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BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

14 Oct 12 - 07:00 PM (#3419880)
Subject: Obama Throws Hillary Under The Bus
From: Songwronger

Obama Throws Hillary Under The Bus – Clintons Furious

It appears that Barack Obama is ready to let Secretary of State Clinton take the fall for the failure in security in Benghazi. During the vice-presidential debate on Thursday it became clear that is what the agenda was.

There is no doubt that is part of her responsibility in that role....

It seems that there is a legitimate reason for the Obama administration to throw Clinton under the bus on this one and it seems that everyone is on board with it, including Vice President Joe Biden....

14 Oct 12 - 07:10 PM (#3419883)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: pdq

Obama is risking the possibility that Bill Clinton will stop the campaining for him.

Clinton draws bigger crowds the Obama.

14 Oct 12 - 07:27 PM (#3419893)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

Where IS this damned bus that everyone keeps getting thrown under? And who started that stupid expression in the first place?

14 Oct 12 - 07:32 PM (#3419896)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: meself

I did - and I'd thank you not to call it stupid. Unoriginal, yes, stupid, no. Thanks again.

14 Oct 12 - 07:43 PM (#3419907)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: pdq

B. F. Goodrich.

14 Oct 12 - 07:51 PM (#3419914)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

Are we really supposed to take seriously a story on a website that has this set of links at the bottom of the page:

Recommended Stories

Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In America (Freedom Outpost)

Obama Believes that the Future Belongs to Those Who Slander Christ.


You are truly idiots.

14 Oct 12 - 08:05 PM (#3419917)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Tiger

Please, just analyze what was said. And, what's YOUR interpretation?

It's got nothing to do with screwball websites.

14 Oct 12 - 08:13 PM (#3419922)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

My interpretation:
Wild speculation and wishful thinking.

14 Oct 12 - 08:20 PM (#3419927)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

I've seen some pretty odd links here and there on Mudcat's page too. Should I judge Mudcat by those links?

meself - No, you didn't. ;-) And it IS a stupid expression. Stupid, stupid, stupid! It's as stupid as putting the suffix "gate" at the end of every new controversy. It's as moronic as saying that someone is going to "kick ass". I'm sick of hearing that someone has "thrown" someone else "under the bus". It's an idiotic expression that our mass media have turned into a cliche in order to save themselves the trouble of writing some original prose. They must think they have an audience of idiots, I suppose. Maybe they're right...or maybe they've made it that way.

14 Oct 12 - 09:08 PM (#3419937)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Songwronger

The article, regardless of where it comes from, uses relevant quotes to make a very damning case. The witch is in a world of trouble.

My favorite recent photo of her. She looks like Jabba the Hutt.

14 Oct 12 - 09:14 PM (#3419939)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Greg F.

ShitWringer: Blo......... well, you know what to do.

14 Oct 12 - 09:26 PM (#3419945)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Songwronger

So, what are your politics, Greg F.? I don't think I've read any of your posts. Are you a partisan? Do you support the Democratic fascists or the Republican fascists? Obama just created a new executive order to give himself the power to seize any American's bank account. Do you have the guts to critize Obama, knowing that now? The E.O. won't be rescinded by Romney, either, so will you have the guts to criticize Romney if he's elected, knowing he can take all your money?

14 Oct 12 - 09:50 PM (#3419952)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: gnu

I'd chime in if I thought I had something funny to say. Otherwise, I have no reason for commenting on twaddle.

14 Oct 12 - 10:02 PM (#3419957)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

I'm not so sure Hillary is 'dead' behind all this, but the Obama administration has done itself no favours in blaming your State Department. I agree that if the Clinton Democrats get teed off enough, that Obama has just lost a LOT of votes, and would probably lose the election, as I also commented on the Biden thread.
The Obama administration is indeed in dire straights if the public perceives them as a bunch of deceitful liars.I think it would be wise for his supporters demand that he and Biden be honest.
I'm not a Romney supporter but really people, how does anyone rally behind such nonsensical foolishness and still wish to be taken seriously?
Obama already has an uphill battle to fight in explaining all his broken promises, does he not? and the Republicans are going to use it against him relentlessly and get away with it!!

14 Oct 12 - 10:03 PM (#3419958)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bill D

It is for threads like this that the phrase BS was invented...

14 Oct 12 - 10:12 PM (#3419963)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

People, really. Just google "Freedom Outpost" and you'll learn everything about them that you need to know. I've warned everybody in here once already: NEVER TRUST RIGHT WING SOURCES!!!!!!! They can NEVER be taken at face value EVER.

