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BS: useful versus useless idiots...???

08 Apr 18 - 12:42 PM (#3915896)
Subject: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

seems to me 'useful' idiots are at least positively well intentioned folks no matter how naive
or cynically exploited by genuinely malevolent agencies...???

'useless' idiots are those we should beware of...???

Ok mates.. let's see how long this thread lasts...

[Jim - please in the wise words of DtG "Jim, stay with the program :-)"]

08 Apr 18 - 12:55 PM (#3915903)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: keberoxu

What is the name for us cowardly members
who get scared off of BS threads
when the p***ing contests begin?

08 Apr 18 - 12:57 PM (#3915906)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Senoufou

keberoxu, we're 'The Sensible Ones' !!

08 Apr 18 - 12:58 PM (#3915907)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Keith A of Hertford

Well intentioned possibly, but when Corbyn was described as a "useful idiot" it meant useful to the Russians, and an idiot not to see the truth.

08 Apr 18 - 01:00 PM (#3915909)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Keith A of Hertford

The Russia thread is still active, so why start this one?

08 Apr 18 - 01:04 PM (#3915913)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

""Jim, stay with the program :-)"
Moi, why Moi!!!
You been at the communion wine again :-) ?

08 Apr 18 - 01:29 PM (#3915921)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Thinking aloud...

"hmmmm... why start this thread...???

Well if it is within the capabilities of some mudcatters to make minimal - only absolutely essential references - to the 'R' and 'I' words,
then this thread could serve a 'useful' and topical purpose...???"

As has been mentioned, there is already a thread in existence devoted to nothing but robust discussion of the 'R' word....!!!

This thread could / should be about a more specific adjunct of the 'R'/'I' issues...
Concentrating on UK politicians ideally...

But what happens here next is up to whoever fancies a friendly debate...

08 Apr 18 - 01:34 PM (#3915923)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

It is never friendly with people who want to win all the time PFR :-( I know the Russia thread is still open but I see the other one you started has been closed by such a person. Sad.


08 Apr 18 - 01:39 PM (#3915927)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Useful idiots in this case dispute the government's line.
Useless idiots are incapable of recognising that there may be a problem.

08 Apr 18 - 01:39 PM (#3915928)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

DtG - and annoyingly / hilariously, said person was allowed 'the last word'.....

08 Apr 18 - 01:41 PM (#3915929)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

errrmmm.. that could have been "annoyingly / hilariously / ironically"...

but since Alanis Morissette I've lost confidence in using the word "ironic"...

08 Apr 18 - 01:45 PM (#3915930)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Mr Red

at the end of the day, when THEY take a tilt at your favourite person/group it is a stab, when THEY go for the others it is critique/satire/objective.

At the end of the day it never ends!

08 Apr 18 - 02:46 PM (#3915935)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

Maybe it does when the fat lady sings?

Am I still allowed to say that?

:D t G

08 Apr 18 - 02:49 PM (#3915937)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

I don't think it was so much allowed to have the last word, PFR, as posting the last straw. But of course some will never see it that way because the have a different morality, speak a different language and live on a different planet;-),

08 Apr 18 - 02:50 PM (#3915938)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Kenny B (inactive)

DTGif you are allowed to think it but not say it can you say for instance

" I THINK... Maybe it does when the fat lady sings?"

08 Apr 18 - 03:01 PM (#3915940)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

I think you can but that is a moral conundrum for those far wiser than I!

08 Apr 18 - 03:19 PM (#3915943)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

My mrs has put on a lot of weight over the last few years,
and surprisingly for someone born and raised in the Welsh valleys
completely tone deaf...[great memory for lyrics though...]

...and she absolutely loves singing out aloud around the house...

one reason I spend so much time hiding upstairs in the bathroom or computer den...

I guess I'd have to classify her in that regard as 'usefuless'...???

09 Apr 18 - 12:07 PM (#3916149)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: keberoxu

Dave the Gnome had to bring up the proverbial fat lady.
I still think the first of the fat ladies
was the one who sings
"Pace, Pace, mio Dio,"
after I forget how many full acts of
Verdi's La Forza Del Destino.

