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BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman

08 Nov 12 - 07:10 PM (#3433346)
Subject: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Songwronger

Not even a full day had passed before newly reelected President Obama ordered another drone strike in Yemen.

A U.S. drone strike targeted a group of al-Qaida militants on the outskirts of the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday night, killing at least three terrorists, government officials said.

Meanwhile, Obama and Hillary Clinton are flying al-Qaida fighters into Syria to fight the government there.

08 Nov 12 - 07:11 PM (#3433348)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Songwronger

Oops. Meant "Yemen." But if there were a country called Yeman he'd bomb it too.

08 Nov 12 - 07:32 PM (#3433365)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Don Firth

From the Lebanon Daily Star:
SANAA: A drone strike near the Yemeni capital killed three suspected Al-Qaeda members including a militant wanted for a deadly attack on the US embassy in Sanaa, security officials said on Thursday.

They said the drone strike, believed to have been carried out by the United States, targeted a car near the village of Beit al-Ahmar in the Sanhan region, 15 kilometres (nine miles) southeast of Sanaa.

Three people were killed and two wounded, they said.

Among the dead was Adnan al-Qadhi, a former jihadist fighter in Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda member wanted for a 2008 car bomb attack on the US embassy that killed six Yemeni soldiers and four civilians.

US drones deployed in the region have backed Yemeni forces in combating militants of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group's Yemen branch, considered by Washington to be the most active and deadly.

AQAP took advantage of the weakness of Yemen's central government during an uprising last year against now ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, seizing large swathes of territory across the south.

But after a month-long offensive in May launched by Yemeni troops, most militants fled to the more lawless desert regions of the east.
"S'matter, Songwronger? You wanted to give them a medal?

Don Firth


08 Nov 12 - 07:35 PM (#3433366)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

Obama has been hitting al qeada in Yeman for years, wronger... You been in a coma??? Or just suffering from Romnesia???


08 Nov 12 - 07:36 PM (#3433367)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

Oh, wait!!! Didn't George W also hit al qeada in Yeman???


08 Nov 12 - 07:51 PM (#3433375)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: McGrath of Harlow

The basic rule seems to be, if you get killed by a drone, you're a terrorist. Of course that wouldn't apply if the Syrians were using drones...

08 Nov 12 - 08:01 PM (#3433381)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: gnu

McGrath... "The basic rule seems to be, if you get killed by a drone, you're a terrorist."

That's not fair. The drones are targeted at targets. If you believe the US military isn't persuing that strategy, I say you are wrong and challenge you to prove otherwise.

08 Nov 12 - 08:17 PM (#3433388)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman

Hey Songwornger, just to complete the cycle, could you please add a post about how Obama was not tough enough on terrorists in Libya?
Thanks so much.

08 Nov 12 - 10:50 PM (#3433439)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Rapparee

You might also note that when Osama Bin Ladin was finally found Obama took decisive action to capture or kill him. (Clinton had the chance to authorize that in the middle '90s but chose to forgo it).

08 Nov 12 - 11:01 PM (#3433445)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,Lighter

> Obama and Hillary Clinton are flying al-Qaida fighters into Syria to fight the government there.

Source please. Do you also believe that Obama and Clinton were part of the 9/11 "conspiracy" as allies of al-Qaeda? But wait, al-Qaeda had nothing to do with that! Unless Bin Laden actually *worked for* Bush! And Clinton. And of course Barack Obama, terror mastermind of the Third Rock, who targets innocent Yemenis and Afghans while smuggling Al-Qaida terrorists into Syria. The "death" of Bin Laden was the perfect cover story.

Irony? Or truth? Figure it out and get back to me.

09 Nov 12 - 01:04 AM (#3433461)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

You don't need to jump 'Songwronger's' shit, and liken this strike to him thinking Bush was great doing it...jeez...Bush was fucked up, too.
If someone is critical of Obama's airstrikes, or drones it DOESN'T automatically mean that he approved of Bush doing it!
See, that's where the so-callers' are fucked's not Obama vs. Bush..or Obama vs. the Republicans...or's all of them vs. humanity!


