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BS: My theory

18 Dec 99 - 12:22 PM (#151220)
Subject: My theory
From: Emmie

I have only recently got back into the mudcat (phone bills aaaagh!!) and I could not fail to notice the effect "Gargoyle" has on lots of people. I was wondering if Gargoyle and the gargoyle hunter were the same person. Seems like it to me anyway, as I say I am new and I get the feeling that I may be missing out on a joke or something.


18 Dec 99 - 03:20 PM (#151252)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: katlaughing

Emmie, no joke and I can assure you they are not the same person. Best thing to do is what Big Mick opines, that is to totally ignore; failing that, bless and release, IMO.

18 Dec 99 - 04:09 PM (#151260)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Emmie

ok, will do.

Emmie xxx

18 Dec 99 - 10:20 PM (#151389)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Lyle

I have never been able to figure out what so many people have against Gargoyle. I think there are only two people here that I have NEVER disagreed with (nor will I) and those are Art T and Frank H. When they speak, I listen! They've been there - I've only observed from a distance. The rest? Like good friends, we may sometimes have different viewpoints - but that does not mean I'll ignor them! And if you read ALL the postings of Gargoyle, you will find a *lot* of well thought out, reasoned views.

So I hope everybody (1) keeps posting, (2) respects divergent views, and (3) has a GREAT holiday season!


18 Dec 99 - 10:30 PM (#151393)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: _gargoyle

Welcome Back,

Ahhh....noticing, wondering, and feeling are all good things...

however they must also be combined with reason, logic, and thought.

You have my assurance that I have not been chasing my own tail.

But, if you think in a REFRESHING frame you may find your source.

No doubt, by posting a reply, I will be permanetly branded a BS advocate it does have its place.

18 Dec 99 - 11:18 PM (#151395)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: DonMeixner

Hi Emmie

Gee, I have always viewed the Gargoyle as one of the loyal opposition. Unless I agree with him which makes him the valued ally. And we agree as often as we differ. Thats the nature of debate. Fight like hell, kick ass take names, and part fiends.


19 Dec 99 - 12:36 AM (#151407)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, Gargoyle: a bit of tail twisting--watch the run-on sentences (they're errors even whispered). --seed

19 Dec 99 - 01:16 AM (#151415)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Benjamin

I haven't noticed Gargoyle's affect your talking about. I don't read every thread though (some are just too long).

Honestly, I agree with Lyle. Respect everyones view point! In the short time I've been here, and limited posts I've made, I've had my share of disagreements. But you have to respect that your not the only person and your view point isn't the only legit way to think.

19 Dec 99 - 01:29 AM (#151417)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: MandolinPaul

Mine is...and the sooner y'all accept that, the better we'll get along.


19 Dec 99 - 02:03 AM (#151429)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: katlaughing

Bless & Release and know that I am not the Hunter!

Oh, and Paul? Sure!!*BG*

19 Dec 99 - 02:13 AM (#151432)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: katlaughing

Lyle & Benjamin,

Obviously neither of you have had the pleasure of being the object of the vicious personal attacks, as other Mudcatters have.

It has nothing to do with divergent opinions; it has everything to do with how those are expressed.


19 Dec 99 - 12:24 PM (#151519)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: McGrath of Harlow

I've got this theorymyself - there are really a whole bunch of people signing on an gargoyle. There's the one that says sensible things from time to time.

And there's a whole bunch of other people who, any time they want to say something nasty about anyone sign in an gargoyle. Or alternatively as gargoyle hunter.

So let's just assume any nasty comments come from the fraudsters? And ignore them. And hope they go away. And A Merry Christmas to the fella that gets blamed for them.

19 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#151523)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: paddymac

Hmmm. I suspect that one who names himself after a fearsome stone monster might not be burdened with a perpetual smile. That does not, however, mean that he has a heart of stone (or such a head, for that matter). I know full well that I am not a perfect one, and I try to give others the freedom to be likewise imperfect. Besides, there needs to be room in the world, real or virtual, for all manner of divergent personas. They make life interesting.

19 Dec 99 - 12:52 PM (#151530)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

paddy and McGrath, if somebody else were using my handle - my real one, that is - I would be screaming bloody murder. I've heard no such screams from the gargoyle.

