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The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

17 Jun 14 - 04:12 PM (#3634028)
Subject: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda

Does anyone remember the Blue Grotto Coffeehouse in Los Angeles? It was located on N. Fairfax Ave. and about 1/2 block south of Santa Monica Blvd. This was during the late 1960's and run/managed by a guy called, Foster. Never knew his last name. We were teenagers and used to go there on the weekends and even on school nights sometimes. It was not a venue for any known artists to perform but just a coffeehouse where you could bring your guitar and sing in the back room, drink coffee, eat cookies and listen to the jukebox.

You had to walk down this narrow pathway to get into the door on the side of the coffeehouse. They had a jukebox that always seemed to be playing, "The Great Mandella" by Peter, Paul & Mary, "House of the Rising Sun" by the Animals or different Donovan songs. The tables all had candles on them and room was on the dark side. Thank God, no cell phone chatter in those days!

After leaving the main room you stepped into a very small dark room with a blue light only. Then the back room had a pool table and chairs where someone would be strumming a guitar and singing for a few people. Nothing formal but just very laid back. If anyone remembers this place or has any photographs, of inside or outside of coffeehouse please reply. It closed down in late 60's or early 70's and moved to a new location on Melrose Ave. near LACC. It wasn't the same anymore and then that place closed down sometime in the 1970's. I did try to Google to find anything and although there is mention of the coffeehouse, there really wasn't that much information and no photographs that I could find of the Blue Grotto. I think one lady mentioned about being there, I did not know who she was. Other then that not too much to be found so I am hoping someone living in Los Angeles, Hollywood area will remember this place.

17 Jun 14 - 10:41 PM (#3634134)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine

I dimly remember that name - but - if you get no other replies I have a suggestion. There was a coffeehouse, also on N. Fairfax Avenue but half a block south of Melrose, called The Garret, owned by Terrea Lea. The Garret had a lot of regulars who were on the folk music scene at that time, and if you Google the Garret you'll come to a web site where many ex customers and ex employees contribute information. A posting there might get you some information. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

18 Jun 14 - 01:04 AM (#3634156)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda - Guest

Hello Mary Katherine:

I believe the Garret was on Fairfax south of Santa Monica Blvd. (not Melrose) on the west side of the street. The Blue Grotto was on Fairfax on the east side and about a block north of the Garret location. I can try though to post information on the Garret website. However, I think it was a different crowd, older who went to hear established singers at the Garret. The Blue Grotto was just a hang out (no music booked at all) and people (younger crowd) teens and early 20's mostly (a few older ones there)too. Jukebox at the Blue Grotto.

I remember once going to the Garret and it was a totally different scene and crowd. Quite a bit older crowd at the Garret and just really much different environment. Not that it was bad or anything but I felt really out of place there at 15 & 16 years old.
Ran across the street and up the block a bit back to the Blue Grotto.

17 Sep 14 - 12:35 AM (#3661000)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Sherry

I remember it being on Melrose and it was a hangout where you could have your Tarot cards read and just talk.

17 Sep 14 - 01:45 AM (#3661007)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda

To Sherry:

It did move on Melrose for awhile after it was first on Fairfax Ave. (south of Santa Monica Blvd.) It was on Melrose in the late 60s' about 1969 and not far from Los Angeles City College.
It was about 5 or 6 blocks west of Vermont Ave. and you actually entered through the door on the side street (off of Melrose)

However it was totally different (atmosphere) on Melrose then when it was first located on Fairfax Ave. Did you ever go to the Fairfax Ave. location? It was so much nicer when it was on Fairfax.
A guy named Foster ran it. Don't know if that was his first or his last name though. Do you remember him?
Do you remember many of the people who hung out there (either location?)

24 Jun 15 - 03:15 PM (#3718744)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Richard Selinkoff

As I remember it was way to the east of Fairfax, over by Western or Wilton, not far from the Hollywood Freeway -- Maybe on Melrose, I think. I do know that it was on the turf of the Rampart St Stations cops, who busted me (illegally - part of a shake-down) in front of it in 1969.