14 Oct 12 - 10:15 PM (#3419964)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

or left wing sources, either!

14 Oct 12 - 10:16 PM (#3419965)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: gnu

NO! NAY say I, Bill D. BS threads can be started by anyone and they can post anything. That is Mudcat. That is free speech. That is Max.

God Bless the good old USA.

14 Oct 12 - 10:19 PM (#3419966)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: pdq

...or the New York Slimes, the LA Crimes or the Washington Compost!

14 Oct 12 - 10:22 PM (#3419967)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Good for you gnu! Hear hear!!

The problem is either 'wing' is going to keep whatever lies it needs to play to their constituents. The right wing has their lies, and the left has their lies. What would be refreshing, is some truth, but if that were known both sides would be scared shitless!

14 Oct 12 - 11:01 PM (#3419981)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Songwronger

Damn. Getting an error message on the Jabba the Hutt photo now. Here it is from somewhere else. Hillary was having a high old time blaming some CIA business on al Qeada (wink wink):

And while searching for that image I found another one that's pretty spooky:

What is it with her and that wink? Hideous.

At any rate, it was Clinton's job to make sure the ambassador was safe. She failed. She needs to fall on her sword (the Romans made that one up, I believe, but not the one about the bus). Clinton needs to resign. Holder needs to resign for Fast and Furious. Obama needs to resign for just being. This is a failed administration, and the failure will pave the way for even more of the austerity that Obama promised us. He delivered, but people seem to have confused the word "austerity" with "prosperity." And now it's time for the A-team to take to the field. Romney and Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld--those boys will know how to give you REAL austerity. You accepted a little bit under Obama, so now it's time for the full dose. You see how they work that? It's the same team, just offense and defense.

14 Oct 12 - 11:21 PM (#3419982)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: katlaughing

BillD, back when the BS started, the BS was, in general, a much higher standard. This type of thread, and any other political ones should be in their own section or they need a desnation for easy filtering out. Imagine if we could filter out individual posters!

15 Oct 12 - 12:48 AM (#3420003)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Stilly River Sage

The moment anyone sees that Songwronger started the thread they know it's going going to be full of spurious accusations against any Democratic or liberal individual or group. Songwronger would be at the top of my list of folks to filter. I'm sure it would be mutual - he can't stand it when people dismiss his idiocy.


15 Oct 12 - 01:49 AM (#3420012)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

See?I told you so. Prez al-Obama is a left wing fascist.And being run over by a bus can only make Hillary Clitler prettier.
(:-( 0)=

15 Oct 12 - 08:13 AM (#3420128)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Charley Noble

Another puerile thread to ignore...

Charley Noble

15 Oct 12 - 08:54 AM (#3420138)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Puerility? You mean virility.
(:-( ))=

15 Oct 12 - 09:06 AM (#3420148)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

Me thinks the righties need thicker tin foil...


15 Oct 12 - 09:11 AM (#3420152)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

I'm not right or left wing. Anarchy sounds good to me.
(:-( ))=

15 Oct 12 - 09:48 AM (#3420177)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)


Are you really saying that there are no conclusions to be drawn about the reliability of a website that provides these *internal* links:

"Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In America (Freedom Outpost)"

"Obama Believes that the Future Belongs to Those Who Slander Christ."

Wow. Just how do you judge the reliability of any information?

Or is it all equally valid?

15 Oct 12 - 11:01 AM (#3420218)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: akenaton

I've always said, taking the Clintons into his administration was President Obama's biggest mistake.....he may have presumed that it was safer to have them working within than plotting outside, but he underestimated Hill n' Bill. They are driven politicians, their ambition knows no bounds and their ego's took a hammering when Hillary failed in her bid for the Democratic nomination.

They will never forgive Pres Obama for thwarting their ambitions.

The Libya Embassy shambles had all the grubby fingermarks of Clinton dirty work.....looks like the President has at last wakened to the danger within.......too late I fear.

15 Oct 12 - 11:42 AM (#3420244)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,highlandman at work

Should we propose to Max a line below the line? What would we call it? BBS? or MBS? RRRBS (for really, really, really...)?
The thread topics (usually) give me a pretty good idea of the ones I might want to look into and the ones that will give me a stomach ache.

15 Oct 12 - 11:57 AM (#3420253)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bill D

I did not expand my little attempt at sarcastic humor enough...I was saying that the expanded form of BS was invented (BEFORE Mudcat) to describe the essential nature of such nonsensical whimsey as the proposed concept that THIS thread participates in...

so...Hillary is in trouble? BS!

