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Happy birthday Rick

30 Nov 99 - 06:50 PM (#142858)
Subject: Happy birthday Rick
From: McKnees

Just thought I'd take advantage of being this side of the Atlantic and wish Rick a happy birthday. I'm not sure if he follows Duckboots in only having a birthday every second year, which has enabled myself to become the older sister, but I wish him happiness, joy and success in the coming Millennium. So join me and raise a glass to the nicest man I know. Rick Fielding. Cheers McKnees

30 Nov 99 - 07:05 PM (#142870)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Steve Latimer

Happy Birthday Rick, all the best.


30 Nov 99 - 07:09 PM (#142871)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Brendy

Happy Birthday, Rick
go mbéidhimíd anseo 'sna thamánna arís.

30 Nov 99 - 07:17 PM (#142877)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Áine

Many happy, happy returns of the day, dearest Rick! And not to be outdone by Brendy there -- Breithlá sona duit, a chara chóir!

-- Áine

30 Nov 99 - 07:32 PM (#142885)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Willie-O

Yeah, happy.

So why were so many high quality folkies born this week in history?

Yer not runing fifty are ya Rick? Anyway, keep on playin, and drive careful.

Bill C.

30 Nov 99 - 08:30 PM (#142902)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: katlaughing

THANK YOU, MCKNEES!!! Can't believe this one almost slipped by!



What a pleasure it has been to get to know you and share so much with you and Heather; HAS IT REALLY ONLY BEEN ALMOST A YEAR!?? Seems like forever, dearheart.

Have a wonderful day!


30 Nov 99 - 08:43 PM (#142907)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: bbc

I turned my calendar just in time ('course, the birthday is still tomorrow by my time!). I wouldn't have wanted to miss the opportunity to wish you happy. I've got a big hug waiting for when I finally meet my already good friend in person!

with love & all good wishes for a wonderful year,

bbc Barbara

30 Nov 99 - 09:05 PM (#142910)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Roger in Baltimore

A grand Happy Birthday to you, Rick! You said you were just behind me. May your strings never break.

Big RiB

30 Nov 99 - 09:10 PM (#142913)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: MMario

Sending B'day greeting north across the lake....

30 Nov 99 - 09:48 PM (#142931)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Susan A-R

Happy Birthday Rick!

30 Nov 99 - 10:06 PM (#142943)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Jeri

Rick, in my opinion, Sagitarians are incredibly intelligent, level-headed, creative, generous, and good-looking. You're one of the best, and I'm truly honored to be your friend. I have a big hug waiting too - better ask Big Mick if you should be afraid.

Have yourself a happy little Birthday (tomorrow)
Blow those candles out
But please don't fall into the cake if you pass out

Have yourself a happy little Birthday
Though your hair turns gray
At least there's some that looks as though it's going to stay

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of youth
But the party's over by nine o'clock
Now that you're long in the tooth

Through the years we'll celebrate your Birthday
If we remember how
Wipe that worried look right off your wrinkled brow
and have yourself a happy little Birthday now

(sorry, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?...Rick?...hello?)

30 Nov 99 - 10:08 PM (#142945)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Mbo

Happy Birthday, Rick! I'm looking forward to lots more of our heated discussions in the future! The 'Cat just wouldn't be the same without you! Enjoy your special day & keep on singing!


30 Nov 99 - 10:33 PM (#142975)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Michael K.

All the best Rick.

30 Nov 99 - 10:46 PM (#142981)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: sophocleese

Happy Birthday Rick. Honestly I will get to one of your shows sometime.

30 Nov 99 - 10:50 PM (#142984)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: lamarca

Happy Birthday to our favorite Canadian from Mary and George (well, George might have a few hockey players that he ranks above you) my Polish grandfather used to say, "Sto let!"

it means "100 years!"

30 Nov 99 - 10:55 PM (#142988)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Big Mick

Boy, what the hell do I say here??? I have watched this thing develop into a marvelous village, with so many important pieces, so many phenomenal people, ..................but there are some people for whom I have such a warm affection for. And when it comes to El Swanno, 'Spaw, and Fielding, well, these are just plain special people in my life. So Happy Birthday, my good friend. I hope I get to wish you many, many more. You are as good a spirit as inhabits this place. And I am really proud to call you friend.

