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Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)

21 Apr 21 - 07:09 AM (#4102897)
Subject: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Becca90

I wanted to let you all know my father Kendall Morse passed away early this morning. He loved the Mudcat community and made many dear friends here. He will be missed.

21 Apr 21 - 07:27 AM (#4102902)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: rich-joy

Wow, more Mudcat Royalty passing on.

VALE, Kendall (and best wishes to your loved ones and friends).


21 Apr 21 - 07:27 AM (#4102903)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Observer

Very sorry to hear the news, sincere condolences to Kendall's family and friends, the world is certainly a poorer place without him.

Now safe over the bar, Rest In Peace.

21 Apr 21 - 07:36 AM (#4102904)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan

Yes - sad news indeed. Rest in peace.


21 Apr 21 - 07:37 AM (#4102906)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Jon Freeman

Sorry to read this. I remember him sending me (UK) a clip on computer microphone in the early days with HearMe here.

21 Apr 21 - 07:38 AM (#4102907)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Steve Shaw

My best wishes to all his family and friends.


21 Apr 21 - 07:40 AM (#4102908)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Dave the Gnome

Oh no! Another good 'un gone :-( I'm sure he has already joined that massive session in the sky.

21 Apr 21 - 07:49 AM (#4102912)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: fat B****rd

My very best wishes and condolences to all family and friends.
RIP Kendall

21 Apr 21 - 08:04 AM (#4102914)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Backwoodsman

Very sad news indeed. Condolences and best wishes to family and friends.
RIP Cap’n.

21 Apr 21 - 08:15 AM (#4102916)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,keberoxu

I remember him scaring the heck out of the Mudcat
by starting his own obit thread!

All due support to those he left behind, who grieve his absence.
As for himself,
he is probably enjoying his liberation in spirit
after some uncomfortable years due to the car accident
and to illness that limited his aging body.

21 Apr 21 - 08:22 AM (#4102918)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Waddon Pete

He will indeed be missed. He was a great part of Mudcat. I have included him in the "In Memoriam" thread and send my condolences to all those who know and love him. RIP

21 Apr 21 - 08:26 AM (#4102919)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Liz the Squeak

So sorry to hear this, he will be sorely missed. I bet he and Micca have already met up and are pouring the scotch. The session just got a bit bigger and cheekier. Condolences to all his families, here and over the pond.

Rest easy, you old coot.


21 Apr 21 - 08:41 AM (#4102921)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Georgiansilver

Sorry to hear that. Condolences to all his family and friends.

21 Apr 21 - 08:46 AM (#4102923)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Maryrrf

I'm so sorry to hear this. So many of the old guard have passed on...Deepest condolences to all his family and friends.

21 Apr 21 - 08:52 AM (#4102926)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

adding my condolences - somewhere I have 2 of his CDs, it will be good to listen to him again


21 Apr 21 - 08:54 AM (#4102927)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall

Captain Morse, Micca and Admiral Nelson sharing a single malt...makes me smile. Goodbye, old friend.

21 Apr 21 - 09:01 AM (#4102928)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

Picturing he and Amos bent low over two guitars, picking through a song, and an argument. Amos always let him win... to his face : )

No words right now, really, just a heartfelt hug and my condolences. More later.

He adored you Rebecca.

21 Apr 21 - 09:01 AM (#4102929)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,#

RIP, Kendall. Condolences to all his family and friends.

21 Apr 21 - 09:05 AM (#4102930)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Alison

I too remember Kendall from the old days of “hearme” & “icq”. Really sorry to hear of his passing, my deepest condolences to his family.

21 Apr 21 - 09:07 AM (#4102931)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Roger the Skiffler

Sad to hear this, I have some of his recordings and always enjoyed his contributions here. Now the Cap'n has gone to Davey Jones' Locker, another of the old boys gone.

21 Apr 21 - 09:28 AM (#4102933)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Bill Sables

Sorry to hear this R I P Kendall

21 Apr 21 - 09:33 AM (#4102934)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Jeri

I'm trying to remember the last time I saw him. Instead, I remember house concerts, and Getaways,, Rick Fielding playing Kendall's Apolloniono 12-string, and Old Songs, and sitting outside his camper, singng, and heading to the Woodchuck's compound for breakfast and cowboy coffee, Seamus, those old cars, and a whole lot more I'll remember later. And just like Tom (curmudgeon), I remember him in full voice.

My condolences to his family, and loved ones.

21 Apr 21 - 09:37 AM (#4102936)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Little Robyn

So sorry to hear this. Love to his family.

21 Apr 21 - 09:46 AM (#4102939)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Janie

Fair seas, Kendall. So many good memories....

Deepest condolences to His daughters, Jacqui and Cheryl.