09 Nov 12 - 03:23 AM (#3433478)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Henry Krinkle

I agree 100% Mr. Sanity.
Maintain the status quo.
Keep us enslaved to big oil. And big corporations.
=(:-( ))

09 Nov 12 - 03:43 AM (#3433486)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

The Base (Foundation) otherwise called al-Qaida/al-Qaeda is an organization intent on killing whomever their leadership designates. I feel no sadness for the 'fighters' who went to meet their head kahuna. They live by the sword and so have they died. Tough beans, imo. However, it seems the sword has two edges.

The following is from Wikipedia:


On March 11, 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel's document "Al Quaeda's Strategy to the Year 2020".[60][61] Abdel Bari Atwan summarizes this strategy as comprising five stages to rid the Ummah [collective Islamic state] from all forms of oppression:

Provoke the United States and the West into invading a Muslim country by staging a massive attack or string of attacks on U.S. soil that results in massive civilian casualties.

Incite local resistance to occupying forces.

Expand the conflict to neighboring countries, and engage the U.S. and its allies in a long war of attrition.

Convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against the U.S. and countries allied with the U.S. until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the July 7, 2005 London bombings.

The U.S. economy will finally collapse by the year 2020 under the strain of multiple engagements in numerous places, making the worldwide economic system which is dependent on the U.S. also collapse leading to global political instability, which in turn leads to a global jihad led by al-Qaeda and a Wahhabi Caliphate will then be installed across the world following the collapse of the U.S. and the rest of the Western world countries.

Atwan also noted, regarding the collapse of the U.S., "If this sounds far-fetched, it is sobering to consider that this virtually describes the downfall of the Soviet Union."[60]


"it's not Obama vs. Bush..or Obama vs. the Republicans...or's all of them vs. humanity!"

I would include al-Qaeda and multinationals in that list. Anyone who thinks this is not about global dominance isn't thinking too clearly, imo.


"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist."

Charles Baudelaire

09 Nov 12 - 10:01 AM (#3433626)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Arkie

Would it not have been better once this killer and terrorist had been located to send 50,000 troops after him. Contractors who do business with the military would have profited and the loss of a few hundred lives would have been a small sacrifice.

09 Nov 12 - 10:11 AM (#3433631)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: EBarnacle

Not to jump on anyone but I approve of the use of drones in asymmetrical warfare. They use bombs either in cars, people's coats or planted in the road. We use drones. Both sides are minimizing losses to their own side and maximizing the damage to the enemy.

There was a report today that an Iranian fighter had fired on a recon drone over the Arabian Gulf [international waters] and missed. Does this mean that the US will soon be drawn into a shooting airwar with Iran?

09 Nov 12 - 10:18 AM (#3433635)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Keith A of Hertford

Iran captured one some time ago and refused to return it.
Drones are fair game.

09 Nov 12 - 10:22 AM (#3433640)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: EBarnacle

Capture due to failure or being shot down in territorial space is different from firing on in international territorial.

09 Nov 12 - 10:29 AM (#3433646)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Stu

"The basic rule seems to be, if you get killed by a drone, you're a terrorist."

Unless you're one of the innocent killed or maimed by drone strikes. Then you're collateral damage.

09 Nov 12 - 10:31 AM (#3433649)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Amos

Bush's war in Afghanistan was (IMHO) a mistake, and should have been avoided. That said, once the war was engaged, and a state of war existed between Al Queda and the United States, the primary obligation of the C in C is to lead to successful prosecution of the war.

Songwronger's nutty and embittered rants notwithstanding, I would like to hear his viable proposal for ending the state of war, with the proviso that capitualtion is probably not a viable solution.


09 Nov 12 - 11:24 AM (#3433673)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bill D

"Then you're collateral damage."

