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BS: On Being Male

27 Jan 14 - 07:12 PM (#3595981)
Subject: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Now at the outset I want to be clear that this thread has little, if nothing, to do with "what it is to be a man". I only wish to discuss those things that most women cannot have a clue about that men have to put up with on a daily basis. What leaps to mind is the problem of peeing. A man never knows from one time to the next how it might come out. It may be in a stream or it may be in a spray. It might even split into two streams or some may perchance stream but the rest dribble haphazardly in unknown directions. Ah, but there are many other hazards to being male. What about nose hair? What about the whole thing of shaving every f*cking morning? Would someone like to share their own frustrations?

27 Jan 14 - 07:21 PM (#3595983)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Elmore

Allan: You might need to see a urologist.

27 Jan 14 - 07:24 PM (#3595985)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

On the other hand, men know little about the bloody time of the month.

The current fad of unshaven faces perhaps is a rebellion against the morning shave.

If foreskin is removed, does this decrease the likelihood of urination accidents?

How many males are troubled by nose hair? Many are not. Perhaps incorporate it into a mustache.

27 Jan 14 - 07:33 PM (#3595986)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Do you know why women don't fart??

Because they don't keep their mouths shut long enough to build up pressure!

But seriously.....

Check this guy out....he's got it dialed in!
.and if you liked him, here's a bunch....well worth watching!

Enjoy!......and learn something cool!


27 Jan 14 - 08:08 PM (#3595994)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Seriously, Elmore, does it always, always go to where you point it?

27 Jan 14 - 08:11 PM (#3595995)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

"dialed in"?? More like he has simply integrated standard stereotypes into his routine to get an audience. I've seen almost the same bit from standup comedians.

GfS has just demonstrated a common male flaw... making stupid jokes about women.

As to peeing... I figured out 50 years ago that in general, men have it FAR easier! Anyone can think of a dozen reasons why for every one that is a problem.

27 Jan 14 - 08:14 PM (#3595997)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

"...does it always, always go to where you point it? "

for me...99.9% of the time, barring a stray hair or something. **people can differ due to slight differences in configuration**

27 Jan 14 - 08:20 PM (#3595999)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

Here is a guy... the principal of a high school, who thinks HE knows of real 'male problems'.

For those who don't read links, here is part of the crux of his remarks... said to a girl who objected to his stereotypes..

"..if a girl is inappropriately dressed that it can lead to inappropriate, sexual touching and staring," and "boys are more 'wound up' than girls are.."

27 Jan 14 - 08:22 PM (#3596000)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

Here is her blog on the matter

(thread creep? naawwww...)

27 Jan 14 - 08:29 PM (#3596002)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Larry The Radio Guy

Men do have the option of peeing sitting down.

27 Jan 14 - 09:07 PM (#3596009)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bert

Yes Larry ...Men do have the option of peeing sitting down... Then they can fart with impunity, as I learned in The Middle East, where dysentery is endemic.

Men don't really have problems, it is just that they view life from a different perspective.

F'rinstance I put something away in the kitchen and Tree said, "You put that away wrong". I looked at her and I looked at the cupboard, opened the door, looked in, closed the door again and said "The door closes doesn't it!"

27 Jan 14 - 09:19 PM (#3596017)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,michaelr

It's ear hair for me. Much harder (for me) to see than nose hair, and trickier to remove. I've nicked myself so many times trying to remove ear hair, and those cuts bleed forever.

27 Jan 14 - 09:34 PM (#3596018)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: frogprince

For at least a couple of years now, if I didn't trim my eyebrows regularly, I wouldn't have to wear pants.

27 Jan 14 - 09:46 PM (#3596019)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

I am admitting nothing here. These are simply educated guesses.

"If foreskin is removed, does this decrease the likelihood of urination accidents?"

I have no information on the likelihood, but it certainly does not eliminate them.

Keeping very very clean can decrease the number of sprays, split streams and sideways trajectories. But one sometimes forgets or does not have time to wash off the sweat and stuck on hair before going.

Then there is peeing after sex.