08 Jul 15 - 02:51 PM (#3722086)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Kevin

My wife knows all about the Blue Grotto. She worked there in the 60's and knew Foster. She still has some of Fosters journals that he gave her.

09 Jul 15 - 12:53 AM (#3722191)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest Kevin:

Oh my gosh, your wife knew Foster?? I would love to know more about these journals and are there any photographs of the inside or outside of the Blue Grotto Coffeehouse? It would mean the world to me to find out from you about this.

10 Jul 15 - 02:42 AM (#3722491)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest Kevin who posted on July 8, 2015

Is there any way I can get in touch with you? I used to hang out at the Blue Grotto all the time. I would love to find out more about the journals you mentioned and if there are any photographs or drawings of the Blue Grotto (either the outside of the building or inside) I remember walking down a narrow walkway to get into the doors of the coffeehouse. What ever happened to Foster?

08 Dec 15 - 03:00 PM (#3756774)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Arlie

I just came across a business card that Foster Carter had made up for his "Foster's Blue Grotto Astrology House featuring Health Foods, 1038 N. Fairfax, Hollywood".
Foster was an integral part of the life of me and my baby-father during the year or so he had the place. My SO and Foster used to go in the kitchen area, smoke heavily all sorts of substances, drink spirits, have long conversations about everything. Foster was an amazing person, he always wore a long hair black wig, and his SO was my best friend. She painted their whole apartment in psychedelic designs, it was wonderful to trip in!
Later, after Foster and his lady (I forgot her name) left the coffehouse biz, they bought an rv or bus and we met up with them in the Haight; both of us women were pregnant. My son is now 47 so their daughter would be the same age. We lost touch after that.
There was a massage parlor next door that eventually got busted for prostitution.

08 Dec 15 - 03:05 PM (#3756776)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Arlie

BTW, I'd love people familiar with this period and Foster to contact me jahjan at earthling dot net !

08 Dec 15 - 08:19 PM (#3756867)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

I would still like to get in touch with Kevin who posted a message in July 2015 regarding the Blue Grotto. Kevin, if you see this how can I get in touch with you? (Regarding the journals)

08 Dec 15 - 09:49 PM (#3756896)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest Arlie:

I tried to send you an email at the address you provided on your post on Dec. 08, 2015. I knew what it was supposed to be with the way you wrote it but it came back "Unable to deliver."
I sent it to jahjan at earthling dot net.   I figured out what I think it should be but is earthling not actually earthling when you type it out? Everything else I knew what you meant on the address.

09 Dec 15 - 12:29 AM (#3756928)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Arlie

Hi Lin,
Sorry it is jahone at earthling dot net (I don't use it much in case it gets spammed.)

09 Dec 15 - 01:03 AM (#3756931)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Arlie

Here is a blog page about the Blue Grotto I just googled:

01 Apr 16 - 07:10 PM (#3782703)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

The Blue Grotto on Fairfax was my hang-out (when not on the Strip). Foster ran it and was a dear. Remember the coffin? The bathroom wall full of graffiti? Best burgers. And yes, as someone mentioned, The Great Mandela" (Peter, Paul and Mary) seemed to ALWAYS be playing.

I don't see a lot of names in these posts. I went by "Lady Jane" in those days (Jenny). I hung out with a lot of folks -- but off the top of my head, Mick (who looked a LOT like Jagger), Mouse, his trusty side-kick with the coolest leather fringed coat that I made him loan to me as much as I could -- Jingles --- Wes -- Crusader Rabbit (Janice) -- Joey (female)....... You?

09 Apr 16 - 12:41 PM (#3784416)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

As advertised in the L.A. Free Press from October 1967, 'New Blue Grotto' was at 1010 N. Fairfax.

And from December 1967, 'Hieronymus' was at 446 N. Fairfax.

I'll be posting my full archive of L.A. Free Press ads very soon... I'm still trying to get information on various places; Lost on Larrabee (restaurant), Chauli Festival, Temple of the Rainbow (Silverlake) and many more.


