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BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?

18 Nov 14 - 03:07 PM (#3678175)
Subject: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill?
From: lefthanded guitar

Is it really possible that Bill Cosby was (is?) a rapist? It seems so hard to believe, I can't see it in his character at all. And he was a groundbreaking comedy icon, both in his standup routines (remember Moses asking the Lord 'what's a cubit?) and with his outstanding Cosby show- I just don't want to believe it. Can't believe it.

(and yet I remember how fond I was of OJ when he was breezily dashing across the tv screen. before he was dashing along in his Ford Bronco)

18 Nov 14 - 03:09 PM (#3678176)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill?
From: lefthanded guitar

PS, sorry I meant to say Noah, not Moses. (from the build me an ark 'arc')

18 Nov 14 - 03:52 PM (#3678181)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill?
From: Bill D

Hard to say what well-known people might have done at one time. He refuses to comment... I'll just wait & see. I hope the claims prove false.

18 Nov 14 - 08:37 PM (#3678232)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ebbie

Me too. I hope it is a black lie. But it is looking less and less likely.

19 Nov 14 - 02:00 AM (#3678261)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Joe Offer

I guess I find it hard to believe, too; but I'm open to the possibility that the allegations are true. The fact that there are multiple allegations, tends to make it more credible - but sometimes accusers are motivated by the success of others.
Still, I'm tending to think the allegations are true.

When we as a society believe that a person is guilty of a horrible crime, our tendency is to view that individual as worthless, as incapable of doing anything of value. But the facts indicate otherwise. Whether the performer has committed a crime or not, may not have bearing on the quality and value of his performance. Rolf Harris was convicted of child molestation. Must I then refuse to sing his songs? I still like his songs, and I see no reason to change that opinion. I have enjoyed Bill Cosby's comedy sketches, to the point where I think many of them are brilliant. I might even say that I have found wisdom in many things Bill Cosby has said and done over the years - but yet I still believe that it is very possible that he is guilty of having committed the crime of rape many times.


19 Nov 14 - 10:31 AM (#3678349)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Mr Red

At Stroud FM we took all Rolf Harris tracks off the playlist as soon as the news hit the streets. Precaution, well founded, even though the demise of the station pre-dated the verdict.

It is a sad truth that the brothers of fame and adulation are castigation and blackmail. Who knows which is the case here.

Martin Luther King jr received blackmail threats from the FBI/CIA over his philanderings. Who in this world is so pure of mind and body to not be concerned about our own history?

19 Nov 14 - 10:37 AM (#3678351)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Manuel

Intriguing! As intriguing as R L Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde.

19 Nov 14 - 10:56 AM (#3678360)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Lighter

Multiple accusers and, especially, a civil suit and an out-of-court settlement in one case make it look very bad.

Supermodel Janice Dickinson (hardly an unsuccessful person) has now accused Cosby as well.

And the former Pennsylvania attorney-general, whose staff interviewed Cosby in one case, says that Cosby's responses to questioning seemed "evasive" and "untruthful." The AG said that he'd wanted to prosecute but that material evidence a year after the alleged incident was not recoverable.

That was the case eventually tried in civil court.

19 Nov 14 - 03:27 PM (#3678424)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: bbc

I was sorry to see this thread. I've always enjoyed Bill Cosby's humor & thought well of him. So, since I'd never heard these accusations, I went to Google. In several pages of search results, I didn't find any sources I'd consider reputable, so, for now, I am merely considering this to be rumor, which I would not spread. A man's reputation is at stake. Joe, I appreciated your comments, too!



19 Nov 14 - 03:50 PM (#3678430)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

They say everyone needs their day in court. Beyond that, we can only rely on tge evidence and our gut feelings.

I recall that in the past some famous people, and those in trust positions of trust, were accused of some bad sexual stuff. In many of those cases the voices of those abused were not reasonably heard, mainly because of the revered positions of the abuser. While it is wise not to rush to judgement, just because someone is a good entertainer does not place them above doing such bad stuff.

Related news item 

19 Nov 14 - 04:32 PM (#3678439)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: gnu

I have always refused to be part of a lynch mob. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, says I.

Having said that, I can think of at least three past threads at Mudcat where I was decried unfit because guilt was not proven or guilt WAS proven and I stood for the rule of law. I shant make that silly assed mistake again.

I says... get the rope ready but don't make the noose until it's justified.


