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What would YOU like see in the auction? Updated

11 Nov 99 - 06:12 PM (#134766)
Subject: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: katlaughing

Once Bert mentioned on the radio a few weeks back, that anything could be sold in the auction, well...within reason, we started seeing a few different items not necessarily connected to music.

I have really enjoyed sharing jewellry with you and appreciated your support; it is the best, most fun, and easiest way for me to give to the Cat on a continous basis.

Now I am wondering what other types of things Mudcatters would like to see in there. What other interests do you have or what other types of Christmas presents might you be looking for?

If we be as specific as possible, maybe people will see that and say oh, yeah, I have one of those in the attic or saw one the other day for a song at the store, or whatever. So please, let us all know and we'll see what comes of it.

Also, I am interested in knowing if any would be interested in having brochures, resumes, and other promotional services auctioned off. I used to have an ad agency back in MA and have way better computer programs to some of those things now, IF this is not stepping on Max's OnStage Media toes. Max, do you do print stuff? If so, all bets are off, phoaks.

Anyhow, let's dialogue, dahlings and see what we can cook up. Thanks! kat

12 Nov 99 - 07:52 AM (#134970)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Ferrara

Good thread, Kat. We don't have any "disposable" income so all I can do is sit and drool as I read the auction stuff. - Rita F

12 Nov 99 - 08:13 AM (#134973)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Mbo

How about *shock horror* Cleigh O'Possum?


12 Nov 99 - 09:42 AM (#135014)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Neil Lowe

Wanted to Buy or Trade: good muse, in new or like-new condition, but willing to consider used muse if powerhouse doesn't need 80 proof rebuild.

12 Nov 99 - 09:50 AM (#135020)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: MMario

Just off the top of my head, here, which means you're getting the overflow that doesn't drain into the normal cesspit of my mind; but I think, other then "attic treasures" - which primarily sh/w/could be music related in this crowd, I would think; what I see as the most likely objects for the MC auction would be handdicrafts; those one of a kind items such as many of the items which have been offerred are.

Does that make any sense?

12 Nov 99 - 12:40 PM (#135085)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: katlaughing

Yeah, MMario, it makes sense; that's scary! Neil, I saw YOUR muse over on Blake Madison's thread! Wotareya bytching about? Looked ta me like she was serving you in a fine fashion of inspiration!**BG**

Ferrara, I know what you mena. I've only bid on one item and it went too high for my budget. That's one reason why I encourage phoaks to tell their friends and colleagues to visit the auction, too.

Thanks for the input.


12 Nov 99 - 12:48 PM (#135089)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: MMario

I think you have to be a member to see the least that's what my friends tell me.

12 Nov 99 - 05:25 PM (#135209)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Chet W.

I'd like to see the auction, or perhaps another version of it, include instruments and accessories that we want to sell or trade among ourselves. Other auctions, like E-Bay, have gotten so big that the prices go out of control sometimes (I've paid too much myself a few times, nothing against free enterprise), but at least maybe we could keep the dealings and the obscure stuff that you can't find elsewhere at home.


12 Nov 99 - 05:52 PM (#135227)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Liz the Squeak

I've got about 8 melodeons here you can have, but I can't afford to pay you much......


13 Nov 99 - 01:04 PM (#135502)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Banjoman_CO

I would agree with ChetW about the instruments and accessories. I would love to be able to bid on some banjos and stuff. BTW, If anybody out there has a "Seeger" model, Vega longneck you would like to get rid of, let me know.

13 Nov 99 - 01:37 PM (#135526)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: catspaw49

Mbo.......Get a grip man!!! Cleigh is NOT an "item" to be auctioned. This ain't the slave trader here! Cleigh is a nice little guy and a Mudcat Icon. He enjoys himself around here, although I do worry about the influence of Cletus, Paw, Buford, and the Reg boys. But he likes to go with me and loves to travel. He has his own little photo album and in it is a picture of him registering at a motel, hot tubbing, attending training classes, going on a picnic, visiting Niagra, visiting the birthplace of Hanby, getting ass-blown by Rick and El Swanno........Does that sound like an "item?" I should say not!!!

Geeziz man....Why not auction off your mother? Or your best friend? Where's your humanity? GET A GRIP!!!


13 Nov 99 - 01:54 PM (#135541)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Sandy Paton

Personal wish-list: Old (and new), hard-to-find books of folksongs and ballads, folklore studies, etc. Also out-of-print recordings of traditional music. Scrolling through eBay, zShop, etc., eats up a lot of time and turns up very few. Whatchagot out there?


13 Nov 99 - 03:57 PM (#135598)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: katlaughing

Sandy, I have a few precious old songbooks. I'll take a look at them and see if they might be of interest and if I can part with them!*g*

13 Nov 99 - 11:39 PM (#135777)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: alison

a nice wheatstone concertina for about $20......

