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BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic

15 Mar 21 - 01:24 PM (#4097789)
Subject: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Ok I looked at threads with those keywords and while most are entertaining, none were refreshable for my purposes...

Which are...

Or, rather, is:

Telling you what I just spent an hour doing, imbecile-ically.

Lost an app clearing caches from my phone. Weeks later realize this, so I redownload the app. Ok. Had forgotten password, ok, reset password. Then they want me to verify what my phone number was. They only show me the last 2 digits. No clue what my phone number was back when I started using that app. Do not want to start anew, I want my old data.

So I try white pages, look myself up, get into some loooong thing that, after telling me I could search for free, wanted money to show me the search results.

So I try several other free searches, all of which end up asking for money. But before I realize that, of course, I have entered my name and email into a bunch of places I will later, certainly, be sorry for.

*Then* I realize...

...Those are the last 2 digits of my current phone number.

So, what have *you* done lately?

15 Mar 21 - 03:16 PM (#4097806)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: robomatic

Oh, Mrrzy!

I absolutely HAVE been that idiotic.
And I absolutely don't wanna go further into it.

Bless your heart!

15 Mar 21 - 03:27 PM (#4097810)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Helen

My dumbest stupidest most idiotic recent thing was when my phone software was upgraded it didn't work and I lost the ability to access all the things I'd saved on my phone, like photos, contact info etc so I deleted the software on my computer thinking I could just download it again. It didn't work and there appears to be no way to fix it.

I'm hoping that when I bite the bullet and buy a new phone I can put the Sim card in that and the data will be transferred to the new phone. Maybe. If not, bye-bye to all my data!

15 Mar 21 - 04:07 PM (#4097819)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Aw Helen!

15 Mar 21 - 04:21 PM (#4097822)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: JHW

The dumb stupid idiots are those behind the mindless robots who send out stuff, perhaps genuine, perhaps a trap. No Reply and little chance of any real person dealing with you. That's the future.

16 Mar 21 - 03:39 AM (#4097879)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: BobL

Helen, no backup copy?

16 Mar 21 - 04:21 AM (#4097886)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Helen

BobL, the data is still on the phone. Except for the photos I didn't upload any other information. That's why I'm hoping the Sim card will be accessible when I get the next phone.

My phone is not a smart phone, it's a stupid phone, by my own choice. I use the computer for all my internet access and information storage. I'll probably have to get a smart phone at some stage but I'm putting that off as long as possible. Keep life simple!

So that was the cause of the problem with the software upgrade. It wanted me to send a verification code from my phone, which I couldn't do.

16 Mar 21 - 10:10 AM (#4097913)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jon Freeman

A few days ago, I started a 3d print off and about 15-20 minutes later I realised that, rather than being on the printer, the printer’s glass build plate was still in the fridge (used to make it easier to get items off) with the last print on it.

On phones and contacts, etc. I changed the server I use for contacts and calendars baikal last week as tasks in the previous one (radicale) went haywire after an update. Repeating tasks are still (and always have been) a bit weird on the Androids but as things are, I can manage that using Thunderbird on my desktop and, paranoid as I may be, I prefer to share across devices without data going to Google.

16 Mar 21 - 05:07 PM (#4097969)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Bonzo3legs

Sums up the people at the vigil on Clapham Common at the weekend!!

17 Mar 21 - 02:52 AM (#4098020)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: BobL

Helen, I'm with you on smart vs. dumb phones. My own mobile handles phone calls, texts and photos, plus calculator and FM radio, but not e-mails, and no downloadable apps. It does have Bluetooth, but I've only once managed to do anything useful with it. And AFAIK the software isn't updateable (it would be obsolete by now anyway). Photos can be stored on a micro SD card and thence transferred to a PC. Or at least it could until my one-and-only micro SD adaptor packed up....

17 Mar 21 - 05:47 AM (#4098030)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

It certainly sums up whoever was in charge of the police, Bonzo. You're not wrong there.

18 Mar 21 - 03:07 AM (#4098161)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: BobL

Spent half of yesterday evening trying unsuccessfully to log on to my regular Thursday Zoom meeting. Consequently, I missed my regular Wednesday Zoom meeting.

The senior moments are getting less momentary and more senior...

18 Mar 21 - 07:11 AM (#4098173)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

Senior moments? Stood at the house front door trying to unlock it with the remote-control car key...