I tend to believe that the gargoyle is one person who just gets bored once in a while and decides to hurl abuse for his amusement. I've ignored him in the past, as most do, but have recently decided that silence can be read as support. If we were all sitting in a pub and somebody insulted one of us periodically throughout our conversations, who would ignore him? Who would tell him to bugger off? Who would kick his ass?

I've never been attacked by the gargoyle, but his behavior pisses me off. Is he really trying to provoke a response? - and should therefore be ignored - or is he enjoying being the schoolyard bully - and therefore needs nine kinds of shit kicked out of him?

I will apologize again for any offense I cause others. I am sorry, but when he says something nasty, I intend to respond.

19 Dec 99 - 12:53 PM (#151531)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

paddy and McGrath, if somebody else were using my handle - my real one, that is - I would be screaming bloody murder. I've heard no such screams from the gargoyle.

I tend to believe that the gargoyle is one person who just gets bored once in a while and decides to hurl abuse for his amusement. I've ignored him in the past, as most do, but have recently decided that silence can be read as support. If we were all sitting in a pub and somebody insulted one of us periodically throughout our conversations, who would ignore him? Who would tell him to bugger off? Who would kick his ass?

I've never been attacked by the gargoyle, but his behavior pisses me off. Is he really trying to provoke a response? - and should therefore be ignored - or is he enjoying being the schoolyard bully - and therefore needs nine kinds of shit kicked out of him?

I will apologize again for any offense I cause others. I am sorry, but when he says something nasty, I intend to respond.

19 Dec 99 - 12:56 PM (#151533)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: The Gargoyle Hunter

Hmm. An echo. I forgot to say, all of the Hunter posts have only been posted by me.

Happy holidays.

19 Dec 99 - 01:26 PM (#151545)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Jon Freeman

I have a theory that this thread is best left to die. I wish it hadn't started in the first place but if there was any doubt, I think it is now clear that gargoyle and the gargoyle hunter are different people so the original suggestion has been answered.

I feel that to continue this thread can only end up as a disussion over gargoyle and I think that can only lead to unnecessary unpleasantness. If anyone objects to gargoyle's (or any other) postings, they can reply to them in the thread concerned.


19 Dec 99 - 01:32 PM (#151546)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Gargoyle Hunter, you have that right--but I'd rather you didn't become that which you attack. Express your disfavor but remember that we all read your posts as well, and even well-intentioned vitriol eats at one's gut.


19 Dec 99 - 03:13 PM (#151577)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory

Given the odd hours of his postings he appears to be multiple and in different parts of the world. Also, one is more educated and accurate than the other.

19 Dec 99 - 04:13 PM (#151588)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Benjamin


I had plenty of personal attacks in that WTO thread. It seemed as only attacks were being posted after I posted until Alphafem came in and saw that there really is a whole other side. I remember one other person saying he respected Alpha and my view as well as everyone elses. Then it turned to an attack on the media with WyoWoman trying to defend it.

I know I wished people respected my view when they were putting words in my mouth like "so you support the WTO" or "You support Police Brutality." I don't think it was how I stated my view (I could be wrong) people just but words in my mouth.

People think differently as we have different backgrounds and experience (some less than others). We all have the right to think, we should all get respect for thinking.

19 Dec 99 - 04:26 PM (#151589)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: wildlone

speaking as one who has been taken to task for somthings that I have posted {not just by GG I hasten to add}.And have been defended by others at MC some of us read things into posts that were never intended.
I usually read a post twice before answering.
IMO I dont want to see this thread turning into a personal attack on anyone.

19 Dec 99 - 08:49 PM (#151676)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: katlaughing

Benjamin, I would strongly urge you to do a forum search on GG's name and read some of the postings he has made; his vitriol got him kicked out of here once. It also prompted people like Big Mick, one of our most kindly and venerated members, to decide to totally ignore him and quit trying to reach out to him. The kind of personal attacks and stalking through the threads I am talking about are far different from what happened on the WTO thread.

As far as respect goes, most of us give a person the benefit of the doubt; when a line is crossed, they have to earn that respect and so far that hasn't happened.

Since I am a nationally published columnist I am well aware of such things as different viewpoints, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. That does NOT mean I have to be pleasant to a misogynistic sicko who takes pleasure in scatter-shots of hate throughout the threads.

