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BS: The DEMS will steal the election

26 Oct 12 - 07:39 PM (#3426610)
Subject: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Songwronger

A "perfect storm" is about to hit the most heavily populated area of the U.S. It will ravage and create power outages running up to and beyond election day. President Obama's makeup people will gray his hair a bit more, and his speechwriters will type "frown thoughfully" every screen or two on his teleprompter, and he'll explain to us how he had to shut down polling in certain Republican areas because of dangers, compassion, freedom, democracy, blah blah blah. Jimmy Carter will be on hand to nod ass-scent, and John Kerry will concede Ohio again. Democrats will see nothing odd in the situation.

26 Oct 12 - 07:41 PM (#3426611)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Arkie

Same kind of fiction that has been coming from the Romney camp for the past year.

26 Oct 12 - 07:42 PM (#3426612)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Bobert

More outright wronger lies...


26 Oct 12 - 07:55 PM (#3426617)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Songwronger

Ever since Clinton people have been predicting anomalies on election day. Clingon was going to cancel them and implement martial law, then George W. Bush was going to, and now it's Obama's turn.

Obama's spent 4 years race-baiting, and now the Dems are trying to get some traction on the "riots if Romney wins" front. But that's not working. Then here comes the storm. Sure it will be bad, but not bad enough to cancel business as usual. He might try it though.

26 Oct 12 - 08:01 PM (#3426618)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Bobert

You need the "new 'n improved" tin foil hat, wrongman...

Other than folks in your cult no one is talking about martial law... Might of fact, I read a lot of stuff and haven't heard anything about your conspiracy theory... I mean, it hasn't even made it into the minor leagues... It's like "Pop Warner" conspiracy theory...


26 Oct 12 - 08:22 PM (#3426627)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don Firth

Are you telling us, Wrong-o, that Obama conjured up the hurricane in order to win the election?

If so, I'd be careful if I were you. You never know what he might do to you if YOU piss him off.

Conjured up a hurricane! Definitely a man to be reconbed with!

Wibble wibble!

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 09:51 PM (#3426655)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Songwronger

Well, any man who could conjure up a hard-on for Michelle has some powerful mojo.

The media is still on Obama's side, and this will give them an opportunity to NOT report on Romney gaining momentum. There's that, and then there's the opportunity to show Obama doing the flak-jacket Bush thing. We saw Obama shedding alligator tears over that Trayvon Martin incident, so he'll do the same in the storm ravaged areas just before election day. He can touch down somewhere with a liter of bottled water under his arm and say, "Mission accomplished." If he's still falling behind Romney after that, there's always the power outages. Some votes could go conveniently unaccounted for.

Obama screwed up when he mocked religious people and "gun clingers." That lost him a lot of votes. His team will have to scramble this time to put together a win, and like I said, his race-baiting strategy isn't working, so this storm is mighty convenient. Look for both sides to try to take advantage of the disaster, but Obama can play the "Commander in chief" card, so that puts him in a superior position.

Either way, it's a win for Obomney.

26 Oct 12 - 10:25 PM (#3426668)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don Firth

Right off the extreme Right Wing "World News Daily" with a bit of seasoning from Bob Livingston's "Liberty Alerts."

These web sites are so Right Wing that they make Rush Limbaugh look like Bill Moyers!

Don Firth

26 Oct 12 - 11:17 PM (#3426682)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Below is a repost of my posting to at the GOP will steal BS.

Voter Fraud Complaint Filed Against Fla. Democrats: AP

Feds to probe possible voter fraud in Florida
"Voters are getting letters that look like they are from local elections offices, questioning their citizenship. But our sister statoin[sic] WKMG Local 6 in Orlando has learned the letters are fake, and they are going out across Central Florida and other parts of the state.

"Officials said the voters who have received the letters thus far are white, registered Republicans who consistently vote in elections."

These are actual problems being looked at, not some conspiratorial, fictional what-ifs postulated at the other post. And where there are two, maybe there are more.
Addendum: We know the Dems stole the last Washington state gov. race when there suddenly, out of the chain of custody, a ballot box turned up about three weeks later. Lo and behold it just happened to contain just enough votes to change the election. That box should not have been counted...who knows what mischief took place in the intervening weeks?

27 Oct 12 - 07:41 AM (#3426805)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Well, any man who could conjure up a hard-on for Michelle has some powerful mojo.""

You really are a nasty, malicious little shit, aren't you?

Don T.

