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BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama

25 Oct 12 - 11:31 AM (#3425876)
Subject: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Surprise!!!! W's top general endorses our present Commander in Chief.
I wonder why? Maybe because he's stayed the course and gone along with W's plan of action? 4 more years of Obamadrama?
=(:-( o)

25 Oct 12 - 11:38 AM (#3425878)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: John MacKenzie

If you're really lucky Krunkle

25 Oct 12 - 11:41 AM (#3425881)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

What's luck got to do with it?(think Tina Turner)
=(:-( D)

25 Oct 12 - 12:58 PM (#3425930)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: frogprince

It would take Krinkles to come up with his interpretation. Powell has essentially said that he sees Romney as a dangerous extremist and a loose cannon. That, from someone of his stature, should give a lot of people pause. Anyhow, it increases my respect for Powell.

25 Oct 12 - 01:04 PM (#3425937)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I think Powell is a man of Affirmitive Action.
A real stampeder.
Birds of a feather.
=(:-( ))

25 Oct 12 - 01:29 PM (#3425945)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: GUEST,999

Colin Powell was damned near the only one to stand up to Bush and his cronies. It didn't do much good, but he tried.

25 Oct 12 - 01:54 PM (#3425959)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Ebbie

"ideologically pliant". Now, there's a GREAT phrase to describe Mr. Romney.

25 Oct 12 - 01:54 PM (#3425961)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

He's not as bad as some. But he's just a lackey with lots of baubles pinned to his chest.
=(:-( D)

25 Oct 12 - 02:03 PM (#3425968)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Charley Noble

Yes, thanks, for starting this thread. The interview is really interesting, and just might convince a few military minds that Romney's military advisors are not to be trusted again.

Charley Noble

25 Oct 12 - 02:10 PM (#3425972)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Romney is scary. I think he's a modern day Nazi, like Criminal Junior and Senior Bush. But I vote Libertarian. So I can't support Prez al-Obama.
=(:-( ))

25 Oct 12 - 03:45 PM (#3426018)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Bobert

I saw the endorsement this morning on CBS... Powell basically said that he thought Obama was more competent and consistent...

No surprise there... He is...


25 Oct 12 - 03:48 PM (#3426021)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Prez al-Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I don't support Herr Romney or Mr. al-Obama.
I don't even know the name of the Libertarian candidate.
But I'm voting for him.
=(:-( ))

25 Oct 12 - 04:40 PM (#3426043)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Mr. Noble appreciates my thread. He said so. You're just scared I might take away some votes from your wonder boy. Well. I hope I do.
=(:-( ))

25 Oct 12 - 05:54 PM (#3426084)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

There is a great deal about the Libertarian Party that I agree with.

But its FATAL FLAW is that its founding was initiated by fans of the writings of Ayn Rand, and the fundamental principles of that party are strictly in line with her beliefs—which would allow businesses and financial institutions, release from all government oversight and regulation, to play it completely "deuces wild."

Even relatively mild forms of the ideas that Ayn Rand espoused—ideas that the Libertarian Party wants to make national policy—are what precipitated the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the Great Depression (25% unemployment nationwide). At that time, there were no "safety nets" like unemployment insurance or Social Security. There were people literally starving on the streets. Social Security was one of the many programs instituted by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of the "New Deal," along with the WPA and the CCC, that put people back to work on such projects as much needed road and bridge building—infrastructure we still use today, but now needs maintenance and repair. This gave previously unemployed people a paycheck, which they had to go out and immediately spend--on things like food and rent--and this sudden influx of money back into the economy from the grass roots is what got the economy going again. Snowball effect!

FDR also instituted a series of regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, to prevent things like the Wall Street crash from ever happening again.

Roosevelt's "New Deal" dug us out of the Depression and was a major basis for the general prosperity of the 1950s and 60s. Ronald Reagan trashed these regulatory agencies by such things as putting Wall Street financiers and brokers in charge of the Securities and Exchange Commission—classic "fox in charge of the chicken coop"—and did the same thing to the other regulators (appointed drug company executives to the Food and Drug Administration, for example).

Despite this, Carter and Clinton managed to keep things fairly well glued together, but when George W. Bush became president, the hand-puppet with both Dick Cheney's and Karl Rove's hands up his ass, he sent the country heading straight for the cliff.

The recent popping of the "Wall Street Bubble" was the result.

Barack Obama has been doing his damnedest to try to stop the hemorrhaging, with some success, BUT with the Republican Congress fighting him every step of the way.

Romney is Reagan redux. Only worse!

And the Libertarian Party wants to take the country back to before 1929!

So Hinkle, go ahead and vote for either the Libertarian Party or Romney. But when you wind up living in a cardboard carton in a back alley, and singing "Buddy, can you spare a dime?" in earnest—

—don't say I didn't warn you!

Don Firth

P. S. What am I wasting my time for? Trying to introduce Hinky to the Real World is like trying teach an oyster to dance ballet.

P. P. S. And Colin Powell, although he is a Republican, is one of those rare people (especially for a Republican these days) who sees things as they ARE.

25 Oct 12 - 06:19 PM (#3426093)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

"And Colin Powell, although he is a Republican, is one of those rare people (especially for a Republican these days) who sees things as they ARE."

The man has serious intelligence and guts. I think it's a shame he is not on Obama's staff of advisers. His politics take second place to his view, and for sure second place to his love of the USA.

25 Oct 12 - 06:22 PM (#3426097)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

Indeed. I always thought highly of Powell. Well said, Don and 9.

25 Oct 12 - 06:39 PM (#3426108)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Arkie

While one might hear some sensible things from the Libertarian Party it seems like their primary belief and the those of the present republican leadership is that the biggest, strongest, and wealthiest have every right to use everyone else however they see fit and in any way they can benefit. The leadership of the religious right has cast lots with the exploiters in the name of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. And their pathetic little sheep have waddled after them dragging their tails behind them.

The Old Testament speaks often of the priests and prophets who have become allies with oppressive ruling forces. One instance: Zechariah 13:3 "I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land. And if anyone still prophesies, their father and mother, to whom they were born, will say to them, 'You must die, because you have told lies in the Lord's name.' Then their own parents will stab the one who prophesies."

This quote is not mentioned as a proof text giving permission to begin stabbing prophets but to illustrate the serious nature of a charge against religious leaders who abandon a mission of service to the common citizens and to God to join forces with civil government for the sake of personal gain.

25 Oct 12 - 07:01 PM (#3426117)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: JohnInKansas


Colin Powell is one of an unfortunately very few persons who served in prominent places during the Bush Administration to whom I credit an acceptable level of rational honesty, and whose opinions I generally respect. During his time in service, he demonstrated an apparently sincere concern for what he believed was best for the country, with the minimally necessary obeissance to "the boss" under whom he happened to be serving. Even in cases where I had some disagreement with his assessments and with the policies he recommended, he never failed to provide rational and credible arguments for what he did, that considered the entire effect on the country that he obviously respects.

It is unfortunate that his most prominent service was within an administrate devoid of any ability to take rational actions, whenever they contradicted "the party line."

I consider his endorsement of President Obama an exceedingly powerful contribution for those of us who still (despite the odds) have some hope for the country.

Although at this point the endorsement is somewhat suprefluous for those of us who have tried to remain rational regarding the recent conduct of Congress, and the Republican blockade of needed actions that could have been quite helpful to the country, and for those who still hold out some hope for that the country may survive despite the obeisance by so-called Conservative Republicans to exactly the same policies and plan instituted by the Nazi party in 1938 and therafter,

I, for one, do appreciate Mr. Powell's recent statement of endorsement of rational government.

Thank you, Mr. Powell.

Generally, I just assume that any thread started by Mr(?) Krinkle is not worth reading, and it's quite likely I will regret violating my general inclination to not contribute to any such. I have, however, missed a couple of recent threads solely because they looked too much like something he might have started, so I did look at this one "just in case" and the subject of the endorsement deserves discussion.

