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Too old for folk when this is over

30 Jul 20 - 08:23 AM (#4066547)
Subject: Too old for folk when this is over?
From: Mo the caller

In the Observer article discussed in the Cecil Sharp House thread* Peggy Seegar says she doesn't think that she and Shirley Collins will ever perform together again. And she regrets not having a 'final concert'
On a smaller scale (much) I had a couple of wedding ceilidhs cancelled and wondered the same. I'd been scaling down for a while - not actively seeking gigs but not refusing those offered.
And our dance club hasn't met for months, will I be fit enough for even the gentle dances when we reopen. Not been able to do more than 32 bars of hornpipe stepping for several years, whereas once I'd hop through several turns of the dance.

Is it time for us oldies to retreat and hand over to the younger generation?

* sorry, my clicky didn't work, and the article the link in the article wouldn't open this time though it did before?????

30 Jul 20 - 09:05 AM (#4066553)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Dave Hanson

No, unfortunately there are not enough young people getting in to folk music and dancing.

Dave H

30 Jul 20 - 10:02 AM (#4066565)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Charmion

We live in southwestern Ontario, and a major music event almost always means long-haul travel. Only one festival that features music we always enjoy happens within easy reach of us -- the Celtic Roots Festival in Goderich.

It's years since travel was anything but a tough slog. My husband (age 63) still feels enthusiastic about loading up the car and setting out for days of driving, but me -- age 65 -- not so much. More and more, I'm aware of the risk level on controlled-access highways and how our endurance has waned; now, a day on the road is gritted teeth at speeds up to 130 kph (80 mph), dodging 18-wheelers and counting the clicks to the next opportunity to pee and get a coffee.

Air travel is less likely to result in a crash, but not more pleasant or less risky. I have asthma and I usually get off a long flight with somebody else's cold, which means enduring a bout of bronchitis in a foreign land. Obviously, I don't fly to places where I don't speak the language or trust the medical professions, or can't afford the emergency room. I loved Orkney, where they wouldn't let me pay at the clinic ("This is Great Britain!"), but the people in the room next to ours at the Ferry Inn in Stromness did not love my roof-rattling cough. Likewise the other inhabitants of our bed-and-breakfast in Dublin, who were spared little of the respiratory drama I brought to their vacation. Did you know that Irish doctors still make house calls if you pay enough? In 2011, it was 50 euros. At the time, that seemed like a bargain.

So, when the coronavirus goes away and pleasure travel resumes, I will not be eager to pack up and head out -- I don't care who's playing. I will be that much older, creakier and scareder, and completely out of the habit of tolerating avoidable threats.

30 Jul 20 - 12:46 PM (#4066580)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Donuel

while no one gets off this planet alive your continued survival is 100% guaranteed on Earth compared to any other known planet.

30 Jul 20 - 01:28 PM (#4066589)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Acorn4

We cut out all the long distance travel a couple of years ago. What is left of my life I don't want to spend sitting in traffic jams.

Just did stuff in our local area until the lockdown.

That's why I find the virtual sessions so good and hope they continue after things open up.

30 Jul 20 - 01:50 PM (#4066598)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Peter

Like Mo I wonder if I will have retained the stamina for dancing when this is finally all over. At the moment I don't expect to be going to a ceilidh this side of January and possible for a while after that.

The dance club scene, is I think, in a worse demographic state than the song clubs but the ceilidhs in central London are well supported by younger (ie under 40) people.

Once things get going again I think that most clubs and promoters will need to behave as if they are launching from scratch and push their gigs hard both inside and outside the regular folk scene.

30 Jul 20 - 02:48 PM (#4066605)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: leeneia

"Is it time for us oldies to retreat and hand over to the younger generation?"

No. As they say in Canada, keep your stick on the ice.