09 Apr 18 - 01:32 PM (#3916173)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Senoufou

When we as children first got a TV (tiny thing in black and white) we watched The Last Night of the Proms every year. My daft mother used to wait with baited breath for the fat lady she called 'Big Bertha' to be 'wheeled on' to sing Rule Britannia.
The introductory music would set her off giggling, and she'd laugh until she nearly burst when Big Bertha sang "This was the Cha-Tah". By the end ("Britons never never never..."etc) we were all sobbing with laughter, tears rolling down our faces.
Looking back, I can't quite understand why we laughed so much. I remember my stern father being nearly hysterical!

09 Apr 18 - 02:28 PM (#3916180)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: robomatic

When Jim wrote "You been at the communion wine again?" I read that as communism wine.

I need to start these threads with me glasses on.

One man's 'useful idiot' is another man's devotion to ideas over practical matters.

I don't know who created the term, I think it is attributed to Lenin, but it can apply to anyone who is regarded as wrongfully enlisted in a cause that might actually not be in his/her best interests or that of the 'class' he/she sposedly is a member of.

You can backdate it and say the French exchequer/ royalty were useful idiots to aid the Americans in rebellion against the English in the 1770s because it both impoverished the French government leading to the French Revolution AND got the English uninvolved with most of America so it concentrated more on whipping Napoleon and colonizing India.

Getting back to the Soviets, they are a prime case of how ideals can be perverted by violence and ruthless pursuit of war aims. The leader of the Soviet secret service was Dzerzhinsky, who made a lot of money for them by getting displaced Russian royalty to give money to agents of the Cheka in the mistaken belief that they were investing in anti-Soviet plots.

09 Apr 18 - 08:17 PM (#3916217)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Steve Shaw

"keberoxu, we're 'The Sensible Ones' !!"

You're a Tory. So that's a baseless claim....

09 Apr 18 - 09:08 PM (#3916222)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Joe Offer

Useful idiots....the ones that vote for ME????

10 Apr 18 - 10:22 AM (#3916331)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

Its interesting how Robo puts facts in order.
So does Iains whose heart's across the border.

10 Apr 18 - 11:06 AM (#3916350)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

What's a communist wine?

These bourgeois capitalists are ruining the world...

(Better if said aloud)

:D tG

10 Apr 18 - 11:16 AM (#3916355)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Lambrini - the true proletarian bottled plonk...!!!

[actually one chilled bottle aint too bad.. 2 bottles and you begin to feel your teeth disolving...]

10 Apr 18 - 12:15 PM (#3916365)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Nigel Parsons

I heard on radio2 news on Sunday a comment that "Boris Johnson has accused Jeremy Corbyn of acting as Russia's useful idiot".

I was a little surprised at this, but noticed on later news programmes that the word 'acting' had been dropped.

11 Apr 18 - 05:22 AM (#3916521)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Mr Red

We Have Become the Kind of People Our Parents Warned Us About. (Augustus John (1878-1961)

12 Apr 18 - 10:35 AM (#3916823)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Mrrzy

Useful idiots are the ones who create the need for those caution signs, like Do not use while sleeping for a hair dryer.

12 Apr 18 - 10:40 AM (#3916829)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

On a packet of roasted peanuts - Warning. May contain nuts!

14 Apr 18 - 06:15 PM (#3917284)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: keberoxu

Oh, don't pay this post any mind.
I'm just too chicken to post it anyplace else.

Donuel just got the **** ripped outta him by
one of the Keyboard Warriors.
No, not on this thread. On a Keyboard Warrior thread.
There is an urgently serious subject for that thread, to which
I don't want to add anything -- that's why I don't post this there.

Who in their right mind would school Donuel in how to express himself?
Donuel is Donuel. May he never change, even when his postings give me fits.
There is nobody else here quite like him.
Certainly the Keyboard Warrior, who chided Donuel on
"a lesson you have yet to learn,"
is not nearly as philosophical, as tolerant, as humorous as Donuel.

Okay, sorry, I'll shut up now.

14 Apr 18 - 10:16 PM (#3917312)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: robomatic

We are the people our parents warned us about

Meanwhile, I'd like to add another term: "Useful SOB". I was on a youth trip to Russia when it was the Soviet Union. We had a group of adults as chaparones but for some reason it was obvious to me that the most senior of them was, well 'useless'. You just knew that all he could do was bluster. My high school Russian teacher, Mr. Morse, was with us, a perfectly nice man and an excellent educator, but he was large and strong and could go from zero to bastard in about 1/8th of a second. I knew if there was any trouble he'd get us out.