14 Nov 99 - 12:15 AM (#135798)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: _gargoyle

What price will Max sell the MC for....

Pretty sure we can together 5 or 6 folk willing to buy him out and return to the DT roots.

14 Nov 99 - 12:36 AM (#135807)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: MMario

gargoyle, you seem to have aproblem distinguishing between the Mudcat and the DT. They are seperate entities.

14 Nov 99 - 01:27 AM (#135814)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Jeri

MMario, he has worse problems.

I'm with Alison and the $20 Wheatstone. I always wondered if I could learn to play. I've got an instrument or two I might put up, but I have to figure out how I'd ship them as they don't have cases.

14 Nov 99 - 05:39 AM (#135835)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Llanfair

It's the shipping that's the problem. I've got loads of old folk vinyl, Martin Carthy, Sandy Denny and the Strawbs, Fairport, that sort of stuff, would that be of interest? or has everyone else who was alive in the '60s got the same collection? Hwyl, Bron.

14 Nov 99 - 04:30 PM (#136031)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: kendall

When is this auction?

14 Nov 99 - 04:38 PM (#136034)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: katlaughing

Kendall, it is ongoing, here at the cat. If you click on SHOP/AUCTION at the top it will take you there. Also, when you refresh the threads, sometimes the listing of what is in there, right now, will show up at the right, close to the top, under the Quick Links. Anybody can put whatever they want in there, well, wihtin reason:-), and put it at whatever percentage theyd liek to share with the Mudcat.

Hope that's as clear as mud!*BG* Holler if you have nay more questions!


14 Nov 99 - 04:39 PM (#136035)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Bill D

auction is continuous, Kendall...if you are MEMBER it is up top labled 'shop and auction'..or a link in the 'quick links' box....

I have a lot of old musicial 'stuff' that might be appropriate, just need to sort...also might do some special turned-wood items occasionally,

14 Nov 99 - 04:58 PM (#136044)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Mbo

Sorry 'Spaw ol' buddy ol' pal--I was kidding--a joke--honest! I got my own rip-off of Cleigh O'Possum, it's Clay McHead, a clay replica of my head, about the size of a grapefruit (not that my head's really grapefruit shaped, if you don't believe me, check out my pic on bbc's resource page) He travels to class with me every Tuesday and Thursday, wrapped up in his comfy paper towels in his very own ZipLock bag. I can't offer him for auction either...he's gonna get mashed real soon and be resurrected as a hand. Gotta a better idea, how 'bout putting a glossy 8x10 autographed picture of Cleigh up for auction?

--Mbo (who's sorry if he hurt the poor little critter's feelings)

14 Nov 99 - 05:12 PM (#136047)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Little Neophyte

I have one concern about auctions. If I see something I like and I bid more than the last guy bid (maybe I can afford to spend more money), I feel bad for the person who wanted that item but couldn't afford to spend more on it.

As for professional services, I am game. I could offer up nutritional assessments, nutrient analysis, menu planning and recommendations. I already do this type of work through email counseling.

Just a thought

But again, I would prefer we had a seperate area called 'The General Store' where things are not auctioned, but set at a reasonable prices with no bidding.

Neil, what is a muse?

Little Neo

14 Nov 99 - 07:13 PM (#136079)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Neil Lowe

Hi Li'l Neo....good to "see" you again...have wondered where you been....

ummm....if I had my druthers a muse would be a bottomless well of inspiration from which I could draw at will without ever having "gone to the well one time too many...."


14 Nov 99 - 08:13 PM (#136100)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: Little Neophyte

Hi Neil
An unconditional muse, one that loves you no matter what, right?

I was in Hawaii for 2 weeks on the Big Island having a wonderful time with good friends, staying far, far away from the tourist areas. Oceanside views, good home cooking, lots of laughs and many hours to explore the volcanoes. One night we had the rare opportunity to witness lava pouring down a hill side. To see red hot lava streaming down a mountain slope branced out all over like river streams contrasted by the darkness was an overwhelming sight.
Great, great trip

I'm so glad someone noticed I was gone, I was starting to feel insecure (as usual)
Luv Little Neo

31 Mar 05 - 09:41 AM (#1447863)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?


09 Apr 05 - 09:14 AM (#1456179)
Subject: RE: What would YOU like see in the auction?
From: katlaughing

Alanabit has put up two copies of his CD, for the two highest bidders. Here is what Alan has to say about it:

I am putting up two copies of my CD "Small Voice Crying". It is a collection of twelve songs which are mainly stories and character sketches. It is not everyone's favourite noise, but there have been some very kind words about it here on Mudcat. There are sound samples at
The opening bid of $10 represents the postage to the US, in case we get any bids from there. I will of course pay that myself so that all profit goes to the Mudcat.

Check it out, folks!! And, thanks, Alan!