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BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

16 Jul 12 - 09:50 AM (#3376996)
Subject: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

While I wait for Gov LePage to remove his foot from his throat - he bypassed his mouth this time, I will ask - who are these people streaming down from Canada to the US for health care? And do they pay their hospital bills or turn tail and run for the border once they are treated??? Or did Paul get it wrong, AGAIN?

The IRS is planning on killing people here and you Canadi=ans are adding tot he problem...I think...I heard...hmmmmm

Watch out for the Gestapo while replying, gnu.

16 Jul 12 - 10:14 AM (#3377000)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,olddude

well living as close to the border as I do, the only streaming I see is the Canadian's shopping because your dollar is very strong and they can get good deals on clothing ...

and the merchants welcome them for sure as we all do. As far as health care, None of my doc friends would agree. It ain't happening and why would it.

16 Jul 12 - 10:28 AM (#3377017)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: bobad

From what I know, Canadians purchasing health care in the US for the most part are those unwilling to wait in line for non life threatening, elective procedures for which there is a waiting list. This is one of the drawbacks of universal, tax supported health care but IMO is a very small price to pay to ensure that everyone has equal access to quality health care.

16 Jul 12 - 10:55 AM (#3377026)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

People who can afford it go to a great variety of different places to get some specific medical treatment they want at some specific clinic, from some specific doctor, maybe an alternative form of treatment to what they would get in their own country or community....

And so they go to France, Italy, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Sweden, Germany, Japan...whatever. The go if they can afford it, and if the specific thing they want is available there in that country.

It has nothing to do with any flood of people going from Canada to the USA. It happens all over the place for a great variety of reasons, and it involves just a few people, all of whom have their own reasons.

To say this is no reflection at or con...regarding the viability of universal, tax-supported health care as exists in Canada and numerous other countries.

It sounds like your governor is cherry-picking a few specific cases of Canadians going to the USA for treatment to try to prove some sort of scary political point he has dreamed up which probably has no basis in reality.

In other words, he's spreading false propaganda to try to scare people off the idea of publicly funded universal health care. All he has to do, I imagine, is utter the word "socialism", and they run screaming in panic! ;-)

16 Jul 12 - 11:30 AM (#3377052)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

If I win the big lotto, I shall head for Mass General as soon as I get my passport. I'll keep an eye out for the Gestapo, SINS.

No, I don't care to detail why. Let me just say, the care CERTAINLY can't be any worse and I suspect it wouldn't take quite so long to see a doc and get tests and get the results and get...

16 Jul 12 - 11:39 AM (#3377055)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

Lets say you are Canadian. Why do I keep thinking about Kevin O'Leary? You are rich and are sick. You can stay in Canada wait your turn behind all the people who are equally sick but not as rich, and go where the system sends you, fairly like everybody else.

Or you can go to the US, flash your money and to a degree at least, choose the flashiest facilities and best advertised doctors that your money can buy.

Look at it this way, some people always want the best. They Drive a ferrari, wear Armani, belong to exclusive country clubs, have the beat boats etc. They are used to demanding a little extra and paying for it.

You can't do that in the Canadian Health care system. So they fly to the Mayo, or Hopkins or where ever and they pay enough so that the MD's treat them as well as they are treated at the Lexus dealership.

16 Jul 12 - 11:55 AM (#3377070)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

Exactly. Like I said, those who can easily AFFORD it will go wherever the hell they want to for medical care or anything else...and that might be to the USA, France, Cuba, Japan, Germany, Italy...whatever suits their desire.

That's what it's like to be independently wealthy.

The whole point of a universal publicly funded health care system is that the 98% of the public who CAN'T afford emergency health care will have access to it anyway...and it won't put them into bankruptcy.

The way the political Right talks in the USA, you'd think that there was no one living there except millionaires, because that's whose interests their line of talk appears to have relevance to. And yet...millions of Americans who aren't millionaires fall for it! That's the really unbelievable part, but it's a result of a popular culture that believes a whole set of primitive mythology...pretty much like an extreme fundamentalist religion, it's an attitude based on blind faith alone, not on any actual knowledge or experience of anything.