(and just to add... I guessed who started this thread before I even opened it!)

15 Oct 12 - 12:10 PM (#3420261)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: akenaton

No Bill, President Obama is in trouble and Hill n' Bill will dance around the bonfire of his administration.

Their time will come.

15 Oct 12 - 12:14 PM (#3420265)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Prez al-Obama has been in over his head since birth.
(:-( 0)=

15 Oct 12 - 12:22 PM (#3420270)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: akenaton

HtH is off to Peru to give an address on "female empowerment".

Such sweet irony.

15 Oct 12 - 02:32 PM (#3420324)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

You have an argument with someone, TIA, but I don't think it's me. Those links sound pretty hilarious, allright. As for the website, I haven't seen it, so I can't say for sure, but the link titles you posted don't give me much confidence.

What does puzzle me about a lot of people here, though, is this: they NOTICE whenever Songwronger criticizes Obama. They seemingly do NOT notice when Songwronger criticizes Romney...Bush...or the Republicans! They neither notice nor comment. It goes right by them like it was invisible. And Songwronger DOES criticize Romney, Bush, and the Republicans. Very much so. Songwronger voted for Obama in 2008, for heaven's sake!

So why do they not notice when Songwronger attacks the Right? Selective blindness? Or would it just be inconvenient, because they could not then pigeonhole Songwronger as a stereotypical "Rightwinger", thus sparing themselves of the effort of actually paying any real attention to anything he says?

This is mental laziness, people. Or it's letting a personal feud overcome your ability to be fair and rational. Or both.

15 Oct 12 - 02:35 PM (#3420327)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

By the way, Bill Clinton is out there right now pinchhitting quite strenuously for Obama. I don't think he'd be doing so if the administration was putting Hillary out to pasture.

15 Oct 12 - 03:29 PM (#3420353)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bill D

"...when Songwronger attacks the Right?"

Hmmm? He really has?

"One swallow doth not make the Spring"... maybe I got stoned, and I missed it

15 Oct 12 - 03:31 PM (#3420355)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: akenaton

Sorry to disagree Hawk, but I think crafty ole Bill may be pinchhittin' for the Democrats, who "at the moment" take the form of Mr Obama.

There's quite a difference.....They would not wish to completely demolish their base?

15 Oct 12 - 03:41 PM (#3420360)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

That's exactly what I'm saying, Ake...Bill Clinton is pinchhitting for the Democrats, and at the moment that means helping Obama beat Romney. It doesn't mean helping Obama forever, needless to say. I think Hillary may still have ambitions to become president.

BillD - Yeah, I guess you must've been stoned on those occasions. ;-) I could go back through a lot of Songwronger's posts and block and past a whole bunch of times he's criticized the Right...the question is, is it worth my time to do so? ;-D Probably wouldn't change anything anyway. But it would be fun to make you aware of the times you've been stoned and missed what he said.

What it amounts to is this: a lot of people here only react when their own ox is being gored. Or when they're ganging up together to merrily stone a despised heretic or outsider and congratulate each other for doing so. Other than that, they're asleep most of the time.

15 Oct 12 - 03:46 PM (#3420363)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

(:-( ))=

15 Oct 12 - 04:23 PM (#3420374)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Ed T

Potential sub categories for BS:

Right-wing BS
Left-wing BS
Wing-nut BS
Winging it BS (aka, no wing to fly on BS)

15 Oct 12 - 04:52 PM (#3420382)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: akenaton

Personally, I think the participants in mudcat BS do pretty well, considering the different nationalities, differences in humour and culture etc.

The only problem is politics, we are extremely fucked up, most of us have not a clue what we really believe in, or the values of alternative opinions.

This is really a forum for disgruntled liberals, who are old enough to know that society is disintegrating, but too young to accept that there is no Father Christmas?

15 Oct 12 - 05:14 PM (#3420400)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Ed T

""society is disintegrating""

How so, and on what (or who's) measuring scale?

Change, which is always occuring, is not necessarily a form of disintegration.

15 Oct 12 - 05:35 PM (#3420408)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Political extremists tend to be an emotional mess. Screwed up in every way possible.
(:-( D)=

15 Oct 12 - 06:48 PM (#3420452)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,olddude

I can assure you win or lose Hillary isn't interested, she will work on their non profit foundation and wait for a grandbaby .. so dance away, she could care less

15 Oct 12 - 06:48 PM (#3420453)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Songwronger

There seem to be a lot of posts here from people saying they won't deign to comment. Pretty humorous.