19 Nov 14 - 04:49 PM (#3678442)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

""Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law"" does not mean quickly ignore, or discredit those making abuse claims, merely because the accused seems to be above that sort if thing (because of their position, status, or fame). That's what happened in some of the church sexual abuse allegations, many which were many years later deemed to be founded.

19 Nov 14 - 08:53 PM (#3678523)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Elmore

Court of Law? It's my understanding that these episodes have occurred (or not occurred) prior to the deadline of the statute of limitations. The allegations sound legit.

19 Nov 14 - 09:21 PM (#3678530)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,olddude

guilty or innocent it is a very sad situation for all involved.

19 Nov 14 - 11:05 PM (#3678548)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Stim

We seem to forget is that Cosby, in addition to being a beloved entertainer, is a major player in national politics. He's not a Republican, either. If they can destroy him, they will have gotten rid of one of the major forces that drives the black vote. We also seem to forget that accusing Black leaders of raping white women is one of the oldest tricks in the political play book. If they could put together a bunch of "Swiftboaters" to lie about Kerry, they could put together a group to tell any kind of story. Just sayin'.

20 Nov 14 - 12:02 AM (#3678553)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ebbie

As Joe O said above, no one is without flaw. Some flaws, of course, are more damaging than others - think child molestation - and some are irredeemable, such as killing someone whether purposefully or not. I accept that and at the same time recognize the inherent value of that same individual's life.

I have admired Bill Cosby for many years and I have no doubt that I will continue to admire his talents. If it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that he not only raped women but drugged them in order to do so, that is in a separate compartment, so to speak, from the admiration I feel for his talents. But I have a problem:

Drugging and raping anybody is despicable. If it is true that Cosby not only did that but allegedly did it multiple times and with multiple women, it is hard for me to conceive of a way to forgive that. The only thing worse would be if he had done it to children.

20 Nov 14 - 08:43 AM (#3678645)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Manuel

Concerning the fourth sentence of Sim's above post, will someone help me please. Are any of the rape allegations being made by white women? The only accuser I've seen so far is certainly not white!

20 Nov 14 - 09:12 AM (#3678655)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Lighter

Any evidence that the swiftboat veterans weren't who they claimed to be? (Namely, men from Kerry's old unit who didn't like him or his politics.)

The three Cosby accusers I've seen on TV have been white.

20 Nov 14 - 11:41 AM (#3678685)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Mrrzy

I would like to hear the evidence before I believe the very, very persistent rumors that have been around for decades...

But he *looks* guilty as all get out when asked... and not righteously indignant and falsely accused, to me.

20 Nov 14 - 11:57 AM (#3678695)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

Most folks are guilty of some stupid or bad deeds in their lifetimes..
It might not be exactly, or as criminal, as what they might be publicly accused of,
but it may be still be transgressive enough for them to be afraid of having it exposed
as a consequence of being hounded and investigated....

just saying...

20 Nov 14 - 01:17 PM (#3678713)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?

Cosby is a stabilizing influence in America's black community. He must be neutralized ahead of the Obama administration's upcoming race riots.

List of things to do:

1) Stall the Ferguson grand jury announcement until store shelves nationwide are stocked with Christmas goods,

2) Have the FBI declare daily that the Ferguson decision will mean nationwide rioting,

3) Sideline Cosby with pee pee allegations,

4) Legalize 30 million illegals with an executive order,

5) Make the Ferguson announcement and have your agents provocateurs kick off the "spontaneous" rioting.

Obama's Christmastime redistribution of wealth, using racism to illegally increase the country's population by 10%.

Worst president in history. An arch criminal.

20 Nov 14 - 03:32 PM (#3678739)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,gillymor

You didn't complete the list guest:

6) Have Bigfoot suggestively leer at a white woman.

7) Recruit Elvis to appear at an inner city 7/11 and do an impromptu "Hound Dog".

8) Spray paint "Black Power" on the side of the Loch Ness Monster.

20 Nov 14 - 03:36 PM (#3678743)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,gillymor

oh and 9) Get Charles Manson to write a song about the impending race war.

Cosby bought his way out of this kind of trouble about 8-9 years ago but it looks like it finally caught up with him. Time wounds all heels.

20 Nov 14 - 06:49 PM (#3678786)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Can you believe this HYPOCRISY?????

The evidence is not completely in on Cosby.....but the wannabe civil rights activists are dead silent when it's a black man molesting minor white girls, and raping white women.....

While the Grand Jury decision in the Ferguson, investigating whether a white officer who shot a black teen, allegedly in self defense, is NOT in yet....and the 'left' is promoting riots unless the officer is charged!