16 Jul 12 - 12:08 PM (#3377078)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

Little Hawk,

We are kind of on the same page, but I don't think it is a matter of Afford vs not. Lots of people who can afford to get treatment in the US do not. But lots of people who can afford Mercedes are driving Fords and Chevys.

It is the feeling of entitlement and the need to feel in control that is driving this phenomenon. I think.

I have long thought that Canada should have a so called two tiered system that catered to the rich. If only to compete with other major countries for the medical tourism dollar. To keep those dollars at home and to attract such dollars from the USA and elsewhere. But I realize that the overwhelming all-encompassing Canadian sense of propriety would make that near impossible.

16 Jul 12 - 12:26 PM (#3377085)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

That's a very interesting point, Jack. I think you're right about "the feeling of entitlement and the need to feel in control" that is motivating certain individuals among the wealthy. I've seen rich people who had that grandiose feeling of entitlement...I've seen others who didn't see themselves as any different from other people.

As for your suggestion about Canada adopting a two tiered system of medical care with one tier that caters to the rich...yeah, sounds like not a bad idea to me. That way if they wanted to feel like Penelope Rutledge or Henry Kissinger (so to speak) and they are willing to pay for it, then they can have their own special clinics and special a price. Heck, with some people, the higher the price, the better they like it. It makes them feel "special".

If it was a slick enough system, then it would draw the medical tourism dollar from all over the world, just as you say....and that is what happens with certain prestigious medical clinics in the USA.

16 Jul 12 - 01:21 PM (#3377122)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

Guys - go argue on your own thread. I am still waiting for a list of illegal Canadian immigrants to prove that National Health Care is a bad thing. My governor wouldn't lie - and about the IRS killing people...

16 Jul 12 - 01:52 PM (#3377128)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

Oh! You were talking about "illegal Canadian immigrants". I misunderstood.

I know nothing.

SINS is right, lads. The thread drift is too far and too in depth to be discussed herein. A new thread re a two tier system (or a more general title/topic) should be started if ya wanna discuss it. BTW... it can NOT work "properly" but that is for a different thread.

16 Jul 12 - 01:53 PM (#3377129)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

"illegal Canadian immigrants"

You did not specify this in your original post.

Please to beg forgiveness for our regrettable but understandable error.

Please tell us more about these Canadian wetbacks.

BTW I am a legal immigrant and I sure as durned tootin did not come here for the privilege of paying way too much for too little health insurance.

16 Jul 12 - 03:57 PM (#3377203)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: ollaimh

a few years ago there were a lot more americans flooding to ontario from nearby states for the health care they couldn't get at home. there was a brisk traffic in faked ontario medicare cards. there was a crack down, but wierdly(i say that because the hypocratic oath doesn't mean much in america any more) ontario hospitals will not turn away a person who is really ill , if they show up at emergency, no matter where they come from. they might not get medicare coverage now but they would get a provincial welfare coverage program, to protect the hospitals need for fees. however they get treatment.

the estimate io read in the toronto star was that over fifty thousand americans had faked medicare cards for treatment in ontario. the truth is that's a lot more than the "flood" of canadians to the usa for health care.

the last few times i've been in the us people are amazed that my drugs are covered by the health care system(or were in ontario)the ontario system caps what you have to pay each year then the drug plan kicks in. i like our health care system. its never let me down. if i have to wait occasionally who cares. when i had a broken bone they treated me in about a hour from the time i showed up at emergency. and no wallet biopsy. i had a meeting with a bone specialist to determine if i needed a pin in about two hours and it was set and i was out the door four hours after srriving. a friend of mine had a bone break in florida and he was out two days later with a bill for $ sixteen thousand dollars. he negotiated them down some but it was ten grand before he went home. he didn't see a specialist the first day there.

16 Jul 12 - 04:27 PM (#3377228)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,olddude

Hey Bobster
dang canuks all streaming over here to drink up all our Iron City beer. What ya going to do about that Mr. Pres ... ya need to add it to our platform

16 Jul 12 - 04:45 PM (#3377235)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

to drink up all our Iron City beer.

No way man! The Socialized Canadian beer care system is way better than the medi care system. The medicare system is run like insurance but the Government of Ontario owns and runs THE BEER STORE!