21 Apr 21 - 10:02 AM (#4102941)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Here are his 24,822 logged in posts and 1,529 GUEST, Kendall posts.

I think Mudcat extended Kendall's life by several years; that whole throat cancer thing was a voyage of discovery for all here, with many urging him on and finding specialists for him to see. Thanks to all of Mudcat for that.

RIP, Kendall.

21 Apr 21 - 10:05 AM (#4102942)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: GUEST,Freda

I’m grateful to Kendall for his corny jokes, his wonderful stories and singing. I will listen to his music. He was a great character anda remarkable man. Those close to him will be remembering his humour, his wisdom and his charisma.

Vale Kendall.

freda underhill

21 Apr 21 - 10:23 AM (#4102946)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall
From: Mark Ross

A great loss. I had wonderful times hanging out with him at Old Songs, and calling him up long distance to trade jokes and stories. We are losing too many.

21 Apr 21 - 10:37 AM (#4102950)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: saulgoldie

I wish I had gotten to know Kendall sooner. But I'm glad that I did. Listening to some of his music, reading his books. Great body of work. Great human being. Thanks, Kendall! Rest easy.


21 Apr 21 - 10:48 AM (#4102952)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Joe Offer

He was a legend. I'm very glad to have known him, and to have had so many occasions to enjoy his company. Heck, he even came to my house, way out here in rural California! And it was so nice to see him on stage swapping stories with another legend, Utah Phillips. Amos was here from San Diego that night [April 8, 2006], and he's gone, too.

Rest easy, Kendall. You lived a good life, and you had a profound effect on a lot of people. I'll miss you.


21 Apr 21 - 10:51 AM (#4102954)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Stilly River Sage

Things on Facebook disappear quickly. Please make a point of posting them here as well.

Barbara Duran Shaw - album - Kendall photos

21 Apr 21 - 10:53 AM (#4102956)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Elmore

Enjoyed his music, and his posts to Mudcat. May he rest in peace.

21 Apr 21 - 10:58 AM (#4102958)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: RTim

RIP more whisky to share.....

Tim Radford

21 Apr 21 - 11:13 AM (#4102959)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Brian Peters

This is very sad news. I really enjoyed meeting Kendall when I was over in Maine. Give my best to Jacqui.

21 Apr 21 - 11:23 AM (#4102961)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: KT

Rest In Peace, my dear Old Salt... so grateful for your friendship.... Condolences to all who knew and loved him.

21 Apr 21 - 11:32 AM (#4102964)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Mainedog

So sorry to hear this news, he was a good friend on, and off, Mudcat and Facebook. We used to camp together at the Old Songs Festival and played lots of music...but now there is more music elsewhere...

21 Apr 21 - 11:41 AM (#4102967)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Monique

Sorry to hear this. My condolences to family and friends.

21 Apr 21 - 12:33 PM (#4102978)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Irene M

Very sorry to hear this.

21 Apr 21 - 12:35 PM (#4102979)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: punkfolkrocker

I didn't know or have much interaction with Kendall.

(In fact I wouldn't be surprised,
though don't take it personally,
if he thoroughly disliked the abrasive limey pfr persona).

But over the years I did respect his stature and reputation as a much loved mudcat elder.
And admire his musical and literary talent.

It's always sad when the world loses a senior expert in their chosen field of activity.

All those years of accumulated knowledge and experience, gone in an instant.

Similar to an irreplaceable great museum and library archive suddenly burning down..

But people like Kendall are repositories of social and folk history & culture.
All the more of a real loss to humanity.
The ordinary down to earth folks like us...

Cheers Kendall...

21 Apr 21 - 12:53 PM (#4102981)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,open mike

I had the good fortune to have Kendall and Jacqui pay me a visit at my cabin in California. I beleive he might have been performing with U. Utah Phillips in Nevada City.   Another good thing is that I was able to get his octave mandolin and enjoyed playing it with good memories of him (until a fire destroyed it along with everything else I owned.) I have replaced it and still think of my instrument "Amanda Lynn" as a connection to Kendall.                           Ashes on the Sea                                                         

Maine Humor

Uncle Curt Stories

I believe there used to be a video of the performance with Utah and Kendall, and also some episodes of a t.v. show on public t.v. of Kendall telling stories and jokes....glad we have some videos of him to rememeber him by!

21 Apr 21 - 01:01 PM (#4102983)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Big Al Whittle

Know what you mean PFR. We weren't on the same wavelength at all. Still (as you say) he knew his onions.

21 Apr 21 - 01:08 PM (#4102985)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: open mike

Can someone please explain and or translate "VALE"?