Tells ya' that mental illness might be symptomatic of politicos!


20 Nov 14 - 07:02 PM (#3678788)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Amergin

Considering no one has been asking for money....and many of them have been trying to get their stories heard for many many years, I think that "blackmail and attention" are less likely.

As an aside, I have a friend who managed a coffee shop in the Village. Cosby would come in and hire people from time to time. He has stories that make these seem very plausible. The man is not anything like his public persona. He's an outright scumbag.

20 Nov 14 - 07:06 PM (#3678789)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

""The evidence is not completely in on Cosby""

My understanding is:
Since the incidents, so far made public, happened awhile back, it is likely the statute of limitations woud protect Cosby from criminal charges (depending on the state here the incidents were alleged to have occurred, of course).

20 Nov 14 - 07:08 PM (#3678791)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: olddude

Sadly the more I hear the wome . The more I tend to believe it's true. I hope I am wrong really hope I am wrong

20 Nov 14 - 08:03 PM (#3678796)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Stim

All though the alleged Swiftboaters accusations got a lot of covrage, the real facts which refuted them completely, were not covered very well. Here's NYT article debunking Swift Boaters and their allegations which not only exposes their lies and misrepresentations, it shows that they were actually paid to do what they did.

20 Nov 14 - 09:09 PM (#3678807)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Lighter

Thanks for the link about the Swift boaters.

I must not watch enough TV, because all I recall seeing was some members of Kerry's unit saying that he'd exaggerated the severity of his wound and that they thought he was a poor commander. More than that, they were outraged by his antiwar activities in the early '70s, while the war was still on.

Obviously they leveled more charges than that, and obviously the little I saw was edited to make it look like the accusers were a lot closer to Kerry than they really were.

More details here, seemingly reliable:

21 Nov 14 - 05:08 AM (#3678854)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

From: Ed T
Date: 20 Nov 14 - 07:06 PM

""The evidence is not completely in on Cosby""...(Quoting me)

My understanding is:
Since the incidents, so far made public, happened awhile back, it is likely the statute of limitations would protect Cosby from criminal charges (depending on the state here the incidents were alleged to have occurred, of course).""

What about....."The evidence is not completely in on Cosby.....but the wannabe civil rights activists are dead silent when it's a black man molesting minor white girls, and raping white women....."

Can you imagine the uproar, by wannabe 'so-calleds' if it had been a man, white, who was a well known celebrity, who was also molesting black minor girls. and raping black women????????????????

.....and seemingly NO thought, whatsoever to the or white!

As I said, before....

"Can you believe this HYPOCRISY?????"

Oh well....Psssst...Let me let you in on a secret..OK?.......Ya' think the " Right Wing War on Women" happens only when it's a convenient 'talking point'....and was just really 'made-up'.......but the real compassion was never there???

Now I'm REALLY repeating myself....

"Tells ya' that mental illness might be symptomatic of politicos!"

......No wonder they need to eradicate God...oooops I meant Love... God...oooops I meant Love...God...oooops I meant Love... Oh never mind...'Love isn't a concern of political wannabe ideologues, wouldn't 'get it'...


21 Nov 14 - 06:45 AM (#3678876)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

"Getting it" and seeing things from a different perspective are completely different concepts, gfs. Sometimes things are just not "all that complex", nor part of a broad-based "liberal" anti-God conspiracy. One "horny" entertainer hardly is fuel for a country-wide conspiracy theory.

I detect you may have difficulty "getting" and appreciating the viewpoints of those who see some situations differently than you" do, gfs. It is easy to preach love and kindness to the "others", but more complex to put it into practice in real life and even in internet discussion. I prefer to look at life and society from a mostly a positive prespective. But, that's only my preference, and hardly anything anyone else has to do.

21 Nov 14 - 11:20 AM (#3678970)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Oh, I thought you'd finally, at least, feigned concern for the women...and as far as, "Sometimes things are just not "all that complex", nor part of a broad-based "liberal" anti-God conspiracy. One "horny" entertainer hardly is fuel for a country-wide conspiracy theory," ..neither is a white cop shooting a black man, over what it seems to be self defense!...but you guys only paint things the color that suits your immediate frame of reference....Consistency is not particularly a property of that kind of narrow thinking..... ;) back to ya'.


21 Nov 14 - 11:35 PM (#3679119)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?

The interesting thing about this case is that he didn't need to drug or rape the women in question. He was a huge celebrity, and they sought him out; as did many other women, no doubt. All he had to do was say "Do you wanna..." and they would have done whatever he suggested. To drug and/or rape them seems perverse.