(There was no need, the Russians treated us pretty well, we were just spoiled Americans who didn't know what to do with black bread and acidophilus!)

15 Apr 18 - 03:43 AM (#3917319)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Senoufou

keberoxu, I like Donuel's posts because they're different, thought-provoking and he never turns nasty, unlike some.

There are far too many hurtful and insulting posts from keyboard warriors, which do nothing but upset people and escalate the animosity.
Mudcat seems to me to be a friendly and interesting place, not somewhere to vent one's bile and attack other posters with personal insults.

I haven't found the thread you refer to, but I admire you for supporting Donuel and for your evident care about us all on here.

15 Apr 18 - 03:53 AM (#3917321)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Keith A of Hertford

I agree with you Eliza.
There is a group here who do not expect to be disagreed with, and react badly to anyone who does, lovely and friendly though they appear until that happens.

15 Apr 18 - 04:02 AM (#3917323)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Senoufou

Exactly Keith. One can disagree and state one's opinion in a civilised manner without being downright rude and savage.

Nobody expects us all to natter away in total agreement like a bunch of old ladies at a tea party. But some of the political/social commentary threads have become a disgrace, in my view.

Like keberoxu, I feel so annoyed when many of the truly calm and likeable people on here get viciously slated merely for expressing a different view on the topic in hand. Fortunately there are several delightful and interesting folk who make visiting Mudcat a real pleasure.

15 Apr 18 - 04:21 AM (#3917333)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

I get on great with Donuel. I don't always understand everything he posts but then again I suspect he doesn't always understand me! Quite a few of us on here seem to speak a different language but Donuel never uses that difference in a malicious way.

I can't find anyone having a go at him either. Maybe keberoxu will enlighten us?

15 Apr 18 - 04:58 AM (#3917337)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

Eliza, one can indeed state one's opinion in a civilised manner but there are those who ostensibly remain civilised while trying to undermine people with invidious hints and suggestions that they are making things up or are empty headed. Give me a bit of good, honest Anglo Saxon any day!

15 Apr 18 - 05:00 AM (#3917341)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

I intended to use insideous rather than invidious, but either will do :-)

15 Apr 18 - 05:55 AM (#3917354)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Senoufou

Well I understand your point Dave, but using 'Anglo-Saxon' words isn't considered acceptable in public (arrestable offence actually!) and often reveals a lack of adequate vocabulary.
I might use such words at home if I burn my hand on the cooker, but never when anyone is listening (except my husband, who sadly has learnt some choice words from me over the years!)

Like you I also dislike insidious (and invidious!) styles of posts, which I find patronising and rather underhand.

Surely one can state what one feels without undermining, being abusive, using bad language or insulting folk? If not, one should find another site where everyone is of the same ilk.
(I can just imagine a type of John Cleese Monty Python sketch where all the protagonists are abusing each other at full throttle and enjoying every minute of it) :)

15 Apr 18 - 06:22 AM (#3917361)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

Surely one can state what one feels without undermining, being abusive, using bad language or insulting folk?

I have tried that many a time, Eliza, but someone usually responds in a confrontational manner. I have only recently discovered that the only response to that is to ignore them. Of course that engenders the feeling in them that they have somehow 'won' but as long as sensible people see the truth, I can live with that :-)

15 Apr 18 - 08:09 AM (#3917382)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

We all have different abilities and disabilities to some degree.
If you choose to deal with a 'disabled' person you we find there are some things they can do exceptionally well.

If you look past some abuse from a person with an ego disorder you may find a diamond in the rough.* A dose of acceptance or forgiveness goes a long way to include wider humanity in your world.

We could call this Toxic Ego Disorder.

If you have a form of toxic ego you might not like people without it.
You might like to argue with others who have this condition.
T.E.D is a small yet powerful aspect of a person.

You don't have to convert to Buddhism to overcome this disability .

For example I can highly respect and like someone with toxic ego even when the one afflicted is unaware of their own condition. Ex. my friendship with Steve. We are a foil to ach other but fight for the same cause.

I have a hard enough time dealing with illusions that my own ego tries to foist on me. When I succeed in taming the ego I am more aware of unnecessary prejudice and feel more creative.