Please note that my statement of an opinion is not addressed to the mindless troll, but is intended for those capable of rational thinking, as there appeared to be some here who have usually shown at least some such abilities, but may have inadvertently forgotten to include that in their decisions to respond at all to Herr Heinrich.


25 Oct 12 - 07:02 PM (#3426118)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Good post, Arkie...

Mark 14:5... "take head lest any man deceive you".... Romney says he has a 5 point plan but refuses to tell you what is in it...

Romney rattles sabers when it come to Iran... Jesus tells Luke (Luke 12:46) "For ye lade men with burden grievous to be borne and ye yourselves touch not the burden with one of your fingers"... How many of the Romneys have served??? None...

Romney is a hypocrite and a liar...


25 Oct 12 - 09:03 PM (#3426170)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

Great post, Arkie.

JiK: I have long considered you to be one of THE posters to this forum who is consistently thoughtful, informed, intelligent and one who always always makes sense. I wish you would run for office at whatever level you'd feel comfortable. If I were an American I'd vote for you in a trice regardless of your party affiliation.

25 Oct 12 - 10:06 PM (#3426195)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Charley Noble

John in Kansas-

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

That's why I encouraged this thread.

Charley Noble

25 Oct 12 - 10:20 PM (#3426200)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Jeri

I totally agree with 999.

Colin Powell represents the Republican party I'd respect--the one with compassion and integrity. I believe he endorsed Obama because the current Repubs have shifted so far to the loonie right that Obama's closer to a moderate [anyparty] candidate than anyone who sought the Republican nomination.

25 Oct 12 - 10:53 PM (#3426209)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

Darn! Too bad the whole USA couldn't sound more like the Mudcatters in this thread and appreciate people who do a good job. I know that sounds "high school" but I can dream, eh?

25 Oct 12 - 10:54 PM (#3426210)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Beer

Very well said as well Jeri.

25 Oct 12 - 11:00 PM (#3426215)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Sorry, gn-ze, but the US is in the middle of a major retard spell... Most folks don't hold a candle to an animal cracker in an IQ showdown... You have way too many people who hate black people for us to move on as a nation...


26 Oct 12 - 03:34 AM (#3426259)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

There you go again, bobette. That race card again. And you're always the first to pull it out. Shameful.
=(:-( 0)

26 Oct 12 - 05:55 AM (#3426291)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Colin Powell was an army general first and foremost. Not a political hack. He was the Bush criminal's token negro. Never a true Republican.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 08:21 AM (#3426326)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

What, Krinkx... Yer allowed to spread your hate of Obama and black people and not be called on it???

Get real...

You won't see me ever back down from racists... Ya'll don't have this shield around you that allows you to spread hate and not be called on it by saying that those of us who call you on it are playing the "race card"...

Ya'll deal with yer racism and then you won't have to worry about being called out on it... Purdy simple...


26 Oct 12 - 08:30 AM (#3426329)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Very simple bobette. I'm a misanthrope. Not a racist. I don't care what color you are.
=(:-( P)

26 Oct 12 - 09:05 AM (#3426338)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

You must be suffering from Romnesia, Krinkx... Next thing ya' know you'll be singing praise for Obama and quoting Chairman Mao...


26 Oct 12 - 09:13 AM (#3426342)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

You're the Marxist around these parts,bobette. Whether you go extreme right or extreme left you get the same results. Slavery and censorship.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 09:15 AM (#3426343)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

And Death Camps.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 09:40 AM (#3426360)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Charley Noble

Yes, I see the Republican pundits are now playing "the race card" in an attempt to discredit General Powell's endorsement of Obama, implying that Powell only did it because they are both "Black." I suppose knowing you have such company, Henry, makes you feel real good.

Charley Noble

26 Oct 12 - 09:47 AM (#3426362)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

Henry, give it a rest, please.

26 Oct 12 - 09:50 AM (#3426363)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

"but the US is in the middle of a major retard spell"

No offense, but 'retard' is not now, never was nor ever will be a noun in my house.

26 Oct 12 - 09:53 AM (#3426365)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I think he's endorsing him because Romney is just another Criminal Junior Bush. And he doesn't want more pointless wars. But Prez al-Obama sold us out to the banks. So Colon Powell's endorsement is meaningless.
=(:-( P)

26 Oct 12 - 10:23 AM (#3426379)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

That I can understand, Henry. But face it buddy, it's a part of politics on which people can agree to disagree.

Back in the 1960s I was at a place called People's Park in Berkeley, California. Hot as a bonfire that day. I got to speak with a national guardsman who was behind a fence. He had a rifle and I noticed his weapon wasn't on safe. I mentioned it to him--I'd been a soldier myself--and said, "Trust me. We're more afraid of the gun than we are of you. Safe it, man." He did and said "Sorry." We talked for a few minutes, I passed him some water and moved on. Hell, we were about the same age.

Your nation has been ripped apart by some seriously bad people. Fighting with each other does nothing. Learning each others points of view--while you may not agree--at least provides for a no-fire zone in which you can trade perspectives.

When people draw lines in the sand, someone always gets hurt. Pride should never determine who's right or wrong.

I am a good fighter in real life. Not great, just good. I know that because I haven't been in a fist fight for about ten years. Better to walk away than hurt someone or get hurt. The last guy I hit I took to the hospital because I'd broken some bones in his hand: back fist. After I struck him I mentioned that I was an emergency medical responder and that I thought he should have his hand X-rayed. I heard the bones crack and knew he was in pain.

That is not to tell you 'how tough I am', because I'm not, but it is to tell you that had I the chance to deal with it differently I would. Talk talk is always better than war war.

I wish the war war going on here would stop. I like peace because it's peaceful. Bobert and Gnu are truly good folks, and in a room together you'd be with friends. Let's pretend we're in a room together.

Last guy to fart buys the beer.


26 Oct 12 - 10:29 AM (#3426382)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I'm not at war. Someone has to beg the question and push the envelope. So I've appointed myself. I don't have any hard feelings.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 10:39 AM (#3426385)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I don't even know the name of the Libertarian candidate.
But I'm voting for him.

I'm glad to hear it Krankle. Better that real F**kwits vote in a way that can't affect the outcome.

Don T.

26 Oct 12 - 10:55 AM (#3426391)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

But it makes a statement.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 11:07 AM (#3426398)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Richard Bridge

I seem to remember posting here that the only conceivable reason for saying "Al-Obama" is undiluted racism. I wonder why such a post might have been deleted.

26 Oct 12 - 11:10 AM (#3426401)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I'm not a racist. I'm a misanthrope. Big difference. Why deleted? Crybabies.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 01:18 PM (#3426480)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Arkie

Since misanthropes and racist may use the same type of epithets I, for one can understand how they might be confused.

On the matter of Gen. Powell, I can only say Amen to comments from John in Kansas and others. He earned my respect on the battlefield and he continued to receive that respect when he became involved in politics. Although I am normally more sympathetic to the Democratic party's approach to to issues, I have no personal animosity to Republicans or to a conservative approach to problem solving. It would be disastrous for the country if one viewpoint to constantly prevailed because most issues are complex with multiple factors to consider. People with progressive attitudes and ideas need to engage with others of a more conservative attitude to provide a meaningful solution and one that serves the best interest of the country. If the Republican party could only return to the sanity of people like Powell, or even Jeb Bush imagine what kind of legislation we could get from Congress and the manner in which current problems could be managed. Now, I know, Congress has never been a perfect, or even near perfect institution, but I do not recall during my lifetime when one faction has completely sold it soul to private interests and completely sold out the ordinary citizen.

26 Oct 12 - 02:19 PM (#3426506)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

When a troll says something racist it doesn't necessarily mean they are actually particularly racist, just that they know the people they are aiming at are liable to get angry at racism - and that's the point. Hence "Al-Obama". "Rabbi Obama" would do just as well.