30 Jul 20 - 03:04 PM (#4066610)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: DonMeixner

As I approach 70 I have been having similar wonderment's. My wife and I think nothing about driving from central New York to Louisville Ky to visit a seldom seen grand daughter. Granted I am not stopping every 200 hundred miles, off loading a PA and a slew of instruments every other night, only to reload and hit the road again. But if I were I would probably be playing in libraries, small museums, and village parks, not saloons and stadiums or festivals. I would be performing probably for folks my age more than anyone else, but I would be performing.

So far I have lost seven months of music and craft fair business. The rest of the year looks equally bleak.   I suppose both businesses are exhausting to one degree or another. The hard work is now this, how do I turn the music and silversmithing into a money making concern in the rapidly changing market. I have no doubt I will be playing with the band in Pubs again but it will never be the same as it was.

But it is always never the same.


30 Jul 20 - 04:49 PM (#4066617)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Tattie Bogle

I tend to agree with Acorn 4: we are doing less and less travelling: 10 years ago it was great to visit our daughter and husband while they lived in Singapore, and go on to see friends in Australia. In 2015-2017, we joined the cruise-niks and had 3 lovely holidays, though could never get away from the hand-sanitisers as the cruise lines were still paranoid about outbreaks of norovirus (luckily, escaped any of that!)
Now in the position of choosing the venue for a folk club AGM in early September: can it be in the usual premises - but socially distanced - with our without masks on (masks on would scupper me as being hard of hearing!) - or all at home on Zoom? I would go with the latter, tho some would not.
I am also in 2 ceilidh bands, and it is hard to see when, particularly set dancing, will be deemed safe again. And in the one band, average age is over 70!

30 Jul 20 - 05:24 PM (#4066622)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mrrzy

Oh, is it your *stick* you're supposed to keep on the ice?

Yeah, my 60th bday present to myself was going to see my sister in Tazzie... Am 59 now. Don't see it happening for that bday, and at 65 will I be up for that kind if travel?

I can still sing, though!

Maybe it is time to finally learn an instrument...

30 Jul 20 - 07:09 PM (#4066632)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Jack Campin

I am a bit over 70 but still quite fit. But I live a few miles outside the city, and don't drive. Carting my instruments around on a bike isn't feasible, and public transport (which I was using very heavily) isn't going to be safe for regular use for a very long time. Nobody local does anything I'd fit into musically, so I'm a bit stuck. Currently fixing up the shed so I can practice antisocial instruments at antisocial hours without bothering anyone.

30 Jul 20 - 07:39 PM (#4066638)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: RTim

I am too old to go anywhere at present (73) and too old to spend my life watching Zoom presentations and Virtual sing alongs.....lost patience......but not voice, yet!

Tim Radford

30 Jul 20 - 08:07 PM (#4066641)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Bill D

I'm 81, and fortunate to live in an area with lots of 'folking around'.

There will be no FSGW Getaway this Oct., but IF it happens next year, I can probably make the 1 hour drive. (I've made 41 in a row now, and will be there if possible.)
   I totally understand why Charmion and Edward will probably not do it, and I (we) will miss them and others.

FSGW also has a local festival early each June which I have attended since 1977, worked on since 1978 and managed the crafts for 15+ years. It will 'probably' re-start when things improve... but it depends on 3-4 factors that are always being debated.
   There will be local sings, concerts and such, but I tend to only frequent the close ones.

   It's hard to take in that most of my folk going that began when I saw Pete Seeger in about 1961 is winding down.... but then, *I* aam winding down.
My son & his wife are good singers with 30-40 years of music ahead on them... if, if and if...

If it ends, it's been a good run..

30 Jul 20 - 08:17 PM (#4066642)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Charmion

Bill, if there’s a Getaway in 2021 and the border is open, we’ll make it if we’re fit to travel at all. We might have to pooter along the secondary roads stopping at every second diner, and it might take us a week, but we’ll make it.

