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27 Nov 99 - 11:56 PM (#141576)
Subject: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Bienvenidos, Senors, Senoras y Senoritas,

So happy you could join us in the Mudcat Cantina. Catspaw and BSeed have asked Alice-or-was-it-Jeri and I to come start a tango with them. I've got an old Astor Piazzola LP on the turntable, some tapas covering the buffet table and muchas cervezas on the bar. Please join us: The dance floor is large and you are most welcome.

Okay, remember 'Seed, when you dip me my head doesn't have to completely touch the floor...

28 Nov 99 - 12:22 AM (#141596)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Wyo, ya'd better remind me not to dip you at all: I'd probably drop you--then lose my balance trying to catch you--and you wouldn't want me falling on top of you. Nice music, though. Before we dance maybe I'd better down a couple of Dos Equis--a little lubrication might help keep me from stepping on your feet.

And Catspaw and Alice? She doesn't look like the monster she was described to be in the Complaints Generator thread. I'm surprised she isn't covered with bruises--or omething-thay else.


28 Nov 99 - 12:26 AM (#141600)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

I know some others will be along....of course most of them have some semblance of lives, unlike you and I Pansy Rue...So let's have a dance til the others show, if they can. Besides, dancing with Seed could produce grievous injuries as he is 6'6" tall and when the ol' fart dips...ITS SERIOUS!!! Me, I'm only 6' and have had a couple of back surgeries so my dips are milder...but my passion is unequaled. Put on your favorite WW while I cut the thorns off this rose stem. Last time I got into one of these tango things, I came out looking like I'd lost a fight with a grizzly.....snip..snip...snipsnip.......... snip ........yeow ......damn, missed one.... snip.....uh,huh.......there we go.......Awrrigh now I um ta.......huh......unnnh....Sorry, hard to talk with this rose in my teeth......Spin that tune and away we go you wild miserable bitch......Ole'..........


28 Nov 99 - 12:30 AM (#141601)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Hey made it!!!! I just finished a wonderful one with Pansy Rue Bob WW Twidgett, MB(Miserable Bitch) and she like to wore me out......Lemmee catch a breath and grab a drink....She's a wile chile Seed .....Watch HER on the dips!!!!


28 Nov 99 - 12:33 AM (#141603)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

Well I've no partner as yet.. so I'll go investigate the tapas bar......

anyone for a lambada when you've finished tango-ing??


28 Nov 99 - 12:51 AM (#141609)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

The Lambada. As my pastor-friend once said, "That dance is organic to absolutely no culture in the world..."

Seed, are you up -- so to speak -- for a languid lambada?

How do you like those tapas? I think the grilled prickly pear is especially tasty. 'Spaw, you aren't supposed to dance with IT in your mouth...drop that thing, please. You'll get stickers in Alison's mouth.

Seed, while you're up, could I please have a Negro Modelo? Con limon? Gracias. And you do look so cute in those toreador pants.

28 Nov 99 - 12:59 AM (#141614)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Hi alison....Sure, I'm game....But why does lambada always remind me of lumbago? Let's have another drink first....I have a feeling that my back is going to need some numbing ........ We'll dedicate this one to poor ol Mick...Working his buns off right now ain't he?....Say did Alan get the underwear I sent him?.....Thought maybe it'd help keep him out of your dresser, ya' know?........Okay, one dance and then I'm turning in............Spin it for us Seed..and see if you can round me up a couple of Naprosin............


28 Nov 99 - 01:09 AM (#141615)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

WHEW... nice dancing 'spaw... but isn't it the girl who's meant to wear the mini skirt and G-string? (and you have the cheek to talk about Alan..... hahaha) no wonder you need the Naprosyn....

Can I get an Orangina please?

28 Nov 99 - 01:14 AM (#141616)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Ah but I still have the legs to carry it off.....and I never make that stupid mistake with the spud like someone else we know...........Damn if these heels ain't killing me though................


28 Nov 99 - 01:17 AM (#141617)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Nice cleavage, though.

Uhps. Got your dress on backwards, there, 'spaw. But you've got great shoulder blades...

28 Nov 99 - 01:23 AM (#141620)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: DonMeixner

Saddly, I was born with a bone in my leg and I'm not allowed to dance. But I can cook those Queazy Dillas prety OK. Toasted lightly on oneside in scant bitter and garlic, filled with chopped sweet chilis, shaved pork roasted in sage and fennel with a hont of Madiera, topped with a very sharp dry cheese, covered with another corn flower tortilla and flipped then toasted again. Seved hot with a room temp Spainish Burgundy from Rejoas. Some fresh fruit and gespacho. Not strictly Mexican but hell,.... I'm the cook eat it. Its good for you. Grow hair on Liz's chest.


28 Nov 99 - 01:28 AM (#141622)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Metchosin

Jeez eh, Don't anyone else get heartburn from these dammed enchiladas but me eh?

28 Nov 99 - 02:06 AM (#141632)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Don Meixner, I am yours. Completely, unabashedly yours.

Take me, you fool. I mean to the tapas bar...

28 Nov 99 - 02:16 AM (#141636)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Jeez, Wyo, you're walkin' off on me right in the middle of a dance? And for Quesadillas? What am I, frijoles refritos?


28 Nov 99 - 03:01 AM (#141643)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Liz the Squeak

Don, for the last time I don't have a hairy chest!!!

Go and talk to Micca, he can show you photos to prove it.... more chests on display there than Treasure Island....

And 'Spaw, please put those leather trousers back on, they just DO things for me..... whereas thongs just do THINGS.....

Hey,you know when you stretch a blade of grass between your thumbs and blow, you get that lovely clarinet without the black bit sound, do you get the same sort of effect when you fart in a thong??

LTS, who doesn't tango, because it gets her all hot and bothered, especially if one of the dancers is wearing leather trousers and has a morris dancers bum..........fu8^($*%$%WLGH_%&%("$£GVCY£%(^£$". ...............

28 Nov 99 - 09:05 AM (#141681)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

After a good rest and a few Naprosyn, I'm back.......Leather pants and all. OK Squeaks, let's get to it!!!.......We can tango, cha-cha, lambada.....whatever............And I have this hot paraffin in the crock pot here so we can take care of that chest problem...................Don't thank me, I hate to see someone in such let's get you ready.....uh,huh.............damn that's quite a crop you're growin' there girl........Hey Don, Pansy, Seed, alison..check this out.............yeah, I know, I don't think the hot wax is up to it either............Say what Don?........the hot sauce? No, that'll just make it worse...................hmmmmm.............


28 Nov 99 - 01:00 PM (#141727)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Willie-O

(mild mannered Canadian stranger hunched in corner nursing a root beer wonders idly, "hmm. Marty Robbins is not much in evidence, but can virtual murder be far away? And what's that furry little guitar some guy just strolled in with, while winking at all the ladies? This is sure a crazy country, wherever it is."


28 Nov 99 - 04:39 PM (#141782)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

Yup stranger, but it always has been. Just enjoy the food, drink and music, and, um, let the good times roll? (just duck now and then if Catspaw's dips and swirls get a bit out of hand

Oh, and 'Spaw, watch out for that hot wax. You don't want it on your pants. It's mighty hard on leather, and even harder on possums.

Say, could you pass me a XX and a quesadilla? I LOVE it when someone else cooks. And NO, I DO NOT DANCE THE TANGO and I don't even know what the other one is. I'd need a lot more than XX to do that.

28 Nov 99 - 05:07 PM (#141796)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Que pasa, mi amigos? I'm back from a stint o'er at the Mudcat Texas Tavern. I'll have a sasparilla if,n you got any. Hey, you got "Big Iron on My Hip" on the jukebox?


28 Nov 99 - 05:40 PM (#141816)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Susan, as I recall, the Lambada might be called dry humping to a Latin beat--it takes no talent, just desire.