21 Apr 21 - 01:10 PM (#4102986)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)

Fairwell in Latin

21 Apr 21 - 01:39 PM (#4102990)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: bbc

I'm so sorry, Becca! Your dad was one of a kind. I have many happy & amusing memories of him. He made many people laugh out loud. He will not be forgotten!

21 Apr 21 - 01:40 PM (#4102991)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,mg

may he rest in peace. mg

21 Apr 21 - 01:42 PM (#4102992)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Stilly River Sage

The Mudcat Facebook (annex) page with the Kendall obit announcement.

21 Apr 21 - 01:48 PM (#4102993)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Anne Lister

So very sorry to read this. Such a fine human being, storyteller, singer and inspiration. Many condolences and much sympathy to his family and his many close friends.

21 Apr 21 - 01:51 PM (#4102995)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Janie

Kendall - performing "Ashes on the Sea"

21 Apr 21 - 01:56 PM (#4102996)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: EBarnacle

Totally worthy of respect and gone too soon. Lady Hillary and I hope he passed the bar gently.
As we say in Ham radio, 73 to his extended family.

21 Apr 21 - 01:56 PM (#4102997)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Amergin

Almost 20 years ago, when my paternal grandfather was dying from cancer I got him a copy of Stories Told in the Kitchen. He loved that kept his spirits up as the end crept up to him.

Thank you, Captain.

21 Apr 21 - 02:13 PM (#4103000)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Herga Kitty

Very sorry to hear of Kendall's passing. I'm glad to have met him on 2 of his trips to England (and to have helped to get his watches serviced). Sending deepest sympathies to Kendall's family and friends.


21 Apr 21 - 02:40 PM (#4103006)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Dan Schatz

Crossposting here and elsewhere....

I met Kendall Morse when I was 17 years old. He was a featured performer at the DC Folklore Society Getaway and took the time to sing a song into a tape recorder for a kid who thought it was funny. (I still sing the song, too.) Over the years since I got to know him more - at Getaways, at Rinktums (music gatherings in Maine and New Brunswick), on porches and in living rooms. He taught me more songs, over the years, and of course stories.

One day Kendall, Jacqui, and I were talking about his good friend Utah Phillips, and i suggested maybe some of us could contribute songs to a CD to raise some money for him. Kendall reached out to Pete Seeger and Tom Paxton, and all of a sudden our little project wasn’t so little anymore. More artists and friends joined us, and ultimately Singing Through the Hard Times got nominated for a Grammy award. For a good year afterwards, Kendall wore his Grammy nominee’s medal on special occasions - which for him included going to the post office.

We all know Kendall was funny (“You let me do the jokes,” he used to say when I’d make some feeble attempt to keep up with him), but he could also be wise. And he could be difficult. He could lift a friend from an emotional abyss and he could fall into his own. He could be gentle some times and quick to anger at others. But he never lost his sense of humor.

In the last years of his life, Kendall had plenty to get bitter about - his beautiful was gone, taken by the cancer, and sometimes it seemed like he couldn’t find his way out. Friends helped, Jacqui helped, family helped, but it was something in Kendall’s spirit that wouldn’t let go. Not long after his voice went, I talked with Kendall about what he was going through. He said, “I just about gave up last week. But I’ll tell you something. I’ve woken up every day of my life with a song in my head. And the other day, that song was ’76 Trombones.’ Now that’s gotta mean something.”??

The last time I saw Kendall was at our music gathering in February of 2020, just before the pandemic kept us all apart. He was struggling cognitively, but in some ways he was as Kendall as ever. When he saw me he said, as he usually did when we met in the last few years, “Have I ever thanked you for making me famous?” I could have easily said the same to him. Then we sat down together and I played guitar while he whispered the lyrics to Utah Phillips’s “Phoebe Snow.”??

There’s more I could say about Kendall - and more I will, since I expect to be quoting him for the rest of my life. I’ll miss him terribly, and I’m so glad - so privileged - to have counted him as a dear friend.

Rest in peace, Kendall. You will always live in your songs, your stories, and our hearts.

"Rolling home, rolling home
Rolling home across the sea...."

21 Apr 21 - 03:34 PM (#4103015)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine sans cookie

So very sorry to hear this sad news. Kendall was one of the first to welcome me to Mudcat, way back before the Earth's crust cooled. And Jacqui and her family came to visit me in Southern California, a wonderful memory that warms me still. Farewell, Cap'n.

21 Apr 21 - 03:46 PM (#4103016)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Mrrzy

Aw SHIT. So very, very sorry.

21 Apr 21 - 04:13 PM (#4103019)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: My guru always said

So very sorry to hear this, condolences to Becca and the Family. Candle lit at Old Keepers. RIP Kendall, sing up now!