26 Oct 12 - 02:22 PM (#3426507)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

al-Obama. Not Al-Obama. Spell it properly.
=(:-( D)

26 Oct 12 - 04:50 PM (#3426547)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

No, Hinky, you're not a misanthrope, you're a nincompoop. A racist nincompoop.

But then, that's redundant.

You don't even know the name of the presidential candidate you plan to vote for? [Why am I not surprised?] The Libertarian Party Presidential candidate is Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico. I won't be voting for him, I will be voting for Barack Obama, but at least I am sufficiently well informed to know who the Libertarian Party candidate is. Unlike you.

And I ALSO know the Libertarian Party's platform.

Voting for Johnson will make a statement, you say? Well, a fart in a hurricane can be said to make a statement also (that you're a bag of gas!), but it's not something anyone would even notice, and it certainly won't do much to change the world.

Unless, of course, Johnson were to actually get elected. In that case, it will give the expression about "the shit hitting the fan" a whole new dimension!

The parts that I agree with. The Libertarian Party favors the right of individuals to make free choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. This would include such things as gay marriage and abortion on demand, plus the free exercise of religion as long as it does not interfere with the beliefs, or lack thereof, of others.

Where I back off a bit is that they would repeal all laws having to do with the use of "recreational" drugs. Legalize, regulate, and tax it, say I. But the Libertarian Party would also repeal funding for any medical assistance for any consequences thereof. If you O.D. or become addicted, you're on your own.

Also, any kind of public health, such as ObamaCare or other system such as those in the CIVILIZED countries of the world (including Taiwan and Thailand)? Fuggitaboutit!! If you are diagnosed with cancer or get hit by a bus, you're on your own.

The Libertarian Party would also:

Repeal the income tax.
Abolish ALL Federal programs and services.
Repeal all regulations having to do with banks and the financial industry.
Repeal all labor laws and regulations.
Repeal Social Security.
Repeal all laws having to do with business, including the repeal of laws against the formation of trusts, cartels, and monopolies

The Libertarian Party favors pure, unlimited Free Enterprise.

I got all this from the Libertarian Party's web sites. CLICKY.

For further information about where the Libertarian Party is coming from, read the following works by Ayn Rand:

The 1,000 page novel, Atlas Sjrugged, or at least the fifty page "John Galt's Speech" toward the end of the novel.

And two non-fiction works by Ayn Rand, Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal and The Virtue of Selfishness.

Don Firth

Vote for Obama/Biden. Not ideal, perhaps, but the other alternatives would take us on a bee-line off the edge of the cliff.

26 Oct 12 - 05:28 PM (#3426564)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

What Don says...


26 Oct 12 - 05:36 PM (#3426566)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

Them there Libertarians seem like a bunch a nut cases ta this good old boy after readin Don's post. I never paid any attention on accounta we don't got em up North. We got
these guys and they make a lot more sense.

26 Oct 12 - 05:55 PM (#3426571)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Libertarian" used to be an alternative way to describe yourself when you were an Anarchist and didn't want to scare the horses. When did these rightwing bastards get to steal the term?

26 Oct 12 - 06:25 PM (#3426582)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

When there's an Anarchy Party I'll vote for them.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 06:38 PM (#3426588)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I have a simple voting strategy. I never vote for Republicans or Democrats. It's either Libertarian or An Illegal Alien, my write in candidate for all seasons and all reasons.
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 06:57 PM (#3426592)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Well, that's undoubtedly just as well, Kranky. If your vote doesn't do any good, at least flushing it down the toilet like that won't interfere with the good order of the Universe.

Having only one brain cell tends to render one impotent in the general course of human events.

(Waste of protoplasm!!)

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 07:31 PM (#3426604)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Krinkx just like to do "shock", Don...

Yeah, some of what he says is real... He don't much like black people... He hates Obama which is based mostly on his racist attitudes...

But beyond being a racist, he's generally entertaining and just trying to say the stupidest thing that comes into his mind...

Kinda fits his hair...

You know, exhibitionist... A shrink would have a field day with him...

But somewhat entertaining...


26 Oct 12 - 08:44 PM (#3426631)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Yeah, entertaining. Sort of like a yappy little Yorkshire terrier who keeps trying to bite your ankle. His teeth are too small to get through your pants and sock and whenever you get tired of the game, you can reach down, scoop him up, and toss him back over the neighbor's hedge. You want to make sure he lands in the rhododendron bush because even if the mutt is a pest, you're kind to dumb animals and you don't want to hurt him.

Besides, it will take him a good twenty minutes to figure out how to get out of the bush.

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 09:05 PM (#3426637)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I haven't really put much effort into shocking and annoying anyone. I'm not particularly malicious. Mudcat is a ludibrium for me.(you may google ludibrium if you're ignorant of its meaning).
=(:-( ))

26 Oct 12 - 09:18 PM (#3426640)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Play or not, Krinkx, you are:

a. a racist

b. entertaining


c. borderline (or not so borderline) mentally ill

No matter to me... I've known lotta mentally ill people... No big deal...


26 Oct 12 - 09:28 PM (#3426643)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

"When there's an Anarchy Party I'll vote for them."

That'll be the last vote you ever have.


McGrath's remark is one I'd like an answer to also. Every time I do those 'where do you fit on the political spectrum' things on the internet I end up being in the libertarian quadrant.

I disagree with abortion on demand, agree with universal health care, think that capital punishment is wrong but right in specific circumstances, hate unlimited capitalism, value the worth of all people, think that religion and politics should not be sleeping in the same bed, dislike the stupidities that lead to war, would refuse the government's right to send my children to most foreign wars, believe that a graduated tax is fair, and all education should be free from kindergarten to the ability of the individual.

I value garbage collectors as much as doctors, dentists as much as truck drivers and philosophy/art as much as engineering/singing. I believe in a world where people are judged not by their colour but by the conduct of their character. I think 'judgeship's should be earned, not appointed, and if as an elected official you use the office to screw the people who elected you, then you deserve to be fed to rabid dogs.

If that makes me libertarian, why am I in almost-total disagreement with the Libertarian Party?


Having said that, I have a beer going flat. In case I forget, goodnight all.

26 Oct 12 - 09:34 PM (#3426646)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

So you have nothing better to do with your life than to be ludicrous, eh, Hinkey?

Well, I'd say that you do that quite well. It's nice to have a genuine talent for SOMETHING, anyway.

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 09:40 PM (#3426648)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Misanthrope, bobette. Misanthrope.
=(:-( D)

26 Oct 12 - 09:40 PM (#3426649)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Well, actually, 9, I think they were just looking for something to call themselves other than "Ayn Rand's Disciples" (which reveals far too much) and "Libertarian" had a nice ring to it.

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 09:43 PM (#3426651)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Abortion on demand??? I donno... You either make it available to women or you don't... If you put too many conditions on it then you, in essence, outlaw it...

There was a time when women of means took those little "vacations" (wink, wink) to Mexico... Poor women went to back room abortion clinics and were dieing in large numbers...

American women are going to get abortions... That is a given.... It comes down to equal/human rights... Do women of means trump poor women???

I personally would never approve an abortion of any child I fathered but that just means that I have confined my sex to wives...

On the other hand, I don't see a dual standard that treads rich and poor women differently...


26 Oct 12 - 10:27 PM (#3426669)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,999

"I haven't really put much effort into shocking and annoying anyone. I'm not particularly malicious. Mudcat is a ludibrium for me.(you may google ludibrium if you're ignorant of its meaning)."

That is nothing less than floccinoccinihilipilification and certainly beneath your dignity, Henry, and if it isn't beneath yours it certainly is beneath mine. I don't mind people who use flashy words, but I do object to affronts that presume the reader is lacking in Latin or the ability to figure out words presented in context.

