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M'Cat Healing O, help required.

04 Dec 99 - 06:33 PM (#144710)
Subject: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

Healing circle help is in demand this weekend, one of our own, Micca, was admitted to hospital today, with severe stomach cramps. They have done some tests, and it sounds very much like gall stones, they're doing an ultrasound tomorrow to see. He is the sort of person who can lie around all day watching T.V., but as soon as he is made to stay in bed, starts climbing the walls and going cabin crazy, so you can imagine how he is feeling attached to a drip, with no T.V., nearby.....

If you could mention him in your prayers and rituals, as I will be....



04 Dec 99 - 07:11 PM (#144722)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: wildlone

Give him my best Liz

04 Dec 99 - 07:13 PM (#144723)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Áine

Dear Liz,

Tell him he's in my thoughts and prayers, too. Please let us know how he gets along.

-- Áine

04 Dec 99 - 07:18 PM (#144727)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: bobby's girl

Thinking of him -- I know sitting confined in hospital is not easy. Wishing for a swift resolution of his problems love Bobby's girl

04 Dec 99 - 07:18 PM (#144729)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: katlaughing

Thanks, LTS. I had received a message from A., but didn't know if it would be okay with them to post here. I am glad you've done so.

He has been in my thoughts all day and I will continue to envision him in the best of health, comfy at home. A special candle will be lit in my sanctum for him, also.

Please keep us posted.

Blessed Be & Peace Profound,


04 Dec 99 - 07:21 PM (#144731)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Lonesome EJ

Best thoughts and prayers to Micca...and patience!

04 Dec 99 - 07:21 PM (#144732)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: McKnees

Liz thanks for letting us know. Please tell Micca that I am thinking of him. McKnees

04 Dec 99 - 07:23 PM (#144735)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

Didn't know (or care) if either A or Micca wanted it done, I just done it regardless, because he is one of my oldest (and oldest) friends, and I know he would do the same for me....


04 Dec 99 - 07:43 PM (#144749)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Susan A-R

Liz, Please pass on my wish for speedy recovery. Boredom and pain are a bad combination. I hope he feels right as rain and is back on with great posts soon.

Susan A-R

04 Dec 99 - 08:01 PM (#144754)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Willie-O

O' course, o' course. Better soon Micca. These two shall pass (?), and he's lucky to have a friend like you around Liz!

Bill C

04 Dec 99 - 09:52 PM (#144780)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.

I dun opent this heer thred cuz I seen it wuz started by thet Liz whuts got the hairy chest an I gotsta tell yall thet the idee uv a gittin tagather with a girl like thet shur duz wind my watch. But then I seen whair Mr. Micca wuz in the hospital an I know whut thet kinda thang iz like seeuns thet Catspaw wuz in one fer a rite long spell awhile back an when me an Paw went ta see him the folks at the hospital wudnt let us in les we went down ta place whut they calt Central Sterile cuz they sed we wuzzint fit ta do no visitin. Now Paw an me wuz reel worreet bout whut it wuz they had a mind ta do cuz neether one uv us wuz enny too intersted inna beein sterile but all they dun wuz scour us down a mite an give us sum new duds whut they calt scrubs.

I hope yall iz doin fine an all uv us whut hangs out at Catspaws place iz thinkin reel gud thots boutcha. Me an Paw an the Reg boys jist got outta the infirmary down ta the jail ourselfs. The Reg boys wuzza showin Paw an me the wayz uv Ice Fishin but we dun got arrested cuz the lake whair we went turnt out wuz no lake attall. The Reg boyz is Fielding's half brothers an bein Canadjuns an all we shudda noan better. Seems as how this lake where we bilt the shack an drillt the holes wuz the new Hockey Arena in Columbus an the poleece come by an we got arrested. Now whut happint thet we wuz in the infirmary come ta be cuz Paw wuzza lightin up summa his poots liken heez proan ta do and the Reg boys all git ta laffin. He shur wuz in fine form. Ennywayz, while the Reg boyz wuz talkin to the cops Paw flared one off an the damdest thing happint...The WHOLE PLACE BLEW UP and took two blocks uv downtown Columbus with it. Next thing I knew I wuz layin in the hospital all bandaged up an all I cud think wuz, "What a DOOZIE." But as it turnt out it wernt Paws fart whut dun it. Them dummass Reg boys drillt a lot of holes in the ice rink an one uv them rammed rite thru a gas main.

Ennyway, weezall thinkin gud thangs an hopin ya git better reel quik.


04 Dec 99 - 10:56 PM (#144795)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: lloyd61


Prayers are with you and Micca. Keep the faith.


05 Dec 99 - 01:04 AM (#144837)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Liz, you know Micca is in my thoughts and rituals: he's one of the healing circle's most generous spirits. Give him my love.


05 Dec 99 - 01:18 AM (#144845)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: catspaw49

I know the power of the Cat and the incredible pain in the ass it is to be stuck and tested. He has become a good friend here and I want you to keep us posted as often as you can. Can you see him or call. I gotta tell you, I really was boosted by the thread postings that Karen brought. We're looking forward to news.


05 Dec 99 - 02:26 AM (#144862)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: roopoo

Prayers will be winging their way from Yorkshire. Pain is a terrible thing. Pain and frustration is a double anguish. I hope Micca finds strength and patience.


05 Dec 99 - 03:50 AM (#144877)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Banjer

I see where Cletus added his best wishes. Is that what folks call a 'Flaming Post'? Hope all gets better real quick. Our thoughts also are with him.

05 Dec 99 - 08:58 AM (#144908)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: InOBU

Do give Micca my wife and my best wishes and while your at it, give him a harmonica, it beats daytime tv. Larry and Genie Otway

05 Dec 99 - 08:59 AM (#144909)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: InOBU

PS a harmonica might even help him get a single room, if he does not like the roomates.