28 Nov 99 - 06:03 PM (#141828)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

I'm back! I'm back! My head, and with it the attendant mouth, was turned by a man who cooks. I'm sorry for my fickleness and hope I didn't cause you too much distress.

Watch it though, the way Catspaw is slinging that hot parafin around, someone's going to get an unintentional bikini wax.

We used to do the lambada in high school, only back then we just called it slow-dancing, until one of the chaperones came up and made us keep at least a hand's width between us. I think the teachers just liked sticking their hands in there...

But that was then, this is now. Come to me, Bseeed, you steaming hunk of manflesh. Come and twirl your little Twidgett...

28 Nov 99 - 07:30 PM (#141865)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: kendall

I always have a drink before I dance. It keeps me from stepping on someones feet. 'course two drinks and I dont step on MY feet, so, I go up and play the banjo instead.

28 Nov 99 - 08:31 PM (#141898)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

Geez, gotta get "the door" at the tavern fixed! How'd I end up here? Well, that's what happens when you time travel on the weekends, sometimes the directions on the tardis get confused....

Don! Godd to meet you! sorry we didn't have more time, will get intouch with you if there appears to be a break in the schedule....but if you swing through town again, feel free to bring gets cold and hungry out there on the streets....

MMario - who was Ben Laudley-Bellowes all weekend....

28 Nov 99 - 08:33 PM (#141899)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Ooo...latin dancing! Anybody here know how to Samba? That's one of my favorites. Until I can catch a partner, I think I'll go have a daquiri (Virgin, of course.)

28 Nov 99 - 08:50 PM (#141904)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

I've just been learning about Latin music at school. Anyone want to samba to a Andean Panpipe Ensemble? I've got the 'man' section. "Tico Tico" considered a samba? BTW my old friend Colonel Fraser is making a special guest appearance as part of my next Design I project! FAG AN BEALACH!


28 Nov 99 - 10:42 PM (#141948)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

Uh oh! I have a thing for pan pipes. I think I'd better play drums or have a drink, or both, or I'll be in trouble. Kendall, know any banjo samba??

28 Nov 99 - 11:05 PM (#141954)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: TheMuse

So this is where everyone is now! Jeez, I go away for a week and everything changes. I think I got back just in time though, get in line Wyo! It forms waaaay behind me! TheMuse

28 Nov 99 - 11:12 PM (#141956)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

I reckon we could combine requests here..... Don ... you play the tom toms, MMario you take the maracas... everyone else who isn't dancing pick up those shakey eggs... and I'll sing.... nice samba rhythm now..

No-one dared to ask his business, no-one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had a Big Iron on his hip
big Iron on his hip

28 Nov 99 - 11:33 PM (#141973)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo


28 Nov 99 - 11:56 PM (#141993)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

I just can't visualize all these dancers without laughing up to dropping tears on the keyboard! Let me breath and sing something, since (as said by Phil Collins, I can't dance), for example:
CIDAAAADEE, MARAVILHOOOSAAA, CORA¢AO DE MEU BRAASIIIIL!,br> Thank you, thank you. I know this is a melange of latin rythms and food and soul, but please make things one after another and not mixed! :)) For example, don't dance the tango marching as soldiers from one corner of the room to the other with a rose in your teeth! You've to learn to make turns in place and sensually move with long steps keeping very close to each other, not marching ! And don't take the risk of dropping the lady. Just let her spread her legs and climb over you. :)))))
Un abrazo mistongo - Andrés Magré :))

29 Nov 99 - 12:02 AM (#141996)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: DonMeixner


It was a treat to meet you in Skaneateles. You looked a proper Towne Shouter. Its odd that you should refere to Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. I haven't heard the term in some, ah time. Lets grab a Dos Equis and a lime, park in the corner while the chilis peel the paint of the cooler and talk "Who". Wyo, thanks for the thrill. Fickle tho you may be it was still thrilling. And the line does start way behind The Muse. Way behind.


On the nights when I would ride,

Oh, she would listen for my spurs,

Fling the big door open wide,

Raise those loving arms of hers,

How the hour would go a flyin' as in my arms, she'd be lyin' In her sweet and sorry tones,

Mi Amor Mi Corison

29 Nov 99 - 12:34 AM (#142012)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Andres, your song made me snort salad all over the keyboard. I simply have to stop reading this stuff while I'm eating -- but it's the only time I have.

Sing on, caballero, tu canta esta muy dulce.


29 Nov 99 - 12:47 AM (#142017)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: harpgirl

...WYO is your midnight salad a POKE SALAD????ooooppps that didn't come out the way I meant it too!

29 Nov 99 - 01:01 AM (#142021)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

One can only hope ...

29 Nov 99 - 03:29 AM (#142037)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, I'm back! How'd that happen? I just left the Starry Plough after hearing Dave Swan and his mates sing: they did a three-song set during one of the band breaks tonight, and can they sing! Wyo, it's a capella, of course. Terrific voices, great harmonies. The trio's name is "Oak, Ash & Thorn," and they're doing a benefit concert for Cygnus Research and Education Saturday, Jan. 8, at the First Unitarian Church of Oakand. You can get details at their website:

Umm, Dave, isn't Cygnus Latin for Swan? Umm...your favorite charity, you say? Heh, heh...okay, I'll keep it quiet.

...I had just said goodnight to Dave and Pam and Pam's Ma and Da and Dave's partners Tom and Greg when all of a sudden here I am, leaning against a door, listening to WyoWoman pleading for a poke (gawd, as beautiful as she is, guys, does she hafta beg? Me? Sorry, my wife has spies everywhere. I really caught it for last night's Lambada, even though Wyo ran off after Don and his quesadillas halfway through our dance)...door, did I say? Catspaw, you found another of these or did you just bring it over from the pub?


29 Nov 99 - 04:05 AM (#142040)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Alan of Australia

Rumours of Alison doing the lambada brought me here. One of the little fill-ins at some of our gigs is Alison doing disco stuff in the breaks & if she's gonna do the lambada in mini-string & G-skirt I'll do my usual thing & WATCH.


29 Nov 99 - 08:25 AM (#142062)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

"Le voici, le voici, le voici, le voici la quadrille..." Hey, the cantinas really filling up now the place has got a lambada act going on. Y'know. this bar has rather good acoustics--would make a nice percussion addition to the dancing. BOOM boom boom boom Boom!


29 Nov 99 - 10:31 PM (#142426)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Mbo, thanks for singing my introductory march! If there were many Opera lovers, I would suggest to name this cantina as LILLAS PASTIA (where Escamillo and Carmen met the smugglers and sang and drunk manzanilla) :))
Yours, Andrés Magré (the toreador who happened to love manzanilla and hate bullfights)

30 Nov 99 - 12:35 AM (#142488)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Wait. Isn't manzanilla what we call VANILLA? Has my Spanish slipped that badly since I left Nuevo Mexico?

Alan, m'dove, it simply will not do for you to be a voyeur. Cantina is a participant sport. Here's a lovely G-string and ... what? It's too small? Okay, take the E string and the dressing room is the last door on the left.

30 Nov 99 - 12:55 AM (#142499)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Big Mick

OK, Lagerphone Boy, you can stop drooling, and move over. Your free ride is over, the Big Mick is back in the pub,, Cantina, even if only for a bit. .............hey 'Spaw..........nice outfit.........shows a little too much boob, but you carry it well........OYE, Quiero una cerveza de Guinness, por favor..........y tres tacos de tripas con guacamole......Gracias.........FAIR ONE, I have missed you. May I have this dance? ........Huh? doesn't matter, tango, lambada, Samba....or just get close and snuggle, let's just dance...........Shut up, 'Spaw............and no, that is not a spud........LOL...........POKE SALAD..........RAOTFLMAO

30 Nov 99 - 03:05 AM (#142538)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

See Alan.. I told you, you should try dancing sometime. .....