16 Jul 12 - 05:35 PM (#3377250)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

Right (hic!) on!!! Decent, eh? Canada is, like, a flippin' paradise, eh? It is a good flippin' thing that most of the flippin' border is divided by a big river and a coupla lakes, eh? Cos if it was not, there would be a half a billion American wetbacks a year pourin' north acrost the border seekin' to escape the flippin' outraagious medical costs in the US of flippin' A, and we Canadians here would be flippin' outnumbered in our own land, eh? THEN what would happen?

(Sorry! The spirit of Shane McBride took me over for a minute there. Wow. That felt.....different. I started desperately craving cheap beer and even cheaper women. It was horrifying, yet strangely intoxicating at the same time.)

16 Jul 12 - 05:39 PM (#3377252)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

The beer here is cheap. Molson Canadian is a mid priced import here and it is cheaper here than in Ontario.

16 Jul 12 - 06:03 PM (#3377272)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

Soooo... Canucks are really going south for the beer?

16 Jul 12 - 06:14 PM (#3377278)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

I donno gnu. but I can get decent beer here for about 55 cents a can if I buy a case.

16 Jul 12 - 06:53 PM (#3377301)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

$1.70 + $0.10 deposit ($0.05 return) here... that's on sale. $1.86 + dep regular. But, NB is very high compared to PQ. I am seriously considering moving to PQ in the next ten years or so and not just for the beer. I need to teach Beer how to fish.

16 Jul 12 - 07:10 PM (#3377313)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Beer

Where the hell is this thread going anyway. If i thought it was about BEER or fishing I would have come in at the beginning. But I held back because I'm satisfied with our system of health care. Don't like the line ups though.

16 Jul 12 - 07:17 PM (#3377322)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

When I lived in Ontario, I never once had to wait for medical care. Even the waits in the MD's offices were shorter than here. I didn't like the line ups on Friday afternoon at the beer store myself!!

Durned socialized beer distribution!

16 Jul 12 - 11:26 PM (#3377441)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

To avoid waiting in lengthy lineups, you bring a dog and a can of shaving cream. Spray shaving cream all around the dog's muzzle. Then start yelling, "Look out! Mad dog! This dog has rabies!" Everyone runs away, you walk up to the counter and get yer beer without a wait.

Shane has tried this. He ended up getting arrested for creating a public nuisance...and for dognapping. But most people are way smarter than Shane and they would use their own dog, so I'm bettin' you or I could get away with it...

...and it works even better with a live skunk...preferably one that's been de-scented. You release the skunk suddenly from a box. The line will vanish like a snowflake in a blast furnace. That's what Shane should have done instead of borrowing the neighbour's dog.

17 Jul 12 - 03:00 AM (#3377484)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

I tried that. The OPP shot three of my dogs and I had to spend a week in Quarantine three times. Thank Heaven for socialized rabies shots!

Then I got smart. I started buying my beer Monday mornings. No one there but, staff, hung over alkies and me. All I had to do is rattle my empties and walk to the from while they put their hands over their ears.

Some of the staff would give me mean looks though, the ones with the blodshot eyes.

17 Jul 12 - 05:52 AM (#3377533)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

Well, it appears that, despite valiant efforts in regard to keeping this thread on the board while awaiting a serious discussion of the OP's PO, little seems to be forthcoming. Perhaps this lack of serious discussion is indicative of the lack of substance in Gov LePage's statements?

17 Jul 12 - 06:01 AM (#3377537)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

This guy is an idiot who is just wrong.

For the second time in five days, Maine Governor Paul LePage compared the IRS to the Gestapo, and warned the agency "was headed in the direction of killing a lot of people."

On Thursday, Governor LePage elaborated on comments he made last weekend in a radio address.

"What I am trying to say is the Holocaust was a horrific crime against humanity and, frankly, I would never want to see that repeated. Maybe the IRS is not quite as bad — yet."

He then added: "They're headed in that direction."

Paul Heintz of The Seven Days asked the Governor if he had "a sense of what the Gestapo actually did during World War II."

"Yeah," LePage responded. "They killed a lot of people."

"And so the IRS is headed in that direction?" Heintz asked.

"Yeah," the Governor said.

"They're headed in the direction of killing a lot of people?" Heintz asked again.

"Yeah," LePage said.