21 Apr 21 - 04:14 PM (#4103020)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: John MacKenzie

Well Cap'n it was a pleasure. Enjoyed your visit to my humble abode, and I enjoyed your company, when I visited Portland Me. Hope Seamus is up there with you.

Bye old friend.

21 Apr 21 - 04:35 PM (#4103024)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Dharmabum

So sorry to hear of Kendall's passing.
Spent some time at Old SONGS with him.
I enjoyed our conversations over morning coffee.
He was very kind & supportive while I went through my daughter's terminal illness.
My condolences to his family.

21 Apr 21 - 04:46 PM (#4103027)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: skarpi

Rest in Peace dear Kendall , I ll see you again when it´s my time to go .
this is line from a poem here in Iceland ..

When I think of angels
I think of you
And your flaming red hair
and the things that you do.
I heard you had left
no it couldn't be true
When I think of angels

I think of you.
Godspeed to you angel
wherever you go
although you have left
I want you to know
My heart's full of sorrow
I won't let it show
I´ll see you again
when it's my time to go.

Dear Jacqui and family , love and hugs from me , all the best Skarpi Iceland,

21 Apr 21 - 04:48 PM (#4103028)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Stilly River Sage

Renowned Maine humorist Capt. Kendall Morse dies at 86

There is an ad blocker on the site so you might have to disable them or use the "Just Read" extension to get past it. In the Bangor Daily News.

PORTLAND, Maine — Maine humorist, Coast Guard veteran, author and Grammy-nominated musician Capt. Kendall Morse has died. He was 86.

Morse died early Wednesday morning, according to his daughter Elaine Hodnett, of Arundel, who called her father “an extraordinary man.”

Morse gained fame in the 1970s and ‘80s when homegrown Maine storytellers and musicians began to reflect Maine back at itself on records and TV. He helped define Maine’s laconic Yankee view of itself, telling stories in the classic Maine form without fanfare or cutesy smiles. He would take his time getting to droll punchlines and leave it to the listener to figure out if it was funny or not.

“He brought the lore of Maine to the forefront and made it mean something,” said Dave Rowe, a folk singer who shared the stage with Morse many times. “He knew our stories — hell, he made up most of them.”

Morse once told the story of a hunter who stumbled out of the woods one fall day, upset and dragging his hunting buddy’s dead body. Coming upon an old farmer, he said he didn’t know how it happened but he’d just shot the man.

“I could have sworn he was a deer,” the hunter told the old man. “I can’t believe he’s dead.”

The old farmer took a look at the deceased man and said, “Well, he might have lived if you hadn’t gutted him out.”

Born into a family of storytellers in Machias, Morse came by his Down East wit naturally. His uncle Curt, especially, was known far and wide for his “inability to tell the truth,” Morse often said.

Before ending up on stage, Morse first spent time in the U.S. Coast Guard. He had a brush with Cold War history in 1970 while serving aboard the cutter Vigilant off Martha’s Vineyard. In the event known as the “Kudirka Incident,” a Lithuanian sailor from a Soviet fishing vessel tried to defect by jumping aboard. The Coast Guard commander in Boston allowed KGB agents on the Vigilant to retrieve the wayward sailor and was roundly criticized.

“Our captain was furious, as was our whole crew,” Morse said decades after the incident. “Some time later, the Russians allowed him to come to America. Apparently, his mother was an American citizen, so all’s well that ends well, except for that gutless admiral.”

After his Coast Guard service, Morse worked as a coastal warden for what is now the Maine Department of Marine Resources, enforcing fishing regulations on Penobscot Bay. The job had him living aboard a boat in the bay with two other men, year round. The winters were brutal and it kept him away from his wife and children for long stretches of time.

“When I’d come home they were shy about coming near me and two days later, when I left, they were upset,” Morse told the Bangor Daily News In 2015. “So, I finally decided that it was not a job for a married man.”

He eventually became a fisheries enforcement agent for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. When Morse retired from that job he became a full-time musician, storyteller and author.

It was a long and fruitful second act.

Morse performed regularly with other Maine humorists and musicians such as Marshall Dodge, Tim Sample and Gordon Bok. Unlike many performers in the genre who played the part of the “Old Salt,” Morse was the genuine article.

In the 1970’s, he hosted a Maine Public television show featuring Maine storytellers called “In the Kitchen” where he swapped tall tales with the likes of Joe Perham and Bill Gagnon.

In addition to an endless trove of dry stories, Morse also had a fine, clear folk-singing voice and could play both guitar and banjo. He made records for the Folk-Legacy label out of Connecticut. His disc “Seagulls and Summer People,” was recorded live, capturing one of his best known tunes, “Moose Turd Pie.”