And, now I am sure he is sitting there laughing his ass off, because once again, he is the center of attention and has us arguing about him. Sorry, Mick, darlin, I shouldn't have broken the pledge. And that is the last I have to say on a sorry subject, other than bless him and release him on his way.


20 Dec 99 - 12:31 AM (#151780)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Margo

I'm sorry, guys. I am one who doesn't find Gargoyle terribly insulting. He/she says some really off the wall things sometimes, and without the benefit of seeing body language or hearing tone of voice, I can see where it comes across badly. Yes, I have seen some very odd postings by Gargoyle, but mostly I just don't get him/her. I frequently change or delete some of the things I write because after re-reading them, I think they might look awfully strange. Oh, you Gargoyle haters may find me to be the devil's advocate in this case, but I think it's good to bear in mind the difficulties of communicating like this without the benefits of visual and auditory input.....Margo

20 Dec 99 - 03:03 PM (#152041)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I recently negotiated a peace treaty with Gargoyle, one which allows both of us to tweak the other's nose from time to time. Actually, I should point out that Gargoyle made the first direct move, although I had been trying to point out occasions where his mere presence in a thread was interpreted by others as hostile activity. I actually saw what seemed an offer to end hostilities with you, Kat--in the mistletoe thread. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I have a feeling that peace is at hand for those who will grasp for it.


20 Dec 99 - 03:08 PM (#152042)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: McGrath of Harlow

What annoys me are the unsigned posts. Apart from anything else, they are confusing, especially where you get two different unsigned people posting in a thread. And any really nasty one tends to be taken as a gurgle anyway.

20 Dec 99 - 03:25 PM (#152048)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

Well personally, I'd like to apologize to the garg for coming back to the 'Cat as I see he wished me a pleasant death when I left for a few days.


20 Dec 99 - 03:27 PM (#152050)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Benjamin

It sounds like I haven't seen the worst of it.

I agree that you don't have like a "misogynistic siko who takes who takes scatter-shots of hate through out threads" I don't like that either.

Honestly, it sounds like what your talking about is a different level. I'm just talking about two completely different view points clashing. Sounds like G.G. just wanted to be argumentive and abusive towards other posters. I agree you don't have to respect that. Just other peoples legitament thoughts and views on isues.

20 Dec 99 - 03:40 PM (#152054)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Bert

Hi Spaw, glad to see you back. Hope you got everything resolved. It takes more than someone wishing it to get rid of you don't it!


20 Dec 99 - 03:51 PM (#152060)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

Hey Bert!!! Glad you remember me(:<))

Yeah, its true......I ain't so easy to get rid of, but at least Peter had a few days without the stupid heron! (And things are fine..thanks!)


20 Dec 99 - 04:02 PM (#152068)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Lonesome EJ

I am not against _gargoyle, or any one else in the Forum. I am, however, against mean-spiritedness for it's own sake,whether cloaked in the guise of humor or launched as a naked attack. People who consistently behave in that manner tend to be ostracized by the members of any peer-group, and the occasional civil statement that comes from them tends to be ignored or doubted.

It seems to me that tolerance for others with whom you may disagree coupled with a modicum of human sensitivity should be a way of behaving that we all can live by in the Forum as in life. Those who repeatedly violate this rule tend to GET what they Give.

20 Dec 99 - 05:00 PM (#152090)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Margo

Here here, LEJ

20 Dec 99 - 06:21 PM (#152118)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Benjamin

Put VERY well EJ!

I believe we can all agree on that!

20 Dec 99 - 06:37 PM (#152127)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: katlaughing

My dear LeeJ, that last paragraph, esp. should be posted at the top of the forum for all who come here to read. Well said, as ever! luvyaKat

20 Dec 99 - 08:10 PM (#152171)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

I'm sorry ......A modicum is not available, what with this being the Christmas season and all........But perhaps something in the ever popular soupcon size would suffice?


20 Dec 99 - 08:18 PM (#152174)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Little Neophyte

Welcome back Catspaw. It is not the same around here without you.
I'm quietly sitting in the back of the Court House knitting while I read each post of this Thread.