I am middle of the road. I like FDR's programs. Obama is gutting them. He's wrecking the FDR and LBJ safety nets. Obamacare is gutting Social Security. This is also what the Republicans want to do. Obamacare is based on Romneycare.

Show me the difference between the candidates.

I find that liberals tend to be closet fascists. Conservative/Republicans are more of the old Mussolini type (fusion of government and corporations), but liberals want that same type of control, only in the hands of a huge governmental bureaucracy. At the end of the day, what does it matter whether Bain Capital or Washington DC, Inc., is taking away your Social Security?

Liberals are control freaks. They want to regulate everything. Conservatives want to be left alone, but in the process of trying to achieve "less government" they let the robber barons achieve ascendancy.

So it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I hate Obama, true, but how could I like Cheney and Rumsfeld? In July of 2001 they changed the 50-year-old protocol for NORAD intercepts. Couple of months later NORAD stood down on 9/11. Afterward Cheney and Rumsfeld re-set to the old protocols. They were in the key control positions on 9/11, not by accident, but by design. They are mass murderers and traitors. But Obama's even worse, because he's allowing those monsters to still roam free.

If you support Dems over Reps, or Reps over Dems, you are a chump.

15 Oct 12 - 07:00 PM (#3420456)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Ed T

""Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all,""–John W. Gardner

15 Oct 12 - 07:12 PM (#3420460)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

Was the American dream just that, a dream?

American dream?

15 Oct 12 - 07:12 PM (#3420461)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

I agree with Songwronger 100%. Prez al-Obama and The Criminal Junior Bush are like Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.
(:-( ))=

15 Oct 12 - 07:26 PM (#3420466)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

Who is happy now?

The happy folks:)

15 Oct 12 - 07:42 PM (#3420478)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

TIA is correct in going after the "classless and free" here who retreat into their shells, much the way the ordinary Germans did in the face of the brownshirts...

We have a certain segment of the population who are intent on making America fail so they use the same tactics that were used in Germany in the 30s but...

...rather than stand up and be counted they sit on the sidelines and play nice...

Problem is that what we are seeing is neo-facisism in the form of the current right wing in America and other countries and these "classless and free" don't see that one day they will come for them...


15 Oct 12 - 09:00 PM (#3420506)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bill D

"..a forum for disgruntled liberals,..."

I'll have you know I am throughly gruntled!

"Liberals are control freaks. They want to regulate everything.."

Um-hmmm... the conservatives only want to regulate 'some' women's bodies, who gets the best tax breaks, who gets to vote, who gets to sell guns, who we go to war with, and a few other minor things.

When we see what happens in Wall Street (and such) with little regulation, strange things happen.

16 Oct 12 - 12:46 AM (#3420545)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

Bobert, I'm seeing neo-fascism coming from both your major parties. Their rhetoric is quite different. They pretend to be different...and most of their members in the public DO subscribe to 2 rather different philosophies, not doubt about that....Republicans tend to believe in smaller government, privatization, ultra-patriotic raving about "defending" America (which ends up translating to attacking foreigners)...while Democrats tend to believe in social services done through government and do not indulge in the ultra-patriot ravings to nearly the same extent...etc...and then are there the religious issues and so on...

but that's the membership!

It does not compute to what happens when either of those 2 parties gets power. What happens when either of them gets power is neo-fascism. Both Bush and Obama have made incredible assaults on your Constitutional rights and freedoms in the last 12 years and are involving the USA in fascist wars abroad, and are doing things that benefit the richest elements of the private sector.

What the parties supposedly stand for is not what you get when they're elected. You get neo-fascism when either of them is elected. This tells me that the campaigns are nothing more than a false propaganda exercise to tell you unfortunate people whatever you want to here...then once they are elected, they do what they were going to do anyway.

The Republicans sound more like neo-fascists because that appeals to the people who vote for them, that's all. Once in office, though, the Democrats turn out to be more of the same thing.

It's horrifying, frankly. I honestly feel like I'm living next door to an incipient fascist dictatorship that is merely going through the outward motions of pretending to have a democracy, in order to keep its own people cooperative to a manageable extent. So far it's working, just like it always has. The Great Oz is still safely concealed behind the curtain.

16 Oct 12 - 09:15 AM (#3420683)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Ron Davies

I wonder how much Songwronger is being paid by Romney.

