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BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President

27 Aug 12 - 05:23 PM (#3396061)
Subject: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

If there was anything he wanted, he got it.
$4.00 a gallon gasoline. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A Homeland Security Department. He was only told no when he wanted to funnel Social Security money to Wall Street. And that was at the very end of his second term.
And he didn't win the popular vote to become president. He used family influence to take it.
He was a real stampeder.
[:-( ])=

27 Aug 12 - 05:38 PM (#3396071)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Bobert

On that we agree, Krinkz...

Bush was a complete fuck up... We shouldn't allow drunk frat boys to run the joint...


27 Aug 12 - 06:42 PM (#3396107)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: gnu

Oh fer fuck sake. This oughta be good.

I'll add my two cents...

There ya go. Have fun.

27 Aug 12 - 06:44 PM (#3396109)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Green Stamps?
(:-( ))=

27 Aug 12 - 06:44 PM (#3396110)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Amos

GEttig your way does not mean you are successful in the usual sense of the word, nor does it mean you are not a raving loony. GWB was a tawdry sycophant to the wealthy and a snide bullyragger to everyone else.

In my opinion he was a total failure, wasting the treasure of the nation, causing unneeded deaths, promoting warfare and plutocratic oppression, and abusing the core values of the Constitution.

If you can conceivably call such a bum a success, I wish you a new dictionary for Christmas.


27 Aug 12 - 07:36 PM (#3396146)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: olddude

Well hell he would have been better had he given green stamps. I could have got that decoder ring I wanted as a kid

27 Aug 12 - 07:47 PM (#3396150)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: gnu

Amos... how kind of you.

27 Aug 12 - 08:09 PM (#3396159)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Elmore

This is my non- resonse to a krinkle thread.

27 Aug 12 - 08:30 PM (#3396168)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: GUEST,kendall

George W. Bush would be in over his head in a parking lot puddle.

27 Aug 12 - 08:39 PM (#3396170)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Bobert

You have pissed off every parking lot puddle in the country with that Capt'n... I mean, they have their pride and the thought of having to share their space with the drunk frat boy is beyond their patience...


27 Aug 12 - 08:48 PM (#3396177)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: saulgoldie

In the "MXYZPTLK world," I suppose.


27 Aug 12 - 08:51 PM (#3396179)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: gnu

Successful?.... he's alive. Other than that I don't think he accomplished much. The day-to-day stuff gets done by rote so all a president has to do is deliver on the big stuff. Did he "deliver"? Oh, yeah... he delivered a big load... more than once. And, all of them are VERY heavy.

27 Aug 12 - 10:26 PM (#3396215)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Richard Bridge

Outside the USA it would be hard to decide which was held in greater disrespect - the Shrub or Ray-gun Ronnie.

27 Aug 12 - 10:37 PM (#3396218)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: JohnInKansas

Hey guys and gals, he did everything Dick Cheney told him to, and took the blame for it all and came out alive.

What else could you ask for?


28 Aug 12 - 12:19 AM (#3396242)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: ollaimh

i recall with continuing horror the press conference with rumdfeld, when he was asked by a brit reporter, " the britush were in iraq for 47 years and didn't have much effect on weternizing the culture, so why do you think americans can do it in four or five years?"

rumsfeld scoffed and said tyhe british were not in iraq foe 47 years.

those guys were totally igorant of the world. it amazes me that those guy could be so uneducated about the world and want to govern and start wars.

at least the british knew something about the people they were invading and how to wring prifit from empire--at least for a while.

28 Aug 12 - 04:24 AM (#3396283)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

He made his masters happy. Saudi Arabia. And his daddy.
(:-( ))=

28 Aug 12 - 05:29 AM (#3396299)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Owen Woodson

I've just been reminded of the total ballox which Bush made of New Orleans disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. He looked at where it was on the map, said "fat all votes down there", and left it.

A dreadful man. A lot of American presidents have totally pissed me off, but Bush was in a category all on his own.

28 Aug 12 - 07:00 AM (#3396322)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President

ollamh, are all those spelling mistakes intentional?

28 Aug 12 - 07:02 AM (#3396323)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: kendall

Saul, I didn't know he was still around! I thought Superman kicked him out of the dimension.

28 Aug 12 - 03:36 PM (#3396614)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

His mission was accomplished.
(:-( P)=

28 Aug 12 - 03:37 PM (#3396615)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: GUEST,999

I'm mixed up. Wasn't MXYZPTLK the word Superman had to get the bad guy to say backwards and then he got lucky with Lois Lane or something like that?