27 Jan 14 - 10:06 PM (#3596022)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: gnu

Men and women are not the same animal. Men and women make jokes about it. I choose to enjoy and laugh at the resulting humour. If someone wishes to not laugh, too fuckin bad for them. If they tell me not to enjoy poking fun at the human condition and realities of same? Do the math.

Lighten the fuck up. Otherwise, that stick is gonna hurt when ya sit down.

Jaysus. Get a grip.

28 Jan 14 - 02:18 AM (#3596058)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Elmore

Allan C. "Does it always go where you point it?" Just kidding. And the answer is no.

28 Jan 14 - 04:26 AM (#3596098)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Eliza

I'm always sympathetic to problems and stresses encountered by men. Biologically, they are in fact the weaker sex. More male infants die than female ones. They are seriously ill more often, and have less stamina regarding pain and stress endurance, although more instant strength. As I see it, they have more and heavier responsibilities, and a macho persona to maintain in front of their peers. They also don't have such strong social support from their friends, and can't always unburden themselves or talk about their problems. There are more male suicides than female. I feel quite protective of men.
Regards weeing, circumcision is an all-round winner. It's healthier and cleaner, and (I've just asked my hubby!) there is never a prob with the stream of urine!!

28 Jan 14 - 04:33 AM (#3596099)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bill D: ".."dialed in"?? More like he has simply integrated standard stereotypes into his routine to get an audience. I've seen almost the same bit from standup comedians."

Except that guy is a Ph.D., and teaches....and a radio show...AND...whether you like it or not, is accurate!

"GfS has just demonstrated a common male flaw... making stupid jokes about women."

Overly sensitive????

"As to peeing... I figured out 50 years ago that in general, men have it FAR easier! Anyone can think of a dozen reasons why for every one that is a problem."

Bill D has just demonstrated a common male flaw...claiming male superiority and making stupid jokes about women...being stupid!

Read it back to yourself......
(as we'd say in counseling, perception, perception, perception...........)

Tra-la trula-la-la....

Have Fun!


28 Jan 14 - 04:40 AM (#3596102)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: akenaton

Bill, haven't read your link in full, but I'm sure most people would agree that most men and women see sex differently.
The young lady says that society promotes young men as unable to "control themselves sexually". That is patently untrue, but young men are naturally driven to look for sex as often as possible and to look for sexual signals.
So within society young men are always under pressure to control their sexual feelings. Some are better at this than others.
The old question is not quite as simple as it seems.

28 Jan 14 - 04:47 AM (#3596108)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male

As i get older, i see men and women think in a radically different way with a totally different mindset. That why i am now divorced. I never understood them.



28 Jan 14 - 04:47 AM (#3596109)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Ake, check out Mark Ungar....he's got a bunch, on one of those links, that I posted...(4th)..I think you'd like him...


28 Jan 14 - 04:51 AM (#3596112)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jon: " and women think in a radically different way with a totally different mindset. That why i am now divorced. I never understood them."

Don feel bad.....
There's an old expression..."There are only two ways to understand women...and nobody knows either one of them!"


28 Jan 14 - 06:23 AM (#3596140)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: JennieG

At least they don't have to give birth......

28 Jan 14 - 06:49 AM (#3596152)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,

"but young men are naturally driven to look for sex as often as possible and to look for sexual signals"

This can be the case with men of any age, in my experience. Problems can arise when they interpret their own physical reaction as evidence of a sexual signal (as in thinking: "I am feeling sexually attracted to this woman - therefore, obviously, she must be sending signals to me") and they respond to a signal that was never sent.

28 Jan 14 - 07:19 AM (#3596161)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Musket

I've never had my willy mutilated yet I manage a single stream.


Might be due to being hung like a donkey.

28 Jan 14 - 11:14 AM (#3596232)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity's just part of an ass!


28 Jan 14 - 11:57 AM (#3596244)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

GfS said: "Bill D has just demonstrated a common male flaw...claiming male superiority .."

I didn't claim superiority... I said 'easier'... which in this context just means 'convenience'.

ake said: " young men are always under pressure to control their sexual feelings. Some are better at this than others."