His 1981 humor book “Stories Told in the Kitchen” is a benchmark of the genre and features illustrations by Tim Sample. Morse performed a series of shows all over Scotland in 1990 and was invited to perform at the Cecil Sharp Folk Club in London.

Along with his then-wife Jacqui, he was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2009 for the track they contributed to a Utah Phillips tribute album. Phillips once called Morse his favorite folk singer in all of North America.

In recent years, Morse’s singing and storytelling voice was reduced to just a whisper after a battle with cancer wrecked his voice box. But he didn’t let it stop him.

Morse continued to perform and published another book of funny tales and anecdotes in 2015. Most of “Father Fell Down the Well” was dictated straight from his memory.

“To be able to make people laugh is worth quite a lot,” Morse told the BDN. “I try to make somebody laugh every day. And I’ve never failed.”

21 Apr 21 - 05:28 PM (#4103034)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: ClaireBear

Fair winds and following seas, Cap'n. I will miss you forever. Your health will be drunk with much single malt this night, I promise you that.

Heartfelt sympathies to Becca, to Jacqui and to everyone who I know who has know and loved Kendall. Let's hope we're wrong about that whole "no afterlife" thing, because up there is beginning to seem like a hell of a lot better party than the one we're trying to keep going on THIS plane.

21 Apr 21 - 06:30 PM (#4103046)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Brian Peters

"I’ve woken up every day of my life with a song in my head. And the other day, that song was ’76 Trombones.’ Now that’s gotta mean something.”


21 Apr 21 - 06:34 PM (#4103047)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: EBarnacle

Hoisting a Dark and Stormy to you, Kendall.

21 Apr 21 - 07:17 PM (#4103051)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: JennieG

Sad news to wake up to this morning......condolences to Kendall's family and friends. Wish I could have had the opportunity to meet him.

21 Apr 21 - 09:50 PM (#4103063)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)

He was a treasure … I always enjoyed him. bob(deckman)nelson

21 Apr 21 - 10:18 PM (#4103066)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: frogprince

I've dropped away from the Mudcat for a long time. Something made me sign in tonight. I was at least fortunate enough to visit with the Captain a couple of times. Another good one gone...


21 Apr 21 - 10:23 PM (#4103067)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Richard Atkins

Rip Kendall with fond memories of a special man indeed. His surprise Victory visit on his birthday in 2011 was special bonus visiting us after. He did enjoy playing with my old cars nearly restored now. A special man gone, but I think Dan Shultz on his post has covered all that I think now. Thank you Kendall for the fond memories and advice

22 Apr 21 - 12:14 AM (#4103073)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: BrooklynJay

Farewell Kendall.

You embodied everything positive about Mudcat.

You are truly and absolutely irreplaceable.

Bon voyage, Captain.


22 Apr 21 - 04:04 AM (#4103081)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Hrothgar

Lovely man, great singer. It was a privilege to have met him.

Condolences to the family.

22 Apr 21 - 04:09 AM (#4103083)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Bradfordian

RIP Kendal. You enriched our lives with your music and humour; and we will still enjoy it through your CDs. Condolences to family.

22 Apr 21 - 05:07 AM (#4103085)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Megan L

May the winds be kind and the seas be gentle wherever his spirit sails. condolances to his family

22 Apr 21 - 12:24 PM (#4103123)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: DonMeixner

It was my great pleasure to know Kendall, share some songs and scotch with him, and I will miss his expert barbs and gentle jibes.

Don Meixner

22 Apr 21 - 12:34 PM (#4103126)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: maeve

Elaine, Becca, Jacqui, Sinsull, and the rest of the family- Thank you for helping my friend of more than 30 years to live his life. Thank you for sharing Kendall with the rest of us.

22 Apr 21 - 01:43 PM (#4103130)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: voyager

Rick Fielding, Art Thieme, Barry Finn, Micca, Katspaw, LaMarca Kendall Morse ....

a few of the stones I have followed on the path of my Mudcat journey.

Fair winds Captain.
Thank you for your life in music


22 Apr 21 - 02:24 PM (#4103134)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: The Sandman

I never met him, but my condolences to all his friends and family.RIP.

22 Apr 21 - 02:25 PM (#4103135)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Sarah the flute

Oh this is sad news - he was a mudcat legend. RIP Kendall

22 Apr 21 - 02:26 PM (#4103136)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: robomatic

I did not know Kendall, but as a former resident of Massachusetts and a big fan of Maine performers such as Gordon Bok, I will obtain some familiarity with Kendall by his works.

I still remember the Simas Kudirka incident.

May those close to him by friendship, fellowship and kinship obtain comfort in his memory.

Thanks you for this notice and these tokens of experience.