30 Jul 20 - 09:10 PM (#4066649)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Bill D

*big smile* I won't hold my breath, 'cause I don't look good in blue... but just reading that is great...
Stay well..

31 Jul 20 - 10:15 AM (#4066701)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: DonMeixner

Charmion, I live just off the Thruway on the way to rout 81 in NY. IF you are driving by and need a break, stop in for a bowl of soup and I'll polish your bracelet.


31 Jul 20 - 07:59 PM (#4066780)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Malcolm Storey

The way things are going even the young could be too old for folk when this is all over.
My generation where / are the lucky generation who had the benefit of full employment (pre Maggie) and a system that allowed free expression and choice.
We also inherited the ethic that allowed and encouraged us to be able to give our leisure time freely to things which we enjoyed.
These assets which I feel enriched our lives are now sadly eroded by greed (mostly corporate) and an extreme collective selfishness - the me me society.
The one certainty I cling to is that due to the technological explosion an enormous amount of our folk heritage is preserved in accessible format - albeit a lot of it in private hand (mea culpa).
We need to ensure that this is not lost once we are gone and the best way to do this is for us all to establish quickly how this can be done.
I will leave it there for now.

01 Aug 20 - 02:19 AM (#4066810)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Observer

The post-war "Baby Boomers" WERE the "me-me society" to beat all others. The ones who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing, as well as knowing all of our rights while at the same time refusing to shoulder the obligations that went with them. There is absolutely no escaping the fact that "we" created the world as it is today - don't try and shift the blame onto others, although that is another characteristic of the Baby Boomer's "me-me" generation -"It is always somebody else's fault".

How many of you know of Folk Clubs that closed because of this pandemic that WILL NOT be restarted?

Festivals might just return, but they will be very different to the ones that were run pre-Covid. These will mainly be the summer festivals and open-air venues will appeal the most.

Festival fringe's, crowded sessions in pubs I just don't see coming back at all in my lifetime.

Until there is a proven and effective vaccine available nothing will return to what we all once used to accept as "normal".

01 Aug 20 - 02:55 AM (#4066811)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mr Red

No ceilidhs. Or session & festivals. Zoom doesn't even come close.
Walking a lot is the only exercise, (for the body). But programming the computer covers the brain work-out aspect. JavaScript anyone?

me too old? If you believe Fakebook I am only 40!

01 Aug 20 - 03:22 AM (#4066814)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Sol

Great posts from Malcolm Storey and the Observer above. Though they are conflicting, both have many valid points.
The boomers (of which I'm one) broke free from the old disciplines of conscription, and social/religious doctrine however, the increase of affluence has made people less reliant on each other, spawning the 'me' society.

True freedom comes with responsibility. The lack of the latter has brought us to where we are today. Dog eat dog.

01 Aug 20 - 03:44 AM (#4066816)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,geo

does anyone have any links they would be willing to share for virtual folk sings? i totally understand if not, i just dont know where the first place to find that sort of thing would be

01 Aug 20 - 11:09 AM (#4066861)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: leeneia

YouTube. Put folk songs in the lower search box. Or you could search for the name of a song, a band, a country's folk music or an instrument.
Our country dancers are meeting in a beautiful park at 10 am on Saturday mornings to avoid the heat of summer. They where masks, keep 6 feet apart and don't touch hands. They are using recorded music, so I'm not needed. I'm not the morning type anyway.

Our dance leaders are early 30's in age, and musicians are 65-75. No wait, we have an occasional 40-year-old. At our February dance we wanted to play and sing 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart' for the couples' waltz, and the 40-year-old didn't know the words. What is this country coming to?

01 Aug 20 - 11:26 AM (#4066863)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Jack Campin

Lots of FB groups for remote sessions/open mikes/singarounds, using several different technologies.

I need to get back to bellows pipes, mouthblown winds are out for sessions.