All the best,


30 Nov 99 - 11:11 PM (#143002)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: WyoWoman

Rick --

I echo what's been said before. You've become a friend over the past seven months I've been on the 'Cat, and a human bean I truly treasure. That Duckboots is one lucky lady, fer shure.

Happy Day of Birth, ye Rick of Ricks!!!


30 Nov 99 - 11:19 PM (#143009)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: DonMeixner

Happy Birthday Rick,

We Sagitarians are a notoriously friendly lot who are dependable, flirtatious, courageous, outrageous, artistic, flamboyant, and some of us even love bankers.

Many happy returns


30 Nov 99 - 11:21 PM (#143012)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Little Neophyte

Dear Rick,
You will have to wait until Thursday to get your present.
Too bad Catspaw will miss me popping out of a birthday cake wearing my coconut bra & thong while playing Happy Birthday on the banjo.

Luv Bonnie

30 Nov 99 - 11:31 PM (#143016)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: catspaw49

Well I hesitate to post to this prior to the actual event as that would be premature, but Heather informs me that IS one of your traits, so..........

I also consulted the early edition of the paper for your horoscope in hopes that it would be accurate and found this:

"Born today you are a miserable pissant with no redeeming social value whatsoever. You are generous to a fault, of which, you have many. Your passion for all things artistic is overshadowed by your complete lack of talent for anything more difficult than passing copious quantities of sulphurous flatulence. You are narrow minded, completely bigoted, and steadfast in your maintenance of opinions shared only by Pakistani Dung Merchants and a pants presser in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, named Ignatz. Give up."

Isn't it amazing how accurate those things are? In any case, your half brothers Reg, Reg, and Reg all send along their best. Sorrowfully, they are all in jail at the moment after setting up a shack and drilling numerous holes on the new Ice Rink in Columbus, explaining to the arresting officer they were just ice fishing. They would have gotten off with a warning had not one of their holes penetrated a gas main. Even this wouldn't have been a major problem had not Paw and Cletus been along and were entertaining the Reg boys with a fart lighting performance which ended with an explosion taking out 2 square blocks of downtown Columbus. Typically, none of them, although hospitalized at the jail infirmary, will believe that they were NOT on a lake and DID rupture a gas line. Cletus just lays there saying, "Damn,what a doozie."

So Happy Birthday to you and my best to Heather as she certainly needs it. And Heather, if he begins backing up to the cake, stand clear......and whack him soundly with an imploded 12 string.


01 Dec 99 - 12:13 AM (#143035)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: thosp


01 Dec 99 - 12:18 AM (#143038)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Little Neophyte

Thosp, would you be able to put one of those neon signs on the Rick Fielding's Birthday Song Thread?
I think it would look lovely.
How about........ This One's The Birthday Boy
something like that.

I would greatly appreciate it,

01 Dec 99 - 12:40 AM (#143044)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Rick, you owe Bonnie free lessons for a year for that...sorry I missed your birthday (by 40 minutes or so). I'll tip a Dos Equis to you tonight (this a.m.) in the cantina.


01 Dec 99 - 02:28 AM (#143072)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Toronto LT

Hi Rick,

Just wanted to add a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the list. You certainly have many great friends! Hope you have a fabulous year.


01 Dec 99 - 02:38 AM (#143076)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Escamillo

May I join to the celebration, now that I am another member of Rick's audience. Happy birthday and keep on singing!
Un abrazo, Andrés

01 Dec 99 - 02:40 AM (#143078)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Jeremiah McCaw

Oh horsefeathers! I've met Duckboots, and Rick's the lucky one!

Hippo Birdies, O Illustrious Fielding-person.

- Jeremiah

01 Dec 99 - 04:17 AM (#143084)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Roger the skiffler

Never mind ,Rick,(I also deny having birthdays) but have a good time anyway! May the blessings of SS Lonnie (Johnson and Donegan) shower down upon you. RtS

01 Dec 99 - 05:30 AM (#143090)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Sam Pirt


Have a merry musical birthday!!!!!!

Cheers, Sam

01 Dec 99 - 07:00 AM (#143098)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: TheMuse

Rick, I seem to be running "a day late and a dollar short" with my birthday wishes lately! (Even though I am a banker) I read in an astrology book lately that we Taureans make "friendly bankers" so I will send this belated wish off to you with a big grin and a very friendly handshake - I'd send a kiss on the cheek too but there has been a awful lot of matchmaking in these threads lately so I better be careful! Hope you had a super day - The Muse

01 Dec 99 - 07:41 AM (#143108)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Pete Peterson

It makes me think of the good old days
You sure grew out of your baby ways
53rd birthday we wish you many more
Health and wealth and friends by the score
So cut the cake and let's eat some more

Enjoy yourself, It's later than you think

01 Dec 99 - 08:33 AM (#143124)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: alison

Happy Birthday Rick... and (at the risk of starting Mick and spaw laughing again).........lots of hugs from Down Under.......



01 Dec 99 - 08:35 AM (#143126)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Vixen

Hey, Rick--

If it's not too late...

Live forever or die trying!

Didja know that time spent playing music doesn't count toward your alloted years?

Many happy more!


01 Dec 99 - 08:57 AM (#143131)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Arnie

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! It's Kathy's birthday too! We still have lots of cheescake here - come on over! Arnie

01 Dec 99 - 09:08 AM (#143134)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Peter T.

Happy Birthday, Rick. You are a great gift. yours, Peter

01 Dec 99 - 09:46 AM (#143140)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Fortunato

Happy Birthday Rick,

I have very nearly survived my 53rd year. So far it has required a great deal of aspirin and ibuprophen. I have run or gone to the gym 3 to 4 days a week to keep my weight from outgrowing my wardrobe (only just). With the best available medical and dental care I have most of my teeth, a good deal of my vision(with trifocals)and most of my body doesn't hurt, itch or grow barnacles most of the time. Thanks to small yellow pieces of paper, message machines and my loving wife I don't forget everything I was supposed to do. Meantime I can remember the words and arrangements to the songs I've been doing for 20 or 30 years, however those I have just learned for my current band must be relearned for every gig (sometimes I still forget, the band just shrugs and covers for me.) All and all being 53 is better than a poke in the eye (only just). Cheers and regards, Fortunato

01 Dec 99 - 09:51 AM (#143144)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: catspaw49

He is? Well in that case, perhaps we could box him up and wrap him real pretty with a bow and everything...then ship him off to Abu Dhabi maybe...........But where in the hell are we going to find a box that size? And what would the postage be? Say, how about Fed Ex overnight? Probably a huge surcharge........hmmmm..............

Or better yet, we just gift wrap him and mail him to his soul mate, Ignatz, in Conshohocken, PA. This would also put him close to Max and Bert and he could tape his radio shows there and send them to CIUT, since the other way around doesn't seem to be working. I think the last show we have archived is the one he did with Gertrude Stein. Although it was a great show where Rick was able to gain insight into her piano technique (the Stein-Way), something more recent would be nice. We're still waiting on the one featuring Joe McCarthy "Pickin' on the Commies." BTW, does anyone have that on CD? The original vinyl was irritating because of the static in the background caused by recording the album at a recently purloined V of A transmitter station.

Where did I start this thing and what thread is this?


01 Dec 99 - 09:52 AM (#143145)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Mudjack

Put another candle on your Birthday cake, your'e another year old today.....Have a GOOD ONE Rick.

01 Dec 99 - 10:05 AM (#143149)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Liam's Brother

Very best wishes, Rick. Keep the songs and tunes flowing for the next thousand years!


01 Dec 99 - 11:23 AM (#143180)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: InOBU

Happy Birthday Rick! As my doctor said at my last vist, if you are into your fourties and wake up with nothing hurting, dont call me, your dead... Enjoy the brithdays and the days between em cause we are a long time looking at the lid. (Note how the older we get the worse the associations with this day-) But be of good chear, and if not, I perscribe some liquid chear until you are Chears... Larry Otway

01 Dec 99 - 11:30 AM (#143185)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Rick Fielding

ARGHHHHHHH! Thank you. I'm speechless......for the moment.Gotta go teach autoharp, banjo and mandolin. Wow.

01 Dec 99 - 11:37 AM (#143188)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Art Thieme

H(a)ey, Rick, (Boy, that sounds agricultural)

Let me join the chorus of good wishes to you. Now that you're over the hump, keep in mind it's easier goin' downhill.

Say, what did you think of the video I sent you??


01 Dec 99 - 12:15 PM (#143201)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: catspaw49

So where's Duckboots on this thread anyway? I think she might be able to squeeze in a message to her hubby. Lessee now...Sleep-8 hours; meal type chores for picky eater-3 hours; personal sanity time required by those living with eccentric assholes-3 hours (I'm simply using the amount of time Karen needs, Heather may differ); general job-like duties-8 hours; prep time getting ready to give Rick his "Special Birthday Gift"-1 hour; time spent with Rick while he partakes of his "Special Birthday Gift"-9 seconds.

This leaves 59 minutes and 51 seconds of available time to post here. And when you do Heather---PLEASE have a word with your sister, the infamous "Knockers." The McKnees thing is so bad. Tell her she needs to go back to "Knockers."


01 Dec 99 - 12:21 PM (#143205)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: bill\sables

All the best from the Whole of England including Selby Cheers Bill

01 Dec 99 - 12:26 PM (#143207)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Marion

Happy birthday, Rick, and live forever!


01 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#143212)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: KathWestra

A big birthday hug with lots of love. Thanks for songs, insights, humor, good company, and patience when teaching tough guitar runs. Here's to ya, Rick, and to many more years of music-making and friendship. Your friend Kathy.

01 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#143213)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Neil Lowe

..bringing up the rear, as usual.....beatific birthday blessings -- thanks for the virtual "free lessons" you posted to all the music threads.


01 Dec 99 - 02:13 PM (#143253)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Allan C.

Best birthday wishes to you, Rick. And thanks. Thanks for your many thoughtful, informative and sometimes just plain funny posts.

01 Dec 99 - 02:22 PM (#143261)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Dave Swan


I look away for a day and you get old. Regardless of what that fish-gutting heathen from Ohio says, you're a fine man, a hell of a musician and an irreplaceable part of this village. The partners of L,F,P&S, Layabouts for Hire have voted you a raise in honor of the occasion.

Many Happy Returns of the Day from Dave & Pam.

01 Dec 99 - 06:08 PM (#143369)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Duckboots

Well, I took him out for dinner and I got him a present but his day wouldn't be complete unless I wished him a Happy Birthday here on Mudcat.

Happy Birthday Honey


01 Dec 99 - 08:35 PM (#143434)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: catspaw49

So how was the nine seconds?


01 Dec 99 - 08:48 PM (#143440)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: annamill

Wow! Happy Birthday Rick!! Guess what? November 30th was Honey's birthday too! I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope all the rest to come are wonderful too.

I got Glenn a full size cutout of Pamela Lee Anderson and one of Zena for his music area downstairs. When he woke up, he walked out into the kitchen and into shock. I loved it! What fun! He has a gig on Saturday and we're advertizing it as Moondogs (his nickname) Birthday Party. (He has a lot of friends) He fully plans to bring the two girls with him to the gig. What a party that's going to be. I hope you're having fun too.

Love, annap

01 Dec 99 - 09:15 PM (#143447)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, Rick, you got three songs tailor-made for you on your birthday. Jeri, great adaptation of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," a song that always reminds me of the execution of Private Eddie Slovik (now THERE's a bummer). It took me a little longer (maybe ten seconds) to figure out your source, Pete: "Roll Over, Roll Over" ("Ten men slept in a boarding house bed..."). And I didn't have to think a bit about yours, Bonnie--you didn't give me the chance to puzzle it out for myself.

Anyway, good work, all--and how many people have been so blest, Rick?


01 Dec 99 - 09:30 PM (#143455)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Little Neophyte

Charles, Rick taught me everything I know about lyric composition, Right Rick?

So, what did you have for dinner Rick? Don't tell me, lobster or was it lasagna or a big fat juicy steak?

What's with the 9 seconds? I don't get that.

BB (could also stand for Birthday Boy)

01 Dec 99 - 09:40 PM (#143457)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: catspaw49

When you write as much crappola as I do, you tend to forget where you started something.....

BB....The nine seconds is from my post at 12:15 today 12/1

And I have the feeling I should rip one off Rick's album let me go find that thread.


01 Dec 99 - 09:47 PM (#143460)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Metchosin

Happy Birthday Rick, from one Canajun 46er to another.

01 Dec 99 - 09:55 PM (#143464)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Little Neophyte

Got ya Catspaw.
So Rick, Catspaw & I want to know how were the nine seconds?


02 Dec 99 - 12:10 PM (#143682)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: Bob Landry

Happy belated birthday, Rick.


02 Dec 99 - 12:32 PM (#143689)
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Rick
From: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)

Good wishes to you, Rick. T.