09 Apr 16 - 06:11 PM (#3784455)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Meriam, Myrian, RE: your bunny...


If the MC provided "sandbox" we may be able to connect...before expanding the brillance of Ivan.

11 May 16 - 04:16 PM (#3789827)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,an old hippy gypsy

I know of the original Blue Grotto; but only went there once... What I remember is the New Blue Grotto, located on Melrose Ave & Heliotrope. Of course, Melrose is now Monroe and where the coffee house used to be is now a huge stadium.
I hung out there in the mid-sixties. You could get a decent cup of coffee for 25 cents and good nickle, dime and quarter bags of smoke ($5, $10, $25).
You could also find young women willing to entertain you for a modest fee; but watch your wallet...

06 Feb 17 - 02:09 PM (#3837137)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,LilyG.

You can see the interior of the original Blue Grotto in Curtis Harrington's film, "Night Tide", starring Dennis Hopper. The entire movie is on youtube:
It's a very atmospheric movie.
If you go to and type Night Tide into the search box you will see it come up. Click on the movie title and go to the movie's webpage. Scroll down to the Message Board link. Make sure you check IMDb out quickly as they are going to permanently delete ALL of the message boards with a treasure trove of information. The Message Board will no longer be a feature of IMDb.   
There is a lot of great info on this movie on its Message Board.
Another of the stars of the film is the occultist, Marjorie Cameron, and also Luana Anders (Easy Rider) and Linda Lawson.

16 Feb 17 - 12:35 AM (#3839213)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: LLB

Does anyone have any photographs of the Blue Grotto when it was located at 1010 North Fairfax? Either photos of the outside or inside would be great to see - I know it later relocated to Melrose Ave. (not far from LACC) but I am only interested in seeing photographs when it was on Fairfax Ave. just south of Santa Monica Blvd. on the east side of the street. You had to walk down this narrow walkway along side of the bldg. to get in the door near the back.
If anyone knows where I can view photographs of either outside or inside at this location please post information.


20 Mar 17 - 12:25 AM (#3845758)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

i used to go to both places which housed the blue grotto....i used to work with green power at the time....we would feed the freex and focalize the love-ins at griffith park....
i woulsd like to hear from you old me via

20 Mar 17 - 12:54 AM (#3845759)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: LLB

To Guest who posted on 20 March 2017

Do you know what ever happened to Foster, the guy who ran the Blue Grotto? Do you have any photographs of the coffeehouse when it was on Fairfax Ave?

How many years did the love-ins last at Griffith Park? My friends and I used to go there sometimes. Do you have any photos of the
love-ins there?

01 Jul 17 - 11:21 PM (#3863821)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,aron pieman kay (green power)

i used to help focalize the griffith park love-ins on behalf of green power....i wonder if anyone has any pix or handbills re the love-ins they are able to share....please contact me via if you cAN DO THE TRIP

29 Oct 17 - 05:46 AM (#3885377)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Anon

remember Foster as well the blue grotto quite well, between Melrose and canters, missing those days

29 Oct 17 - 03:00 PM (#3885504)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest Anon (post on Oct. 29, 2017)

Yes, The Blue Grotto was actually on Fairfax Ave - a 1/2 block south of Santa Monica Blvd. (not between Melrose & Canters)

There was another place called "The Infinite Mind" located on Fairfax and just a little north of Beverly Blvd. on the east side of the street. Kind of a head shop that sold candles & incense, love beads & all kinds of things in the front. In the back behind a curtain of sorts was where they always had a strobe light and incense burning at night time with music being played. People (teenagers mostly or early 20's would go back there and sit on the floor and listen to music by
The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Donovan, etc) and just hang out.

It wasn't a coffeehouse like The Blue Grotto though.
Such fun days- we were all teenagers, 15 & 16 & 17 years old (my friends) NO CELL PHONES & SMART PHONES THEN - & we still had fun and actually TALKED TO EACH OTHER :-)) & didn't have our heads in a downward position constantly checking a cell phone. So glad we didn't have that technology then. We were happy kids!

