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BS: Migrant crisis

05 Sep 15 - 04:50 AM (#3735516)
Subject: Migrant crisis
From: Bonzo3legs

Regardless of what the government is doing, some people feel guilt because they feel they ought to be seen to be feeling guilty!

05 Sep 15 - 04:53 AM (#3735517)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Bonzo3legs

Sorry, should be BS - not easy from iphone, only 4s mind - that's all we can afford!!

05 Sep 15 - 05:58 AM (#3735528)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Bonzo3legs

And let's make every individual who chooses the cause and flag of so-called Islamic State – however removed their link – feel their blood run cold, every time they even think that they hear a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with some old friends inside.

05 Sep 15 - 07:14 AM (#3735538)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Jim Carroll

"some people feel guilt because they feel they ought to be seen to be feeling guilty!"
And some people feel guilty because they feel guilty - (simple as that.)
A huge relief that a positive response to this appalling crisis is being responded to in a humane way.
Depressing that it took the photograph of a dead child being carried out of the sea to elicit that response.
Jim Carroll

05 Sep 15 - 07:20 AM (#3735539)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Raggytash


05 Sep 15 - 07:40 AM (#3735541)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,Obnighrobdog

"All they will call you will be deportee"

05 Sep 15 - 08:30 AM (#3735546)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis

As are in the wrong place and a pint low.

The discussion is still rolling here....

Bonzo's BooBoo


As a common courtsy....returning from a vacation...please read before you post...and please don't let that third thing get caught in the door on your way out...if it does you wont git no pity.

05 Sep 15 - 08:30 AM (#3735547)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Effsee

Strange behaviour!

05 Sep 15 - 08:31 AM (#3735548)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,#

All you have to do bonzo is lower the portcullis. You'll be safe.

05 Sep 15 - 09:19 AM (#3735555)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Jim Carroll

Whoever put it up, it is an opportunity to discuss a significant shift in 'the civilised world's' attitude to what is a massive crisis.
Wonder if we can manage it without getting the thread deleted!
Quiiiiiick march
Jim Carroll

05 Sep 15 - 09:33 AM (#3735557)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Raggytash

Sorry Jim, in your dreams. The attitude of numerous people on this forum towards the refugees borders on despicable. I don't know if there is a short term solution and I have seen no evidence to suggest that there is any move towards a long term solution. The refugees are just someone to blame for the ills of society to many people.

05 Sep 15 - 09:40 AM (#3735559)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Keith A of Hertford

The attitude of numerous people on this forum towards the refugees borders on despicable.

Care to give an example, not including anon trolls?

What "solutions" are you talking about Rag?

05 Sep 15 - 09:45 AM (#3735561)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

Bonz - curiously enough, in a recent survey of consumer purchasing conducted by Ebuyer, a major internet Hi Tech equipment retailer...

"Croydon ranks top of the security concious scale, it buys the most CCTV, security and alarm equipment in the UK".........😬

05 Sep 15 - 09:53 AM (#3735563)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

2:45 in the afternoon... someone seeems to have enjoyed a good old traditional Saturday liquid lunch...😜

Maybe best to switch off the internet and just have a quiet nap on the sofa in front of the telly...

05 Sep 15 - 11:01 AM (#3735578)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Jim Carroll

"The Boy is not Europe's shame."
Whoever says otherwise - yes he is, and the powers that be have acted accordingly.
All the columnist's argument proves is that Europe is no better than the states he chooses to target - a game of 'passing the parcel'
Jim Carroll

05 Sep 15 - 11:02 AM (#3735579)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: akenaton

well it is certainly a tremendous problem and requires a bit of thought and discussion.

Saw a "talking head" on TV this morning making the analogy of the pioneers in America spreading West for a better life in the early 18 hundreds. It all sounded quite cosy until one considered that the culture and society which was all but wiped out by the never ending flood, many of whom were immigrants.

When native English people become an endangered species in many of the larger cities, we may not look so kindly upon the later day pioneers.

The real victims at the moment are those who are unable to move from the lawless wastelands that we have helped to create, opposition to Islamic State will be dealt with ruthlessly, creating even more will become a tactic.

How many IS sleepers will be among their number?

I'm afraid the Genie is out of the bottle.....who to blame? Bush, Blair and all who supported the overthrow and murder of Gaddafi.

05 Sep 15 - 11:27 AM (#3735589)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick

I don't feel the least bit guilty. I feel bloody angry at the scumbags of politicians who let this crisis develop and did nothing about it until a combination of public sympathy and media attention forced them to act.

And I feel choked with compassion for the poor sods of refugees who can't get into the very continent which invented the rights of Man.

But guilty? Not me. If I ever run over an old lady through no fault of anybody else's, then I'll feel guilty,

05 Sep 15 - 11:32 AM (#3735590)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Keith A of Hertford

It does not help, on such an emotive issue, to start making wild and false accusations about other Mudcatters as Rag just did.
He is just hoping to stir up trouble and bad feeling.
The worst kind of trolling.
Leave that to the anons.

05 Sep 15 - 11:46 AM (#3735593)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Jim Carroll

"When native English people become an endangered species in many of the larger cities,"
Oh dear!!
"Playing the blame game is of little use to the refugees"
Hard to tell one anonymous guest from the other, but one of them has just blamed "Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and other Gulf Arab states and societies that swim in oceans of wealth and control millions of hectares of land, but could not give him the status of a refugee."
It wasn't you, was it?
Jim Carroll

05 Sep 15 - 11:51 AM (#3735596)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Steve Shaw

How many IS sleepers will be among their number?"

Exactly the attitude that justifies the bombing of schools in Gaza "because Hamas militants are embedded among them".

05 Sep 15 - 12:46 PM (#3735610)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: GUEST,HiLo

I would like to see all of the G20 countries take in a hundred thousand each. I know that a sudden influx of people poses problems but the g20 are all rich nations and should be able to accommodate many newcomers. I feel that western wealth must be shared.

05 Sep 15 - 08:06 PM (#3735669)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why should anybody believe a word of what Isis says about this kind of thing?

The one heartening thing from this has been the sight on TV of crowds of Germans welcoming the refugees in the station, and the sight of the refugees realizing that they wre being welcomed.

For all the loathsome attitudes expressed by some people, even here, and the contortions of a despicable government, I believe that there are plenty of people in England who would wish to provide the same welcome.

It's noteworthy that the Sun has completely turned the way it covers the refugee crisis. That's not the Sun changing its spots. It recognising a change in how readers csee things. The Sun never leads, it follows. The same way a weathercock doesn't change the way the wind blows.

05 Sep 15 - 08:08 PM (#3735672)
Subject: RE: Migrant crisis
From: Steve Shaw

Well said.