I've lost count of the number of times I've had to rifle through a disgusting kitchen bin looking for my keys...

My friend's kettle went inexplicably missing from his kitchen. After an exhaustive search of the house he found it in the fridge.

18 Mar 21 - 08:00 AM (#4098178)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mr Red

I'm hoping the Sim card will be accessible when I get the next phone

Helen, from my recollection of less than smart phones it depends on how you save the phone numbers, and what the phone provided as choices. On one phone I remember asking to put them on the SIM card as well as the phone. The phone could save more numbers than the SIM card. Best of luck.

If the phone has a micro USB for charging, there is a chance the data can be accessed wherever, so ask your independent phone shop they will have the apps to do it.

18 Mar 21 - 09:07 AM (#4098183)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jos

Senior moment?
I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I thought 'I'll make a cup of tea and sit down with it to listen to "Woman's Hour".
This was about thirty years after the programme moved to being broadcast in the morning.

18 Mar 21 - 10:23 AM (#4098191)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jon Freeman

On the smart vs dumb phone comments. I thought I'd done a good thing for mum when I set up (new battery and put a more up to date ROM on it) my first smart phone (a Samsung Galaxy Ace 2) to become her phone but it turned out that she was more comfortable/better off with a dumb one.

18 Mar 21 - 10:42 AM (#4098193)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

I have not yet found my kettle in the fridge, but you reminded me of mom going to the kitchen to get a drink and empty her ashtray, coming back, realizing she had forgotten her drink, returning to kitchen, and suddenly screaming Who made this mess [Hungarian accent needed]?


She had emptied her ashtray into the fridge.

18 Mar 21 - 11:10 AM (#4098202)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jon Freeman

I made a cuppa a few weeks back and found it unusually black. It turned out that mum, the previous user of the kettle, had put the teabags in it rather than in the cups.

I'm not sure that all these things are necessarily senior btw. I (now 60) am capable of this sort of thing but I remember from an early age, running upstairs in a hurry to get something only to forget what I'd wanted.

I guess, these days, it's getting to be an area I find difficult. There are things that maybe we've always done and things that maybe we can laugh off (perhaps reasonably) as getting older but, say with dad when I wheel him to bed at night on the commode and he occasionally says "I'm not sure what I should do now" (use the frame to manoeuvre to sitting on the bed), I see that as possibly part of his stroke related condition deteriorating or other confusion...

18 Mar 21 - 12:36 PM (#4098213)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jos

I don't make tea by putting teabags in cups (a teabag is enough for two cups).
I put either teabags or tea leaves in a pot.
(But sometimes I forget, and make what someone I used to know called "silver tea". She couldn't drink tea or coffee but liked a warm drink. But when I do it it is NOT by design - I just forget to put the tea in the pot.

18 Mar 21 - 03:53 PM (#4098245)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Helen

Regarding the "now what was I going to do in here?" problem, I read an interesting article:

doorways make us forget what we came for

The solution, obviously, is to remove all your doorways. Do people who live in open plan houses forget what they came for?

I have a trick. If I think of something I need to get or do in another room, I think of an object I will see in the room e.g. a picture on the wall, and tell myself that when I look at the object I'll remember to do or get whatever it is. It works for me.

18 Mar 21 - 06:06 PM (#4098263)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Jos

If (no, when) I can't remember what I was going to get, or do, I just go back to where I was when I decided I wanted to get it or do it. Usually this reminds me what it was.

18 Mar 21 - 10:49 PM (#4098303)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Ah, the "hereafter" moment. As in, what was I here after?

25 Mar 21 - 09:44 AM (#4099212)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

I have successfully and accidentally cut my cable wire 3 times.

26 Mar 21 - 07:43 AM (#4099351)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

That doorways article was wild.

27 Mar 21 - 08:04 PM (#4099597)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Tattie Bogle

I wear 2 hearing aids (usually) even though I have no hearing in my left ear: the left one works on the CROS system, so picks up sounds on my left and sends them to my right ear.
In current times of having to wear face coverings, the mask tapes have a habit of getting entangled with the hearing aids, and pulling them out when I take the mask off.
Last weekend we went for our permitted exercise down to Portobello beach: after a while, “nature called” and I had to go to the public loo: masks must be worn! After coming out and taking mask off, no hearing aid in left ear, so I had to join the queue again, and go back inside and look for it. No sign of it! Re-traced our steps on the Promenade but still nothing found. Back home later: missing hearing aid still sitting on bedside cabinet! Doh, but very relieved to find it!