Please stop thinking this horseshit is entertaining or educational. What you and I perceive seem to differ. There is no need to denigrate people on this forum. You are really fucking up. Give it some thought. It's foolish to be an outlaw inside a group of outlaws. Most of us have been there and done that.

The people here are the most welcoming and tolerant folks I've ever met. Why place yourself outside a community that welcomes you? Why spit in our faces? Why not start tomorrow with "Sorry guys and gals. I had a few issues and I'll try to fix 'em." Not one individual on Mudcat will look down on you for that. As it stands, you are leaving folks no choice. I wish you weren't.

My e-mail address is

irishancestry at gmail dot com

I live in Ormstown, Quebec, Canada. I ain't hard to find. Hell, the town has only 3500 people. I think if you asked anyone on Mudcat if I have ever given their email address to anyone else, the answer would be no. I know more folks here--some of whom dislike me intensely--who would be willing to say I am a sonuvabitch but I don't/won't release their personal info without their go-ahead (read expressed permission). You ever want to talk about it, write me. Until you choose to do so, I gotta say goodbye.

Keep well, Henry. I appreciated our message exchange, but the people here I argue with, fight with, get bitchy with--some of whom think I'm garbage--well, at least they think I'm their garbage.


26 Oct 12 - 10:31 PM (#3426671)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

I don't like the "abortion on demand" thing either, Bobert, but when Right Wing Nuts talk about pregnancy from rape as a "gift from God," it kind of gets my back up!

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 10:32 PM (#3426674)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Charley Noble


I'm actually much more interested in the campaign than "you." You've harvested an amazingly amount of good feedback, along with the expected negative feedback; enjoy the positive and learn from it. Don't count on it happening in the future, though.

This is, I believe, one of those watershed threads where you get to decide what role you want to play here.

Charley Noble

27 Oct 12 - 02:42 AM (#3426733)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I think you misspoke Bruce. You're much more like in-laws than outlaws. Mother in laws. Might want to cut back on the alcohol. Fogs the brain.
=(:-( D)

27 Oct 12 - 02:46 AM (#3426735)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Maybe I misspoke. Mothers in law. Good day.
=(:-( P)

27 Oct 12 - 04:03 AM (#3426749)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Richard Bridge

Why do people say that Krinklenut is entertaining? He's an offensive moron.

27 Oct 12 - 04:21 AM (#3426754)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Namecalling again, Dick. You have no credibility now. You've ruined it. Aren't you a lawyer or some such drivel? Do you curse and namecall in the courtroom? I bet you don't have much credibility there, either.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 04:36 AM (#3426762)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

And I read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead when I was about 14 years old. I'm familiar with Ayn Rand.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 06:48 AM (#3426786)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

" I read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead when I was about 14 years old."

What a very peculiar child. Even then.

27 Oct 12 - 06:57 AM (#3426789)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Ludibrium eh?

A seventeenth century capricious plaything.

Ideal for a mental midget.

Don T.

27 Oct 12 - 07:11 AM (#3426793)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I read anything and everything as a child. Government education is a joke. Propaganda mills. I self educated as much as I could. And I've been told I'm intelligent, creative and playful at another forum. Just before I was told to go away and never come back.By the same person.
=(:-( D)

27 Oct 12 - 07:52 AM (#3426806)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

I'm with brucie, i.e. 999, here... Yeah, there are a lot of feelings being aroused by this election and the Krinkx is fishin' in a hot spot but, just like real fishin', once this election is over the fish "ain't bitin'"... Me thinks that the Krinkx will find himself in the same place as "MG" once found himself because, like "MG" he only has one arrow in his quiver...

Too bad... I think he could fit in if he half tried but, as brucie alluded to: yes, we are a tolerant community here but we ain't children and most of us have "been there, done that" and not easily impressed by people who come here with "look at me" written all over them...


27 Oct 12 - 08:14 AM (#3426815)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Some fish never stop biting. Nibbling. Sucking. Bottom feeding.
Win or lose.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 08:43 AM (#3426821)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Back when I was a regular at the Saturday afternoon blues jam sessions at Archie Edwards Barber Shop there would usually be anywhere from 20 to 30 musicians playing all kinds of instruments... One any given Saturday there would be 5 or so folks who were just passing thru Washington, D.C. who had heard of the jam session and wanted to see what it was all about... Now jam sessions, like life in general, can be kinda tricky and the goal was for everyone to feel welcome and to feel they had had an opportunity to lead a song or have a solo or something to take away from the experience...

Now some folks would show thinking that they were the very best blues player in the world when in reality they were quite average... Kinda like the small pond/big pond concept... The barbershop was the big pond... It was all but impossible to stop the jam every Saturday and point out the concepts of "blending", "sharing", "tuning", etc to new comers so what we did when we had someone come in thinking that they were the biggest fish in a big pond was do a song entitled "It Ain't All About You"... I mean, just the sound of 20 folks playing and singing those words usually took care of that situation without actually confronting the player who needed to realize that he or she was now playing in the big pond...

'Nuff said...


27 Oct 12 - 08:59 AM (#3426826)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Charley Noble

Hear, hear!

Charley Noble

27 Oct 12 - 09:12 AM (#3426829)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: bobad

We've seen this shit before - it stank more when you stirred it then and it stinks more when you stir it now - you all know what to do.

27 Oct 12 - 09:13 AM (#3426830)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

So don't follow me around like puppies posting to my threads. Yip! Yap! Yippie Yappie!
Alot of folks already have. Stopped.
=(:-( D)

27 Oct 12 - 09:18 AM (#3426832)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama

Good advice Richard.

27 Oct 12 - 09:26 AM (#3426835)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

Some fish never stop biting.

Which sums up what trolling is all about. And why it gets boring pretty soon, even for practitioners, I suspect.

This thread has drifted a bit. To get back on course, I see that the suggestion that Powell only endorsed Obama as a matter of black-on-black solidarity was put up by aprominent Republican John Sununu, only for him to try to wriggle out of it, presumably after realising that it rather reinforces the view that a hell of a lot of the people against Obama are against him for the very same reason, that he's black.

27 Oct 12 - 09:29 AM (#3426839)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

"My threads"...

27 Oct 12 - 10:16 AM (#3426861)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I only have to google al-Obama's name and look at the images to see that Oprah's pick is unfit for the job. One photo after another. A grinning chucklehead.
=(:-( D)

27 Oct 12 - 10:19 AM (#3426863)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Republican John H (as in Henry) Sununu, governor has stirred the pot even more with his criticism of Powell's endorsement saying that it was based solely on race...

The Romney team publicly pushed back against Sununu but you can bet that they were cheering privately... There is more code talk racism going on these days than in decades...

Like I've said, I'm getting just a tad tired of watching and listening to white men going thru their victim-hood, righteous-indignation, poor-us 50 year old temper tantrum... Grow up, white men and accept some f'n personal responsibility, will ya???


27 Oct 12 - 10:25 AM (#3426865)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I've been tired of hearing about 400 years of oppression all my life. Go to school, apply yourself, and forget about pimping, drug dealing, and the NBA.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 11:46 AM (#3426886)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: bobad

On Friday night, ex-Powell chief of staff and Republican Lawrence Wilkerson went on "The Ed Show" and said something that's blatantly obvious to most people, but is rare to hear from inside the GOP:

    "Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."

27 Oct 12 - 11:52 AM (#3426888)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

He's not black. He's bi racial. If he's black then I'm a Cherokee Indian.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 12:36 PM (#3426911)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

So is General Powell. Racists don't worry about distinctions like that.

27 Oct 12 - 01:18 PM (#3426932)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

It wouldn't matter what race he was...the Republicans would hate him just as much. Remember how much they hated Bill Clinton? And Hillary Clinton? And Al Gore? It's hate on autopilot....just like Democrats automatically hate a Republican president or candidate. The one hate is a mirror image of the other. If weather was as easy to predict as bipartisan hatred is, we wouldn't need the weatherman! ;-D

The only thing that's different about the situation in Obama's case is that it's very convenient for hate purposes that he happens to also be half-black, that's all. Republicans would hate him just as much if he was all-white, but the half-black thing is one more handy aspect to the general approach of their supporters hatin' him, and that means it does play a useful part for propaganda purposes.