I know my own disabilities well enough to know when others become intolerant of them. There is little chance of changing others but we stand a better chance to change ourselves.

some rough folk call this finding a diamond in a goat's ass

15 Apr 18 - 08:10 AM (#3917383)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: keberoxu

Donuel, you put the rest of us to shame.

15 Apr 18 - 09:01 AM (#3917392)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Steve Shaw

Kindly stick to analysing yourself, Donuel, not people who you know only from this limited, two-dimensional old-fashioned forum.

15 Apr 18 - 09:27 AM (#3917398)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Dear Donuel
"some rough folk call this finding a diamond in a goat's ass"

Should I sell my banjo and metal detector and buy a goat?

15 Apr 18 - 09:32 AM (#3917401)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

Yes I will. Besides from my POV, most relationships here are virtual and only have a two dimensional depth, which is zero. There will continue to be cat videos, kind and funny old ladies, automatic response of 'fine' when asked how they are, a running dialog of what superior food we feed our face how smart and veneered we are, a spectrum of one liners and an hilarious remarkable silliness.

Keb I reject any notion I have an edge or am fundamentally better than others. I certainly am NOT. But there is an appealing urge for the ego to say, "Yeah I put others to shame" but only a Trump diseased ego would believe it... The best trick of ego is that it pretends that "it" is "you"

15 Apr 18 - 09:58 AM (#3917407)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

John Updike had a very clever picture of a consuming ego when he said, "Celebrity is a mask that consumes the face".

It is said by teaching we are taught. I was taught by 12,000 therapy clients and surprisingly, the many former members of this forum now passed. I owe them a debt of gratitude for waking me up from a boring sleep.

Just as 'all fame is fleeting', so is the flame of life itself.
Get to it, getter done, just do it, do what makes you proud in 20 years or the eternal now.
My debt is paid, just don't contact the Bank.

15 Apr 18 - 11:09 AM (#3917416)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

useless vs useful idiots
Contemptible people can use useless idiots by appealing to their appalling Ego and turn them into useful idiots.
There is the less than voluntary sucking up to Trump.
There is also the deliberate strategic sucking up to Trump which is the most disgusting debasement of the soul of our nation.

15 Apr 18 - 01:59 PM (#3917456)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

I do not think the majority that elected Trump consider themselves to be idiots of either stated variety.

15 Apr 18 - 02:19 PM (#3917458)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Since I started this thread....

Maybe the list of idiots needs to be broadened, with sub categories...

Today's reading of mudcat brings to mind the old fashioned blissfully ignorant and unaware;

yet easily riled up into arming themselves with pitchforks and flaming torches,
to storm seemingly sinister hilltop castles,

"Village Idiots"...

15 Apr 18 - 02:21 PM (#3917459)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

Arrogance and self awareness seldom go hand in hand Iain. Look at Trump.

Most Trump supporters I encounter offer some excuse while declaring their support like, '...but he is doing the best he can' or 'I just wish he would lay off the twitter but...'.

I remind folks we are all crew on this ship unless we are billionaires.

The prejudiced bigots in my country will not own their racism be it overt or institutional and are not always hard core racists. They are more like hard core 'fearists' than fascists.

They are consumed by fear and are taught to shoot first and ask questions later.

Orange you glad I do not feel that way about you?

15 Apr 18 - 02:28 PM (#3917462)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

Yeah just like those flaming torch village idiots. In the battle for the soul of a nation there are the passionate, the sensible and the idiots.

15 Apr 18 - 03:10 PM (#3917471)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

There are also those that accept nothing, question everything. What category of idiot are they?

15 Apr 18 - 04:10 PM (#3917491)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Dave the Gnome

Is there such a thing as a sensible idiot?

:D tG

15 Apr 18 - 04:20 PM (#3917497)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Dave if you follow the threads here you may well ask!

15 Apr 18 - 07:25 PM (#3917519)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

Good one D.

I suppose all people who err on the side of liberalism, idealism and utopia are sensible idiots - for knowing there will always be the next bully pragmatist who will passionately seduce millions of minions to a "cost saving' practical solution for war, death and destruction to rid the earth of all the 'different people' and pay the master for his services.

Of this I am UNCERTAIN. Not being sure is an indication one is a likely lefty. It is practically the curse of the humanitarian.

Demigod right wing, dictator loving, conservative trolls in contrast are CERTAIN in all they say or do.

it is a reliable way to tell Iains and Donuels apart.

