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Origins: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)

07 Dec 99 - 12:13 AM (#145867)
Subject: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

My Dad used to sing this song with an Irish brogue, which tells me, at least he believes the song came from his Irish tradition. It went like this:

I had a hat when I came in
I hung it on the rack
and I'll have a hat when I go out
or I'll break somebody's back
I'm a peaceful loving man I am,
and I don't want to shout, BUT
I had a hat when I came in,
and I'll have a hat when I go out!

If ya know anything about the song I'd love to hear. If have anymore words, I'd love to hear them ... thanks ...

07 Dec 99 - 12:36 AM (#145877)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Dale Rose

We had a discussion of this back in April of 97, but I just checked it out, we came up with even less than what you have there. Maybe we can do better this time. It is for certain that there are more people to work on it now!

07 Dec 99 - 10:58 AM (#145994)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

I am sure there will be others who know this song. It seems to me it's been aruond for a while.

07 Dec 99 - 12:57 PM (#146046)
Subject: Lyr Add: I HAD A HAT WHEN I CAME IN
From: kendall

Words and music by James Mooney
As sung by Dan Dailey and the Andrews Sisters, 1949

1. Casey wore his brand-new hat to Murphy's wake last night.
Someone stole his hat and, boy, that started up a fight.
Casey smashed the furniture, the radio as well.
He nearly woke the corpse up as he began to yell:

CHORUS: "Oh, I had a hat when I came in. I hung it on the rack.
I'll have a hat when I go out or I'll break somebody's back.
I'm a decent man, I am, I am, and I don't want to shout,
BUT I had a hat when I came in, and I'll have a hat when I go out!"

2. Casey kept on fighting; sure they couldn't keep him quiet.
Someone phoned up for the cops to come and stop the riot.
Two cops rushed in into the room, but Casey laid them out.
As he fired them through the window, they both heard Casey shout: CHORUS

3. Casey kept on yelling until one-eyed Paddy Flynn
Socked him on the whiskers with a great big rolling pin.
He knocked poor Casey senseless; it was an awful clout.
As he lay there unconscious, Casey kept on shouting out: CHORUS

07 Dec 99 - 03:52 PM (#146112)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

kendall - yer a jewell, lad! Thanks! Now I'll have to find the melody for these verses - or make one up, while no one's lookin!

but now, armed with these lyrics I may be able to loosen my Dad's memory!

07 Dec 99 - 04:31 PM (#146119)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: kendall

I'll send you my phone number in a personal message, you can call me for the melody

07 Dec 99 - 11:16 PM (#146374)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Susan A-R

Kendall, makes me think of a somewhat sunny afternoon out on the deck of the cabin with that nice Kitty Hok writing out those lyrics. (Picture Kiddy, about 60, slight, polite, but she3 can do those Irish Music Hall songs right well.

Susan A-R

08 Dec 99 - 08:51 AM (#146486)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: kendall

I try not to forget any song I learn, you never know when someone will want it.

08 Dec 99 - 11:40 PM (#146958)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Mark Cohen

Pardon me for being a thread creep, but the title of this thread called to mind the story of the woman walking on the beach with her grandson. A huge wave came up and swept the little fellow out to sea. The woman, horrified, fell to her knees and pleaded desperately with God to spare the boy's life. Sure enough, her prayer was answered and the next big wave plopped him back next to her on the sand. She looked at the boy for a long time. Then she lifted her still-wet eyes up to heaven and cried, "Hey! He had a hat!"

Sorry, I won't do it again.

Mark Cohen

09 Dec 99 - 10:51 AM (#147091)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

great story Mark Cohen! It sounds like just the thing my Irish grandmother would do!

03 Feb 00 - 02:11 PM (#172934)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: kendall

So, are you singing this?

03 Feb 00 - 02:21 PM (#172942)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

Yes, I would like to perform it with a band I'm in. My Dad is fairly old and can't remember alot. I think he would really dig hearing this song again.

03 Feb 00 - 02:25 PM (#172945)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

I just registered and my nickname is spooks instead of smitty. I'm new to all this internet stuff so excuse any breeches of etiquette. I would also like to know if there are any additional verses to this song.

03 Feb 00 - 02:31 PM (#172949)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

Thank you for the tip MMario. I'm beginning to get it. Hmmmm

03 Feb 00 - 02:42 PM (#172954)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Steve Latimer

I just heard thi for the first time over the Christmas holidays. My uncle did it and told me that my Irish Grandfather used to sing it. The key though is that after the "I don't want to shout" line the next line is actually shouted loudly. Neat song.