01 Aug 20 - 11:42 AM (#4066866)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Jos

I didn't know the tune, never mind the words, of 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart' so looked it up and find it dates from 1910 and was a hit in 1911, with a Bing Crosby version in 1934.
I'm not THAT old.

01 Aug 20 - 12:19 PM (#4066870)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Charmion

I think I have known “Let me call you sweetheart” my whole damn life.

But then, I grew up with a grandma who played the piano for community singing when that was a thing, circa 1918.

At 65, I am normal age for a folkie muso, but my repertoire makes me look a lot older.

01 Aug 20 - 12:37 PM (#4066876)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Charmion's brother Andrew

I do not think I have heard that since those command performances for the old sweats at the Rideau Veterans' Home in the 1960s and '70s.

01 Aug 20 - 03:07 PM (#4066894)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: JHW

As one gets older there are very many things one can't go back to. Events are gone, people you knew perhaps too. Highlights and essential activities have to change if only to cope with your own ageing.

Years ago in 'Roger's Bar', Sidmouth, I was sad when a regular couple declared they wouldn't come any more, it was getting too difficult (at their age). Tim and Kitty and Les's singarounds long left the place. I miss them but can't go back.

At every stage in your life you can only make the best of where (time and place) you are.

01 Aug 20 - 05:15 PM (#4066906)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Felipa

There are some good virtual sing-arounds going on at present, but as people are getting more reluctant or less able to travel and are wanting to get back to personal (off-line) connection, itsounds like we need to revive the culture of house parties, making music locally, getting more people to particpate without the emphasis on professionals or on being "a performer"

01 Aug 20 - 05:42 PM (#4066913)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: JennieG

My ukulele group plays (and hopefully will play again, when we can get back together) a medley of waltzes. "Let me call you sweetheart", "Around the world", "Mexicali Rose", and......."I like Aeroplane jelly", a song just about every Aussie kid has grown up with since the 1930s.

Because we're in the 'be vewy vewy careful' age group we haven't played together since the middle of March. We have hopes to, perhaps, get together in September.

02 Aug 20 - 03:06 AM (#4066946)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

I am continuing.i am going to a privates session today to play. my last two gigs inthe uk in feb were ones i will always remember,i got a thankyou for a wonderful night from annie morris organiser at potteries folk club. if i never gig again in the uk i can remember my last 2 gigs potteries and stockton being as good as my first, kingston folk club fighting cocks 1976,i shall go on singning and playing until i am taken out in a box

02 Aug 20 - 03:29 AM (#4066948)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mo the caller

JHW - yes indeed. It has been creeping up on me. 'Don't think I want to drive on busy motorways, or in unknown cities any more', 'can't dance the way I used to at ceilidhs, maybe won't bother'. I think it's the sudden break that brings it home.
My Google calendar has yes moved onto August, and is showing 2 gigs (now cancelled) for this Saturday and next :(
Leeneia - the band I call with certainly notices that it's only the Golden Weddings etc. that sing along with our waltz and barn dance medleys. One that is fairly well know even though it's 53 years old is When I'm 64.

02 Aug 20 - 04:49 AM (#4066957)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: John MacKenzie

When I go to Whitby each year and see the youngsters at the dances, and hear the young whizz kids being turned out by Newcastle, and Glasgow, I don't fear for the future of our music and dance, but I do wonder what will happen to the format.
I still miss the entertainers like, Alex Campbell, Jasper Carrot, Noel Murphy, and Billy Connollys of the folk world, but as the song says, "Those days have passed, and the time's come at last, for the weakness of age to make way for the young"
I am probably too old for folk music now, at 77, but given the chance I will still indulge in, and enjoy it.

02 Aug 20 - 05:10 AM (#4066962)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

you are never too old to tango sing play or enjoy life

02 Aug 20 - 10:13 AM (#4066995)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Peter

My parents told me that I was too old to be going off to gigs or ceilidhs two ir three times a week when I was in my 40s!

