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BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?

12 Dec 99 - 10:49 PM (#148597)
Subject: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

Suppose it depends on if you had a good experience with the first fruitcake you I can't figure out why it gets such a bad rap!

I will admit I have baked my batch for this year...and will freeze some for next year...

Who else will be brave enough to admit baking this seasonal treat????

"There were plums and prunes and cherries
And citrons and raisins and cinnamon too.
Nutmeg, cloves and berries
And the icing was light as the dew.
There was sugar and spice in abundance
Sure 'twas something an angel would bake.
You would kiss a gal twice after eating a slice
Of Miss O'Leary's Irish Fruitcake."
(refrain from "Miss O'Leary's Irish Fruit Cake" sung by Pat Harrington on cd: Kiss Me I'm Irish [ck 53631]


12 Dec 99 - 10:59 PM (#148604)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

I love fruit cake SingsIrish Song!
I don't bake fruit cake, but I try to buy mine from a quality bakery. Sax Fifth Avenue kind of fruit cake.
I would like to try and make it though. Would you be able to post your recipe? Do you ice it with marzipan icing? I love that stuff! But it's so rich.
Sometimes I get concerned about eating too much colour dye from all the marinated fruits. I mean, you should see how much cake I can eat!
Boy SingsIrish Song, I'm so glad you started this thread.
I'm going to go have a piece right now.


12 Dec 99 - 11:03 PM (#148606)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: bbelle

I love all kinds of fruitcake, but not the storebought kind. Both my grandmothers made the traditional kind. My mother's fruitcake has whole filberts, brazil nuts, and pecans, dried apricots and dates, and candied cherries ... and it is to die for! I'd be glad to post the recipe if anyone is interested ... moonchild

12 Dec 99 - 11:06 PM (#148608)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Would you Moonchild? Oh boy!
I've got my pen ready.


12 Dec 99 - 11:11 PM (#148613)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Susan A-R

I like a little of it, but that's never what arrives. Now if you could make LITTLE ones that would be nice. Somehow I always get one that is the same size and weight as the big old fossil rock my nephew gave me to use as a door stop or book end.

12 Dec 99 - 11:15 PM (#148614)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Susan, your nephew's old fossil rock is about the size I cut myself for a serving.


12 Dec 99 - 11:16 PM (#148615)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: thosp

i baked one about 20yrs ago -- still have some left,and it's as good as the day it was made--i'd be happy to send some to anyone that would like

peace (Y) thosp

12 Dec 99 - 11:17 PM (#148616)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte


12 Dec 99 - 11:18 PM (#148617)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: thosp

Just Kidding!!! (thosp ducks to avoid assorted things being thrown)

12 Dec 99 - 11:27 PM (#148619)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Cap't Bob

Not exactly fruit cake, but we make around four to six stolons every year for Christmas.

Cap't Bob

13 Dec 99 - 03:22 AM (#148671)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

Banjo Bonnie,

I feel I'll have to get permission from my Mom before letting out the McCarthy family fruitcake recipe...might be very guarded. LOL

This year I think I put too much fruit in and although they baked plenty long enough (toothpicks came out nice and clean), they are too "moist" to slice!

Moonchild, I love the idea of using filberts, brazil nuts and pecans! I am boring when it comes to the ingredient labeled "nuts" and only use walnuts.

After having made the stuff and seeing what goes into it, it is a good way to prevent yourself from eating too much! The first thing ya do for my family's recipe is boil together 1 pound of ground salt pork (ABSOLUTELY NO LEAN) and 1 pint strong coffee. If you can get past that, the rest is easy--save for stirring in all the fruit!


13 Dec 99 - 03:45 AM (#148672)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Liz the Squeak

Didn't make fruit cake, but did make Christmas puddings, same sort of thing but with 1/2 pint brandy, macadamia nuts, walnuts, almonds, bits of dried mango, pineapple and melon.... use vegetable suet instead of beef suet and it turns out really light and sticky. Must just go pour the last 1/2 pint brandy over it, to make sure it doesn't dry out.....


13 Dec 99 - 05:57 AM (#148685)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: dwditty

And all this time I thought the world had only one fruitcake that got passed around, uneaten, from year to year. What a surprise!!