15 Apr 18 - 10:42 PM (#3917524)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Donuel - At this time, on these issues.. i'd question your certainty about Iains...?????

are you really so sure...???

He may be right wing, and usually one of my opponents,
but right now he's putting up a very good fight against fukwitted over-certainty...!!!
and I give him respect for that.

...if however you'd actually said K**** or bob...!!!

Ok.. time for the late night smart arse remark...

Rightwingers draw the black out 'certains' over their eyes to keep out the light...

..fair enough... it's still a work in progress / it's shite...
I'll go back to watching netflix movies...

16 Apr 18 - 03:23 AM (#3917530)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

Some of the thoughts of Chairman Iains - plenty more in the pipeline
Jim Carroll

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 27 Sep 17 - 10:46 PM
Twat.?? Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK

From: Iains - PM
Date: 28 Sep 17 - 03:29 AM
Jimmie I copied your little packmate shaw's insult to me just to watch your entirely predictable behaviour. You and your wannabe bullies apparently think you have carte blanche to post whatever you like, yet act like stuck pigs when the tables are turned. Did you censure the idiot shaw for his gratuitous insult above? One law for the pack and one for the rest of us is it?
When you cannot reciprocate in the discussion with well constructed argument you resort to insult-presumably to make all those people embarrassing you go away, by having the thread closed. What a silly little man you are!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 29 Sep 17 - 03:05 PM
So Shaw why do you not correct jimmies unique massacre of the english language? After all for a well educated "polymath" such as yourself it would be merely the matter of a moment.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 30 Sep 17 - 03:26 AM
Calm down Shaw you are getting hysterical. Is that because it took you two days to conjure up a response in the earthquake thread? The strain a bit too much for you? For a well educated scientist I fail to see why you cannot grasp the fact that for any election in the uk the side with the most votes in any area.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 04 Oct 17 - 02:56 PM
I believe respect has to be earned. Now I would be the first to admit that there are a couple that post here that periodically I find hard work. However you are in a league of your own stevie boy. Rest assured, I hold you in the deepest contempt and it will be an epic journey down a long winding road before you will have reformed sufficiently to earn my respect. Just look at your postings through the eyes of those on the receiving end. Overbearing,bullying, sanctimonious, priggish, arrogant to name but a few of your less desirable qualities that are displayed to excess each time you post.That is in addition to your inane posturing and quack diagnoses of a persons supposed insecurity.Besides boasting of being a well educated scientist do you flog snake oil on the markets down in Cornwall?You have some gall to dare criticize others on this forum!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 08 Oct 17 - 04:22 AM
Be afraid Brexiteers, be very afraid.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Oct 17 - 04:00 AM
Try gargling with cheap plonk instead of swallowing by the case load shaw. It may help you remain lucid!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Oct 17 - 10:46 AM
Nought to do with bent bananas or dodgy cucumbers you stupid boy!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Oct 17 - 01:28 PM
Whimsical=capricious=given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.
Oh dear-by his own admission he has totally lost the plot. Time to move in and just ignore the ramblings.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 03:30 AM
Getting very tetchy shaw! Is this because a few more are having the audacity to question your incessant gibberings?

16 Apr 18 - 03:33 AM (#3917532)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

What manner of idiot posted at 0323 I ask myself? What a silly little man!

16 Apr 18 - 03:47 AM (#3917535)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Raggytash

Not such an idiot that he cannot read the name of a poster at the top of the contribution.

16 Apr 18 - 04:28 AM (#3917550)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

"What manner of idiot posted at 0323 I ask myself? What a silly little man! "
The same idiot who will continue to post these lists until you stop using terms and "idiot" and "silly litle man" and grow up
Haven't got started yet - I'm hardly short of material, am I
Jim Carroll

16 Apr 18 - 04:44 AM (#3917552)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Go ahead jimmie. The more the merrier. This is   a thread about idiots, after all. Idiot!

16 Apr 18 - 05:43 AM (#3917564)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 11:34 AM
The world according to little jimmie!
Through the eyes of a child
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 12:27 PM
Present facts and they can be disputed or accepted. Present fabrications, bluster and totally outlandish statements and expect to be ridiculed. Quite easy really.!
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 01:31 PM
Your link has nowt to do with the price of tea in China Laddie.
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 03:56 PM
Go and infest another   thread jimmie. This one was progressing quite well until you started your usual frothing. How many times do different people have to spell things out to you, before you start paying attention. Are you stupid?
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 05:17 AM
just knew it was too good to be true! Jimmies found his paintbox.
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 05:57 AM
Stop posting rubbish and I will no longer treat you as the resident clown. It is very easy!