These days failing joints mean that some elastic bandages and a packet of paracetamol are an essential part of a ceilidh but inside there is still a young man furious that he can't step continuously through a dance any more.

Dances will be about the last thing to reopen, I just hope that I will still be around when they do.

02 Aug 20 - 01:53 PM (#4067015)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over

2021 cancellations are starting with Ireby in May

02 Aug 20 - 04:12 PM (#4067032)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: leeneia

One day when my mother was 78, she said "I am not what I look like. Inside of me is a girl of 18." At 74, I feel the same way.

Young people need old people for two reasons. 1. Loneliness and isolation. I have a friend of 44, and he really needs me and my friends.

2. Wisdom. My house is being renovated, and the immature and unwise behavior of the guys 20-35 years old would amaze you. They leave, with all the lights burning and the back door unlocked. They drop sharp items on the floor and leave them. They lose tools right and left and throw away nice things. You'd think they were eleven or twelve years old. They need the companionship of older people to bring them up to snuff.

Two days ago the carpenter told the DH that his wife had called because their baby had a tick on the back of his head. The DH asked what I thought, and I said, "The important thing is to find out whether it's the kind of tick that causes Lyme disease. Tell her to call their pediatrician."

The guys had just been thinking of how to best get the tick off. The wife was told about what I said and took the baby in.

They need us.

The next day, that same guy came out of the closet and said that he is trying to learn banjo.

03 Aug 20 - 02:55 AM (#4067086)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,matt milton

I think everyone should make the most of any outdoor opportunities to meet up and make music in local parks while the weather is good this summer - not least as the gov could well reintroduce tougher lockdown measures at some point. In my local park over the weekend, there was a group of women, all in their 70s I would say, playing socially distanced classical music, some wearing masks, one on a mobility scooter.

03 Aug 20 - 05:44 AM (#4067091)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: JHW

'They lose tools right and left' There's a memory, rewiring my first house in the 70s. Always losing tools.
If I'm doing a job now and the place looks too strewn I clear everything up, put everything where it goes and start again.

03 Aug 20 - 01:16 PM (#4067138)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Ged Fox

Too ould for folk when this is over
No more clubs in pubs for me
No more singing in a circle
I'll be sitting sipping tea.
No more hairy beards and sandals,
No more finger in me ear;
Just an early night with Horlicks
'Stead of pewter mug and beer.

03 Aug 20 - 01:53 PM (#4067145)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,big al whittle

folk music will survive as long as there is folk. its easy to overestimate our importance in the evolutionary process.

04 Aug 20 - 03:40 AM (#4067224)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mo the caller

Thanks Ged - that about sums it up.
Might as well be in a care home
Sitting watching the TV
If I cannot go out dancing
What has life in store for me
I have tried a solo Zoom dance
Tried just skipping to the loo
But the motivation's lacking
Without others dancing too.

10 Aug 20 - 05:45 AM (#4067872)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: JHW

It surprises me that more folks aren't worried about no singing, no dancing, no folk clubs, no festivals, nothing to do at night and no-one to meet.

10 Aug 20 - 01:14 PM (#4067903)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: John MacKenzie

While there's beer, there's hope.

11 Aug 20 - 05:39 AM (#4067973)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: JHW

I love beer but last pint I had was 8th March. Used to drink along with the singing.

12 Aug 20 - 04:19 AM (#4068089)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mr Red

the me me society.

Oh Maggie didn't invent the Me-Generation but she opened the door. WIDE.

And as for private collections. There is always the EFDSS. There are a few of my collected things worthy of offering, though a few years back I did offer under the banner of The Full English. I was deemed unimportant, in the context of their remit. Their remit was to get the biggest fish. I suspect it merely linked to collections, to save on webspace and personnel/time. But that is insecure, if cheap.

My collected audio reminiscences of the local area are copied to the local museum & Gloucestershire Archives. Local gov have the infrastructure, and motivation.