22 Nov 14 - 12:21 AM (#3679125)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

True...however some accounts Bowman, for one, was allegedly drugged, and raped (or molested)...and she said she was 17 at the time. Either way, it was statutory rape. In her account, she was given a drink, and when she 'came to', much later, she was wearing only panties and a man's T-shirt...She claims she went to his place, because she was in line for a part in a show that he was in.

But you're right...One would think he wouldn't have has to resort to drugging her...

Still no 'outrage' that it was a black man raping a white minor, whom he felt he had to render unconscious. maybe he was hoping she's be too fucked up to remember..or report it, at the time...who knows?..but rape is rape....


22 Nov 14 - 04:05 AM (#3679146)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ebbie

"Still no 'outrage' that it was a black man raping a white minor,"

Why is a black man raping a white minor worse than a white man raping a black minor?

You amaze me.

22 Nov 14 - 06:34 AM (#3679164)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Either way it was statutory rape" - not in this case, if press reports are correct that this is alleged to have happened in New York, where the age of consent is 17, or New Jersey, where it's 16.

22 Nov 14 - 07:40 AM (#3679171)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST, topsie

Are you saying it isn't rape if the woman is over the age of consent - even if she is drugged and unconscious?

22 Nov 14 - 08:00 AM (#3679172)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: GUEST,Manuel

GUEST, in his/her contribution of 21 Nov to this discussion, makes a very powerful point, sight of which simply cannot be lost.The allegations, if true,portray a soul afflicted by grave perversion.

22 Nov 14 - 12:10 PM (#3679207)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?

I was assuming the allegations are true. If you read the details, they're all similar, and they sound honest and not fanciful. They're just what you'd expect of a major celebrity's relations with female fans, until you get to the part about drugging and force.

He certainly would have known that wasn't necessary. He must have known it could come back to haunt him and at least cost him a lot of money, whereas just having consensual sex with them wouldn't have been any story at all unless he ran for public office.

So why? Was that the only way he could get off? Did he think the women wanted it that way? I'm surprised that none of the coverage touches on this creepy aspect.

22 Nov 14 - 12:48 PM (#3679214)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Jeri

Just because a person is a fan of someone, it doesn't mean they want to fuck him. Maybe it is for you, but I doubt "Hey, I really love your work, and you're SOOO cute" equals consent. Rape, AFAIK, is about power and control, not sex. Sex is the means to demonstrate perceived/desired power, but it's not the reason.

Of course, I think obsession with this case is a little creepy too.

22 Nov 14 - 01:07 PM (#3679218)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: olddude

On the news (whatever reason they keep going no stop) they said one of the girls that just came forward was 15 at the time. Well statute of limitation does not apply to crimes against a child. So if it is true I hope he get put in jail with bubba big dick as a cell mate.

22 Nov 14 - 03:56 PM (#3679238)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Lonesome EJ

Innocent until proven guilty is the bottom line.

22 Nov 14 - 04:33 PM (#3679246)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: pdq

"Criminal Cases

In New York, the statute of limitations for any kind of sexual assault (1st or 2nd degree) or molestation is 5 years. However, for sexual crimes involving children, incest, or child pornography, New York uses the same "tolling" system for criminal cases as it does for civil suits, meaning that the 5 year SOL does not begin to run until the victim reaches the age of 18.

As mentioned before, this is a highly contentious issue of legislation, and could very easily be subject to change in the near future (especially in an election year). Therefore you should talk to a New York attorney to get the most current information about what state law protections and requirements you have."

22 Nov 14 - 04:34 PM (#3679247)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

Innocent until proven guilty is tgeinorm in a court of law (which seems a mute point, because of the statute of limitations).
However, in the court of public opinion, where his legacy lies, ???

22 Nov 14 - 05:08 PM (#3679249)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Jeri

I'm pretty sure Ed meant "moot point". ???

The more I hear about this, the more I believe the allegations. I don't know that it matters anyway. I think he's done.

22 Nov 14 - 05:26 PM (#3679252)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: gnu

Seriously? Some of youse are readying the rope before the trial? I should not have even read this thread again. Some posts are shameful.