Mick, I hope "tripas" doesn't mean tripe tacos..... anyway.. can you rhumba??

Let's give it a go...... hey musicians... something raunchy to rhumba to por favor ........

30 Nov 99 - 10:39 AM (#142617)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Can someone who has mastered blue clicky things ("You've been a very bad blue clicky thing and now I"m going to have to use my little whip...") please go over to the Tavern and let 'em know to come over here? I meant to do that so we didn't have two of these threads running tangentially, but, well, I STILL haven't fingered out the blue clicky arcana...

My, my, Mick. Usually we wear something slightly more elaborate than a sarape and the Glory God Gave Us, but, hey, on you, it works! You might need a slightly longer sarape next time, buddy.


30 Nov 99 - 10:56 AM (#142629)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Uh-oh. I don't mean to rat on a sister, but you'd better watch out, Mick. The Fair One's over in the Don Meixner thread giving hugs "down under..."

30 Nov 99 - 11:07 AM (#142633)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Down under Don's serape (note spelling)? This south-of-the-border theme is getting out of hand.


30 Nov 99 - 11:35 AM (#142644)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Allan C.

'Scuse me...'scuse stuff here! Whew! Those two ol' iron kettles are heavy things to tote! Y'all hep yerseves to th' black beans 'n rice. Yeah, thereyago, WW. Now, let Big Mick have a bowl full. Sure, you'all can sprinkle some of that stuff on 'em if it suits ya. No, it only looks like parmesan cheese. It's called farofa and is a ground up root from Brazil. Makes the beans real tasty, though. You have anything like that where you are, Escamillo?...That? Oh, that's a chunk of chorizo - there's a bunch more in there, Alison. And that other is shreds of pork. The orangeish color of the rice is from the slices of tomato that were cooked in with it along with a mess of garlic (as if there wasn't already a whole lot of it in with the beans!). Whoops! Sorry, Mick, I forgot to remove the bay leaves from the beans. There's a couple more in there somewhere - watch out for 'em.

Okay now back off you guys and let harpgirl and 'Seed grab a bowl full. And wasn't Aine around here someplace?

Oh, you might want to wash down the beans 'n rice with some Brahma beer. You might like that, Alan. Give it a try. Or if you'd rather try something non-alcoholic, there's a case of Guarana in the walk-in. It tastes a little like Verner's but lacks the ginger bite. Perfect with the beans and rice.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back with the kettle that has the meatless beans in it. They are damned good too - I put a little extra cumin in 'em along with a few other goodies. Hope you like 'em!

Before I forget, I should warn you to stay away from candles or any other open flames later this evenin'. You'll begin to understand after a while. Black beans are famous for that.

30 Nov 99 - 11:39 AM (#142647)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Peter T.

Caramba, you spend all those pesos heading south, and they create a tango palace back home!!
(Andres and I sit in the corner, under cardboard sombreros, working out Capablanca's white piece finesses, and discussing the question whether Carlos Gardel really died in that crash, and the jacaranda trees cover the night in purple. A senorita in a dress like an exploding match enters the pool of light. La Wyowoman!! "AyyyAyyyAyyyAyyy.." The Pillos Por Purgos Melancolios Band strikes up, and various guerillas hit the floor. Is it the long awaited revolution, or just the excitement of her dancing! The picture of El Jefe Offer on the wall (BS O Nos Mas BS?) is riddled with gunfire. The lamps go out, but she dances on, red and black flashes in the hot moon. The chessplayers return to their endgame. The dog in the corner scratches his side. Another night in the Cantina.)

30 Nov 99 - 04:02 PM (#142781)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Ha ha! There's all SORTS o' things happening round here since I dropped in last! Meanwhile, I'm still discovering treasures of Latin Music in school. We're centering on music from the Andes Mountains. My teacher Dr.Rey played this folksong--as her put it "the most famous & popular folksong in Peru" called "El Condor Pasa." He said Simon & Garfunkel used the melody for one of their songs--anyone know what it is? Hey is, La WyoWoman willing to dance to the strains of my charango? It's made out of a armadillo...and it still has hair! Let me just tune up...Hey Escamillo, this one's for you: "REMENDADO!!!"


30 Nov 99 - 05:39 PM (#142833)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mían

You sure that's chorizo? mmmmm quesarmadillos and hot parapuffins. almost as good as bbq flamingo. which way to the pit? Areba Aruba Undulate!

30 Nov 99 - 06:10 PM (#142844)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Áine

Allan? Allan? Did I hear you call my name?

Darlin', I've got the tequila, the sopapillas, the honey, and yes, I've got my sequins on, darlin' -- SO LET'S PARTEEEE!!

Oh, just one thang, is there a bar around here we can hop up on?

Waitin' (shiveringly) for your reply, Áine

30 Nov 99 - 11:01 PM (#142996)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: WyoWoman

Si, yo bailo con mucho gusto cuando playas tu charango. And does anyone know "Gracias a la Vida?" One of my favorite songs en espanol...

And Seed, it's not even really south of the border. One of my favorite cantinas was in Santa Fe, N.M. (which everyone thinks is not a part of the U.S.A., but which very much is...)

Sangria anyone? I make mine very citrusy...helps cut the thirst from so much dancing.

La Wya

01 Dec 99 - 01:30 AM (#143056)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

All right, folks: quiet, now. It's time for some singers, but first let me buy a round of whatever you're drinkin'--that'll be milk for my niece with the banjo--she's drivin' the car her daddy gave her to protect her from me, and a couple of sarsaparillas for that cute couple Mbo (the kid with the hairy tiple) and the wee Caitrin. Now, bonnie Bonnie, lass: let's hear your birthday song for the righteous Rickster--everyone, quiet, now (I've been taking lessons from Shay Black).


01 Dec 99 - 01:47 AM (#143061)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: thosp

ahhh i just found out!---
banjo bonnie=lil Neo -----and i was wondering what happened to you Lil Neo --i mean Banjo Bonnie

01 Dec 99 - 02:29 AM (#143073)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Can't stop laughing. If you were born this side of the world and see this mess of Mexiperuvian food and Brasicolombian rhytms with so many Spanglish-speaking dancers and bongobanjo players and ronGuinnes drinkers, you would get sick of laughing !
What an elegance, La Wyo! (Manzanilla is made up of apples, seems to be something different from vanilla, but after the first liter, it's the same). What a poet El Pedro!(Peter T)!(El Mudo is not dead, he sings better each day!). You knew Remendado, El Mobo ? He's a great friend! and Dancairo too!
No, El Allano, I don't know what "farofa" is, but at this time in the night I'll eat it, thanks.
El Allano said: "Before I forget, I should warn you to stay away from candles or any other open flames later this evenin'. You'll begin to understand after a while. Black beans are famous for that."
That's correcto, amigo! If not, how you imagine that latin revolutions were initiated, eh ?
Some suggestions to make this FIESTA even more latin:
- First of all, LET'S QUIT WORKING. (At least until the party ends, and this would be several days, don't worry, it's no longer than a week)
- Second, let's balance the food against beverages, the correct proportions are ONE bottle of RON or GINEBRA or 3 BEERS for 150g of food. More should be allowed for the very spicy food, if there's any.
- Third, CASUALTIES should not be informed until the party ends.

