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Thought for the day - Dec. 11th

10 Dec 99 - 11:57 PM (#147941)
Subject: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: katlaughing

Children of the martyr race
Whether free or fettered
Make the echoes of the songs
Where ye may be scattered
Yours the message cheering
That the time is nearing
Which will see all men free
Tyrants disappearing

- Hanukah song -

11 Dec 99 - 12:23 AM (#147952)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: _gargoyle

Dear LaughCat

It is not even the next day....(MC time) and already you sit with baited-breath ready to Make YOUR post (two minutes early)

One of the two of us is sick....and I am looking in the mirror.

11 Dec 99 - 08:30 AM (#148033)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: katlaughing

hope you have a barf bag

11 Dec 99 - 09:34 AM (#148041)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Frankie

Very nice, Kat, especially the entreaty of lines 3 and 4.

And GG, you old trickster, if your "baited-breath" remark was intentional it probably belongs in the Fish Jokes thread. Just look for a BS prefix.


11 Dec 99 - 09:47 AM (#148044)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: McGrath of Harlow

Happy Hannukah anyway. And a quarrel already (or maybe a mugging.

A pertinent quote from Rabbi Lionel Blue:

"In most rows you are arguing with part of your own self. It is your own doubts you are suppressing. Unless you make up, you may hurt others, but you will certainly maim yourself as well."

11 Dec 99 - 10:16 AM (#148063)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Jeri

Let every man so pitch his song
To help his neighbor sing along
To each and all contentment bring
When all men sing.

From When All Men Sing, Keith Scowcroft/Dereck Gifford (I'm still looking for the tune)

11 Dec 99 - 12:33 PM (#148116)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: McGrath of Harlow

I've always heard and sung uit as "When Old Men sing"

13 Dec 99 - 11:53 AM (#148797)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

Dearest _gargoyle.
By process of elimination: You're sick

13 Dec 99 - 12:05 PM (#148802)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: annamill

Please. Let us not get down there in the dirt with him. Please just try to ignore his outbursts and enjoy his knowledge.

Love, annap

13 Dec 99 - 12:13 PM (#148806)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Little Neophyte

I was recently at a folk music event that was held on the first night of Channuka.
One of the Jewish musicians made an opening statement about how all Jewish holidays should start off with this prayer................
They tried to kill us,
They failed,
Lets eat.


13 Dec 99 - 12:14 PM (#148807)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Jeri

Great - now we have two stalkers in here. Love it - how to become what you hate. GG's done it, now GGH has.

McGrath, is there a parody of "Why All Men Sing?"

13 Dec 99 - 01:25 PM (#148831)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

I am quite honestly very sorry to offend any of the gentle folk. I understand that your mothers always told you to ignore "them" and "they" will go away. However, sometimes "they" don't, forcing you to give "them" their just desserts. Yes. I am very sorry.

13 Dec 99 - 01:58 PM (#148838)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: katlaughing

Back on track, I will say, "Hold him in the Light and bless him on his way."

Bonnie, that's a Good ONe!


13 Dec 99 - 02:22 PM (#148845)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Jeri

GGH, the problem is, he isn't going away whatever you do. There's a way to minimize the damage, and there's a way to make it worse. By the way, I understand your motives. I'm not offended or mad - I've just been tried the same approach before and am offering an opinion based on who I felt I was turning into when I wrote like that, and what effect it had. Made things worse.

(Jeri, who promises to now shut up on the subject.)

13 Dec 99 - 05:04 PM (#148915)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Garg Hunter, Jeri is of course right--I usually try to avoid responding to him, but every now and then I give in to the urge--and rarely feel any better for having done so. Why don't you reset your cookie to something that will be more descriptive of yourself, and join in the fun (nothing bugs the G more than seeing people having fun).


13 Dec 99 - 05:12 PM (#148919)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Jeep man

Max, thanks for your help. I'll keep checking Jeep man

13 Dec 99 - 05:34 PM (#148930)
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - Dec. 11th
From: Micca

Is not dealing with the obnoxious little weed what the passage in Hamlet is all about
Whether it is nobler in the mind
to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
or take up arms against a sea of troubles
and by opposing end them ?