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Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?

05 Oct 13 - 01:55 PM (#3564506)
Subject: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Tunes

How many American mudcaters have a Nic Jones' album in their cd collection?
I ask that because it seems to me that, generally, topics on this thread relating to Nic don't seemed to attract much American interest.
I wonder if - inspite of his great reputation over here ( both with fans and his musical peers) - he is that well known in U.S. folkie fraternity.
Anyway, here's a selection of Nic's performances.


05 Oct 13 - 02:01 PM (#3564508)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

That second link doesn't seem to work.
I'll have another go, but if it doesn't work, look up Billy Don't You weep for me" by Nic on Youtube as an example of Nic's fascinating use of a rocky/bluesy riff played against a very English sounding folk song.

05 Oct 13 - 02:21 PM (#3564511)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: DebC

I have all of them plus The Halliard. I even recorded one of Nic's original songs "Ruins by the Shore" You can listen to it through the player on my website. Click the link below:


Debra Cowan

05 Oct 13 - 04:43 PM (#3564538)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,David E.

I have them all plus the Halliard as well and the Fylde Acoustic album. I remember when Penquin Eggs first came out and I wrote to Topic asking for a copy (anyone else remember the world before the internet?) and they sent a copy. It got warped before it reached me in California. I wrote again and they sent four copies saying that at least one should make it to me okay. They all did and the three other copies went to friends who became Nic Jones fans as well. The downside of being a Nic Jones fan in the USA? Not being able to watch this new film that just came out!

David E.

05 Oct 13 - 10:55 PM (#3564594)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,uncle sam

He's not well known here, but I love his singing. None better.
I don't have the same high opinion of his guitar playing that most Mudcatters have. I often find it irritating and wish he had just strummed simply or sung a capella.

06 Oct 13 - 12:57 AM (#3564599)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?

A copy of Noah's Ark Trap LP on amazon for £200 if you wan to catch up.

06 Oct 13 - 02:14 AM (#3564602)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Stim

I've been a Nic Jones fan for a long time, chiefly because his guitar playing is so wonderfully subtle and complex(though I love his singing, as well). He never had a chance to build a following here, but people discover him one at a time, either on the radio, or through other fans.

06 Oct 13 - 06:23 AM (#3564636)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Nigel Paterson

It seems to be generally acknowledged that if Nic's catastrophic car crash in 1982 hadn't curtailed his career in such a violent way, he would have been destined for international recognition & acclaim. There is information elsewhere on Mudcat (The 'Enigma of Nic Jones' thread) which includes details about US 'Catters viewing the documentary. Following the showing of 'The Enigma of Nic Jones', sales of his iconic album, 'Penguin Eggs' have rocketed. International recognition & acclaim could yet become a reality!
                                        Nigel Paterson (Mandolin, The Halliard)

06 Oct 13 - 07:43 AM (#3564655)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Phil Cooper on Spouse's laptop

I have all his albums. I saw him perform twice when I was a college student in London in 1975.

06 Oct 13 - 01:49 PM (#3564744)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Maryrrf

I have "Penguin Eggs".

06 Oct 13 - 05:37 PM (#3564788)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Spleen Cringe

£200? I was lucky to pick up a US (?) copy on Shanachie here in Manchester for under a tenner then...

06 Oct 13 - 05:54 PM (#3564795)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Bearheart

Penguin Eggs and miscellaneous songs on compilation CDs. My sister and her husband are big fans of his.

06 Oct 13 - 09:25 PM (#3564821)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Wesley S

I've got Penguin Eggs and the collection that shows his broken body on the cover. I forget the name. For an Englishman he's pretty good.

07 Oct 13 - 08:06 AM (#3564896)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Ralphie

Firstly, the CD with the butchered body (drawn by Tony Hall UK melodeon player, who appears on Penguin Eggs) is called "Unearhed" (I should know, I produced it!)Some people find the cartoon in bad taste, but Nic loved it, It was his call
I think the reason that Nic is less well known in the US (and indeed Europe) is that he never gigged there! He did make a trip to Oz/NZ once, but after 1982 that was the end of touring, sadly.
It's great that with his return to the stage (after 30+ years) Much to his families surprise, and the splendid TV doc last week. His profile has had a resurgence. Every gig a sell out over here. Ann example. At Nics first comeback appearance at Sidmouth Fest 2 years ago, the queue for his afternoon concert, started forming an hour before the preceeding lunchtime concert, and went all around the block! Stellar line-up too. Martin Simpson, Chris Wood, Kerr and Fagan,
This summer, he hase been gigging with son Joe on guitar, and Belinda O'Hooley Keys/acc. Nic has changed a lot, writing new and thought provoking songs....Have a dig around You Tube for examples.

07 Oct 13 - 05:36 PM (#3565008)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Richard Bridge

I find his choice of time signatures very odd at times: 3/4 against 4/4 songs, and some in things I simply cannot count while the vocal timing is perfectly straight-forward. But his shortened Sir Patrick Spens is unmatched.

08 Oct 13 - 12:05 AM (#3565054)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Joe Offer

Thanks to Mudcat, I've known of Nic Jones for a long time, and I enjoy his recordings. But the folk "market" in the US is small, and few in the US would know of him outside the traditional folk community.


08 Oct 13 - 02:40 AM (#3565060)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,Skivee, guesting in

Penguin Eggs and Noah's Arc Trap and maybe another
Nic Jones is one of those performers that changed the way I play

08 Oct 13 - 06:34 AM (#3565108)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Susan of DT

I have Penguin Eggs and Noah's Arc Trap on vinyl that I got in 1981. I have been interested in British performers since the 1970s.

21 Jan 14 - 07:42 PM (#3594429)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: Mathew Raymond

I'm from Canada and currently Game Set Match is my only Jones album.

Not for long though!

21 Jan 14 - 08:12 PM (#3594442)
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
From: GUEST,gillymor

Penquin Eggs on CD and vinyl and Game Set Match CD. He was a good 'un, a fine singer who came up with some stunningly original guitar accompianments.