As for Bush being successful: of course he was. He was president when the largest bank robbery in the history of the world took place. He was able to shrug it off and move forward with the help of his sturdy vice president and his various advisers. I'm sure Americans who voted for Bush are quite pleased with themselves and the person they elected. Well, the president they elected once, anyway.

28 Aug 12 - 04:02 PM (#3396630)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Don Firth

George W. Bush is a complete waste of protoplasm.

Don Firth

28 Aug 12 - 04:34 PM (#3396646)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

I agree, and not only that, ALL the Bushes are into fascism. He 'gave' us the first bailout, and stimulus, and those policies were kept up with your current President, Obama, but if you are of the same political party as Obama, I guess you think it's just O.K! and there is some twisted rationale that you justify it. Maybe it's the 'supporters', who are at fault, for going along with it, and not holding him, or his policies accountable!

So now, if the 'other' party gains control of the Presidency, and the Senate, and does the same thing as Bush again, and the same thing that Obama is doing, then, all of a sudden its all wrong, because the new regime will be under the banner of being 'Republicans'.

Your politics are beyond silly, they are downright a dark joke, and con game!

28 Aug 12 - 04:52 PM (#3396653)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

It's Monkey Junk.
Plain and simple.
(:-( ))=

29 Aug 12 - 10:40 AM (#3397024)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Sawzaw

"We shouldn't allow drunk frat boys to run the joint"

Ahhh That used to read "coke head" until Obama took office.

29 Aug 12 - 11:19 AM (#3397041)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Little Hawk

George W. Bush redefined the entire concept of "success", and Obama is following in his footsteps. Which figures.

29 Aug 12 - 11:53 AM (#3397055)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Prez al-Obama.
Emir of the USA.
{(:-( o}=

29 Aug 12 - 12:05 PM (#3397063)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: skarpi

Bush , is the most darkest terrorist of out time ....Osama bin laden
yes was a terrorist ....but to compere to Bush ...he was on a lower level .....

I am sorry but I donĀ“t think the Arabs took the towers or the pentagon they never found any plain there ? and Bush listen to kids in a school the president should be on a high alert from the beginning not from the first explosion ....this was a plan from inside Bush and his friends ....just like in 1964 when they lie about the attack on the US warship to start a war in Vietnam ....:O( and what 20 million people died ...

to make their right to go to war ...just like in Iraq ,,,they were accused to have chemical weapons ?? they never found them ...and the US
tricked other nations to war Iraq ....

sorry my friends , what ever comes from the white house ..and Bush ..and their friends not worth to look at ...

Politics is a bad thing .....:O(((

all the best Skarpi Iceland .....

29 Aug 12 - 12:23 PM (#3397068)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

So true. He should be tried and hung. On the same rope and gallows as Saddam.
(:-( 0)=

29 Aug 12 - 05:09 PM (#3397212)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Amos

I see a lot of slurs about Barack Obama hidden under various handles in this thread.

I request that you who see fit to write them give particulars in factual descriptions of what he has done that you disagree with, and why. If you cannot specify what you think he has done wrong, I think you should just STFU. Really, try a little harder to face and to speak the truth instead of swilling toxic fumes and calling it communication. It really does nothing for anyone.

As for Bush, he was an unfortunate choice, IMHO. His management of Katrina, his management of 9/11, his starting of the war in Iraq, and the one in Afghanistan as well, his failure to prosecute the crimes of 9-11, his harm to the writ and right of haveas corpus, his disrespect for social security, and many other specifics are my basis for considering him one of the worst choices our poor nation has ever made.


29 Aug 12 - 05:16 PM (#3397215)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: gnu

"instead of swilling toxic fumes and calling it communication."

My take may be wrong but I think what Amos is saying is that trolls should fuck off.

One in particular comes to my mind. I am sure it is obvious.

29 Aug 12 - 06:11 PM (#3397235)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Don Firth

Well, it's a bit like someone who is constantly farting in church. Obviously, they have a problem, but it's probably best just to ignore them.

Some posts I just skip over. I already know how bad they smell so I just hold my nose and move on.

Don Firth

29 Aug 12 - 06:23 PM (#3397237)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Big Al Whittle

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....pure genius!

Still in a country that kills off a the equivalent of the population of a small town every year in gun related incidents I bet he was Brain of the Century.

29 Aug 12 - 07:06 PM (#3397257)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

What has the Prez done?
Kept Bush's Defense Secretary Robert Gates on the job.
And done what he's told, like a good boy.
President Chucklehead.
Puppet.        Needless deaths in Bush's Wars. But he sings. And dances.
(:-( ))=

29 Aug 12 - 07:18 PM (#3397263)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: kendall

Do some real research.