13 Dec 99 - 05:58 AM (#148686)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: dwditty

And all this time I thought the world had only one fruitcake that got passed around, uneaten, from year to year. What a surprise!!


13 Dec 99 - 06:02 AM (#148688)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Roger the skiffler

...and I thought I was that fruitcake! Not been baked since I got back from Greece in September. :o)

13 Dec 99 - 08:50 AM (#148713)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Captn Bob, stolen is good too. Could you post that recipe?

Thosp, have you read your Personal Messages? I had given you my address and words from my deepest gratitude. I thought I was really going to really get some vintage cake.

Mary, if you don't want to post Mom's recipe, you could always send the recipe to me by Personal Message. I'll keep the McCarthy tradition a secret, I promise.


13 Dec 99 - 09:51 AM (#148744)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: MMario

I've got a piece of fruitcake in my car....(it's a good luck token) - that's been there through the last 5 vehicles. Still looks and smells "fresh" though I did have to replace the plastic wrap last year as it was disintegrating.

Fruit cake never did much for me, but a good boiled pudding now, that is a treasure....

13 Dec 99 - 09:59 AM (#148749)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: AnTirKitten

This was emailed to me recently. Enjoy. :)

Fruitcake Recipe
> 1 cup water
> 1 cup sugar
> 4 large eggs
> 2 cups dried fruit
> 1 teaspoon baking soda
> 1 teaspoon salt
> 1 cup brown sugar
> lemon juice
> nuts
> 1 gallon whiskey
> Sample the whiskey to check for quality.
> Take a large bowl.
Check the whiskey again to be sure it is of the highest quality.
> Pour one level cup and drink.
> Repeat.
> Turn on the electric mixer; beat 1 cup butter in a > large, fluffy bowl.
Add 1 teaspoon sugar and beat again.
> Make sure the whiskey is still OK. Cry another tup.
> Turn off mixer.
> Break 2 legs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
> Mix on the turner.
> If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a > drewscriver.
> Sample the whiskey to check for tonsisticity.
> Next, sift 2 cups of salt. Or something. Who cares?
> Check the whiskey.
> Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
> Add one table. Spoon. Of sugar or something.
> Whatever you can find.
> Grease the oven.
> Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. Don't forget to beat off the turner.
> Throw the bowl out of the window.
> Check the whiskey again.
> Go to bed.
> Who the heck likes fruitcake anyway?

*ducking and laughing*
Cat in BC

13 Dec 99 - 10:09 AM (#148756)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Roger the skiffler

MMario: don't throw it out, you never know when you may have to park on a hill!

13 Dec 99 - 02:24 PM (#148846)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Duckboots

One of the highlights of our Christmas is The Day The Cake Arrives.

My sister, McKnees, makes the most wonderful fruitcake and sends us one all the way from Scotland every year, for which kindness we and all our guests are grateful.

We have one guest who won't eat the cake until he's been assured that "it is your sister's cake isn't it?" The only problem with McKnees recipe is that some of the cake (usually the middle) has to be eaten with a spoon it's so moist.


13 Dec 99 - 02:37 PM (#148850)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Bert

Good point Capt. Bob, I haven't made stollen for a few years now. Trouble is, once I start making that rich yeast dough it usually finishes up as Lardy Cake, which is not traditionally for Christmas but always well received.


P.S. I must admit that I thought this thread was going to say that someone had baked ol' Catspaw.

13 Dec 99 - 03:01 PM (#148857)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Ernie, I think Catspaw should be toasted, rather than baked or roasted. Merry Christmas Catspaw.

13 Dec 99 - 03:07 PM (#148862)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Oops, I forgot
Let us raise our glasses in good cheer
Merry Christmas Catspaw & Happy New Year

13 Dec 99 - 03:28 PM (#148871)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: McKnees

Don't worry, never fear, McKnees did send the cake, but I make it in September, give it a wee drink, and leave it alone. It's my Mums recipe and as Duckboots points out it's very moist in the middle. Send me a message if anyone wants the recipe. McKnees.