Just wait 30 minutes more for the 5:00AM ASADO I'm preparing outside. Look for your wooden dishes and forks. For knives, use those you carry on your belts.
Hasta luego! - Andrés

01 Dec 99 - 04:43 AM (#143086)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Roger the skiffler

And now for a quick chorus of the Mission San Miguel on the pan kazoos...NO? OK just pass the mole verde (is that spelled correctly?) and a coupla beers. Bet the food here is better than at the Neil Young Center. I once had a chile con carne my sister-in-law made where she mistook tablespoons for teaspoons in measuring out and as a result I was the only one to finish it (Bad Tony Hancock impression: "And you fnished mine and Sid's and Bill's..") though I couldn't taste anything else for a week. I've had genuine Mexican as cooked by one of my wife's colleagues who returns from visiting her family with her suitcase crammed with ingredients she can't get here. Delicious!
(Bad Bart Simpson impression - never knew he had a Brummie accent-): Ay Caramba!

01 Dec 99 - 08:42 AM (#143128)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Allan C.

Tell you what! I am absolutely stuffed! I need to work off some of this food. Dunno about actually gettin' right up onto the bar, Áine. It puts a whole different meaning to bar hopping. Moreover, I'm not quite sure what it was you wanted to do on the bar. Glad you wore your sequins. I brought along my feathered headdress and a set of Andean flutes in case someone knows how to play 'em. Do you by any chance know the Inca fertility dance? Or maybe you are more familiar with the Aztec two-step? Generally, that is about as close as I get to dancing without a whole lot more of that sugar cane fire water passing my might be persuaded to join me in a slow dance or two.

Maybe by then I'll have shaken down enough of a place to stuff some of Andrés' asado. Hey, Andrés! Would you have any of that gaucho tea? We called it maté in Brazil but I'm not sure what you might call it where you are. Oh, and have you got one of those cool copas from which it should always be drunk? You know, the one that comes with that special straw with the thing on the end to strain out the big pieces. Always meant to get me one of those...

01 Dec 99 - 10:49 AM (#143166)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

I sho' nuff like some sangria--non-alcoholic mind ye--but I'll have to pass on the big spicy--can't handle it. Escamillo, I love "Carmen" and think "Lillas Pastia" is a great name for the Cantina. Does that mean we can dance on the tables and sing the Danse Boheme? Also, Remendado and Dancaire are my favorite characters in the whole opera! "Cute couple"? 'Seed, are you trying to be a matchmaker? Now if Bonnie wants to sing, I'll start up some accompaniament on my hairy charango. Before I start to play I need to know--is your song in 3/4 or 2/4 time?


01 Dec 99 - 11:10 AM (#143173)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Meebo me lad, I still have some hot wax left over from trying to remove Squeaks unwanted chest hair....Maybe we could fix your charango too.............


01 Dec 99 - 12:04 PM (#143197)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Umbo (that's how it's pronounced, Spaw), I thought the match was a done deal the way the two of you were crawling all over each other in Mudcat Tavern #18. I was about ready with the fire hose: not that I thought you needed coolin' down, just that you might need a bath after.


01 Dec 99 - 03:20 PM (#143290)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Yeah I know Seed....but "Umbo" sounds like jumbo or something and it does't strike me funny, whereas "Meebo" makes me think young/small, like an amoeba...and it has that certain "Southern" ring to it, a kinda' bubba like quality. And since the lad is living in North Carolina, I thought I'd go with Meebo.


01 Dec 99 - 03:29 PM (#143293)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Actually guys, the name is pronouned "Em-boh," but you can both pronouced how you please. Thanks for thinking o' me as a Bubba, I'm really not a Southerner, just a military brat from all over, who calls Philadelphia and North Carolina home. Also, the hair on the charango is very desirable, or at least so I'm told. Hmm...I gotta get a bombo too.


02 Dec 99 - 12:34 AM (#143529)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

El Allano, that gaucho tea is called here MATE (mah-teh) or YERBA MATE, and it's the national beverage. It's non-alcoholic, full of minerals and vitamines and who-knows-what-else, it should be drunk hot and without sugar, in a small cup made up of a dried calabash, through the BOMBILLA which is that metal straw, preferably silver and gold made.The water should never be boiled, since this ruins the taste. It is poured into the cup which is 1/3 full of dry yerba mate, then it can be filled again 10 or 12 times until it tastes wattery, then emptied and refilled with dry yerba. All people in the round drink in turns, from the same cup and bombilla (yuk). It's an offense to bring your own bombilla or clean up the thing with your handkerchief when you receive the mate after some hairy and moustached gaucho.
But MATE is not for this party, it is for meditation, for quiet guitar and melancholic songs, for listening to the old men stories, while it's raining shit outside.
For anybody interested, there is a company in US that sells yerba mate and it's equipment through the net: it is . They are now selling a complete gift set for 22 dollars, which is reasonable, and 5.- or 7.- for additional package, which is a steal.
El Embo, there are few operas I like in video, but the one I prefer in video and not CD is CARMEN by Francesco Rossi, with Placido Domingo and Julia Migenes-Johnson, try it wherever you find it. It's even better than Zefirelli's Otello. And of course, tables were made to dance on them !
(oh, should I say s**t ?) :))
Un abrazo gaucho, Andrés

02 Dec 99 - 12:47 AM (#143533)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

El Allano, just re-reading your message I see that you wanted to have one BOMBILLA, please send me your mail address and I'll send you one as a gift, if not silver and gold, will be something so similar you won't be able to find the difference !
Best regards, Andrés

02 Dec 99 - 01:32 AM (#143543)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Quirk Malarkey

howdy, folks. i've been away. doing what can be considered semi-almost-sorta-quasi-there might be a chance there-good works. i haven't had the time to read the thread. i sure could use a cup of a good tea. i favor, for no good reason, picards brew. i really must sit and take a good breath. any good ones here ?--doodlezak

02 Dec 99 - 01:47 AM (#143547)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Lin in Kansas

Wait...wait! Mbo, a hairy armadillo? --??? (Sheesh, I hate it when I come late to a party...)

Aw, what the heck--can I beg a nice cold Coca Cola from whoever's bartendin'? Muchas gracias. I think I'll just go sit in the corner for awhile and get acclimated!

02 Dec 99 - 01:58 AM (#143548)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

what part of Ozland JL? I'm in sydney where it is damn hot at the moment........ think I'll have a big glass of iced water por favor

02 Dec 99 - 09:57 AM (#143639)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Peter T.

(Andres, my second favourite video is one of the dullest ever -- the von Karajan/Schwarzkopf Der Rosenkavalier. But, oh the singing. The Domingo Otello is pretty special -- it is one of the only opera videos I have ever been able to sit through twice. Favourite video, almost most favourite anything: the second act of Tosca, in beautiful black and white, Maria Callas, Covent Garden. I think it is the only opera of which there is any footage of her at work. Jesus, what a woman.). Pass the mate. un abrazo, Peter

02 Dec 99 - 10:43 AM (#143656)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

I just got sent the message is just yearning for a tune....

When I was a young turkey,
new to the coop,
My big brother Mike
took me out on the stoop,

Then he sat me down,
and he spoke real slow,
And he told me there was something
that I had to know;

His look and his tone
I will always remember,
When he told me of the horrors
of..... Black November;

"Come about August,
now listen to me,
Each day you'll get six meals
instead of just three,

"And soon you'll be thick,
where once you were thin,
And you'll grow a big rubbery thing
under your chin;

"And then one morning,
when you're warm in your bed,
In'll burst the farmer's wife,
and hack off your head;

"Then she'll pluck out all your feathers
so you're bald 'n pink,
And scoop out all your insides
and leave ya lyin' in the sink;

"And then comes the worst part"
he said not bluffing,
"She'll spread your cheeks
and pack your rear with stuffing".