28 Mar 21 - 05:28 AM (#4099632)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

That chimes with me too. I also wear two hearing aids and the mask issue is major. My worst experience was in Morrisons car park in a howling gale. I took off the mask and the hearing aid went flying and I went into a right old tizwoz trying to find it before it got stood on or run over. Trying to untangle the tube from the mask tapes is no picnic when you've just come out of a shop with both hands full of shopping. Cue thirty-second mini-rage...

28 Mar 21 - 06:19 AM (#4099641)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Manitas_at_home

Do you hook your mask over your ears or use strap behind your head. I've found the latter better for spectacles and headphones.

28 Mar 21 - 06:41 AM (#4099646)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

In spite of various techniques I've heard of, and so-called anti-fog spec wipes, I find that masks and specs are a completely incompatible combination. Fortunately, my vision is adequate for getting around on foot sans specs. Definitely not for driving.

29 Mar 21 - 10:44 AM (#4099793)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

I finished reading the 12 degrees of NFT's.

29 Mar 21 - 07:50 PM (#4099878)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: robomatic

I have several kinds of masks, but tend to use the inexpensive and commonly available ear strapped paper jobs that are blue on the outside - outside!. In our current temperature warm up in Spring and going from car to parking lot to store there are substantial fogging opportunities.

Item 3 of this youtube link It's a bit of a kluge but if I fold up a bit of tissue (such as kleenex) into a thin multifolded strip, I can jam it as a sort of seal above the nose but below the mask, held in by fluffy friction. It will keep exhalations off the glasses, but when I'm back in the car it's soggy.

29 Mar 21 - 08:38 PM (#4099887)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Sandra in Sydney

How to stop glasses fogging when wearing a face mask it worked the only time I tried it, then I forgot about it, normally I just take my glasses on & off & complain. It was only reading the posts above that I was reminded ...

who me old?

01 Apr 21 - 06:29 PM (#4100318)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Sometimes old movies have important lines like "sometimes the lonliest people are those who are never alone"/ They are made to make you think but if you do they are often nonsense.

01 Apr 21 - 08:19 PM (#4100331)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: McGrath of Harlow

It gets very overcrowded behind my ears! What with with hearing aids, glasses and mask loops. You have to develop a habit of caution and self-discipline dealing with them. And then the battery dies in the hearing aid just as the glasses steam up.

Remember the old adage, when things go badly, tell yourself they could always be worse. And sure enough, they’ll will be.

01 Apr 21 - 08:57 PM (#4100343)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

Talk about poetic justice. I stole a mask from the Tesco entrance in Launceston a couple of days ago, even though I didn't have to. We went to Truro today to meet our daughter (outdoors) for the first time in months, and I took the opportunity of nipping into Truro Tesco to get some butter. Just by the butter fridge, my Tesco mask broke. I spent the next ten minutes doing a bodge, just so that I could carry on shopping. God was laughing at me in that shop, I tell you...

03 Apr 21 - 11:07 AM (#4100597)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: JHW

'but very relieved to find it' The joy of finding something lost is generally out of proportion to its real use or value.

03 Apr 21 - 06:41 PM (#4100657)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

Listen to Rage Over A Lost Penny by Beethoven, JHW!

04 Apr 21 - 08:02 AM (#4100704)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

15 million doses of vaccine were ruined when someone added an astro Zenika ingredient to the Johnson and Johnson formula. The facility will now just make one vaccine from now on.

04 Apr 21 - 10:14 AM (#4100734)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

Maybe this is the thread Bonzo should hang out in, instead of starting all sorts of new threads that are guaranteed to start arguments. Use existing threads to continue discussions, or use threads with such general headings as this one for the weird stuff.

Just a suggestion.

18 Apr 21 - 11:41 PM (#4102664)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Ok, this was funny: walked over the crest of a hill and down towards the other side of the hill I see and hear a guy wielding some power tool, spray-painting a large bush a darker green than it already was. He was having trouble painting the very top, and I was simultaneously thinking What in the world and He's gonna need a ladder when I got close enough to realize...

...he was *trimming* the bush. Removing the lighter green outer growth with a power hedge trimmer thing, leaving swathes of darker green older growth behind as he went.

