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BS: Prometheus Anyone?

27 Jun 12 - 08:41 AM (#3368588)
Subject: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I've waited 30 years for this one I suppose, as Ridley Scott ventures back into the Alien Universe to answer one of key points raised by some of the most iconic scenes ever devised by the Sci-Fi Tradition thanks to the master H.R.Giger.

Did it work? Hmmmm... Not sure, though I must say enjoyed the film as a whole; even my wife enjoyed the film, and she hates The Alien Franchise as a whole (unlike me, who even relishes in the grisly excesses AVP Requiem). I can't help feel the truth is still 'out there' and keemly await the sequel (with or without Ridley Scott) in this, one of key mythologies of my life thus far. As a narrative it was a tad rushed though, lacking in any essential protocol that would have made it more convincing, though no doubt this belied certain urgencies integral to the sub-plotting which seemed just plain silly in comparison to the central issue. No such mawkish / familial elements in Alien (as a rule), which made for better, more emotionally moving films altogether IMHO.

Jack Blandiver
(i.e. The Mudcatter Still Known as Suibhne O'Piobaireachd / GUEST Suibhne Astray until such time my request for an official name-change is honoured...)

27 Jun 12 - 09:20 AM (#3368607)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Charley Noble

I really enjoyed the introduction of this movie and its cast of characters.

Maybe I need to go back to the book, for whatever agenda the aliens had was not at all clear to me in the movie other than it was sinister. But why "sinister"? That big questions somehow gets lost in the clash of the subplots.

Things are certainly set up for a sequel (which might shed some light on the big question, or not) at the end of the movie but I doubt if there will be enough interest to generate one.

It's certainly not a movie I would be tempted to watch again, and I almost walked out early.

Charley Noble

27 Jun 12 - 12:24 PM (#3368680)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

We got free ticket form a hotel chain frequent stay program.

We had the choice of Prometheus, Avengers, MIB3. We saw MIB3, light summer entertainment looked good in 3d.

27 Jun 12 - 12:24 PM (#3368681)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

tickets from

27 Jun 12 - 02:27 PM (#3368753)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I agree with the lack of clarity, and puzzled over how such an advanced technology would be geared up for creation on one hand & desruction on the other, yet still need little whistle-flutes to get their navigational gizmos in order. Like something out of Willy Wonka...

Off to see MIB3 tomorrow. In 3D. We're having a night in with Pasolini's Decameron tonight...

27 Jun 12 - 02:37 PM (#3368755)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

Off to see MIB3 tomorrow. In 3D

It is as good as the first ones but with similar plot holes as you describe in the Prometheus.

27 Jun 12 - 03:15 PM (#3368779)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Yay! Can't wait.

27 Jun 12 - 03:39 PM (#3368790)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Amos

Fantasy is not as easy as it looks, you know. Reality, even harder!! :D


27 Jun 12 - 04:32 PM (#3368813)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

The plot point problem I refer to in MIB3 allow for one of the coolest climactic scenes I have ever seen in a movie. Not as cool as Slim Pickins riding the bomb say, but cooler than the climax of either of the two previous MIB movies. So perhaps we can forget the way more obvious solution to the problem that the MIB agents are faced with, to watch the more dangerous and cool one that is the climax of the movie.

27 Jun 12 - 08:47 PM (#3368891)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: MAG


loved it -- much better than the other 3, which, truth to tell, were not as interesting as that terrific alien ship at the intro, which we never see again -- one of the escapees HAS to be the robot -- another cliche, I know, but he is such a GOOD robot --

27 Jun 12 - 10:23 PM (#3368905)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Songwronger

This will no doubt be a Luciferian movie. Prometheus, the bringer of light, Lucifer. Confusion from watching the movie will be due to the the conscious images onscreen conflicting with subconscious symbolism. It's hard to meld a seemingly straightfoward story with brainwashing allegorical propaganda, so maybe this movie didn't pull it off so well.

It's been a while since I looked at the movie reviews on the site below, but they're the most interesting I've ever come across. Reviewed by hardcore Christians. Agree with them or not, the movies are analyzed with a strong worldview in mind:

That's their review of Alien. Never read it until now. Interesting, but pretty lackadaisical. Some of the other reviews are amazingly complex and drive home their points very effectively. A list of other reviews is to the right of the page, up high.

The article about Hollywood's Satanic Agenda is interesting.