12 Aug 20 - 07:06 AM (#4068111)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mo the caller

So is it best to have our folk archives in local 'general' collections, to be happened upon by the general public, or in specialist libraries (e.g. at CSH) to be searched by folkies? Or both, perhaps.

The Zoom things that are going on show that the generations below me are taking up the baton. I was happy to call at dance clubs, and have worked out how to use zoom. But adapting and calling dances using recorded music doesn't appeal at all. In our area there the clubs have been kept going by a younger caller (still has children at home) and a couple who are probably nearing retirement have also slotted in to do alternate weeks.

13 Aug 20 - 03:59 PM (#4068270)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: treewind

As it happens, Mary (Humphreys) and I had decided to retire from gigging just before the pandemic and lockdown started, so it hasn't been too much of a shock.
We had expected to go on playing for dancing, though, and I miss that. And real live sessions. Taking turns in a Zoom meeting is not the same as the real thing, though it's better than nothing and the regular chance to have somebody else to talk to is helping to keep us sane.
Meanwhile: home and garden projects, and like Mr Red I'm doing some web site work (more PHP and MySQL than Javascript) and walking for exercise. And working my way though digitising some vinyl LPs...


13 Aug 20 - 07:41 PM (#4068284)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Nick Dow

Nope! You don't choose music music chooses you. End of story. The rest is just a matter of venue.

14 Aug 20 - 03:24 AM (#4068301)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mo the caller

Not quite the end of the story. Some of us, as in Charmion's thread need the motivation to go from meaning to practice to actually doing it. And dancing solo is not at all the same.
I started lockdown with good intentions. I would use all this time to play tunes and get ready for Whitby Folk week. Start the week at the level that I usually come home after a week of playing with other people. A few weeks later WFF was cancelled and it became obvious that this could go on for a long time since all our folk activities involve close contact with folk. Most discouraging.

As for dancing. It is what keeps some of us moving, some into their 90s. Clubs adapt to the age of participants. Even one well known caller who only a few years ago seemed surprised that calling hornpipes at his mother's club was not a popular choice now calls contra and other smoother types of dance after experiencing joint problems himself.
Zoom solo dancing is OKish, but going round in circles in a small space palls after a while, even if there are friends on your screen doing the same.
I occasionally double step up and down the corridor, can just about manage 32 bars singing and dancing before legs and lungs force me to stop.
Luckily our U3A walking group has restarted, even there my range is not what it was.

14 Aug 20 - 04:41 AM (#4068312)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

nobody is going to stop me[i hope] i cant wait to be gigging again, so i can bore everyone rigid

14 Aug 20 - 04:47 AM (#4068313)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: GUEST,Nick Dow

LOL We all have our aspirations :-)

14 Aug 20 - 04:52 AM (#4068315)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

the most difficult thing for me is airports , its difficult being a high flyer.
as you know Nick, if you can get an audience to laugh they might warm to you

14 Aug 20 - 05:03 AM (#4068316)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

mo the caller, try the harmonica, very good for breathing , a walking machine for rainy days, and cycling ,very good for keeping fit , i do 8 miles every day, if you cannot find a bike, try horse riding princess anne swears by it, shes a dab hand with the whip

14 Aug 20 - 10:28 AM (#4068346)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Charmion

I think the harmonica would be a more accessible choice than horses, Sandman, and fits in the pocket better than a bike.

But of course a harmonica is no help when you need to pop out for a carton of milk.

14 Aug 20 - 01:52 PM (#4068363)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Willie-O

Hi everyone, been a long time. Which is probably why

There isn’t a gig I play that hasn’t been knocked down and stomped out, same as everyone else. The last few years I have spent 6 months of the year in Cape Breton,playing some pub gigs, lots of great sessions, and really got a handle on busking for cruise ship tourists. As you can see, all the growth industries. This year I can’t even go there at all. Not crazy bout the 2-day drive, (hi Charmion!) but its not the reason.