I had to go over and tell him I thought he was painting his bush, from a distance. He was entertained.

19 Apr 21 - 02:56 AM (#4102667)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Joe Offer

There's a Mudcat thread group for superlatives. I'll have to find it and add this thread to the crosslink group. Now, where IS it...

19 Apr 21 - 07:10 AM (#4102681)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Ebbie

Thanks for this thread. It's 3:00 AM and I'm sitting here laughing.

I have ALWAYS done strange things, no matter my age.

Once I was going out on a date that I didn't really want to go on. I liked the guy but I had gone out too often that week and I was tired. But what can you do so I started dressing for it. Came to myself a few minutes later opening the covers of the bed preparatory to climbing in.

Another time I ate breakfast then set about tidying up the kitchen before heading off to work. Opened the fridge and there in the narrow shelf of the refrigerator door I found the half gallon of milk wedged in tightly.

19 Apr 21 - 07:54 AM (#4102687)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Once I was loading a staple gun, somehow got turned around and stapled my thumb. There is a fog of war AND home improvement.

20 Apr 21 - 11:07 AM (#4102811)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now thats just what I am
And for this yankee nation
I do no give a damn
I'm glad for insurrection
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done
I hates the Yankee nation
And eveything they do
I hates the declaration
Of independence too
I hates the shit head democrates
They ain't made with our blood
I hates the niggar lovin jews too
Now thats just what I am
And for this yankee nation
I do no give a God damn
I'm glad for insurrection
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done
I hates the Yankee nation
And eveything they do
I hates the declaration
Of independence too
I hates the egg head democrates
They aren't made with our blood
I hates the damn coloreds
And fought them all I could
I rode with Donald J Trump
For four years there about
Got wounded in four places
And I marched at Charlottesville
I caught Covid at car races
An' swimmin' in Maralagoville
Ya'no I killed a bunch of Yankees
Bout a mile high when stacked
Three hundred thousand Yankees
Cuz we didn't wear them masks
We got three court nominees
Before they packed the court
We gottem with poison fleas
By oath keeping cohorts
Biden is the griever and chief
so feeble he can't climb stairs
and spends trillions on relief
I can't take up my M 16
And fight 'em down no more
But I ain't a-goin' to love them
Now that is certain sure
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am
I won't be liberalized
And I do not give a damn
Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do no give a damn
I'm glad I fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
Or charged for what I've done
I ain't asked any pardon
Cuz Insurrection's fun.
I hates the damn coloreds
And fought them all I could
I rode with Donald J Trump
For four years there about
Got wounded in four places
And I marched at Charlottesville
I caught Covid at the races
An' swimmin' in Tampa
Ya'no I killed a bunch of Yankees
And I'd like to kill some more
Three hundred thousand Yankees
Cuz we didn't wear them masks
We got three court nominees
Before they packed the court
They aint my race religion or creed
And oath keeping soldiers bleed
Biden is the griever and chief
and spends trillions on relief
I can't take up my AK
And fight 'em down no more
But I ain't a-goin' to love them
Now that is certain sure
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am
I won't be liberalized
And I do not give a damn
Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do no give a damn
I'm glad I fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
Or charged for what I've done
I ain't asked any pardon
Cuz Insurrection's fun.

17 Sep 21 - 04:53 PM (#4120217)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

They are now advertising a deoderant specifically for genitals.
Their tag line: "Keep your privates private"

17 Sep 21 - 05:56 PM (#4120220)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Steve Shaw

Which reminds me of an old joke.

I went into the chemists and was very confused by the array of all the different deodorants on display. So I asked a young shop assistant to recommend a deodorant for me.

She said, well there's lots of choice, sir. Do you think you might prefer the ball type?

No, said, I, I want it for my armpits...

18 Sep 21 - 04:01 AM (#4120240)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: BobL

Which in turn reminds me of the old Viagra joke which ends:
"Can I get it across the counter?"
"Well, you might need to take two."

19 Sep 21 - 09:27 AM (#4120340)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

I had forgotten about the bush spraypainter...

22 Sep 21 - 09:06 AM (#4120605)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Sue your neice and NYT for 150 million dollars. Fight covid with betadine gargle. Deworm your horse. Research the age of Unenlightenment with a Senate Investigation-put McConnell in charge.