20 Dec 99 - 08:29 PM (#152180)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bbelle

For heaven's sake ... I cannot believe someone began another thread on his majesty. It takes up space and serves no purpose. If you have questions regarding the subject, do a forum search. Let this subject die ... moonchild

PS 'spaw ... glad to see you back in the land of the living ... moon

20 Dec 99 - 09:11 PM (#152194)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: McGrath of Harlow

Ah, but how do you do a forum search on someone who leaves their name blank?

21 Dec 99 - 01:37 AM (#152317)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Rick Fielding

Yup McGrath, that "blank" mudcatter has rung up quite a score in the year that I've been here. One of the interesting things about a transitory community like Mudcat is that people or issues that flourished 6 months ago are just not a factor in the postings of someone who came on board 2 months ago. One really good aspect of that is it tends to lessen the influence of small groups of people. 'Course Max remains as the "Once and Future King"!

21 Dec 99 - 12:50 PM (#152473)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

But who's the king now, Fielding? Hay-soos! You're a subject of the empire but you don't know that that description of Arthur places him in the past (antedecession) and future (postreincarnation) but not in that gloomy, benighted (deknighted) period in between. Now he's just dead, and I sincerely hope and believe that Max the Great, the past, present, and future king, is currently yet gracing the planet. Gawd, why'd I get so tensed-up over the musings of someone with nothing better to do with his glorious talent than write paeans (however catchy) to a possum-ass-kisser?


21 Dec 99 - 12:56 PM (#152477)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Seed.....That was beautifully written! The fact that I have no idea what you said does not in the least deter me from expressing my admiration.


21 Dec 99 - 01:10 PM (#152482)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

Do y'all wanna know what MY theory is? Do ya??

MY theory is that 'Spaw and 'Seed should get their act together and take it On The Road! I can't think of any better replacements for Crosby & Hope than you two! Can you both dance? And which one of you gets the girl in the end of movie? Well, I see we'll have to audition you two for that -- OK, one at a time -- give us your best 'ba-ba-ba-boo'. Yep, that's what I thought -- 'Seed, the 'loverboy' part is yours. 'Spaw -- that means you get to kiss the camel. Now, now, I don't want to hear any gripeing about 'typecasting', either!

Let's see -- which one of us 'Mudkittens' gets the sexy, shapely Girl on the Road part? Well, I think I'll leave that one between you two boys to settle -- and watch the fur fly!

Luv ya both lots, Áine

(P.S. -- Which one of you are going to write the 'Road' song? Whenever you get it done, send it in to The Mudcat Songbook, OK?)

21 Dec 99 - 05:32 PM (#152584)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bbelle

I volunteer to be the sexy, shapely girl on the road. I'm definitely sexy and shapely and I can even sing a note of two. Of course, shapely is only relative to age and prosperous girth and how grizzled one's partners are. But I can support a "mean" sarong and if all else fails (supporting the sarong, I mean) I can just hold my guitar in front of me ... moonchild ... who is basking in good cheer, the promise of peaceful prosperity, and bs.

21 Dec 99 - 05:46 PM (#152594)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Rick Fielding

I'll translate for you Catspaw. I think Seed feels I shouldn't have wasted banjo rolls on you in "Catspaw's Rag", and ya know what? He's probably right. After all, you WERE sick, and the alternate title could've been Catspaw Memorial Rag. But your well again now (well, physically anyway) so perhaps I sould re-title it for the next pressing. Hmmmmmm, how 'bout "Millenium Rag"? Might make a buck or two off it then. Oh wait a minute! "Mudcat Ramble" sounds good, and then I can get some airplay from Max.
OH, OH, Batten down the hatches! Ducksass just looked over my shoulder and reminded me that before I wrote the 2nd part of it, she had suggested "Arncliffe Road" as a title. I think that's some little two wheel dirt path running through the town of Keithly Eng. where she spent a couple of years being laughed at for her Scottish accent. Course when she moved back to Glasgow, the kids laughed at her English accent.
Oops, serious thread creep (which I've tried to avoid for quite a while). Now what WAS this thread about? Oh, who cares! Happy Holidays all.

21 Dec 99 - 05:53 PM (#152599)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Rick Fielding

Big Mistake! Heather (AKA Duckboots) informs me that I am NEVER to use that term again (even in jest), so I won't.
By the way Moonchild, how's yer guitar case hunt goin'?

