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BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

13 Dec 15 - 08:23 PM (#3758228)
Subject: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gnu

Seriously? This fuckin nutbar passes a nutbar and it's big news? it's a "relief"?

What kind of a circus... a dog and pony show complete with dancing monkeys... is being paraded in front of... is being tolerated by "The most powerful nation on earth"? Cough, cough... most powerful... ha! Sweet Jaysus this is really getting to be sickening. Why aren't Yanks demanding that this embarrassing cluster fuck with these no-mind idiots be stopped?

These assholes threaten the entire earth. Ted Cruz???? Really?! He is the voice of reason for the GOP? WTF?

13 Dec 15 - 08:29 PM (#3758231)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Rapparee

Hey! He used to be a Canadian citizen!

13 Dec 15 - 08:29 PM (#3758232)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

I thought Cruz would have passed Trump in the toilet. Live and learn.

13 Dec 15 - 09:40 PM (#3758239)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

And the difference is... Like trading a kick in the
Nuts for... A kick in the nuts

13 Dec 15 - 10:37 PM (#3758251)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,WhyHateCruz?

Ok, I've got to ask. I've yet to hear any reason why people hate Cruz so much. I've heard people say he's as bad as Trump. But what's so bad about him? I haven't paid him that much attention, but I haven't noticed anything crazy.

13 Dec 15 - 11:25 PM (#3758254)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Trump still leads in the national polls but Cruz is out front in Iowa. The GOP winners in the last 2 Iowa caucuses were Huckabee in 2008 and Sanctorum in 2012 so a win there is probably more indicative of how conservative a candidate is than anything else.

13 Dec 15 - 11:32 PM (#3758256)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

He is so far right he won't even eat with his left hand. He shut down the entire government budget until they would appeal Obama care. Didn't work but caused the dollar to fall and government workers have no checks for a few weeks. This is just the start.

13 Dec 15 - 11:33 PM (#3758257)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Tea party golden boy

13 Dec 15 - 11:37 PM (#3758258)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Tia

Denies climate change.
Thinks LGBTQ is evil.
Called for "repeal of every word of Common Core" (read the Common Core regulations to understand how stupid this is... Trick question BTW).
Yeah, go ahead and hate Cruz.

13 Dec 15 - 11:39 PM (#3758259)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Tia

Accepted the endorsement of a man who called for execution of abortionists... A few days before Colorado Springs massacre.
Shall I go on?

14 Dec 15 - 02:26 AM (#3758264)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,High Lo

I thought you had to be born in the US to run for President.

14 Dec 15 - 03:24 AM (#3758268)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

Its a bit like someone turning up at a folk club saying their banjo has been nicked but spending the insurance money on a bodhran.

So... Are we to call her President Elect Clinton yet? Or is The USA going to give us another series of this dark comedy series beforehand? Even the French got around to waking up to the dangers of encouraging certifiable monsters yesterday.

14 Dec 15 - 08:30 AM (#3758310)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Mr Red

comparing Donald (Bald Eagle) Trump (all meanings apply) to a bodhran is extremely hurtful and disrespectful to Bodhranista the world over. At least we know when to stop!

14 Dec 15 - 08:31 AM (#3758311)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Mr Red

I thought Cruz was a missile

I'll get my coat.............

14 Dec 15 - 09:31 AM (#3758323)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

Cruz & Trump both part and parcel of the Weimarization of America. Muslims will shortly be required to sew yellow crescent-shaped patches bearing the letter "M" onto their clothes.

14 Dec 15 - 10:20 AM (#3758338)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

He evenlooks llike Joe Mccarthy

14 Dec 15 - 10:27 AM (#3758339)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

He does, Dan, and he's made more than a few McCarthyesque pronouncements on the floor of the Senate.

14 Dec 15 - 10:32 AM (#3758340)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Don't be silly Greg, they will all be confined to an interment camp someplace

14 Dec 15 - 10:43 AM (#3758347)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

It gets tedious hearing these GOP candidates recount their hard scrabble lives. It sounds like pander. Rubio talks about his immigrant parents washing dishes and collecting pop bottles (or whatever) to make ends meet. Lindsay Graham talks about his parents owning a liquor store, a bar and a pool room (sounds like they might've actually made some money). Cruz talks about his alcoholic dad leaving the family then getting religion and reuniting with the family and eventually becoming a pastor. More power to whatever gets you sober and your life back on track, but that religious predilection to hawk Jesus as if He were a used car seems to have rubbed off on Cruz. Cruz has this faux-earnestness etched into his countenance at all times that comes off as insincere when he's talking about political ideals. He should just own the whole image and don some sort of sparkly televangelist gaudy suit and conduct his speeches with a Bible in one hand and a crucifix in the other. All of these candidates will probably reiterate how hard they've had it growing up and how it made them into the sleazy politicians they are today in the next GOP debate on Tuesday.

14 Dec 15 - 11:37 AM (#3758355)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: KB in Iowa

The caucus system lends itself to this sort of thing. You don't just show up, cast a ballot and then leave. You need to hang around for a while. This means that casual voters (or people who work off-shift) do not attend.

On the Republican side the Evangelical wing has a much larger voice than they do in general elections (or daily life) which explains the last two winners and how Cruz has moved in front now. Still does not explain Trump.