And elders & school principals and judges who excuse the failures to exercise control make the problem worse.

here is a joke I posted in 1999

"....So...there was a young man, oh...maybe 19 yrs old...and he got a summer job in a riding stable.And one day, there comes in to the stable a beautiful young girl...about his age!.Well, he was smitten--his hormones went wild...he could barely look at her without drooling...(you've seen the phenomenon)......So he goes to an older guy who's been working there forever and asks old Sam, "Who is that girl?...Wow...would I like to take her in back of the barn..!"........And old Sam says, "Oh, that's the daughter of one of the richest ranchers in the state...she comes in here almost every weekend to ride."............."Oh, man", says the kid,"I'd give anything to have her as a girlfriend....just look at the way she fills those riding pants..and the shirt too....boy would I like to get my hands on......." "Hey...take it easy", says Sam, "You've got the wrong attitude...she's a nice need to get to know her...who knows what might happen."...."Oh, sure", says the kid,"a nobody like me? All I'm ever gonna do is look at her and lust...!
"Oh, just need a way to get acquainted",says Sam,"You're a nice guy, right?...good looking?, smart? just don't move in the same social circles as you need a gimmick!"........"Oh, yeah?", says the kid, "like what?" "Well," says old Sam, "you work in her riding stable, you just need some way to go riding with her...look, try this---take her favorite horse and paint its hooves green....then when she comes in and asks for her horse, I'll send you with it......and she'll say, "Oh--my horse's hooves are green!"....and you say,"why so they are...I wonder how that happened?"...and she'll worry about it ...and you can suggest that you ride along with her...just to be sure nothing goes wrong! Then you get another horse and ride with her. Then you can talk...first about horses...then about her family, maybe...and you can tell her about your job and how you are working your way thru college. A couple of rides like that and she'll see what a good guy you are..and soon she'll be inviting you over to her place to meet her folks...pretty soon you'll be over there a lot, and you could end up going steady....and one of these days, maybe in a few months, romance will be blooming, and you'll be snuggled up to that pretty girl somewhere, enjoying all those charming curves.."
   So, the kid does it...he paints her horses hooves green..and sure enough, next weekend she comes in and asks for her horse. So, Sam calls the kid and tells him,"Okay, here's your chance...just remember what I told you....when she worries about the green hooves, you offer to ride with her and strike up a conversation, and if you play your cards right, you might be playing with HER in no time!" So, the kid leads the horse up, and the girl takes one look and says , "Oh, my goodness, my horse's hooves are GREEN!"......And the kid says, "They sure are!! Lets fuck!!

I have known far too many guys whose brains worked in similar ways.

28 Jan 14 - 12:15 PM (#3596255)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Bill Hardwood

So ok, the lives of both genders are governed to a large extent by the needs and demands of their genitalia.

But at least women don't have the worry of falling into a deep dreamy sleep on a warm crowded train or bus
and waking with a noticeably protruding twitching erection !!!

Though, agreed, perhaps no longer such a problem at the average male mudcatters age.

28 Jan 14 - 12:41 PM (#3596263)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Thnks, FfS, for the link to Mark Gungor. He has some interesting slants on male/female differences.
BTW, anyone who has ever cleaned a toilet or even a urinal can bear witness that there are certainly some and perhaps even many of us who miss the target.
And thanks, JennieG, for bringing up the birthing thing. It had to be done and I'm glad we've dispensed with it. I will readily admit that dealing with shaggy eyebrows, ear hair and excessive nose hair are only very minor inconveniences by comparison. They are, generally speaking, among the issues that most men find rather bothersome and are things that most women never experience, let alone, understand in the same way that men do.

28 Jan 14 - 12:55 PM (#3596270)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

Women do shave their legs and armpits. Perish the thought of a Brazilian wax. They also pluck their eyebrows and stray hairs fro their chins. I am told by someone who would know that some women also pluck nose hair.

Anyway you look at it the average woman is required by society to do way more grooming than the average man.

28 Jan 14 - 12:57 PM (#3596271)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

other than being less able to handle stress and dying sooner, men have it easier than women.

