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BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed

23 Oct 14 - 11:55 AM (#3671554)
Subject: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I watched this little deer grow to a beautiful 9 point buck. He lives on my property. Every night outside my back yard. I do not feed him. Just watched him grow. My neighbor and I found him alive down on the ground with an arrow in his gut. The coyotes tore up his legs. He was alive and suffering. I called the cops and put him down with my .44

I have lots of friends who bow hunt. they never shoot unless it is a sure kill shot .. how terrible and whoever did this was hunting on private land.

I am so pissed

23 Oct 14 - 11:56 AM (#3671555)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

even the meat was shot as it was torn to hell by the coyotes ... I am really upset. He was a 200 pound whitetail

23 Oct 14 - 12:09 PM (#3671557)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Wesley S

Bastard. It's one thing to shoot him - something else not to finish him off. Is this considered poaching? Any way to catch whoever did it?

23 Oct 14 - 12:15 PM (#3671561)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,#

There are people who should not be allowed out unsupervised, and inevitably someone else has to clean up their mistakes.

23 Oct 14 - 12:19 PM (#3671562)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

its a small town someone will brag about hitting a big buck that got away. Then I will file trespass charges. No one should be hunting there and I am in the village which has no hunting laws of anytype even in bow season.

I will find him. He shot that deer on my property. that deer lived in town he never left the area and it is all off limits

23 Oct 14 - 12:24 PM (#3671564)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,#

Good for you, Dan.

23 Oct 14 - 12:27 PM (#3671566)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Jack Campin

Normal behaviour for an American with a gun.

Guns are a necessity for survival on the frontier, dontcha know.

23 Oct 14 - 12:32 PM (#3671568)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

It was an arrow Jack read my opening statement. This is bow season not gun season. I put him down after permisson from the police

23 Oct 14 - 12:35 PM (#3671570)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Wesley S

I'd be so tempted to just dump the remains on the "hunters" doorstep.

23 Oct 14 - 12:41 PM (#3671572)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Amen Wes

23 Oct 14 - 12:43 PM (#3671573)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

He made a terrible long shot also seeing where the arrow hit and the depth. And what sport, the damn thing lived behind houses it was half tame. What a sportsmen right. #@#;@

23 Oct 14 - 12:45 PM (#3671578)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed

fingerprints off the arrow ?

23 Oct 14 - 12:48 PM (#3671582)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: gnu

A gutshot can, and does, happen, even to experienced hunters using a firearm. I won't get into the technical aspects of how it can happen BUT anyone that doesn't stay on the trail until the point of exhaustion needs an arrow up their ass. Even worse is the possibility that this person decided to give up because they might have been caught hunting illegally and that is sheer cowardice of the vilest order.

Dan. I am so sorry this happened. I found one that the yotes got. It had obviously been (rifle) shot just below the left front shoulder away from where I found it. Again, no need for details... I am sure Dan and other hunters know what I am talking about. Makes ya sick to your stomach and I know it was far worse for you, Dan.

I dunno about where you live, Dan, but all hunters here are required to pass courses for rifle and for bow if they wish to bow hunt. Even that will never stop all gutshots and the like but I am sure it will help minimize them.

23 Oct 14 - 12:55 PM (#3671584)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

This was done by a bow hunter. He took an irresponsible long shot with an arrow and just messed up the deer. And he did not follow it to try and bring it down. No tracks ... There are lots of skilled bow hunters but this guy is not one of them.

23 Oct 14 - 01:18 PM (#3671588)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: gnu

Well, it could have been a long shot or it could have been a jump shot but I also suspect it was a long shot that caused a jump shot, Dan. If the hunter doesn't know his bow draw weight, arrow weight, string weight and such as they apply to speed and energy, it's probably (99%+) a valid assumption. Sigh... assholes give hunting a bad name.

23 Oct 14 - 01:30 PM (#3671592)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Mrrzy

That bites. Seriously.

23 Oct 14 - 01:40 PM (#3671600)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Rapparee

Please don't call this fool an asshole. Assholes have an important function. This...person...does not.

23 Oct 14 - 01:43 PM (#3671605)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Musket

And then there are those who reckon hunting gives hunting a bad name...