29 Aug 12 - 07:26 PM (#3397264)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Who's his Defense Secretary these days?
Why are we still fighting muslims?
When is he going to put out a CD or music video?
I want to see a sand dance.
(:-( ))=

29 Aug 12 - 07:27 PM (#3397265)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Little Hawk

Things Obama has done that I don't like, Amos? Sure. Dead simple.

- the bank bailout
- putting Wall Street and bankster cronies like Geithner in his administration to help him make financial decisions
- has not closed Guantanamo
- continuation and enlargement of the war in Afghanistan
- enactment of NDAA! (perhaps the worst thing of all)
- drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere
- intervention in Lybia
- continued propaganda BS regarding Iran
- continued sucking up to Israel
- and further propaganda BS regarding Syria
- new health care plan which was mostly just a huge giveaway to the private health insurance industry rather than any kind of genuine universal One-payer health insurance plan, such as exists in most modern nations nowadays.

If the Republicans had done any of that, I wouldn't like it one bit. I don't like it one bit when the Democrats do it either.

I'll give Obama this, though. He can talk circles around George W. Bush! I just wish he did something...anything...that was half as good as he sounds when he talks.

29 Aug 12 - 07:33 PM (#3397271)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

He can't just talk the talk.
He has to walk the walk.
No brag.
Just fact.
(:-( P)=

29 Aug 12 - 08:02 PM (#3397283)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Remember how angry Slick Willie got when Jimmy Carter went to Bosnia?
He needs to go to Syria, Iran and Afghanistan.
Negotiate some peace. Israel and Palestine too..
That would stick in the Prez's craw.
(:-( 0)=

30 Aug 12 - 03:20 AM (#3397364)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Can he shuck and jive his way through another four years?
Maybe if nothing scary happens.
(:-( O)=

30 Aug 12 - 04:10 AM (#3397383)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Big Al Whittle

Look Henry if you wanna side with the assholes put bombs in places where you can terminate a pregnancy, won't give equal rights to gays, and give taxbreaks to the stinking rich - you know which party gives them emotional succour.

Don't think you'll find many supporters here, you're just grit in the vaseline of everyday life.

Surely you have somewhere where you can write your stuff and they'll shout Hurrah Hurrah! Now bugger off there.

30 Aug 12 - 04:23 AM (#3397388)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

I hate all things Republican. I was at the shopping center when there was a Nixon rally going on. I asked for a campaign button. The old bastard at the table of buttons said no.
I've hated Republicans ever since.
I just ain't impressed with The Prez.
He's a sellout.
(:-( P)=

30 Aug 12 - 04:44 AM (#3397394)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Big Al Whittle

well of course he is! they all are...he's a politician. What were you expecting... Mother Teresa, Cliff Richard, Albert Schweitzer, John Lennon....?

30 Aug 12 - 04:54 AM (#3397397)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Richard Burton and Liz Taylor
(:-( ))=

30 Aug 12 - 12:28 PM (#3397624)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Little Hawk

To assume that because someone criticizes Obama that he likes the Republicans and wants to persecute gays, give taxbreaks to the rich, oppress women, etc is asinine, Big Al.

Some of us can't stand either the Democrats or the Republicans! Opposing one of them does not equate to supporting the other.

I don't spend a lot of time here going after the Republicans these days, because I have such a low opinion of them that I find them hardly worth discussing. It would be like saying "Aren't rapists and crack dealers terrible?"

And besides...almost everyone here already hates the Republicans anyway. What will it help for me to beat an already dead horse on this forum?

Furthermore the Republicans don't have the presidency right now! They are NOT in power.   Obama is. Therefore Obama is the man who should take responsibility for American foreign and domestic policy and should draw the heat when it's a bad policy. When Bush was responsible for American foreign and domestic policy, I went after Bush. Now Obama is responsible for it...and I don't agree with I go after Obama. It is the man IN power at any given time who really concerns me, not the man out of power.

If Romney were in power, you can bet I'd go after him. At this point I think he's such a complete joke that I can hardly bother working up enough interest to talk about him. He's not dangerous...yet. He will be dangerous once he's elected....but my impression is that Obama will probably be re-elected this time and Romney will lose out.

I'd be happy to see the last of both of them. AND their parties too.