28 Jan 14 - 02:17 PM (#3596301)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Don Firth

". . . And this little piggy went 'wee wee wee' all over the floor. . . ."

Don Firth

28 Jan 14 - 02:17 PM (#3596302)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

I can't agree more, JtS. It doesn't mean we can't bitch about the little things that bug us.

28 Jan 14 - 02:22 PM (#3596303)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST, topsie

AS I've got older I've found that my armpits are now bald - a major improvement!

28 Jan 14 - 02:25 PM (#3596305)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

True enough A.C. But while I am bitching I am going to be careful not to say that men have it harder. I've lost that argument too many times! ;-)

28 Jan 14 - 04:10 PM (#3596338)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jeri

We women have always tried to fool you guys into believing we don't have nose hair, chin hair, (ear hair, I don't think so but I can't see my holes), eyebrows that don't try to take over our faces, pee on toilet seats (some "hover", miss, and should be shot, IMO).

Apparently, most of it worked.

28 Jan 14 - 04:33 PM (#3596345)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

Sorry if I blew your cover Jeri.

28 Jan 14 - 04:40 PM (#3596346)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jeri


28 Jan 14 - 05:04 PM (#3596351)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

If it gets too long my ear hair crackles so much when I have my head on my pillow, it keeps me awake!

28 Jan 14 - 06:21 PM (#3596362)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

Sometimes, if I really want to impress Carol I pull out some ear hairs with my fingers and show her the follicles.

28 Jan 14 - 06:35 PM (#3596365)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male

Question of the day:

The purpose of morning wood is?

28 Jan 14 - 07:33 PM (#3596379)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: McGrath of Harlow

Shaving every morning?

A very peculiar practice quite a lot of men seem to go in for. Always seems a bit unnatural to me, but then if that's something you enjoy, fair enough. But to do it and not enjoy it, that really does seem pretty unsavoury.

28 Jan 14 - 08:53 PM (#3596394)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Well said, McGrath!

28 Jan 14 - 09:02 PM (#3596397)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

Nowadays I only shave what itches, usually just the neck and underchin.

28 Jan 14 - 09:49 PM (#3596410)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Donuel

I once had a similar thread but loe and behold some woman objected and tried to rectify certain male experiences and anatomical functions in relation to the female perspective and misguided feminist dogma. In short women will never know what a build up of seminal fluid and sperm feels like because there is no counterpart in the female plumbing. All presumptions aside, including those by some guys who know less than they thought they knew about themselves.

For example there is a male "men-o-pause" that corresponds to the female experience that includes hot flashes and sudden profuse pheromone production. I think we all have seen guys who certainly act as if they have angry PMS. Research might discover the hills and valleys of hormonal production exist in males and is not strictly a female experience.
   An increase in libido is also shared by both sexes in the forties and fifties. Sexual frequency drops slightly in the fifties and as much as half in the sixties.

Lets end the showers vs. growers debate. Showers are bigger, growers are more likely to have ancestors from the most northern latitudes.

The mind of its own claim is a fallacy unless you are 15 to 25.

28 Jan 14 - 10:24 PM (#3596417)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor


29 Jan 14 - 04:25 AM (#3596447)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Eliza

One thing that amuses me is how men just love to whoosh water all over the place when they wash or shower. My husband is like a whale surfacing, sploshing and blowing everywhere. My old dad was just the same. I'm more dainty and there isn't a drop on the floor or wall after my bath. What's all that about?

29 Jan 14 - 07:48 AM (#3596482)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

I've found that many showers are simply too small for me and it isn't that I'm especially big. Also, washing very short hair tends to fling water in all directions. But then, some of us are simply sloppy.

29 Jan 14 - 09:35 AM (#3596499)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Eliza

That won't wash Allan (hee hee) because I'm twice as fat as my husband and I can fit in the cubicle perfectly easily. Even washing his face in the basin he manages to create an inundation all over the floor. I never say anything, he's such a dear, and it only takes a moment to wipe it up. I just wonder if it's something men have inside their heads causing them to splish and splosh?

29 Jan 14 - 09:53 AM (#3596505)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Jack the Sailor

women clean like cats, men shake like dogs?