23 Oct 14 - 02:03 PM (#3671608)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I have no idea what it is like in england. Only the king can hunt maybe. But here every deer was a hundred plus pounds of meat we didn't have to buy growing up. One thing you never did was wound an animal. Thank would get your dad taking your license from you.

23 Oct 14 - 02:11 PM (#3671610)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Not to mention you really have no forest of any kind
Have to go to a park to see a tree

23 Oct 14 - 02:21 PM (#3671612)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Ed

you really have no forest of any kind We sort of do... Mind you, it only confirms your comment that I have no idea what it is like in england. Correct!

By the way, we don't have a King either.

23 Oct 14 - 02:35 PM (#3671614)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Well I have 26 miles of virgin forest directly behind my childhood home in PA and everyone can hunt with a license

23 Oct 14 - 02:46 PM (#3671616)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

If want to kindly stop insulting my way of life I will do the same for you

23 Oct 14 - 02:55 PM (#3671618)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,sciencegeek

I never wanted to post our land, but as more and more large tracts get sold off there seems to be more problems with trespassers and I don't want my neighbors and folks who have permission to hunt to be endangered. And that is what can happen when folks disregard curtesy, rules and the law.

I work for our state conservation department and the conservation officers set up "stings" with dummy deer to help them catch the bozos out there. And we still have hunters hurt or even killed by carelessness.

Being a lousy shot, I raise or buy my meat... or get some from friends who are good hunters. All preferable to car/deer collisions.

23 Oct 14 - 02:56 PM (#3671619)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Wesley S

""By the way, we don't have a King either."

No - y'all elected your queen several decades ago right? Do you vote for her or the opposition party? Not sure how that works over there......

Does she get First Night rights still?

23 Oct 14 - 03:12 PM (#3671623)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,#

Dan, there will always be people who get their meat from slaughterhouses and supermarkets. Here, people like you have a sense of moral responsibility and 'stewardship' when it comes to filling the larder. Overhunt deer and a few years down the road it's gonna be lean times. Under-hunt and a few years down the road the population will eat itself into starvation and the times will be leaner yet. I hope you drag this guy's ass into court, or with luck maybe the police could do that instead. Anyway, don't let it get you down.

23 Oct 14 - 04:08 PM (#3671636)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Thank you my brother

23 Oct 14 - 04:30 PM (#3671640)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Richard Bridge

Is there any other sort? Nobody in the first world needs to hunt meat. They only hunt for the "sport". Give the deer a Kalashnikov and the ability to use it - then it becomes an even handed game and maybe the deer will join in for the "sport".

23 Oct 14 - 04:33 PM (#3671644)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Richard fuck you.. No one gives a shit what you say

23 Oct 14 - 04:52 PM (#3671646)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Jeri

If you want to change the subject to be about one of your pet subjects, start another thread. I know it's difficult for some of you, but please try.

23 Oct 14 - 05:08 PM (#3671649)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

thank you jeri

23 Oct 14 - 05:10 PM (#3671650)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Well I will miss my big deer, I watch him grow up ... sucks

23 Oct 14 - 05:15 PM (#3671654)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

The cop asked me if he could have the antlers. I said go ahead I can't stand looking at them. He will use them hunting. You rattle antlers to call in a dominate buck. We took the deer to the back side of my land. There is a bobcat with kittens out there. I hope she gets it before the coyotes do. All goes back to the land.

23 Oct 14 - 05:24 PM (#3671657)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

and I no longer hunt. My wife doesn't like deer meat and I gave away the last two I got so now I just fish

23 Oct 14 - 05:34 PM (#3671659)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,achmelvich

sorry you yanks. it is just wrong to kill another animal for sport. we have your sort over here too and they also have no clue about what is worthwhile about life. they just get some perverted kick on wearing tweed, paying thousands and blasting away at any creatures in their sights. i would love to see wolves reintroduced and - here i am the hypocrite- us all giving up meat for the sake of the environment.
and by the way, princes do it too - harry and some mate illegally shooting very rare hen harriers a few years back.
and don't call it 'a way of life' . it's just a hobby. mindless slaughter, but just a hobby.