"Wait, are you serious?" Heintz asked in a follow-up.

"Yeah, I'm very serious," the Governor added.

Gov. LePage went on to explain that he was concerned about rationing.

"They ration health care in Canada, that's why a lot of people in Canada come down to the U.S.," he hold Heintz. "I'm saying the federal government is taking away the freedoms of Americans to make choices."

17 Jul 12 - 11:32 AM (#3377724)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Little Hawk

LePage's comments are so completely moronic that they're hardly worth responding to in a serious manner. He's either intent on dishonestly spreading false propaganda and creating more American mythology about the "evils of socialism" in Canuckistan and other such distant places or he's just, as Jack says, an idiot.

Maybe both. ;-D

17 Jul 12 - 11:34 AM (#3377726)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu


17 Jul 12 - 01:18 PM (#3377808)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

It's much worse - he believes all the nonsense he spews. The local press is suggesting that he be removed from office on the grounds that he is nuts.

17 Jul 12 - 02:46 PM (#3377873)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,999

He was elected by 38% of the popular vote. It seems the problem is much larger than just Paul LePage.

17 Jul 12 - 05:49 PM (#3377941)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Ed T

My neighbour, Mark-Andre recently told me that somne Canadians are travelling to the USA for medical treatment, because the medical folks there are more experienced at treating bullet and kiife wounds.

I replied, Huh, where'd you hear that Andre-Mark (English translation)?

17 Jul 12 - 06:13 PM (#3377949)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

Mark-André should be appointed Lt.-Gov. for NS. Then he and LePage could compare notes.

17 Jul 12 - 06:57 PM (#3377970)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

I think Mark-Andre was either kidding or he was only referring to elective surgery of gunshot and knife wounds. I hadn't heard of Air Canada putting tarps on the seats to catch the blood.

17 Jul 12 - 07:01 PM (#3377974)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Kiife wounds are really nasty! If elected,, I mean, WHEN elected, I will ban the carrying of kiives and a concealed kiife will be considered a major felony. Knives and guns, on the other hand, I got no problem with...every kid should learn their proper use at an accredited school, I say.

- Chongo

17 Jul 12 - 07:26 PM (#3377992)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

Hose off ya poop tosser!

17 Jul 12 - 10:57 PM (#3378084)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Ed T

Well shit-a-god-dam - where does u find dat tiny accenty-ting on da cumputer punch-board? I hav bin look'n all over hell fer it.

17 Jul 12 - 11:03 PM (#3378086)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

Here you go. André é

You can get it from the character map on a windows PC

17 Jul 12 - 11:04 PM (#3378087)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

I searched "character map" on my start menu.

17 Jul 12 - 11:48 PM (#3378099)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,olddude

I think Sins they are streaming down also for Viagra ... and Iron City Beer of course.

17 Jul 12 - 11:58 PM (#3378100)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,olddude

They all want to see Viagra falls and that guy that walk across it last month with Iron City Beer

18 Jul 12 - 05:05 AM (#3378165)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

Dan... the price of Viagra is much less here. I have been asked by more than one of my southerly neighbours to check out local prices and reported to them that we are most definitely a bunch a cheap fuckers.

18 Jul 12 - 06:39 AM (#3378208)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Beer

I've been hearing so much about "Iron City Beer" that I just have to get me some. What's the alcohol content? 5% or over? If it is less than it's just training beer.

18 Jul 12 - 08:38 AM (#3378246)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: gnu

The website doesn't say, Beer.

18 Jul 12 - 08:58 AM (#3378258)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Charley Noble

How dare you call Gov. LePage "moronic"?

That is an insult to all morons!

Charley Noble

18 Jul 12 - 09:02 AM (#3378261)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: artbrooks

Iron City is the Bud of PA. Look for Moose Drool instead.

18 Jul 12 - 06:32 PM (#3378475)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

I may start a thread on LePage the Sage.Gave his daughter, just out of school, a $40,000 + /year job complete with health coverage and perks, then attacks Welfare recipients (many who are new to the rolls having lost their jobs and homes to the economy) to get off their lazy butts and look for work. Does anyone else think that there might be a mid management administration type with 20 years experience who might be better qualified for Ms. LePage's job? No open search; no collection of resumes. f**kin' hypocrite.

18 Jul 12 - 07:52 PM (#3378512)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

There are no laws against that in Maine?

18 Jul 12 - 07:56 PM (#3378516)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Rapparee

Dag-slab Canadians comin' here every Fall, pooping on our golf courses and foulin' our wetlands, dadgummed black-headed bastards, people slip in their green poop and hurt themselves! Shoot 'em all, I say! Then draw 'em, pluck 'em, stuff 'em an' eat 'em! Serve 'em right!

18 Jul 12 - 09:23 PM (#3378541)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Ed T

""Shoot 'em all, I say! Then draw 'em, pluck 'em, stuff 'em an' eat 'em! Serve 'em right!""

Well, at least you did not say "fricassée those Canadian socialists and serve them up with grits".

It's kind of you to "go somewhat soft" on the harmless and mellow frostbacks (not to be confused with the "typical boring Englishman" or "the uppidy European crepeman".

18 Jul 12 - 09:31 PM (#3378544)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: frogprince

..and the geese are almost as bad, too...

18 Jul 12 - 10:34 PM (#3378560)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Ed T

Could USA folks be experiencing a Canadian Goose?
If so, potentially an updated Crimsom (aka Red) war in the making?

18 Jul 12 - 10:38 PM (#3378561)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

Snow birds of every shape and size.

19 Jul 12 - 09:50 AM (#3378716)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Charmion

Those plucked and stuffed Canadians go better with wild rice and a nice Barolo.

19 Jul 12 - 12:21 PM (#3378792)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????

I hope our new healthcare law does not keep Edmund and Charmion away. I have revenge in my heart having recently received a horrendous, plastic flamingo hose attachment that bounces as it waters my lawn. Will try it this weekend and see if the neighbors (still sighing gratefully at the loss of headless Jesus and the tree living lobster monster) notice.

19 Jul 12 - 12:27 PM (#3378793)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Charmion

So glad to hear the flamingo found a good home.

We're booked to help lead a workshop of songs about Napoleon and other historical figures, so even your (really insane) health-care laws won't keep us out -- that is, if you refrain from reporting us to the appropriate authorities.

Edmund is showing signs of working up a song about Bloody Bill Anderson or perhaps Jesse James.

19 Jul 12 - 01:05 PM (#3378812)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

NBC reported last night that the average net worth of Canadian (now 363,000) has passed that of the average person in this country (about 320,000) for the first time in history. This I think is even more significant because of this

Rank         Nation         Number of billionaires         
1          United States         403         
2          Canada         24         

and of course US billionaires at the top of that scale have nay more billions.

19 Jul 12 - 01:05 PM (#3378813)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

MANY more billions.

19 Jul 12 - 02:01 PM (#3378829)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

U.S.- 313 million
Canada- 35 million

The U.S. is over nine times more populous. Equating population, it would have about 220 billionaires.

Canada is a growing country, give us time and it won't be long before proportonally we have more billionaires.

Original intent of thread; in Calgary the flow favours Canada; Calgary is a center of laser and cosmetic surgery and these clinics have a goodly number of Americans seeking these services and paying for them. In the long run, it probably means lower costs to Canadians using the Alberta Health Plan*

*There is no overall Canadian plan except for some of the monetary input from tax money. I think Alberta contributes more than it receives, but I'll let someone else hunt out those figures.

19 Jul 12 - 02:10 PM (#3378832)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Jack the Sailor

I don't agree that there will be proportionately more Canadian Billionaire or that they will have equivalent riches at any time in the forseeable future. The Canadian tax code does not allow the same largess as the US. The Canadian voter would not allow that level of disparity.

19 Jul 12 - 05:20 PM (#3378899)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,olddude

Jack cause they are all over here drinking up all our Iron City Beer and releasing them goose critters as such ... no time to fuck over the poor folks like the rich in the US so .. well less billionaires ya see

20 Jul 12 - 12:36 AM (#3378998)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: Neil D

Dammit! Now we gotta build two frickin walls. Thanks a lot Canadians.

20 Jul 12 - 03:34 AM (#3379019)
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
From: GUEST,Marianne S.

Here in the UK you have a choice - National Health Sservice or going private.