03 Feb 00 - 02:52 PM (#172963)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

I just talked to my dad on the phone and he says that might be all the lyrics. He's kinda foggy on the melody for it too. Anyone have any more verses or a melody?

Thanks in advance

03 Feb 00 - 03:30 PM (#172984)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

Well, ya've managed to Kendall involved in the thread, and I don't want to speak for him, but I know he could tell you a bit about the spong ... melody and all. This is one that I intend to sing, as well.

03 Feb 00 - 04:04 PM (#173011)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

Kendall, do you have anything more?

03 Feb 00 - 04:36 PM (#173032)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

Does anyone?

03 Feb 00 - 05:03 PM (#173051)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: kendall

I dont know how many verses you have. But here are the first lines of each. Casy wore his brand new hat to Murphy's wake last night..
Casey kept on fighting until one eyed Paddy Flynn
Casey kept on fighting sure they couldn't keep him quiet.. I could sing the melody if you call me.

03 Feb 00 - 05:05 PM (#173052)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

How might I do that? Can you send a message in the personals

03 Feb 00 - 06:03 PM (#173100)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Spooks

Kendall: Would like to call but need a number. I don't know but can you send a message in the Personal Pages. It's all greek to me.

16 Feb 00 - 12:18 AM (#179213)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: GUEST,Sharon

Would love the melody for "I have a hat. Is it possible?

16 Feb 00 - 12:22 AM (#179215)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: GUEST,Sharon

Melody:I have a hat...?

16 Feb 00 - 01:02 AM (#179232)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Crowhugger

Aloha, Mark,

LOL, so please don't promise not to do it again.

25 Apr 03 - 09:54 AM (#939902)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario

Anyone capable of posting the melody?

25 Apr 03 - 02:00 PM (#940092)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Clinton Hammond

I can't post a melody, but I did find an MP3 of the song on Kazaa that I'd be more than happy to email out to folks...

PM me yer email addy, and I'll send it out to ya if ya want it...

According to the MP3 I have, those are all the verses too...

25 Apr 03 - 02:02 PM (#940095)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario

thanks Clinton - I have it on CD - but am trying to get tune for the DT - and I'm *not* one of those lucky people who can transcribe by ear.

25 Apr 03 - 02:35 PM (#940132)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: Clinton Hammond

Oh ya... I was gonna say.. the MP3 I have is by a group called "Government Rams"... but that might just be the name of the CD...

Just trying to help those who might also be Kazaaing around trying to find it...


25 Apr 03 - 06:54 PM (#940314)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: GUEST,James H. Silver

This song was performed frequently by Charlie Chamberlin, the singer with Don Messer and His Islanders. A group originally from PEI
Canada. No doubt it was recorded on some of Don Messer"s albums.   Would definitely be on his CBC TV shows from years back.
Not sure of the exact spelling of Charlie's last name.

26 Apr 03 - 12:20 AM (#940503)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

I've been singing this one a while. I'll sing it for you at the next FSGW Getway, MMario - or better yet, call Kendall. That's how I learned it!!!

26 Apr 03 - 09:52 AM (#940614)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario

that *still* doesn't get it in the DATABASE!!!!!!

26 Apr 03 - 10:12 AM (#940628)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

oh yeah!

I'll look into my midi program. If I still have it, I'll create a midi file with the tune.

26 Apr 03 - 10:19 AM (#940633)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario


Anvil Studio is a free download.

So are some versions of Finale Notepad

26 Apr 03 - 04:42 PM (#940877)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum

OK - I have a midi - now how do I get it into the DT?

26 Apr 03 - 04:45 PM (#940878)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario

e-mail it to

26 Apr 03 - 04:47 PM (#940880)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: JedMarum


Let me know if it works OK.

It is a very simple (correct) melody line; one verse, one chorus.

26 Apr 03 - 05:07 PM (#940891)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I had a hat when I came in ...
From: MMario

Done - posted to mudcat midi page. will convert to NWC and ABC later

28 Apr 03 - 08:15 AM (#941785)
Subject: Tune Add: CASEY'S HAT
From: MMario

T:caseys hat
EF GF EF GA|cB AG F2zD|EF ED EF GB|AG FE- E/2 z3/2cc|
w:Cas-ey wore his brand new hat to Murph-y's wake last night Some-one stole his hat and, boy, it start-ed up a fight_ Cas-ey
cc cc cc AG|AB c2zd dd|dd dd zd dc|BA G2zC c/2c/2A|
w:smashed the fur-ni-ture the ra-di-o as wellHe near-ly woke the corpse up as he be-gan to yell I had a hat
GE EE DC cA|GE- E/2 z3/2Cc/2c/2 AG|EE EE/2F/2 GA cE|D2zG/2G/2 AA AG|
w:when I came in I hung it on the rack_ and~I'll have a hat when I go out or I'll break some-bod-y's back I'm a peace-ful lov-ing man I am,and I don't want to
CC CG AA AG|C2zD Cc/2c/2 AG|EE E2Gc c/2c/2c|de cc z4
W:shout, BUT I had a hat when I came in,and I'll have a hat when I go out!