But on the other also plays a very useful part for Democrats...cos it helps secure the black vote for them and it also helps motivate all the white Democrats who want to see themselves as righteous defenders of racial equality heroically standin' up against that 400 years of oppression...and who are carryin' some historical guilt feelings over what happened back then. They can pat themselves on the back every time they defend Obama, cos they're not just defendin' a man....they're defendin' the entire historical cause of racial equality in America!!! The nightmare of slavery that haunts the American dream.

So, y' see? It's hugely convenient for BOTH the Right AND the Left that Obama is "black" (half-black). It allows 'em both to live out their dearest fantasies of moral righteousness and their mutual paranaoia to the max! It's a political wet dream for the 2 irreconcilable solitudes in a divided America.

Equally outta touch with reality in both cases.

Stop lookin' at him as a race profile and start lookin' at him as a man, folks, cos that is what he is...he's just another human being, period.

- Chongo

27 Oct 12 - 02:54 PM (#3426969)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

In the state of Alabamississipigeorgentucky, if a person is one-eighth Black, that makes them an "octoroon" and hence, "Black." Or more frequently with these folks, referred to with the "N-word."

Such is the mentality (if "mentality" actually applies in this case) of some people. And unfortunately, many of them have the vote.


Don Firth

27 Oct 12 - 02:55 PM (#3426970)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

al-Obama seems like a really nice man. Just like Jimmy Carter. And they're both ineffectual. Sometimes you need a real stampeder and A-hole in there to shake things up. Hey!!! Is it too late for me to run???? Vote for Henry Krinkle!!!!!
=(:-( D)

27 Oct 12 - 03:21 PM (#3426986)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Regional bigotry much, Don?
=(:-( o)

27 Oct 12 - 05:28 PM (#3427015)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Nah, LH... The level of hate aimed at Obama compared to Clinton makes the 90s look like Woodstock.... No one ever yelled "hang him" at Republican rallies in regards to Clinton... No one ever tried to shout Clinton down during a State of the Union Address... No one stood up in '92 and said that the Republican's #1 goal was to make Clinton a one term president... No Republican dominated Supreme Court stole either the '92 or '96 election...

As per usual on matters of reality, you pick your default position...

The reality is that the Republican have been pumping racist code talk into every discussion out there... The Washington Post wrote an article about this this week and found that there is more racial divide now than any time in the last 24 years... They pointed out thje very same things that I have pointed out...

Racism is in and camped out in the Republican Party... That is reality... Maybe you should read more, LH, and post less until you have a perspective that is more reality based 'cause yer beginning to sound like a '96 or '00 Nadar supporter who has just woke from a coma... Times have changed...


27 Oct 12 - 06:02 PM (#3427027)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

Bobert... yer perspective is worth hearing. Just one caution. Guys like LH and me, even tho I can't speak for LH and I just assume he is like me in this case... I just can't wrap my head around that kinda shit. I wasn't brought up "that way" and I am sure most every Mudcatter wasn't brought up that way either BUT... in MY case, I never witnessed the shit that you talk about as a first hand witness. Seriously, man, it seems sooo unreal to me. I just cannot really grasp it at a gut level - I can only believe you... and I do.

BUT... ya gotta give LH and guys like me some slack and explain it with examples and support in the present. I know that sounds like a copout but it's the truth... I truly believe that most people, GOOD people, like LH, who haven't seen what you have seen first hand do not have your appreciation (odd term in this circumstance) of the situation.

Sorry, LH. I suppose I did overstep my boundaries but might there be a tiny bit of reality in my plea to Bobert to understand me... MAYBE you... too?

I wish I was a better wordsmith but if that ain't good enough... well... schenacadaie (there it is).

Bobert. Be cool, man. LH is a cool guy too. Ye fellers would jam tight.

Hehehehehee... I almost said, "Sho nuff would." >;-)

27 Oct 12 - 06:25 PM (#3427030)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: JohnInKansas

AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks

By The Associated Press
27 October 2012

"...Republicans were more likely than Democrats to express racial prejudice in the questions measuring explicit racism (79 percent among Republicans compared with 32 percent among Democrats) ..."

Of course that's a "cherry picked" extract, special for Krinkle since that's his favorite method.

Those who can read can go to the article to find the full findings, although they're not exactly encouraging even when examined in full. (The survey was performed by credible researchers, but they did try out an unconventional methodology that I'm not sure can be completely trusted without further proofs, so maybe only those who can read and think should bother with it.)

Maybe I can find another citation for the Krink to look at, but I'm sort of busy now.


27 Oct 12 - 06:25 PM (#3427031)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: bobad

gnu, did you read my post of 11:46 AM?

27 Oct 12 - 06:37 PM (#3427033)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Republicans would hate him just as much if he was all-white, but the half-black thing is one more handy aspect to the general approach of their supporters hatin' him,"

That seems to mean "Republicans" aren't particularly against Obama because he's black, but "their supporters" are. But surely when people talk about "Republicans" in this kind of context they primarily mean people who are "their supporters" rather than just the registered members of the Republican party?

Surely it can only be "a handy aspect" to Republicans on any definition if they don't really like the idea of a black president. Whereas, on this analysis,if the boot was on the other foot, and the Republican candidate was black - perhaps Colin Powell - that wouldn't be "a handy aspect" but a real problem for "all the white Democrats who want to see themselves as righteous defenders of racial equality"?... (Which in the light of the history of the Democratic Party over its first century or so is a pretty bizzare turnaround!)

27 Oct 12 - 07:16 PM (#3427049)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

Some of the Republicans' supporters are definitely against Obama partly because he's black, McGrath. I wouldn't be surprised if at least half of them felt that way. But they are MAINLY against him, first and foremost, because he's a Democrat! ;-) The fact that's he's "black" just gives them an additional reason to dislike him, that's all. I think that was Chongo's point.

Bobert, I do understand that you are confronted with extraordinary levels of racism (open or camouflaged) where you are living, and I can understand how much it troubles you. It's just not like that up here in Canada...or in most other places either. The USA has such a traumatic history in regards to black & white race relations that it's a whole different ballgame down there from what it is in most other places.

McGrath suggested an interesting possibility, one which I think we may yet see happen. What if the Republicans ran a black man or woman for president? They might do that if they had the right person and they thought they could win that way. A black woman Republican would be the ultimate candidate to cause the Left in America acute confusion.

What I mean is...a black candidate is a progressive's dream. A female candidate is a progressive's dream. Put the two together. Wow.

Now, the reason I mention this is, I knew a guy from Georgia a few years back. He was an interesting character, into various Hawaiian healing techniques. He was a nice guy, but way far to the Right, politically speaking. What he was really worried about was "big government", the Democrats supposedly being "soft on terrorism", and the creeping "perils" of socialism... ;-) These were all things he identified with the Democrats.

His political views seemed nonsensical in Canada, but I realized they seemed totally normal to him.

Now....he was quite dissatisfied with George Bush. This was during Bush's 1st term, as I recall. But you know who he thought would make the absolute best Republican president? Condoleeza Rice! That's right. This was a super rightwing Republican guy, a working class white guy, and he wanted Condoleeza Rice to be the next Republican president.

Don't think it ain't possible, Bobert. If the Republicans had the right black candidate and they thought that candidate could win, then THEY'D pretend to have the moral high ground, racially speaking, virtually all their traditional supporters would line up behind that candidate, and it would be the Democrats who would have the embarrassment of finding themselves attacking a black candidate...not over his or her color...but just because of the usual bipartisan reasons.