14 Nov 17 - 05:13 PM (#3888601)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Richard Selinkoff

Does anybody remember if the Blue Grotto on Melrose had a pinball machine?

14 Nov 17 - 07:22 PM (#3888612)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

I used to go to the Blue Grotto when it moved from Fairfax Ave to Melrose Ave in Los Angeles but I don't recall seeing a pinball machine there. Jukebox yes.

11 Jan 18 - 02:17 PM (#3898909)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Charlotte B

My best friend Marsha and I had a head shop on Fairfax, The Righteous Source, close to The Blue Grotto. We used to go there and have coffee with Foster. The widen Fairfax and The Grotto and our soup along with others were demolished. We visited Foster once on Melrose, but the vibe wasn’t the same. Foster was older than us, I’m in my 70’s and Marsha passed away several years ago. I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing that Foster is no longer alive. Those were fun times, great memories of Foster and the 60’s.

08 Apr 18 - 06:42 PM (#3915987)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Kevin

Here is a picture of Foster, hope this link works?


08 Apr 18 - 06:47 PM (#3915990)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Kevin

This link may work better.

08 Apr 18 - 07:01 PM (#3915991)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,kevin

The Blue Grotto Flyer and a few pages.

We still have not found Fosters journal but are still on the lookout.

My wife says she has a better picture of Foster but has not come across it yet.

12 Apr 18 - 12:40 AM (#3916711)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest Kevin:
I tried typing in the above link you wrote to find pages of The Blue Grotto but it did not work. I did not find anything and message came back something about "not found."
Can you type in a link where I can just click on it on your message and go directly to it? I tried the link you wrote on April 08, but it just it did not work at all.
Thank you.

12 Apr 18 - 10:40 AM (#3916827)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Kevin

Hope this link works better, you may have to copy and paste it to a new browser

12 Apr 18 - 10:34 PM (#3916953)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Kevin:

Sorry, I am not tech savvy and have never copy & pasted so I have no idea how to do this at all - and no one to help me either.
Never had to do that function on this on this old computer before.

Isn't there a way you can type it up and I can just click on it so that it will take me right to the link?   I have seen Mudcatter's post information before where a person can just click on the link and it takes you right to the website.

12 Apr 18 - 11:03 PM (#3916955)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Here ya go ~ Blue Grotto Flyer

12 Apr 18 - 11:55 PM (#3916959)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest:
Posting 12, Apr 18 11:03 PM

Thank you.
I was able to click on link and see the flyers and photo. :-))))

Any chance that anyone has any photos of the outside building of the Blue Grotto? Or perhaps a drawing of the exterior when it was located on Fairfax Ave?

Is Foster still around?

Many thanks.

10 Apr 19 - 07:03 PM (#3986819)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Miriam

I used to hang out at the Blue Grotto in the early 60s on Fairfax Ave. I do have pictures of the building and of Foster himself. I was there every weekend. The jukebox was incredible. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was a favorite. Very stony place and I loved it. I still stay in touch with a friend of mine who I actually met there. Very good memories of the Blue Gtotto!!!

10 Apr 19 - 08:00 PM (#3986824)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles


If... IM is your "bunny"...we need to meet.


09 May 19 - 01:32 AM (#3991524)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda Finch old customer of Foster

It does my heart good to see that there are a few people still around who remember The Blue Grotto. Does anyone else also remember The Fifth Estate on Sunset near that Bullwinkle thing, where Mitch gave us our stacks of Free Press? Looking for another Blue Grotto regular named Joe (Joseph) Paster (or Pastor)This was Fosters location on Fairfax,circa 1967-68 just a short ways below Sana Monica Bl. Linda email:

18 Sep 19 - 11:20 AM (#4009436)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Hansen

Visited the Blue Grotto on Fairfax once or twice. Got questioned by the police once while there. They wondered about a 15 year old kid hangin' out at whatever time it was but no laws were being broken. Also recall the Fifth Estate although I only remembered the name when I saw it. Never went there. There was a coffee house up on Cahuenga that we visited. A couple of guys approached us, asked about transportation and said they would guide us to a place better than the sidewalk in front of Canters. Place on Cahuenga was maybe called the Omnibus, something like that. I remember this older Jewish guy, very white complexion and close cropped hair with pattern baldness. He used to stand around in front of Canters. Took me a while to figure out he was Jewish, maybe 20/30 years or so but he must have been. Hollywood was quite the place in the 60s to make new friends and get your mind expanded. From Hullabaloo to Canters and places in between--loved it.

