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BS: Call to Jail Bankers!

29 Jun 13 - 08:30 AM (#3531654)
Subject: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: Jim Martin

29 Jun 13 - 08:32 AM (#3531655)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: Jim Martin

29 Jun 13 - 10:14 AM (#3531699)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Musket sans old joke


Or Biffo to his frends.

29 Jun 13 - 11:04 AM (#3531721)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: Little Hawk

Counterfeiters get jailed when they are caught. Since fractional reserve banking does the same thing as counterfeiters, only with far less actual work (they create false money out of having a virtual money tree), I think they ought to be jailed also...or the fractional reserve banking practices should be ended once and for all by banning fiat currencies and replacing them with real it once existed, before fiat (paper) currency took over.

Of course, the people who run the system don't care what I think. Heh! ;-) Okay, on with the day here...

29 Jun 13 - 12:54 PM (#3531768)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST, Paul Slade

Satan's Own Bankers: Chinese Hell Money

29 Jun 13 - 12:59 PM (#3531770)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!

Like any other business, some are good and some are bad. Sometimes you lose.

Government regulation has been lacking. Control would prevent overcrowding in the "banker" section of our jails.

Lost my cookie. Hmmm, think I will be an anonymous guest for a while.

29 Jun 13 - 06:55 PM (#3531893)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: JohnInKansas

Then at least for today we can blame you for ALL OF THE 96,461 STUPID posts by "anonymous GUEST?"


30 Jun 13 - 10:52 AM (#3532061)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Arkie

"As through this world I've traveled
I've seen many kinds of men.
Some will rob you with a six-gun
Some with a fountain pen."

Probably needs to be revised to substitute computer for fountain pen.

07 Jul 13 - 06:39 AM (#3534630)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: Jim Martin

Wonder how much public sympathy this man will get?

Not very much, I suspect!

07 Jul 13 - 06:53 AM (#3534634)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: The Sandman

I would rather see him humiliated in the stocks, plus any assets and pension taken away

07 Jul 13 - 11:55 AM (#3534710)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Guest from sanity

Good Soldier Schweik: " any assets and pension taken away.."

...and that goes for ANY and ALL persons in Cabinet posts as well!!
Now, as it is, they get transferred, promoted, book deals, speaking tours...AND hired as regular commentators on 'news shows'!!...and that goes for BOTH parties!


07 Jul 13 - 12:20 PM (#3534716)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick

Jail the bankers? I'll second that. By God I'll second that. And while we're at it, how about jailing a few tax evaders and those people who make millions from exploiting the labour of third world sweatshop workers?

07 Jul 13 - 01:45 PM (#3534745)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: Wesley S

Here's a great song by Ry Cooder:

No Bankers Left Behind

My telephone rang one evening my buddy called for me
Said the bankers are all leaving better you come 'round and see
It's a startling revelation they robbed the nation blind
They're all down at the station no banker left behind

No banker no banker no banker could I find
They were all down at the station no banker left behind

07 Jul 13 - 02:16 PM (#3534756)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!

A stunning idea, but it will never happen.

07 Jul 13 - 02:19 PM (#3534758)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bruce: "A stunning idea, but it will never happen."

Of course not, they have the best legal department money can buy!...including owning the DOJ!!!


07 Jul 13 - 08:11 PM (#3534868)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!

Michael: fuck off.

08 Jul 13 - 02:23 AM (#3534938)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Finally!....(at least I don't have to wonder if I respect your opinions...I already do!
Mums the word, then....


08 Jul 13 - 03:36 AM (#3534945)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: alanabit

I heard about a proposal for a TV game show in which a group of bankers would be exiled to an island and each would be given a wheelbarrow full of money and told to get on with it. The idea for the show was rejected by the TV company, because it was "An affront to human dignity". Now that goes beyond irony, doesn't it?

08 Jul 13 - 06:51 AM (#3534987)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick

In response to Arkie I can only say:-

As through this world I've rambled,
As through this world I've roamed,
I've never seen an outlaw
Drive a family from their home.

Seems kind of apt and appropriate at a time when the British government's introduction of the bedroom tax - sorry, removal of the single rooom supplement - has left thousands of people finding they can't pay the rent.

08 Jul 13 - 07:01 AM (#3534993)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick

BTW. Does anyone know whether the term "single room supplement" was ever applied to housing benefit, or is it just an example of Tory newspeak?

08 Jul 13 - 09:30 AM (#3535032)
Subject: RE: BS: Call to Jail Bankers!
From: GUEST,Shimrod

While we're jailing the bankers, shouldn't we also be jailing the politicians who foisted 'neo-liberal free market economics' on us and supported 'light touch' regulation?

By the way, has anyone heard the story about the bankers and the Lear Jets? Apparently, some bankers were so rich, as a result of their extravagant bonuses, that they were queuing up to buy multi-million pound Lear Jet executive aircraft. The queue was so long that some were offering others higher up the queue up to half-a-million pounds to exchange places with them!