27 Oct 12 - 08:02 PM (#3427075)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

I have lived all my life either in the South or West Virgina which is as redneck as you'll ever find...

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard the word "nigger" I would be a very rich man... I've seen the change in the language over the years because calling black folks "niggers" was out so an entire new vocabulary and narrative has been created that says "nigger" without saying "nigger"... It's all ***code talk***... We white Southerners all know it...

In various locations "nigger" has been replaced with local code talk... "Cheps" and "Boofers" are a couple... Hey, every racist who is trying to not sound like a 50s or 60 racists has his or her code names down... It's still "niggers"... Just different unflattering nouns...

The Republican Party has brought back the old "Welfare Cadillac" bullshit in the name of "Food Stamp President"... That is code talk for "Obama is a nigger and he's taking our money to give to other niggers"... This is 100% reality... We Southern boys know the deal...

I've tried to tell LH these things but he seems intent on playing the same old shit tune rather than take it upon himself to delve into what I'm know to be Southern reality... I mean, I like LH... He's really cool... But he also has an ignorant side that won't allow him to get beyond his default positions that, frankly, are the last war...

There is a reason why the South votes Republican... Lyndon Johnson explained it very well... He told us that in the Dems voting for the Civil Rights Act that it would suffer in the South for decades to come... Lyndon knew of what he said....

This ain't even arguable to anyone willing to push their default positions aside and say, "Sheet fire... There is something real stinky down South"... Yeah, there is... I have spent many an hour here going back years trying to ***educate*** folks on what I have grown up in... It is stinky... Very stinky... I understand it... I have gotten my ass kicked by rednecks for being a "nigger lover" (Google it up)... My mother got her ass kicked for it...

Ya'll say you don't understand it???


If ya'll don't understand it it ain't my fault... I have gone to the wall over and over and over trying to explain it... It's real as yesterday...

B~ (Southern born, Southern raised, Southern educated and Southern as Southern can be... Just not a racist...)

27 Oct 12 - 08:16 PM (#3427078)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

BTW, it isn't ***just*** here in the South... The Gallop Poll has just come out with a poll that indicates that 51% of white people confess to being prejudice when it comes to blacks... That is higher than any time in the last 30 years...

(Source: Washigton Post, today)


27 Oct 12 - 08:17 PM (#3427079)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert




27 Oct 12 - 08:48 PM (#3427096)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Herman Cain was going to be the black Republican candidate for president. But sex scandal put an end to that.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 08:55 PM (#3427101)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

I do understand it, Bobert. The Civil War between the Deep South and the industrial Northeast ("Yankees") never really ended. It's still happening, but the parties have switched roles. Lincoln's Republicans had their strength in the Northeast, the Midwest and on the West Coast, while the Democrats had their strength in the Deep South. Those traditional loyalties basically reversed themselves almost perfectly in the later 20th century, and LBJ was dead right about what he said in regards to passing of the Civil Rights Act causing that to happen. Race has been THE sorest trigger point in USA politics from before the Civil War right up to this day.

Believe me, I could feel it even when I was living in upstate New York near Syracuse in the 60's. Whites and Blacks were like people living in 2 different worlds around the towns I lived in. It wasn't called "apartheid", but it sure felt like it. If it was that bad in New York State, how much worse it must be in the South.

27 Oct 12 - 08:58 PM (#3427104)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Delusional, Krinkx.... Cain was the Republican "Get outta jail free" "Negro"... They weren't gonna pick him in a zillion years... He was used to try to prove that they ain't racists... Didn't work... They are racists and he is a fool... They burned Uncle Tom... If it hadn't been women it would have been something else... He was toast from the ever beginning... Just another "porch negro" for the racists...


27 Oct 12 - 09:02 PM (#3427106)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

"gnu, did you read my post of 11:46 AM?"

Yup.... and, now, I am gonna read the rest of this thread after yer post.

I ain't nothin if I don't croos the ts.

Catch ya later if required.

27 Oct 12 - 09:11 PM (#3427109)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: gnu

After reading the rest of the posts, I must say that I am indeed keen to post again... that should have read, "... cross the ts."

Carry on. Smoke em if ya gottem.

27 Oct 12 - 09:16 PM (#3427110)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yeah, LH... It was apartheid... Still is... Worse than its been in 40 years... Here in the South the racists have used "charter schools" to re-segregate schools... Screw the 1954 "Brown v. Topeka Board of Ed"... Doesn't matter...

This is what I mean when I talk about the 50 year old temper tantrum by white people... They will not integrate and they will not allow black folks to integrate...

The Republicans play on these sentiments of white people... They prey on these emotions like parasites...

This is why I call you every time on your "both sides" BS... It ain't both sides...The Dems ain't using race as some kinda trump card to be played in close elections... Might of fact, it ain't in their play book... The Republicans, however, are using it this election cycle like it hasn't been used in decades...

That is the reality I'm talking about, LH... No, it ain't "both sides, blah, blah, blah..." It's one (1) side... Please leave the both sides BS at curb for the trash collectors... It was accurate at recently as 2000 but... was a new day yesterday, it's an old day now...


27 Oct 12 - 09:28 PM (#3427113)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Prez al-Obama looks more like a fast food restaurant manager than a president. And looks are crucial ever since T.V.s were invented. If it looks good, it is good.
=(:-( P)

27 Oct 12 - 09:31 PM (#3427116)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

Hmm. Well, I think both parties use the race card constantly, Bobert, any way that works for them, but that means they do it in a completely different fashion. It is the Republicans who are using it in the most negative fashion, as you have pointed out. But don't you think the Democrats have something to gain from using it too? I do. If they have something to gain from harping on "race" issues, why wouldn't they? That's politics.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party each shape their rhetoric to appeal to their support base. They both focus on what their support base fears the most about the other. That's how it's done.

You've basically got an alliance of big city people, gays, blacks, university intelligentsia, immigrants, and Hispanics (in a general sense)...that's the Democratic base...

Against an alliance of small-town, white, traditional rural people (in a general sense)...that's the Republican base...

And you've got a few filthy rich people playing both ends against the middle...they are the ones who fund both parties and run the government anyway after the election is won.

Who's worse? The Republicans! No argument there. ;-) The trouble is, I don't like what either of those parties does once they get into office...they do surprisingly similar things most of the time, although they do try to get in each other's way in Congress regardless...because they live to get in each other's way.

27 Oct 12 - 09:45 PM (#3427121)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yeah, take it to the grave, LH... Come live where have live... Your "classless and free" BS has just run outta gas with me...

Bye for now...

Yo, Krinks... Kiss my ass... You are a creepy racist asshole...

Bye forever for you...


27 Oct 12 - 09:54 PM (#3427122)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

Romney does look like a traditional, white-classy-guy-in-a-suit type American president. He looks almost perfect for that role. Only George Clooney could do it better! ;-) And that is definitely going to help him with a lot of white people who will vote for the guy who simply looks like their inner picture of "the president".

I mean, heck, he could be the father on a show like "Little House on the Prairie" or something. He's got the look. He's got the hair. He's got the chin. And he looks rather young and vigorous.

That is going to make a lot of people vote for him merely on the most superficial level...his outer appearance.

It was John Kennedy's handsome outer appearance that got him elected in '64. Looks count for a lot in an election.

Remember McCain??? Naw...he looked too old! Obama was the sleek, young-looking, vibrant newcomer with the great smile then, and it helped him quite a bit back in 2008.

27 Oct 12 - 10:57 PM (#3427130)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

There you go again bobette. Getting all sexual on me again. Sorry. I don't do other guys. Maybe you can call up an old jailhouse buddy? As far as having the look ,just think Hollywood pretty boy Ronald Reagan. Mitt's another Ronnie. Or that's what they're hoping for.
=(:-( ))

27 Oct 12 - 11:01 PM (#3427131)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

George Clooney would tell ya to kiss his ass, LH... He understands stuff that apparently is over yer pay grade...