Well, the rest of his words
were too grim to repeat,
I sat on the stoop
like a winged piece of meat,

And decided on the spot
that to avoid being cooked,
I'd have to lay low
and remain overlooked;

I began a new diet
of nuts and granola,
High-roughage salads,
juice and diet cola;

And as they ate pastries,
chocolates and crepes,
I stayed in my room
doing Jane Fonda tapes;

I maintained my weight
of two pounds and a half,
And tried not to notice
when the bigger birds laughed;

But 'twas I who was laughing,
under my breath,
As they chomped and they chewed,
ever closer to death;

And sure enough
when Black November rolled around,
I was the last turkey
left in the entire compound;

So now I'm a pet
in the farmer's wife's lap;
I haven't a worry,
so I eat and I nap;

She held me today,
while sewing and humming,
And smiled at me and said:
"Christmas is coming

02 Dec 99 - 11:38 AM (#143663)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Allan C.

MMario, It scans fairly well to "Sweet Betsy From Pike" with a little syllable crowding in some places.

02 Dec 99 - 03:00 PM (#143741)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

Thanks Allen--- I stink at figuring things like that out....

02 Dec 99 - 03:55 PM (#143765)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Good song! Hey you guys in Australia got it bad! Here in Greenville the high was 53, with a wind chill in the forties. This is about 15 degrees warmer than it was yesterday. I bet you wish you were here! I know a great poem about the heat in Australia; I'll post it when I get home. Then we can make up a tune for it, and sing it and the Turkey song, while I bang on my bombo.


02 Dec 99 - 04:38 PM (#143783)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

Um-bo bangin' on his bom-bo?

Please! The Visuals!

good news....for me at least....Evil Queen Bess (my content filter) has determined that rumours of objectional content on the MudCat forum are false and (suppossedly) will be lifting the ban on the pages tonight. I will see tomorrow....

02 Dec 99 - 06:37 PM (#143839)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Will you mambo mambo mambo to my bombo bombo bombo? Will you tango tango tango to my charango rango rango? Cha-cha-cha charango rango Armadillo rango rango Hairy rango rango rango Bombo bombo bombo BOM!

C'mon everyone!

Will you samba samba samba...


02 Dec 99 - 06:50 PM (#143852)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: alison

It's 10.45 am....... and pretty damn hot..... supposed to hit 35C+ (100F+)... and I'm playing an outdoor gig tonight, (I don't understand why aussies don't dance much in the winter, but do when it's as hot as this)....

another large iced water por favor......


02 Dec 99 - 10:14 PM (#143949)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

I'm back, after a few days absence. (I'm directing The Crucible at school and writing a research paper on Sense and Sensibility, so getting to the computer's been tough.) Things always seem to get really interesting as soon as I walk out the door! And I missed samba time! Rats. But I'll endeavor not to miss any more excitement at the cantina.

03 Dec 99 - 12:20 AM (#144011)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Mi Dios! Look, Pedro, somebody is asking for WATER ! and another one COCA-COLA ? Is it for a bath ? Oh, yes, it must be ! Pass them some EMPANADAS DE SALTA and they will drink wine for the rest of the night, and be happy.
Salad bar is opening - just wait till we find something to add to the onions. Somebody was to sing, where is he ? Un abrazo - Andrés Magré

03 Dec 99 - 02:12 PM (#144253)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Lonesome EJ

Ah yes, Amigos! Welcome to the Cantina. You have come for the bullfights, no? You will have several sangrias, and then run through the streets pursued by the toros locos? Ah, you Americano thrill-seekers! Do you see that fellow who drinks at the table with the two beautiful Senoritas? That is my good friend Don Rodrigo from Seville. He will drink, eat, and love tonight with great passion, because tomorrow afternoon he dons the Suit of Lights to do sacred battle with the beast. It is Death which puts the sharpened edge on the sword of Life, you see.

Have another round of cervezas, amigos, and please take this flagon of wine with you. It is the Carneval de Toros, and no one sleeps tonight!

LEJ(watching the snow pile up outside and wishing he was in Pamplona)

03 Dec 99 - 11:17 PM (#144467)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

MBo, Simon and Garfunkle set that tune to I'd Rather be a Hammer than a Nail. (remember THAT question) I see I've missed a lot. Ah well, I'll have a XX and some of that igniting bean stuff and find a corner without any candles. Say, I once played a Cherango. Perhaps I can give it another go.

04 Dec 99 - 04:46 AM (#144528)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

I think the best charango player after Mbo is JAIME TORRES (Argentine), if you find some CD in music stores, it deserves a try, you'll find his music really amazing.
Un abrazo - Andrés

04 Dec 99 - 10:28 AM (#144569)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

I'm afraid I must once again betray my ignorance. What is a charango?

04 Dec 99 - 07:18 PM (#144728)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Caitrin, a CHARANGO is a small instrument that looks as a guitar, with 6(?) strings, made of an ARMADILLO. It is used by Bolivian an Argentine folk musicians as accompaniment or as a solo. Its sound resembles a small guitar, it is pretty difficult to learn, but there are many true MAESTROS, one of them is Jaime Torres and the other is Mbo. I'll try to find some site in the Web where you could listen to a real performance, because no MIDI bank has still be set up for this instrument.
Now there are many charangos made of wood, because of the pressure (absolutely right) from conservationists, so the armadillos will live longer. Take your third empanada, please...
Yours, Andrés

04 Dec 99 - 07:53 PM (#144752)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

Sorry to cub id by bathrobe ad slippers, but could sobeode please bake be a hot toddy? I HATE being sick GRRR!!

Now, about that cherango, I happen to be fond of Inti Illimani myself. Are they still playing out there? Have they ever gone home? I haven't seen them in about 14 years (before I got married, and that was a while back) and I can remember having my socks knocked off. I had never heard them before, or that type of music, and had no idea of the kind of energy and sound!! Now there have been rude comments on this site about tiples, but consider the source.

Now 'Spaw, you get away from me with that hot wax or I'll breath on you. Go tango with someone who isn't wearing a bathrobe and small sheep for slippers.

Mmmm that toddy makes me feel practically human again (I know, I know, it's been a while.)

05 Dec 99 - 01:07 PM (#144987)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Thank you very much, Escamillo! Actually, I live in the same town as Mbo, so I guess I could just try and track him and his charango down. :) But now I have to betray yet more of my ignorance...what's an empanada?

05 Dec 99 - 01:27 PM (#144997)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Cleigh O'Possum

Hi Susan...I don't Tango either and I'm sorry you don't feel well. I do like your slippers though, so could I just sit here and keep you company...and maybe sip a little of your drink. Catspaw makes me brush my teeth and I've had my shots. I will never forget those wonderful noodle things you made for me at the Tavern....Please?

Maybe Caitrin will come over and sit with us too, do you think? She seems to be very nice.


05 Dec 99 - 01:32 PM (#145001)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Sorry, can I sit here too? Cleigh is really MAD since I signed my name to HIS post. It was an honest mistake since I have to type for the little guy because his legs and paws aren't too keyboard compatible.

I'll have one of those too...The Christmas decorating is wearing me out!


05 Dec 99 - 05:37 PM (#145104)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Whoo! Hello, guys! I've just blew in from the south, where the computer at my folk's house has a busted modem, so I couldn't get online ALL WEEKEND. A traumatic experience, I can tell you. Now that I'm back, there are all these threads! It'll take days to read them all! Hello, Cleigh! How ya doing, little guy! Escamillo, I watched a video in class of Jaime Torres performing. He's SO cool!

Folks, I have a confession to make. This masquerade must end, my friends--I don't really play the charango, or even own one! Boo hoo...{sob}...{sob}! I only play guitar & fiddle! I feel! Well, on the brighter side, my ethnomusicology teacher Dr.Rey says that he's interested in having me in a Andean Ensemble he will be trying to create next year. No, I wouldn't be playing a charango, but the classical guitar, which is my main instrument. Dr. Rey said he'd have to teach someone to play charango, as well as import a Spanish harp from South America. I'm very excited about the prospect!

Thanks for info, Susan. I appreciate it. Well, now I'm 21 as of yesterday, and officially an adult, but I still feel like I did when I was sixteen. I hope I have that feeling for the rest of my life! Now that I've come clean, anyone want to hear any Spanish guitar music?