Anything which causes bad blood between non-GOP supporters and possibly discourages their turnout, like this typically worthless thread, is just peachy for him.

I wonder why Songwronger never tells us about how Romney is not strong enough on his anti-abortion stance or how Obamacare was modeled on Massachusetts Romneycare.


D'ya think?

Naah, couldn't be.

16 Oct 12 - 12:32 PM (#3420784)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, sure, Ron... (rolling my eyes)

I quote directly from a post Songwronger made quite recently, regarding the fist presidential debate:

"Romney's a moron. Kind of like George W. Bush's big brother in a fraternity.

Both of those men (Romney and Obama) should have been booed off the stage"

Like I said, you guys only notice when Songwronger posts stuff you don't agree with. You're utterly oblivious to the things he says against Romney and the political Right in the USA, because you want to imagine that he's one of "them". He isn't. He isn't with either you OR them. He doesn't fit the stereotype that you wish he did.

16 Oct 12 - 12:36 PM (#3420788)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

"RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)"

Is this really the most appropriate title? It looks as though it was changed to that title by a moderator. For shame.

16 Oct 12 - 02:38 PM (#3420865)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,mando-player-91

I think I would have chosen a more appropriate title , little harsh I'd say

16 Oct 12 - 11:17 PM (#3421074)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Stilly River Sage

It's meant for maximum insult, mando-player. That's Songwronger's strong suit.

17 Oct 12 - 12:13 AM (#3421087)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

I'll look up some more really nasty things he's said about Romney, Bush, and the Republicans later. They're easy enough to find. You just have to read his posts with more than simply a desire to find something in them to attack.

17 Oct 12 - 01:19 AM (#3421099)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Amos

The OP is a crock of crapola. Obama stood up on national television and took full responsibility for the tragedy.


17 Oct 12 - 07:07 AM (#3421188)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""society is disintegrating""

""How so, and on what (or who's) measuring scale?

Change, which is always occuring, is not necessarily a form of disintegration.

A waste of breath Ed. His only religion is his immense ego and self belief.

Witness his contemptuous dismissal of the whole membership of this forum as:

""disgruntled liberals, who are old enough to know that society is disintegrating, but too young to accept that there is no Father Christmas?""

Do you really think the author of that comment is inviting discussion, or is he just exercising a need to feel superior?

Don T.

17 Oct 12 - 07:25 AM (#3421193)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I'll look up some more really nasty things he's said about Romney, Bush, and the Republicans later. They're easy enough to find. You just have to read his posts with more than simply a desire to find something in them to attack.""

The trouble with your input LH is that it fails to take into account the fact that US voters have only two choices. Following your philosophy is likely to lead to a defeatist attitude that there's no point in voting at all.

Then you get the worst of all possible worlds.

There are obvious differences, which need to be emphasised, between the two parties.

The Republican Party has abdicated any right to govern in its current form, by acting as a roadblock to any initiatives of the Obama administration, to the detriment of the nation.

Unless you can show evidence of the Democrat Party ever having done that for the whole term of a Republican Presidency, your claim that there is no difference is wrong.

Songwronger's input is worse, since he simply lashes out mindlessly in all directions. A true basket case.

Don T.

17 Oct 12 - 11:16 AM (#3421321)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Little Hawk, your post:

RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk
Date: 16 Oct 12 - 12:46 AM

Is nothing short of one of the most eloquently stated posts regarding what has been going on, in regards to the façade of American politics that I've ever read on here!
Consistent with other posters, Songwronger, pdq, Sanity, some of Sawzaw's among others, who have maintained that the American public has been massively manipulated AWAY from the true faces behind the curtain of illusion and delusion, by those who have hijacked freedoms from your citizenry and most of the rest of the world, while heaping control and wealth for themselves.
You and those I've mentioned above (along with a few others) have an insight of the cutting edge of truth unrivalled by the deluded detractors!

It has now broken in the news (NYT) that this administration has been arming the Muslim Brotherhood, with the American taxpayers money. Why this is going on I can't exactly say, only speculate, but it's true.
This amounts to an undeclared war similar to what America did during the 1980's in Central America.

But that is another subject. Regardless, Little Hawk, your comments in your post are dead spot on, and brilliantly stated!!
Why others cannot plainly see this is evidence on how successfully the 'Wizards' behind the curtain have been in deceiving and deluding your two parties, and their constituents, tearing America apart at the seams!
Unless Americans get a clue and grip on this, will they be able to do anything about it, and have to be at the mercy of the true villains, and stop needlessly attacking each other!!

