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BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady

02 Aug 17 - 06:49 PM (#3869598)
Subject: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Jack Campin

Thelma Harper in the comments section of this:

"If I am promised 9 inches, I want 9 inches."

02 Aug 17 - 07:50 PM (#3869608)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Gallus Moll

and of course a country lassie would prefer a couple of inches more - another 'twa roarin' han'fus an' a daud'

(havnae got ma Merry Muses to hand so probably messed up the apostrophes -- - )

02 Aug 17 - 08:22 PM (#3869611)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: robomatic

I wondered why this thread was -below- the line!

03 Aug 17 - 06:33 PM (#3869770)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Gallus Moll

well, depending on how many inches - - could just peep above it at some point?!

03 Aug 17 - 07:59 PM (#3869783)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Steve Shaw

I remember having a moan with a bloke in our village (sexism red alert...) after I'd been stuck on a narrow country lane confronted by a lady driver who refused to reverse. The bloke said to me, "It's no wonder women can't judge distances (holding up his hand with finger and opposable thumb about three inches apart) when they've spent their lives being told that this is nine inches..."

03 Aug 17 - 10:18 PM (#3869803)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: robomatic

At first I wasn't sure by what you meant about 'having a moan'. Thanks for clarifying.

Reminds me of when I was outdoors in an Alaskan village in the midst of Winter peeing into the snow. The contractor I was sharing the experience with said: "The old paradox of the Arctic- too much insulation, not enough dick!"

04 Aug 17 - 07:38 AM (#3869889)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Rob Naylor

I believe that Edmund Hillary once replied to an interviewer who asked what was the hardest part of climbing Everest: "pissing through 6 inches of clothing with a half-inch penis".

04 Aug 17 - 11:58 AM (#3869948)
Subject: RE: BS: Less than 9 inches will displease a lady
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Sorry to bring the tone of this thread down but would recommend reading Brian Blessed description of parting with a suspect curry at around 20,0000 ft on Everest