21 Dec 99 - 06:04 PM (#152606)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: MMario

Rick's in trouble! Rick's in trouble!

21 Dec 99 - 06:15 PM (#152612)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

Nice try Ace, but it still is beautiful but meaningless to the dolt in me....actually the dolt is the majority shareholder.

And Aine...Just because I take a few days off and Seed goes batcrap with the mistletoe, I end up kissing a friggin camel? Okay...I see your point, what with the possum's ass breath and all.........

Now for the female lead.......The Moonchild is an obvious choice, but a casting call IS in order for some others. I mean, there is a nude scene and all so I.............say what? nude scene huh?........This idea is going downhill............


21 Dec 99 - 06:46 PM (#152626)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Alice

We're off on the Road to Mudrock-o
This camel is tough on the Spaw
Where they're goin', why we're goin', how can we be sure
I'll lay you eight to five that we'll meet Alice and harpgirl.

Off on the road to Mudrock-o
Hang on till the end of the line
I hear this cafe's where they do the dance of the hokey-poke
We'd tell you more but a certain person doesn't get the joke

We're off on the road to Mudrock-o
Well look out, well clear the way, 'cause here we come
The men wear thongs, they play bodhrans, and blow a possum's ass
It seems to me there should be easier ways to get a lass.

Off on the road to Mudrock-o
Hooray! Well blow the pipes, logon the hour,
We may run into gargoyles but we're not afraid to roam
Because we read the story and we end up safe at home

We're off on the road to Mudrock-o
We certainly do get around
Like Webster's Dictionary we're Mudrock-o bound

We're off on the road to Mudrock-o
We certainly do get around
Like a complete set of Shakespeare that you get in the corner drugstore for a dollar ninety-eight
We're Mudrock-o bound

Or, like a volume of Omar Khayyam that you buy in the
department store at Christmas time for your cousin Julia We're Mudrock-o bound
(we could be arrested)

by alice flynn with apologies to the Bingster
Road To Morocco lyrics

21 Dec 99 - 07:11 PM (#152639)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

You have the part Alice.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! What a job!!! Did you write it in the shower? Is RiB still in there? Just checking......In any case, ya done good!!!

Spaw - I'd kiss you but the camel just slobbered all over me.

21 Dec 99 - 07:19 PM (#152641)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Spaw, is it my coinages that are givin' you so much trouble? antedecession is "before death," and postreincarnation, even you can figure that one out--if you have trouble, ask Banjer; benighted is in the dictionary, but means "unfortunate, living in darkness," deknighted is a coinage, created both because of the rhyme and to describe a time without heroes, i.e., the time post Morte d'Arthur but pre-reincarnation, in other words, the time we live in--actually, I'm using the phrase "without heroes" in an Arthurian sense; I don't think we are without heroes--the more time I live and the more time I meet people here, the more heroes I find, real honest-to-god ones. Crap. Now I'm gettin' all teared up...


21 Dec 99 - 07:38 PM (#152646)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

You certainly have a way with words Seed. As someone who has trouble writing two meaningful sentences on "My Day at the Zoo"....I salute you.

Now let's get down to brass tacks and the serious business of gettin' nekkid with Alice in the movie.


21 Dec 99 - 07:43 PM (#152648)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

That's a GREAT Road song there, Alice! May I please put it on the Mudcat Songbook?

And 'Spaw -- what's this with the camel? It's the cutest one we could find -- aaaahhhhh, lookee there, she just spit a big loogey on ya. You know, in camel talk, that means she REALLY likes you!

-- Áine

21 Dec 99 - 07:44 PM (#152651)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

No, No, No, 'Spaw! The nude scene is with the CAMEL -- NOT ALICE!!!

21 Dec 99 - 08:01 PM (#152657)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Bill D

.."....but, sir, the men use her to ride to town!"

..........old camel joke

22 Dec 99 - 01:37 AM (#152778)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Big Mick

Just a damn minute here. What the hell do you mean, Seed gets the loverboy part!!!!!!! I get those friggin roles.............payoff for having to wear the thong and spud........UHHHHH, Spaw, the camel is yours....but it is a cute camel.......