18 Sep 19 - 02:24 PM (#4009468)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: Stringsinger

Do any of you Angelinos remember Positanos coffee house off of US 101? You had to take a shuttle bus up to it.

30 Jan 20 - 02:34 PM (#4031214)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,"Preacher"

I was a regular at the Blue Grotto and know as "Preacher" and was the house Astrologer. I also painted of the Mandala that hung there. John Hammond was the Tarot card reader. I would love to get in touch with Foster again. Anyone know if he is still around?

07 Aug 20 - 01:39 AM (#4067577)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

Still trying to find photographs of the building, (exterior and interior) rooms of the Blue Grotto Coffeehouse that was located on Fairfax Avenue during the late 1960's.
I know it later moved to a new location on Melrose Avenue, west of Vermont Avenue and not too far from LACC, but I am only looking for anyone who may have photos of the Fairfax Ave. location.
A man named Foster was the manager.

07 Aug 20 - 08:01 PM (#4067665)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: cnd

Assuming this (link) source is correct when it says "During the mid-1980's, the spot switched from selling coffee to steel belted radials in the form of Atlantic Tire and Auto Service, where it currently remains," you can see what currently remains of the buildings exterior here.

According to an article here (link) it was opened originally at 1010/1012 N. Fairfax on December 12th, 1964 by Don Pine and Harold Kisneff. Apparently, it was already the New Blue Grotto by 1968 according to searches I made.

Another Blue Grotto Coffee House opened at 1038 N. Fairfax some time before October 1970 (source).

Unfortunately, no more pictures. But a little information never hurts

26 Nov 20 - 12:00 AM (#4080978)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Marty (dear friend of Candy aka Doormouse) Jinx and my first love Buddy. Write back if I sound familiar. What incredible memories. Will never forget those times. Also, The 5th Estate on Sunset. Patches...are you still around? Lynn, Janice?

22 Jan 21 - 08:04 PM (#4089379)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Amy Krohn

Hello everyone,
I'm Amy....I was born 8/19/1967. I'm searching for a man named John Hammond who was a Tarot Card reader at the Blue Grotto. He died in 2007 but I'm searching for his other 11 children.! Yes...I hear he had many and that I may be one of them. He also went by Reverand John Hammond, something to do with scientology church? His death records say 10/31/1929-08/15/2007. I do not know if the records I found are correct or truly him. I only know that my mom, Candice Fickle (Candy), aged 19 took me there with the man that raised me to see John Hammond. The man who raised me was Pat Krohn. His Father Peter Krohn. I was born at the UCLA Med Center. I'm guessing I was conceived around thanks giving of 66, near Redondo Beach.
My direct # is 805-861-3650 if you'd like to call directly.

27 Jan 21 - 06:00 PM (#4090251)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Amy Krohn Fickle

someone posted on 11/26/20
"(dear friend of Candy aka Doormouse)" ,
Marty? who was Candy aka Doormouse?
I'm looking for anyone who knew my mom, Candice Fickle aka Candy.
8058613650 if anyone has information.
Also, I cannot find a way to reply to that post. help.
ps i was born 8/19/1967 at ucla med center to candy fickle.
i do not know who my biological father is.
I know he is Italian.