13 Dec 99 - 07:07 PM (#148982)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Neil Lowe a previous lifetime, I got stranded hitchhiking in Washington state somewhere between Spokane and Seattle with no sustenance for three days but water and some blackberries growing along the side of the road. After that, there are scant few things at which I will turn up my nose. Fruitcake is one of them. Another is something my wife calls otoe. Tastes like warm dirt.


13 Dec 99 - 07:29 PM (#148989)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Hey McKnees, please buzz that recipe along here, but for Heavens sake keep Liz the Squeak away from it after the episode with the burning Christmas pud a few years back,( we live close enough to each other and because of families living far away, Toronto and Hawaii in my case New Zealand in Liz's) we take turns at cooking Christmas dinner. a few years back Liz over did the flaming brandy and it took 15 minutes for the flames to die back enough to see the extent of the damage!!! and another 10 to check the plate hadn't cracked!! The kitchen looked like Kuwait during the crisis. BTW McKnees I hope its Blended and not Single that this cake is moistened with!!

13 Dec 99 - 07:31 PM (#148991)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: catspaw49

I'd have posted to this thread earlier except I just got out of the oven and have been completely marinated in Wild Turkey. Eat me.


13 Dec 99 - 09:06 PM (#149040)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Duckboots

I was thinking about McKnees Christmas Cake and I remembered another world-class fruitcake Rick and I were given a couple of years ago. It was made by folksinger Beverlie Robertson and the fruit had been soaked in Amaretto, delicious. Beverlie's cake came with a little warning not to drive for a while after eating it, or should that be drinking it?

Neil, what is Otoe?


13 Dec 99 - 09:14 PM (#149043)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Jeri

Duckboots, I've never actually eaten fruitcake. I always looked at it as ornamental food, like wax fruit. I've heard that people eat it, but I thought it was one of those "urban legends."

13 Dec 99 - 09:55 PM (#149070)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: catspaw49

I'm truthfully in love with fruitcake, problem being that every time somebody tells me "THIS" or "THAT" is a great one, I'm invariably stuck with something akin to fossilized dinosaur shit......from a constipated stegosaur at that. The good ones I can count on one hand. But I am always willing to try another, probably because of latent masochistic tendencies.


13 Dec 99 - 10:14 PM (#149078)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: thosp

Spaw --- what do you mean latent?

peace (Y) thosp

13 Dec 99 - 10:21 PM (#149080)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

I'm grinning too much to make any comments now! I'm enjoying reading what everyone is saying.


13 Dec 99 - 10:38 PM (#149088)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: catspaw49

Aw horseshit Mary....You're grinning because you don't have any of these fruitcakes mentioned here to disappoint you and break a bicuspid!


14 Dec 99 - 12:12 AM (#149134)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: _gargoyle

I did

But not until "me mum's" was posted on the thread.

14 Dec 99 - 12:24 AM (#149139)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Cap't Bob


Banjo Bonnie ~ Well the stollen is quite a bit like a fruit cake only not so heavy a little more bread like. It's great for breakfast furing the holidays ~ especially toasted and goes well with a good cup of coffee.

To make a stollen just follow the receipt for any sweet roll dough that uses around 7 cups of flour. When you get to the part where you mix around half of the flour with the liquids you add the goodies: One half cups of: WALNUTS, CANDIED CHERRIES, CITRON, and two cups of big RAISINS.

Playing a bit of clawhammer banjo seems to help the dough to rise.

After it rises ~ devide it into two or three parts and shape it into globs that resemble a half moon OR flatten the parts out forming a circle around 3/4 of an inch thick ~ butter the top and fold it over pinching the sides together so it doesn't come apart. Bake at around 350 deg. for around 25 min. or so. Top with white icing and decorate with red and green candies cherries ~ with a bit of practice you can make them look like poinsettias.

Cap't Bob

14 Dec 99 - 01:03 AM (#149156)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Thank you Captain Bob
Coffee & toasted Stolen for breakfast,
sounds mighty yummy!
Merry Christmas, and may all your poinsettias turn out lovely


14 Dec 99 - 06:24 AM (#149197)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

Stolen sounds delish'! Sounds reminiscent of the Ukrainian Babka, but with more fruit etc in it.

And 'Spaw, I've purposely left a piece of nutshell in my fruitcakes for someone to break a tooth on...similar to the elusive cherry pit in pie...JUST KIDDING!!!

