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BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs

19 Jun 13 - 09:02 AM (#3527890)
Subject: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

Seems that the FBI is out spending our tax money digging in the middle of some field in the middle of nowhere looking for Jimmy Hoff's bones...

First of all... The current story makes no sense what so ever... Buried under a concrete slab??? I doubt it... At least not where they are looking... I mean, let's get real here... Mobsters ain't gonna order up a truck full of concrete to be delivered to so rural field where they are going to pour and finish a concrete slab... That, folks ain't gonna happen...

But never mind logic for a minute...

Seeing as people are so fascinated with Jimmy Hoffa's where about I think it fitting that they form clubs, collect membership dues and have annual conventions in various places where Jimmy might be hiding under-ground, so to speak... They could all bring club shovels... They could sell mementos and souvenirs and tee-shirts and "Where's Jimmy" board games... I mean, the possibilities are endless...

So, ya'll... If you want in on the ground floor then grab your shovel get with the program...


19 Jun 13 - 10:02 AM (#3527908)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs

You forget the strong possibility that the mob owns a concrete company. They have muscled into many, many legitimate businesses. And who necessarily said the concrete was finished? It might have been poured in, then covered with earth by a mob-owned excavating company.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Jun 13 - 10:31 AM (#3527914)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: gnu

Maybe some farmer was pissed about the truckin fees ta market and offed Hoffa fer fertilizer.

19 Jun 13 - 10:42 AM (#3527919)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Highlandman

There are almost as many secret Hoffa burial sites around the northeast US as there were pieces of the True Cross in Medieval Europe. If the FBI dug them all up, Ohio would look like the Moon.

19 Jun 13 - 10:44 AM (#3527920)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yer just jealous coz nobody can be bothered formin' a club to look around for yer body, Bobertz.

- Chongo

19 Jun 13 - 10:55 AM (#3527926)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

Yes, of course that's it Chongz...


19 Jun 13 - 01:25 PM (#3527994)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

Heh! ;-) When Chongo dies (if he ever does) they'll be lined up in the thousands and tens of thousands to pay their respects. Ex-presidents will show up to eulogize him. Pop stars will sing songs about him. Then the movie. It'll really be something. Make Jimmy Hoffa's passing seem as insubstantial as a puff of smoke in a hurricane.

19 Jun 13 - 04:06 PM (#3528043)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

I should've really said "insubstantial as a dry fart in a hurricane". It woulda sounded grittier. ;-)

Chongo is thinking of starting up a line of T-shirts with a caricature of Bobert on the front, looking idiosyncraticly hillbillyish and slightly wacky, and the legend "Where's Bobertz?". I think such an item would sell quite well, maybe become a huge fad all over the country.

19 Jun 13 - 07:53 PM (#3528101)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

I want half the profits...


19 Jun 13 - 08:11 PM (#3528106)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

That sounds fair...

19 Jun 13 - 08:18 PM (#3528107)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

Great... Order up the shirts...


19 Jun 13 - 08:29 PM (#3528116)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

First we gotta get the artwork done. This is gonna be fun! ;-) I think we need to focus on the marijuana angle...have you sitting on an old porch with a large smokin' doobie in yer hand and a bottle of moonshine on the side.

19 Jun 13 - 08:51 PM (#3528128)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Ed T

If he were alive it may matter. Otherwise,finding what may remain of him seems pointless (except for the entertainment value).

19 Jun 13 - 08:58 PM (#3528130)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

I agree, Ed...

Like what is to be gained by finding his bones???


19 Jun 13 - 09:14 PM (#3528135)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

Well, you could ask the same about Amelia Earhart. People are just curious about that sort of thing, that's all. They want to know what happened. What is to gain? For those writing the stories that interest people and reporting on those stories, what they gain is their weekly paycheck. They wouldn't write about it if people weren't interested. By writing about it, they create more interest...thus keeping themselves employed. ;-) That's what's to gain!

19 Jun 13 - 09:36 PM (#3528144)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

Well, at least with Amelia we ain't burnin' tax dollars, LH...


19 Jun 13 - 09:44 PM (#3528148)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

Oh, heck...the cost would be negligible in the greater scheme of things. You know how much cruise missiles and attack drones go for? Besides, the FBI gets paid a certain amount regardless. They have a yearly budget, and you can just bet they make sure to spend every cent of it by year end, just like the private sector does. Consider the money gone, cos that's what it is...gone.

By the way, we've phased pennies out in Canada. They're gone now. Out of circulation. They did it because it cost more to make them than what they're worth, and people were getting to the point where they'd just ignore them if they were lying on the sidewalk. Just thought I'd mention it as a matter of general interest.

19 Jun 13 - 10:02 PM (#3528157)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert

Same here, LH... Costs 1.6 cents to make a penny... Do the math...

Problem is that we are in gridlock politically and no matter how much anything makes sense we can't get 'er done???


19 Jun 13 - 10:05 PM (#3528159)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Little Hawk

Well, people will often resist a change because it offends their sense of tradition. Some people here were sorry to see the penny go. Others were glad. Politicians will play to whichever camp they think is to their advantage.

19 Jun 13 - 10:06 PM (#3528161)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert



19 Jun 13 - 10:13 PM (#3528162)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Ed T

As indicated earlier, I understand "the entertainment value", but not the considerable government investment that seems more geared to fueling that aspect.

19 Jun 13 - 10:19 PM (#3528164)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: JohnInKansas

The problem with Hoffa is that without a body there's no proof that he's really dead.

While he was "declared dead" by a court order as an administrative measure a few years after the last time anyone (admits that they) saw him, he might be still around pulling the strings that run the Teamsters, but just doing it invisibly (sort of like **** ******* ran Bush).


20 Jun 13 - 03:40 PM (#3528387)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: gnu

He celebrated his 100th Bday at the Club D'age D'or De Dieppe this past winter. He was living in Shediac Bridge and that's where he met Elvis. They became close friends and Elvis sang at the Bday party... in FRENCH! Ya ain't never heard a rendition of Etes-vous Ce Soir Solitaire like he done. The was a whole lotta "sneakin around" goin on after the show. Les femmes d'age d'or might not be les poulets du printemps but Elvis still ruffles their feathers eh? I dunno if Jim-Bob got any fluff but I heard Elis had ta use his cane ta get ta the limo when he left the building.

20 Jun 13 - 05:31 PM (#3528425)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bobert



21 Jun 13 - 08:16 AM (#3528618)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs

"'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs"

Try the Pro Shop.

21 Jun 13 - 09:07 AM (#3528634)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: olddude

concrete would be a terrible way to hide a body, the cement would preserve it nearly complete for DNA and everything else ... I think they are too smart for that. My guess ... orange or apple grove and there you will find his tennis racket and monopoly game board

21 Jun 13 - 04:33 PM (#3528805)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: gnu

Nah... hog farm feed. After they pig out, yer just bacon fer it.

21 Jun 13 - 04:42 PM (#3528807)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: Bill D

Dunderbeck's machine.

22 Jun 13 - 02:14 PM (#3529124)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: gnu

Bill D. Them hog's be less work in the end.

Find the pun. >;-)

22 Jun 13 - 06:57 PM (#3529189)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs

Song there.

22 Jun 13 - 07:25 PM (#3529197)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

I met Jimmy Hoffa numerous times. Can't say I liked him much. He was specist right down to the soles of his shoes. Maybe it was some apes that done him in.

- Chongo