22 Dec 99 - 01:44 AM (#152780)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

C'mon, Mick, ain't it enough that you're one of my heroes (I didn't list them here--but I started back in the Mudcat religion thread)? I don't have to fight you for the role, do I? (I'm probably the one Mudder taller than you (6'6"), and if I need a bit of heft to take you on, I'll go get FADAC, if I can find him (anyone seen FADAC lately)? Besides, you've got the fair one (I know it doesn't look right without the HTML magic)--or are you gonna stand still while I recruit her as one of the roadies?


22 Dec 99 - 01:48 AM (#152782)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Actually, Mick, this afternoon I was thinking about recruiting you to play Jaws (but then we'd have to photograph yer tiny self standin' on a stool, wouldn't we?).


22 Dec 99 - 02:37 AM (#152792)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Big Mick

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.............LOL..........RFLMAO...................Awright, shit, I can't argue with such sterling logic, Charles. But see if you can find the right spot for herself and I in your production, willya?????? Guess I had better check with THE FAIR ONE on this too, eh? Sides that, you are a better lookin' fella, anyways. I only said that cuz I don't want that f@%$^ing gorilla FADAC on me arse..........


22 Dec 99 - 02:43 AM (#152793)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory

I have checked the threads, whatever the problem is with you, not him.

He has been helpful and sincere.

Look back, you guys are nuts.

22 Dec 99 - 04:54 AM (#152823)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Roger the skiffler

Been busy in the Neil Young Center making my camel costume:I'll get the hump if I can't join in on the trip.
Perhaps I'll just stay in the sandpit and eat salmonella to get the same effect.
RtS (he rambled till the good 'Spaw cut him down)

22 Dec 99 - 08:02 AM (#152841)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Larry B.

We all play our parts, and the lucky ones are comfortable in their roles. Some play first fiddle, others push wind through the pipes, and I stand by the door (having arrived late) and clap.

Difference of opinion is necessary to discussion, and when opinions are strongly held, discussions will get heated. This semi-anonymous forum tends to produce a little more vitriol, but that is the nature of the beast. It also allows those of us who are so inclined to choose our words carefully.

With all its sham, silliness, and poor spelling, it is still a beautiful Mudcat. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

P.S. Odd posting times does not necessarily indicate multiple posters in different parts of the world; it could mean someone has a varying schedule (like me).


Larry B.

22 Dec 99 - 12:42 PM (#152945)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey! Who's creeping this thread back to Gargoyle? Go start your own thread if you want to talk about him.


22 Dec 99 - 12:49 PM (#152948)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Margo

Oh, that's a good one, Seed.

22 Dec 99 - 01:08 PM (#152960)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bbelle

Oh, for heaven's sake, whoever you are "anonymous." In my opinion, you are just like people who don't vote ... you refuse to stand up and be counted, therefore, you have no credibility. And for those who want to stand on the bandwagon and write long, laborious posts about the issue of voting/not voting, save your breath. I said it was my opinion ... moonchild

22 Dec 99 - 01:25 PM (#152967)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: catspaw49

Now don't be rude Seed......maybe there's a part for him in the movie........say the maybe the guy who takes care of the camels..................

SEED: What are you doing Garg?
GARG: Getting this camel ready for 14 days in the desert.
SEED: Well I see it drinking, but what are you doing behind it?
GARG: I just told you.
SEED: Uh, yeah....
SPAW: So what's with the bricks

(Gargoyle takes a brick in each hand and with a wide swing of both arms, smashes the camel's balls between the two bricks. The camel sucks up a trough of water in 2 seconds with a loud whooshing/sucking sound)

SEED: Holy Shit!!!!!!!! SPAW: (Holding his own nuts and wincing in empathy)GEEZIZ KEERICED!!!
SEED: Damn, I don't believe it.......
SPAW: Fockin' A ..... Doesn't that hurt?
GARG: Not if you keep your thumbs out of the way.
SPAW: Let me try that. (takes bricks) Bend over Garg.

********* ********FFWWOOPPPP********* *******

SPAW: Hey he's right!!!! Doesn't hurt a bit.

Spaw Spielberg

22 Dec 99 - 01:31 PM (#152969)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Little Neophyte

Bonnie drops the knitting needles & yarn, and falls off the bend rolling in laughter.
Very Funny Catspaw

22 Dec 99 - 01:34 PM (#152970)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Yeah, but Spaw: where was the water for Gargoyle? The camel had sucked it all up?