27 Oct 12 - 09:16 AM (#3426831)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: catspaw49

Why are any of you even screwing around with this broke-dick jackass? If you must post, do it this:

YO! Dongsucker! ...........BLOW ME!


27 Oct 12 - 10:05 AM (#3426853)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Stringsinger

Songwronger, your post is full of crap. It's misleading at best and downright
hostile at worse. Romney will steal this election regardless of your meaningless

Thank you for revealing your ignorance. We know now not to pay attention to anything you say.

27 Oct 12 - 10:34 AM (#3426867)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Henry Krinkle

Do you think we'll have Rodney King style riots when Zimmerman is acquited?
I do. Self control is not some folks strong suit. Stock up on ammo.
=(:-( 0)

27 Oct 12 - 12:36 PM (#3426910)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: catspaw49

Goes for Krink too.....Like this:

Suck My Root Asswipe!


27 Oct 12 - 01:01 PM (#3426920)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

You left out the comma after "Root", moron! Do I gotta tell you everything?

- Chongo

p.s. That crack about Michelle Obama was way outta line, Songwronger. If ya can't respect women, yer no good for nothin' in my book.

27 Oct 12 - 03:15 PM (#3426982)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: frogprince

Hey, Songwronger; I've got a suggestion; why don't you put a picture of your mother (or your wife, if you have one) on line, so we can say crass filthy things about her?

27 Oct 12 - 05:34 PM (#3427018)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Bobert

Ya' can't buy class and, yeah, wronger's comment about Michelle Obama was void of the stuff... Very immature, too...


28 Oct 12 - 10:44 AM (#3427251)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: akenaton

Well...Michelle does come across as a bit of a "ball breaker"

Not as bad as H the Hawk tho'

28 Oct 12 - 10:47 AM (#3427253)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: akenaton

and that wasn't meant to be "sexist", Chongs.
There are plenty of domineering husbands around.

28 Oct 12 - 11:08 AM (#3427259)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Ebbie

ake, if Michelle Obama were a tiny sprig of a thing I suspect your tune would change. More lady like, you know.

28 Oct 12 - 06:07 PM (#3427447)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: akenaton

Hmm....i've known a few little ladies who would happily castrate you with their teeth... :0)

28 Oct 12 - 06:25 PM (#3427455)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Well, yes, aggressive or domineering women can come in any size, I think. Not referring to Michelle Obama...just talking in general.

28 Oct 12 - 09:53 PM (#3427531)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Thanks all you politicians...glad you're impressed with yourselves!


29 Oct 12 - 10:21 PM (#3428090)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election

Damn. If it will make you people feel better, I'll admit Michelle Obama's a looker.

Michelle Obama, glamour puss

Michelle Obama, raving beauty

And claiming that I insult women by saying Michelle Obama has appearance issues is absurd. That would be like saying I hate sick people just because I think the insurance companies are wasting money on catspaw.

But Michelle Obama is a good case of your outward appearance reflecting your personality. She used to work for the University of Chicago Medical Center. Her job there was to shoo uninsured black folk away from the hospital. She would route them to the low-rent hospitals so UCMC could charge exorbitant fees to people with good insurance coverage:

The First Lady helped create a notorious program that dumped poor patients...

So let me recap. I did what I could to make up for saying Michelle Obama is ugly, and I refrained from posting pictures of her fat ass, but I'm afraid I'll have to stick with my opinion that she's a murderer. Routing those poor people away from good medical treatment ended in deaths. And she did that to blacks, so that makes her a racist. If I wanted to be mean I would call her a fat-assed murdering racist, but I won't do that, out of respect for her mother. Her mom worked really hard to sell women in third-world countries on those micro-loans, where several women in a village band together to buy something like a sewing machine. They buy the machine on time and then work the rest of their lives to pay it off. So Michelle's mom is a real hero, and she can't help it if Michelle went bad.

29 Oct 12 - 10:28 PM (#3428096)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Songwronger

I posted the above. Lost a cookie somehow.

But since I'm on the topic of exploitation in the Obama family, I bet Michelle's mom really liked it when Barack began his presidency by encouraging women of color to take out student loans and enroll in college. He told them to empower themselves with massive amounts of debt so they could get a degree that's now worthless in the crumbling job market.

A foul, chiseling little family. Really ugly.

29 Oct 12 - 10:32 PM (#3428099)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Wow!..You are really trying to rally contempt for yourself with that matter how true.
BTW post a name, more than 'Guest'.