24 Sep 21 - 12:55 PM (#4120839)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Nigel Parsons

When I heard the deodorant joke it was:
I'd like a deodorant.
Ball or aerosol?
Armpits actually.

I think it adds a bit (but is no more subtle)

Try our new knacker lacquer, it adds lustre to your cluster ;)

Then there's This advert

28 Sep 21 - 05:01 PM (#4121230)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

Teen who ran over 6 cyclists outside Houston walks free
Authorities are tight-lipped about whether or not the teenager would face any charges after the fact.

This fits all of the keywords in the subject line, but this kid isn't funny. I wonder if he's the son of someone in law enforcement? Is that why he wasn't immediately arrested (and breathalyzed).

28 Sep 21 - 06:29 PM (#4121239)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

The 3 day old washer was the cause of our flood and not the pipes and valves the plumber thought of and replaced. Carpets and other items destroyed were cheap but heavy. Refund was offered. The appliance store hasn't given us options like go ^^^^ yourself yet.

29 Sep 21 - 10:20 PM (#4121395)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

01 Oct 21 - 10:30 AM (#4121556)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Went all the way back to the restaurant for the shades I had remembered to put in my bag...

Got all the way home again before realizing I had left my bagged leftovers behind.

01 Oct 21 - 10:34 AM (#4121557)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

With a little more forensic plumbing (it reflooded with the washer off)
It was a coincentally timed leak from an upstairs shower drain.

01 Oct 21 - 11:34 AM (#4121568)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

New washer acquitted of leaking. Now it's time to check the sewer lines.

01 Oct 21 - 01:58 PM (#4121582)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Its a 3 grand fix or a flex seal miracle.

10 Oct 21 - 02:15 PM (#4122522)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

I did a free repair on the 20 inch long cast iron pipe by coating in 1 inch thick flex seal paste and wrapping in 6 mil plastic that was sealed with alien tape. What complicated the repair was the 1 inch proximity to hot water pipes and air conditioning ducts. {probably the cause of metal fatigue}
The $3 grand will go to getting all new floors in the spring.

My right arm got coated with flex seal and took an hour and a bar of soap to get off. The flex paste from Amazon was left over from tiling the pool.

10 Oct 21 - 03:02 PM (#4122530)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

You probably ought to put a bucket under that just in case it drips.

10 Oct 21 - 11:01 PM (#4122560)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

There is a redundant tray up high and a 20 gallon plastic bin down low just in case but not a drop so far while the repair only strengthens.
You really can build boats with that flex paste.
Roof gutters get done tommorow.

12 Oct 21 - 01:21 PM (#4122699)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: leeneia

"My right arm got coated with flex seal "

Here's a tip to use when painting or sealing something. Put hand lotion on your hands and arms before starting the job. When the job's done, anything stuck on will clean off easily because the lotion interferes with the bond to your skin.

12 Oct 21 - 03:16 PM (#4122704)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

You're right, it doesn't occur to a guy to strap on neoprene gloves, safety glasses and then put on 'skin so soft' lotion.
Its been awhile since one of my experiments has worked.

15 Oct 21 - 06:18 PM (#4123073)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

Twins, Separated at Birth, Reunite as Adults
Three Identical Strangers is a shocking watch. Tim Wardle’s documentary, released earlier this year, tells the story of three 19-year-old boys who discover they are identical triplets, separated at birth and adopted by different families. But the revelations don’t end there. As it turns out, the boys were unwittingly part of an unethical scientific study conducted by their adoption agency, Louise Wise Services. The late psychologist Dr. Peter Neubauer designed the study so that when newborn twins or triplets were admitted to the agency, dozens were separated and placed in families of varying socioeconomic backgrounds. Under the guise of monitoring their emotional development, Neubauer studied the separated twins periodically throughout their childhoods. The official goal of the study was never disclosed, and no one involved was ever informed of their participation. Three Identical Strangers raises disturbing questions about identity, nature versus nurture, and the moral boundaries of science.

Just a month after the film’s theatrical release, Wardle was contacted by Lisa Belkin, a journalist who had previously investigated the controversy around Louise Wise Services. . .

18 Oct 21 - 08:37 AM (#4123392)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Reminds me of Nazi Dr. Mengela.

18 Oct 21 - 08:48 AM (#4123394)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Not dumb stupid or idiotic, tho.

18 Oct 21 - 01:32 PM (#4123418)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

There is no excuse.