Anyone ever make Pfeffernuesse???


14 Dec 99 - 06:46 AM (#149201)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?

SingsIS, you remind me of the late Mike Mullin who, if we were eating anthing that could be rrmotely classified as game ie farmed duck, humanely killed venison etc., would find a piece of lead shot with a tooth and swear like Cletus. and if there was only one lead shot for 5 miles he would get it. i havent had Pfeffernuesse since Monchen Gladbach in 1989 and if you have a recipe, yes please.

14 Dec 99 - 06:51 AM (#149202)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs


I would like to get my hands on a Pfeffernuesse recipe...My Great Uncle would always bring a package from the grocery store--the powdered sugar kind...and I loved them. But I would like to try some from scratch.

Anyone have a recipe for us????


14 Dec 99 - 07:37 AM (#149207)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Neil Lowe


I was afraid to ask....judging by the taste I assumed it was what it tasted like: warm dirt. I'll find out -- at the risk of severe gastrointestinal disturbances, just thinking about it *BG* -- and get back to you.

Regards, Neil

14 Dec 99 - 05:30 PM (#149465)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Dorritt

We once had a labrador that 'stole' our christmas cake whilst we were out and ate it in an entire sitting. she was clogged up for days and had to be 'emptied' by the vet - take that as a warning to you.......

Question - have mince pies crossed over the atlantic or are these disgusting things purely a british concoction?

14 Dec 99 - 05:34 PM (#149470)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Bert

What do you mean disgusting things? They're the best part of Christmas.

14 Dec 99 - 05:40 PM (#149475)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Liz the Squeak

'Spaw, the christmas pudding was not so much flaming as incandescent, and I would suggest that you are not completely done yet, merely half baked. Get some of that suppin whusky down yer gob and get back in that oven!!

Christmas pudding sometimes has a bitter taste. This is what burnt holly tastes like.


14 Dec 99 - 05:46 PM (#149480)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Dorritt

No - the best part of Christmas is cooking the turkey for 17 hours and then discovering you've left the plasticy thing with the giblets in - inside the bird. Cooking is a great mystery to me and I am envious of these people who can cook anything especially cake. I have a timing problem -if the birds done the veg is not or if the potatoes are roasted the meat is still uncooked - (premature incineration!)essentially if it doesn't go 'ping 'after 20 minutes then Im in trouble- Im a great Marksand SPencer fan as you can probably imagine.

14 Dec 99 - 05:57 PM (#149493)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Rick Fielding

OK, totally stupid question....but, what is it about store-bought Christmas cake that makes it not so good. I'm not kidding.
By the way, McKnees' is the best I've ever eaten...and I'm a SERIOUS eater! I avoid any product on the shelf that says "low in fat", "sugar-free", "low-sodium", etc. If any Glaswegian catter is lucky enough to be invited to her abode for dinner (or a Star Trek gathering) take your appetite!

14 Dec 99 - 06:02 PM (#149497)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Bert

Rick, EVERYTHING store bought is 'not so good' It's 'cos they use the cheapest ingredients and cut corners to keep the cost down.

14 Dec 99 - 06:06 PM (#149498)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

Mince Meat Pies are one of my favourites here in the States! And since the rest of the family doesn't care that much for them, more for me!

As for "store bought" fruitcakes, never have...never will. Though I would like to try one of the fruitcakes made by the Monks...can't recall which Order (of monks).

Were there any Pudding recipes submitted to the Mudcat Recipe thread?? Haven't had time to browse that one yet...

Now I'm dashing...need to make form cookies so my 2 year old can attempt decorating!