I don’t see a lot of that stuff bouncing back...felt like it was just getting started but I’ve had a good kick at the can I guess. I’m 64 next week. I know lots of great younger players out east and I’ll still enjoy going out to see them, they need the gigs more than I do.

14 Aug 20 - 02:23 PM (#4068367)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Mo the caller

Can't get my head round the mouth-organ at all, or anything with different notes on the pull and push. I do have descant & treble recorder sat next to me, and a spare descant next to the microwave, to noodle on while I wait for the tea to warm up.
Sorry. but an exercise bike seems even more pointless than zoom dancing (and doesn't fit my buy-nothing philosophy)

14 Aug 20 - 02:59 PM (#4068372)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

pointless, it keeps you fit, so you can dance better, alternatively the advice of N Tebbitt, to get on your bike, will get you fit , alternatively if you are familiar with princess anne, she might give you some exercise , if you like being a horse, but i quite understand if that does not appeal.

14 Aug 20 - 03:33 PM (#4068377)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: leeneia

Mo,have you ever choreographed a country dance? I have written down two themes from TV that would make good country dances. One is the theme for the Red Green show (easy to hear on YouTube) and the other is from the BBC archeology show "Time Team."

The Time Team tune is not the theme song, it's a faux country dance tune they sometimes play in the background when excavating a 17th-century site. The original has only one section, so I composed a B part. The Red Green Theme is 24 measures long, and the other one is 32, in two clearly different 16-bar sections.

I think it would be fun to have modern English country dancers dancing to a tune which the TV people never dreamed anybody would dance to. If you are interested, PM me with your e-mail address, and I will send you a JPG, which you can print. If you need abc, maybe a Catter will help produce it.

14 Aug 20 - 03:47 PM (#4068385)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: leeneia

You can hear the country dance theme on this video:

beginning at 17:39.

Our country dancers are meeting in a park and doing dances that don't involve holding hands. Maybe you could compose dances like that.

15 Aug 20 - 07:03 AM (#4068425)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

THE MUSIC DOES CHOOSE YOU.I keep playing at the moment to try and maintain a standrd of skill , its about taking a pride in your craft.Ifeel i am fighting against body deteriration, but keeping doing it for as long as i can helps me mentally as well as physically.

15 Aug 20 - 07:41 AM (#4068426)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: Sarah the flute

The current situation has put a sudden end to ceilidhs and our harmony singing band but hopefully it will return - the bookings cancelled earlier in the year rebooked for the autumn and now rescheduled for after Easter next year. Pure joy to play with others at a real live outdoor gig 3 weeks ago.

However in the meantime - I have a choice of Zoom clubs most days of the week and it motivates me to find and learn new songs. Voice is improving through solo singing. Lockdown project was starting to learn the anglo concertina - really enjoying that. Excercise - I dusted off the treadmill that was used as a clothes hanger and donning a pair of 3D goggles have trekked daily around the world curtosy of YouTube VR mode and have enjoyed the tranquility of a musical gondola ride in venice to punching zombies in some virtual landscape.

Oh and now my other education work finally looks to be picking up again after only a handful of jobs since March

You are never too old for music. My dad was still playing his fiddle and guitar in his 90s....and for real inspiration there is the wonderful John White who sings at the Sharps lockdown sessions on Tuesdays without the words in front of him even and he is over 100!!!
Think positive and there is a way for you too.

15 Aug 20 - 07:47 AM (#4068427)
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
From: The Sandman

yes sarah , good.for example if you get something that is sudenly dificult for me it has lately been playing arpeggios on the EC, FIND TUNES THAT MAKE YOU PRACTISE THEM, HEATHER BREEZE OR ATHOLL HIGHLANDERS i was playing atholl in a and b flat no problem but suddenly had problems in g, so 10 minutes every day on the problem.
i have a friend in the uk and we sing to each other for an hour every day, great practice and good friendship