23 Oct 14 - 05:54 PM (#3671666)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

We have those types also. However, if you grew up where I did it was about the meat and still is. You tell people up in the mountains that they hunt for sport, I won't tell you how they will respond. There are a lot of city dudes that fit what you describe. None that I know do

23 Oct 14 - 06:01 PM (#3671668)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

replace the word sport with respect, because that is what a real hunter does. respectful of the animal non of this wounding it shit. Like I said my dad would tear up your license and you would not go out again with him. Nobody hunts a hald tame deer if you have respect .. that is just bullshit. This area is swarming with huge deer, miles of grapes, apple orchards, berry farms, pears, peaches, corn. He could have hunted anywhere and got a big buck. Instead the fucker hunts in back of houses for a half tame deer

23 Oct 14 - 06:08 PM (#3671671)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I love how the british love to point fingers at other cultures they know absolutely nothing about .. less than nothing. You live in a glass house yourself and have lots of people who can point right back at ya but you are way too blind and self rightous to see it. Most however are too polite to call you on it. Again you want to insult you will get it right back because no yank gives a flying fuck what you think.

23 Oct 14 - 07:41 PM (#3671692)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Wesley S

"I love how the british love to point fingers at other cultures they know absolutely nothing about .."

But think about it - The British have such a great track record of treating other cultures with respect. They did it here, in India - all over the world......

I don't hunt. But many of my friends do. To a man they eat what they kill. I just had some delicious rhino last week. Tasted like Bald Eagle.....

23 Oct 14 - 09:57 PM (#3671716)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Stim

It may break your heart to see an animal shot down in the wild, but it turns your stomach to see what is done in the meat packing plants.

23 Oct 14 - 10:04 PM (#3671718)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Rapparee

I was taught that if you kill it you clean it and eat it.

I was once in a line with two others, walking through a cornfield on a nippy November day. Suddenly we were attacked by a vicious, rabid, cow patty -- a fairly fresh one! Yes! A fresh Meadow Muffin! I whipped up my single-shot 12 gauge shotgun and put a load of #6 shot into it! Never do this -- you don't get any on you, but it spatters in a V shape onto the people on your right and left (in this case, Jim and Steve respectively). Fortunately for me they forget the "You shoot it, you eat it" rule. My ancestry, personal hygience, morals or lack thereof, and probably place in the afterlife were thoroughly discussed, however.

It's hard for urbanized folks to realize that there are still people who hunt for food. Many I know, including the pastor the local Catholic parish, do. And they will turn in a poacher or trespasser or someone like the person (if I can use that noun) who trespassed on Olddude.

23 Oct 14 - 10:30 PM (#3671719)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Bert

...Nobody in the first world needs to hunt meat...

You are showing your ignorance here. Many families need to supply their larder with hunted meat. Many hunters share their kill with those who need supplement their diet.

Please learn to investigate the situation before you spout such nonsense.

Olddude is 100% correct in condemning those who maim an animal and do not finish off the job.

If you eat meat you should also be capable of taking the responsibility of slaughtering the animal and butchering it. That is a lesson that I learned from my Dad in England during WWII, when people kept chickens and rabbits in their back yards to supplement their rations.

I don't think that there has been a year gone by since I have been in The States when I have not been grateful for donated venison, elk, fish or even road kill to fill my freezer.

23 Oct 14 - 10:57 PM (#3671721)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Ebbie

Dan, that sucks. It occurs to me that the 'hunter' may be someone who lives in your neighborhood. It seems likely he knew about the tame-ish buck. I hope he or she is caught.

The last couple of weeks local police have reported that someone has been dumping freshly killed deer and ducks alongside the road. Just this week they have cited two Coast Guardsmen for it; in Alaska the law requires one to remove the edible parts- and those idiots did not. They did take the antlers though.

They say it is possible that the Coasties didn't know local law, but that seems a poor excuse for it. They will be prosecuted.

As for hunting one's own food, eating antibiotic and steroid-free meat makes more sense to me than the pumped-full stuff at the grocers.

23 Oct 14 - 11:03 PM (#3671723)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

For sure and Bert is absolutely correct. Growing up if you wounded an animal you tracked it until you finish it. If it took all night so be it. My old man was very strict about it and so was all the hunters in the town. You really made your shots count and you practiced before season

23 Oct 14 - 11:05 PM (#3671724)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed

What's the chances it was a stupid local kid sneaking out Dad's bow ?