16 Apr 18 - 06:03 AM (#3917572)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Guess I'll have to keep calling stupid little jimmie and an idiot then.

You going to insist on closing this thread too?

16 Apr 18 - 06:14 AM (#3917576)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

"You going to insist on closing this thread too? "
If the thread is closed, it will be your behavior, past and present that will have done it
Keep it up - I've not got started yet
Jim Carroll

16 Apr 18 - 06:18 AM (#3917579)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Oh Dear, little jimmie is having a hissyfit. He does like to be the center of attention. Idiot.

16 Apr 18 - 06:21 AM (#3917580)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

Some examples from this thread
Useless idiots are incapable of recognising that there may be a problem.
What manner of idiot posted at 0323 I ask myself? What a silly little man!
Go ahead jimmie. The more the merrier. This is   a thread about idiots, after all. Idiot!
Guess I'll have to keep calling stupid little jimmie and an idiot then.

16 Apr 18 - 06:47 AM (#3917589)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

You are getting repetitive little jimmie. I suppose that must make you a useless idiot. Live with it!

16 Apr 18 - 07:30 AM (#3917601)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

More thoughts of Chairman Iains - as thought provoking as they are eloquent
Jim Caarroll

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 03 Apr 18 - 09:44 AM
Sweeping statements from shaw, no evidence to back it up. Now who else does that ad nauseum?
I recommend you get a new hymn book, some of your verses are misleading if not totally erroneous.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 03 Apr 18 - 03:23 PM
Didn't do you much good, did it?
A typical attempted put down by shaw and in particularly bad taste!
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 04 Apr 18 - 06:12 AM
Chewing on lemons again. Pure gibberish.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 04:19 AM
Of course should anyone demand some proof to justify the bizarre statement above, it will be a forlorn hope.
The man is away with the faeries, as per usual. Trying to make a point by gross exaggeration and outright untruths. The only thing he insists on deleting from his nonsense is "once upon a time." and then he has the audacity to wonder why some treat him as a fool.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 11:34 AM
The world according to little jimmie!

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 05 Apr 18 - 03:56 PM
Go and infest another   thread jimmie. This one was progressing quite well until you started your usual frothing. How many times do different people have to spell things out to you, before you start paying attention. Are you stupid?

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 05:17 AM
just knew it was too good to be true! Jimmies found his paintbox.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 05:57 AM
Stop posting rubbish and I will no longer treat you as the resident clown. It is very easy!

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 06:46 AM
Most posting here prefer a semi serious debate on various topics interspersed by the occasional pisstake.
You on the other hand demand that all adhere to your often weird interpretation of events that you back up by "made up shit" and blustering bullying attacks on all who hold a counter view. How many people does it take to tell you this, before you recognise your own failings?
Were I to list all your silly postings, the internet would overload and grind to a halt. Now go away and stop behaving like millenial!
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 Apr 18 - 10:47 AM
"or shut up"   I dare you!! It will be an insurmountable challenge.
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 08 Apr 18 - 10:51 AM
While you continue to play the clown. Have you any idea what the word racist means? You scatter it about in your various diatribes like confetti. Is it an incantation that is supposed to stifle all further argument?
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Apr 18 - 06:09 AM
more drivelling nonsense of the resident clown!

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Apr 18 - 06:21 AM
Other people have been banned from this forum for far lesser offences than Jim's deliberately insulting lies.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Apr 18 - 11:18 AM
Hoops, Hoops, Hoops!
Is this a new game? Can anybody play?????
From: Iains - PM
Date: 11 Apr 18 - 05:48 AM
If you read the link I supplied the answer would be in front of you.
You know you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink.
Here yer go. "2nd attempt". Would you like it displayed in 4 foot fluorescents as well?