14 Dec 99 - 06:42 PM (#149526)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Resident Chemist here, a useful dodge for improving even "shop-bought" mince pies. Get your hands on a 2 or 5 ml hypodermic syringe (don't ask me how, mug a drug addict, steal) and just before or after (It doesn't seem to mattter which) you warm the mince pies in the oven inject through the crust 2 mls of Rum or brandy or whiskey according to taste. It perks up even the most bland of shop bought

14 Dec 99 - 07:23 PM (#149552)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Mick Lowe

Mmmm.. lot's of interesting things, one being that I thought Liz the Squeak lived over here in winter gripped Blighty..
Perhaps the main one being that Mary knows my view on rich cakes and in particular which fruit I would like best to taste, though I doubt very much that it is available from any "shop bought" cake store..
I feel somehow that here I should be saying something like "Humbug!!"
Can't think why

14 Dec 99 - 07:28 PM (#149559)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Little Dorret, when I was a kid I worked for my Dad who had a poultry business. On Saturdays I had my own stand at the Kitchener Farmer's Market where I sold 10 chicken feet for a dime. When I had no customers, I stuffed all the birds with giblets (a package containing a liver, heart, & kidney)
What's a turkey without it's giblets anyway??????

As for store bought Christmas cake, I think when someone makes Christmas cake even if the ingredients were not of the best quality, if the cake was made at home, it is more likely to be made with love. And anything made like that, taste better!

What is in shoe fly pie????????


14 Dec 99 - 07:30 PM (#149561)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: SingsIrish Songs

No "Humbugs" outta you dearest Mick! Let me pour you a scotch instead...and maybe I will figure a way to send some of that fruit you like for you to sample over the holidays...well figuratively anyway. wink wink!


14 Dec 99 - 07:33 PM (#149563)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Mick, Liz the Squeak is in London England or was last w/e any way. her pic is on my pix page

14 Dec 99 - 10:03 PM (#149624)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: sophocleese

Banjo Bonnie Shoo Fly Pie With a Wet Bottom (that's what I make) has a lot of molasses and brown sugar in it. That's why you have to shoo the flies away.

15 Dec 99 - 04:30 AM (#149730)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

sophocleese , one for the diabetics then?

15 Dec 99 - 05:24 AM (#149734)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Roger the skiffler

Every year a German scientist, for whom my wife supplies info by e-mail, sends her what I take to be a stollen cake (I'm not jealous as he must be 80 if he's a day!). But it is a bit like a discus, VERY solid. I'm a human dustbin but I can only manage a very small piece and that takes a LOT of chewing, even the garden birds turn their beaks uo at it. Perhaps it doesn't improve in the post.

15 Dec 99 - 01:48 PM (#149883)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Neil Lowe

To Duckboots:

Otoe is a legume...akin to yucca and sweet potatoes.

It occurs to me that maybe the reason why it tasted like dirt was because my wife forgot to wash it.

Neil (dodging frying pan thrown at head)

15 Dec 99 - 03:57 PM (#149940)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Liz the Squeak

Actually, last w/e I wasn't in blighty, but just over the border in Datchett, but I'm usually down the east side of London, mostly driving round in circles looking for signposts - sense of direction of a migrating slug, me....

LTS, whose Christmas pudding got it's last measure of brandy last night, mostly because it won't absorb any more, but mainly because I ran out of brandy - those damn puddings have guzzled nearly a whole litre.....

15 Dec 99 - 05:28 PM (#149992)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Neophyte

Neil, I think you had a very bad experience and just like riding, it is important to get back up on the horse again.
Or maybe it is like olives. I think they say you have to eat 12 olives before you acquire a taste for them.
The question is, are you game for attempting 12 more pieces of Otoe?


15 Dec 99 - 05:35 PM (#149996)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Otoe, It sounds like the stuff to make emergency climbing rations from. I used to climb with a guy who delighted in producing emergency rations that were so AWFUL you would only eat them in an emergency. His most memorable concotion was (I swear) curried oxtail porridge Kept hot in a Vacuum flask. BTW good heavy duty fruit cake is great Mountain walking energy food we used it often

15 Dec 99 - 07:12 PM (#150036)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: merri

Hey, I did. And the puddings (I don't use suet, just a sort of extra moist cake mix with butter, breadcrumbs and crushed pineapple plus the usual brown sugar, flour and HEAPS and heaps of fruit and nuts). My puddings and cake have drunk a bottle of sherry and half a bottle of green ginger wine, I think they're aiming for some garden landscaping. At least they have a little bog in the middle I think they want for a pond... maybe it's time to put them out in the sunshine for a tan?

15 Dec 99 - 07:49 PM (#150062)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: sophocleese

Micca, NO! Not treacle tart either.