23 Oct 14 - 11:13 PM (#3671726)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I would have taken the meat if it wasn't chewe to hell by ccoyotes. Poor thing it was alive during that
We had cases of rabies here from them. The meat was no good

23 Oct 14 - 11:16 PM (#3671727)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Any thing is possible. I was also thinking he may have wondered off chasing doe and it wasn't done on my property. Still he should have tracked it.

23 Oct 14 - 11:24 PM (#3671730)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I would shoot you Rap but yourtoo old and stringy to eat

23 Oct 14 - 11:35 PM (#3671731)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Everyone picks on me but I heard raps cowboy boots are made from whale skin and he has seat covers of baby harp seals.. Anyway that'swwhat I heard

24 Oct 14 - 12:24 AM (#3671732)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Janie

Does this thread really have to be hijacked by people who have no clue but many assumptions?

North American folks, suggest you/we ignore and forgive posts from those in the British Isles who can not be expected to know how different the geography and scale is between the British Isles and North America, or even Western Europe in addition to the British Isles. Not to mention the reliance on the land and the game that many people still depend on to keep their families fed in many parts of this vast continent.

Different sensibilities are to be expected, but please, also respect ours. Understand that our sensibilities when it comes to hunting is very different because our circumstances are very different.

Don't confuse Dan's stated positions regarding 'gun control" with which I vehemently disagree, with issues regarding hunting, food and respect for wildlife, etc. And if that last sentence doesn't make sense to you, I respectfully suggest that is a good indication that you really can not comprehend the difference. It is a difference not so much of culture but of geography and ecology. Not to say that culture is not a factor, but that culture, in these instances is significantly shaped by the realities of the geography and ecology. And the economy.

Richard, it may be true that in the UK no one needs to hunt game for anything other than sport. I don't know that is the case but I accept that is your perception. I have lived and worked as a social worker among poor populations in mixed regions that were predominantly rural in the southeast USA for more than 40 years. I can assure you there are many families south of the Mason-Dixon line (I don't pretend to speak about areas and regions in which I have not worked or lived) for whom the ability to hunt and eat and preserve, (mostly freezing or drying) white-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs, and even the occasional possum, makes the difference between going hungry, or even malnurished. did I mention catfish, bream, bass caught from farm ponds?

Even if one has the means to buy meat at the grocery store, understand that for us meat eaters, another animal always dies that we may eat meat. How many of you have ever been in a chicken barn? A beef cattle farm? A farm where veal is raised for market? A slaughterhouse? A meat packaging plant? Buying meat in a grocery in a plastic wrapped, literally disembodied package allows one to avoid the reality of where that chicken leg or lamb chop originated. A living being.

If you are a meat eater (and I am) and think there is some moral superiority to buying packaged meat, be it fish, fowl or hooved when alive, from a grocery store where one can dissociate from the reality of first hand knowledge of the miserable lifespan that factory-raised animal had, compared to killing a live animal personally, skinning it yourself, gutting it and butchering it -thus confronting up close and in person that another sentient being has died so that you may partake of it's flesh, then you have another think coming, should you choose to take the opportunity to accept reality.

I am a meat eater, btw.

24 Oct 14 - 12:38 AM (#3671734)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

Amen Janie and I love you even if we disagree on gun control. Most everyone disagree with me on that except rap who crazier than me

24 Oct 14 - 12:43 AM (#3671735)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed

There is no reasoning with hardcore UK vegetarians and animal rights activists.
They are an embarrassment and liability,
undermining public perceptions of the broader progressive social issues movement.

24 Oct 14 - 02:02 AM (#3671742)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Backwoodsman

I'm fairly sure that those of us in the UK who actually have a properly-wired brain have no problem with hunting for food - I certainly don't. We have a community here - mostly farmers, but town and city-dwellers too - who do just that and, as a kid, there was never a week went by when we didn't have rabbit, pheasant etc. that my Gran's family had shot on the farm.

What I do object to, though, is 'hunting' for 'sport' - plain and simple bloodlust - and especially when the victims are threatened species. The most vomit-making things I've seen recently were the photos of the fat, rich families posing like a bunch of grinning baboons with a dead lion and elephant that they'd just shot, no doubt from a position of complete safety. The Unspeakable 'hunting' the Uneatable.

24 Oct 14 - 02:24 AM (#3671743)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

No one disagrees with you on that

24 Oct 14 - 02:31 AM (#3671744)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Teribus

Well said Janie (That from someone from the British Isles), Olddude I appreciate and fully understand your total disgust at the event you were forced to witness and act upon. As you say whoever was responsible was not a hunter by any stretch of the imagination.