Obama won Iowa in the general election in both 2008 and 2012 so the evangelical influence only goes so far.

btw, I would LOVE to not be first in the nomination process. What a pain in the arse. We get hit with so much crap so early and so often it turns ones stomach.

14 Dec 15 - 04:45 PM (#3758415)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gnu

"I haven't paid him that much attention, but I haven't noticed anything crazy." Get thee to a physician.

"So... Are we to call her President Elect Clinton yet?" No, we are to call HIM President Elect Bernie Sanders... unless the election is rigged yet again.

14 Dec 15 - 06:58 PM (#3758439)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

No, be careful of Rubio, that guy has a strong popular appeal. I don't like him but he certainly can make a run and could beat hillary. That is what many tv talking heads are saying. Yikes

14 Dec 15 - 07:08 PM (#3758441)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Cnn poll just now says Rubio beats hillary
In the general election ugh

14 Dec 15 - 07:37 PM (#3758446)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Bill D

To answer the first question: "What kind of a circus... is being paraded in front of... "

It's a Republican clown special. They no longer breed candidates who understand issues and diplomacy... they pick wannabes who can spout the slogan-of-the-day without totally tripping over their own tongues and changing the line to suit the supposed situation. In the meantime, they take pot-shots at each other in a sort of disorganized circular firing squad.

Why? Because the demographics are shifting so that they no longer have safe majorities in many places without voter suppression and Gerrymandering districts. They are pinning their 'hopes' on riding guns, abortions, religion (and anti- Islam) and the idea of not allowing Obama to pass anything, then accusing him of 'failure' while they lie about what he HAS done.

What is going on is pure desperation to get ONE Republican elected so they can pack the court(s) and pass extreme legislation to allow keeping power, even with a minority of the popular vote. IF they don't win, each wants all the publicity they can get to get them cushy 'jobs' in the private sector, or as lobbyists. None of them seem to care about anything except trashing each other and any Democrat who looks halfway competent.

Somewhere there are a few old-style Repubs who are shaking their head sadly and laying low... hoping that the circular firing squad hits a few.......

14 Dec 15 - 07:57 PM (#3758448)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Bill, it's all jello plain and simple. That's the strongest swear word I know

15 Dec 15 - 04:17 AM (#3758484)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Mr Red

Brown jello?

15 Dec 15 - 07:38 AM (#3758512)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Just watched Mr Trump, (who I know very little about, other than he is very unpopular on Mudcat).

He was discussing Syria with some TV talking head and making LOTS of sense. He seemed to appreciate the position Russia is taking regarding the Assad regime and the need to work with them if ISIS is to be pushed back.....they will never be defeated outright.

People here cast him as a dummy, but in the interview he spoke more hard common sense than I have heard from any mainstream politician in years.

15 Dec 15 - 08:59 AM (#3758525)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Trump's no dummy, he's carved himself out a constituency of racists and xenophobes that's got him out ahead in the GOP polls. If these people were voting in the Nielsen ratings he'd do just fine but his fear-mongering alienates far more voters than it appeals to. It also seems that a good portion of his supporters rarely vote.

15 Dec 15 - 09:14 AM (#3758529)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Bill D

Trump says stuff that many people want to hear... and 'some' of the things he says are superficially ...ummmm.... 'interesting'... like "talking tough to Putin"... or "building a fence along the Mexican border"... or "bombing Isis into oblivion"...or a dozen other things.

The problem is, most of what he promises are either illegal, impossible or already being done! He has NO... I repeat.. NO real, practical plan to do them. He is simply blustering on topics that play to fear and prejudice. He has no concept of the process of actual running a government---- you do not 'rule by decree'.

If he were, by some magic, to get elected, he would spend most of his time explaining how..."we are working on that" and butting heads with Congress and constitutional scholars.

Trump is a loud-mouthed bully...... you can sometimes make a lot of money being one, but being a diplomat and a leader in a democracy requires a different mind-set.

15 Dec 15 - 10:34 AM (#3758547)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

I've just read a newspaper article regarding the fear that US Muslims live in now that Trump has rather publicly made hate and discrimination popular again.

The Las Vegas surgeon who wonders why Trump is doing the work of the terrorists makes grim reading. (BBC News website.)

By the way, the person above saying Trump makes sense also claims, depending on the weather, that he is himself a communist, member of the liberal leaning Scottish party in government that has just disassociated itself with Trump's business dealings in Scotland, oh and to be fair, his views on equality are in a place that even Trump hasn't sunk down to, just yet.

Luckily, he doesn't get to vote in a country he only sees on the telly.

15 Dec 15 - 10:35 AM (#3758548)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

He is reality show entertainment. I still think the American people are smarter than that, I hope. He doesn't have a prayer of winning and if he makes it to the candidate, he will sink the Republican party and they know it.

15 Dec 15 - 10:58 AM (#3758555)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

If he stands for the Republican ticket, they lose. If he goes independent and splits their vote, they lose.

I hope you haven't thrown out all those dinner place cards with President Clinton written on them. They will come in handy again soon.

15 Dec 15 - 11:37 AM (#3758566)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

I still think the American people are smarter than that

Obviously about 30% of Republicans aren't Dan. And that in itself is pretty scary.