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 12 Apr 18 - 11:55 AM

Trust little jimmie to pop up and introduce Jews into yet another thread. Can some king moderator delete his posts before he destroys yet another thread.
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 13 Apr 18 - 06:02 AM
"Had the Irish Famine occurred in , say the Midlands or the North of England and had been handled in the manner it was in Ireland, it would have brought about mass unrest, even revolution, as it did here "
Stop making arguments up. You have zero justification for such a statement. It is merely your opinion, dressed up as false facts.
Have you no shame?
You are merely troublemaking as usual.

Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
From: Iains - PM
Date: 13 Apr 18 - 01:09 PM
Do not try to play semantics with me carrol. There was no revolution during the great famine. As usual you have told blatant lies and exaggerated. Why can you not just present facts and then give your opinion.
You continually boast of reading books and studying subjects.
All I can say is your diatribes confirm you are a pisspoor student.

16 Apr 18 - 07:52 AM (#3917603)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

I must say with copy and paste your spelling is coming on a treat. Idiot.

16 Apr 18 - 08:05 AM (#3917609)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

More thoughts of Chairman Iains - as thought provoking as they are eloquent.

You have a unique way of showing your appreciation.

16 Apr 18 - 08:11 AM (#3917611)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

It lies within your power to stop this
Personally, I'm enjoying this trip down memory lane and am looking forward to it lasting for some time to come
The distance to be covered is incalculable
Jim Carroll

16 Apr 18 - 10:03 AM (#3917639)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

As was said on the opening post:
[Jim - please in the wise words of DtG "Jim, stay with the program :-)"]

You stupid or what?

16 Apr 18 - 10:07 AM (#3917641)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Raggytash

Gentlemen, there have now been fifteen separate posts by you two slagging each other off, do you not think we have had enough.

16 Apr 18 - 10:09 AM (#3917642)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Well.. that was an entertaining start to a Monday morning...

Now can we please have this thread back on some semblance of sensible disorder...

16 Apr 18 - 10:49 AM (#3917647)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

Sorry PFK - talk to this abusive moron
Seems little point in trying to carry on a discussion with a disfunctional child present
Jim Carroll

Bit pushed for time – would guess it will take me a couple od days to scan the absuses on thei thread - about one tenth through so far
Carry on - don’t spoil my enjoyment
Jim Carroll

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 01 Mar 18 - 06:04 AM
Getting a bit tetchy are we???
Are you more comfortable babbling about weeds?

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Mar 18 - 03:31 AM
More of the scouser's fairy tales!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Mar 18 - 10:32 AM
Why is it that other people are banned from the forum while you continue to make totally outrageous, unsubstantiated allegations with no censure?
Why do the moderators stand back and allow this person to hurl insults and false accusations at people when others are penalised?
Teribus has gone
Greg is on leave? of absence
Was their behaviour so consistently bad as that of Carroll?

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Mar 18 - 04:17 PM
you stupid boy! and if you are such a clever little shit, just show me where I have ever denied the holocaust.
Little jimmie is the most offensive and you shaw are the most insulting.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 10 Mar 18 - 05:47 AM
Perhaps that should change. They have no hesitation moderating on any other thread, or closing them. My only criticism would be that closure could come far sooner in many cases.
There is a major distinction between being rude and deliberately offensive. Probably a subtlety too far for the mudrats, who have to support one another come what may.
without a shadow of a doubt jimmie is deliberately offensive and gets away with it repeatedly.
Others get banned!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 10 Mar 18 - 01:46 PM
Raggytash as there are occasions you entirely civil in your responses, I will put a few counterpoints forward.
There are four people on this forum that always leap to defend one another.
One insults and offends so frequently that I doubt he even realizes the extent to which he does it.
One patronizes everybody and attempts to talk down to them unless sidetracked and burbling on about irrelevancies.
One pretends to be the little innocent while sliding in the stilletto.
One apparently just likes to run with the pack.
You know who you are. You are all wannabee bullies and want   to lord it over everyone else on this forum. There are times the "facts" you put forward are unsupported by evidence. When this is carefully documented and presented to you, you squeal. Teribus was very skilful and very thorough in rebutting your more fanciful assertions. That is why I find it surprising he has gone. He was a needed thorn in your
sides. I imagine you bullies were ecstatic to find that he posted no more. He had your measure far too well.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 23 Mar 18 - 01:01 PM
Jim your views date from the time of the workhouse. Try to update your
your skill set, stop creating fairy tales in order to make a point, and try to have a rational discussion. A no brainer for most but an insurmountable challenge for you.
Comprehension cannot be your strong point now can it?

