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Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)

30 Aug 19 - 12:01 AM (#4006480)
Subject: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,mmarlow

Looking for information about this song.

The Philosophy of Logic is the best philosophy
One simple bit of logic, makes college life sublime
Now instead of study, we have leisure time.

Because ..
The more you study, the more you know,
The more you know, the more you forget,
The more you forget, the less you know,
So Why Study?

The less you study, the less you know,
The less you know, the less you forget,
The less you forget, the more you know,
So Why ..., why, why study?

Title? Author? Music? (I know how to sing it,
but don't know the chords/notes, etc.)
Learned it from my father. Would guess it dates from
the 60's or earlier. It is sung in sort of a college
men's quartet kind of style.

04 Dec 19 - 02:19 AM (#4022173)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,Pllowden

Definately predates the 60's. Was an Ivy League tune made for a mens quartet. Many chords and key changes. You may have to go to the library of congress to get the full sheet music.

04 Dec 19 - 02:27 AM (#4022174)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: Joe Offer

I had a minor in Philosophy at a Catholic seminary, and I often had these questions. Can't find the song right off, but it sure brings back memories. I still haven't figured out why it was good for me to study Philosophy. I'm Sure BillD will come up with an explanation. ;-)

Here's another Website where somebody's looking for the song:
Good luck with your quest.

04 Dec 19 - 03:13 AM (#4022177)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,Mike Yates

I recall my Philosophy tutor telling me that the only reason we studied logic was so that we could have an advantage in any forthcoming barroom argument/debate.

04 Dec 19 - 10:00 AM (#4022223)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,HiLo

I took a number of Philosophy/Logic classes at University. I found them both interesting and useful. I think I learned to be a more reflective thinker, not to jump at the first idea presented in a debate or discussion. It also taught me to seek evidence rather than opinion and that research had to be an act of discovery rather than an act of confirmation.
I learned a lot about political and historical Philosophy, some of witch helps us to make sense of the word...I guess.
Perhaps there really is no such thing as useless knowledge.

04 Dec 19 - 10:07 AM (#4022224)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: leeneia

The song's cute, but the world needs logic more than ever.

Actual quote from a dog owner: My dogs go to work with me because I refuse to leave them at home. (She's the boss's daughter.)

Then there was the guy on Supernanny who let his little boys play with machetes because "Those are their favorite toys!"

The woman who tucks her little boy into a huge SUV and drives to four different low-end stores to get the cheapest food she can find.

And the couple who share dental floss...
Make fun of philosophy, make fun of study, but don't make fun of logic.

04 Dec 19 - 12:32 PM (#4022245)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,HiLo

Hi Leenia, I don't think you are talking about logic, you are talking about plain old common senses, very rare thing isn't it ?

04 Dec 19 - 12:36 PM (#4022246)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: Mrrzy

Ooh I like this! Never understood why logic is under philosophy...

04 Dec 19 - 01:50 PM (#4022253)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,HiLo

I think they are together because it would be hard to have one without the other, would it not ?

04 Dec 19 - 02:10 PM (#4022257)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: meself

You mean 'logic' and 'common sense'? No. Look at leenia's examples: they are all logical to a greater or lesser degree - but lacking, in common sense to a greater or lesser degree. Take the first one: "My dogs go to work with me because I refuse to leave them at home" - a perfectly logical explanation of why the dogs are at the workplace. Does it 'make sense' to have them there? That's another question.

05 Dec 19 - 11:52 AM (#4022312)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,HiLo

Hi meself, I do see what you there a logical reason not to leave them at home,if so, what is it. If there is a "logical" reason, is the only option taking them to work. So we are making illogical assumptions, I think,that the dog can't be left at home, it is therefore "logical" to take him to work.
I can see that it would be very easy to get bogged down in this   kind of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin " argument.

05 Dec 19 - 12:17 PM (#4022315)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: Mo the caller

Most logic starts from premises which may or may not be true. So logical conclusions may not say much about the real world.

All swans are white
this bird is not white therefore
you must have just discovered Australia

05 Dec 19 - 01:40 PM (#4022329)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: meself

HiLo - I reject your premise that angels are capable of dancing on the head of a pin!- your typical angel being large as life itself, as I'm sure you are aware.

05 Dec 19 - 02:16 PM (#4022333)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: Bill D

The poem/song is cute... but actually not logically internally. Several lines are false premises.
(reminds me of the 'reasoning' that says: "There's a lot of wisdom at the University. The freshmen bring so much in .. and the seniors take so little away that it just accumulates.") All 3 statements are false.

Logic is indeed part of Philosophy... just ask Aristotle. The point of logic is to give a formal way to analyze reasoning (not facts...just reasoning)

I was a philosophy major for 2 years before I worked out how to answer "Why?". I finally decided it was because 1)There's no 'right' answer, you just have to be consistent and clever. and 2) Because it provides an excuse to meddle in everyone's business... just stick "Philosophy of" in front of the topic an voila!."Phil. of Science..Phil. of Art... Phil. of Literature..

When I was a grad student, I was the only one who had actually entered AS a philosophy major. The others had switched from English, Math, Religion and History because they found them 'too narrow' and wanted to cover both fact and speculation.

05 Dec 19 - 04:37 PM (#4022356)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,Gerry

Nothing is better than eternal happiness.
A jelly doughnut is better than nothing.
Therefore, a jelly doughnut is better than eternal happiness.

But we've drifted a bit from anything musical, haven't we?

05 Dec 19 - 05:05 PM (#4022358)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: GUEST,Starship

Not if you hit a high C on the last syllable in happiness.

08 Dec 19 - 11:31 AM (#4022831)
Subject: RE: Origins: Philosophy of Logic (Why Study)
From: EBarnacle

The old dope pedlar and his powdered happiness.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin is indeterminate for two reasons:
As magical beings they can be any size they choose; and,
As musicians, they provide the music for the dancers. The second suggests that they don't dance but may have the capability when not performing . . . should they choose to do so.
Unless they are endowed by their creator with a sense of rhythm upon translation, there many who would be poor musicians or dancers.