By the way, it wasn't completely painless. My gut is aching from laughing so hard, and I think i broke a couple of metacarpals pounding on the floor.


22 Dec 99 - 04:18 PM (#153026)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Lonesome EJ

Anyone know why they call a camel the "Ship of the Desert"?

22 Dec 99 - 04:27 PM (#153027)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Big Mick

Jazus fe#%ing keeeriste, 'Spaw..........don't do this shit when I am tuning a banjo.......busted the string and drop kicked a hole in the head from laughing so hard............sick fecker......I like that in a man.....

22 Dec 99 - 04:29 PM (#153028)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: MMario

because you get sea-sick riding them.

22 Dec 99 - 10:31 PM (#153187)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: alison

count me in... so where is this "casting couch" spaw and seed? can I be the exotic non american..... seeing as I have a different accent???

22 Dec 99 - 10:58 PM (#153195)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: paddymac

Haven't checked this thread in a few days, but I'm glad to see it has evolved along our not-uncommon earthy path. But, Sir - how do you like your camels - one hump or two?

23 Dec 99 - 02:47 PM (#153460)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Paul G.

Here's my thought for the day, and a way to surely raise significant funds for the Mudcat...Let's auction off the right to ban our granite sculpted "friend", in all of his past, current, or future incarnations from this site. Were it possible, I'd pay handsomly for it. And you know why you maggot infested cowardly piece of camel shit...

Sorry for the outburst, its really unlike me. Now back to your regularly scheduled posting...


23 Dec 99 - 02:53 PM (#153464)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

23 Dec 99 - 03:10 PM (#153470)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

I think the camel ate my post! Oh -- I see 'Spaw and 'Seed are playing with the bricks again...that explains it!

OK, Big Mick and alison -- I've just got the revised script here and there are a couple of parts in the film I think that you two are perfect for!

Mick, you can be the big, silent fella that hovers in the corner of the harem, eyeing the beautiful and wistful new concubine (that's you, alison), who doesn't pay the big fella any mind, because she thinks he just another eunich . . . Great subplot, eh? So, go on, tell me what you think (runnin' for the henhouse to hide out) . . .

-- Áine

23 Dec 99 - 03:12 PM (#153473)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Meanwhile, back on the sound stage, Seed is arguing with screenwriters Leej and Neil (not Neal) over just where the fockin' road is supposed to go--seed wants to change it from " Toronto," his choice of roadie having entered a nunnery to escape him. Spaw had something to complain about, as well, but is too busy picking the fleas of a thousand camels from his beard and feeding them to Cleigh, who--unfortunately lacking either teeth or a gastrointestinal system--is passing them still living, and they, of course, make a bee-line (or rather a flea-hop) back to Spaw, choosing his armpits on second go around.


23 Dec 99 - 05:00 PM (#153507)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Big Mick

Jazus, and I was really gettin to like you, Aíne.........I really am an Irish guy, hence, the eunuch thing just won't do........but I guess me being the quiet one in the corner is your idea of typecasting??????????? About the only thing you got right is the big guy part............awrighteee then, let's get down to serious script work here.........someone get me a white horse...................

23 Dec 99 - 05:12 PM (#153510)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Little Neophyte

Charles, the Nunnery said they would not take me. All I could find was a summer grooming camp run by the Canadian Jewish Princess Association.
Should I go?
I'm not running away from you. I just think it may be wise for me to attend a school like Sabrina did and become a lady.


23 Dec 99 - 07:45 PM (#153573)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: alison

Hahaha.... Big Mick quiet? and a eunuch? ....... er..... I take it this is a comedy movie.....

I am getting some serious flashbacks to "Carry on - follow that camel"..... Are you travelling alone?


23 Dec 99 - 08:05 PM (#153588)
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
From: Áine

I swear, you actors!! Can't even read a synopsis of a script and get it right! I said, 'she THINKS he's just another eunuch' not 'he IS' a eunuch!! That's the subplot, ya Big Mick ya! Your character is supposed to seduce the lovely *innocent* concubine into loving him before the nasty king gets his grubby hands on her.

Now -- run with it ya method actors . . . Geez, the camel can emote more than the lot of youse!!

-- Áine