Get with reality or join Krinkx on my bench... You dancin'... You ain't telling the truth... You shuckin' 'n jivin'... You hoodwinkin'...

Stand up, man, and be counted...


This ain't your grandfather's f'n Oldsmobile... Check out the calendar... It ain't 2000... It ain't 1996... Get with the here and now...

Man, I am about to give up on you... You seem to be trying to take the easy way out... What office rae you runnin' for, LH... Get some spine...

Never mind... You will go back and channel thru you stupid monkey to get outta havin' to stand up...

Like others here, my respect for you is slipping, slipping, slipping...

Stand the fuck up... You are just like your hero, Bob Dylan... Had all the words but didn't have an ounce of spine...


28 Oct 12 - 12:19 AM (#3427143)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

It's an easy out for Little Hawk. He's had a rubber stamp made.

No real grasp of what's really going on in this country, but to those who also don't know, it sounds superficially like detached wisdom from the mountaintop. Overtones of Zen.

Echoes of Dante.

He says the same thing post after post after post after post after post. . . .


Don Firth

28 Oct 12 - 01:10 PM (#3427306)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

The Gallop Poll has just come out with a poll that indicates that 51% of white people confess to being prejudice when it comes to blacks... That is higher than any time in the last 30 years...

Boberty undestates the case if the AP link given by JohnInKansas a few posts back is reliable:

"In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election.

That isn't "51% of white people" - the 49 per cent of people not "expressing anti-black attitudes" presumably includes a lot of black people. Take them out of the figures and it's even more depressing.

28 Oct 12 - 01:21 PM (#3427311)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Negoes are being replaced by illegal immigrant Latinos.
I know black people that won't venture into certain black populated areas. Too much crime and violence. Even for them.
=(:-( O)

28 Oct 12 - 01:35 PM (#3427323)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

O J in training
O J in action

28 Oct 12 - 02:29 PM (#3427356)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Anybody really need any MORE proof that Krinkle is a blatant racist?

Don Firth

28 Oct 12 - 03:05 PM (#3427376)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why should anyone need proof? Whether an attention seeker acting racist for effect or an attention seeker who actually is a racist isn't really a significant difference. Either way it would be silly to reward him with attention.

Just doesn't exist.

28 Oct 12 - 07:05 PM (#3427476)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

I don't know what the heck has you bent out of shape, Bobert. It horrifies me that Romney might get elected, and I've never posted anything to the contrary. I loathe the Republican Party, and I loathe the values Romney stands for.

My post about his looks being an advantage was made in all seriousness, because I lament that something that superficial can be an advantage to a candidate...but it is. A lot of Americans will vote for Romney because what they imagine when they hear the word "president" is a handsome looking white guy in a suit...not a handsome looking black guy in a suit.

It's cultural conditioning, and it plays an important part in getting someone elected.

The same thing works against getting a female elected president, for similar reasons: past cultural conditioning.

I think you're just in a lousy mood because of the stress of the election, and I'm not surprised that you would be. It's the longest and most stressful election in the whole world.

My comment about George Clooney, by the way, was only meant to refer to his looks...not his political views.

Bobert, I definitely want Romney to lose this election. I can say it several more times if that's what will make you happy.

28 Oct 12 - 07:18 PM (#3427480)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Great, LH... Stick with ***that*** story... That is the real story here... Not that Dems and Repubs are both the same... Not that they both are out to serve corporate interests... There is such a major difference between these two parties that it is irresponsible to suggest otherwise...

It's not just Romney, LH... It's about everything that this very radical right party wants for America... Abortion outlawed... The New Deal scraped... Wars and more wars... This is reality...

You stick to telling us what a dangerous party the current Republican party is and all will be well...

No Romnesia...


28 Oct 12 - 07:24 PM (#3427482)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

BTW, who in America isn't in a lousy mood??? Goes with our systemic problems that most Americans realize are taking out nation down, down, down...


28 Oct 12 - 08:39 PM (#3427501)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

A burning ring of fire
ring of fire

28 Oct 12 - 08:46 PM (#3427503)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

Yeah...I'll tell you, Bobert, it makes me feel downright sick when the Republicans win a presidential election...right to my very bones. I've felt that way ever since 1960. Eisenhower wasn't so bad, but after him? Horror upon horror.

28 Oct 12 - 09:59 PM (#3427539)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Maybe I'll go with the Green Party. Ralph Nader always seemed like an ok guy.
=(:-( ))

28 Oct 12 - 10:00 PM (#3427540)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Then why do you keep putting the Democrats into the same bucket as the Republicans?

Yes, some politicians in both parties are susceptible to bribery, but with the Democrats, their traditional position has been with the working man and ordinary folks in general. The Republicans for the past century have been with the wealthy, and essentially disregard the welfare of the "common man" in favor of the "upper class."

The ups and downs of the economy and the employment rates give a clear reflection of which party is in office at the time the fluctuations are initiated.

This constant harping of yours that they are just Tweedledum and Tweedledee is as if you're trying to convince people not to bother campaigning or voting because it won't make any difference.

It smacks of that "colorless neutrality" that Dante was talking about.

If anyone thinks that there is no difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, then they've got to be abyssmally ignorant or several McNuggets short of a Happy Meal!

Give the pronouncements and sermons from the mountaintop a rest, Little Hawk.

Don Firth

28 Oct 12 - 10:11 PM (#3427548)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

What Don said...

If you don't believe the "Both Sides Shuffle" sounds so good then don't, ahhhh... it...

I mean, this ain't rocket surgery here...


28 Oct 12 - 10:14 PM (#3427550)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

The Democrats, other than Johnson, tend to avoid wars. A good thing. And Reagan terrorized the country with the IRS. But I want some other party to have a chance.
=(:-( ))

29 Oct 12 - 01:13 AM (#3427591)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

If there were VIABLE parties other than the two biggies, that could be a good thing.

But THIS election is not the time for screwing around.

Don Firth

29 Oct 12 - 01:24 AM (#3427594)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

My vote won't count anyway. My state is going with Romney. Republicans own this state.
=(:-( 0)

29 Oct 12 - 07:33 AM (#3427665)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""My vote won't count anyway. My state is going with Romney. Republicans own this state.""

And that "My vote won't count" mentality is very likely the reason for Repugnancy owning your state.

If you and others like you don't vote, then you'll go on losing, and you'll deserve to go on losing.

One thing for sure, if you don't vote and the Republicans win, you'll get no sympathy here when you piss and moan about them.

Don T.

29 Oct 12 - 07:43 AM (#3427668)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I vote. No Republicans. No Democrats. Libertarian only. Or my write in candidate. An Illegal Alien.
But I may be shifting over to the Green Party.
=(:-( ))

29 Oct 12 - 07:54 AM (#3427673)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yeah, Don... A none vote is exactly what the Republicans have been working on... Their strategy all a long is voter suppression where people just don't vote... Large turnouts favor Democrats and small one, Republicans...


29 Oct 12 - 08:53 AM (#3427707)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Sawzaw

Just another "porch negro" for the racists...


First of all, I do find the term Negro offensive and patronizing.


First of all, Dougie, I know my way around a dojo, so neither House Negro Condi of House Negro Colin scare me in the slightest. If either or both of 'um make a move toward me you'll be helping them up off the floor. No brag. Just fact.
That's what House Negros do...


29 Oct 12 - 08:54 AM (#3427710)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

1-800-BETTYFORD, Saws...

Take yer meds...


29 Oct 12 - 09:29 AM (#3427730)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

BTW, folks... Seems that the Republicans are clearly leaning on a turn-out-the-Bubba&Taliban vote with the red meat...

Sununu's comment... The comments on rape...

I don't think this is going to help them with women, however... Maybe a strategical error on their part...

No matter, Collin Powell's endorsement was articulate and intelligent...
And, yes, I heard the entire interview on CBS morning show...