29 Jan 14 - 10:28 AM (#3596520)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Aha! If one were made to clean up after one's self many, many problems would be radically diminished!

29 Jan 14 - 10:37 AM (#3596526)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male

Allan, dear. Retirement is apparently weighing heavily on your mind. Get a hobby or you'll end up like Spaw permanently stuck in the bathroom.
For the record: getting up in the morning is my worst complaint. Doesn't matter if it is 5AM or noon time, leaving a nice warm bed piled with snuggly cats is hell.

29 Jan 14 - 11:40 AM (#3596540)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: catspaw49

Why thank you Sins but there is a problem males encounter as they grow older. In youth our balls are almost tight and ride wonderfully just below the dick, a proud three piece set. As we age they begin to sag similarly to a woman's tits. Here's the problem.......

You first notice this phenomenon when you accidentally sit on your balls. This is a bit shocking but we learn to adjust and cope. A few more years pass. Now here is the biggie! Although a woman's boobs might be hanging low, not even the longest and biggest dangle into the toilet water when they sit down!

This is unpleasant for a variety of reasons which I feel no need to list here. You learn to overcome this but the danger of "wetsack" are always lurking.


29 Jan 14 - 12:14 PM (#3596547)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Ed T

I have excellent "toilet aim" (I take pride in my marksmanship) I never experience the "tea bag effect" and I never slosh water about in the shower. Maybe it's the "woman in me" ?

29 Jan 14 - 12:21 PM (#3596550)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST, topsie

One summer I saw an elderly man wearing shorts that were ... well ... short. From above, as he would have seen them, they probably looked just fine. From the side, it was NOT a pretty sight.

29 Jan 14 - 12:37 PM (#3596552)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Claire M


Cats are amazing. I still miss my Oscar; he used to cuddle up to my almost-useless R side w/ a croaky "waow". I think being near me helped him w/ *his own* pain. I kept *him* warm, *he* kept me warm. It's not just men that spray! ☻ I get on much better w/ men. They aren't as bitchy. Whether I'm on/offline, I prefer to talk about shared interests etc. ½ my male relatives are the same.

29 Jan 14 - 12:40 PM (#3596553)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Ed T


I have never had this problemveither- but, here are some options, if you have.

29 Jan 14 - 12:54 PM (#3596559)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Eliza

Claire, I used to have a cat called Oscar too! And my present 3, Smoky, Murphy & Minty, all spray if I don't keep a sharp eye on them. I believe men could quite easily sit down to wee, but my husband thinks I'm mad if I suggest it. At least he puts the seat down afterwards, bless him. Another thing men seem to do more than women is pick their noses. You see them in cars busy as bees, having a good old pick, but women don't seem to indulge so often.

29 Jan 14 - 08:40 PM (#3596661)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male

Keep the beards, guys.

30 Jan 14 - 01:35 AM (#3596705)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

From being male, then to women, and now cats???....Boy, I could have a field day in here!


30 Jan 14 - 07:30 AM (#3596753)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,psychomorris

Eliza It has been suggested that there is a higher level of stress incontinence and incontinence in women in more modernised societies, due to sitting down on toilets. Less of an issue even in old age amongst societies that crouch down to urinate or evacuate their bowels.

As a man I will reduce the risk of incontinence for myself by standing.
Unfortunately for a male the prostate will determine much to do with spraying and flow. We both have our crosses to bear as we grow older.
another Allan C.

30 Jan 14 - 10:31 AM (#3596776)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: GUEST,Eliza

You may be right psychomorris. I'm very interested in your post. But speaking for myself, I'm very old, have always sat down on the loo, and don't at all have stress incontinence. Neither did my old mum, nor does my sis. But we may just be lucky of course. Most Africans despise the 'chaise anglaise'. My husband did at first, but now he much prefers it. It will be interesting to see how he adapts to 'crouching' once more when he visits his family in Ivory Coast for 4 weeks in August!

30 Jan 14 - 10:50 AM (#3596782)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male

Apparently, Spaw, gravity is your enemy too.
She of the droopy boobs.