05 Dec 99 - 08:46 PM (#145181)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Cleigh, I'd be most glad to come sit with you guys. :) This is interesting...I've never seen a live possum before. Usually they're dead on the highway.

05 Dec 99 - 09:09 PM (#145197)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

My, quite a nice little corner here.

Cleigh, which noodles did I make for you guys? The Mee Krob (the crunchy ones with fried red onions, peanuts and such) or the pad thai, the pink soft rice noodles, or was it the drunkards noodles? Now THOSE would be good for my cold. They are HOT with a lot of lime juice, that would do nicely.

And whoever is making those toddys, boy you are using pretty good liquor in them. I can feel the cold receding rapidly, and they are becoming a rather popular drink.

Mbo, Happy Birthday!! Wanna have a legal hot toddy? My treat. And yes, indeed, give us a few licks of Spanish guitar. No 'Spaw, get away from here with that rose. I still don't think you got all of the thorns out.

05 Dec 99 - 09:14 PM (#145199)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Yes, Mbo, do play us some guitar! Know any Carlos Montoya?

05 Dec 99 - 09:23 PM (#145204)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Jeri

Happy Day-After-Your-Birthday, Mbo. Mine was yesterday, too. And despite dropping anvil-sized hints in e-mails to people who own male clay possums, no one noticed. Is there the possibility of hot buttered rum?

05 Dec 99 - 10:13 PM (#145224)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Thanks, Jeri, and a happy day-after-birthday to you, too! I would have throught that two such highly-esteemed 'Catters would have at least got ONE birthday message. To quote Lucy from Peanuts "I know when I've been insulted! I know when I've been insulted!" Sorry, Susan. Can't have any alcohol. Number one, I've never drunk alcohol, and really have no wish too. Number two, even if I did, it would react severely with the medication I take for my chronic medical condition. But if you've got some Iced Tea (my favorite) I'll take that.

As for my guitar, I play more classical pieces than anything else, though I can do a rather good version of "Watermark" by Enya. The Latin guitar music I play is by composers like Villa-Lobos, Torroba, Granados, Tarrega, Narvaez, etc. I played "Alba de Tormes" from the "Castles of Spain" by Torroba at my recital at the end of 4 semesters of classical guitar. Torroba wrote some beautiful music, especially the "Castles of Spain." Also, the "Cancion" from his "Piezas Caracteristicas" is GORGEOUS. If you EVER have the chance to hear it, don't pass up the chance! It is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. There are lots of places on the net where you can here MIDIs of these.

Whoa, did 'Spaw get a thorn stuck in his mouth? I'll play Tarrega's Prelude from "Lagrima" which means "tears" in Espanol.


05 Dec 99 - 10:26 PM (#145231)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Jeri

I hesitate to mention this, but I did get one e-mail, from a mudcatter I will fail to embarrass - sweet, thoughtful person that he is.

05 Dec 99 - 10:43 PM (#145242)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Hey...I sent you a recipe! What the hell do you expect? A Pokemon toy?........................ohgawd, whaddafockup..........GIMMEE A TRIPLE JACK WITH A TRIPLE JACK CHASER, SCREW THE WACKY STUFF.........I'm probably going to need this.............hooboy............I gotta go see if my picture's in the dictionary under dumbass......................oy....................


05 Dec 99 - 10:53 PM (#145244)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Áine

No, Spaw, your picture's under the Saggy Butted Galapagos Tortoise entry, remember?

Just thought I'd come inside here to get warm -- I finally had to turn on the heater tonight -- had the air conditioner on yesterday! Thank you, Ms. La Nina and the typical fickle Texas weather . . . Hey y'all, anybody making chili around here? Won't touch anything green, but I'll take it spicy and made 'the South American Way'!!!

-- Áine

06 Dec 99 - 12:56 AM (#145289)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Jeri

Spaw, thank you very much for the recipe - much better than Pokemon toys, even though they're probably safer to eat. Sheesh, I didn't know the guilt thing was gonna work that, lemme buy Spaw a drink. On second thought, maybe I'll just get him a box of Kleenex and an air bag around his stool. Honest, I didn't know you were that sensitive.

Aine, I'd be jealous of your warm weather, but it's been around 60 (F) here - in New Hampshire. Less than three weeks until Christmas, and people are wearing T-shirts outside.

06 Dec 99 - 01:49 AM (#145295)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Catrin, an EMPANADA is a kind of explosive that happens to be edible, here in the south. It is a mix of finely chopped things like beef (or chicken), onions, garlic, tomatoes, chiles, many unidentifiable green and red vegetables, all fried in a pan and then wrapped and closed in a round piece of dough and baked in an oven or fried in vegetable oil (in some regions, fried in pork FAT !). In Argentina there are as many styles of empanadas as provinces and regions, all calling to be the best. I think it is the southern equivalent of the mexican TACOS, but never so spicy, to tell the truth. Certainly, in Buenos Aires and other big cities you will hardly find really explosively spicy food. (I don't want to exaggerate jokes and so scare potential visitors!) Yours, Andrés

06 Dec 99 - 04:10 AM (#145313)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Lin in Kansas

Hoo, boy! Aine and Jeri, keep the faith--it's been running in the 60s here in Ozland (Wichita KS) too, right up until yesterday, when Mother Nature dumped about 8 inches of snow on us. The temp tonight is 17 degrees...sure is gorgeous out there, though. Aine, what part of Texas? My mom and a brother live in the Panhandle--tiny spot in the road called Higgins.

Okay, Escamillo, no more Coca Cola--bartender, gimme one of Susan's hot toddies. And if she's not careful, I'll borrow her slippers, too!

06 Dec 99 - 07:41 AM (#145344)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Little Neophyte

Where is Ozland JL?
Do you guys mind if I sit beside you?
What time do they serve breakfast?

BB whos kind of hungry

06 Dec 99 - 08:08 AM (#145351)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

It's going to be in the 70's today here in Eastern NC. I wish it would snow! I've been living all around this world from the time I was 1 year old, and I have NEVER seen a decent snowfall! All I ever get is flurries! And all the people who ARE getting snow are curmudgeons who hate it and wish it would be 90 degrees on Christmas day! Curse you Marvin Daugherty!


06 Dec 99 - 08:20 AM (#145357)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: catspaw49

Geeziz BB....OZ is Australia. Maybe you need some "World Geography" underwear to go with your "Days of the Week" jobbies. If you had a pair, you'd find that Ozland which is Australia is located...uh..........hmmm.......well its like uh..............never mind..............


06 Dec 99 - 08:35 AM (#145373)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Uhn! I just came in and am shocked to find BB and 'Spaw pouring over a world map printed on some skivvies? Ya leave for ooooone minute and bizarre things start happening!


06 Dec 99 - 09:40 AM (#145393)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Little Neophyte

Catspaw, I think Charles may get upset if he finds out that you are interested in being my geography teacher. But I must admit, it sounds like a lot more fun than learning about stamp collections.

Should we atleast use bikini style? My thongs will only cover one continent.

06 Dec 99 - 10:16 AM (#145407)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Jeri

I think that while Oz will be printed somewhere "down under" the right buttock, "Ozland" (Kansas - as in Wizard of.) is located just above the left buttock.

06 Dec 99 - 10:30 AM (#145415)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Speaking of OZ, Broots from "The Pretender" said "The Wizard of Oz, I love that story..." and Ms.Parker said "If you break into song, I'll drop a house on you." BTW how do you locate the North & South poles on those undies?


06 Dec 99 - 11:24 AM (#145446)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

Drunkard's noodles? Birthdays? HOT TODDIES!!!!! yes! *gawd I luv this place!*

*I* was priviliged this weekend to view, fondle and otherwise lust over a selection of Don Meixner's jewelry. My wallet is complaining that I am meeting FAR too many people with too much talent.....and taste....

