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The Bantam Cock

08 Dec 99 - 06:59 PM (#146804)
Subject: The Bantam Cock
From: john

Looking for tune

08 Dec 99 - 09:31 PM (#146902)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: MMario

Don't have my bookmark here, but try JC's ABC finder.

08 Dec 99 - 09:35 PM (#146906)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Brendy

Would that be Jake Thackray's one, and would it be the words, melody, or both? The words I can post for you, but it would be a bit hard to hum the tune here.

Alternatively, I can record it all onto my hard drive, and E-mail a copy of it to you.

I'll check back tomorrow evening and see what the crack is.

Slán go fóill


09 Dec 99 - 02:18 AM (#146983)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: john

Thanks Brendy ..yes the Thackeray...I have the words and have seen performances in folk clubs its time for me to learn the thing but nobody in NZ seems to have heard of it!

Can you e mail the thing? Dont suppose you have guitar tab?

Much appreciated...back tomorrow

Kia Ora


09 Dec 99 - 06:04 PM (#147257)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Susanne (skw)

There are many songs about rape, but this is the only one that actively incites to it and suggests women might actually enjoy it. I'd think twice about singing it, although (making it worse) it is a well-crafted song and the basic idea is really funny. - Susanne

10 Dec 99 - 12:32 AM (#147423)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Brendy

Right John.
Well first, I don't have the chords or tabs of them written down, but if you take his Aminor as your start off key, it's basically a combination of
A minor, G, F, E minor/E major, and back to A minor again.
The old computer here obviously doesn't have enough jip in it for me to record and listen to it while typing the chords in here at the same time (doesn't wash the dishes neither).
But I'll try and find your E address at bbc's homepage, if it's there and mail it to you sometime before cheap rate goes off. (It's 06.25 Friday morning here), and I'd do the chords properly for you except I have to gig this weekend, and the plane leaves at 12.00 noon.
So the song will be on real audio (ca. 2 MB).
If you don't receive it today, I'll try again Sunday evening, when I'm back.
Take it easy


10 Dec 99 - 12:40 AM (#147425)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Brendy

Can't find your add on bbc's place.
Send me a blank E mail at , your address will be on that, or if you're still around for the next hour or so, post it here. B.

13 Dec 99 - 09:24 PM (#149046)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Brendy

OK, man. I'm sending it to you now; Oh incidentally, apropos "songs about rape". The Bantam Cock is not about women, it's about chickens. Anybody who makes the connection between chickens and women has a bigger problem than Jake Thackray has.


13 Dec 99 - 10:44 PM (#149090)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: Brendy

This is a wee poem I wrote, for kids, sort of inspired by "The Bantam Cock"
I used to live in the west of Ireland for many years, and I had my 3 dogs, 5 cats, 3 geese, 13 chickens, and a cock; oh and 3 goats. all taking care of me.
But there was one chicken, Martha, I never could get her to play the game; I found out why soon enough.
This is her story.

Martha the emancipated hen.

The air grew suddenly colder,
As the sun disappeared from the sky.
And the leaves on the trees flew away on the breeze,
As the wind circled downwards from on high.
The North - East gale had a sting in it's tale,
The likes which will ne'er be seen again,
The day we clipped the wings off
Martha the emancipated hen.

Oft on a fine spring morning
I'd arise to inspect my brood.
To collect one third of my breakfast,
and to bring my little chickens some food.
But who should I spy heading straight for the sky,
Flying from the shackles of her pen?
Our own little Emily Pankhurst
Martha the emancipated hen.

Never to be seen in social circles
In the company of others of her flock.
Or fighting for the amorous attentions
Of Arthur, the uncomprimising cock.
Away she would fly, with a glint in her eye
To the far flung reaches of the glen
Searching for the land of opportunity,
Martha the emancipated hen.

I said "Martha dear, this really isn't cricket,
And it's getting to be rather of a bore".
For since pioneering poultry aviation
My bacon, egg, and sausage is no more,
Now I creep round the fields
Hot on the heels,
Of that lady who should be in Number Ten
You all know of whom I speak of,
Martha the emancipated hen.

I was wary of eccentric behaviour,
(By this time it was getting out of hand).
And was nearly to seccumb to the temptation
of administering the final reprimand.
But that Rhode Island Red, coming down to be fed
had several little bundles in her train,
Chickens coming out in all directions,
From Martha the emancipated hen

14 Dec 99 - 10:06 PM (#149628)
Subject: RE: The Bantam Cock
From: john

Thanks for the download and poem.

I didn't want to join the discussion of a possible subtext to the song until, as suggested, I had thought carefully.

I have concluded that it is a song in the old country tradition of fecundity and the celebration of the same.

Viva Le Coq