05 Dec 99 - 09:05 AM (#144910)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: jeffp

Please send my best wishes to Micca and let him know I am praying for his quick recovery. Hospitals are no fun at all. Rua, the cat on my lap as I write this, sends his best too.


05 Dec 99 - 01:16 PM (#144990)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Cleigh O'Possum

I see from the other thread that Micca has gall stones and since so many others have sent him their best, even that stupid Cletus, I hope that Micca will know that the little clay possum is thinking of him too. Catspaw won't let Cletus around me anymore and I'm very glad. He was not a good influence, Catspaw says. He even had me peeking into Jeri's windows in hopes of seeing dragonflies hovering over her hooters. The nice policeman who arrested us understood that I was just an innocent possum, so the judge let me off and sentenced Cletus to 30 days at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed after finding him guilty of "Malfeasance with a Marsupial" and "Indecent Stupidity." Now all I ever hear Cletus talk about is Liz the Squeak's chest hair which doesn't seem too nice to me.

I really hope you get through the holidays without too much discomfort and I will be thinking my best thoughts should you have the surgery later.

All my best,

Cleigh O'Possum

05 Dec 99 - 01:41 PM (#145004)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Penny S.

Holding Micca in the Light, Penny

05 Dec 99 - 02:08 PM (#145017)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I know that Micca is himself a healer and we all can keep holding him and those dear to him in the Light.

05 Dec 99 - 03:59 PM (#145065)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: bseed(charleskratz)

And when the possum is on your side, who--or what--dare stand against you?


05 Dec 99 - 05:58 PM (#145115)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Allan C.

There is that within me which wants to do a lot of wordplay about how galling it is to discover... and that it takes a lot of gall to... and all that sort of "clever" crap. But deep in my heart what I truly want to say is that I have a clear idea of how much pain such a problem can cause and that I sincerely hope Micca has seen the last of it. Best wishes!

05 Dec 99 - 06:10 PM (#145116)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Mbo

Hang in there, Micca! You got the whole Mudcat gang pulling for ya! Get better now, man! I command it!


05 Dec 99 - 10:27 PM (#145232)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Pete Peterson

Good thoughts and prayers added. Gallbladder-- Yuck!

06 Dec 99 - 12:15 AM (#145275)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

It is 5 am here, I have just been woken (thankfully) from a terrible dream, the irony of which would not escape the fat git (as he is affectionately known by some). He is in a ward called Harrison Ward, and I have just been dreaming of a huge gallstone thundering down the corridor towards him, as he runs (!) down it, crazed native nurses hurl syringes through blow pipes at him and there is a surgeon lurking around the corner with a mad possesive gleam in his eye, waiting to get hold of his kidneys! Guess baked beans for supper is a bad idea.....

I don't have an update, but I suggested his wife take a hard copy of this thread and give it to him, hope she managed it, I see his name appears with no message, so I should presume that she did. So he knows you are all thinking of him, and I'd like to say thank you, especially Cleigh, I know how hard it is for possums....


06 Dec 99 - 05:31 AM (#145320)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

He is allowed sips of water today, although still in pain.

He has had no alcohol for at least four days now, which is putting a severe strain on his humour gland, and he is not known for his tolerance.....

More news later.


06 Dec 99 - 08:12 AM (#145352)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Vixen

Hang in there Micca--

Gallbladders are one of the nastier of the 1000 natural shocks that flesh is heir to...

You're in my prayers.


08 Dec 99 - 05:20 PM (#146751)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

Flesh is about to disinherit - in the next few weeks he will have his gall bladder removed, he is a lot better, and if it weren't for the drips and only wearing a hospital gown would have ROTFLhisAO at the copy of the thread that he was given. His bum has been used for target practice and he is running out of fingers for blood samples.....

He says thank you to everyone, hopefully his SO will have a broader posting later...


08 Dec 99 - 07:35 PM (#146831)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: jeffp

Aud posted this to the thread about my son, so I am cross-posting it here so it won't be missed.

Micca has been told that he will be discharged from hospital tomorrow. He's feeling a lot better, so brace yourselves! Love, Aud

Congratulations Micca!!!! And welcome back!

08 Dec 99 - 11:15 PM (#146948)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Susan A-R

Looking forward to seeing Micca in the Mudcat Barn where virtual drinks can be ANYTHING and his gall bladder won't know it.

08 Dec 99 - 11:18 PM (#146949)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Áine

Hey Micca, my man,

Here's to your homecomeing and I'm lifting a (virtual) pint of Guiness in your general direction!! Slainte, Áine

09 Dec 99 - 08:26 PM (#147310)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Micca

I'm Home, I will post a proper notice and info tomorrow but Many thanks to everyone for their help so far we are 1/2 way there.

09 Dec 99 - 09:57 PM (#147353)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: _gargoyle


10 Dec 99 - 03:44 AM (#147464)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Liz the Squeak

Garg, you know it is BS, we know it's BS, so why do you keep telling us? And there is no need to shout!

Besides, if BS means what I think it means, it isn't BS to wish a fellow human being well, especially one who has been as close to the wire as Micca, imagine, 6 whole days with no food, no clothes and no television......

LTS, indignant, bordering on miffed.

10 Dec 99 - 06:03 AM (#147474)
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
From: Áine


Glad to see your home at last. As you can see, nothing much as changed here! We missed you and thank Aud for posting us her 'reports from bedside'. Can't wait to hear the blow-by-blow from you . . . however, you can leave out the really icky stuff . . . Take care and feel better soon, Áine