30 Jan 14 - 12:08 PM (#3596802)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: catspaw49

Yeah Sins.....Maybe I'll join up with one of those religions that doesn't believe science is right about anything. No law of gravity, no saggy tits and balls!


30 Jan 14 - 12:56 PM (#3596814)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Bill D

** There is no gravity- the Universe sucks!**

30 Jan 14 - 04:59 PM (#3596869)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.

Now you've don't it, Spaw. You have managed to remind of this!

30 Jan 14 - 05:04 PM (#3596872)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Allan C.


31 Jan 14 - 12:22 PM (#3597066)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Being required by society" is a strange concept. Leaving aside stuff that might get you arrested, which doesn't apply to personal grooming generally.

03 Feb 14 - 11:27 AM (#3597884)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Claire M


Stress incontinence =/= caused by stress?? I'm a slightly leaky folkie, & it gets worse when stressed / when I laugh too hard, & a couple of times I sneezed so hard I s*** myself.
Pratchett's "magical leakage" comes to mind........☻
Despite yrs of hating dresses I switched to wearing them (*I love* the old-fashioned sort) due to weight loss & realising how much easier they are when transferring.

I think men have it easier – they find shared interests so they *don't want/need* to bitch @ each other. There's a ton more women here than men, & that's all they do. I hate it. Obsessiveness tends to be a male thing I think.

I used to think I'd got gender issues cos I thought that way (had the odd weird crush, v. short hair, etc., & the realisation I hadn't got said issues & was in fact quite normal, was a huge relief (excuse the pun). I'm only 4ft 10 so I'd look daft.☻

03 Feb 14 - 11:57 AM (#3597895)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Stringsinger

How is it that all these dudes have suddenly become authorities about women?

There are enough misconceptions about either sex that make any jokes about it unfunny.

In my observation, I will make a general comment. Women are more civilized when it comes to settling disputes and fostering communities. That's because they are the carriers of children, both men and women, and have the need to see that they are nourished. I accept that this is a generalized statement but not wholly untrue.

03 Feb 14 - 03:00 PM (#3597982)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: gnu

Spaw! Get ye to the MAN store! I started a thread years ago because I was tickled pink about my new 18" at the seat, 3.5 gallon per flush elongated toilet. No more cold dick surprise in the middle of the night when ya just gotta go and don't wanna turn on the light. Oh, it ain't just a matter of aim if yer of a circum persuasion... what matters is if yer a porn star and I figger you ain't so I figger you don't shave yer never regions. Me needer so it's them loooonnng scraggly hairs what somehow manage to reach out and attach themselves to the most sacred of the male orifices and make the vanity wet. Or the wall. Or the bleach bottle I keep next to my throne. That'll wake up outta a half-sleep if ya piss on that. Although it is kinda cool to nail two Macronite Filters at once if the light is on.

If anyone is lost re the Macronite ref, George Carlin has a bit about urinals.

12 Apr 16 - 01:51 PM (#3784927)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: keberoxu

now what would this thread be like with the Members Only policy?

12 Apr 16 - 04:40 PM (#3784952)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: gnu

In the toilet due to the trolls that caused the policy change? Jus' guessin' eh?

12 Apr 16 - 06:27 PM (#3784980)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Joe_F

If you live alone, you can always piss in the sink.

13 Apr 16 - 03:23 AM (#3785029)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: The Sandman

The worst thing was not being taught to type or sew at school.
the other fault of our education system wAS not being taught FRENCH AT AN EARLIER AGE.

13 Apr 16 - 03:59 AM (#3785039)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Mr Red

French what?

13 Apr 16 - 04:02 AM (#3785041)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: The Sandman

vouz ne comprend pas?que vous essayez d'être drôle.

13 Apr 16 - 07:06 AM (#3785056)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Senoufou

Vous ne COMPRENEZ pas

13 Apr 16 - 08:51 AM (#3785069)
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
From: Charmion

Give it up, Eliza; on ne badine pas avec l'amour -- ou b'en la langue française. He just proved his point.

Though I'd be surprised if French was ever a gendered topic of study in the British Isles or Ireland.