:30 PM (#3349222)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Amos

I think you should give it to them, Kendall, every chance you get.

Happy burfday. Are you skipping any? I feel like I'm catching up, but that doesn't make sense unless you're dropping the count, sir.

Ask Jacqui to double check your arithmetic, wouldja? :D


10 May 12 - 05:44 PM (#3349303)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: KT

Happy Birthday, Kendall, from the frozen (nearly) north!
I'd say we're the lucky ones to call you friend! Enjoy you day!

10 May 12 - 07:52 PM (#3349329)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

I'm humbled.I try to be the kind of person that I would want in my life. Yes, I know I'm sometimes gloomy and irritated but mostly I try to stay on the giddy side of morose.

10 May 12 - 08:00 PM (#3349334)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Rapparee

Amos, look at it this way:

Suppose when you were 15 Kendall was 30. You were 50% his age.
So 15 years later, you're 30 and Kendall is 45. Now you're 67% his age
When he's 90, you'd be 75, or 83% of his age.

In short, you're catching up. Eventually you should pass him.

This is mathematics, so it's gotta be true.

10 May 12 - 09:42 PM (#3349361)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: ChanteyLass

Happy birthday, Kendall!

10 May 12 - 10:09 PM (#3349366)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: gnu


But, when he's 90, he'll still be Kendall... a wise and nice guy. Like George Carlin said, "Please Lord, just let me be a nice guy." Of course, he never had that leather jacket. >;-)

10 May 12 - 11:02 PM (#3349380)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Bobert

Well, I reckon that it H.B. for real...

Just got off the phone with my son, also a May 10th'er...

Make it a good 'un...

Or hope it was...


11 May 12 - 01:28 AM (#3349404)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,Lois the Llama

Well Kendall, your special day has passed and I had beenlooking forward to it so muc....................but alas I heard nothing from you. I have worked on my body to look as perfect as a llama can be....nothing fromyou. For the past several weeks I have had my coat washed everyday and brushed out til dry to insure the most lush coat that could ever be found on a llama......and from you, nothing.

I am truly the complete package and today I got up early and waited many long hours for a call that never came. This is a deep hurt Kendall, a very deep hurt. When I think of the times we had together and then for you to seeemingly proudly ignore me on this day..............My heart is pierced to the core..............

Lois --- with tears on my pillow

11 May 12 - 03:49 AM (#3349427)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: autolycus

Happy birth-anniversary, Kendall

11 May 12 - 03:54 AM (#3349428)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,SussexCarole

Ohhh...nearly missed sending birthday wishes.

Hope it was a good one Kendall - Love from us both   Andrew & Carole xx

11 May 12 - 07:48 AM (#3349490)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Lois - you are history - live with it.

11 May 12 - 08:40 AM (#3349502)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: freda underhill

Happy birthday, Kendall, sent from down under.
Hoping you don't overconsume and then chunder
And that while I'm enjoying each CD of yours
You have a good evening, and then a few snores....!

Happy birthday Kendall! and happy Jacqui as well
cheers to the old bloke, and to his young belle
words tumble about, some puns to adorn 'e
Like Severn the master, I'm freda the corny..

happy birthday! xx

11 May 12 - 08:51 AM (#3349504)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Becca72

Ok, like I didn't have enough problems - now you lot have named the llama after my mother??

Man, I gotta get another hobby...get out and get some fresh air...throw myself into a lengthy game of Words with Friends..sheesh

11 May 12 - 08:56 AM (#3349506)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

Could be worse, Becca. The llama could be a Lawrence. Larry the llama has a nice sound to it.

11 May 12 - 09:40 AM (#3349515)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Jeri

They're making the movie "The Other Day After". Bewildered souls are wandering through an ash-covered world looking for slices of cold pizza and their car keys. At least the Fire Department managed to put the cake out.

Happy Day After Kendall!

11 May 12 - 09:55 AM (#3349520)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: catspaw49

Becca, I'm pretty sure that Lois the Llama had absolutely no idea that your mother was also named Lois. On the other hand, Ol' Spaw can't help but be LMAO over this accidental shot in the dark. I am surely a degenerate beyond all hope, but I'm sure Lois apologizes!

Does make Jacqui's comment more interesting.......LOL.......geeziz.........


11 May 12 - 10:05 AM (#3349522)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Becca72

LOL..Spaw, my friend, you're just lucky I have my father's sense of humor. :-)

11 May 12 - 10:36 AM (#3349536)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Rapparee

BS: The rich subjugate the poor.         
BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

The juxtaposition sees...interesting. Apparently Kendall, like Bobert, crushes the workers under his iron-shod sea boots.

11 May 12 - 10:46 AM (#3349543)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: kendall

A woman asked her husband how many other women he has had, and he replied, "Well, let's see, there was, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, you, 8, 9..

11 May 12 - 11:20 AM (#3349563)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Elmore

Groan. Hope you had a happy birthday anyway.

11 May 12 - 01:22 PM (#3349611)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: John MacKenzie

A friend in Canada sent me that joke earlier today Kendall. I wonder where you got it? ;)

11 May 12 - 01:45 PM (#3349622)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall


11 May 12 - 02:12 PM (#3349634)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: topical tom

Best wishes for a happy birthday and a splendid new year!

11 May 12 - 03:30 PM (#3349671)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: gnu

Ooops! Carlin said "... COOL guy."

11 May 12 - 03:44 PM (#3349683)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Becca72

Jeri - LOL!!

11 May 12 - 08:16 PM (#3349760)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Andrez

Hey Kendall have followed your story and doings from afar through the Mudcat. Here's my small contribution to your day, a link to a whole list of 'old peoples birthday jokes" to trawl through if you feel so inclined in between keeping on singing and making music. The site prefaces its page with this nice observation:

"You'll get the benefit of using a joke of this type, but you'll reap a bigger reward if you can find and soak up the proverb hidden inside these jokes. It can lessen your stress level and maybe allow you to become an old person yourself". Sounds like a good idea to me.

Cheers from Australia where despite the dateline its still the 12th!


11 May 12 - 08:36 PM (#3349769)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: kendall

Thanks, I can always use new material.

11 May 12 - 08:53 PM (#3349778)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Bobert

Man, with as many birthdays as Kendall has had lately Mosses may have to come back to defend his turf...


11 May 12 - 08:55 PM (#3349779)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Charley Noble


Best to you, belated, from Judy and myself.

Charley Noble

12 May 12 - 03:56 AM (#3349845)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: autolycus

Happy birth-anniversary, Kendall

12 May 12 - 08:42 AM (#3349938)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: bbc

Happy belated, my dear! In honor of your birthday ( & my mom's on the 15th & Mother's Day, we've come to Maine to visit! LOL


Barbara & Duane

12 May 12 - 10:12 AM (#3349969)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall

To visit whom?

12 May 12 - 04:54 PM (#3350100)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Mark Ross

Long May You Wave Captain! Happy B'Day!

Mark Ross

12 May 12 - 05:18 PM (#3350110)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: gnu

Hmmm... when yer flag starts to wave... >;-)

12 May 12 - 06:13 PM (#3350131)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Mark Ross

Better than when your wave starts to flag.

Mark Ross

13 May 12 - 07:12 AM (#3350265)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: Fortunato

Hey, Kendall, old pal,

Sorry I'm late, but I send my best wishes for your post-birthday Sunday, and the rest of the year.

I think we'll see you at the Getaway this year with the Micca in tow, and we'll send a few songs together.

All the best,

13 May 12 - 08:09 PM (#3350470)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Kendall
From: GUEST,Kendall

You're on, Mate. Maybe by then I'll have learned how to play my new Octave Mandolin.