27 Jan 21 - 06:10 PM (#4090253)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Amy Krohn Fickle

Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,"Preacher"
Date: 30 Jan 20 - 02:34 PM

I was a regular at the Blue Grotto and know as "Preacher" and was the house Astrologer. I also painted of the Mandala that hung there. John Hammond was the Tarot card reader. I would love to get in touch with Foster again. Anyone know if he is still around?

dear preacher, please call me asap. amy, candys daughter. probably john hammonds daughter. 8058613650

30 Jan 21 - 05:52 AM (#4090639)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Gallus Moll

Hope you find answers Amy...I feel so sad reading your posts - good luck. xx

23 Mar 21 - 10:44 AM (#4098883)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Dear Preacher,
don't be sad! i am a beautiful human being! life is beautiful!
i suspect john passed away but would still love to speak to you.
candy fickle was my mom. wendy fickle my aunt.
8058613650 please call me.
much love and peace,

23 Mar 21 - 08:32 PM (#4098987)
Subject: RE: The Blue I Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

Does anyone remember a guy named, Gary Adams that was always there?

I think he was about 20 or 21 years old and had blondish brown curly wavy hair. Not really hippy looking. Just medium length hair and clean cut, nice looking guy.

28 Aug 21 - 03:46 PM (#4118125)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,April

What a nice surprise to find this posting. I used to go to The Blue Grotto when I was 16-17. Foster asked me to paint a new sign for the coffeehouse on Fairfax. Wish I had a picture of the artwork I made. I'm guessing he paid me $25 or $30. I don't know if he used it at the 2nd location.

29 Aug 21 - 09:46 AM (#4118168)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda

Hi April,
We probably ran into each other there. I was the same age as you. Do you remember a guy named Marty Owens that had the "Dylan look" and Marty played guitar. If he wasn't playing his guitar he was playing pool in the back room. If he wasn't doing that he was talking to me.?? He was also about 16 or 17 years old and had a motorcycle.

30 Aug 21 - 07:52 PM (#4118331)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Hi Linda. Sorry, no. I do remember an amiable guy named Jinx and a black guy we called "Snowball" who rode a motorcycle. I used to go there with a blond girl named Laura and sometimes another girl named Lyn. Jinx also hung out on the Strip (which we all did); 5th Estate, Ben Franks, etc.

31 Aug 21 - 09:21 PM (#4118430)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda

To Guest:
I don't know remember any of the people you mentioned but we probably were there at the same time. I used to go there with a girl named Pam. She was tall and had blond hair and I am petite and had long thick wavy auburn hair.

20 Oct 21 - 10:46 PM (#4123665)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Huckleberry forque

I went in the grotto at 16 and loved the place. I remember Jimmy the guy looking looked like Chicago and had a very good grip I never saw any body pull away from him. Saw either Jonny or edgar winters just playing blues. I can still play it.

21 Oct 21 - 11:16 PM (#4123807)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

We were both the same age when I was hanging out at the Blue Grotto. Wonder if we ever met? I am very petite and had long thick wavy auburn hair. Did you know a Marty Owens? He was my good friend.
He always had his Martin guitar with him. He used to play it in the back room where the pool table was. If he wasn't playing his guitar, he was playing pool.

He kind of looked like Bob Dylan, thin, with curly brown hair. Also about 16 or 17 years old.
Or maybe you knew my friend, Pam or Beverly. We were all 16 years old.
We loved the Blue Grotto!!!

18 Feb 22 - 10:51 PM (#4137136)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Did Marty have a sister named Arlene?

21 Feb 22 - 08:22 PM (#4137436)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

The "E-Bar"
(Espresso Bar)?
was near the Grotto, it was entered from a long, narrow, poorly lit back alley.

It was an industrial size room, with no dividers.

It was popular on Oscar, Golden Globe nights...the limos pulled up and the "celebs" walked (very safe) streets with a feeling of danger.


22 Feb 22 - 04:39 PM (#4137498)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Lin

To Guest (Post from 18, February 2022.
Marty had a sister by the name of Janet Owens, not Arlene.