15 Dec 99 - 09:05 PM (#150110)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Bert

Hi there Merri, welcome to Mudcat!

Green ginger wine Eh! Not heard of that for a long time. Sounds like you'll fit in real wel here.


15 Dec 99 - 09:53 PM (#150133)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Merri, is that Stones or Crabbies? and if you have any left try a large measure in a half of cider as a winter warmer, you probably won't pass out completly with the first one but might lose the feeling in the extremities after more than one.

15 Dec 99 - 11:55 PM (#150178)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Mike,NZ

My mum came out from Ireland last month for my birthday (surprise b'day pressie from the kids). Before she went home again she left me a BIG fruit cake and 2 big Christmas puds...Had to hide them from the kids (all in their 20's) otherwise they would not have lived long!! Rol on next weekend!!


16 Dec 99 - 12:04 AM (#150185)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Alice

The lyrics quoted are an adaptation of MISS FOGARTY'S CHRISTMAS CAKE, words and music by C. Frank Horn. It can be found as old sheet music at the Levy website. It is also in the Database, but does not credit C. Frank Horn.
click here:
There was plums and prunes and cherries,
And citron and raisins and cinnymon too,
There was nutmeg, cloves, and berries,
And the crust it was nailed on with glue.
There was carroway seeds in abundance,
Sure 'twould build up a fine stomachache,
You would kill a man twice after 'ating a slice
Of Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake.

16 Dec 99 - 12:08 AM (#150190)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Alice

ooops, that link didn't work out... just search at the Levy site with "Christmas Cake".

16 Dec 99 - 12:33 AM (#150200)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Neil Lowe

BB-- once bitten, twice shy.

16 Dec 99 - 12:51 AM (#150203)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Jon Freeman

Christmas Cake used to be such a big deal to my mum that we all used to have to take a turn at stirring the mixture as part of the family tradition and I love the stuff.

Not to fond of the icing and the marzipan though.


16 Dec 99 - 05:29 AM (#150249)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Skipjack

When times were great, I had my first paid job as third hand on a barge punching sand up the Thames, and it was a matter of pride to blow the week's pay on Friday night. I would stagger home, 'bout 3am, and have a monster fry-up. This one time, there was no ammo in the larder, so I settled for favourite standby. Cheese and pickle sandwich. Only I was pickled, and the cheese turned out to be a block of marzipan, and all that expensive rented beer was instantly evacuated into the sink.

Still can't look marzipan in the eye, Jon

16 Dec 99 - 08:47 AM (#150278)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: dollmaker

Well,I confess. Our son is being wed tomorrow, and the traditional wedding cake in southern Ontario,at least in my family is a heavy fruitcake.Three layers,white icing,and a bride and groom cornshuck doll topper.My recipe makes 8 cakes,and this project needed a double batch.

16 Dec 99 - 09:06 AM (#150283)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: bassen

I assume pfeffernüsse must be pretty much the same as peppernøtter in Norway. Soon as I get home from work I'll post a recipe for that, if you like. We've got 6 dozen or so maturing in tins waiting for Christmas. In Norway you're supposed to bake large batches of 7 different kinds of cookies for Christmas. You end up eating cookies with your coffee way past spring and in Norway you drink a lot of coffee. I corrupt the tradition by baking a large batch of chocolate chip cookies, very un-norsk.

Fruit cake in Norway, called "julekake" or Christmas cake, sounds alot like stollen, maybe even less rich. A light sweet bread with raisins and candied fruit in small quantities. Eaten in buttered slices with jam or that caramelly wheycheese "geitost", made from the whey of goat's milk, or a combination of goat's milk and cow milk. If you think peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth, try eating "geitost".


16 Dec 99 - 11:14 AM (#150335)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: arkie

Nice to see this thread. I thought I was the only sane person still left on the planet. Translate - one who loves fruitcake. My mother's fruitcake, grandmother's pound cake, and my father's smoked ham serve as the standard by which all others are measured. Few live up to the ideal, but some are still quite adequate. Being a teetotaling Methodist and sworn enemy of demon rum, Mother would not contaminate her fruitcakes with spirits of any sort but I anticipated the cutting of the cake as much as the arrival of Santa Claus. For us, Christmas meant a round of visits to grandparents and every uncle and aunt's house in Virginia and North Carolina for a holiday feed. Every household in both my Mother and Father's clan put out a pretty mouthwatering fruitcake. No one put a poundcake on the table for company except for Grandmother Hancock. She was the acknowledged master of that art. I never knew that anyone else in the family even attempted poundcakes until Grandmother died, and by then I was in my twenties. Good to know there are some confessing fruitcake lovers among us still.