22 Apr 21 - 04:46 PM (#4103152)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,.gargoyle



mudcat has been blessed for decades

22 Apr 21 - 06:26 PM (#4103160)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Dani

Just came across this actual obituary:

22 Apr 21 - 08:40 PM (#4103169)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Jeri

"Car accident!?" WTF!?

Dani, that's obituary Stilly River Sage posted the text to up above.

Trying to remember the last time I saw him, and where. His house? A house concert? I don't know that it matters, but I wish I could remember.

22 Apr 21 - 09:19 PM (#4103175)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Goodbye and God Bless. A great man.

All my sympathy to Jacqui, remembering sessions with you in Hertford, before you had the happy meeting with the Captain.

22 Apr 21 - 11:08 PM (#4103181)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Jeri

I see where he had a car accident, but "after some uncomfortable years due to the car accident " is reading a lot into things that wasn't there. As far as I know, he got banged up, healed, and didn't have any lasting effects or "uncomfortable years". Up to the last few years, I'm pretty sure he was doing things that were physically rough on a 30 year old.
He didn't do technology (if you know what I mean, you know. If you don't, I'm not yet over the trauma of trying to explain how to "highlight" text, or what "File Manager" in ancient Windows was) over the phone), but restored quite a few old cars. I got a ride in the model ? (I don't want to type the wrong letter in), with his mother's beautiful and very heavy lap blanket. I enjoyed sleeping in his motor home when I stayed overnight at SINSULL's after a house concert.
He always wanted me to play Ashoken Farewell when I was there with my fiddle. I met him when Sandy Paton suggested I might be a good traveling companion when we went to NOMAD one year. He drove me crazy, but that's not a hard thing. We stopped into a diner (was it the "Collins" diner?) on the way down, and a woman came up to the table where Sandy, Caroline, Kendall, and - was Kathy Westra there? - and I were sitting, and totally fan-girled at him. "Are you Kendall Morse? I LOVED your TV show!"
And I gave him a cheap banjo I had. He eventually got a nice one, but I wouldn't let him give mine back, so I won.

And then, there was the Getaway, and the interaction between him and Max.

23 Apr 21 - 11:03 AM (#4103240)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Sandra in Sydney

I went looking for my 2 CDs & found I had 5 - what a treasure his family & friends & the folk world have lost.

23 Apr 21 - 01:38 PM (#4103255)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Charley Noble

I'll think of Kendall the next time I play the "Outside Track." It's the one song he always requested that I sing.

I remember well when Judy and I were working with the Portland Folk Club and had invited Utah Phillips, with Kendall as the opening set. That was the first time they had ever met, and it got better!
Good-bye and fare ye well, old friend.

Charlie Ipcar

23 Apr 21 - 01:50 PM (#4103257)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Charley Noble

Here's a link to a set of photos of Kendall that I posted on the Mudcat Facebook forum: Click here!

Charlie Ipcar

23 Apr 21 - 04:47 PM (#4103270)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Bat Goddess

I think the Bangor Daily News obit (which was in print later the same day Kendall died) may have been one of their pre-written obits for Maine characters, I mean, prominent Mainers.

Here's the one from yesterday's Portland Press Herald —
Kendall's Obit


23 Apr 21 - 06:56 PM (#4103281)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Eric the Viking

Sad news.Condolences.

23 Apr 21 - 07:35 PM (#4103284)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,keberoxu

Thanks everybody for those obit links --
they answered a great many questions.

23 Apr 21 - 08:40 PM (#4103286)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: voyager

when we have the obits of Mudcat stalwarts, such as Captain Kendall Morse, the response is mostly somber with respects and condolences to family and friends.

I celebrate the Captain's prowess with song and story and cheer the path he has laid before us.

sing out

Stories and Song |

24 Apr 21 - 04:02 AM (#4103305)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)

Sail on in Peace, Kendall.

24 Apr 21 - 04:28 AM (#4103306)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Megan L

This morning i was looking for Kendall on youtube this is not one of his tales but it seemed appropriate for he has passed to us the tending of the folk lights Let the lower lights be burning

24 Apr 21 - 12:31 PM (#4103362)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Stilly River Sage

Here's the full text from the Press Herald obit that Bat Goddess linked.

Kendall Morse, renowned Maine humorist and folk singer, dies at 86

Kendall Morse, a renowned Maine humorist, folk singer and Grammy-nominated musician, died Wednesday. He was 86.

Morse, who most recently lived in Scarborough, spent more than 40 years performing around the country and recording his songs and stories. In 1995, he was inducted into the Maine Country Music Hall of Fame. In 2009, he received a Grammy nomination for his role as co-producer of the folk album “Singing Through the Hard Times: A Tribute to Utah Phillips.”

“He was a legend to the world, but he was always my dad,” said Elaine Hodnette, the oldest of his three daughters.

Morse grew up in Machias, one of nine children. He was a 1952 graduate of Machias High School. From 1953 to 1957, he served in the Coast Guard on a vessel based in Portland.

Following his discharge, Morse joined the then-Maine Department of Sea and Shore, now the Department of Marine Resources. He rose through the ranks to captain a patrol boat that protected Penobscot Bay. He held the post until the early to mid-1960s.

Morse then worked for the U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife’s National Marine Fisheries Service. According to his obituary, he was responsible for enforcement of international fishing regulations and the Marine Mammals Protection Act. He retired in 1974 because of a back injury, his daughter said.

Hodnette said her father knew at age 6 that he wanted to be a conservation officer. “He was a conservationist. He was a sailor. He had a great love for the sea,” she said.

In the mid-1960s, Morse had chance meeting on the waterfront with folk singer and songwriter Gordon Bok, who encouraged him to pursue a career in music. When Morse retired, he took up storytelling and specialized in Maine humor.

His passion for music began at age 16, when he received a secondhand guitar for Christmas. He taught himself how to play and slowly built a collection of stories and songs. He occasionally played gigs around town.

In his early years, he played bluegrass with his brothers, who sang and played the guitar, Hodnette said.

“When I was a kid, this was such an amazing way to grow up,” she said. “We would get together at my Nana’s camp every Saturday night and the boys would hoot and holler. They would play into the dark hours of the night. … Oh, my God, it was a glorious way to grow up. Music was the essence of our family.”

Morse began telling stories in the early 1970s and hosted a show on Maine Public Television called “In the Kitchen.” He wrote a book by the same name.

He also released a few albums, including “Seagulls and Summer People” and “Lights Along the Shore.” He performed in venues across the country and shared the stage with veteran storytellers such as Tim Sample and Marshall Dodge, and musicians including Bok and the late Utah Phillips.

Morse was a three-time recipient of the Folk Singer of the Year award by the Maine Country Music Association.

Hodnette said he was a great speaker, who fed on the energy from the crowd.

“He loved telling stories,” she said. “Dad was so incredibly well-known. He’s going to leave a massive hole in the universe.”

Morse fought a yearslong battle with throat cancer that included at least nine operations to remove vocal cord tumors since 2004. The cancer took away his ability to sing, though it didn’t stop him from getting on stage. His voice was reduced to a hoarse whisper.

“It was extraordinary,” Hodnette said. “On occasion, he still found himself on stage. He couldn’t sing, but he could speak. And people forgave him for that and were still entranced by him.”

Morse authored three books. The second, “Father Fell Down the Well,” is a collection of traditional Down East stories from his years performing. He recently finished writing the third, “True Enough,” which will be published posthumously.

His daughter Rebecca Morse said her father accomplished a lot in his life.

“In his later years, he kind of became this curmudgeon old grump, but given the opportunity to perform or make someone laugh, it was like flipping a light switch,” she said. “He became this persona, and he went out of his way to make somebody laugh every day. It was really satisfying to him to be able to do that.”

Morse was remembered his daughters Thursday as a strict but loving father who was always there for them. Another daughter, Deb Roberts, said he was a wonderful father and they talked about everything.

24 Apr 21 - 04:37 PM (#4103396)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Joe Offer

Kendall was very proud to be a friend of U. Utah Phillips. Utah had a collection of his songs titled Starlight on the Rails. It was published as a songbook in 1973, and expanded and reissued by his son Duncan in 2011. In 2014, a collections of Utah's recordings came out as a four-CD set titled Starlight on the Rails: A Songbook. Most of the tracks on the collection were sung by Utah, but Utah gave a spoken introduction for "Ashes on the Sea," and it was the voice of Kendall Morse singing the song.

Kendall lost his voice due to throat cancer, and for a long time he couldn't sing or tell stories. Eventually, he was able to whisper his stories into a microphone, and occasionally sometimes whisper out a song. But he didn't perform publicly. Utah Phillips changed that - he invited Kendall to swap stories with him on stage in Grass Valley, California, and Kendall and Jacqui came here for the concert on April 8, 2006. Amos Jessup drove up from San Diego for the concert, and it was a delightful evening. I think it was one of the happiest days of Kendall's life. And it was so nice to welcome Kendall and Jacqui to my home and to take them on a Sierra tour.

Thread #23622   Message #264123
Posted By: Joe Offer
25-Jul-00 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD Ashes on the Sea (Utah Phillips)
Subject: ADD: Ashes on The Sea ^^

(Bruce Phillips)

What is this tune I hear repeating
Sprung from the careless seed you've sown?
Our songs will come and go like seasons,
And bloom or fade all on their own.*

Now I know I will not find you
You're gone from all but memory.
For I am told that one who loves you
Has strewn your ashes on the sea.