30 Aug 12 - 03:41 PM (#3397738)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

I'd like to see Roseanne elected.
She'll shake things up.
(:-( O)=

30 Aug 12 - 03:49 PM (#3397748)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Don Firth

L.H. - "Furthermore the Republicans don't have the presidency right now! They are NOT in power.   Obama is. Therefore Obama is the man who should take responsibility for American foreign and domestic policy and should draw the heat when it's a bad policy."

Little Hawk, how can you consider Obama responsible for all of this when the Republican Congress has blocked practically everything he has tried to do?

Keep Obama and replace a sufficient number of Congress members with NON-Republicans. THEN things will start to move.

Don Firth

P. S. One thing that concerns me deeply is that two or three Supreme Court Justices are due to retire within the next couple of years. Congress has to confirm, but it's the President's job to make the appointments. And if Mitt Romney is the President, we'll be in for another even MORE Conservative Supreme Court.

I'm thinking of moving to Sweden if that happens! Beautiful country, great standard of living, nobody's hugely rich and nobody is poor, and they have a lot of regard for their own and other folk traditions. . . .

30 Aug 12 - 04:53 PM (#3397778)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: GUEST,mando-player-91

Well if you think committing numerous war crimes a success.

George was one if not the worst president ever. I also see a lot of Obama hating going on, numerous threads what's going on do you need to think of a dozen things to hate on him or is it the fact that you can't deal with having a black president? I might not agree on a lot of his foreign policies but he's a hell of a lot better than Mitt or Ron Paul.
Obama has my back not only as a member of the gay community but because of Obama care nough said

30 Aug 12 - 05:00 PM (#3397785)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

I think Bush was in on 9/11. The reading to school children was so contrived. He has family ties to Osama Bin Laden through his daddy going back to the USSR/ Afghani conflict.
I think Obama is full of himself and incompetent.
You folks always draw the racecard. You should be ashamed.
(:-( D)=

30 Aug 12 - 05:14 PM (#3397795)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Don Firth

". . . or is it the fact that you can't deal with having a black president?"

Yeah, Mando-Player, I think there's a lot of that going around, but those folks don't dare admit that that is what they don't like about him.

Kinda pathetic.

Don Firth

30 Aug 12 - 05:41 PM (#3397809)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: gnu

BTW... when the WMDs were spirited out of Iraq in the dead of night prior to the invasion, where did they go?

31 Aug 12 - 03:33 AM (#3397946)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

He's a lawyer.
Nuff said.
(:-( P)=

31 Aug 12 - 05:25 PM (#3398290)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

The posts of 'Little ' Dated 29 Aug 12 - 07:27 PM is spot on!!!!

As well as his post of, 30 Aug 12 - 12:28 PM !!!!

OR to make it simple, his last two posts!!

31 Aug 12 - 05:31 PM (#3398294)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Big Al Whittle

You're like us. In a two party system Its not much of a choice, but its definitely a choice.

Now do you want to...'like the Republicans and want to persecute gays, give taxbreaks to the rich, oppress women......?

Its a choice......right?

01 Sep 12 - 06:43 AM (#3398533)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: kendall

I wonder why the bigots never mention that Obama is half white?

Little Hawk, I understand why you don't like either party. To a great extent, they are all tarred with the same brush, but, speaking just for me, every advantage I have had in life has come to me through the democratic party, and the republicans have done squat for me or any other working person.
They want to take us back to the Dark Ages where women are one step above property and only white men get to vote.

01 Sep 12 - 07:05 AM (#3398539)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Yea. They keep calling him a black prez.
But he's just as much a white man as he is a black man.
So, stop pulling out the race card, bigots.
(:-( P)=

01 Sep 12 - 08:28 PM (#3398827)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

Obama is just a chucklehead. Bush got things done. Bad things, but he got them done. Effectively. Professionally. Successfully.
(:-( ))=

01 Sep 12 - 08:39 PM (#3398831)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Bobert

Busd sho nuff got things done... Killed a million people... Man, that's gettin' stuff done... Congrates, W... You are a war criminal...


01 Sep 12 - 08:59 PM (#3398839)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Henry Krinkle

I don't see how he got away with it. Even Hillary went along with him.
Saudis attacked us. So we wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And never complain about the Saudis. Or Pakistan.
(:-( 0)=

01 Sep 12 - 09:12 PM (#3398846)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: Bobert

We are on the same page there, Krinkz...


02 Sep 12 - 06:55 AM (#3398943)
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
From: kendall

The Shrub also succeeded in nearly destroying the country. People bitch about Obama doubling the debt, how about Bush? He did the same thing and no complaints then.