Seriously, I grabbed a few minutes the other day between performances and went into the gallery in Skaneatlas which carries Don's jewelry....met his friend Anna (who says "Hi Uncle Don") and drooled over a few of his pieces. that's always been one of my favorite shops in the town, and now it is more so...

06 Dec 99 - 11:33 AM (#145455)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Áine

Hhhmmmppphhh! No chili, huh? Well, dang it, I guess I'll just have to settle for one of them empanada thangs -- not bad, not bad at all, but I'm still lonesome for my bowl of Texas Red . . .

And what's this about HAIRY armadillos and turning them sweet natured little critters into banjos or sumpin like that???? Ya eejits ya! How long has it been since you feasted your eyes on the sweet face of an armadillo? WELL, THAT'S TOO LONG!! Of course, the BEST kind is the 9-banded one that lives down here in Texas -- Go take a gander here and here LARN somethin'!! And while yer at it, you can visit 'Annie's' buddies, the ringtail cat and the horny toad.

And JLinOzland, I'm a little south and east of the Panhandle, down here in the prairie between Ft. Worth and Dallas. Do you happen to know where Buffalo Gap is? I had an old auntie who used to live there.

-- Áine

06 Dec 99 - 01:45 PM (#145505)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Aine, with any luck I'll be joining you in Texas next year. I'm in the process of applying to UT Austin. Mbo, happy slightly late birthday. And I'm with you on the lack of cold weather! I haven't seen a decent snow here since 1989. Escamillo, thanks for filling me in on the empanadas. They sound pretty good.

06 Dec 99 - 02:07 PM (#145521)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

well heck, haven't HAD a decent snow in these parts for 'bout forever it seems.....had seven inches or so the other night, but it hardly stuck around at all...., can't remember when the last time I got snowed in anywhere was.... and a snowstorm really don't count lessen you get stuck....

06 Dec 99 - 02:18 PM (#145532)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Easy, Aine! They use dead ones for the charango, they don't catch them or breed them specifically for the purpous. And it's only the back armor that's used. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Caitrin! 1989! I've only been here since '95, so I missed it! I wish it there would be a blizzard and they'd have to cancel finals week!


06 Dec 99 - 04:17 PM (#145613)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Susan A-R

NO ONE gets my fuzzy slippers (she growled) but you can certainly have a hot toddy, on me, just by way of apology for the growl. Geeze, and I'm home sick, not cooking for the first time in a year and a half and missing the warm weather (and rain, lots of it, if my dear spouse speeaks the truth) I live where it is supposed to snow, and we have gotten a few days of the white stuff, but it's gone now, and I miss it. I mean it is supposed to be winter up here, and they don't make them like they did when I was a kid.

Oh, Mbo, do you like that iced tea with mint and lemon, or jsut straight, or in some other interesting way? Just let me know and it'll be on its way.

Now, do they make men's and women's maps?? top and bottom? The possibilities for bad (I mean raunchy) puns are um global. I think I'll go back to my toddy and the defense of my slippers and my kleenex box.

06 Dec 99 - 06:08 PM (#145661)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Áine

Poor, poor Susan A-R!! Here's little funny to make you feel better, since you can't be eating all this spicy food and drinking all this funky joy juice. I posted this over on the 'Celtic Slow Jam' thread, but nobody got it. They're just too dang *serious* over there! I hope y'all like it better:

Well, you know what they say down here in Texas: 'It must be jelly, 'cuz jam don't shake like that!'

Seriously (ha!), this is a good place to tell a story on my friend Mary from Belfast who was visiting me a couple of summers ago (her first visit to the U.S.). We were driving around town, seeing the sights, when my two youngest starting yammering that they were hungry. It being almost lunchtime, I told them that we'd be home soon and I would fix them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I heard this strange gargling noise coming out of Mary, so I looked over, and she had gone white in the face and appeared ready to faint. I asked her what was wrong, but she just waved me off, being unable to speak at that point.

Well, we got home and into the house and I started to make the kid's PBJ's. Mary just stood there in the kitchen, watching me pull out the bread, then the peanut butter, and at that point she squeaked, 'You really aren't going to put jelly on those, are you?' I looked at her quizically and said, 'Of course!'

'Jaysus,' she says, 'Now I've seen everything!'

So, I opened up the cabinet and took down the jar of grape jelly, began spreading it on the sandwiches, and I hear Mary gaffawing behind me. I turned and she was doubled over with laughter! 'I thought you were going to put jelly on those sandwiches, not JAM!,' she says.

This is when she explained to me that 'jelly' in Belfast means 'jello' here in the U.S. But you know what -- I think my kids would probably eat that on peanut butter, too!

-- Áine

06 Dec 99 - 08:10 PM (#145736)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: TheMuse

MMario, I've just been sitting here at the end of the bar drinking one hot toddy after another being "amused" by the geography lesson going on here with BB and Spaw when I heard you say your were fondling, lusting and drooling over Don this past weekend! Geez, do you really think you should be announcing things like that?!?!? I mean some people might get the wrong idea. . . . Ouch! Hey! What was that elbow for? . . .Oh! It was the jewelry! Sorry, MM, guess I wasn't listening closely enough. Yes, his jewelry is wonderful, I have a few pieces. Actually . . . Don isn't so bad himself :-) . . .Maybe I need another toddy, double. . . .


06 Dec 99 - 08:22 PM (#145743)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Lin in Kansas

Okay, peoples, give me a break here--I've never been to Australia, so Ozland for me is Wichita, Kansas, USA--'cause like you said, this is where Dorothy and her little dog Toto caught the Tornado Express (and we saw several of those this spring/summer, too). (BTW, Seattle stole their moniker "Emerald City" from us--just because THEY have trees, and we don't, ain't no excuse!)

Sorry, 'Spaw--but don't let me keep you from checking out those skivvies...and Jeri, I'm not so sure about "above the buttock"--may be closer to the "middle of the buttocks," whaddaya think? (They do call this part of the country "The Heartland," ya know.

Sheesh! That toddy musta really took hold--think I'll stagger over and have a corn ship...uh chip...or two. Aine's horny toad is starting to look good to, ain't he a cutie?

06 Dec 99 - 08:40 PM (#145749)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Sho 'nuff I like my Iced Tea wi' lemon and mint. Thanks! So...I'm working on this self-portrait for figure drawing class, and I'm drawing myself in the garb of a voltigeur in Napoleon's Army (I'm a big Francophile.) Hey, just to add some spice to the situation, does anyone here know how to do the malambo? I saw the gauchos doing it on a video in Ethno class. I really BLEW MY MIND!


06 Dec 99 - 09:43 PM (#145782)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Little Neophyte

Mbo, being it is your birthday and all, may I buy you your iced tea with lemon and mint?
Maybe I should bring Jeri's birthday cake in here for her to blow out the candle and everyone could have a piece.
Is that okay Jeri? I got the permit approved by the fire marshal.


06 Dec 99 - 10:46 PM (#145811)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: DonMeixner


Thanks for the unsolicited endorsement of my jewelry I do appreciate. And Anna does call me Uncle although she is no relation, my nieces college roomie. I'll try to see you this weekend some time. I'll buy you a coffee with iron in it.

Now I'll wander to the end of the bar, order a Bombay Saphire Gin and tonic, no ice and a slice of lime ( this is a Cantina after all). Then I'll chat up this Bimbo who claims to own some of my jewelry.


06 Dec 99 - 10:54 PM (#145817)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: TheMuse

Er, excuse me, MR Meixner, but . . . . BIMBO??? I think you do need a drink. I believe this jewelry is of your making, would you like to examine it for special markings? I'd tell you to pull up a bar stool but there are none available . . . there's a straight backed chair over there you can pull up though. Might be more comfortable and has more support in case you get too carried away. . . .with the drinks. So what's the story here . . . authentic or what?