29 Oct 12 - 10:37 PM (#3428102)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don Firth

Songwronger, you're despicable.

Don Firth

29 Oct 12 - 10:47 PM (#3428107)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Songwronger

Hey, I didn't kill blacks at UCMC. I didn't sign poor women on to four years of student loans. I didn't chain women in India to sewing machines they'll never pay off.

You support a family that did.

30 Oct 12 - 02:37 AM (#3428152)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don Firth

Songwronger, your tinfoil hat isn't working.

Don Firth

30 Oct 12 - 03:23 AM (#3428157)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Lend him yours, but it might be too big.


30 Oct 12 - 12:42 PM (#3428384)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Stringsinger

Michelle is a great first lady. To have her denigrated like this shows just how much the argument presented against her is despicable.

Romney doesn't care about public education. He will ignore it or turn it over to privatization. The Presidency doesn't need a corporate hack and raider to
put the US into perpetual debt. (Don't think he won't!)

30 Oct 12 - 12:49 PM (#3428390)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: McGrath of Harlow

Glad to see catspaw back on form. And saying precisely what needed to be said.

30 Oct 12 - 12:54 PM (#3428396)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Stringsinger

Romney will not be the first Commander-in-Thief.

30 Oct 12 - 12:57 PM (#3428400)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Bobert

Actually, Romney doesn't care much about anything other than another round of tax breaks for *his people*... Everything else is subject to be co-opted by his donors... He is a whore... Wanta end abortion??? No problem... Wanta kill the EPA??? No problem... He doesn't believe these things one way or another... He is spineless... He was spineless in high school too when he didn't had the balls to be a real bully so he got one of the kids fro the wrestling team to hold down the kid so Romney could cut the kids hair off...

Romney, if elected will the most cowardly president in history and will give in to anyone who gave enough money...

I don't even know why he wants to be president... He is not qualified...

No to whore Romney...


30 Oct 12 - 05:24 PM (#3428544)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Romney isn't any worse than Obama and vice verse. Get over it!...and at least Romney knows how to dissolve a large corporation..or country, and Obama knows how to make that necessary....they go hand in glove.
Now to find out what it gets replaced with.....stay tuned...


30 Oct 12 - 05:46 PM (#3428555)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Bobert

Bullshit, GfinS... That is the most delusional thing I believe you have ever posted...


30 Oct 12 - 06:38 PM (#3428579)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don Firth

Poor GoofuS! Completely out of touch with Reality!

Don Firth

04 Nov 12 - 01:26 AM (#3430694)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Henry Krinkle

Heeheehee!!! Tweedle Dumb. Tweedle Dumber. And you think any of them are worth a rat's ass. Heeheehee!
=(:-( D)

04 Nov 12 - 02:29 AM (#3430702)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity



04 Nov 12 - 02:34 AM (#3430703)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Henry Krinkle

I think the survivalists were right. Stock up. Food, water, ammo, gold. And a hidden shelter. Armed cannibalistic gangs are going to roam the U.S.
=(:-( 0)

04 Nov 12 - 06:02 AM (#3430740)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

And the first victims would be the big mouthed know nothing idiots who think that the red neck crackers are going to care whether they slagged off the n****r pres, or not.

Thaat's you and Goofus screwed Henry.

Don T.

04 Nov 12 - 06:06 AM (#3430743)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Henry Krinkle

No. They go for the sick and weak first.
That's you, Don.
=(:-( ))

04 Nov 12 - 06:18 AM (#3430745)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: WalkaboutsVerse

At least on the coverage we get in England, there are hardly any African Americans at the Republican rallies...was this the case before Obama? And will Americans ever be ready for Native American leadership? My poem on "Americans" -

04 Nov 12 - 06:21 AM (#3430746)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: Henry Krinkle

It's always been that way.
=(:-( ))

04 Nov 12 - 06:19 PM (#3431031)
Subject: RE: BS: The DEMS will steal the election
From: akenaton

"A "perfect storm" is about to hit the most heavily populated area of the U.S. It will ravage and create power outages running up to and beyond election day. President Obama's makeup people will gray his hair a bit more, and his speechwriters will type "frown thoughfully" every screen or two on his teleprompter, and he'll explain to us how he had to shut down polling in certain Republican areas because of dangers, compassion, freedom, democracy, blah blah blah. Jimmy Carter will be on hand to nod ass-scent, and John Kerry will concede Ohio again. Democrats will see nothing odd in the situation."

Opening post by songwronger.....I think he is probably right on the nail.