Add the 25% supporting that jackass Rubio and it gets scarier still.

Then throw in the 10%-12% still supporting Dr. Batshit Crazy.

The Republican Party has degenerated into a loose collection of morons.

15 Dec 15 - 11:57 AM (#3758575)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Well I was confining myself to Mr Trumps views on how to deal with ISIS.....The Obama crowd don't seem to have a clue ....Wont join a coalition with Russia, Wont use Assad's troops, support the people who are fighting Assad, even tho' they are also killing the Kurds.
Surely they cant make the same mistake three times in a row

The US is being left behind...They never expected Putin to take control, they backed the wrong horse and now don't know how to get of out of the saddle.

I also agree with him that steps must be taken to sort out the problem of Muslim immigration, not just in the US, but all over the "developed" world.

and what on earth has the guy's haircut got to do with foreign policy?

15 Dec 15 - 12:10 PM (#3758578)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

The Democrats will have to invite Bernie Sanders in from the cold, but that aside, the Republicans stand no chance this election. The world is changing, I think for the better. Americans are not a stupid people although there are some ya gotta wonder about. The key issue will be getting young/new voters off their derrières and to the polls. I think Canada has led the way on this (and that's not nationalism talking). We got so POed at the press that we said "ef it" and voted our consciences. The result was an overthrow of the Conservatives who tried the attack-ad style of campaigning they were coached on by Republican shills and failed because of it. People are tired of news media's manipulation, and until the Republicans see that they will be relegated to second-party status. But, once again, getting out the vote is crucial. If y'all can do that I think the GOP will be lucky to get 45% of the vote, and that will be a first for quite some time.

15 Dec 15 - 12:55 PM (#3758582)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Agree completely my brother. I alsowwonder how accurate the polls are. One called me and I said Trump is my man Lol

Wonder how manyoother people did that to mess with them. We want him to be picked so they can lose big

15 Dec 15 - 01:00 PM (#3758583)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

And lord, I apoligize for fibbin to that poll takin lady. And apoligize for fibbin that I am sorry for fibbin to that poll takin lady

15 Dec 15 - 01:18 PM (#3758589)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

The poll lady asked me why I like trump and I said, 'he will build a wall and protect us from those Mexicans and Muslims and other foreign people'

Dear lord, I apoligize for playing the dumbass red neck, to the poll lady. It did make me laugh though.

15 Dec 15 - 03:27 PM (#3758610)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

When Akenaton says steps should be taken regarding Muslim immigration across the western world, he does not speak for a single UK citizen and I am embarrassed to see such awful comments published by someone with the same access to education and privilege as me.

His support for terrorism equals that of Trump and ISIS, who are trying to divide a wedge between people based on their religion.

Sickening. Truly sickening. We expect better over here and incitement to hatred is thankfully a criminal offence.

15 Dec 15 - 03:31 PM (#3758614)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Bill D

LOLOL..Dan, I'm sure you'll get the Lord's approval for messing with stupidity.   

" how to deal with ISIS.....The Obama crowd don't seem to have a clue"

Ake... there IS no simple way to deal with those who hide among the innocents and often don't care if they die. Air strikes at their bases and munitions is about the only obvious thing. They WANT us to send ground troops so they can kill Americans.... and at least some of them think they are 'destined' to win a Holy War. How do you "get a clue" to cope with misguided insanity?

15 Dec 15 - 03:33 PM (#3758617)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

He is well qualified to address your final point.

15 Dec 15 - 04:18 PM (#3758630)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Richard Bridge

Well said Guest of 0327 Mudcat time.

15 Dec 15 - 05:02 PM (#3758638)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Bill, creating division amongst those who want to contain ISIS is not a very smart policy.

The US have been bombing for months and the territory controlled by ISIS continued to expand. Bombing alone is ineffective without ground troops......Assad has the only uniformed army in the conflict, fighting for their country. Can we not admit we were wrong and throw our weight behind his troops? They are apparently making significant progress.

15 Dec 15 - 05:09 PM (#3758640)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Nothing new in my remarks concerning Muslim immigrants, didn't President Carter cancel the visas of Iranian citizens in the early eighties? I think they call it protecting your people?

15 Dec 15 - 05:38 PM (#3758646)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

"Cruz has this faux-earnestness etched into his countenance at all times that comes off as insincere when he's talking about political ideals. He should just own the whole image and don some sort of sparkly televangelist gaudy suit and conduct his speeches with a Bible in one hand and a crucifix in the other. All of these candidates will probably reiterate how hard they've had it growing up and how it made them into the sleazy politicians they are today in the next GOP debate on Tuesday."

...and in Hillary's book, 'Hard Choices' she was damn near destitute when she left the White House. She said she could barely afford her 25 houses....poor thing. Let's vote for her because she has led you to believe that she's one of you....
..but then, if she was a Republican...or even a man, you'd all be up in arms, whining!


15 Dec 15 - 07:26 PM (#3758664)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Stilly River Sage

Wounded British Soldier Shuts Up Anti Muslim Racists with Epic Message

Read this, Ake, and reflect. Please. The bulwark you have erected against compassionate acceptance of Muslims from around the world (today) and gay marriage (in the past - and I know I will regret bringing this up) are fossil remnants of world that I don't think you'd really enjoy living in. Love your neighbors, and give them the same respect and rights you have. And ignore the nonsense that GfS spouts. That is all.

16 Dec 15 - 12:30 AM (#3758689)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Acme: " And ignore the nonsense that GfS spouts. That is all."

Yeah!...because it's the truth, and Acme doesn't want any part of it!


16 Dec 15 - 03:01 AM (#3758694)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Musket

Wise words indeed Acme.

Out of interest, Carter didn't cancel the visa of a single Muslim any more than he cancelled the visa a of single {insert any sports team} fan. He took action against a country that declared its opposition to The USA and its citizens were caught up in that.

To try to twist that to some crusade bullshit means you watch too much Murdoch inspired tv. Worse still, you appear incapable of judging it. I would say beware what you watch but in your case I'd say beware gay Muslims who live in caravans.

16 Dec 15 - 03:56 AM (#3758701)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

I don't support Mr Trump's economic policies and realise that he is probably using the problem to further his political ambitions Acme.

However, to ignore the situation which is developing in most Western countries regarding Islamic Fundamentalism, is political idiocy.
Ignoring these people is no longer an option, why on earth do you think the major Western powers are at last wakening up to the problem?

It looks on the cards that global coalition is going to be formed to at least mount a holding operation and to interject that there is no problem to begin with is extremely foolish.

Since you mention it, my views on homosexual "marriage" have not changed, I still think that the figures prove that male homosexual practice is extremely dangerous and should not be PROMOTED by any government.

16 Dec 15 - 04:15 AM (#3758703)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Acme, your rather dubious link seems to assert that people who point out the dangers of IF hate all Muslims?

That is rather like the worn out epithet frequently used here, that to oppose "gay marriage" equates to hatred of all homosexuals?

16 Dec 15 - 05:50 AM (#3758725)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Mr Red

Fer chries sakes.

Bombing is what ISIS/Da'ish want. But cutting-off their revenue is not exactly "nothing" nor is it "misguided". You could, instead, try a world wide ban on the sale of antiquities that have no provenance, or ban fund raising in Muslim communities, or go after the scam merchants and do a lot of collateral damage, not the least to relations. But how ya gonna execute those?

Corner them metaphorically and they have to break cover metaphorically. They will make mistakes and be more visible - cyberphorically.

FOLLOW THE MONEY - but do it effectively.

16 Dec 15 - 07:11 AM (#3758739)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

It never posts anything homophobic does it Joe?

JOE!! Joe Offer!!! Are you still saying it never posts anything homophobic? Or racist? Or bigoted in any way?

Sick puppy

16 Dec 15 - 01:07 PM (#3758830)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Jim Carroll

"I don't support Mr Trump's economic policies"
Just his racism and homophobia - isn't that enough?
" that to oppose "gay marriage" equates to hatred of all homosexuals?"
It does in your case - you've show that often enough with your "gay plague" approach to the subject
Jim Carroll

16 Dec 15 - 01:21 PM (#3758834)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

We wonder why the Trumps, Hitlers and Paisleys get or got popular support. Then we read the shocking posts above.

Mudcat might be about free speech, whatever that is. But it really shouldn't allow propagation of hatred.

16 Dec 15 - 02:07 PM (#3758854)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Jim, I do not know anything about Mr Trumps views on homosexuality or racism. I was referring to his views on foreign policy

I have never once, to my knowledge used "gay plague" in any post, please correct me if I am wrong.   You have used it many times.

The fact that there is an epidemic of STD amongst male homosexuals is a matter of record, I have suggested ways of alleviating that situation......what have you done, other than bury your fat head in the sand?

16 Dec 15 - 02:08 PM (#3758855)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Musket

Akenaton says that marrying someone you love is extremely dangerous and should not be promoted by governments.

Fair comment. I assume his parents loved each other and look what that produced.

16 Dec 15 - 02:39 PM (#3758866)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Another item for Cruz' litany of shame.

16 Dec 15 - 02:55 PM (#3758870)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

The beauty of all this is that billionaires are spending lots of money to get Republicans elected and the American people aren't going to vote for them in sufficient numbers so they can win the election.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

16 Dec 15 - 03:03 PM (#3758872)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

"If you wage jihad against us you're signing your death warrant" --Ted Cruz.

Gee Turd, I bet that struck fear into the hearts of those passionate jihadists who believe so devoutly in their cause they're willing to blow themselves up if they can take a few infidels with them.

16 Dec 15 - 04:19 PM (#3758887)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Richard Bridge

Current reports here in the UK are Trump 41% Cruz 14%. Funny sort of passing.

16 Dec 15 - 09:44 PM (#3758929)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Cruz Passes Trump?

I didn't know there was a laxative strong enough to allow one to pass Trump.

16 Dec 15 - 09:46 PM (#3758930)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

No one wins friends by dropping bombs on them. None of us would like it and guess what, neither do those who receive the ordnance. Either commit to a task and stop posturing for the general public, or go fight the fucking thing yourself.

Politicians and bankers make lotsa money when wars happen. Does anyone here think there are altruistic reasons for war? Are they worth the lives of our children, of the poverty they bring upon us? Keriste, gimme it a rest. That notion is what the various media sell, and how did we become so stupid as to buy it?

Simply refuse to play the game. Various people here bring forth their platitudes and staunchly defend them. They bring up histories that no longer matter. Sorry bucko, but you be talkin' to the wrong guy. You support war, have at it. Go take care of it in person.

I suggest that we no longer go to war unless the children of politicos lead us into battle. It may not be a solution, but it may define the lines that delineate why we fight and the willingness we think someone else's kid should have. Until then, no thank you.

16 Dec 15 - 09:55 PM (#3758932)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

Last post was me.

16 Dec 15 - 10:14 PM (#3758936)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Guest#: "I suggest that we no longer go to war unless the children of politicos lead us into battle."

Chelsea Clinton leading the battle on the front lines????????

...after all, her mom voted for the war in Iraq....then promoted the lie about the YouTube video, as the cause for the Benghazi consulate being attacked...lied in front of Congress about it as well....Oh well...


16 Dec 15 - 11:42 PM (#3758942)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Richard Bridge

Pass the tinfoil please

17 Dec 15 - 12:16 AM (#3758944)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

What size do you wear??...after all, what I posted is true...and on video. Do you prefer leaders to be liars and lie to you?????....unless, of course, you believe the lies....then you think they are wonderful!!

What you WANT to believe, does not mean the lie is any just means that you are the exact gullible fool that the liar is targeting.
Have a wonderful delusion!


17 Dec 15 - 03:03 AM (#3758950)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Richard Bridge

Better make it extra-strong tinfoil

17 Dec 15 - 05:14 AM (#3758965)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Of course the problem is, this is not an "ordinary" war.

ISIS are a major threat to the world, more powerful in a way than Fascism......I have always been anti war#, but to allow this ideology of murder and persecution to thrive and spread is not an option.

I think many of our values are wrong, our economic system corrupt, our sense of morality debauched, but I could never support people who wish to dominate through fear and oppression.
Society must be changed through example and the case of ISIS, this would never apply.

17 Dec 15 - 06:31 AM (#3758993)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

This thread is a sad sad thing. I hate Trump as much as anyone else on here, but the way you people act is just so ironic. You call akenaton dumb and close-minded for wanting to do certain things, yet you fail to realise the close-mindedness of refusing to even entertain the idea. It's just sad how viciously and aggressively you people have to attack others. Do you think this makes your points look better, or makes their points look worse? I'm just curious what good you think you're doing by behaving like a 12 year old caught cheating.

17 Dec 15 - 06:31 AM (#3758995)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Mr Red

Trump (UK lexicon) does pass all too easily, and leaves a nasty smell.

When the littlest Bush declared his candidacy attempt, who thought: "It can't get much worse!" ?

But then history should have taught us - look at Berlusconi. What with all the other things going on, the world appears to be going to hell in a hand cart, and look who's pushing it!

17 Dec 15 - 07:35 AM (#3759011)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Thank you for your kind and reasoned post GUEST.....some people can see no further than their fixed ideology, it is set in stone and defended with sword and fire......any deviation from it is regarded as treason.

The amazing thing is that many of these people boast of their educational qualifications, whilst never exhibiting any vestige of rationality.

I have almost no formal education, but I question everything especially my views on controversial subjects.
There are some fine and knowlegible people on this forum, but few of them are from the area of liberalism which demands complete authority over thought and speech.

17 Dec 15 - 07:38 AM (#3759013)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Guest of 06:31 A.M. your boy proposes an alliance with 2 murderous thugs in Putin and Assad in order to perpetuate a war that no one has any sane idea how to prosecute other than sending more young people into a meat grinder. It's only natural that decent people have a strong reaction to his lack of humanity on this and other issues around here where he bumptiously puts forth his reactionary, inhumane views with mind-numbing regularity. As Harry Truman, the old cold warrior said, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

17 Dec 15 - 08:04 AM (#3759023)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

and your alternative to a global coalition would be, Gilly?

I take that you agree that ISIS must be contained, or do you believe in letting the virus spread unhindered?

17 Dec 15 - 08:34 AM (#3759030)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

I think the U.S. has got to stop kicking that hornet's nest over there and in that regard Prez Obama has shown admirable restraint. Every IS fighter and every beheaded innocent is just more grist for the IS propaganda mill resulting in more effective online recruitment which is not restricted by geographic boundaries. I'd truly hate to see more young Americans, or anyone anywhere, thrown into that futile mix. I hope to never live in a country that aligns itself with a couple of blood-soaked despots like Putin and Assad. The notion is not just immoral it's effing insane.
When you don't know how to proceed, don't proceed until a path is revealed or at least do so with extreme circumspection which is what Obama has done. We've already seen the tragic results of the sort of cowboy foreign policy implemented by the previous U.S. administration and currently espoused by most of the current crop of GOP candidates.

17 Dec 15 - 08:50 AM (#3759033)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Should have read: "Every dead IS fighter..."

17 Dec 15 - 09:35 AM (#3759051)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Musket

If Akenaton believed his own words when he said above that he doesn't like domination through oppression and fear, every Muslim, every gay person and everyone else who finds bigotry offensive and repugnant would assume the education he speaks of was bearing fruit.

But it isn't.

He still propagates hatred and then comes all innocent (I have no formal education) when exposed for his odious views.