Kudos, hats off, and Bravo!!!!!

17 Oct 12 - 11:48 AM (#3421341)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

See? I told you so. They want to destroy the U.S.Government so that they can remake it. That's what 9-11 was about. An inside job if there ever was one.
(:-( ))=

17 Oct 12 - 02:13 PM (#3421446)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Sorry Henry Krinkle, I left you out of those who I posted that were being accurate as to what is going on. You have been rather outspoken in this, and very criticised wrongly.

If only those who claim to be on the hard left would only open their minds AWAY from the contrived positions that are meant to appeal to them, they would,with their sense of the injustices going on in America
would have more impact to solving the REAL villains, and not waste their time being discredited by their adopting bogus and easily disproved rumours and accusations from those who are equally deceived on the right.

I believe that their intentions are correct, but the information that they are working from is sorely in error, to achieve the exact purpose that it is meant to do.

Their zeal coupled with bad propaganda is going to neutralise the actual good that they could be doing, and discredit all their good points and concerns. If this keeps going on, you will be labelled as Kooks and crackpots, when in reality they have guenuine

17 Oct 12 - 02:16 PM (#3421447)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

I hit the wrong key, and posted my other comment incorrectly.

Sorry Henry Krinkle, I left you out of those who I posted that were being accurate as to what is going on. You have been rather outspoken in this, and very criticised wrongly.

If only those who claim to be on the hard left would only open their minds AWAY from the contrived positions that are meant to appeal to them, they would,with their sense of the injustices going on in America
would have more impact to solving the REAL villains, and not waste their time being discredited by their adopting bogus and easily disproved rumours and accusations from those who are equally deceived on the right.

I believe that their intentions are correct, but the information that they are working from is sorely in error, to achieve the exact purpose that it is meant to do.

Their zeal coupled with bad propaganda is going to neutralise the actual good that they could be doing, and discredit all their good points and concerns. If this keeps going on, you will be labelled as Kooks and crackpots, when in reality they have genuine concerns, but misplaced allegiances.

17 Oct 12 - 02:21 PM (#3421450)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Then I hit the wrong 'enter' key and created a in the wrong place and broke up a sentence, that made it difficult to understand correctly. Sorry.

I hit the wrong key, and posted my other comment incorrectly.

Sorry Henry Krinkle, I left you out of those who I posted that were being accurate as to what is going on. You have been rather outspoken in this, and very criticised wrongly.

If only those who claim to be on the hard left would only open their minds AWAY from the contrived positions that are meant to appeal to them, they would,with their sense of the injustices going on in America would have more impact to solving the REAL villains, and not waste their time being discredited by their adopting bogus and easily disproved rumours and accusations from those who are equally deceived on the right.

I believe that their intentions are correct, but the information that they are working from is sorely in error, to achieve the exact purpose that it is meant to do.

Their zeal coupled with bad propaganda is going to neutralise the actual good that they could be doing, and discredit all their good points and concerns. If this keeps going on, you will be labelled as Kooks and crackpots, when in reality they have genuine concerns, but misplaced allegiances.

17 Oct 12 - 06:25 PM (#3421611)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

nobody in particular, You are failing the Turing test

17 Oct 12 - 11:35 PM (#3421776)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

And Jack, you are failing the 'liberal open minded test'.

There are just some dopes who cannot, because of lack of intelligence, address the subject. Instead they just attack the person with dopey near attempts of insults.

You accuse the right of being fascists, because that is the joining of corporations and government, and then applaud Obama for fusing government with GM, Chrysler, Solyndra, health care industry,Western Wind Energy Corp., and a whole list of 'green' energy companies, but you don't see this as fascism. Instead the left is fending off accusations of 'crony capitalism'.

I guess you think when the right does crony capitalism, THEN it's called fascism.

Same tactic, different names, depending on who is doing the accusing.

Okay, you can go back to sleep now.

18 Oct 12 - 09:00 AM (#3421952)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Greg F.

Methinks Krinkle is talking to himself.......

18 Oct 12 - 09:14 AM (#3421958)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

That's better. Petulant whining and false indignation are unique to humanity.

18 Oct 12 - 09:29 AM (#3421964)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

We on the left wouldn't have to defend Obama if those on the right would spend a little less energy attacking him for everything and anything he does...

He passes a Republican health-care bill and the Republicans go into their righteous-indignation-primal-scream mode... If Obama were to find a cure for cancer the Obama-haters would accuse him of trying to put doctors out of work... The haters have one thing in common: they hate a black man in the "Whites Only House" and the fact that he is both intelligent and articulate really pisses them off...