I liked this very illuminating statement from Richard Bridge that clearly demonstrates that the man hasn't got the foggiest notion about the subject:

" Nobody in the first world needs to hunt meat."

Really? There is actually more need for hunting in first world countries like the UK than you would think - WHY?

- Because our largest native "wild animals" have no natural predators (In the case of the UK that would be the Red Deer - whose unchecked numbers are such that they are close to being classified as vermin)

- Breeds of deer that happen to be herd animals living in restricted habitat need to be culled, their numbers need to be reduced for the health and well-being of the species (Other deer such as Roe Deer are not herd animals so do not require similar measures to be taken - large populations of Roe are a nuisance and cost to farming and forestry - the reasons for culling them is financial)

- Complete and utter twats like Paul and the late Linda MacCartney introduce wild boar to their estate in Peasmarsh, East Sussex then just let them multiply unchecked and run amok (Totally irresponsible and inconsiderate). Put in perspective these animals particularly the males can weigh up to 900lbs and they can be extremely aggressive and dangerous.

Blanket 50% culls of both Deer and Wild Boar have been recommended for the sake of the animals themselves (i.e. if we wish to have them around long into the future). Only problem is that due to "British" urban attitudes and left-wing class warrior Wolfie Smith types like Bridge we neither have the guns or the hunters in the UK to provide the solution to the problem, so teams of hunters arrive on our shores from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany to do the shooting.

Where I hunt, each year you must register, you must fire a given number of practice shots before taking a shooting test and you must of course pass that test for every single rifle that you intend using that year.

When hunting if you shoot at an animal and it does not fall immediately, hunting in the area is immediately suspended for the day, specialist trackers with dogs are brought in to trace the animal and no further hunting is allowed until that animal is found and finished off if wounded. This routine is followed even if the shot was a complete miss, this will be indicated by there being no blood at the place where the animal was shot and the tracks and speed of the animal will remain "natural" and constant if the beast is unharmed. It is then the judgement call of the tracker whether to declare the animal unharmed or whether to continue tracking for another day.

If you go hunting what is killed is eaten. If you shoot, you field clean the animal, bring it out and prepare it for hanging. F**k all to to with "posh folk in tweeds banging away at anything in their sights". Hunters in general have a far, far better idea of the "health" of the environment that most and it is usually left-wing urban prats who seem to be only too keen to dictate to others as to what they can and cannot do that lay down the law speaking from a standpoint of complete and utter ignorance.

24 Oct 14 - 02:48 AM (#3671747)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Janie

I agree, Backwoodsman.

I also over-generalized, and apologize for that.

24 Oct 14 - 03:33 AM (#3671752)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

My dad taught me that if you are going to take the life of an animal for food you must respect the animal. You do this through developing your skill as a hunter. No one I ever hunted with would shoot a half tame deer that walks up to them. You disrespect the animal and yourself. We hunted for meat but we earned the deer. We owe it to an animal. You may need the meat but you have to earn it. You owe them that. Shooting a tame deer is not right, it has nothing to do with sport and everything to do with respect for it and yourself

24 Oct 14 - 04:25 AM (#3671762)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

That deer lived its life in people's yards. The hunter didn't need to takea long sshot with a bow. He could have walked up within ten yards. It wasn't much afraid of people

24 Oct 14 - 05:16 AM (#3671772)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Ed


Complete and utter twats like Paul and the late Linda MacCartney introduce wild boar to their estate in Peasmarsh, East Sussex then just let them multiply unchecked and run amok

Well I think that calling Paul McCartney (you might at least have the courtesy of spelling his name correctly) a "complete and utter twat" is entirely uncalled for, but there we go.

The story which you refer to was a minor piece in The Sun in 2008, subsequently repeated by The Telegraph and The Daily Mail, so no moral or political bias there...

It hasn't been reported on since, so any 'issue' would appear to have been extremely minor. Additionally, Linda died in 1998 so why exactly you find the need to blame her is beyond me.

By the way, it's practise.

24 Oct 14 - 06:23 AM (#3671787)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Teribus

Sorry Ed for the misspelling of the complete and utter twats name, perhaps you could tell us all when he bought the property and then was irresponsible enough to left potentially dangerous and destructive animals roam about the property, I believe the local authorities stepped in to solve the matter.

