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Sheffield Carols 2012

14 Nov 12 - 03:50 AM (#3436298)
Subject: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: r.padgett

Dungworth starts first Sunday after Armistice day Dec 18th this year

"Local Carols 2012" will bring you the finest traditional singing sessions by the populace in the British Isles

Sheffield and Derbyshire villages via Sheffield and into South Yorkshire

Mention too of Ian Russell long time collector!

Thanks to Dave Eyre for the current link information "Thank Goodness Its Folk" on Fridays too!

14 Nov 12 - 05:47 AM (#3436326)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Will be at my 'spot' at Dungworth on Sunday wah hey !!!

15 Nov 12 - 12:56 PM (#3436969)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: MoorleyMan

Surely you must mean NOVEMBER 18th, Mr Padgett!

16 Nov 12 - 02:52 AM (#3437280)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: r.padgett

Indeed David and all the other dates on the link a stated and others not there yet
In fact there are earlier dates too!


16 Nov 12 - 09:24 PM (#3437645)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: GUEST,Guest

Well fancy our mate Ray getting it wrong!

Seems to be his Specialist Subject.

Hey Ho

17 Nov 12 - 02:18 AM (#3437691)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: r.padgett

Losing the plot matey, time and tide wait for no man!


18 Nov 12 - 12:11 PM (#3438219)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: bradfordian

Brilliant session at the Royal, Dungworth, and being the first one of 2012 at the pub, not too crushed. Talking of which, with regard to the "shopping" of the pub to the H&S police last year, a new fire-door has now been installed by the landlord (being a former builder) and his son and the pub now has the appropriate approvals/certificates. I think most people would appreciate this move.This was achieved thanks to the generosity of customers and supporters who raised £2,100 which almost covered the cost of materials & admin.

I decided to go to the Royal early his year, because in the past couple of years, bad weather and christmassy things got the way of a visit. Lovely to bump into Jim (MC fat) again, and Will Noble in fine form with the sad "Mistletoe Bough"

Of course, a fantastic atmosphere of communal singing from the seasoned singers (with organ accompaniment) and now I am starting to pick up some of the other parts.

The landlord has agreed that the pub can host additional sessions each Wednesday night (8-10) from now until Christmas.

Oh, and the real ale was good too!

19 Nov 12 - 06:18 AM (#3438527)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick

Yeahh. Cracking start to the season. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

19 Nov 12 - 09:01 AM (#3438597)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols 2012
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Twas indeed a splendid sing. Nice to bump into the assembeld throng. Bradfordian ta for lift back Neil was again in good voice and seems to get stronger every year. My only bugbear was the changing of the bus times (yet agin) which mwant I didn't get there till 12.30. Bah humbug