But never mind that for a second... If the Obama-hatin' Republicans use their race baiting tactics and get into power with them guess what???

New Deal??? It's gone... It will be replaced with the Somalia-AynRand-Bad Deal... That's why we liberals and progressives are defending Obama... We have to weather this all out assaul by the ultra-right on the New Deal... If we are bale to turn that back then we liberals and progressives can turn our attention on Obama... Right now, he ain't as big a problem... I mean, not by a far shot...


18 Oct 12 - 09:39 AM (#3421971)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

It's not about being black. They treated the Clintons just as poorly.

18 Oct 12 - 11:04 AM (#3422021)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber
(:-( P)=

19 Oct 12 - 07:09 AM (#3422520)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Prez al-Obama is their puppet. He represents the big corporations just as much as Romney.""

It'd be funny if it weren't so bloody pathetic!

The man who calls the Hawaiian born American Christian president Al-Obama accuses Bobert of playing the race card.

Don T.

19 Oct 12 - 07:14 AM (#3422524)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

So Don, tell me all about this change we can believe in. Things are oh-so-different now. I'm clearly amazed at the difference. It's like Bush never existed.
(:-( P)=

19 Oct 12 - 08:17 AM (#3422557)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: kendall

"The problem with information we get on the web is that we can never be sure if it's true." (Abraham Lincoln.)

19 Oct 12 - 08:20 AM (#3422558)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Oh Susannah!
Don't you cry for me!
I'm going to al-Obama
With my banjo on my knee!
(:-( D)=

19 Oct 12 - 08:22 AM (#3422559)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: kendall

When the Titanic hit that ice burg, Captain Smith was blamed even though he was not on the wheel or even in the wheel house.
When the Exxon Valdez hit that ledge and spilled millions of gallons of oil, the Captain was in his bunk, but he was blamed.
When the Explorer sank I was no where near and the people who were supposed to be watching her fell down on the job, I was blamed.
Thats how it is; the man in charge is responsible...period.

19 Oct 12 - 08:30 AM (#3422563)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

That whole Change We Can Believe In campaign slogan sounds like an advertisement for diapers now.
(:-( P)=

19 Oct 12 - 08:35 AM (#3422566)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Or breast implants!
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 09:00 AM (#3422578)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

The race card has been played not by me but by the Republicans...

They used "welfare society" in the 80's as code for "black people" to rile up their racist base... Again we are seeing it used exactly the way they used it back then and...

...with the same results...

Reality is that if there was a mechanism to would void the ballots of of racists then the Republican party would become extinct...

This goes back to the Southern Strategy that the Republicans perfected after the Civil Rights Act... Lyndon Johnson even stated that in pushing the Civil Rights Act his Democratic Party would be hurt in the the South for decades... Well, we're at the half century mark and Democrats are still paying the price for standing up and doing the right thing...

No, Krinkx, I ain't playing the race card at all... I'm just telling the truth and you know it, I know it and every racist in America knows it...


19 Oct 12 - 09:26 AM (#3422591)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Clinton was a Republican in Democrat's clothing. He forced the welfare recipients off the welfare rolls and into meaningful menial jobs. And Prez al-Obama is no different. He does what Ms. Clinton tells him to do. Just like her hen pecked husband.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 09:31 AM (#3422592)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

And you know, if Hawaii didn't have statehood status at the time of Prez al-Obama's birth, he's not an American citizen and not qualified to be president.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 09:36 AM (#3422593)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

What Bobert said.
Romney is polling exactly 0% among blacks, and about 30% among latinos.
Is that just a coincidence?

read and learn...

19 Oct 12 - 09:48 AM (#3422598)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

I won't vote for either Romney or al-Obama.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 10:39 AM (#3422629)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

...and every time you say al-Obama, you are playing the race card.

Not Libertarian, more like A-hole.

19 Oct 12 - 11:01 AM (#3422643)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

I've made no mention of Mr. al-Obama's bi-raciality. He's a puppet of the Saudis just like Criminal Junior Bush.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 11:29 AM (#3422658)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

It just suits your emotional needs to label him as a racist, TIA. It's a standard reaction. The mere fact that Obama IS half-black means that anyone who criticizes him will be labelled a "racist" by a large number of people, regardless of whether or not they really are. It's kind of like being labelled "anti-semitic" by a certain crowd if you criticize Israeli policy....inevitable!