Entertainment is where we recieve most of our propagandizing. The marketers know that we largely tune out the politicians, but we'll sit excited as children at a movie premier, or while waiting for a season premier of a TV show. That's where they reach in and change our morals, with video events. And endless repetition of themes. Like the Luciferian stuff.

27 Jun 12 - 11:01 PM (#3368923)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

The NWO intel briefing eh?

More fictional then MIB IMHO.

28 Jun 12 - 04:24 AM (#3368980)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Is MIB indicative of the NWO as well I wonder? In the realms of Conspiracy it seems believers just need something big to believe in by way of a security blanket.

28 Jun 12 - 05:39 PM (#3369228)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

"Is MIB indicative of the NWO as well I wonder?"
Good point. Probably "yes" in my opinion.

28 Jun 12 - 05:46 PM (#3369240)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Songwronger

Governments are the biggest conspiracies there are. They steal your money through unfair taxes and bomb other countries in your name. Yet you support them as your security blanket.

George H.W. Bush used the term "New World Order" several times. Video's on the internet. The most famous usage was on September 11, 1991, at the U.N. Ten years to the DAY before 9/11.

28 Jun 12 - 06:46 PM (#3369276)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Just back from MIB3 - cracking fun all round. The only problem I spotted in the plot was them playing Status Quo in The Factory.

NWO? I think not - just basic human idiocy & incompetance. No need for paranoia, just despair...

28 Jun 12 - 06:52 PM (#3369280)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor


MIB headquarters is the receiving lounge for a space port. A space port, busy with arrivals and departures. But they had to go to Florida to put a small object into orbit? They could have done what they had to do from New York, let the bad guys come to them and polished them off at their leisure.

But that would have negated a very fine movie climax.

28 Jun 12 - 07:01 PM (#3369283)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

"George H.W. Bush used the term "New World Order" several times."

Obvious proof that he was referring to a secret conspiracy by that name.

28 Jun 12 - 08:43 PM (#3369329)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: michaelr

What I liked best about Prometheus were the holographic effects - the rendering of the pyramid that developed on the ship's bridge, and of course the aliens' space trajectory plotting on their own bridge. Brilliant use of 3D.

Then there was that cool "aha!" moment when the surviving "space jockey" got into his seat and started up his spaceship. That really made the connection with the first Alien film.

And Noomi Rapace is the coolest. If you don't believe me, get the Swedish original version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

What I liked least was Guy Pearce's makeup. Ludicrous! Why not use a real senior actor?

28 Jun 12 - 10:05 PM (#3369342)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Charley Noble

I felt sorry for the poor squid-like creatures. They hardly ever got a decent feeding. And Noomi was hardly a model mother for the one she incubated.

Charley Noble

29 Jun 12 - 07:08 AM (#3369488)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I've just realised what confuses me about MIB. In memory, I always mix up MIB1 with Independence Day...

Guy Pearce's make-up was pretty lame, but the iconic resonance of the crashed spacecraft & 'space jockey' scenes in Alien remains unmatched by the antics of Prometheus. In terms of Fan Art I'd say, fair enough, but I was expecting deeply mind blowing things from Ridley Scott on this one, not flute-tootling brutes treading over the same-old same-old alien sci-fi baddy ground. Maybe if I'd seen it in 3D the FX might have disguised the disappointments?

That said, I am going to see it again & will buy the DVD special edition to go along with all the others...

29 Jun 12 - 09:04 AM (#3369522)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Charley Noble

I get claustrophobic in tunnel scenes. Why do Sci-Fi film-makers have to do that, other than to save money on their grossly opulent budgets?

And was it the planet's indigenous in habitants that did in the first space alien in the initial flashback, or was he committing suicide because he was being marooned on a planet without WIFI?

So many BIG questions that were not resolved in this film to my satisfaction.

Charley Noble

29 Jun 12 - 02:42 PM (#3369693)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I'm baffled by the opening scene, but can't be bothered looking it up. It had the feel of Scooby Doo really, with very little tension or conviction. Maybe HRGiger should have done the screenplay & explored the inner mythology in greater depths.

29 Jun 12 - 02:52 PM (#3369700)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

"I get claustrophobic in tunnel scenes. Why do Sci-Fi film-makers have to do that, "

Question answered then asked, especially for "thriller" and "horror" genre films.

I would suggest that it is cheaper to film an airy scene than a claustrophobic one. More room for the cameras.