16 Dec 99 - 12:10 PM (#150365)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: roopoo

I've done what I usually do, which is make a cake far too big for our needs. It then gets quartered or sliced, frozen, resurrected and heated, with custard then applied. I did once send my old man out to foreign climes with some, hoping it didn't screw up his baggage allowance. I also made too big a pud once again this year. But I can recommend a good lighter fuel: double-distilled home made Romanian Polinka (plum brandy). Fruit cakes are one of the few things I make that can actually be cut and don't have to rise! Yes, weight wise they would be good ballast. My pastry and bread are so inedible that with the building trade already well supplied with bricks, I make models out of flour, salt and water, and flog 'em!

By the way, LTS, have you ever smelled burning holly? Don't tell me you'd gone completely Christmas and put some on top of the pud!


17 Dec 99 - 11:04 AM (#150811)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Liz the Squeak

I dislike fruitcake so much that our wedding cake was chocolate.... first and only time that guests asked for more cake, and only time the whole thing was eaten in one sitting....

Skipjack, I loathe marzipan too. Ever tried fried Christmas pudding? Done in butter, it is gorgeous....mmmmmm. Be careful it doesn't ignite though!!


18 Dec 99 - 08:04 PM (#151341)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: AnTirKitten

*smiles* My family's Christmas cake has absolutely NOTHING to do with our genetic heritage. It's an icelandic cake called Viena Terta (I'm sure I'm mispelling that. I don't speak Icelandic and I've never seen it written). It's some sort of really sweet white dough, in very thin pancake like layers, held together with a sort of heavily spiced prune paste and then left to age in a cold place for at least 3 months. My mother and grandmother used to get together in late August and make a whole huge bunch of them and us kids would try and snitch dough.. *s* I can try and talk my mother out of the recipe if anyone would like...

Cat who has actually never HAD fruitcake OR marzipan but who is really really fond of mince meat (which has made it as far as BC, Canada at least)

19 Dec 99 - 06:40 PM (#151637)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Little Dorritt

Have to agree with liz the sqeak about marzipan -too disgusting. didn't have it in my wedding cake either. can't beat a good old sherry trifle at christmas except don't use sherry use whisky and substitute the custard fora nice chocolate sauce. I've never had fried christmas cake but as an alternative starter how about fried feta cheese fried in olive old with a dash of lemon and black peppercorns. When I livedi n Greece it was called sagernake - makes a nice change from prawn cocktail or smoked salmon. went ot my first xmas 'do' last night. 200 people in a smokuy room with a live band .Where would Christmas be without Hi Ho silver lining and the Time Warp - oh happy days! My husband has just informed me that I will not be getting a Christmas present because the car has just imploded and will cost a small fortune to mend someone out there please cheer me up!

19 Dec 99 - 07:33 PM (#151655)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Micca

Little Dorritt Sherry trifle MMMMMMMM my mother once made it but found she had run out of sherry so substituted Cherry Brandy, (You know Peter Heerings stuff from Denmark) that had been in the drinks cabinet for about 3 years, a teetotal Catholic visitor got amazingly drunk and no one could explain to her what had happened( embarrassment). On the good old "Time Warp" issue you ought to see Liz the Squeak in her Rocky Horror show costume!!!!!!

20 Dec 99 - 03:47 AM (#151841)
Subject: RE: BS: Fess up! Who baked fruitcake this year?
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh you complete B*****D, you wouldn't dare!!!

Mind you, it proves for once and for all that I DON'T HAVE A HAIRY CHEST!

Might try the trifle with chocolate sauce instead, have in-laws coming over for Christmas lunch, might put the child to sleep early enough for us to get into the beer, games and conversation that always seem to wane at about 7.00pm........ that's usually just as lunch is finishing...