Well Alex, your excellent access to free education with equal access to further education with no financial consideration gave you the ability to put words together and form views. It isn't lack of education that you are missing, it's lack of morals.

Mind you, the popularity of Trump over in The USA does give you a peer group to identify with. Pity it has no place where you live then eh?

17 Dec 15 - 09:41 AM (#3759052)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

But then history should have taught us - look at Berlusconi

Trump (US lexicon) is pretty much a New World version of Berlusconi combined with LePen with a little Reagan thrown in for good measure.

Give him a farking rifle & tell him "Go for it yourself!!"

The we've got Cruz channelling Gen."Stone Age" LeMay in favor of carpet bombing - apparently he's too young to remember Vietnam and never learned anything aout it.

A hand cart ain't half big enough for all this muck.

17 Dec 15 - 12:13 PM (#3759081)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Gilly dear boy, the path will never be revealed until you see it snaking up to you nice front door.

You people are so mixed up, as they say here "you don't know your arse from your elbow"

I am regularly abused in the strongest terms for opposing homosexual "marriage", while the people you defend would butcher homosexuals out of hand, criminalise and persecute them.

Try to get your thoughts into some kind of must be difficult to be caught on the horns of a dilemma .....of your own making.

Mind you, you must be getting used to it by now.

17 Dec 15 - 12:21 PM (#3759082)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Musket: "If Akenaton believed his own words when he said above that he doesn't like domination through oppression and fear, every Muslim, every gay person and everyone else who finds bigotry offensive and repugnant would assume the education he speaks of was bearing fruit.
But it isn't.
He still propagates hatred and then comes all innocent (I have no formal education) when exposed for his odious views."

Shows ya' how stupid this ideology gets.
Hey Musket, if you think that you can go up to an ISIS person, tell him that you're a homosexual, and then tell him you are tolerant and understanding of them, see how long you are still standing with your head on!


17 Dec 15 - 12:22 PM (#3759083)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

the people you defend


17 Dec 15 - 01:00 PM (#3759085)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,gillymor

Exactly what I was thinking, Greg. The people I defend are PEOPLE and I'm not sure what that paranoid, pontificating fool was defending in that last muddled post of his.

17 Dec 15 - 05:04 PM (#3759133)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

Gilly says "When you don't know how to proceed, don't proceed until a path is revealed or at least do so with extreme circumspection which is what Obama has done"

What he means is do nothing, or at best nothing effective, while ISIS continued to expand.
Putin offered a sharing of intelligence and a coalition to contain ISIS, but President Obama (or his masters) knocked it back, saying that President Assad must be removed before any co operation could take place. Putin's response was to say that it was up to the Syrian people to elect their leaders, not the US or other Western interests.

The major issue is the containment of ISIS and co operation is in the interests of us all.

"Blood soaked murderers" very theatrical! Assad was fighting a well armed and well financed(by the US) insurgency, what the fuck did you expect him to do? If he had failed the millions of inhabitants of Damascus would have been butchered without mercy.
When faced by such an insurgency you everything at your disposal to protect your people, not pea shooters!

All western "liberal democracies" would do exactly the same.

17 Dec 15 - 05:15 PM (#3759136)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

I'm sure the people of Damascus will be relieved to hear that Gilly is going to come to their defence should the butchers of ISIS come wandering up their path.

"President Gilly" has certain ring to it.    "Gillyu Akbar?"....naw that's takin' it a bit too far. :0(

17 Dec 15 - 06:13 PM (#3759141)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Careful there Aketung, President Gilly will know how to deal with crypto-facist homophobes.

17 Dec 15 - 06:26 PM (#3759142)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

You're out of your depth sonny, subtlety is the key. ;0)

17 Dec 15 - 06:53 PM (#3759146)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

A few facts here.

NO airforce has ever won a war. Canada is withdrawing its fighters (only six of them) because our government is aware of that. We will be keeping our army people there to train other mid-East troops to fight their own battles. At present we have about 600 such troops (special ops, communications specialists, etc) in that theater. Bombing has been a failure because it causes non-combatants to suffer unnecessarily. Kill my kids and I become your enemy for life kinda thing. Face facts: bombing is hurting Daesh, but it is also antagonizing the population and increasing the numbers of the main enemy.

I'm a go-or-get-off-the-pot kinda guy. If it was my call, I`d exterminate Daesh to the last combatant, without remorse and without mercy. Use overwhelming force on the ground, search and destroy. Assad is a POS and he is no friend to anyone but himself. That said, the decision to let him remain is a S

17 Dec 15 - 07:02 PM (#3759148)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls

Syrian decision, NOT a US, UK, Russian or anyone else`s decision. Let`s deal with Daesh decisively then get out and stay out.

(Something effed up on my laptop and I can`t post the NUMBER symbol. Sorry about that.)

17 Dec 15 - 07:06 PM (#3759150)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

I`d exterminate Daesh to the last combatant,

So pick up a rifle and go! What's holding you back, General?

17 Dec 15 - 07:17 PM (#3759153)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

Even if I wanted to my government would seize my passport. Now fuck off, Greg.

17 Dec 15 - 08:26 PM (#3759163)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

What the hell are you going on about Bruce? There's no indication that the 17 Dec 15 - 06:53 PM post was yours. What am I, a fucking mind reader?