30 Jun 12 - 03:11 PM (#3370002)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Coo! How come I've never heard of this until now? I'm going to watch it all tomorrow on my Thursday Sunday (don't ask).

30 Jun 12 - 03:25 PM (#3370011)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

The deck of that vessel is certainly not claustrophobic. Gives a different meaning to the term "space ship."

30 Jun 12 - 04:54 PM (#3370049)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Charley Noble

How do you like Noomi's do-it-yourself surgical app?

Charley Noble

01 Jul 12 - 01:05 AM (#3370159)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: michaelr

It's bound to become a staple.

01 Jul 12 - 04:45 AM (#3370180)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

In the context of the plotting it was all just so convient. They revealed the whole DIY medi-room thing early in the proceedings & you just knew it would be a key feature. It was as if they'd put the plot together using one of these Novel Writing Computer Programmes. As Ted Bovis* said 'First rule of comedy, Spike - don't telegraph the joke!' The more I think about Prometheus, the more enraged I get. A film that should have been the fulfillment of my 30-year inner adolescent dreaming turns out to have as much depth & tension as a below average episode of Scooby-Doo. I've never been so disappointed by a film since Alien3. Then as now, I fell for the hype! Do I have to wait another 30 years for the sequel? If so, I'll be 80, muttering into my popcorn that the new fangled Holographic Stadium Vision isn't as good as Traditional 3D...

Imagine what it could have been - antediluvian sci-fi myths with terrestial & extra terrestrial archaeology & coming face to face with the ancients in a way that went beyond mere mainstrean horror schlock into realms of the truly terrifying occult drawing on Giger's Lovecraftian genius.

Anyway, looking forward to watching Vampire Planet later today. My wife's at work, so it's a home-alone Sunday (her next day off is Tuesday, hence my Thursday Sunday comment; which means Monday will be Friday...)   

* UK Catters might get the reference; USA Catters might have to go hunting on Google & YouTube.

01 Jul 12 - 11:21 AM (#3370279)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

Alien was a very simple film plot. I was skeptical when I heard the "Lost" writer guy talk about philosophy and creation and religion and all that. Blandiver, it seems he fell far short at exploring any meaningful questions.

01 Jul 12 - 01:10 PM (#3370320)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I'm thinking more of the 'inner mythos' of the thing which is largely to do with the impact of certain key images on a more folkloric zeitgeist. I doubt any director or screenwriter could capture that on their own - anymore than one guy could write The Bible. The stark simplicity of Alien allowed it to come through as pure illumination, whereas Prometheus was over-written to the point that the only 'hope' in that sense was the prospect of a spacejockey homeworld. I appreciate these 'meaningful questions' have an appeal, but ultimately the most meaningful things are unsayable and the most meaningful films are the most meaningless. Alien is one such film.

01 Jul 12 - 01:18 PM (#3370327)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

I don't get the "mythos" of Alien, I get that certain gut instinct fears were exploited, fear of insects, slime, dark, tight places, helplessness etc. But I don't see any meaning other than "dangerous alien kills most of space ship crew."

But it certainly was a great little horror film set on a space ship.

01 Jul 12 - 02:17 PM (#3370348)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

The mythos is all the H R Giger designs & concepts which inspired the sets & the mystery of the massive spaceship wreck which they set down to explore. It was this that Prometheus set out to 'explain' but IMHO singulary failed to match it in terms of awe, by becoming bogged down in inane plotting & missing the central issue. That the iconic space-jockey itself turned out to be a space-suited humanoid was a cop-out too far for me (especially as Giger's original jockey was shown wearing a transparent helmet) much less their motives & modus operandi.

Still looking forward to the DVD special edition though!

02 Jul 12 - 12:12 PM (#3370769)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Great blog on Planet of the Vampires (+ poster). PotV turns out to be the prototype for Prometheus rather than Alien....

02 Jul 12 - 12:13 PM (#3370770)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

This is just too good:

02 Jul 12 - 05:28 PM (#3370953)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

When I first watched Alien, I realized that the ship they were searching had been crashed by the Aliens that attacked the crew of the ship Ripley(Weaver) escaped from the design of the ship looked beautiful and somewhat organic to me their technology on a par with that of Ripley's space ship but more rounded and beautiful. Then some of the same motifs showed up in Cameron's atmosphere plant in Aliens, with the obvious implication that they were part of the insectoid aliens' hive work.

