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Lyr Add: Mo Bheannachd do Bhaillidh Ur (Gaelic)

09 Jun 21 - 07:00 PM (#4109532)
Subject: Lyr Add: Mo Bheannachd do Bhaillidh Ur (Gaelic)
From: Felipa

MO BHEANNACHD DON BHAILLIDH UR (as sung by Tormod MacIllEathain )

Mo bheannachd don bhàillidh ùr
'S e fhèin a choisinn an cliù
Nuair a thàinig e le trùp
Bho uaislean à dùthaich MhacLeòid.

'S thàini' tu led bhàirdse cruinn
Ghabh thu 'n earra-dheas air Port Rìgh
Thogadh do shaighdearan cìs
Ged a dh'fheumte strì nan dòrn.

'S bha 'm fear-lìon thall an dùil
Gun cuireadh e lìon ma-sgaoil
Ach feuchadh eile rinn e chùis
Nuair a dh'ùraicheadh na seòid.

'S chaidh do phèiste mun cuairt
Timcheall a Chinn a Tuath
'S dh'inns e dhaibh gun cheist, gun ghruaim
Gur e 'n cuan a bha fo sròin.

'S cò 'n tè nach tugadh dhut gaol
Dh'fhalbhadh tu cho luath ri maor
Le do shlaightirean ri do thaobh
Gun do sgaoil thu do chuid sheòl.

'S cò 'n tè nach tugadh dhut gràdh
Chaithris an oidhche gun tàmh
Cha teir' cùbair th' as a' bhlàths
Cha do thàrr e dhol na còir.

'S dualach dhuibh gun dèan sibh fhèin
Tha sibh ionnsaichte le chèil'
Gruagach uasal thoirt an teich
'S fhuair thu i 'n Cèitean a h-òig'.

'S ùr a' chraobh on d' rinn i fàs
Na bheil on talamh dhith 's gu h-àrd
Cha mhosgan i am bun no 'm bàrr
Ach an giuthas àlainn òg.

'S Dòmhnallaich sibh thèid gach thaobh
Làmh dhearg is suaicheantas air craobh
Long is bradan 's leòmhann caoich
Gidheagan is fraoch glas òg.


Mo bheannachd dhan bhàillidh ùr,
’S tu fhèin a choisinn an cliù
Nuair a thàinig e le thrùp
Dh’uaislean o dhùthaich MhicLeòid.

Is thàine tu led bhàirdse cruinn,
Ghabh thu timcheall air Port Rìgh;
Thogadh do shaighdearan cìs
Fhad ’s a mhaireadh strì nan dòrn.

Is thàine tu led bhàirds’ mun cuairt,
Ghabh thu timcheall ’Chinn a Tuath
Is dh’inns thu dhaibh gun gheilt gun ghruaim
Gur e ’n cuan a bha fo sròin.

Is ùr a’ chraobh on d’ rinn thu fàs,
Na bha fon talamh dhith ’s gu h-àrd
Gun mhosgan am bun no ’m bàrr
Ach an giuthas àlainn òg.

Is Dòmhnallaich sibh taobh air thaobh,
Làmh dhearg as suaicheantas dhuibh,
Long is bradan ’s leòmhann, craobh,
Gidheagan is fraoch glas òg.


My compliments to the new bailiff/factor
who earned a reputation
when he arrived with his troop
of noblemen from the land of MacLeod

You came with your barge
and went round Portree.
Your soldiers would collect tax
while the fight lasted.

You came with your barge
and went round the North End,
informing them without cowardice or gloom
that you were master of the open seas.

You are the offshoot of a vigorous tree,
in root and branch.
A beautiful young fir,
without decay in root or foliage.

You are MacDonald on both sides.
Your crest is a red hand,
a galley, a salmon, a tree, a thistle
and young green heather.

"'S cò 'n tè nach tugadh dhut gràdh" means "who is the woman who would not love you"

These two verses from the first set of lyrics are elsewhere in Mudcat, with translation, in a discussion thread entitled Jessie MacDonald of Balranald.

'S dualach dhuibh gun dèan sibh fhèin
Tha sibh ionnsaichte le chèil'
Gruagach uasal thoirt an teich
'S fhuair thu i 'n Cèitean a h-òig'.

'S ùr a' chraobh on d' rinn i fàs
Na bheil on talamh dhith 's gu h-àrd
Cha mhosgan i am bun no 'm bàrr
Ach an giuthas àlainn òg.

Certain we are that in future you'll prosper
Good birth and learning you both do inherit
A well-born maid, Donald, had made you her choice,
Her heart you did win in the May of her youth.

Flourishing is the tree from which you have sprung,
Sound the root and strong the branch;
Neither blight nor yellow foliage
In lithe and youthful pine.
[this verse is the next to last verse in Julie Fowlis' version so now you have two translations of that verse. "Giuthas" can mean either a fir tree or a pine tree, both conifers.]