Collateral damage from drones is FAR less than from indiscriminate bombing or from invading with batallions of troops.
I suggest that if we totally stopped any attempts to eliminate Al-Quaida leaders, and just hoped they'd stop sending suicide bombers to do us and out allies damage, people would soon say, "What's the matter with you people? Are you going to just allow them to carry on until there's another 9/11?"

It is never good to feel like we NEED to kill enemies.... war- or even police actions and drone strikes- is nasty, unpleasant business. I just wonder what folks would suggest we do? Invite them to tea and ask politely how we have offended them?

A small % of Islamic fundamentalists have decided that we in the West are "The Great Satan"..or something similar. Actions based on hate are a self-fulfilling hypothesis. We can't simply ignore them, and they don't seem willing to give up their Holy War.

09 Nov 12 - 04:10 PM (#3433823)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Greg F.

Yo, ShitWringer: blow me.

09 Nov 12 - 07:33 PM (#3433898)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

There are two very distinct issues here...

The first has to do with why the US continues a foreign policy that is so anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian...

The second has to do with war tactics (not strategy) and whereas some folks are pissed because the US isn't fighting the war before last and putting out kids harms way... I would argue that if we have a choice of sending a company on our kids take out a bad guy and have several brought back to Dover Air Force Base or...

...use out current technology to go after the bad guy and none of out kids die then this is a no-brainer...


09 Nov 12 - 08:23 PM (#3433914)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: gnu

I am quite sure BP will consider all of your points before it issues the next directives to "the leader of the free world."

09 Nov 12 - 09:49 PM (#3433961)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Little Hawk

How come you talkin' like ghetto trash, Greg? Ain't you from de UK? You hangin' wit' mah main man, Ali G?

10 Nov 12 - 04:46 AM (#3434035)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: akenaton

Most of the intelligent people here must surely understand the precedent being set by "drone warfare"?

The consequences are horrific, legalised assasination of the guilty and the innocent with no recourse to justice.
Violation of the inhabitants of sovereign countries...surely against international law.

Worst of all, it is the law of the most technically equiped....the human emotional element removed.....cold blooded slaughter sanitised and presnted like soap powder or corn flakes.

You made me angry will apologise for anything to salve your conscience or your master's agenda.
Who will be the future targets?

10 Nov 12 - 09:11 AM (#3434121)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: EBarnacle

ake, do you prefer that we at least try to take out the most motivated hostiles or that we should dimply allow our guys to be put in the way of car bombs and IAD's? This is a case of assymetrical warfare. If we simply allow the other side to set off bombs destroying our people without responding in a similarly low risk manner doesn't that mean that we are setting our people up to be targets who can't shoot back at the people who are dispatching the bombs?

If we do not respond in a similarly assymetrical way we are allowing the other side to "profit" from their murderous ways. The generals are no longer safe behind the lines any more. The front lines are everywhere. We may be looking at the shape of future warfare.

10 Nov 12 - 11:10 AM (#3434180)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: akenaton

If that is the case, I'm glad my time will not be long.

It's much too convenient.

10 Nov 12 - 11:19 AM (#3434188)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: akenaton

"our guys"? you mean our master's guys?

They would be in no danger if they were not being posted to other people's territory.

Our system demands energy and the freedom to steal and exploit, while that continues, the young soldiers will always be in danger.

Drone warare gives us the opportunity to slaughter at will, to get what the ststem requires.

10 Nov 12 - 12:05 PM (#3434221)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

Ake, hi. I am likely as much a 'socialist' as your are, give or take a brick. I do not like drone warfare, but ten or so years back when I suggested that Saddam Hussein should have been given a twenty-five cent headache most here accused me of being devoid of humanity including maybe you. Instead, the US, Spain, Bulgaria and the UK formed a 'coalition of the willing' and the result was somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths and then add to that the troops from all sides killed.