All Giger designs, no doubt, but requiring separate origin stories and explanations.

I think an interesting movie in that same universe might have humans encountering live version the giant aliens of the crashed ship from Alien as a first contact and humans and giants battling the Aliens. I take it Prometheus was not that.

02 Jul 12 - 05:47 PM (#3370964)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Charley Noble

"humans and giants battling the Aliens"?

Not exactly, in fact you're getting colder.

Charley Noble

02 Jul 12 - 06:39 PM (#3370988)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Went to see Storage 24 tonight. Great fun too. Alien in a London storage warehouse....

02 Jul 12 - 07:15 PM (#3371005)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

Just watched Planet of the Vampires. Seems like there are a lot of elements of Aliens (The Cameron movie) were there as well.

The twist at the end explains "The Tea Party" in the US as well as anything does.

26 Nov 12 - 11:30 AM (#3442449)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

I rented Prometheus last night.

So disappointing. I hate suicides in movies, unless they are a set up for some larger point. And the only interaction between the engineers and the humans being WWE style smack down, yawn.... So apparently the human race was created by steroid saturated flip flopping gym rats. Yawn.

and "because I am human" in that context, makes the words of Ahnold as he dispatches a bad guy in his cheesiest action film look like Shakespeare.

"That the iconic space-jockey itself turned out to be a space-suited humanoid was a cop-out too far for me."

Yes, cheap stupid "Lost" writer cop-out.

26 Nov 12 - 12:24 PM (#3442487)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I'm still obsessing over Prometheus... Of course I BOUGHT the DVD - no special edition (mutter, mutter) except on BluRay - 7 hours of extras! On the DVD you get 10 minutes... STILL - it makes more sense second time around to know what is going on in terms of Back Story - even if it is a tad Biblical. A lot Biblical actually: Creators pissed off at human idiocy send down messiah to sort things out but messiah is killed by humans so creators decide to clease earth of humans but get chomped by their own evil apocalypse goo which then intracts with human / creator DNA to create (Ta DA!) PROTOTYPE ALIEN XENOMORPH. Sense did I say?? Ha! No such luck. But I'm loathe to let it go - even to the point where I just know I'll get the Blu Ray edition.

The other night in my Academic Widowhood (my wife is currently studying as well as working hard, so some evenings I must spent alone) I watched Special Edition + all the creaturettes. A act of davage desperation on my part, but with a few beers it was a blast. TONIGHT - however - I'll be watching our special edition (tin box) edition of the amazing DISTRICT 9, which I forgot we had until I was looking for Caligula. Yay!! Then (if there's time) I'll watch half an hour or so of the newly arrived (in time for Xmas) Minimum-Maximum DVD by Kraftwerk.

The job's a good 'un!

26 Nov 12 - 12:25 PM (#3442490)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I watched AVP : REQUIEM that is... What happened there???

26 Nov 12 - 02:22 PM (#3442560)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: skarpi

Prometheus is ok ....

some of it was taken here in Iceland ...:) ...

but there will be another its not over ...yet ....

26 Nov 12 - 02:39 PM (#3442568)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Let's hope so, Skarpi! I've read about possible sequels & the sort of direction they take.

Anyway - way off in another realm of Icelandic myth, legend and scenic wonder: my wife and I are HUGE FANS of Næturvaktin, Dagvaktin, Fangavaktin, and (of course) Bjarnfreðarson. We're watching it all again for the third time along with Joss Whedon's Firefly which is like Blake's 7 with a budget. We got the film of that (Serenity) to look forward to as well.

Dark winter nights were always for storytelling by the hearth...

26 Nov 12 - 02:59 PM (#3442581)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

And the new Bjork albums are amazing too; along with AMIINA and SIGUR ROS we're quite an Icelandic household - though sadly I had to let my old Lanspil go in favour of a Hungarian Citera...

26 Nov 12 - 03:03 PM (#3442584)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

The only satisfying conclusion I see is the "engineers" being escaped lab mice from the race that piloted the ruined ship in Alien. That they made those "exoskeleton space suits." to look like their masters and they they, like Mickey Mouse in fantasia, are trying to turn off the flood they have caused that is humanity before the real sorcerer returns.

26 Nov 12 - 03:24 PM (#3442593)
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
From: GUEST,Blandiver

Like it, JtS! We live in hope...