07 Jul 22 - 12:52 PM (#4146636)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Myron Rosenberg

In 1964-65, while I was a senior at Valley State, I would often go to a Blue Grotto Cafe, but it was up in the hills, I believe high up on Laurel Canyon. They charged like a buck to get in, only had coffee, and there was live entertainment. I think it was, like, behind someone's house. It was a 'happening' place, REAL COOL, people would wear shades... it was particularly mellow. I went from 'this' mellowness, to reporting for active duty as a Marine Corps officer...two weeks before 'The Bay of Tonkin'. Does anyone remember THAT place. I'm an Alaska photographer... (907) 745-1961
Myron Rosenberg

26 Nov 23 - 01:54 AM (#4192371)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

Do you remember Doormouse?Buddy?

28 Nov 23 - 11:32 AM (#4192528)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

In reply to 20th of March, 17 posting.

Griffith Park photo - captures the spirit.


We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun ...

15 Jan 24 - 05:06 PM (#4195507)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles

I remember the Blue Grotto on Fairfax with fond memories. I helped Foster behind the counter with drinks and the occasional burger he would cook up. Foster, Cathy, Jinx, I and some others went down to the beach one day and he gave me some acid (it was my first time). It was a fabulous day, and everyone had fun lol! Wish I had some pictures of the old place, but unfortunately, I don't.

10 Apr 24 - 04:45 AM (#4200706)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Bin there

First it was to Hullabaloo on Sunset, then on down to Canters or not, ending up at the Blue Grotto. Blue Grotto? Only can recall a room, not too big, where we sat until the police rousted us. No arrests, nobody holding.

Another place up on Cahuenga called the Omnibus. A lot more people. More opportunities to meet new friends. I met a young woman there. She drove me home, asked me to go to SF with her. Told her I'd have to ask my parents. How old are you, she queried? "15," I replied.

Blue Grotto still seems a bit mysterious as in "What is this place?" I don't recall seeing anyone or anything else there, aside from my friends and the chairs we sat in. Fairfax, what a place!

13 Jul 24 - 06:07 PM (#4205434)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda 2

I remember the Blue Grotto! I was there only once. It was 1965 or 66, and I lived in the Los Feliz area but attended Fairfax summer school because Hollywood didn't offer it that year, and one day I just meandered into the Blue Grotto after school, early afternoon, and it was just as Linda (above) described. I loved that dark atmosphere -- so exotic to me. There were not many people there that early, but the handful there were friendly and laid back. Outside I met some kids and one of them offered me a "benny." It was an actual benny wrapped in foil like a Rolaids tablet, and wow-eeeee! I usually took the 89 bus home, but that day I walked all the way home to Los Feliz and then painted my bedrooms windows with poster paints to look like that imitation stained-glass contact paper, and when everyone else in the house was asleep, I stayed up all night with the phone chord stretched to my bedroom closet,talking between songs to a midnight-to-six a.m. deejay at KFWB, and by morning I was still perky. I always meant to go back to the Blue Grotto, but summer school ended and kids were gathering on the strip from where I also meandered up to Laurel Canyon and made a few friends up there, and by the summer of '68, I moved up there with a doorman & dishwasher at The Troubadour, and the rest is, as they say, history. But the Blue Grotto was one of those chance encounters you made in the '60s and never forget.
Thanks for the memories.

16 Jul 24 - 11:15 AM (#4205569)
Subject: RE: The Blue Grotto Coffeehouse Los Angeles
From: GUEST,Linda

Hi Linda 2,
Nice to read your post. I am the one with the first post about the Blue Grotto. So many memories, almost like it was yesterday. I even remember when I drew on the wall inside the restroom. It was a drawing of a guy with curly brown hair because I was in love with folk singer Donovan and also a guy named Marty that I met at the Blue Grotto,who was a folk singer with curly brown hair. I loved the Blue Grotto and went there all the time in 1967, 1968. I was a young teenage girl, in high school,and took the bus on Beverly Blvd and second bus on Fairfax to get there. I met my friend Beverly or Pam there and it was so much fun! Do you remember a place on Fairfax near Beverly Blvd called The Infinite Mind? I useed to go there too.