29 Oct 12 - 10:22 AM (#3427750)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

I criticize both parties stringently, Don, because they both deserve criticism for a number of reasons (their attitude to foreign policy, domestic policy, financial policy, etc). Just because I think the Republicans are definitely worse than the Democrats does not mean the Democrats are therefore above criticism. You are very pleased when I criticize the Republicans, but you whine, carp, and protest when I criticize the Democrats, and mistake my criticism of BOTH your parties for "colorless neutrality". That's absolutely ridiculous. I'm not neutral. You see it that way just because you can't bear your own partisan ox sometimes being gored, that's all.

However, I know that all Americans are under a great deal of stress right now with only a few days left to complete this election.

Therefore, I will have mercy on you Democratic supporters and cease criticizing Obama (for his policies) until it's over and he's either re-elected...or not.

After that, you can be sure I will soon be criticizing whoever the heck takes over your presidency, and for the usual reasons: I don't like fascism, and I don't like matter who practices it.

In the meantime, I sure hope Romney loses this one.

29 Oct 12 - 10:49 AM (#3427762)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

United Negro College Fund
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored Persons
Universal Negro Improvement Association
National Association Of Negro Musicians
National Association Of Negro Business And Professional Women's Clubs
National Council Of Negro Women.

They don't have a problem with it , bobette.
Only you do.
=(:-( o)

29 Oct 12 - 11:14 AM (#3427780)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert


Tea Party

The Minutemen

The Republican Party

The Heritage Foundation

Etc. Etc...

Here would be my hope for you Krinkx: You wake up black and stay black in America for just one week... You'd get it then...


29 Oct 12 - 11:25 AM (#3427787)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I've been the only white man on construction crews many times.
I suffered lots of reverse discrimination. Lots and lots.
You've led a sheltered middle class life.
=(:-( ))

29 Oct 12 - 01:56 PM (#3427846)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

Little Hawk, the message you keep giving is "They're both the same and it doesn't make any difference who gets elected," i.e., "Resistance is futile! Just lay down and take it!"

Now YOU may not think so, but that's the message you keep harping on all along. And judging from posts by some of the more thoughtful folks here, that's the way they read what you're saying also. So I'm not the only one.

True. There is corruption in both parties. But it makes one helluva difference who gets in, especially THIS time. As I keep pointing out, the main thrust of the Republican candidates this time is pure Ayn Rand, and if you know anything about her writings and her philosophy, then you should have a good idea of what will happen to this country if these people get into office.

Not to mention the inevitable slop-over into Canada. And the rest of the world.

Now, I criticize Obama plenty. But when I look at the alternatives, there is NO QUESTION as to who I'm going to support.

And as to my "partisan ox," if I can be construed as "partisan," it's because I have lived a good, long while, have seen a lot of administrations come and go--and I know a great deal about history and political science. Also, I stay awake and pay attention to what's going on currently.

If I'm "partisan," there's a damned good reason for it. Anyone would be a fool NOT to be!

Don Firth

29 Oct 12 - 02:17 PM (#3427857)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Maybe the American Communist Party.
I remember when Angela Davis ran against Carter and Reagan.
Too bad she lost.
=(:-( ))

29 Oct 12 - 02:47 PM (#3427867)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yeah, teaching GED in a big inner city jail, working at a half-way house in the hood is, working as a social worker in the toughest neighborhoods of Richmond, Va. ahhhhh... middle class life...

Grow up, Krinkx... I doubt there is anything you've done that I haven't done... And a lot more that I have done that you wouldn't have the courage (balls) to do...

No brag, just fact...


29 Oct 12 - 03:02 PM (#3427877)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

It all sounds depressing. Like scraping dead people and animals off the highway.
Good thing there's folks like you, bobette.
=(:-( D)

29 Oct 12 - 03:44 PM (#3427907)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

"Good thing there's folks like you...." referring to Bobert.

The first time Dinkle has said something that I can actually agree with!

Don Firth

29 Oct 12 - 04:03 PM (#3427918)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Little Hawk

It doesn't seem to make a difference to certain things, Don. Like bailing out the banksters, for instance. Or like continuing to involve the USA in foreign wars and massive military spending. Or like continuing the assault on your civil rights (Patriot Act and NDAA).

It does make a difference to some other things...things of a bit smaller import, generally. As regards those other things, I much prefer the Democrats over the Republicans.

I also much prefer the general psychology and social philosophy of those who support the Democrats over those who support the Republicans. And that makes me like the Democrats a lot better than the Republicans.

I've told you this many times, but you seem to forget. I'm telling you again, so you will maybe hear me for at least a minute or so...until the next time you conveniently decide to forget again.

It is quite clear from the above remarks that I do NOT...repeat NOT!!!...think the Democrats and the Republicans are "the same". They are quite different in their basic social philosopy, and that is a very important matter. That's also why virtually the whole world (except Israel) does not want to see Romney win. Israel would be delighted if he won. He'll back anything they choose to do, no matter what.

I DO recommend resistance...resistance of a far more fundamental sort than what you have in mind. And I'm not talking about violence. I'm talking about a complete revolution in thought, the profound revolution in thought that occurred when people stopped believing in the Divine Right of Kings (or the unquestioned rule of the Papacy over all Christendom, for another example) and started believing in representative government and freedom of thought.

We need to think completely outside the present political/social box if we are going to fix what's gone fundamentally wrong in our societies. The traditional political parties won't do this for us. They are part of the old order, and they aren't going to change their accustomed way of doing business.

I'm talking about something enormous, Don. It's way bigger than who wins the next USA presidential election.

But in the meantime...I still hope Romney loses. (And I'm rather worried that he won't.)

29 Oct 12 - 04:37 PM (#3427937)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yes, the systemic problems are enormous, LH, and I just don't see how they get fixed... Seems that we are in a downward spiral which, frankly, may be out of control... But it is fixable but it can't be fixed as long as wealthy people continue to hoard and steal more and more wealth... This stuff has happened over and over through out history and seems it always ends up messy...


29 Oct 12 - 05:05 PM (#3427948)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don Firth

No, Little Hawk, I do take note of what you are saying. The problem is that you DO imply that there is no difference between the parties—until someone calls you on it, then, you come up with your qualifications and modifications. But then, the next time you post along that line, it's back to the same "no difference" implication.

My getting on your case is more for the benefit of those who read your stuff and figure (from what you say the first time around), "Why should I bother to campaign or even vote if it isn't going to make any difference?"

Maybe you need to do some modification in your usual message and make clear that there IS a difference.

I do agree that the whole thing needs a major overhaul. And that's going to take some work and it's going to take some time. But in the meantime, I'm worried about what's going to happen if Romney / Ryan DO get elected this time around.

I think we're in basic agreement. But I don't want people to think that "the fix is in, so why should I even bother to vote?"

The thing is, Little Hawk, I've seen this happen. And it's pretty depressing.

Don Firth

29 Oct 12 - 05:28 PM (#3427957)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Bobert

Yeah, Don... LH has a little Romnesia thing going...


29 Oct 12 - 10:50 PM (#3428108)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

I knew we were in big trouble when Reagan was elected and John Lennon was murdered. No brag. Just fact.
=(:-( o)

30 Oct 12 - 07:31 AM (#3428230)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Obama made the case yesterday....BIG TIME!

He abandoned campaigning without hesitation to return and deal with the storm situation.

Romney couldn't resist getting in one more love in with his mentally challenged fan club, before following suit.....TOO LATE!

Many Americans will remember who put their welfare first.

There's the difference between Obama and Romney, and it translates to the difference between The Republican and Democrat politicians.

I'd always favour the one who cares more about the American people than self promotion.

Don T.

30 Oct 12 - 07:44 AM (#3428239)
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
From: Henry Krinkle

Republicans like to terrorize Amerika. And Amerika loves it.
=(:-( ))