06 Dec 99 - 10:58 PM (#145819)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

You may indeed, Bonnie, thank you! OY! WE WANT CAKE! HUH! WE WANT CAKE! HUH! Don't forget to cut a little piece for Cleigh!


06 Dec 99 - 11:03 PM (#145823)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: DonMeixner


I do believe this woman is HAMMERED! Cut off the flow of toddies and send for the Federales! A nite in the Casa del Drunque Tanc will do her a world of good. Such a pretty girl to let herself go like this too. But she has nice taste in jewelry. Sorry about the bimbo comment. This being a Cantina it should have been Bimbina.


06 Dec 99 - 11:09 PM (#145828)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Oh, Mbo, I've talked about charango, asado, empanadas, mate, etc..I find it a little boring for you to listen to an Argie explaining his regionalisms, so I prefer somebody else talks about MALAMBO, it would be much more funny!
:)) Un abrazo, Andrés

06 Dec 99 - 11:16 PM (#145831)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

And, Mbo, beware of those too hairy charangos of unknown origin, 'cause I've heard that in lack of the very rare armadillos, some luthiers were making the charangos with some parts of a big animal I'm not sure which, and the sound is very different.
Un abrazo, Andrés :))

06 Dec 99 - 11:19 PM (#145833)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Please stick around, Escamillo! I really enjoy learning about your country! It all started with "Evita" (I hope you aren't offended) and I'm learning more & more each day. What a beautiful and culturally rich country you live in! I just watched a video today on how much the tango means to your people. It really inspiring!


06 Dec 99 - 11:22 PM (#145835)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Áine

OH NO Andrés -- Don't tell me that they're going after the Saggy Butted Tortoise now, are they? Run Spaw Run!!!!

-- Áine

07 Dec 99 - 07:54 AM (#145937)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Allan C.

This is the only thing I found which tells very much at all about Malambo. Sounds interesting. Let me grab another glass of those sugar cane squeezin's and then, if you don't mind, Escamillo, could you show me how it is done? This might even be a dance I would be tempted to do sober! No. Then again, probably not!

07 Dec 99 - 03:47 PM (#146110)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Allan, I'm not sure we could do it. First of all, it's really fast and complicated. If you saw it it you might call it Argentinian Riverdance. The gauchos who do it jump all over the place, and have feet as fast as lightening. BUT if you want to give it a go, I'll join you. Bit first we must don our gaucho garb. Here's you bandana, baggy pants, and oh yeah--your boots. Can't Malambo without yer boots!


07 Dec 99 - 04:42 PM (#146126)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

I find your regionalisms very interesting, Escamillo. After all, everyone had to listen to my dissertation on Barbeque in Tavern #17, and your stuff is much more interesting. :)

07 Dec 99 - 05:34 PM (#146166)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Allan C.

Mbo, a few more bites of that beautifully prepared asado and I'll be ready. I love those boots! All-l-l-l-righty! Lets get this thing going! Okay, this? Oh no! Oh, wait...I've got it!....Well, I thought I did. There! Yeah!! Wow! Hey this is great!....Now, if you'll let me catch my breath, I'll try to get the left boot on.

07 Dec 99 - 06:43 PM (#146198)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

They aren't red boots, are they? I seem to recall a similar Hans Christian Anderson story with people handing out dancing shoes...:) Better watch might not be able to stop the malambo.

07 Dec 99 - 06:53 PM (#146208)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Caitrin will now proceed to toot her own horn...

I have just been accepted to the University of North Carolina at Asheville! (one of my first choice schools) It's one of the best undergraduate schools in the state, so I'm really excited.
Ok, self-congratulation time is over. Sorry, I just had to do that. :)

07 Dec 99 - 09:11 PM (#146293)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: MMario

congratulations Caitrin!

07 Dec 99 - 09:46 PM (#146303)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

Yes, congratulations, Caitrin! Wow, UNC-Asheville! Just a question, are you going to apply to ECU? If you're not, I could see that. ECU is a fine school, but they sometimes they got some "crooked politics" going on, mostly dealing with misinformation and mix-ups. As my sister could tell you, some departments are somewhat shoddily maintained, but if you're an Art student, you're given the royal treatment. Also, good luck in your endeavors there. I know going to a 4-year institution right out of high school can be tough. I went to Coastal Carolina Community College for 2 years, and received my That sort of eased me into the big university thing. It's funny, when I first came here from little Coastal, I was like "Ooh big scary campus!" Now it's like "Aaah, it's not big at all!" Happy future in your academic exploits, and enjoy them. I have!

--Mbo (by the way...are we still in here, or in the Mudcat Barn?)

07 Dec 99 - 10:09 PM (#146324)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: TheMuse


Just came from the Mudcat Barn and I think things are beginning to get going over there so I don't know about the rest of the crowd but that's where I'm headed. Come on everyone it's time for another change!!


07 Dec 99 - 10:10 PM (#146326)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

Actually, Mbo, I did apply to ECU and was accepted there. However, I want out of Greenville. Not that I have any personal problems with G'ville, I'm just ready for someplace new. I had been seriously considering UT Austin, but then it hit me that that's 24 hours away from everyone I know and the school is the size of my entire town. Just a little bit too big of a jump for me, I think. I figure I can go to someplace big and impressive for grad work. Not to mention that I've always loved the mountains.

07 Dec 99 - 10:19 PM (#146336)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Mbo

I can see getting out of Greenville. You've probably lived here for your whole life, and you are young and want to experience the new places. I, on the other hand, have been moving around the country (and the world) for the last 19 years. My father was in the USMC, so seeing new places was part of the deal. Right now, I want someplace where I can settle down for a while. But I think Boston College's Irish Studies Program is calling me, and I'd like to give it a go after I graduate and get a job...


07 Dec 99 - 10:23 PM (#146338)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Caitrin

I can understand wanting to stay put, in your situation. That was my dad's reaction, too. (Granpa was Air Force). He made sure that we didn't move around a lot. So now I'm ready for someplace new.

08 Dec 99 - 03:45 AM (#146433)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Ok, Malambo is easy after all. Imagine a 2/4 (2 quarter-notes per measure), put a dotted 8th note and a 16th in the first beat, and then an 8th note and two 16ths in the second beat. For the second measure, put just two quarter-notes, and repeat to the infinite. Mark the rythm with guitar and BOMBO. Malambo is for a single male dancer, so ladies just sit down and look.
Get a pair of really good boots, brown or black with silver spurs, your baggy pants, red bandana and black vest, gaucho hat. Get some red wine. Now make a big step with your right foot, drag your left and stamp both violently on floor, jump a feet or two and land in one foot and immediately the other, then twist both ankles and stamp both feet on the floor, jump on one foot, twist the other and hit the floor with your knife, then the other side, cross feet and twist ankles and drag the knife, then jump and get your BOLEADORAS(*) and hit the floor avoiding to hit someone's head or yours, finally make a 3-feet jump with legs widely spread appart, and try to land on both feet with a loud scream, as rudely as you can.
* BOLEADORAS: primitive weapon made with two or three round pieces of stone wrapped in soft leather, tied up with a leather rope of about 6 feet. Guaranteed to throw down a big animal or christian at 50 yards. Lethal when applied to head. Don't use them with less than half a gallon of blood in the alcoholic circulatory system. :)))
Un abrazo - Andrés

08 Dec 99 - 03:57 AM (#146436)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
From: Escamillo

Caitrin, BRAVO, CARAJO ! (this is the gaucho's elegant and pollite way to say CONGRATULATIONS, and this is a shameful repetition of the same joke in another thread)
Un abrazo - Andrés