17 Dec 15 - 10:13 PM (#3759182)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

Greg, I'm sorry and this is my apology to you. I had no right to tell you to eff off.

1) I am not in favour of war.
2) We are in one with Daesh and it's like being waist deep in the big muddy.
3) The situation is such that the only local people who can be trusted to fight Daesh are with the Peshmerga.
4) I am suggesting either get in or get out.
5) Daesh will not be contained or beaten with bombs.
6) I would prefer we get out, but the political climate is such that maybe we can't.
7) So get in, do the job and go home and return there no more.

American published numbers which can be seen at the following link

indicate that I'm not alone in thinking that.

I don't mind you or anyone else nailing me on matters of fact or even matters of opinion. The few friendships I have on Mudcat are not determined by friends having to agree with me. They are determined by whether or not we argue in such a way that excludes put-downs or lines like 'wear your tinfoil' or 'how can you be so stupid as to think' and other remarks of that nature. I suppose we're mostly all guilty of that in one way or other, but it's time we all stopped.

Invade my country and I will fight to the best of my ability along with the rest of my geriatric peers to get that invader out or make life so unbearable to stay that the invaders want to get out. Today, in a pragmatic sense, it really doesn't matter who caused or created Daesh. The reality is they exist and arguably they should be destroyed. So far our countries are just helping their recruitment process and I think that's counter productive.

For example, Ake and I disagree on many things. He knows that and so do I. We still get along. You and I disagree on many things. You know that and so do I. Feel free to rip my facts or opinions apart. We'll still be friends. But saying anyone's posts are shit--just because--leads nowhere, and I think we're all better than that or at least should try to be. Keep well and let's all watch our BPs :-)

18 Dec 15 - 04:00 AM (#3759231)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

I don't think Greg is the worst guy on earth either.
and # is a gentleman, second to none.

Folks don't have to agree about everything to get along.

18 Dec 15 - 06:01 AM (#3759246)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

#, I agree with the idea of "go big or go home" but I'm on the go home side and have been for a long, long time. I have no confidence that the U.S . military knows how to fight the kind of war that it will take to defeat Daesh. I foresee a quagmire on the order of Viet Nam lasting 8-15 years and the American public losing their stomach for it after just a few. Yep, another "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy".

While there may be a clear objective (kill every ISIS fighter) have you considered how many young people will be destroyed in the kind of fighting it will take when the enemy is embedded amongst the populace and has no interest in those people beyond how they can be used to kill "infidels"? How many other terrorists organizations will morph out of a broken Daesh? How much anti-western sentiment will result from this war? How much domestic terrorism will result from intensified ISIS propaganda and recruitment as a result of that amped up hatred?

The time for pulling out of the Middle East is long past due. Time to step back and let them sort out their long-held animosities on their own and to try and repair relations from a distance. I wonder what Eugene McCarthy would think? (If you perceived the last as a low blow I apologize,#).

18 Dec 15 - 09:35 AM (#3759280)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

"The time for pulling out of the Middle East is long past due. Time to step back and let them sort out their long-held animosities on their own and to try and repair relations from a distance."

I agree. That's option one with me as I've stated more than a few times.

As for McCarthy, I don't think old Gene would have got the US in there in the first place. Logistics--without the use of nuclear weapons--militate against long distance wars. They're just too expensive. It's time for countries to use armies as defensive mechanisms and not as international politics by other means. As someone on this thread wisely said, more Americans have been killed by home-grown gun wielders than by Muslims. Lots more. So we're saying the same thing I think. As was recently said by Canada's Minister of National Defence Harjit Singh Sajjan:

'There is a lot of "political talk," Sajjan said. "It's hard for me to talk in that political realm, I know I'm a politician. But I think, Canadians, if you are honest with them, they will understand things. Whether it is giving them bad news or good news, or the situation, we can trust Canadians. They are smart enough … they can call bullshit very quickly." '

18 Dec 15 - 10:02 AM (#3759295)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: gillymor

Thanks for the clarification and for restoring some civility to this thread, #, but some of your posts from yesterday afternoon seem to contradict what you're saying now, hence my response. Perhaps I misread them or their intent.
Also, I appreciate you sharing your perspective on Eugene McCarthy.

18 Dec 15 - 10:14 AM (#3759300)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

No problem, Bruce, Thanks. Difficulty is with 16 different "Guests" posting here- two of which are consistently obnoxious jackasses, ya can't tell the players without a program- or even WITH a program. I mistakenly thought I was responding to one of the assholes. My apologies as well.

18 Dec 15 - 10:41 AM (#3759311)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Happy holidays to all of my favorite jello tossers Lol

18 Dec 15 - 10:48 AM (#3759314)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

So many fish, so little time

18 Dec 15 - 11:01 AM (#3759319)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,gillymor

What's biting up there right now,Dan? I haven't been out since before the knee. And a very Jello Christmas to you to.

18 Dec 15 - 11:04 AM (#3759322)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

Now, don't go bringing up Jello in polite company, Dan. Best of the season to you!

18 Dec 15 - 11:49 AM (#3759336)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: akenaton

What is "jello" and why is it referred to so often on Mudcat?

Puzzled Argyll.

18 Dec 15 - 12:13 PM (#3759346)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Lol its my nemesis ake, the invention of the devil to torture me. I detest t the evil stuff

Not much biting gilly a few yellow perch that are very tasty, one of the few fish i really like to eat. Happy holidays my friends

18 Dec 15 - 12:21 PM (#3759349)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Musket

If you come over here on hols Dan, the good news is there is no jello anywhere in the whole of The UK!

Now that's a thought eh?

Mind you, I'm not sure you'd get on with jelly.. Might look, smell and taste slightly familiar. Although having had plenty both sides of the pond, we tend to make it with a stronger taste in general. The Y chromosome is stronger than the O chromosome.

A bit like cheese but don't get me started.

18 Dec 15 - 12:24 PM (#3759351)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Heaven musket you just described it to me :)

18 Dec 15 - 01:06 PM (#3759367)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

For people who don't know how to make Jello. Two minute demo.

The lime kind (green) is awesome.

18 Dec 15 - 01:34 PM (#3759372)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

Oh Bruce you are on my list for butt kicking. Green is the most evil kind.

18 Dec 15 - 01:42 PM (#3759373)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Jeri

I have a Jello mold in the shape of a brain. Just sayin'...have to figure out what flavors make gray.

18 Dec 15 - 01:49 PM (#3759376)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

Try mixing green & red, Jeri- that should do the trick.

18 Dec 15 - 02:00 PM (#3759382)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

The horror... And you know Ted Cruz eats jello brains

18 Dec 15 - 02:10 PM (#3759384)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

I was in ICU for a number of days some months back due to a serious GI bleed and Jello was pretty much all they'd let me eat for days after the bleeding stopped. I am not quite sure that the colours have any relationship to the flavour names. I spent weeks after I was released mixing various types and have reached the conclusion that it is better than buffalo chips.

Off the Jello topic for a mo: This is enough to make a guy weep.

18 Dec 15 - 02:45 PM (#3759393)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Jeri

Thanks Greg. I do think a smearing of straight red would be a nice touch.

18 Dec 15 - 05:37 PM (#3759435)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

Don't matter if Agrabah is fictional or not - long as its got them fiendish camel-jockey Muslims in it, bomb the livin' hell outa it & sooner thuh better!! For that matter, way past time we carpet-bombed Dearborn, Michigan.

That, unfortunately, is the level of intelligence we're dealing with in the Republican Party, Bruce.

18 Dec 15 - 06:10 PM (#3759451)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

It's not just the Trump crowd, Greg. A majority of Canadian Conservatives think Trump is 'right on the money' with his views. Meanwhile, we're working as a country to have 25,000 refugees from the Syrian 'conflict' relocated to here. Knitters are making each of them--all 25,000--touques, organizations both private and governmental are getting housing ready and in general non-Conservatives are busting their buns to ensure the refugee introduction to Canada is warm, welcoming and friendly. In the parlance, we'll get 'er done, but they represent just a drop in what seems to be a bottomless bucket.

Then I read a news story that a $30 billion contract to build Humvees from now until 2036 is in Lockheed's hands (Oshkosh?) and new fighter planes are expected to use laser weapons by 2020. So it looks like the world can expect lots more wars to keep the wheels greased. Makes a guy despair.

If I neglect to say so before then, please have a great Christmas season.

Best wishes to y'all and take good care of yourself lest I run out of people to have misunderstandings with :-)

18 Dec 15 - 06:33 PM (#3759458)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

If I neglect to say so before then, please have a great Christmas season. Best wishes to y'all and take good care of yourself lest I run out of people to have misunderstandings with :-)

Right back at ya, Bruce. All the best.

18 Dec 15 - 06:37 PM (#3759460)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,HiLo

Greg, rest assured, you will never run out of people to have a misunderstanding with!

18 Dec 15 - 08:08 PM (#3759476)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: Greg F.

Nor, Hi, will you ever run out of smug, smarmy self-superiority. Have a crap Christmas, eh?

19 Dec 15 - 04:41 PM (#3759736)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,Musket

Aye, Chrimbo.

The story of a middle eastern couple seeking shelter.

Mind you, Trump has never called them vermin. We leave that to Cameron and other war criminals in The UK government who authorise the Murder of UK citizens overseas.

There are times when you stop laughing at stupid foreigners and question stupid home grown terrorists such as our prime minister.

19 Dec 15 - 07:15 PM (#3759767)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: kendall

Somehow, we MUST stop invading other countries and pissing off the inhabitants. Bush invaded Iraq and Isis is the result.NO MORE wars.Dick Cheney is rich enough.

19 Dec 15 - 07:20 PM (#3759768)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,HiLo

A majority of Canadin conservatives think Trump is right on the money! I think not, not at all!

19 Dec 15 - 07:26 PM (#3759770)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

Hilo, here's a CBC link that may interest you.

19 Dec 15 - 08:18 PM (#3759775)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

I like the no more war idea myself

19 Dec 15 - 08:53 PM (#3759776)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: GUEST,#

I'm with you, Dan. Merry Christmas 'old' friend and please keep on being you. Ain't sayin' you're old y'unnerstan :-)

19 Dec 15 - 11:22 PM (#3759791)
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
From: olddude

My brother, right back at ya