I'm a basic kind of guy. Fuck with me I fuck you back. Threaten me and I'll do my damnedest to ensure you can't carry out that thread. Plain, simple and to the point. That's my 'philosophy' on the street and generally in life. When people refuse to talk, then screw it, let's get the fight started.

Al-Qaeda is pushing for the destruction of western civilization. Let's be nice? What for? I think 'we' are being as nice as they are.

I do understand the geo-economic-political realities involved. The USA is not my 'friend' any more than is al-Qaeda. But the USA isn't threatening to kill my friends or family, either. Al-Qaeda will carry out threats against anyone to instill 'terror' in hopes of a world-wide Islamic religious 'government'. In the parlance, fuck 'em. The more of them who die the safer this world becomes, and if WE don't have to die for al-Qaeda's belief system, so much the better.

10 Nov 12 - 12:48 PM (#3434245)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

Drones or foot soldiers???

You pick, Ake...

Like I said before, this is about tactics and not foreign policy... Don't confuse the two...


10 Nov 12 - 01:25 PM (#3434266)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: catspaw49

I appreciate Greg arriving in my absence.




10 Nov 12 - 06:33 PM (#3434437)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Don Firth

And that goes for your little dog, too!!

Don Firth

10 Nov 12 - 09:05 PM (#3434523)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Little Hawk

How come you talkin' like ghetto trash, Spaw? Ain't you from Ohio?

Oh, wait....Ohio....okay, I DO understand. Yer automatically fucked, right? ;-D Never mind.

Akenaton - You'll be pleased to know that I agree with you on this one. I think this evolution towards drone warfare is a very bad thing and it will only increase the suffering of the ordinary people who become "collateral damage" in the USA's many foreign wars, while allowing those in command in Washington to avoid responsibility and dodge domestic "blowback". Dead machines don't come back in body bags, and the cost of the war doesn't become nearly as obvious to the people on the home front.

999 - I don't think there was any valid reason for attacking Saddam back in 2003 anyway...and besides, the USA didn't go in there on account of Saddam Hussein or his fictional WMDs. They went in there to take over Iraq, install a subservient government, get control of the marketing of Iraq's oil, and build more bases in the region with an eye toward their next targets: Iran and Syria. Iraq was just one more chess piece to be taken in a much larger and more far-reaching plan...which is to (unofficially) control every single oil-producing nation in that region. Saddam was never any real threat to the USA, but he was inconvenient, because he started selling Iraqi oil for Euros, not dollars. That meant he absolutely had to go. They couldn't care less about him oppressing Iraqis. They do that very well themselves.

10 Nov 12 - 09:17 PM (#3434532)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert


You are confusing foreign policy and tactics...

Yes, drones are very messed up... Only thing more messed up is sending my kid to do the same thing and come home in a body bag...

lets not get bogged down tactics when we are talking foreign policy...

Look at is this way, LH...

If Dan Rather could have gotten within 4 feet of Saddam then we could have taken him out... I know, "Horrors, how uncivilized"...

Well we didn't want to look as if we were "uncivilized", did we??? So rahter than take Saddam out with one bullet we killed upwards of a million people to prove that we weren't "uncivilized"...

Your thinking is flawed... So is Ake's... You both are confused... You don't seem to understand the difference between bad foreign policy and tactics of war... Ya'll need to do some serious re-thinking... You both are advocating tactics that are WW II...

Move on...


10 Nov 12 - 09:33 PM (#3434540)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: EBarnacle

Ake, I am a My Country Right or Wrong guy, in the sense of Perry's original toast. That was "My country right or wrong, to support her when she is right and to correct her when she is wrong.

In this case, the decision is to save American lives at the expense of those who are attempting to take them and their associates. That sounds right to me.

By the way, did you vote? If not, you do not deserve the right to complain.