I stepped outside for just a moment
To turn around and look on my own face
Who was** that shadow just behind me
That old man I reach out to embrace.

It's one thing to look upon a picture
Another still to read the pages through
Perhaps to search along the wayside
Hoping I might find a trace of you.

Your dust cloud still drifts across the footprints
Your best friend's still standing there alone
Your boxcars still keep the lovers parted
Your little boys still run away from home.

What is this tune you hear repeating
Sprung from the careless seeds I've sown?
Our songs will come and go like seasons
And bloom or fade all on their own.

LAST CHORUS (sing twice):
Now I know I will not find you
You're gone from all but memory.
For I am told that one who loves you
Has strewn your ashes on the sea.

Tune: similar to Lorena

JRO & CB ^^

*alternate: And bloom off and die on their own.
**alternate: You are

Source: Starlight on the Rails and Other Songs, a songbook by U.Utah Phillips 1973 and 2011 - altered to reflect the way Kendall sang it.

Kendall Morse singing, with intro by Utah Phillips:

Oh, and here's Kendall singing "Hobo's Lullaby" in 1983:

24 Apr 21 - 09:06 PM (#4103415)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: bbc

Thanks, Joe!


24 Apr 21 - 10:23 PM (#4103422)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Sandra in Sydney

Joe's link to the song leads to Kendall's Youtube channel which has all tracks from 'Seagulls & Summer People' & 'Lights upon the Shore'

25 Apr 21 - 02:46 AM (#4103435)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Seamus kennedy

Farewell Captain; it was a privilege and a pleasure getting to know you, share songs and stories, and enjoying your company. Oh, and your guitar-picking too.

25 Apr 21 - 07:38 AM (#4103455)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: Benjamin

I remember so many of Kendall's arguments. In his own words to me, "I have more buttons than the space shuttle." In the end, it was easy to see that he was coming from a good place. Much of it came from his passion for music. He had much to contribute in his music and contributed much to the conversation here. Captain Morse, thank you for sharing your passion through your music, stories, and your arguments. Your contributions will stay with us always!

25 Apr 21 - 04:18 PM (#4103497)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Olddude

My dear friend, you will be sadly missed. Thank you for all the years of friendship

25 Apr 21 - 09:35 PM (#4103508)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Richard Atkins

A special service with so many tributes on Mudcat cafe as well. His songs relived with his wonderful voice. So lucky to meet him at home on his UK birthday trip for a true character meet with my regard for Kendall . He enjoyed my old cars but stated on my smoking " wise up and forget the butt" I hope many happy memories remain in future for so many. Thank you Kendall

26 Apr 21 - 12:29 PM (#4103588)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Rex

So sorry to learn that another of our early 'Catters is gone. Kendall did much for music in his time.

26 Apr 21 - 07:07 PM (#4103635)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Charlie Baum

At least now when asked, "Have you lived in Maine all your life?" the answer can be "ayup" instead of "not yet."

May memories of him bless us forever.

--Charlie Baum

26 Apr 21 - 07:24 PM (#4103636)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: saulgoldie

Hehehe..."All my life!" Hehehe!


28 Apr 21 - 10:48 PM (#4103921)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)

Kind of you, Linn, to share that link to the Portland Press Herald obit.


01 Aug 21 - 05:53 PM (#4115065)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Stilly River Sage

Today Charlie Ipcar posted a set of photos to the Kendall Morse Remembrance, July 31, 2021 on his Facebook page. It was at the Sail, Power & Steam Museum, Rockland, ME, photographed by Charlie Ipcar and Judy Barrows.

01 Aug 21 - 08:40 PM (#4115072)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: maeve

That was a very private, invitation only, gathering. It was not intended for public consumption.

01 Aug 21 - 08:49 PM (#4115075)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Jeri

It's nice his friends had this chance.

01 Aug 21 - 09:27 PM (#4115077)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: Rapparee

It brought back memories.

02 Aug 21 - 09:35 AM (#4115126)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: GUEST,Charlie Ipcar

Saturday, July 31, 2021, was the Kendall Morse Remembrance Day at the Sail, Steam & Power Museum in Rockland, Maine. The weather was perfect and there were many stories and songs. Here's a link to a Facebook album of some photos that Judy Barrows and I took at this event: Click here!

22 Nov 21 - 04:07 AM (#4126952)
Subject: RE: Obit: Kendall Morse (21 April 2021)
From: wysiwyg

(((Becca and all of Kendall's Lovies)))