28 Oct 03 - 08:03 PM (#1043491)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: GUEST,nicole

I've searched & I've searched for an mp3 of this song, and alas have found nothing... If anyone knows where you can get it other than kazaa (not mac friendly) I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks !


28 Oct 03 - 08:22 PM (#1043499)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Clinton Hammond

Email me

I'll email it to ya...

28 Oct 03 - 09:05 PM (#1043518)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: PoppaGator

Boy, am I glad Guest/Nicole resurrected this thread. Back in April, I wasn't here to read it the first time around.

I heard this song -- maybe just once -- sometime within the last 2-3 years, and got a big kick out of it. Never learned it, and by now I've forgotten the melody. Maybe this'll be my motivation learn the midi-conversion software.

One thing I *did* remember -- as I read the lyrics, I knew immediately that the line after "I don't mean to shout" is supposed to be shouted.

I wonder if a tune like this falls short of the "Is It Folk Music" standard for some tradition-minded folks. If there's anything that true folk art is NOT, it's commercial entertainment written deliberately for mass dissemination -- and this kind of music hall ditty is a great example of that very phenomenon, from a very early generation of hit-factory popular music, back at the dawn of the mass-media age.

Hey, don't get me wrong -- I really *like* "Casey's Hat," and don't really care how anyone classifies it. I just have a hunch that it's not really "Irish traditional" music (and that there might probably some Irish-traditional musicians who wouldn't play it). Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that even though it's from *an* Irish tradition (the music hall tradition), it may not belong to *the* Irish tradition, along with the jigs and reels and old ballads for which there are no known individual composers.

Too much thread creep? Or is anyone interested enough to add anything?

28 Oct 03 - 09:50 PM (#1043531)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Bob Bolton

G'day PoppaGator,

This looks suspiciously like the sort of "music hall" song the English liked to write ... making the Irish look like a bunch of ignorant, louts. The American "stage Irish" tradition was more sympathetic (if also a lot 'schmaltzy') - but Irish in all places seemed well able to take this sort of song and turn it back on there detractors ... singing and enjoying for the fun of it and casting off the 'racial' slurs intented.

That said, I wouldn't count on universal acceptance - or even tolerance - at a dedicated Irish session. (Sing it - but stand near the exit!).


Bob Bolton

28 Oct 03 - 11:07 PM (#1043558)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: JedMarum

I always suspected this song came from this side of the pond (the American side). My father used to sing it, but he only knew the chorus. I had to call Kendall to get the melody for the verses. I've been singing to audiences ever since, the same audiences that love the traditional Irish songs ... and it never fails; the first time they hear it, they're siging along by the end of it!

Thank you Kendall, you're a lovely man. I don;t care what Big Mick says about you!


29 Oct 03 - 11:55 AM (#1043871)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: PoppaGator

Yes, this tune is certainly a lot of fun, and I would think all but the most tightly-wound among us would enjoy it.

If it became more widely popular, however, too-frequently requested by drunken punters anxious to shout out the designated "shouted" line, the nay-sayer faction (including musicians reluctant to perform it over and over again) would probably gain increased membership. In other words, it might fall into a category with "The Irish Rover," etc.

22 Jan 04 - 12:06 AM (#1098505)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In

I guess I am a little late to add my two cents, but here goes. In the late 50's and early 60's I used to accompany a performer, Andy Kerrigan (NYC), who used that as his big production number at Irish concerts in NY. (I completely forgot the verses.) He had a crumpled old hat he used as a prop, and just at the spot many have noted he would jump in the air and scream the line. It always brought the house down. He would stop in the chorus and do a mumbling meditation on how unproductive it was to get upset, etc.

This period predates the Irish purists. We performed the music because it was fun, and we had fun performing it. The thought of 'traditional' was unheard of!

When I hear the purists I always think of the answer Louie Armstrong gave when querried about folk music. He said he ain't heard any animals write music.