Being accused of being a witch in Salem...worked exactly the same way, and if so accused there was no way on Earth of proving one's innocence. The mere accusation itself serves as judge, jury, and executioner....and it makes the accuser feel like he's "saving the world" for the righteous too! Very satisfying.

19 Oct 12 - 11:46 AM (#3422669)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

HEAR!!!!!! HEAR!!!!!!!
(:-( D)=

19 Oct 12 - 12:10 PM (#3422685)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

Little Hawk, Krinkle is trying to be an ass, what is your excuse? African Americans are not the only groups subject to racism. Believe it or not Arabs and Muslims are also subject to it in this country. Of course up there on your perch in that bastion of correct and proper behavior which is southern Ontario, the "paki" jokes are just "topical observations" and not racist slurs. Right? No "Al-Obama" is not racist. It is a topical observation. Right?


19 Oct 12 - 01:32 PM (#3422712)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, Henry is often just trying to shit disturb, stir the pot, I know that. It's obvious. But that's not the point I was focusing on...after all, it is so obvious, why bother?

The point I was focusing on was the old knee-jerk that is so common here, which is: "attack the guy who criticizes Obama and call him a 'racist'". It's that automatic reflex that so many here indulge in that I was focusing on, because they do it without even thinking. It happens automatically, like Pavlov's dog salivating when he hears the bell. That's why I commented on it.

It's the things that pass under people's radar here (their own behaviour, in other words) I would rather comment on than something as obvious as the fact that Henry Krinkle enjoys pulling people's chains and getting a reaction from them.

You BET there's racist prejudice against Muslims here in Canada...and elsewhere...these days. And I've often spoken out against it.

Henry calls Obama "al-Obama" in order to upset various people here...and because he doesn't like Obama's policies and performance in the presidency. I very much doubt that he does so because Obama happens to be half-black. That's just my opinion, mind you, but I don't think he has any racial motivations for criticing Obama.

He thinks Obama is a CIA-trained person whose ascendancy to the US presidency was planned in the works for a long time. He may be right. It's an interesting theory. I have no final opinion about it.

19 Oct 12 - 01:34 PM (#3422713)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

What Jack and TIA have said, LH... You're "classless and free" post of 11:29 is free of thought...

Yes, when the Krinkx refers to Obama as "al-Obama" it is as racist as racist can be...


19 Oct 12 - 02:10 PM (#3422730)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

My niece and nephew are tri-racial. Part white, part Pakistani, part Iranian. I'm not drawing any race card here. Stir the pot? Maybe. Lively discussion breaks up the monotony here. A good thing,I think. Jack,go play with your toy boat and leave us grown ups to our discussion.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 02:18 PM (#3422736)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

>>old knee-jerk that is so common here, which is: "attack the guy who criticizes Obama and call him a 'racist'"<<

Wasn't it a little knee jerk of you to assume that that was why Krink was being called a racist. If you wanted to speak out against that you could have said it in reference to someone who is not a trouble maker.

You always encourage the trouble makers. I can't think of a good reason why you do that but you do.

19 Oct 12 - 02:28 PM (#3422740)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

Your toy boat, Jack. Go!!!!!
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 05:19 PM (#3422811)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Bobert

I'm with you, Jack... LH knows better... Or should...


19 Oct 12 - 05:36 PM (#3422819)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

You can go help Jack off a horse or something,bobette. I'm sure he'll return the favor.
(:-( ))=

19 Oct 12 - 05:53 PM (#3422825)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Jack the Sailor

Yeah Bobert, But I'll give LH credit HK is only one in a long line of Jack arses on the receiving end of his pity.

19 Oct 12 - 05:55 PM (#3422828)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
From: Henry Krinkle

(:-( D)=

19 Oct 12 - 06:13 PM (#3422838)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

Sorry LH. I just lost a lot of respect for you. What exactly is "al-Obama" if not racist. I suggest that all people should develop a knee jerk reaction against racism. Apologists for it such as you (again sorry, but there it is) just encourage it.

BTW, if I knew your ethnicity, I bet I could make up a nickname that would make your knees jerk.

Shall we play that asinine game?

19 Oct 12 - 11:04 PM (#3422916)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)

But after a long run and contemplation, perhaps I spoke in haste.
I apologize. With your help, perhaps I can use this as a learning experience.
I invite Henry Krinkle or Little Hawk to explain to me the meaning of, and reason for using, the moniker "al-Obama" so that I will appreciate it rather than being overly sensitive.