22 Nov 14 - 05:47 PM (#3679256)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

Yes, but Cosby does seem mute on tge allegations-a freudian slip, maybe:)

22 Nov 14 - 05:50 PM (#3679257)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Ed T

"readying the rope before the trial"

What trial- gnews to me;)

22 Nov 14 - 06:11 PM (#3679260)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Jeri

Thanks, Ed.
I think the last time he was accused of rape, he didn't comment and it just went away. All I can say is, it's a good thing I don't like Jello.

22 Nov 14 - 06:16 PM (#3679262)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: akenaton

Only seen him a couple of times on TV, but he never seemed genuine.
Got the same feeling about Mr Savile, just something not quite right.

Massive ego? Do as I like? Too famous to be touched?

The drugging seems to crop up often in crimes such as this.
Domination and control?

Echoes of the abuse of young boys by establishment figures in the media and politics, circa 1970s/80s in the UK.

22 Nov 14 - 07:53 PM (#3679282)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Are you saying it isn't rape if the woman is over the age of consent - even if she is drugged and unconscious?"

Of course I wasn't saying anything of the sort, topsie. I was just pointing out that statutory rape is tied to the legal age of consent, and the press reports seem to show that it wouldn't have applied in the case of that particular alleged rape.

26 Apr 18 - 08:48 PM (#3920227)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: keberoxu

Sadly, a guilty verdict is in.
This is the second trial.

Yogi Berra once said it ain't over 'til it's over,
and probably the last of this has not been paraded before the public eye.

The defendant's own depositions, from years earlier,
were presented in court.
These alone, regardless of the jury's verdict,
contained such disclosures as to make many persons stop in their tracks.

Between the time this thread was opened,
and this post,
one of Cosby's adult children died of natural causes.
Added to the distressing murder of another adult child earlier,
there are now two of his children
who have not lived to see this day.

At his age, I don't know how many grandchildren Cosby has now.

And this is not to speak of the witnesses in this criminal trial,
and the ordeals they have endured;
a trauma like this is not erased,
but has to be dealt with as long as one lives.

The saddest thing of all
is that there are so many victims of other incidents by other men.
It is not easy to witness the healing process
that is exposed by the removal of denial.
I don't mean to stir up trouble by posting this,
rather just to admit to grief and mourning about it.

27 Apr 18 - 04:25 AM (#3920280)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Senoufou

I'm glad for the sake of his victims that he's finally been found guilty and will face a prison sentence.
There have been far too many of these types of cases where fame equals forceful entitlement where sex is concerned.
He sounds like a grubby perverted predator, and I have no sympathy for him at all. The drugging makes it ten times worse.

27 Apr 18 - 06:00 AM (#3920294)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: gillymor

He can't be removed from society too soon afaic and it's shameful that he wasn't incarcerated immediately given the preponderance of evidence against him and the volume and severity of his crimes. I just hope he doesn't do any more harm before he begins serving what may well be a life sentence.

27 Apr 18 - 08:45 AM (#3920338)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Charmion

When these allegations first surfaced, my lateral-leaping mind immediately retrieved a memory from an early stand-up album: a bit called "Spanish Fly". About -- guess what? -- drugging women into willingness to have sex with men they would otherwise not even consider having sex with.

Colour me "not surprised".

27 Apr 18 - 09:39 AM (#3920357)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Senoufou

Oh good grief Charmion, I've just found it on Youtube!!!! How appalling in the light of his recent conviction!!!

27 Apr 18 - 10:02 AM (#3920371)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Donuel

Creepy sickos will find they will no longer be insulated from their crimes by fame and fortune.

How does President Trump view Cosby? He is probably envious for all but the conviction.

Stay tuned for Trump's conviction.

27 Apr 18 - 10:07 AM (#3920374)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: Senoufou

Yes Donuel, I reckon Trump is of the same mind regarding attractive women.

27 Apr 18 - 01:41 PM (#3920443)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: McGrath of Harlow

That kind of thing shakes you up - like it was for us in the UK with Rolf Harris. Not so much with Jimmy Saville - he always was a creepy kind of bloke, but Rolf Harris you'd have trusted, a sort of universal uncle. Bill Cosby had the same sort of feel for Americans it seems.

It's like another verse to American Pie, yet another betrayal and loss of shared innocence in a society.

27 Apr 18 - 03:27 PM (#3920494)
Subject: RE: BS: Is it true what they say about Bill (Cosby)?
From: keberoxu

I actually remember seeing a broadcast on network television, 1985,
of this New Coke commercial, complete with kettle-drum-roll.

I remember thinking that Bill Cosby's jacket looked very expensive. It was a gray color.
But you can't tell that from this video copy with greenish tint.