10 Nov 12 - 09:36 PM (#3434544)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Little Hawk

I'm tellin' you, was not really about gettin' rid of Saddam. He was just the temporary "evil bad guy" FACE for the American public to obsess about and focus their fear and hatred on. There's always such a guy. That's how they market these bullshit wars. Just like a dumb TV show. There always has to be a "Bad Bart" character for Marshall Dillon to "take out", and Saddam was it at that moment.

What they were really after was the country of Iraq and its oil. There's no way they were going to do it without killing many, many Iraqis...and utterly ruining the place in the process.

What I am advocating is to not have launched even ONE of these criminal, illegal foreign wars of occupation in the first place.

I've got a whole different idea about who the "bad guys" are in this so-called War on Terror, Bobert. The people who planned it, that's who. The PNAC people. Project for a New American Century. And they planned it all quite some time prior to 911. 911 was just the event which, like the Reichstag Fire or the sinking of the battleship Maine or the phony Gulf of Tonkin Incident, enabled it all to go ahead when the time came.

You have to scare and deeply outrage the American people first. Then they will go along with a whole series of crazy wars, because Pandora's box has been opened, and it can't be shut again. The Nazis did similar things to get the German people onside. It's a tried and true technique for persuading a nation to go to war...when most people would far rather live in peace, if they thought they had any choice about the matter. They are told they have no choice, and that's the Big Lie.

Look at any place where the USA wants to remove an existing government and replace it with a weak and helpless one which they can control. Who will they focus on in their propaganda? The ONE man who leads that if HE were the key to everything. He isn't. He's just the latest "Bad Bart" fall guy for the American Empire. That's the position that al-Assad is in at the moment, but the Russians have caught on to the game, and I don't think they're going to stand aside this time and let him be "removed" by the American-UK axis.

10 Nov 12 - 09:45 PM (#3434549)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

The question is about "drones" here, LH...

Not about any one boggie man... Sorry, but you have taken Ake's position on "tactics" of war...

We are on the same page on the policy of war... You seem not to get that...


11 Nov 12 - 12:17 AM (#3434588)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

LH: I think killing 10,000 Kurds using Sarin gas is certainly enough reason to take ANYone out. And Hussein did that. You don't need to tell me about that part of history nor about the PNAC. I brought that to the attention of folks here. And at the time I don't think even you gave a rat's ass. No offense, but them's the facts, Jack.

11 Nov 12 - 10:04 PM (#3435002)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Songwronger

Why do liberals support drone murder but oppose waterboarding?

Seriously. Why is that?

11 Nov 12 - 10:32 PM (#3435014)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

Because given the choice of killing one person or a million, we liberals pick killing one...

Any other questions, wrong???


11 Nov 12 - 10:47 PM (#3435024)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Songwronger

So you support the killing of people. Innocent people.

Problem is, Obama picks the targets for his drone bombings on Terror Tuesdays, and no one's allowed to review the choices. He killed an American teenager using that method. Do you liberals support the killing of the 16-year-old al-Awlaki? Can Obama kill YOUR teenagers with his drones if he feels feisty next Tuesday?

11 Nov 12 - 10:50 PM (#3435026)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Bobert

Saddam wasn't innocent...

Wrong is wrong again...


12 Nov 12 - 12:24 AM (#3435037)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Songwronger

Was the son of Anwar al-Awlaki guilty of something? He was 16, an American citizen in Yemen. Exactly why did Obama kill him?

12 Nov 12 - 03:54 AM (#3435064)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: akenaton

They have no answer to that songwronger.

Drone warfare does not stop the prosecution of "war", but simply adds another horrific dimension to (terrorist) policy, and another dimension to our utter moral degradation.

When we start to excuse this sort of stuff on the grounds that it may make "war" more palatable, then we are descending into a form of madness that even Orwell could not have imagined.

Most wars are fought in the economic interests of the powerful,I dont think we should allow them to turn the slaughter of innocent women and children, into a terrorist's video game.