As this IS more of a US Forum and this particular thread has its origins in the US then "practice" or "practise" can be used.

You can toddle off now and listen to Wings and "Mull of Kintyre" - he's regarded and a complete and utter twat there as well.

24 Oct 14 - 07:19 AM (#3671792)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Rahere

Ed, it HAS been reported on since, and extensively so. The logic for introducing any animal has to be questioned when the animal died out because of environmental change, often human, hundreds of years ago. For it to find a place in the environment, it has to take the place of something else, which means damage, and that is exactly what is being seen. The McCartney's plan has led to one of the two major feral populations in the UK, in Kent and East Sussex, the population being centered in the 30km around Peasmarsh: the other is in the Forest of Dean, although populations exist elsewhere and tend to grow rapidly.
Much of the available data is questioned, as there are different lobbying groups at odds with each other. Should the Forest of Dean animals be culled or not? How many are there? To some extent, that's irrelevant. Let's have some facts. A sow can have up to nine piglets a year, and they come into adulthood at 18 months or so. That's a fast curve, the population can double every year.
In both America and Germany, they pose a real and current danger to humans. Some suburbs of Berlin have seen herds put entire estates under siege and attacks on humans. In the UK, to keep them you need the same Dangerous Wild Animals licence you need if you want to keep lions or tigers. Oh my! The reason is that these are not truly wild, but feral, with little fear of humans.
From a legal viewpoint, if you want to keep them, you're responsible for the damage they and their progeny do to other people's property. One boar can cause thousands of pounds in damage to a garden, and simply saying "it's in their nature" does not answer the responsibility for putting that nature where it is. More worryingly, they seem to have acquired a taste for hops: the next time the beer runs out we'll know who's behind it! And as a sign of the historic reputation, one report I've seen talks of one Kent garage having had to repair three cars in a week, damaged by boar, with one completely written off. That's tens of thousands of pounds.
As a disease vector, they are currently the primary vector for African Swine Fever in Germaany/Poland, which has meant over a million have had to be put down this last year.
So athough there is something to be said for the meat, there is far less to be said for the animal.

24 Oct 14 - 07:26 AM (#3671793)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Backwoodsman

Janie, no problem - I was agreeing with you, not arguing against you! 👍 😀

24 Oct 14 - 08:02 AM (#3671803)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Richard Bridge

Culling and hunting are different.

24 Oct 14 - 08:11 AM (#3671805)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

This kind of thing makes me sick to my stomach. We also have deer on our property that we have watched from year to year. Currently we have a mama and her 2 year old twin fawns. There's also a large buck that resides in the bottom of our field. I understand that people hunt for meat...I don't like it, but I do understand as my family relied on venison to get through many winters when I was a child...killing for sport ticks me off. And leaving a wounded animal like that is worthy of jail time in my opinion.....or better arrow in his gut and leave him defenseless to the coyotes.


I'm glad you were able to stop his suffering Dan. I know it likely broke your heart. (((Hugs)))


24 Oct 14 - 09:12 AM (#3671812)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,#

Right said, Michelle.

24 Oct 14 - 09:22 AM (#3671815)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Rahere

I must be honest, I have venison in the freezer, just finishing, fresh roadkill. The good thing about it is that my daughter now knows how to butcher an animal from scratch, never having donw it before: passing such knowledge on should be an essential part of producing any adult.

24 Oct 14 - 09:31 AM (#3671817)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,sciencegeek

as I said before, I don't hunt because I am a lousy shot. But I have not always managed to avoid deer collisions... fact of life out here.

The deer I hit jumped right in front of the car and so close that there was no way to avoid her. Badly injured she made it across the road & into the brush. Fortunately I was in front of a home and not the acres of corn fields, so I could call a co-worker, who also is a conservation officer that lived a mile or so away. He came and was able to put her down with a single shot... so her suffering was short.

The home owner helped me take the carcass to his garage where we field dressed it and I picked it up the next day on my way back from work. I did my own butchering and managed to salvage most of the meat.

When my husband has hit deer, he gave the carcass to whoever lived nearby... but not every collision results in a body by the road. Many take off and can't be found by a motorist. At the same time, the number of deer bodies on the side of the road is not a small one and it occurs year round. The state pays towns to pick up and dispose of the bodies. If the body is fresh enough it goes to local zoos or wildlife rehabilitators to feed the predators.

24 Oct 14 - 07:03 PM (#3671936)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: frogprince

As crappy as this is, Dan, Y'know you would need more to go into court with a charge of trespassing. It sure would be nice to have a realistic way to make the fool regret this, though.


24 Oct 14 - 08:59 PM (#3671946)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Bert is usually left-wing urban prats...

Teribus, that is a rather silly thing to say. I was born in The East End of London, so I am urban. And As I agree with most of what you say, does that make you also a "left-wing urban prat".

24 Oct 14 - 09:13 PM (#3671948)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: ChanteyLass

I am so sorry to read this. Poor animal. I am glad you were able to put him out of his misery.

25 Oct 14 - 12:15 AM (#3671972)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Don Firth

I've eaten venison once in my life, and that was a gift from a hunter friend of my father's.

Dad used to hunt when he was a teenager, living on San Juan Island (in the San Juans in northern Puget Sound), but that was pretty much a necessity back then.

I don't hunt. I enjoy pistol shooting at paper targets at a gun club range, and at beer and soft drink cans. Filled with water, a soft drink or beer can makes a satisfying geyser when hit square on with a nine millimeter bullet!

A friend of mine used to go hunting for deer once during deer season every year. That was it. He either got one or he didn't (which was usually the case), and that was his walk in the woods for the year.

One year he took his walk in the woods and at the end of the day he was walking across an open field back to where he'd parked his car when he heard a rifle shot and simultaneous a bullet whizzed past his ear. The shot had come from a clump of trees nearby. He was in plain sight and wearing a bright orange vest for visibility.

No way could he have been mistaken for a deer. Then another shot rang out and a bullet zinged past him, but he was diving for the dirt at the time and once again, it missed. He yelled! And then came a third shot from the clump of trees!

In addition to his rifle, he carried a Smith and Wesson "Highway Patrolman" .357 Magnum revolver. He drew it and, lying prone and resting on his elbows, he panned across the clump of trees and emptied the revolver!

He reloaded the revolver, then lay there for several minutes. Nothing more. Slowly and cautiously, he rose to his feet. Still nothing from the clump of trees. Keeping his eyes on it, and carrying his rifle in one hand with the revolver in his other—and at the ready—he continued to where he'd parked his car, got in, and drove off, still shaking.

There were no news reports of anyone killed in a hunting accident in that area, so apparently no one went hunting and just disappeared and no bodies were found. So maybe the trigger-happy jerk in the clump of trees learned his lesson….

Make sure you know what you're shooting at. And don't shoot at anything that might just shoot back.

Don Firth

25 Oct 14 - 02:58 AM (#3671981)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Teribus

Ehmmmm Bert not wishing to point out the obvious but in saying:

" I was born in The East End of London, so I am urban. And As I agree with most of what you say, does that make you also a "left-wing urban prat"."

You being born in an urban area may well make you an "urban" prat with little understanding of the country - it does not however necessarily, or automatically make you a left-wing urban prat. I by the way was brought up in the country so not urban.

As for the proposition that agreement on one subject automatically must mean that all those in agreement must be the same is gross generalisation born of faulty reasoning and logic.

I dare say by many on this forum I may well be considered a prat because of my stance on many issues but those self same people would never, as long as their arses pointed downwards, EVER accuse me of being left-wing.

25 Oct 14 - 01:36 PM (#3672074)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

You are absolutely entitled to your opinions let no one stop you. And I am glad you are a true hunter and not one of the bad ones like this guy was. I say guy because every lady bow hunter I ever met was top notch

25 Oct 14 - 01:56 PM (#3672078)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: sciencegeek

up to now I would have said that bow hunters are the most responsible hunters... just takes one bad apple, I guess.

I've had to ban a young hunter from our land... gave grief to the neighbors and was a real a-hole. He had come once with the person who had permission to hunt & bring others along. So this clown thought that gave him some kind of special status.

Well guess again, sh*t-for-brains. You earn the right to be on my land.