22 Mar 04 - 10:23 AM (#1142936)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: GUEST,Joe Bevilacqua

The full joke actually goes like this:

A Jewish grandmother was walking her grandson on Santa Monica beach. Every day she waked with her grandson. She loved that little boy like her own son. Suddenly, a huge wave came in, scooped the boy up and took him out to sea. The grandmother burst into tears and got down on her knees and began to pray:

"Dear God! Please bring back mine grandson. He's de apple of mine eye! Please bring him back! My husband is a rabbi. He prays in de temple everyday. I pray in de everyday. Please, dear God! I do anything, ANYTHING you say. Take me instead, but don't take my grandson!"

Just then another huge wave comes in and deposits the boy right in front of her on the beach, unharmed. The grandmother picks the boy up in her arms and hold him tight to her breast, tears running down her cheeks. She looks up at God and says, "He had a hat!"

(It is also much better if you see and hear the joke, with a Mryon Cohn accent and looking up like she is going to thank God and then a beat before her expression quickly changes for the punchline.)

Joe Bev.

28 May 05 - 08:33 PM (#1495257)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In

I guess im a little late to add a post to but oh well im from Newfoundland and i love the song i had a hat..its on the cd homebrew 2 for anyone wanting to hear it

28 May 05 - 11:14 PM (#1495335)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Clinton Hammond

Who is it recorded by?!?!?!


29 May 05 - 01:21 AM (#1495369)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: GUEST,Dale

It'd be this one, Clinton.

It's actually on Homebrew 3 so it took me a bit longer to find it. It's done by a group called The Government Rams. I heard it on Radio Newfoundland sometime last year

29 May 05 - 01:24 AM (#1495370)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: GUEST,Dale

Ah, that'd be the one you mentioned back in 03 wouldn't it, Clinton? At least now the source is clear.

Sometimes I don't read EVERYTHING in a thread.

29 May 05 - 02:27 AM (#1495381)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Clinton Hammond

Dang... I was hoping for a better version..

29 May 05 - 06:22 PM (#1495681)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: JedMarum

I haven't recorded this song - but sing pretty frequently - at least when the crowd is feeling playful and seem to be willing to sing.

29 May 05 - 07:49 PM (#1495735)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Clinton Hammond

When ya do record it Jed, I'd been keen to hear an mp3, just to hear yer take on it!


24 Jul 10 - 09:58 AM (#2951331)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: kendall

The hat story is well known here but told as a Maine incident.
In fact I think I put it on my Seagulls & Summer people album back in the mid 70s.

24 Jul 10 - 10:02 AM (#2951334)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: kendall

Joe, that story reminds me of another.

Ira Crabtree wasn't a believer, but one day he had to be in court to answer a summons. He circled the court house three times looking for a parking space. Time was running out and he knew if he didn't show the judge would issue a bench warrant and he would be a fugitive.
Out of desperation he looked up and said, "Oh Lord, I'm in trouble, please find me a parking space." In less than a minute a space opened up and he said "Never mind, I found one."

24 Jul 10 - 12:06 PM (#2951397)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
From: Jim Dixon

This information is from the British Library catalogue:

Author: Mooney, James.
Year: c1941.

01 Aug 10 - 04:16 PM (#2956284)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
From: GUEST,Grandma Roses

here is this song on YOUTUBE:

13 Oct 11 - 11:49 AM (#3238401)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
From: MGM·Lion

Dan Dailey & Andrews Sisters, I HAD A HAT, Decca 24610, recorded 3/11/49.

is one classic recording, reissued on CDs like Music Lessons with the Andrews Sisters.


11 Jul 24 - 01:25 PM (#4205316)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)

(1) Has anyone got biographical data for James Mooney?

(2) I revised the third verse a titch:

"Casey kept on shouting, boys, till one-eyed Paddy Flynn
socked him across the whiskers with a bottle o' Tanqueray gin..."

Who has a rolling pin at an Irish wake?

11 Jul 24 - 10:05 PM (#4205324)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
From: Pappy Fiddle

I just found out some of my ancestors lived in County Antrim. I 'spose that and a quarter... but here.

So everybody got calmed down and the funeral resumed
The time came to open casket and Murphy was well groomed
But every eye was starin', will you look at that!

Now we just need one more line, someone?

11 Jul 24 - 11:20 PM (#4205325)
Subject: RE: Origins: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
From: Joe Offer

As MGM Lion found, there's a 1949 recording by Dan Dailey and the Andrew Sisters. I always thought this was a music hall from the 1920s, but maybe the Andrews/Dailey recording was the first performance (although Jim Dixon found a 1941 publication date).

Here's a pretty good recent version by Shanneyganock: