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Kath Westra's vist

06 Dec 99 - 10:54 AM (#145432)
Subject: Kath Westra's vist
From: Big Mick

May I tell you all what a pleasure it was to have our own KathWestra at a performance of The Conklin CeĆ­li Band on Saturday night? Kath showed up with her Da, Johan, who was an absolute joy. I picked on him a bit about the Calvinists, and he returned the joust in the good humour in which it was intended. I really enjoyed him. Kath's brother and sister-in-law were also there and they were lovely people. All in all, I enjoyed their presence a great deal, even though 60% of the band, meself included, were suffering from sore throat/flu symptoms. But a rollicking time was had by all in this legendary little pub.

Karen K and Mary Lamarca, the hugs were delivered in fine fashion and greatfully received as well. I wish the whole bunch of you could have been there. How about a Mudcat caravan around the country this summer? One stop would have to be The Fenians Irish Pub in Conklin though. LOL

Big Mick

06 Dec 99 - 06:03 PM (#145658)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: Big Mick

And then we had lunch today at The Tuscan Express. "Frutti di Mari" which is a pasta and seafood in a tomato sauce. Clams, calamari, baby octopus and shrimp.......Que buon!!!!! I do love seafood, especially when it is spiced with the company of one of the finest people I know.

Big Mick

06 Dec 99 - 08:58 PM (#145759)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: Sandy Paton

What? No Cracker Barrel in Grand Rapids?
Guess who!

07 Dec 99 - 12:45 AM (#145882)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: katlaughing

Sounds like a great visit, Mick!

07 Dec 99 - 08:26 AM (#145950)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: Big Mick

In fact, Sandy, we talked about The Cracker Barrel. She asked about where we first met in person. I told her how you and I and Caroline stayed so long that we got a bill for rent. And I told her that clams, mussels, calamari, shrimp and octopus are OK, but when I am ready to really try to impress her, I will take her for chicken fried steak and grits....................LOL............. Easy, FAIR ONE, I will take you for these delights if you get your Royal Backside to Grand Rapids.........LOL

Big Mick

07 Dec 99 - 10:18 AM (#145982)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: alison

forget about taking me out for something to eat Mick... you have promised to cook me some of these delights you keep offering in the tavern..... *grin*



07 Dec 99 - 11:17 AM (#146000)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: catspaw49

geez alison...How can you resist a plate of runny eggs and grits with some greasy, fried meat on the side?


07 Dec 99 - 02:24 PM (#146080)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: lamarca

Big Mick, next time you visit here, Kath and I will have to treat you to brunch at the Parkway Deli, home of the regulation-softball-sized matzoh balls and the best fried onion rings I've had in a long time. If you insist on haut instead of "hot" cuisine, we'll have to cook - one reason we Silver Spring ladies are so svelte is our love of cooking and feeding the results to each other!

How come you weren't sampling eau de teargas in Seattle? (Not that I'd wish that on you...)

07 Dec 99 - 11:04 PM (#146366)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: KathWestra

11:00 p.m. Tuesday -- Just a quick post before crashing. I'm back home, having been treated to music and seafood by Big Mick in the best of hospitable traditions. The evening with the Conklin Ceili Band was great fun, and Mick's own Mary Lou was good company while the band was playing -- made us Hollanders feel right at home in the Irish air! Dad especially loved Mick's irreverent jokes, which peppered the performance.Wish I could remember half of them! Thank you, Mick, for good music and good company. And it really was NO trouble delivering those hugs..... *BG*

Sandy -- I don't know if there's a Cracker Barrel in G.R., but do you remember where WE first shared a Grand Rapids meal?????? It was in "Sambo's," the restaurant attached to the Motel 6 on 28th street. That place and its decidedly incorrect name are long gone, thank god, but it kinda gives you an idea of how long ago THAT meal was!

Kath, who is too sleepy to type any more

07 Dec 99 - 11:22 PM (#146376)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: Big Mick

Oy ve, soft ball sized matzo balls...............that means I could get a chopped liver with sliced egg sandwich and a dacent kosher dill at this joint. You Silver Springs svelties are on!!!!!!!!

No Cracker Barrel in Grand Rapids proper, but not to far a ride............and next time, Kath, save enough time for a trip to Elderly. Can't wait to see you again, my dear friend.............and bring Mary along.


08 Dec 99 - 11:19 AM (#146551)
Subject: RE: Kath Westra's vist
From: Fortunato

No visit to Silver Spring would be complete without Sushi at Yokohama and a pint of Guiness at the Royal Mile, both in beautiful downtown Wheaton.