25 Oct 14 - 04:40 PM (#3672110)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,achmelvich

don't have any problem with people who need to kill to eat, though there can't be that many of them among the types who enjoy hunting in the uk. but when it's just a sport.... i'm a rural type (and an enthusiastic red in the Green party) in the lake district in england and there is one animal i would like to see remorselessly hunted. here we are lucky to have one of the few remaining populations of our native red squirrels. i was enjoying watching a pair by crummock water last week. about 300 yards away i saw a grey, the first i have seen in the lakes and a very worrying sign for the smaller reds who are vulnerable to a pox carried by the introduced greys. should our hunting fraternity wish to turn their attention from poisining rare birds (who they imagine predate on the grouse that they shoot in their hundreds. for £thousands) to controlling the remorseless spread of grey squirrels then they may do some good for once.

25 Oct 14 - 05:04 PM (#3672112)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

I have a yard full of Grey squirrels. I know what you mean. Although I do have one I am fond of . She takes peanuts out ofmy hand

25 Oct 14 - 05:32 PM (#3672118)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

Does squirrel have a definite flavour, or is it bland like rabbit* ?

[*though I haven't tasted genuine wild rabbit since about 50 years
when I broke a milk tooth on a lead shot pellet...

..actually that makes you wonder - lead poisoning due to eating cooked meat
still harbouring stray shotgun pellets...???]

25 Oct 14 - 05:51 PM (#3672123)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

It is the best meat in the world. There is no meat better than squirrel. They onlyeat nuts and the meat is sweet and tender . Back home it is sought after by everyone. Rabbit is second rate compared to it and I am very serious. My Garry and I would limit out every time on those buggers then fry them up
That is about the only game I really miss since I stopped hunting

25 Oct 14 - 05:59 PM (#3672124)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

The best way to hunt them is with a. 22 with a scope. They are tough critters so used hollow points. A shot gun works but rattles up the woods too much. I will give you lots of recipies they are amazing to eat and I am completely serious

25 Oct 14 - 06:01 PM (#3672126)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude

If you use a shot gun use #4 loads

25 Oct 14 - 06:27 PM (#3672136)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

My old uncle was the only hunter & shotgun owner in the family.
By Brit standards he was born and bred real rural wild west country 'red neck'
[and most likely an occasional poacher ???]..

He made a good living from what he could 'scavenge' from the gradually diminishing local countryside.

When I was a kid, his side of the family's home was a genuine subsistence level shack
with no modern conveniences erected by the side of a stream.

We were the townie side of the family.

Doubt if we'll ever see his likes again...

Grey sqirrels may be cute, but after one of them bit me leaving a large scar in a knuckle,
I'd have no reservations about tasting one of them in return...

25 Oct 14 - 08:06 PM (#3672147)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: LadyJean

I live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa, where the deer come to chow down on my chrysanthemums.

A lot of the folks in this part of the U.S. came from Eastern Europe where hunting was a nobleman's priveledge. Now they live in the U.S. of A where all you need is the equipment and a license. Which means there are a lot of deer hunters out here, and you are going to get offered venison, sooner or later, by one of your friends.

I have no problem with responsible hunters. Idiots who hunt on posted land, or bring along a bottle of booze, trigger happy fools, who will shoot at anything that moves are another matter entirely.

Wild boar were, apparently, introduced in North Carolina in the 18th century for the aristocracy to hunt. They're still there. I met a Cherokee who hunts boar with a traditional longbow. Im not sure if that's courage or foolhardiness.

25 Oct 14 - 10:01 PM (#3672161)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Rapparee

Boar were introduced in the US by some people who thought they would be great "hunting" back in the 19th Century. They have cross-bred with feral pigs (lots of people used to let their pigs run free) and are now a terrific problem. Here in Idaho they are about the only larger game you can hunt without a hunting license -- the pigs are in Owyhee County and in the legislature in Boise. (You can shoot the former.)

Predation by the pigs is a huge problem -- they're smart and not so easy to find and kill.

26 Oct 14 - 03:00 AM (#3672186)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: Silas

Anyone who shoots animals with a bow and arrow is a complete fuckwit.

26 Oct 14 - 05:27 AM (#3672209)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: wysiwyg



26 Oct 14 - 11:33 AM (#3672247)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: GUEST,Rahere

I dunno, deer and squirrels nibbling Olddude's nuts, must be a right St Francis...

26 Oct 14 - 02:06 PM (#3672269)
Subject: RE: BS: irresponsible hunter I am so pissed
From: olddude