12 Nov 12 - 01:05 PM (#3435325)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

When body bags start coming home, sooner or later the electorate whose kids, parents, brothers, sisters and spouses fill those body bags get fed up with the latest war for the common good. When a drone is killed no one really cares.

That still doesn't explain why al-Qaeda terrorism is ok but counter-terrorism isn't.

12 Nov 12 - 02:49 PM (#3435402)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Don Firth

I don't know what the reason was for targeting al-Awlaki's son.

And neither do you, Songwronger.

Don Firth

12 Nov 12 - 04:53 PM (#3435460)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: bobad

Anwar al Awlaki's son hoped 'to attain martyrdom as my father attained it'
By Bill RoggioDecember 8, 2011

Anwar al Awlaki's son said he hoped "to attain martyrdom as my father attained it" just hours before he was killed in a US Predator airstrike in Yemen in mid-October, according to a journalist who sympathizes with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Abdul Rahman al Awlaki, Anwar's 16-year-old son and an American citizen, made the statement to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's emir of the city of Azzam in Shabwa province. Azzan is one of several Yemeni cities currently under AQAP control.

"His sadness reached its peak after the American planes assassinated his father," said Abdul Razzaq al Jamal, a Yemeni journalist from Al Wasat, according to a statement posted on jihadist forums that was translated by the SITE Intelligence Group. Jamal spent weeks with AQAP in the Zinjibar area and elsewhere in southern Yemen, and wrote articles that sympathized with the terror group's attempts to control the region.

"But when he said to the Emir [Leader] of the city of Azzam, 'I hope to attain martyrdom as my father attained it,' it did not come to his mind that this will happen, and just one day after he said it. This actually happened. The son joined the father in another American raid that came only two weeks apart from the one that assassinated his father," Jamal continued.

Jamal said that AQAP members referred to Abdul Rahman, as "Usayyid," or the lion's cub, and intimated that Abdul Rahman would one day replace his father.

"The word 'usayyid' is the diminutive form of the word 'assad [lion],' and in this name is
a reference to an Arab proverb: 'This cub is from that lion,'" Jamal said.

Jamal also said that Abdul Rahman's death was intentionally planned by the US "so that America would not be afflicted in the future with another Awlaki of the same type as Sheikh Anwar."

12 Nov 12 - 06:32 PM (#3435512)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: Don Firth

Not so innocent after all.

If someone threatens you, do you sit back and wait until he kills you before you take preventive action?

Don Firth

13 Nov 12 - 01:54 PM (#3435981)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: McGrath of Harlow

Saddan wasn't attacked for "killing 10,000 Kurds using Sarin gas" - when that happened he was a loyal ally being backed up and supplied by the US (with the UK running along behind and wagging its tail).

And it should also be remembered that after things had changed around a bit, Syria was still seen as a good friend, and a very handy place to send "rendered" captives for a bit of extra-special interrogation.

Imagining that somehow the lines between goodies and baddies leaves our lot on the goody side is just naive nonsense. And in fact when it comes to killing non-combatants around the world we are far ahead of the highly unpleasant people we are fighting. That's not because we are more wicked, it's because the technology we bring to bear is far more lethal.

In past wars the cost to us of our own people being killed has always been a potential constraint on what we have done. With drones that ceases to be the case.

It is virtually certain that one consequence will an increase in terrorist attacks on us in the places where we live. I'm sure it will be as rationalised as the only logical way to restore that constraint.

13 Nov 12 - 02:25 PM (#3435995)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

'Saddan wasn't attacked for "killing 10,000 Kurds using Sarin gas"'

I didn't say he was. I said that because he had done so was reason enough to shoot the sonuvabitch.

13 Nov 12 - 02:31 PM (#3436002)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: McGrath of Harlow

Reason enough for the people who backed him to shoot him? I suppose it'd apply much the same the other way round?

13 Nov 12 - 02:37 PM (#3436009)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
From: GUEST,999

Whether you would or wouldn't, that still wasn't what I said.