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 23 Mar 18 - 03:09 PM
I see the usual rot is setting in!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 24 Mar 18 - 08:54 AM
More gibberish

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 24 Mar 18 - 02:31 PM
Lost the spellchecker, plot and the medication I think! How else to explain such garbage?

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 24 Mar 18 - 03:29 PM
More hallucinations!

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 26 Mar 18 - 07:13 AM
Jim. Bollocks. You spout absolute shit at times. There is no other way to describe it. You do not even understand what is being stated before wading in with your bogtrotter drivelling. Either keep up, or keep out.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 29 Mar 18 - 04:35 AM
There are several in your list that sadly are jom lies. Seems you cannot even copy and paste correctly.
Also shaw can use "twat" with gay abandon and get a gold star. I repeat it and apparently armegeddon has arrived.
How puerile.

Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 01 Apr 18 - 05:45 AM
By the way jimmie I posted on this site many years before you popped up as a johny come lately. But this means as much as interest in a subject automatically equating with knowledge of the same.
Totally unrelated facts, with no significance!
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Iains - PM
Date: 09 Apr 18 - 11:09 AM
Now that last sentence is pure drivel. We know who you are taking lessons from!

16 Apr 18 - 11:09 AM (#3917653)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

Jim - ok mudcat mate.. got it off your chest for now...???

We do understand you and Iains aint best mates...

But such is the nature of shifting dynamics in inter-personal politics and temporary alliances,
that for the moment I find I am actually in accord with Iains to a fair extent on the current tory Salisbury pantomime politicking..

So I'm reasonably ok with working togetherish on things we positively have in common,
and for the moment setting old adversarial antagonisms aside...

Surely that much we owe to the legacy of Jo Cox...???

16 Apr 18 - 11:13 AM (#3917654)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

The rest of us have, I believe, made an effort to respond to Joe O's suggestion of some time back that we clean up our act and stop slinging names at each other
Iains seems determined not prepared to do so
Can I propose that, unless he does, he be cautioned by a moderator and if he persists, he be removed - otherwise we will all be back to square one
Yours, in the hope of some intelligent and friendly sharing of ideas
Jim Carroll

16 Apr 18 - 12:07 PM (#3917666)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Donuel

What ever our respective nation we call home, our citizens, our communities are bound by certain laws but the foundation of those laws are based on compassion and fairness, NOT who ever trumpets moral superiority loudest or who should be beatup, locked up or killed because a bully says so.

Just look at the kind of "peeple" who shout moral superiority and what slimeballs should be locked up. Moral equivalencies are replacing our foundation of compassion and humanity for some. But not all. Not me and probably not you.

The Russian troll once fed will follow you home. There should be no surprise about its insatiable hunger to lie. I see no further purpose outlining more examples of propaganda posts. I would rather high light good posts. But well done all the same.


16 Apr 18 - 12:25 PM (#3917669)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Iains

Can I propose that, unless he does, he be cautioned by a moderator and if he persists, he be removed - otherwise we will all be back to square one
Yours, in the hope of some intelligent and friendly sharing of ideas

That;s a bit rich coming from the most abusive member by a country mile!

16 Apr 18 - 12:36 PM (#3917670)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Kenny B (inactive)

You can tell a man who boozes by the company he chooses .........

16 Apr 18 - 12:37 PM (#3917671)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: punkfolkrocker

I've said it several times before...

but mudcat reinforces why I dont want to end up in am old folks home...

My mum [86 now] spent the last couple of decades before retirement
working as a 'low paid/shit working hours and conditions' care assistant in an old folks dumping home...

She has told me all about the the hassle and aggro trying to keep an unruly mob of hostile squabbling pensioners
in some kind of civilised order..

[she's also told me about the old bloke who demanded 'extras' while being bathed..
but that's a story for another time or a folk song...]

For obvious reasons my mum is quite happy living on her own...
avoiding old people as best she can....

Just thought I'd mention this... carry on mates....

16 Apr 18 - 12:46 PM (#3917675)
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
From: Jim Carroll

"That;s a bit rich coming from the most abusive member by a country mile! "
You've promised to put up your list Iains - still waiting
"You can tell a man who boozes by the company he chooses ......... "
And the bleedin' pig got up and walked away
Jim Carroll