As a Woman Was Raped, Train Riders Failed to Intervene, Police Say
The SEPTA train car near Philadelphia had several passengers aboard but none called 911 while the woman was sexually assaulted, the authorities said.
Several passengers were in the train car but Mr. Bernhardt declined to say how many; investigators were still working to determine the exact number, he said. While there were not “dozens of people” in the car at the time, Mr. Bernhardt said, there were enough that, “collectively, they could have gotten together and done something.”

He added that investigators had received reports of some passengers recording the attack on their phones but that the police had not confirmed those reports. . . . Bystanders on the train who failed to intervene could be criminally charged if they recorded the attack, Mr. Bernhardt said, adding that it would be up to the Delaware County district attorney’s office to make such a decision after the police finish their investigation and submit their findings.

18 Oct 21 - 03:29 PM (#4123424)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

I kept a spare battery in the car for my remote electronic key fob.
When neither remote worked the doors won't open. There is a secret key hole behind a panel that has to be pried open to get into the trunk that leads to a lever to open a door and then to a secret slot for the dead remote to slide into to start the car.
This car had the secret key hole unit removed or never installed. There is just an empty round hole behind the panel.
When Amazon delivers the batteries I will find out if the fault is in the remotes or not. If not, special towing is involved for a locked car in park. Perhaps technicians have a secret fix.

18 Oct 21 - 03:57 PM (#4123427)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

I am now accustomed to the remote fob for unlocking and starting the car, but I was worried enough when I first got it that I got a "Tile" tracker for it (and have so far replaced the battery in each at least once.) There is no ignition keyhole, so though there is a key tucked inside the fob, it only gets you into the vehicle, it doesn't guarantee you can start it. That's a good idea about the spare battery. I'll put one in the console today.

18 Oct 21 - 05:21 PM (#4123438)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

Hint: if you keep it in the car and you can't open the doors...

19 Oct 21 - 10:17 AM (#4123489)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes, I think that's so someone from the outside can't unlock the door to kidnap or hijack, etc. once you're inside. I ignored those buttons on the handles and pushed the unlock button on the fob for a while. Now I'm used to the buttons and what their beeps mean.

19 Oct 21 - 12:42 PM (#4123509)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

I think the difference I have is that the car has no door handles at all.
Its all keyless electronic.

19 Oct 21 - 04:31 PM (#4123535)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

The tow truck driver sorted it all out since I was too dumb to find or see the emergency keyhole. Yep I'm an idiot when it comes to things like cars.

21 Oct 21 - 08:57 PM (#4123786)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Donuel

WASHINGTON—Putting forth a less ambitious legislative package in an effort to secure enough votes for passage in the Senate, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that his original $3.5 trillion climate plan would be replaced with a scaled-back proposal to purchase a single reusable grocery bag. “For those members of the Democratic caucus who have demanded a more slimmed-down, manageable approach to the catastrophic effects of climate change, I believe we’ve finally reached a compromise in the form of this handy canvas tote bag, which should hold up through years of regular trips to the supermarket,” Biden told reporters in the White House briefing room. While some of you may be concerned this bill doesn’t go far enough, it’s at least a start, and our hope is that in future congressional sessions we will be able to appropriate funding for even more tote bags. Failing to act on the climate crisis is simply not an option. But I believe that as long as nobody spills inside the bag or forgets it on the bus, this new plan will bring us one step closer to reaching our environmental impact goals.” At press time, sources reported the proposal had been slimmed down once more after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) insisted the reusable bag be dropped and replaced with a more affordable program that would allow for the purchase of a single disposable plastic bag.

31 Jan 22 - 04:50 PM (#4134625)
Subject: RE: BS: Dumbest stupidest most idiotic
From: Mrrzy

Got a great vest for $mas from Lands End. Immediately ripped it. Contacted Lands End, they said Oh, defective. Want to return it and wait for the replacement, or replace, use that packaging to return, get reimbursed? I, being impatient, opted to replace first. They send me packing slip to print for return so no waiting in line. Great. Package old one up, take to UPS, drop off.

So far so good.

Then after a couple of weeks, contact Lands End, have you processed the return? No, USPS has not scanned it yet.


U*S*PS. Not UPS. Post office, not parcel service.

I have not yet gone back to the UPS store.