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Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11

13 Dec 99 - 11:25 PM (#149104)
Subject: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: catspaw49

Just the other day, I was indulging in one of my favorite pieces of silliness...ribbing Peter about his "Thought for the Day." I had suggested that his post about the power of positive thinking might work for him if he kept thinking I'd go away and stop pestering him. Little did I know he'd try it...and it worked.

I'm posting this so some of you don't think that I bought the big one...."blew up the possum's ass for the last time," so to speak. I'll be back...hopefully within a week, depending on how things go. I have teenager problems that are only going to improve when I take this computer out of I am going to do just that. If things go well, I'll be back in a week...if not, well, a little longer.

So not to worry (operating on the simpleass assumption that anyone gives a turkey to begin with)...Everything is great and we're busy getting ready for Christmas. So, after tonight, I'll be packing up the tower and hoping for the best! See you all soon. Cleigh sends his love.


13 Dec 99 - 11:37 PM (#149111)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: bseed(charleskratz)

It's about time you started paying a bit of attention to your family, Pat. But we'll miss you: most of us, anyway. Gargoyle will probably call it another epiphany, such as he experienced when Rick said he hadn't been posting his usual BS because he was getting ready for a concert: I think G thinks Rick has seen the light. (Rick, if you're within the sound of my voice, tell me it ain't so...Ducky, you there? McKnockers? Hallo-oo-o-o-oo-o-oo?)


But seriously, Pat (if it's possible to speak to you with a straight face), we'll miss you. Do what must be done and come back safely. --charles

13 Dec 99 - 11:46 PM (#149116)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Willie-O

Pat eh.

Teenager problems eh.

hmm hmm hmm

food fer thought. Peter do't turn no poasitive thoughts on _me_.


13 Dec 99 - 11:59 PM (#149122)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Little Neophyte

I'll miss you Catspaw

Hi Uncle Charles. I hope your not leaving too.


14 Dec 99 - 12:03 AM (#149125)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: bseed(charleskratz)

How could I ever leave you, my little love? Or if I do leave, I'll take you with me. I'll pack lots of Madiera.


14 Dec 99 - 12:09 AM (#149131)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: _gargoyle

Hope you have a trip...
Hope it is a Good One ....
And we don't see you until the New Year.

It will be none too soon.

As oppossed to the 'ultimate trip' which you almost took earlier this year.....but if you choose to take it also....hope it too, is a good one.

14 Dec 99 - 12:34 AM (#149143)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: katlaughing

Dear Spaw,

You will blow for the last time, IF YOU DON'T COME BACK, YA HEAR ME!!**BIG S**T EATING GRIN**

And, the blessed gutter spout? Pay it no mind; it's just jealous.

About that teen problem; have you ever tried clearasil? Ah, go on and get outta here; least ya can do is call into the radio show while yer out.


14 Dec 99 - 12:37 AM (#149144)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Garg, is the word oppossed past tense of the verbal form of the noun oppossum? Sorry to disappoint you, my friend, I was never close to the "ultimate trip." My cardioversions are purely routine--an irritating routine, but routine none-the-less. I've had seven of them (fifteen, if you count the ones that failed and had to be repeated). But thanks for your concern. Now if you'd just go back to your job of catching rain up your butt and spitting it on the evildoers below...oh, I forgot. That's what you ARE doing.


14 Dec 99 - 12:45 AM (#149146)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Áine

Dearest 'Spaw,

We'll miss you while you're gone!! Here's a little sumpthin' to go on, though --

If the computer must be packed up
Here's a bit of 'vile stuff' in a cup
So the monitor's stowed
The meatwagon's been towed
Here's to you, 'Spaw, let's all take a sup!

Come back soon, ya ole saggy butted tortoise, ya!

-- Áine

14 Dec 99 - 12:47 AM (#149147)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Jeri

Pat, I will miss you very much if you don't come back. You're a big reason this place is as good as it is. I'm sorry for any problems you're having, and I hope they're easily overcome.
Much Love, Jeri

14 Dec 99 - 06:51 AM (#149203)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

My dearest _gargoyle
You are an illiterate sack of shit. We can always count on finding at least one spelling and one punctuation error in each one of your poorly composed droppings. That is on top of your mean-spirited jealousy of people who have friends, of course.

14 Dec 99 - 07:04 AM (#149204)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Micca

'Spaw in the scots toast "haste ye back" and I hope
Ye're no awa tae bide awa'
Ye're no awa tae leave us '
Ye're no' awa to bide awa'
you'll aye come back and see us

As I was walking through the toon
I met with 'Spaw and Cletus
says he the me will you have a dram
and the rest got lost in the gurgling

Hope to hear you soon you old Scrote. Micca

14 Dec 99 - 08:23 AM (#149217)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Peter T.

Dear CP, is there a word dysphoric? Are you sure it is really you saying this, or have you been taken over by Betelgueuseans? If you have been taken over by B's, and are heading for your constellation, remember to pack heron clothes. And be back soon. yours, Peter T.

14 Dec 99 - 08:48 AM (#149229)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: jeffp

Come back soon, Spaw. Your presence will be sorely missed here at the 'Cat. I wish you all the best with your "teenager troubles." I know they can be mighty trying. I've had to deal with teenagers myself.

14 Dec 99 - 09:04 AM (#149235)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: JedMarum

Teenager problems? Isn't that a redundant term?

14 Dec 99 - 10:45 AM (#149280)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Bert

Don't be gone for too long or I'll forget you.


14 Dec 99 - 11:12 AM (#149300)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Micca, a very lovely way to express a sentiment shared by so many of us...that Catspaw is an old Scrote--if that's what it sounds like.

I'm willin' yer stones ta erode awa'--with me 'arf a watt o' willin' power.


14 Dec 99 - 11:20 AM (#149303)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Neil Lowe

...until the next 'Spawgasm: good luck.


14 Dec 99 - 11:47 AM (#149316)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Jack (who is called Jack)

Teenager Problem is redundant.

14 Dec 99 - 12:51 PM (#149340)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Micca

Charles, youv'e got it right Scrote as in Scrotum the faithful old family retainer, and is an affectionate term for a friend( its a man thing)., and after a few months of knowing him thats how I see 'Spaw as a true friend who tells you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear and that , my friend is true friendship. even if he is a crabby old Scrote, one day I''ll buy him a beer, ANYTHING but Wild Turkey, which in the words of Miles Wooton is "Good for getting rid of dandruff, good for clearing out your drains"

14 Dec 99 - 01:23 PM (#149353)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Neil Lowe

...maybe that's why my hair is shiny and my plumbing in good working order....I knew there had to be another reason I liked the stuff...

Regards, Neil

14 Dec 99 - 03:27 PM (#149389)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: Roger the skiffler

BS & Thread creep:'Spaw likes to mock my low taste in American thick-ear literature (the sort PeterT parodies so well) so I'll take advantage of his absence to quote from the one I'm reading at the moment: Tom Perotta's The Wishbones (about a wedding band who'd rather be playing rock etc):
"Dave looked up and saw a husky, middle aged guy with long hair and a Hawaiian shirt standing behind a mike stand...his name must have been Pat, because people kept shouting it until it turned into a kind of chant."
Doesn't say if he played possum though!

14 Dec 99 - 04:40 PM (#149422)
Subject: RE: Spaw Splits--PeterT. Euphoric-Film at 11
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Micca--"faithful old family retainer"? LMAO. I've never heard that before, either, but what a wonderfully descriptive phrase (reminds me of one of my favorites: "ass gasket" for the paper seat covers in public loos).